AIRPLANE SEQUENCE WINNING CASE NO 1 SEAT 3B You are sitting in an incredibly luxurious Air Zalagasa FubAero 7-11 seat 30,000 feet over somewhere which you don't know where it is. >EXAMINE THE SEAT It is an incredibly luxurious FubAero ComfoMat (TM) Air Zalagasa seat, equipped with a recline button, a headphone socket, a light switch and a stewardess call button. A pocket in front holds literature. >PRESS THE RECLINE {ANY} BUTTON You hear a tiny metallic voice whispering nearby. >LISTEN TO THE VOICE You cannot hear it clearly without the proper equipment. >LOOK IN THE POCKET The seat pocket contains a set of headphones, a copy of Ai-Ai Life, the in-flight magazine of Air Zalagasa, and a safety card. >GET THE HEADPHONES.PLUG THEM INTO THE SEAT. The voice is now a little louder but still unclear. >WEAR THE HEADPHONES You hear an announcement. "Welcome to seat {WRONG SEATNUM}. Your luxury Air Zalagasa flight has been equipped for your convenience with ComfoMat (TM) electrically-controlled seats. For your safety and comfort, the controls located at your passenger station have been centrally disabled at this time. We will be making this facility available to you after take off, or when we have reached our cruising altitude. Or possibly when we have served dinner. Or when we feel like it." >READ THE MAGAZINE No. >EXAMINE THE MAGAZINE A card falls out and flutters underneath your seat, which has been specially designed so that anything which flutters underneath it cannot be retrieved. >EXAMINE THE CARD This is a shiny card showing happy Zalagasans in a shiny Air Zalagasa airplane to which all sorts of terrible things are happening. The first picture shows a happy smiling stewardess making an announcement in very very small type. The second picture shows some happy, smiling Zalagasan passengers removing false teeth, sepctacles, ornamental nose bones and so forth. The third picture shows some Zalagasans who are almost certainly happy and smiling but you can't be sure because they are all bent double clasping their knees. The fourth picture appears to have been chewed by a llama so you can't tell what the happy smiling Zalagasans which it undoubtedly showed are actually doing. >READ THE SMALL PRINT The small print coming out of the stewardess's mouth says "M'baka n'ka umtogo bokaki m'Great Big Plane Crash n'gaga five minutes, okaka m'sidli ik ik togo paku." >PRESS THE STEWARDESS BUTTON Your seat reclines slightly, remembers that it has been centrally disabled for your comfort and safety, pauses, and returns to its full upright position. >FEEL UNDER THE SEAT You feel the edge of a card. >GET THE CARD Taken. >EXAMINE IT. [SHOW COMPLAINTS FORM]