@style (spacing 1) @title (FEATURES OF THE "SCIMITAR") @pageheading(DRAFT) @majorheading (FEATURES OF THE "SCIMITAR" - FOR BACKGROUND) Copyright (C) 1984 Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved. @heading (CABIN) "You are now in the pilot's seat of the sub, with its operating control panel spread out before you. Buzz is in the copilot's seat just behind you. A thick-paned wraparound view port, both fore and aft, provides a wide angle of vision ahead and astern. TV camera eyes and sonar transducers in the hull also enable you to monitor your surroundings via video screen and sonarscope. There is a sonarphone and a radio. There is also a hydrophone listening device." @heading (INSTRUMENTS) @begin (itemize) CONTROL CIRCUITS TEMPERATURE GAUGE -@* "Temperature gauge needle has now entered red danger zone! Circuit tester now activated. Push test button for readout."@* "Readout display says: LASERS IN OPERATIONAL COMPUTERS ARE OVER-CHARGING. TO CORRECT, ADJUST VOLTAGE REGULATOR.@* ** WARNING **@* VOLTAGE REGULATOR IS REACHABLE ONLY FROM ENGINE COMPARTMENT CRAWL SPACE. THIS IS A HAZARDOUS OPERATION AT SEA! CONSULT MANUAL FOR DETAILS." @end (itemize)