ZILCH of 6/30/89 14:41 Combined ZIL Compiler Ver 2.0 (MIM) ----------------------------------- Input file: /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/A5.ZIL [YZIP instructions] [Object numbers assigned rooms first] [Zaps always go to current directory] First segment STARTUP Loading /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/DEFS.ZIL and compiling it. XFLOAD /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/INTERLOGIC/ZILLIB/PARSER/PARSER.SHOGUN. Loading /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/INTERLOGIC/ZILLIB/CONSTANTS.ZIL and compiling it. Loading abstract /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/PSTACK.ZABSTR. Start segment 0 End segment 0 Loading abstract /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/PMEM.ZABSTR. Start segment 0 End segment 0 Loading /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/INTERLOGIC/ZILLIB/PARSER/PDEFS.ZIL and compiling it. Loading abstract /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/PARSER.ZABSTR. Start segment 0 End segment 0 Loading abstract /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/FIND.ZABSTR. Start segment 0 End segment 0 Loading abstract /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/REDS.ZABSTR. Start segment 0 End segment 0 Loading abstract /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/BREDS.ZABSTR. Start segment 0 End segment 0 Loading /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/INTERLOGIC/ZILLIB/PARSER/GRAM.ZIL and compiling it. Loading abstract /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/TOP.ZABSTR. Start segment 0 End segment 0 Loading /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/PICDEF.ZIL and compiling it. Loading abstract /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/MISC.ZABSTR. Start segment 0 End segment 0 Start segment STARTUP End segment STARTUP Start segment 0 End segment 0 Loading abstract /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/SOFT.ZABSTR. Start segment 0 End segment 0 Start segment SOFT-KEYS End segment SOFT-KEYS Loading abstract /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/MENU.ZABSTR. Start segment 0 End segment 0 Loading /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/STATUS.ZIL and compiling it. Start segment 0 Start segment HINTS Compiling routine: SETUP-TEXT-AND-STATUS End segments 0 HINTS Start segment 0 Compiling routine: INIT-STATUS-LINE Compiling routine: UPDATE-STATUS-LINE Compiling routine: ERASE-ALL-BUT Compiling routine: INTERLUDE-STATUS-LINE Compiling routine: RJNUM End segment 0 Abstracting STATUS to /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/STATUS. Loading abstract /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/PIC.ZABSTR. Start segment 0 End segment 0 Start segment STARTUP End segment STARTUP Start segment 0 Start segment HINTS End segments 0 HINTS Start segment 0 End segment 0 Loading abstract /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/DESC.ZABSTR. Start segment 0 End segment 0 Loading /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/SYNTAX.ZIL and compiling it. Loading abstract /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/RECORD.ZABSTR. Start segment RECORD End segment RECORD Loading /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/VERBS.ZIL and compiling it. Start segment 0 Compiling routine: YOULL-HAVE-TO Compiling routine: TO-A-PRSO? Compiling routine: CANT-GO Compiling routine: NOT-HOLDING Compiling routine: ITS-EMPTY Compiling routine: ITS-ALREADY-X Compiling routine: ALREADY-OPEN Compiling routine: ALREADY-CLOSED Compiling routine: WITH-PRSI? Compiling routine: TELL-OPEN-CLOSED Compiling routine: OPEN-CLOSED Compiling routine: THE-PRSO Compiling routine: A-PRSO Compiling routine: A-PRSO? Compiling routine: THE-PRSI Compiling routine: A-PRSI? Compiling routine: YOU-CANT-X-THAT Compiling routine: YOU-CANT-X-PRSO Compiling routine: UNINTERESTED Compiling routine: PLURAL? Compiling routine: CANT-REACH-THAT Compiling routine: V-VERBOSE Compiling routine: V-BRIEF Compiling routine: V-SUPER-BRIEF Compiling routine: V-DIAGNOSE Compiling routine: V-INVENTORY Compiling routine: V-QUIT Compiling routine: V-CHOOSE Compiling routine: V-RESTART Compiling routine: FINISH Compiling routine: FINISH-MENU-F Compiling routine: V-RESTORE Compiling routine: V-SAVE Compiling routine: V-UNDO Compiling routine: V-SCORE Compiling routine: V-SCRIPT Compiling routine: V-UNSCRIPT Compiling routine: V-VERSION Compiling routine: PCENTER Compiling routine: V-CREDITS Compiling routine: V-$VERIFY Compiling routine: V-WAKE Compiling routine: V-ANSWER Compiling routine: PRE-ASK-ABOUT Compiling routine: V-ASK-ABOUT Compiling routine: FIND-IN Compiling routine: PRE-ASK-FOR Compiling routine: V-ASK-FOR Compiling routine: PRE-ATTACK Compiling routine: V-ATTACK Compiling routine: V-HIT Compiling routine: V-BITE Compiling routine: PRE-BOARD Compiling routine: YOU-ARE-IN Compiling routine: V-BOARD Compiling routine: V-BURN Compiling routine: V-CHASTISE Compiling routine: V-CLIMB-DOWN Compiling routine: V-CLIMB-FOO Compiling routine: V-CLIMB-ON Compiling routine: V-CLIMB-OVER Compiling routine: V-CLIMB-UP Compiling routine: V-CLOSE Compiling routine: CLOSE-A-DOOR Compiling routine: IN-DARK? Compiling routine: OKAY-THE-PRSO-IS-NOW Compiling routine: V-COMPARE-MANY Compiling routine: V-WASTE-OF-TIME Compiling routine: V-COMPARE Compiling routine: V-CROSS Compiling routine: V-CURSE Compiling routine: V-CUT Compiling routine: V-DIG Compiling routine: V-DISEMBARK Compiling routine: V-DRINK Compiling routine: V-DRINK-FROM Compiling routine: PRE-DROP Compiling routine: V-DROP Compiling routine: V-EAT Compiling routine: V-ENTER Compiling routine: PRE-EXAMINE Compiling routine: V-EXAMINE Compiling routine: PRSO-NOTHING-SPECIAL Compiling routine: V-EXIT Compiling routine: V-FILL Compiling routine: V-FIND Compiling routine: V-FOLLOW Compiling routine: PRE-GIVE Compiling routine: V-GIVE Compiling routine: V-GOODBYE Compiling routine: V-HELLO Compiling routine: V-HELP Compiling routine: V-HIDE Compiling routine: V-HIDE-BEHIND Compiling routine: V-HIDE-UNDER Compiling routine: V-HIDE-FROM Compiling routine: V-KICK Compiling routine: V-KILL Compiling routine: IKILL Compiling routine: NOT-TRAINED Compiling routine: V-KNOCK Compiling routine: V-KISS Compiling routine: V-LAMP-OFF Compiling routine: V-LAMP-ON Compiling routine: V-LEAN-ON Compiling routine: V-LEAP Compiling routine: V-LEAVE Compiling routine: V-LISTEN Compiling routine: CANT-X-WITH-PRSI Compiling routine: V-LOCK Compiling routine: NO-LOCK Compiling routine: V-INTRODUCE Compiling routine: V-AFTER Compiling routine: TIME-PASSES Compiling routine: NEXT-SCENE Compiling routine: FAILED-SCENE Compiling routine: NEW-SCENE Compiling routine: I-NEW-SCENE Compiling routine: SCORE-HAVE Compiling routine: SCORE-MAX Compiling routine: CONTINUE-MENU-F Compiling routine: V-FIRST-LOOK Compiling routine: V-LOOK Compiling routine: V-LOOK-BEHIND Compiling routine: V-LOOK-DOWN Compiling routine: WHAT-CONTENTS Compiling routine: V-LOOK-INSIDE Compiling routine: V-LOOK-ON Compiling routine: V-LOOK-UNDER Compiling routine: V-LOWER Compiling routine: V-MELT Compiling routine: V-MOVE Compiling routine: MOTION-VERB? Compiling routine: HOSTILE-VERB? Compiling routine: JAPANESE-VERB? Compiling routine: ACT-CRAZY? Compiling routine: ABSTRACT-VERB? Compiling routine: PASSIVE-VERB? Compiling routine: V-MUNG Compiling routine: PRE-OPEN Compiling routine: V-OPEN Compiling routine: V-PICK Compiling routine: V-PLUG Compiling routine: V-POINT Compiling routine: V-POUR-FROM Compiling routine: PRE-POUR Compiling routine: V-POUR Compiling routine: EMPTY-ALL Compiling routine: V-PUSH Compiling routine: V-PUSH-TO Compiling routine: PRE-PUT Compiling routine: TAKE-OUT-FIRST Compiling routine: V-PUT Compiling routine: PRSO-TOO-BIG? Compiling routine: INSPECTION-REVEALS Compiling routine: V-PUT-BEHIND Compiling routine: V-PUT-ON Compiling routine: NO-GOOD-SURFACE Compiling routine: V-PUT-UNDER Compiling routine: V-RAISE Compiling routine: V-REACH-IN Compiling routine: PRE-READ Compiling routine: HOW-DO-YOU Compiling routine: V-READ Compiling routine: V-REPLY Compiling routine: PRE-SRUB Compiling routine: V-SRUB Compiling routine: V-RUB Compiling routine: V-SAY Compiling routine: HOW-TO-USE-TELL Compiling routine: V-SEARCH Compiling routine: V-SEND Compiling routine: V-SEND-UNDER Compiling routine: PRE-SGIVE Compiling routine: V-SGIVE Compiling routine: V-SHAKE Compiling routine: THAT/THEM Compiling routine: V-SHARPEN Compiling routine: V-SHOOT-WITH Compiling routine: PRE-SHOOT Compiling routine: V-SHOOT Compiling routine: V-SHOW Compiling routine: V-SKIP Compiling routine: V-SLEEP Compiling routine: LIKE-A-PRSO Compiling routine: V-SMELL Compiling routine: PRE-SSHOW Compiling routine: V-SSHOW Compiling routine: V-SWING Compiling routine: V-SWIM Compiling routine: V-SWIM-TO Compiling routine: PRE-TAKE Compiling routine: V-TAKE Compiling routine: PUT-ON Compiling routine: TAKE-OFF Compiling routine: V-TAKE-OFF Compiling routine: V-HOLD Compiling routine: V-TELL Compiling routine: V-THANK Compiling routine: V-DOMO Compiling routine: V-DOZO Compiling routine: PRE-THROUGH Compiling routine: V-THROUGH Compiling routine: FIND-DOOR Compiling routine: PRE-THROW Compiling routine: V-THROW Compiling routine: V-THROW-OFF Compiling routine: V-TIE Compiling routine: V-TIE-UP Compiling routine: V-TIME Compiling routine: V-TORTURE Compiling routine: NO-EFFECT Compiling routine: V-TURN Compiling routine: V-TURN-OVER Compiling routine: V-TURN-AROUND Compiling routine: V-UNLOCK Compiling routine: V-UNTIE Compiling routine: V-WALK Compiling routine: V-WALK-AROUND Compiling routine: V-WALK-TO Compiling routine: NEXT-ROOM? Compiling routine: V-WAIT Compiling routine: V-WAIT-FOR Compiling routine: V-WAVE Compiling routine: YOU-ARENT-HOLDING Compiling routine: V-WAVE-AT Compiling routine: V-DRESS Compiling routine: V-WEAR Compiling routine: V-YAWN Compiling routine: V-YELL-AT Compiling routine: V-YELL Compiling routine: V-LAUGH Compiling routine: ITAKE Compiling routine: V-NOTIFY Compiling routine: SCORE-OBJECT Compiling routine: SCORE-OBJECT? Compiling routine: IDROP Compiling routine: HAVE-TO-TAKE-OFF Compiling routine: CCOUNT Compiling routine: WEIGHT Compiling routine: GOTO Compiling routine: I-STUPID-MOVE Compiling routine: JIGS-UP? Compiling routine: JIGS-UP Compiling routine: MOVE-ALL Compiling routine: THIS-IS-IT Compiling routine: INTRINSIC? Compiling routine: ACCESSIBLE? Compiling routine: VISIBLE? Compiling routine: HELD? Compiling routine: SEE-INSIDE? Compiling routine: GLOBAL-IN? Compiling routine: DO-WALK Compiling routine: HACK-HACK Compiling routine: TELL-YUKS Compiling routine: PRE-PRY Compiling routine: V-PRY Compiling routine: V-BURY Compiling routine: V-YES Compiling routine: V-NO Compiling routine: V-BUY Compiling routine: PRE-SSELL Compiling routine: V-SSELL Compiling routine: V-SELL Compiling routine: PRE-TELL-ABOUT Compiling routine: V-TELL-ABOUT Compiling routine: DIFFICULTY Compiling routine: V-TELL-ME-ABOUT Compiling routine: V-TRADE Compiling routine: V-ERASE Compiling routine: V-ADMIRE Compiling routine: V-BARGAIN Compiling routine: V-REPAIR Compiling routine: V-LOOK-UP Compiling routine: V-PLUG-IN Compiling routine: V-UNPLUG Compiling routine: V-WALK-UNDER Compiling routine: V-SCARE Compiling routine: V-WEDGE Compiling routine: PRE-SWEDGE Compiling routine: V-SWEDGE Compiling routine: V-PUT-BETWEEN Compiling routine: V-TASTE Compiling routine: V-DIE Compiling routine: V-COOK Compiling routine: V-DRIVE-ON Compiling routine: V-DRIVE-TO Compiling routine: V-STEP-ON Compiling routine: V-STOP Compiling routine: V-RELEASE Compiling routine: V-PUSH-DOWN Compiling routine: V-PUSH-UP Compiling routine: V-PUSH-OUT Compiling routine: PUSH-FOO Compiling routine: V-PRAY Compiling routine: PRE-SPUT-ON Compiling routine: V-SPUT-ON Compiling routine: V-LOVE Compiling routine: V-THOU Compiling routine: V-WRITE Compiling routine: V-RING Compiling routine: V-BOW Compiling routine: V-SORRY Compiling routine: V-PISS Compiling routine: V-LOAD Compiling routine: V-STRAIGHTEN Compiling routine: V-LAUNCH Compiling routine: V-BLESS Compiling routine: V-MAKE Compiling routine: V-ACT Compiling routine: V-DANCE Compiling routine: V-TEAR Compiling routine: V-SHIP Compiling routine: V-SORT Compiling routine: V-ROW Compiling routine: V-TAKE-OVER Compiling routine: V-SHUT-UP Compiling routine: V-USE Compiling routine: V-STEER-BY Compiling routine: FORMAL-SCENE? Compiling routine: V-STRIP Compiling routine: V-TRANSLATE Compiling routine: SETUP-ANSWER Compiling routine: I-SETUP-ANSWER Compiling routine: V-SMILE Compiling routine: V-WINK Compiling routine: V-CLEAR Compiling routine: V-TURN-TOWARD Compiling routine: V-TURN-AWAY Compiling routine: V-REACH-FOR Compiling routine: V-HUG Compiling routine: V-SOOTHE Compiling routine: V-HAI Compiling routine: V-IYE Compiling routine: V-HOLD-ON Compiling routine: V-RINSE Compiling routine: V-BATHE Compiling routine: V-REPLACE Compiling routine: V-ESCAPE Compiling routine: V-PLEAD Compiling routine: V-COMMIT Compiling routine: V-ACCUSE Compiling routine: V-SPIT Compiling routine: V-TEKI Compiling routine: GET-INTQUOTE Compiling routine: PRE-SSPEAK Compiling routine: V-SSPEAK Compiling routine: V-SPEAK Compiling routine: V-AIM Compiling routine: V-EXPLODE End segment 0 Start segment HINTS End segment HINTS Start segment 0 Compiling routine: V-HINT Compiling routine: V-HINTS-OFF Compiling routine: V-PICK-UP Compiling routine: V-COME-FROM Compiling routine: PAST-TENSE? Compiling routine: PRE-COME-TO-FROM Compiling routine: V-COME-TO-FROM Compiling routine: V-PARRY Compiling routine: V-TEACH Compiling routine: V-LEARN Compiling routine: V-LOOK-OUT Compiling routine: B-STAND Compiling routine: B-SITTING? Compiling routine: B-SIT Compiling routine: B-KNEELING? Compiling routine: B-KNEEL Compiling routine: B-LYING? Compiling routine: B-LIE-DOWN Compiling routine: V-STAND Compiling routine: V-SIT Compiling routine: V-KNEEL Compiling routine: V-KNEEL-ON Compiling routine: V-LIE-DOWN Compiling routine: V-LIE Compiling routine: V-AVOID Compiling routine: V-FUCK Compiling routine: V-KNOW Compiling routine: V-TRAIN Compiling routine: V-BETRAY Compiling routine: V-LET-IN Compiling routine: V-PUT-AWAY Compiling routine: V-DODGE Compiling routine: V-WAKARIMASU Compiling routine: V-MIZU Compiling routine: V-QUIET Compiling routine: V-COLOR Compiling routine: MAC-II? Compiling routine: DO-COLOR Compiling routine: PICK-COLOR Compiling routine: COLOR-OFFSET Compiling routine: COLOR-MENU-F Compiling routine: V-SHRUG Compiling routine: V-SING Compiling routine: V-DISTRACT Compiling routine: V-JOIN Compiling routine: OUTSIDE-TUB? Compiling routine: V-DRAW Compiling routine: V-DIVE Compiling routine: V-BABBLE Compiling routine: V-TRIP Compiling routine: V-NIHON-GO-GA Compiling routine: V-GENKI-DESU Compiling routine: V-GOMEN-NASAI Compiling routine: V-ISOGI Compiling routine: V-KONBANWA Compiling routine: V-KONNICHI-WA Compiling routine: V-KINJIRU Compiling routine: V-DRY Compiling routine: V-WARN Compiling routine: V-PULL-BEHIND Compiling routine: V-TOMO Compiling routine: V-NEH End segment 0 Abstracting VERBS to /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/VERBS. Loading abstract /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/PRARE.ZABSTR. Start segment 0 End segment 0 Start segment 0 End segment 0 Loading abstract /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/QVERBS.ZABSTR. Start segment 0 End segment 0 Loading abstract /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/GLOBALS.ZABSTR. Start segment 0 End segment 0 Loading abstract /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/CAST.ZABSTR. Start segment 0 End segment 0 Loading abstract /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/ERASMUS.ZABSTR. Start segment ERASMUS Start segment ANJIRO Start segment RODRIGUES End segments ANJIRO ERASMUS RODRIGUES Start segment ERASMUS Start segment RODRIGUES End segments ERASMUS RODRIGUES Start segment ERASMUS Start segment RODRIGUES End segments ERASMUS RODRIGUES Start segment ERASMUS Start segment RODRIGUES End segments ERASMUS RODRIGUES Start segment ERASMUS Start segment ANJIRO Start segment RODRIGUES End segments ANJIRO ERASMUS RODRIGUES Start segment ERASMUS Start segment YABU Start segment PIT End segments ERASMUS PIT YABU Loading abstract /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/ANJIRO.ZABSTR. Start segment ANJIRO Start segment RODRIGUES End segments ANJIRO RODRIGUES Start segment ANJIRO Start segment RODRIGUES End segments ANJIRO RODRIGUES Start segment ANJIRO Start segment RODRIGUES End segments ANJIRO RODRIGUES Start segment ANJIRO Start segment YABU Start segment RODRIGUES End segments ANJIRO RODRIGUES YABU Start segment ANJIRO Start segment PIT End segments ANJIRO PIT Start segment ANJIRO Start segment RODRIGUES End segments ANJIRO RODRIGUES Start segment YABU End segment YABU Start segment PIT End segment PIT Start segment RODRIGUES End segment RODRIGUES Loading abstract /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/VOYAGE.ZABSTR. Start segment VOYAGE End segment VOYAGE Loading abstract /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/AUDIENCE.ZABSTR. Start segment AUDIENCE Start segment NINJA End segments AUDIENCE NINJA Start segment AUDIENCE End segment AUDIENCE Start segment PRISON End segment PRISON Start segment MARIKO End segment MARIKO Loading abstract /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/OSAKA.ZABSTR. Start segment ESCAPE Start segment MAZE End segments ESCAPE MAZE Start segment ESCAPE Start segment SEPPUKU End segments ESCAPE SEPPUKU Start segment ESCAPE Start segment MAZE End segments ESCAPE MAZE Start segment ESCAPE Start segment DEPARTURE Start segment SEPPUKU End segments DEPARTURE ESCAPE SEPPUKU Start segment ESCAPE End segment ESCAPE Loading abstract /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/MAZE.ZABSTR. Start segment MAZE End segment MAZE Loading abstract /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/QUAKE.ZABSTR. Start segment QUAKE End segment QUAKE Start segment YOKOSE End segment YOKOSE Loading abstract /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/MARIKO.ZABSTR. Start segment OCHIBA End segment OCHIBA Start segment DEPARTURE End segment DEPARTURE Start segment SEPPUKU Start segment ESCAPE End segments ESCAPE SEPPUKU Start segment SEPPUKU Start segment ESCAPE End segments ESCAPE SEPPUKU Start segment SEPPUKU End segment SEPPUKU Loading abstract /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/ATTACK.ZABSTR. Start segment NINJA Start segment YOKOHAMA End segments NINJA YOKOHAMA Start segment NINJA Start segment PRISON End segments NINJA PRISON Start segment NINJA End segment NINJA Start segment YOKOHAMA End segment YOKOHAMA Start segment AFTERMATH End segment AFTERMATH Start segment SEKIGAHARA End segment SEKIGAHARA XFLOAD /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/INTERLOGIC/ZILLIB/CLUES.XFLOAD. Loading abstract /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/CLUES.ZABSTR. Start segment HINTS End segment HINTS Distinguished segment HINTS Start segment HINTS End segment HINTS Loading /HOME/DEVELOPMENT/SHOGUN/HINTS.ZIL and compiling it. Start segment HINTS End segment HINTS ** Warning: Never defined - RLANDBIT ** Warning: Never defined - PERSON ** Warning: Never defined - NOTHEBIT Warnings: 3 ** Note: OBJECT has no properties: INTQUOTE ** Note: OBJECT has no properties: GLOBAL-OBJECTS Vocabulary: 1389 Verbs: 252 Real globals: 237 AFTERMATH-QUESTION P-MULT ALVITO-TRANSLATES? P-NOT-HERE AMBUSH-CNT P-NUMBER AMBUSH-PROB P-OFLAG ANSWER-HAI? P-OLEN ATTACK-CNT P-PRSA-WORD AUDIENCE-CNT P-PRSI AVOID-CALTROPS? P-PRSO BATH-CNT P-RESPONDED BATH-FLAG P-RUNNING BEEN-IN-GARDEN? P-THEM-OBJECT BELOW-DECKS-BACKGROUND P-WALK-DIR BG-COLOR P-WON BORDER-HEIGHT P-WORD-NUMBER BOTTOM-HINT-NUM P-WORDS-AGAIN C-INTS PARSE-SENTENCE-ACTIVATION C-TABLE PARSER-RESULT CAPTURE-CNT PERIOD CLOCK-HAND PIC-SIDE CLOCK-WAIT PISS-FLAG CLOCKER-RUNNING PIT-CNT COLLAPSE-CNT PLAYER COLOR-NOTE PMAX CREW-ON-DECK? PMEM-STORE-POINTER CROOCQ-CNT PMEM-STORE-WORDS CURRENT-BORDER PMEM-WORDS-USED CURRENT-REDUCTION POINTEE D-BIT PRISON-CNT DELAY-CNT PRSA DELAYING-FIGHT? PRSI DEMO-VERSION? PRSI-NP DEPARTURE-CNT PRSO DESCRIBED-ROOM? PRSO-NP DESCRIPTIONS PRSQ DIGIT-WIDTH PRSS DODGED? QCONTEXT DONE-DEFINE? QUAKE-CNT DOOR-CNT QUAKE? ERROR-PRIORITY RANKINGS ERROR-STRING REEF-FLAG FAILED REEF-X FG-COLOR REEF-Y FLEN RESTORED? FOLLOW-FLAG RIBBON-CNT FONT-X RODRIGUES-CNT FONT-Y RODRIGUES-QUESTION FUMBLE-NUMBER ROPE-LOWERED? GALLEY-IN-BAY? RUSE-CNT GAME-OVER? SCENE GET-HINT-ROUTINE SCORE GOOD-TRICK SCORE-START GOT-GUNWALE? SEARCH-FLAGS H-CHAPT-NUM SEARCHED? H-OR-USE-MOUSE-WID SEBASTIO-CNT H-QUEST-NUM SEEN-FALCON? HEALTH-TELL SEEN-MAD-SCENE? HENDRIK-CNT SEEN-TORANAGA? HERE SEPPUKU-CNT HINTS-OFF SHERE I-DONT-THINK-THAT SHIP-COURSE ISHIDO-CNT SHIP-DIRECTION ISHIDO-DISTRACTED? SHIP-X IT-IS-ALREADY SHIP-Y IT-LOOKS-LIKE SIZE JERK-CNT SKIFF-CNT KIRI-CNT SPACE-WIDTH KNOCKOUT-CNT STABLE-CNT LAST-PSEUDO-LOC STATIONARY-CNT LEAVE-CNT STATIONARY? LEN STORM-DELAY? LIT STUPID-MOVE LITTER-CNT TEXT-MARGIN LMAX THERE-IS-NOTHING LOAD-ALLOWED THERES-NOTHING-TO LOAD-PISTOL-CNT TIRED-TIME MACHINE TLEXV MADNESS-CNT TOO-DARK MARIKO-IMPATIENT TORANAGA-HELD-FLAG MARIKO-PLAN? VERBOSITY MARIKO-WON-FLAG VINCK-CNT MAZE-HEIGHT VINCK-PICKED? MAZE-MAP WASTE-OF-TIME MAZE-WIDTH WHEEL-SPINNING? MEET-CNT WIDTH MONO-X WINNER MOUSE-LOC-X WRONG-ANSWER? MOUSE-LOC-Y X MOVES XAMBUSH MUST-CHOOSE? XFISH NEW-SCENE-NUMBER XGOAL NEXT-PIC-CRCNT XOFFSET NEXT-PIC-WIDTH XSTART NINJA-ATTACKING-CUL-DE-SAC? Y NINJA-COWED-CNT YABU-BETRAYED? NO-ROOM YABU-CNT NOTHING-HAPPENS YABU-HEARD? NOTIFY-FLAG YABU-QUESTION NOW-PRSI YABU-RESIGNED? OBJ-SWAP YABU-WARNED? OCHIBA-CNT YAEMON-BORED? OCHIBA-QUESTION YAEMON-CNT OHERE YAMAZAKI-ATTACK OKAY YAMAZAKI-ATTACKS OMI-CNT YAMBUSH OMI-QUESTION YFISH OMOVES YGOAL OPPONENT YOFFSET OPRSO YOSHI-CHATS ORPHAN-ANSWER YOSHI-GOAL OSCORE YOSHI-TABLE OTLEXV YOSHI-WAITS? P-CAN-UNDO YOU-ARE P-CONT YOU-ARE-NOW P-DIRECTION YOU-CANT P-HER-OBJECT YOU-FIND-NOTHING P-HIM-OBJECT YOU-HAVE P-IT-OBJECT YOU-HAVE-TO P-LAST-OPEN YSTART P-LEN Objects: 405 ACHIKO HIRO-MATSU PRIVATE-QUARTERS-2 AIR HOLLAND PROPHECY ALVITO HOUSE PSEUDO-OBJECT AMBUSH-SITE IN-THE-SEA QUEEN AMBUSHERS INNER-CORRIDOR QUILL ANCHOR INNER-DOOR QUILT ANJIRO INTADJ RANDOM-GRAYS ANJIRO-HARBOR INTDIR REEF ANJIRO-WATERFRONT INTNUM RIBBON APPLE INTPP ROBE ARCHERS INTQUOTE ROCK AROUND-HEADLAND IRON-BAR ROCKY-SHORE AT-ERASMUS IRON-DOOR RODRIGUES AT-PORTCULLIS ISHIDO RONIN AUDIENCE-CHAMBER ISHIDO-SWORD ROOMS BALCONY IT ROPE BALCONY-DOOR JAPAN ROPER BANDIT-LEADER JAPANESE ROSARY BANDITS JESUITS RUTTER BARRELS KEY SAFETY-LINE BATH-HOUSE KIKU SALAMON BATHTUB KIMONO SAMURAI-GUARDS BELL KIRIS-LITTER SANDALS BELOW-DECKS KIRITSUBO SANE BLACK-SHIP KIYAMA SATAN BLACKTHORNE KOJIMA SAZUKO BLACKTHORNE-QUARTERS LADDER SEA-CHAIR BOAT-OAR LARGE-KNIFE SEA-CHEST BOLTS LASHING SEALED-SCROLL BOOTS LATIN SEARCH-PARTY BOTTOM-CATCH LATITUDE SEAWATER BRIDGE-OF-ERASMUS LEADER SEBASTIO BROWNS LEDGE SEBASTIO-CRUCIFIX BULLDOG LEDGE-1 SEBASTIO-HENCHMEN BUNK LEDGE-2 SECOND-GRAY BUNTARO LEDGE-3 SECRET-DRAWER CALTROPS LEDGE-4 SECRET-REDOUBT CAMELLIA LG-BAY SECRET-REDOUBT-DOOR CAPTAINS-CABIN LG-BUNK SECRET-ROOM CAPTAINS-CABIN-DOOR LG-CASTLE SECRET-ROOM-DOOR CAPTAINS-DESK LG-CLIFF SECRET-RUTTER CAULDRON LG-CREWMEN SEKIGAHARA CEILING LG-ERASMUS SERVANTS CELLAR-DOOR LG-GALLEY SERVANTS-QUARTERS CELLARS LG-HOLE SHOGUN CHIMMOKO LG-LAND SHOJI-1 CHOPSTICKS LG-LINE SHOJI-2 CHURCH LG-MEN SHOJI-3 CITY LG-NINJA SHOJI-4 CLIFF-PATH LG-PATH SHOJI-5 CLOTHES LG-RODRIGUES SHOJI-6 COJONES LG-SEA SHORT-STRAW COMPASS LG-SHIP SIDE-FISSURE CORRIDOR LG-SMALL-BOAT SIGN-OF-CROSS CORTEGE LG-VILLAGE SKIFF COURSE LG-WOMEN SLAVER COURTYARD LG-YABU SLIPPERS CRAZY LG-YOSHINAKA SMALL-BOAT CREWMEN LIFE-RING SMALL-BRIDGE CROOCQ LIGHT SMALL-KNIFE CROWD LILY-POND SMOKE-BOMB CUP LIZARD SOCKS CURTAINS LOCAL-GLOBALS SONK DAGGER LOINCLOTH SOUTH-SHOJI DAIS LONG-STRAW SOUTH-WALL DECK LOSING-SAMURAI SPAIN DEEP-WOODS MADMAN SPANISH DESK MAETSUKKER SPILLBERGEN DICTIONARY MAIN-DECK STABLE DIRT MAIN-DECK-2 STAIRS DOMINGO MAIN-FISSURE STOMACH DOOR-CRACK MAPLE-GLADE STRAIT-OF-MAGELLAN DUTCH MARIKO STRAW EARTHQUAKE MARIKOS-LITTER STREAM EAST-WALL MATES SUICIDE ENGLAND MATES-CABIN SUMIYORI ENGLISH MATES-CABIN-DOOR SWORDS ERASMUS-ANCHOR MAZE TAIKO ETA ME TEA-HOUSE ETSU MESSENGER TEKI EYES MOUTH THEM FALCON MURA THIS FEET MURA-CRUCIFIX THUG FINGERS MURA-DOOR TOP-CATCH FIRE-BOMB MURA-HOUSE TORANAGA FISH-GATE MURA-ROPE TORANAGA-IN-DRAG FLAGON NINJA TORANAGAS-GUARDS FLOWER NINJA-LEADER TOWEL FOCSLE-DOOR NOISE TRAITOR FOOD NORTH-SHOJI TRAPDOOR FORECOURT NORTH-WALL TRAY FORESAILS NOT-HERE-OBJECT TRINITY-HOUSE FORMAL-GARDEN OAR VAN-NEKK FORTIFIED-GATE OARS VASE GALLEY OARSMEN VEIL GALLEY-WHEEL OCHIBA VILLAGE-SQUARE GANGWAY OCHIBA-ROOM VILLAGERS GARDEN OFFAL VINCK GARDEN-GATE OFFICIAL VINCKS-STRAW GATEWAY OMI VOYAGE GENERIC-OBJECTS OMI-SAMURAI WALL GINSEL ON-BRIDGE WAREHOUSE GLOBAL-BARBARIAN ON-DECK WATERFALL GLOBAL-DAIMYO ONNA WEST-WALL GLOBAL-FOOD ORDERS WHARF GLOBAL-HATAMOTO OUTER-CORRIDOR WHAT GLOBAL-HERE OUTER-DOOR WHEEL GLOBAL-OBJECTS OUTER-ROOM WIND GLOBAL-RUTTERS OUTSIDE-PRISON WOODS GLOBAL-SAMURAI PACIFIC WORLD GLOBAL-SLEEP PARCHMENT YABU GLOBAL-WATER PARTY-KIMONO YABU-HEAD GOD PASSAGE-DOOR YABU-KIMONO GORODA PASSAGEWAY YABU-PALANQUIN GRAY-CAPTAIN PATHS YABU-SWORDS GRAY-LEADER PEBBLED-BEACH YAEMON GRAYS PEDESTAL YAMAZAKI GREEN-RIBBON PIETERZOON YOKOHAMA GROUND PILOTS-CABIN YOKOSE-BATH-HOUSE GRUEL PILOTS-CABIN-DOOR YOKOSE-BATHTUB GUARDS PIRATE YOKOSE-CORRIDOR-1 GUNWALE PISTOL YOKOSE-CORRIDOR-2 GYOKO PIT YOKOSE-CORRIDOR-3 HANASE-MASEN PLAN YOKOSE-FIRST-FLOOR HANDS PLANTS YOKOSE-GUEST-1 HEAD PLATEAU YOKOSE-GUEST-2 HEADS POPE YOKOSE-SPA-1 HELP PORTCULLIS YOKOSE-SPA-2 HENCHMAN-BODY PORTUGAL YOKOSE-SPA-3 HENCHMAN-HEAD PORTUGUESE YOKOSE-SPA-4 HENDRIK POWDER-HORN YOKOSE-SPA-5 HER PRISON YOKOSE-SPA-6 HERETIC PRISON-COURTYARD YOSHINAKA HIGH-WALL PRISON-GATE YOU HIM PRIVATE-QUARTERS ZATAKI Properties: 40 P?ACTION P?COUNT P?GLOBAL P?NW P?SDESC P?TEXT P?ADJACENT P?DESCFCN P?HEALTH P?OUT P?SE P?THINGS P?ADJECTIVE P?DOWN P?IN P?OWNER P?SIZE P?UP P?AFT P?EAST P?LDESC P?PICTURE P?SOUTH P?VALUE P?AFTER P?FDESC P?MOUSE P?PORT P?STARBOARD P?WEST P?CAPACITY P?FORE P?NE P?SCENE P?SW P?CONTFCN P?GENERIC P?NORTH P?SCORE P?SYNONYM Flags: 47 ABSTRACTBIT ENGLISHBIT NOABIT RLANDBIT TOUCHBIT AN FEMALE NOTHEBIT RMUNGBIT TRANSBIT BODY-PART FOODBIT ONBIT SCOREBIT TRYTAKEBIT CANT-HOLD FURNITURE OPENABLE SEARCHBIT VEHBIT CONTBIT INVISIBLE OPENBIT SITTING WEAPONBIT DEAD JAPANESEBIT OUTSIDE SPANISHBIT WEARABLE DONT-ALL LIGHTBIT PERSON SURFACEBIT WEARBIT DONT-IT LOCKABLE PLURAL TAKEBIT DOORBIT LOCKED PORTUGUESEBIT THE DUTCHBIT NDESCBIT READBIT TOOLBIT