2019-04-16 09:37:36 -04:00

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Puzzles marked with a + have "happy" endings: they can be solved in the
usual sense. Those marked with a - can't be solved in the sense that
there is a happy ending, or a way to reach the stated goal. Those marked
with a . have a partial solution (you can get part of the goal)
(Goal is to survive, to regain his ship, to return to England. Later,
to learn Japanese, prove he's not a barbarian, and to keep Mariko.)
+ Reef/Arrival: pilot Erasmus through reef, avoid being washed
. The Pit: prevent Yabu from killing anyone, become civilized
+ Rescuing Rodrigues: tying kimonos, getting Yabu's attention
+ Suicide Attempt: must go through with it
+ Surviving in Prison: beat up baddies, become friends with
Fr. Domingo, don't reveal that you're English
+ Learning Japanese: this goes on throughout the game, but there
is a long sequence soon after you first meet Mariko
. The Pheasant: you could probably throw it away?
+ Teaching Toranaga to dive/not beating him in race
+ Toranaga's Escape from Osaka Castle
Diversion: must notice that old woman is really Toranaga
Battle at/in harbor: must thread way through maze of streets,
get to ship, get by Rodrigues in harbor
+ Rescuing Toranaga from Earthquake
- Saving Mariko from her suicide: prevent Mariko from committing
suicide (can't "win" because it is only Oshido who can do this)
- Saving Mariko during battle at Osaka Castle: if you save Mariko
the point of the suicide/battle is lost, also, she "wants" to
die. You can, however, prevent her from being kidnapped by the
(Goal is to atone for her father's sin and gain revenge against the
Taiko and Ishido (by helping Toranaga). Later, to keep her affair with
Blackthorne secret, to somehow have him without compromising her
Teaching Blackthorne Japanese
Falling in love with Blackthorne
Avoiding rape by Portuguese
Suicide Attempt
Attack on Osaka Castle
(Goal is to become Shogun.)
Escape from Osaka Castle
Disguise as a woman
Battle at/in harbor
Influencing other daimyos
Detecting Yabu's treachery
(Goal is increased power and influence, ultimately to replace Yabu as
head of the Kasigi clan.)
Taming Blackthorne
The Musket Regiment
Getting Kiku
(Goal is increased power and influence, perhaps ultimately to be Shogun,
but more immediately to avoid detection as a traitor.)
The Waiting Barbarian
Betrayal of Toranaga
Attack on Osaka Castle
Killing Sumiyori
Letting in the ninja
(Goal is to destroy Blackthorne, failing that, his ship. Long-term,
wealth for himself and decreased influence for the Jesuits.)
Neutralizing Blackthorne
Gaining the upper hand vs. the Jesuits
Killing B. after he is released from Osaka
...more possible characters...