)> "Device definitions for save and restore" )> ; "SUBTITLE POBLIST DEFINITIONS AND PARSER STRUCTURES" > > 8>> ] PHRASE> ] PHRASE> ] PHRASE> ] PHRASE> ] PHRASE>]> BUNCHEM] VERB>>> > > <> <>>>> > >> > 5> ,1STR 0>>>>> >> > 5> ,1STR 0>>>>> ; "FOR SR" ; "SUBTITLE PURE STRUCTURE FROM ROOMS" ' FLAG-NAMES > )> > > ; ; \ ;"SUBTITLE PURE STRUCTURE FROM ACT1" ;"SUBTITLE PURE STRUCTURE FROM ACT2" \ ;"SUBTITLE PURE STRUCTURE FROM ACT3" \ ;"SUBTITLE PURE STRUCTURE FROM ACT4" \" and you will be told your own magic phrase to use by saying INCANT \"... ...\" Good luck, and choose wisely!\" "> DIRECTION> .Y>> ["NORTH" "NE" "EAST" "SE" "SOUTH" "SW" "WEST" "NW"] [0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315]>> \"'\""> \ ;"SUBTITLE PURE STRUCTURE FROM MELEE" > > > > > > >> >> ,DEF3B ,DEF3C>> \ "VOCABULARY" ;"GLOBAL VARIABLES WHICH ARE ROOMS MUST BE HERE!" ;"GLOBAL VARIABLES WHICH ARE OBJECTS MUST BE HERE!" ;"GLOBAL VARIABLES WHICH ARE MONADS MUST BE HERE!" \ ; "SUBTITLE ACTORS" () 0 <> MASTER-ACTOR 3 0] ADV>>> () 0 <> DEAD-FUNCTION 0 0] ADV>>> () 0 <> ROBOT-ACTOR 3 0] ADV>>> \ ; "SUBTITLE GLOBAL OBJECTS" ; "**** THESE MUST COME BEFORE ROOMS! ****" ["IT" "THAT" "THIS" "HIM"] [] "random object" <+ ,OVISON ,NDESCBIT>>> ["GBROC" "BROCH" "MAIL"] ["FREE"] "free brochure" <+ ,OVISON> BROCHURE> ["#####" "ME" "CRETI" "MYSEL" "SELF"] [] "cretin" <+ ,OVISON ,VILLAIN> CRETIN () (OGLOBAL 0 OACTOR ,PLAYER)> ["WISH" "BLESS"] [] "wish" <+ ,OVISON ,NDESCBIT>> ["EVERY" "ALL"] [] "everything" <+ ,OVISON ,TAKEBIT ,NDESCBIT ,NO-CHECK-BIT ,BUNCHBIT> VALUABLES&C> ["POSSE"] [] "possessions" <+ ,OVISON ,TAKEBIT ,NDESCBIT ,NO-CHECK-BIT ,BUNCHBIT> VALUABLES&C> ["VALUA" "TREAS"] [] "valuables" <+ ,OVISON ,TAKEBIT ,NDESCBIT ,NO-CHECK-BIT ,BUNCHBIT> VALUABLES&C> ["SAILO"] [] "sailor" <+ ,OVISON ,NDESCBIT>> ["TEETH"] [] "set of teeth" <+ ,OVISON ,NDESCBIT>> ["WALL" "WALLS"] [] "wall" <+ ,OVISON> WALL-FUNCTION> ["GWALL" "WALL"] ["GRANI"] "granite wall" <+ ,OVISON> GRANITE> ["GROUN" "EARTH" "SAND"] [] "ground" <+ ,OVISON ,DIGBIT> GROUND-FUNCTION> ["GRUE"] [] "lurking grue" <+ ,OVISON> GRUE-FUNCTION> ["HANDS" "HAND"] ["BARE"] "pair of hands" <+ ,OVISON ,NDESCBIT ,TOOLBIT>> ["LUNGS" "AIR"] [] "breath" <+ ,OVISON ,NDESCBIT ,TOOLBIT>> ["AVIAT" "FLYER"] [] "flyer" <+ ,OVISON ,NDESCBIT>> ["EXCEP" "BUT"] [] "moby lossage" <+ ,OVISON ,NDESCBIT>> WELL-FUNCTION> SLIDE-ROPE> BIRD-OBJECT> HOUSE-FUNCTION> > GUARDIANS> > MASTER-FUNCTION () (ODESC1 "The dungeon master is quietly leaning on his staff here." OACTOR ,MASTER OGLOBAL 0)> MIRROR-FUNCTION> PANEL-FUNCTION> > SCOLWALL> SCOLWALL> SCOLWALL> SCOLWALL> WATER-FUNCTION> > \ ; "SUBTITLE DIRECTIONS" \ ; "SUBTITLE CEVENT DEFINITIONS" > "SLDIN" T> "XBIN" T> "XCIN" T> "XBHIN" T> "FORIN"> "CURIN"> "EGHER"> >> \ ; "SUBTITLE ROOMS" ;"basic useful constants for building rooms" > 8>> \ ; "SUBTITLE HOUSE AND VICINITY" ( ) <> <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT ,RNWALLBIT ,RSACREDBIT> (RGLOBAL ,HOUSEBIT)> () <> <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT ,RNWALLBIT ,RSACREDBIT> (RGLOBAL <+ ,DWINDOW ,HOUSEBIT>)> () <> <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT ,RNWALLBIT ,RSACREDBIT> (RGLOBAL <+ ,DWINDOW ,HOUSEBIT>)> > () EAST-HOUSE <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT ,RNWALLBIT ,RSACREDBIT> (RGLOBAL ,HOUSEBIT)> ( ) KITCHEN <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT ,RHOUSEBIT ,RSACREDBIT> (RVAL 10)> ( ) <> <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RHOUSEBIT>> "DOWN" > ( ) LIVING-ROOM <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT ,RHOUSEBIT ,RSACREDBIT>> \ ; "SUBTITLE FOREST" () FOREST-ROOM <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT ,RNWALLBIT ,RSACREDBIT> (RGLOBAL <+ ,TREEBIT ,BIRDBIT ,HOUSEBIT>)> () FOREST-ROOM <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT ,RNWALLBIT ,RSACREDBIT> (RGLOBAL <+ ,TREEBIT ,BIRDBIT ,HOUSEBIT>)> () FOREST-ROOM <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT ,RNWALLBIT ,RSACREDBIT> (RGLOBAL <+ ,BIRDBIT ,HOUSEBIT>)> ( ) TREE-ROOM <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT ,RNWALLBIT> (RGLOBAL <+ ,BIRDBIT ,HOUSEBIT>)> () FOREST-ROOM <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT ,RNWALLBIT ,RSACREDBIT> (RGLOBAL <+ ,TREEBIT ,BIRDBIT ,HOUSEBIT>)> () FOREST-ROOM <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT ,RNWALLBIT ,RSACREDBIT> (RGLOBAL <+ ,TREEBIT ,BIRDBIT ,HOUSEBIT>)> > ( ) CLEARING <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT ,RNWALLBIT ,RSACREDBIT> (RGLOBAL ,HOUSEBIT)> \ ; "SUBTITLE CELLAR AND VICINITY" "WEST" #NEXIT "You try to ascend the ramp, but it is impossible, and you slide back down."> () CELLAR ,RLANDBIT (RVAL 25)> "NORTH" "SOUTH" > ()> CHIMNEY-FUNCTION>>> () <> <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT>> \ ; "SUBTITLE MAZE" > > > > > ( )> > > > > > > > > > () MAZE-11> > > > > > \ ; "SUBTITLE CYCLOPS AND HIDEAWAY" "UP" > () CYCLOPS-ROOM> () TIME ,RLANDBIT (RVAL 10)> () TREASURE-ROOM ,RLANDBIT (RVAL 25)> \ ; "SUBTITLE RESERVOIR AREA" "EAST" "CHAS1" "WEST" "CRAW1">> >> "WEST" "STREA" "CROSS" "NORTH" "LAUNC" "RESER" "UP" > () RESERVOIR-SOUTH ,RLANDBIT (RGLOBAL ,RGWATER)> () RESERVOIR <+ ,RWATERBIT ,RNWALLBIT> (RGLOBAL ,RGWATER)> "SOUTH" > () RESERVOIR-NORTH ,RLANDBIT (RGLOBAL ,RGWATER)> () <> ,RLANDBIT (RGLOBAL ,RGWATER)> () <> <+ ,RWATERBIT ,RNWALLBIT> (RGLOBAL ,RGWATER)> > ()> > () GLACIER-ROOM> ()> ()> "EAST" "DAM" "SOUTH" "CAROU">> \ ; "SUBTITLE ECHO ROOM" () ECHO-ROOM> () MIRROR-ROOM> () MIRROR-ROOM <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT>> > () CAVE2-ROOM> > > > > \ ; "SUBTITLE COAL MINE AREA" > > ()> > > () BOOM-ROOM <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RSACREDBIT>> > > ()> >> () NO-OBJS <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RSACREDBIT>> "NE" "UP" #NEXIT "The chain is not climbable."> () NO-OBJS <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RSACREDBIT>> ( ) MACHINE-ROOM> ( ) BATS-ROOM <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RSACREDBIT>> \ ; "SUBTITLE COAL MINE" > > > > > > > \ ;"SUBTITLE DOME/TORCH AREA" > () DOME-ROOM> () TORCH-ROOM> > > () <> ,RLANDBIT (RVAL 5)> CAROUSEL-EXIT> "SOUTH" CAROUSEL-EXIT> "EAST" CAROUSEL-EXIT> "WEST" CAROUSEL-EXIT> "NW" CAROUSEL-EXIT> "NE" CAROUSEL-EXIT> "SE" CAROUSEL-EXIT> "SW" CAROUSEL-EXIT> "EXIT" CAROUSEL-OUT>> () CAROUSEL-ROOM> > > > > > > ()> > ()> ()> "UP" "CAVE2" "ENTER" > ( ) LLD-ROOM <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT>> () LLD2-ROOM <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT> (RVAL 30)> ()> ( ) <> <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT ,RSACREDBIT>> ( ) <> <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT ,RSACREDBIT>> \ ; "SUBTITLE FLOOD CONTROL DAM #3" ( ) DAM-ROOM <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT> (RGLOBAL ,RGWATER)> ( ) <> <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT>> ( ) MAINT-ROOM ,RLANDBIT> \ ;"SUBTITLE RIVER AREA" ( ) <> <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT ,RNWALLBIT ,RSACREDBIT> (RGLOBAL ,RGWATER)> () <> <+ ,RWATERBIT ,RNWALLBIT ,RSACREDBIT> (RGLOBAL ,RGWATER)> () <> <+ ,RWATERBIT ,RNWALLBIT ,RSACREDBIT> (RGLOBAL ,RGWATER)> () <> <+ ,RWATERBIT ,RNWALLBIT ,RSACREDBIT> (RGLOBAL ,RGWATER)> "LAUNC" "RIVR3"> () CLIFF-FUNCTION <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RSACREDBIT ,RNWALLBIT> (RGLOBAL ,RGWATER)> "LAUNC" "RIVR4"> () CLIFF-FUNCTION <+ ,RNWALLBIT ,RLANDBIT ,RSACREDBIT> (RGLOBAL ,RGWATER)> () RIVR4-ROOM <+ ,RWATERBIT ,RNWALLBIT ,RSACREDBIT> (RGLOBAL ,RGWATER)> () <> <+ ,RWATERBIT ,RNWALLBIT ,RSACREDBIT> (RGLOBAL ,RGWATER)> () OVER-FALLS> () <> <+ ,RNWALLBIT ,RLANDBIT ,RSACREDBIT> (RGLOBAL ,RGWATER)> ( ) <> <+ ,RNWALLBIT ,RLANDBIT ,RSACREDBIT> (RGLOBAL ,RGWATER)> () <> <+ ,RNWALLBIT ,RLANDBIT ,RSACREDBIT> (RGLOBAL ,RGWATER)> ( )> "DOWN" #NEXIT "It's a long way..." "NORTH" "FANTE" "UP" > ( ) FALLS-ROOM <+ ,RNWALLBIT ,RLANDBIT ,RSACREDBIT> (RGLOBAL ,RGWATER)> () <> <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT ,RNWALLBIT ,RSACREDBIT>> > ( ) <> <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT ,RNWALLBIT> (RGLOBAL ,RGWATER)> () <> <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT ,RNWALLBIT ,RSACREDBIT> (RGLOBAL ,RGWATER)> () <> <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT ,RNWALLBIT ,RSACREDBIT>> () <> <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT ,RNWALLBIT ,RSACREDBIT>> \ ;"SUBTITLE VOLCANO AREA" ()> <+ ,RAIRBIT ,RNWALLBIT ,RSACREDBIT>> () <> <+ ,RAIRBIT ,RNWALLBIT ,RSACREDBIT>> <+ ,RAIRBIT ,RNWALLBIT ,RSACREDBIT>> () <> <+ ,RAIRBIT ,RNWALLBIT ,RSACREDBIT>> > ( )> ( )> > () LEDGE-FUNCTION> ( ) SAFE-ROOM <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT>> > > \ ; "SUBTITLE ALICE IN WONDERLAND" > MAGNET-ROOM-EXIT>> MAGNET-ROOM-EXIT>> ( ) MAGNET-ROOM> ( ) CMACH-ROOM> () <> <+ ,RLIGHTBIT ,RLANDBIT>> () CAGED-ROOM <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RNWALLBIT>> () <> <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RBUCKBIT> (RVAL 10 RGLOBAL ,WELLBIT)> ( ) <> <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RBUCKBIT> (RGLOBAL ,WELLBIT)> ( )> ()> ( )> \ ; "SUBTITLE BANK OF ZORK" " "Bank Entrance" > () TELLER-ROOM> () TELLER-ROOM> SCOLGO>> > () <> ,RLANDBIT (RGLOBAL <+ ,WALL-ESWBIT ,WALL-NBIT>)> () <> ,RLANDBIT (RGLOBAL <+ ,WALL-ESWBIT ,WALL-NBIT>)> <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RSACREDBIT> (RGLOBAL <+ ,WALL-ESWBIT ,WALL-NBIT>)> ) <> <+ ,RSACREDBIT ,RLANDBIT> (RGLOBAL <+ ,WALL-ESWBIT ,WALL-NBIT>)> BKLEAVEW> "EAST" BKLEAVEE> "SOUTH" "BKEXE"> ( ) BKBOX-ROOM <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT> (RGLOBAL ,WALL-NBIT)> ()> ]> ]> > \ ;"SUBTITLE CHINESE PUZZLE ROOMS" > )> )> > ;" 0 is no wall 1 is fixed wall -1 is movable wall (-2 is good ladder, -3 bad ladder)" 8 -8 1 -1]> -8 8 1 -1 -7 -9 9 7]> CPENTER>> () <> <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT>> > () CPOUT-ROOM> CPEXIT> "SOUTH" CPEXIT> "EAST" CPEXIT> "WEST" CPEXIT> "NE" CPEXIT> "NW" CPEXIT> "SE" CPEXIT> "UP" CPEXIT> "SW" CPEXIT>> () CP-ROOM <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT> (RGLOBAL <+ ,CPLADDER ,CPWALL>)> \ ; "SUBTITLE PALANTIR ROOMS" > > ( ) PALANTIR-ROOM <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT ,RSACREDBIT>> ( ) PRM-ROOM> SLIDE-EXIT>> () SLIDE-ROOM ,RLANDBIT (RGLOBAL ,SLIDEBIT)> () INSLIDE <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RSACREDBIT> (RGLOBAL <+ ,ROPEBIT ,SLIDEBIT>)> () INSLIDE <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RSACREDBIT> (RGLOBAL <+ ,ROPEBIT ,SLIDEBIT>)> () INSLIDE <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RSACREDBIT> (RGLOBAL <+ ,ROPEBIT ,SLIDEBIT>)> () SLEDG-ROOM <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RSACREDBIT> (RGLOBAL <+ ,ROPEBIT ,SLIDEBIT>)> ( ) <> <+ ,RLANDBIT ,RSACREDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT>> \ ; "SUBTITLE END GAME" MRGO>> MRGO>> MRGO>> MRGO>> MRGO>> MIROUT>> MIRIN>> () MRDF <+ ,RENDGAME ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT> (RGLOBAL <+ ,ROSEBIT ,CHANBIT ,GUARDBIT>)> () GUARDIANS <+ ,RENDGAME ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT> (RGLOBAL ,GUARDBIT)> () MRCF <+ ,RENDGAME ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT> (RGLOBAL <+ ,MIRRORBIT ,PANELBIT ,ROSEBIT ,CHANBIT ,GUARDBIT>)> () MRBF <+ ,RENDGAME ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT> (RGLOBAL <+ ,MIRRORBIT ,PANELBIT ,ROSEBIT ,CHANBIT>)> () MRAF <+ ,RENDGAME ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT> (RGLOBAL <+ ,MIRRORBIT ,PANELBIT ,ROSEBIT ,CHANBIT>)> (RGLOBAL <+ ,MIRRORBIT ,PANELBIT ,GUARDBIT>)> (RGLOBAL <+ ,MIRRORBIT ,PANELBIT ,GUARDBIT>)> (RGLOBAL <+ ,MIRRORBIT ,PANELBIT ,GUARDBIT>)> (RGLOBAL <+ ,MIRRORBIT ,PANELBIT ,GUARDBIT>)> () MRCEW <+ ,RENDGAME ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT> (RGLOBAL <+ ,MIRRORBIT ,PANELBIT ,GUARDBIT>)> () MRCEW <+ ,RENDGAME ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT> (RGLOBAL <+ ,MIRRORBIT ,PANELBIT ,GUARDBIT>)> () MRBEW <+ ,RENDGAME ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT> (RGLOBAL <+ ,MIRRORBIT ,PANELBIT>)> () MRBEW <+ ,RENDGAME ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT> (RGLOBAL <+ ,MIRRORBIT ,PANELBIT>)> () MRAEW <+ ,RENDGAME ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT> (RGLOBAL <+ ,MIRRORBIT ,PANELBIT>)> () MRAEW <+ ,RENDGAME ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT> (RGLOBAL <+ ,MIRRORBIT ,PANELBIT>)> ( ) MAGIC-MIRROR <+ ,RENDGAME ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT> (RVAL 15 RGLOBAL <+ ,ROSEBIT ,CHANBIT ,GUARDBIT>)> () <> <+ ,RENDGAME ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT>> () MREYE-ROOM <+ ,RENDGAME ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT>> <>>> ( ) TOMB-FUNCTION> () CRYPT-FUNCTION <+ ,RENDGAME ,RLANDBIT> (RVAL 5)> () <> <+ ,RENDGAME ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT> (RVAL 10)> () <> <+ ,RENDGAME ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT>> () <> <+ ,RENDGAME ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT>> > ; "south cell door" > ; "wooden door, entrance to cell area" > ; "cell door" > ; "winnage door" () SCORR-ROOM <+ ,RENDGAME ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT>> ( ) BDOOR-FUNCTION <+ ,RENDGAME ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT> (RVAL 20)> () FDOOR-FUNCTION <+ ,RENDGAME ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT> (RVAL 15 RGLOBAL ,MASTERBIT)> () NCORR-ROOM <+ ,RENDGAME ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT> (RGLOBAL ,MASTERBIT)> ( ) PARAPET <+ ,RENDGAME ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT> (RGLOBAL ,MASTERBIT)> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]> ( ) CELL-ROOM <+ ,RENDGAME ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT> (RGLOBAL ,MASTERBIT)> () PCELL-ROOM <+ ,RENDGAME ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT> (RGLOBAL ,MASTERBIT)> ( ) NCELL-ROOM <+ ,RENDGAME ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT> (RGLOBAL ,MASTERBIT)> ) NIRVANA <+ ,RENDGAME ,RLANDBIT ,RLIGHTBIT> (RVAL 35)> \ ; "SUBTITLE END GAME GOODIES" > ;"contents of cells" )> )> )> > ;"northern limit of mirror" >> ;"where mirror begins" > ;"southern limit of mirror" \ ; "SUBTITLE VOCABULARY" ;"buzz words and preposition" L;"funny verbs" ;"funny verb for clock ints" ;"funny verb for killing villains" ;"funny verb for surprise by villains" ;"funny verb for deciding whether to fight" ;"funny verb for villain fight decisions" ;"villain regains consciousness" ;"villain loses consciousness" ;"funny verb for room actions when entering" ;"ZORK game commands" ;"real verbs" REACH AOBJS ROBJS) ["CLOSE" CLOSER]]> <1ADD-ACTION "COUNT" "Count" COUNT> <1ADD-ACTION "DEFLA" "Deflate" DEFLATER> <1NRADD-ACTION "EXAMI" "Examine" ROOM-INFO> <1NRADD-ACTION "FIND" "Find" FIND> <1ADD-ACTION "KICK" "Taunt" KICKER> <1ADD-ACTION "LOWER" "Lower" R/L> <1ADD-ACTION "MAKE" "Make" MAKER> <1ADD-ACTION "OOPS" "Oops" OOPS> REACH AOBJS ROBJS) ["OPEN" OPENER] DRIVER] [(<+ ,DOORBIT ,CONTBIT> REACH AOBJS ROBJS) "WITH" (<+ ,WEAPONBIT ,TOOLBIT> ROBJS AOBJS HAVE) ["OPEN" OPENER]]> REACH ROBJS AOBJS) ["TAKE" TAKE]]> <1ADD-ACTION "RUB" "Rub" RUBBER> <1ADD-ACTION "SHAKE" "Shake" SHAKER> <1ADD-ACTION "SMELL" "Smell" SMELLER> <1ADD-ACTION "SQUEE" "Squeeze" SQUEEZER> REACH ROBJS AOBJS) ["TAKE" TAKE] DRIVER] ["IN" (,VEHBIT ROBJS REACH) ["BOARD" BOARD]] ["OUT" (,VEHBIT ROBJS REACH) ["DISEM" UNBOARD]] [(<+ ,TAKEBIT ,TRYTAKEBIT> REACH ROBJS AOBJS) "OUT" OBJ ["TAKE" TAKE]] [(<+ ,TAKEBIT ,TRYTAKEBIT> REACH ROBJS AOBJS) "FROM" OBJ ["TAKE" TAKE]]> <1ADD-ACTION "GTHRO" "Go through" THROUGH> <1ADD-ACTION "SPIN" "Spin" TURNTO> > ; "SUBTITLE BUNCH VERBS" \ ; "SUBTITLE ACTOR ABILITIES" > > \ ; "SUBTITLE OBJECTS" ;"this object is here only so Restore of old Save files will work" GHOST-FUNCTION> DUMBWAITER> <> () (ODESC1 "A hot pepper sandwich is here.")> > GNOME-FUNCTION () (ODESC1 "There is a nervous Volcano Gnome here.")> <> () (ODESC1 "An old leather bag, bulging with coins, is here." OSIZE 15 OFVAL 10 OTVAL 5)> BARREL () (ODESC1 "There is a man-sized barrel here which you might be able to enter." OCAPAC 100 OSIZE 70)> BALLOON ( ) (ODESC1 "There is a very large and extremely heavy wicker basket with a cloth bag here. Inside the basket is a metal receptacle of some kind. Attached to the basket on the outside is a piece of wire." OCAPAC 100 OSIZE 70 OVTYPE ,RAIRBIT)> DUMBWAITER () (ODESC1 "At the end of the chain is a basket." OCAPAC 50)> FLY-ME> <> () (ODESCO "Lying in a corner of the room is a small brass bell." ODESC1 "There is a small brass bell here.")> HBELL-FUNCTION () (ODESC1 "On the ground is a red hot bell.")> MPANELS> AXE-FUNCTION () (ODESC1 "There is a bloody axe here." OSIZE 25)> <> () (ODESC1 "There is a blue book here." OCAPAC 2 OSIZE 10 OREAD ,GREEK-TO-ME)> <> () (ODESC1 "There is a blue label here." OSIZE 1 OREAD " !!!! FROBOZZ MAGIC BALLOON COMPANY !!!! Hello, Aviator! Instructions for use: To get into balloon, say 'Board' To leave balloon, say 'Disembark' To land, say 'Land' Warranty: No warranty is expressed or implied. You're on your own, sport! Good Luck. " )> BOLT-FUNCTION> BLACK-BOOK () (ODESCO "On the altar is a large black book, open to page 569." ODESC1 "There is a large black book here." OSIZE 10 OREAD " COMMANDMENT #12592 Oh ye who go about saying unto each: \"Hello sailor\": dost thou know the magnitude of thy sin before the gods? Yea, verily, thou shalt be ground between two stones. Shall the angry gods cast thy body into the whirlpool? Surely, thy eye shall be put out with a sharp stick! Even unto the ends of the earth shalt thou wander and unto the land of the dead shalt thou be sent at last. Surely thou shalt repent of thy cunning." )> SAFE-FUNCTION ( ) (OCAPAC 15)> WIRE-FUNCTION> BRICK-FUNCTION () (ODESC1 "There is a square brick here which feels like clay." OCAPAC 2 OSIZE 9)> <> () (ODESC1 "There is a balloon here, broken into pieces." OSIZE 40)> <> () (ODESC1 "There is a broken brass lantern here.")> STICK-FUNCTION () (ODESCO "A sharp stick, which appears to have been broken at one end, is here." ODESC1 "There is a broken sharp stick here." OSIZE 3)> TIMBERS () (ODESC1 ,TIMBER-UNTIED OSIZE 50)> BRONZE-DOOR> <> ( ) (ODESCO "On the table is an elongated brown sack, smelling of hot peppers." ODESC1 "A brown sack is here." OCAPAC 15 OSIZE 3)> > COKE-BOTTLES () (ODESCO "There is a large pile of empty Coke bottles here, evidently produced by the implementers during their long struggle to win totally." ODESC1 "Many empty Coke bottles are here. Alas, they can't hold water." OSIZE 15)> <> () (ODESCO "The deceased adventurer's useless lantern is here." ODESC1 "There is a burned-out lantern here." OSIZE 20)> DBUTTONS> DBUTTONS> DBUTTONS> DBUTTONS> BUTTONS> BUTTONS> BUTTONS> <> () (ODESC1 "There is a card with writing on it here." OSIZE 1 OREAD " Warning: This room was constructed over very weak rock strata. Detonation of explosives in this room is strictly prohibited! Frobozz Magic Cave Company per M. Agrippa, foreman " )> RUG> CELL-DOOR> CHALICE () (ODESC1 "There is a silver chalice, intricately engraved, here." OCAPAC 5 OSIZE 10 OFVAL 10 OTVAL 10)> BCONTENTS> <> () (ODESC1 "There is a clove of garlic here.")> > <> () (ODESCO "The excessively gaudy crown of Lord Dimwit Flathead is here." ODESC1 "Lord Dimwit's crown is here." OSIZE 10 OFVAL 15 OTVAL 10)> CRYPT-OBJECT () (OREAD "Here lie the implementers, whose heads were placed on poles by the Keeper of the Dungeon for amazing untastefulness." )> SPHERE-FUNCTION () (ODESC1 "There is a beautiful white crystal sphere here." OSIZE 10 OFVAL 6 OTVAL 6)> <> () (ODESCO "On the shore lies Poseidon's own crystal trident." ODESC1 "Poseidon's own crystal trident is here." OSIZE 20 OFVAL 4 OTVAL 11)> CYCLOPS () (OSTRENGTH 10000 OFMSGS ,CYCLOPS-MELEE)> > DDOOR-FUNCTION () (OREAD "The engravings translate to 'This space intentionally left blank'")> TRAP-DOOR> DDOOR-FUNCTION> DDOOR-FUNCTION> \ <> () (ODESC1 "There is a Stradivarius here." OSIZE 10 OFVAL 10 OTVAL 10)> GLACIER () (ODESC1 "A mass of ice fills the western half of the room.")> BOTTLE-FUNCTION () (ODESCO "A bottle is sitting on the table." ODESC1 "A clear glass bottle is here." OCAPAC 4)> FLASK-FUNCTION () (ODESC1 "A stoppered glass flask with a skull-and-crossbones marking is here. The flask is filled with some clear liquid." OCAPAC 5 OSIZE 10)> TIMBERS () (ODESC1 ,COFFIN-UNTIED OCAPAC 35 OSIZE 55 OFVAL 3 OTVAL 7)> <> () (ODESC1 "There is an extremely valuable (perhaps original) grail here." OCAPAC 5 OSIZE 10 OFVAL 2 OTVAL 5)> GRATE-FUNCTION> <> () (ODESC1 "There is a green book here." OCAPAC 2 OSIZE 10 OREAD ,GREEK-TO-ME)> <> () (ODESC1 "There is a green piece of paper here." OSIZE 3 OREAD " !!!! FROBOZZ MAGIC ROBOT COMPANY !!!! Hello, Master! I am a late-model robot, trained at MIT Tech to perform various simple household functions. Instructions for use: To activate me, use the following formula: >TELL ROBOT '' The quotation marks are required! Warranty: No warranty is expressed or implied. At your service! " )> <> () (ODESC1 "There is a small pump here.")> > <> () (OCAPAC 10)> <> () (ODESC1 ,HOOK-DESC)> <> () (ODESC1 ,HOOK-DESC)> <> () (ODESC1 "There is an enormous diamond (perfectly cut) here." OFVAL 10 OTVAL 6)> GUANO-FUNCTION () (ODESC1 "There is a hunk of bat guano here." OSIZE 20)> <> () (ODESC1 "There is an exquisite jade figurine here." OSIZE 10 OFVAL 5 OTVAL 5)> <> () (ODESCO "On a table is a nasty-looking knife." ODESC1 "There is a nasty-looking knife lying here." OFMSGS ,KNIFE-MELEE)> LANTERN () (ODESCO "A battery-powered brass lantern is on the trophy case." ODESC1 "There is a brass lantern (battery-powered) here." OSIZE 15 OLINT [0 >])> DIALBUTTON> <> () (ODESC1 "There is a large case here, containing objects which you used to possess.")> <> () (ODESC1 "There is an emerald here." OFVAL 5 OTVAL 10)> > <> () (ODESC1 "There is a small leaflet here." OSIZE 2 OREAD " WELCOME TO ZORK ZORK is a game of adventure, danger, and low cunning. In it you will explore some of the most amazing territory ever seen by mortal man. Hardened adventurers have run screaming from the terrors contained within! In ZORK the intrepid explorer delves into the forgotten secrets of a lost labyrinth deep in the bowels of the earth, searching for vast treasures long hidden from prying eyes, treasures guarded by fearsome monsters and diabolical traps! No PDP-10 should be without one! ZORK was created at the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, by Tim Anderson, Marc Blank, Bruce Daniels, and Dave Lebling. It was inspired by the ADVENTURE game of Crowther and Woods, and the long tradition of fantasy and science fiction adventure. ZORK is written in MDL (alias MUDDLE). On-line information may be available using the HELP and INFO commands (most systems). Direct inquiries, comments, etc. by Net mail to ZORK@MIT-DMS. (c) Copyright 1978,1979 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights reserved. " )> <> () (OBVERB <>)>> LEAK-FUNCTION> LOCKED-DOOR> LOCKED-DOOR> > MACHINE-FUNCTION () (OCAPAC 50)> RBOAT-FUNCTION () (ODESC1 "There is an inflated boat here." OCAPAC 100 OSIZE 20 OVTYPE ,RWATERBIT)> MENDS> <> () (ODESC1 "There is a small mailbox here." OCAPAC 10)> <> () (ODESC1 "There is a mangled steel cage here." OSIZE 60)> MATCH-FUNCTION () (ODESC1 "There is a matchbook whose cover says 'Visit Beautiful FCD#3' here." OSIZE 2 OMATCH 5 OREAD " [close cover before striking BKD] YOU too can make BIG MONEY in the exciting field of PAPER SHUFFLING! Mr. TAA of Muddle, Mass. says: \"Before I took this course I used to be a lowly bit twiddler. Now with what I learned at MIT Tech I feel really important and can obfuscate and confuse with the best.\" Mr. MARC had this to say: \"Ten short days ago all I could look forward to was a dead-end job as a doctor. Now I have a promising future and make really big Zorkmids.\" MIT Tech can't promise these fantastic results to everyone. But when you earn your MDL degree from MIT Tech your future will be brighter. Send for our free brochure today." )> MIRROR-MIRROR> MIRROR-MIRROR> <> () (ODESC1 "There is an issue of US NEWS & DUNGEON REPORT dated 7/22/81 here." OSIZE 2 OREAD " US NEWS & DUNGEON REPORT 7/22/81 Last G.U.E. Edition This version of ZORK is no longer being supported on this or any other machine. In particular, bugs and feature requests will, most likely, be read and ignored. There are updated versions of ZORK, including some altogether new problems, available for PDP-11s and various microcomputers (TRS-80, APPLE, maybe more later). For information, send a SASE to: Infocom, Inc. P.O. Box 120, Kendall Station Cambridge, Ma. 02142 ")> > TAKE-FIVE> > > > > > > PAINTING () (ODESCO "Fortunately, there is still one chance for you to be a vandal, for on the far wall is a work of unparalleled beauty." ODESC1 "A masterpiece by a neglected genius is here." OSIZE 15 OFVAL 4 OTVAL 7)> CANDLES () (ODESCO "On the two ends of the altar are burning candles." ODESC1 "There are two candles here." OSIZE 10 OLINT [0 >])> <> () (ODESC1 "There is a pearl necklace here with hundreds of large pearls." OSIZE 10 OFVAL 9 OTVAL 5)> EATME-FUNCTION () (ODESC1 "There is a piece of cake here with the words 'Eat-Me' on it." OSIZE 10)> CAKE-FUNCTION () (ODESC1 "There is a piece of cake with blue (ecch) icing here." OSIZE 4)> CAKE-FUNCTION () (ODESC1 "There is a piece of cake with orange icing here." OSIZE 4)> CAKE-FUNCTION () (ODESC1 "There is a piece of cake with red icing here." OSIZE 4)> GUNK-FUNCTION () (ODESC1 "There is a small piece of vitreous slag here." OSIZE 10)> BODY-FUNCTION> > LEAF-PILE () (ODESC1 "There is a pile of leaves on the ground." OSIZE 25)> MENDS> DBOAT-FUNCTION () (ODESC1 "There is a pile of plastic here with a large hole in it." OSIZE 20)> IBOAT-FUNCTION () (ODESC1 "There is a folded pile of plastic here which has a small valve attached." OSIZE 20)> <> () (ODESC1 "There is a large platinum bar here." OSIZE 20 OFVAL 12 OTVAL 10)> PLEAK> <> () (ODESC1 "The leak has submerged the depressed area in a pool of sewage.")> <> () (ODESCO "At the end of the rainbow is a pot of gold." ODESC1 "There is a pot of gold here." OSIZE 15 OFVAL 10 OTVAL 10)> <> () (OREAD "The prayer is inscribed in an ancient script which is hardly remembered these days, much less understood. What little of it can be made out seems to be a philippic against small insects, absent-mindedness, and the picking up and dropping of small objects. The final verse seems to consign trespassers to the land of the dead. All evidence indicates that the beliefs of the ancient Zorkers were obscure." )> <> () (ODESCO "On the floor is a gold zorkmid coin (a valuable collector's item)." ODESC1 "There is an engraved zorkmid coin here." OSIZE 10 OFVAL 10 OTVAL 12 OREAD " -------------------------- / Gold Zorkmid \\ / T e n T h o u s a n d \\ / Z O R K M I D S \\ / \\ / |||||||||||||||||| \\ / !|||| ||||! \\ | ||| ^^ ^^ ||| | | ||| OO OO ||| | | In Frobs ||| << ||| We Trust | | || (______) || | | | | | | |__________| | \\ / \\ -- Lord Dimwit Flathead -- / \\ -- Beloved of Zorkers -- / \\ / \\ * 722 G.U.E. * / \\ / -------------------------- " )> <> () (ODESC1 "There is a purple book here." OCAPAC 2 OSIZE 10 OREAD ,GREEK-TO-ME)> WATER-FUNCTION () (ODESC1 "There is some water here" OSIZE 4)> > > BCONTENTS () (OCAPAC 6)> BEAM-FUNCTION () (OCAPAC 1000)> <> () (ODESC1 "There is a red buoy here (probably a warning)." OCAPAC 20 OSIZE 10)> MRSWITCH> MPANELS> ROBOT-FUNCTION () (ODESC1 "There is a robot here." OACTOR ,ROBOT)> ROPE-FUNCTION () (ODESCO "A large coil of rope is lying in the corner." ODESC1 "There is a large coil of rope here." OSIZE 10)> <> () (ODESCO "On the floor lies a moby ruby." ODESC1 "There is a moby ruby lying here." OFVAL 15 OTVAL 8)> RUSTY-KNIFE () (ODESCO "Beside the skeleton is a rusty knife." ODESC1 "There is a rusty knife here." OSIZE 20 OFMSGS ,KNIFE-MELEE)> SAND-FUNCTION> <> () (ODESC1 "There is a sapphire-encrusted bracelet here." OSIZE 10 OFVAL 5 OTVAL 3)> <> () (ODESC1 "There is a screwdriver here.")> HEAD-FUNCTION () (ODESC1 "There are four heads here, mounted securely on poles.")> <> () (ODESC1 "There is a set of skeleton keys here." OSIZE 10)> SHORT-POLE> <> () (ODESC1 "There is a large shovel here." OSIZE 15)> SKELETON () (ODESC1 "A skeleton, probably the remains of a luckless adventurer, lies here.")> <> () (ODESC1 "There is a small heap of coal here." OSIZE 20)> <> () (ODESCO "There is a gigantic pile of line-printer output here. Although the paper once contained useful information, almost nothing can be distinguished now." ODESC1 "There is an enormous stack of line-printer paper here. It is barely readable." OSIZE 70 OREAD "> ... The rest is, alas, unintelligible (as were the implementers)." )> <> () (ODESC1 "There is a Flathead stamp here." OSIZE 1 OFVAL 4 OTVAL 10 OREAD " ---v----v----v----v----v----v----v----v--- | | | |||||||||| LORD | > !|||| | DIMWIT < | |||| ---| FLATHEAD | | |||C CC \\ | > |||| _\\ < | ||| (____| | | || | | > |______| Our < | / \\ Excessive | | / \\ Leader | > | | < | | | | | | > G.U.E. POSTAGE 3 Zorkmids < | | ---^----^----^----^----^----^----^----^--- " )> <> () (ODESC1 "There is a beautiful statue here." OSIZE 8 OFVAL 10 OTVAL 13)> <> () (ODESC1 "There is a dented steel box here." OCAPAC 20 OSIZE 40)> <> () (ODESC1 "There is a steel cage in the middle of the room.")> <> () (ODESC1 "There is a vicious-looking stiletto here." OSIZE 10)> DIAL> MSWITCH-FUNCTION> SWORD () (ODESCO "On hooks above the mantelpiece hangs an elvish sword of great antiquity." ODESC1 "There is an elvish sword here." OSIZE 30 OFMSGS ,SWORD-MELEE OTVAL 0)> <> () (ODESC1 "There is a tan label here." OSIZE 2 OREAD " !!!! FROBOZZ MAGIC BOAT COMPANY !!!! Hello, Sailor! Instructions for use: To get into boat, say 'Board' To leave boat, say 'Disembark' To get into a body of water, say 'Launch' To get to shore, say 'Land' Warranty: This boat is guaranteed against all defects in parts and workmanship for a period of 76 milliseconds from date of purchase or until first used, whichever comes first. Warning: This boat is made of plastic. Good Luck! " )> ROBBER-FUNCTION () (ODESC1 "There is a suspicious-looking individual, holding a bag, leaning against one wall. He is armed with a vicious-looking stiletto." OSTRENGTH 5 OFMSGS ,THIEF-MELEE)> <> () (ODESC1 "There is a tin of rare spices here." OSIZE 8 OFVAL 5 OTVAL 5)> TORCH-OBJECT () (ODESCO "Sitting on the pedestal is a flaming torch, made of ivory." ODESC1 "There is an ivory torch here." OSIZE 20 OFVAL 14 OTVAL 6)> <> () (ODESCO "Some guidebooks entitled 'Flood Control Dam #3' are on the reception desk." ODESC1 "There are tour guidebooks here." OREAD "\" Guide Book to Flood Control Dam #3 Flood Control Dam #3 (FCD#3) was constructed in year 783 of the Great Underground Empire to harness the destructive power of the Frigid River. This work was supported by a grant of 37 million zorkmids from the Central Bureaucracy and your omnipotent local tyrant Lord Dimwit Flathead the Excessive. This impressive structure is composed of 3.7 cubic feet of concrete, is 256 feet tall at the center, and 193 feet wide at the top. The reservoir created behind the dam has a volume of 37 billion cubic feet, an area of 12 million square feet, and a shore line of 36 thousand feet. The construction of FCD#3 took 112 days from ground breaking to the dedication. It required a work force of 384 slaves, 34 slave drivers, 12 engineers, 2 turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree. The work was managed by a command team composed of 2345 bureaucrats, 2347 secretaries (at least two of whom can type), 12,256 paper shufflers, 52,469 rubber stampers, 245,193 red tape processors, and nearly one million dead trees. We will now point out some of the more interesting features of FCD#3 as we conduct you on a guided tour of the facilities: 1) You start your tour here in the Dam Lobby. You will notice on your right that ........." )> TROLL () (ODESC1 "A nasty-looking troll, brandishing a bloody axe, blocks all passages out of the room." OSTRENGTH 2 OFMSGS ,TROLL-MELEE)> TROPHY-CASE () (ODESC1 "There is a trophy case here." OCAPAC ,BIGFIX)> <> () (ODESCO "Lying half buried in the mud is an old trunk, bulging with jewels." ODESC1 "There is an old trunk here, bulging with assorted jewels." OSIZE 35 OFVAL 15 OTVAL 8)> TUBE-FUNCTION () (ODESC1 "There is an object which looks like a tube of toothpaste here." OCAPAC 7 OSIZE 10 OREAD "---> Frobozz Magic Gunk Company <--- All-Purpose Gunk")> <> () (ODESC1 "There is some gunk here" OSIZE 6)> <> () (ODESC1 "There are old engravings on the walls here." OREAD "The engravings were incised in the living rock of the cave wall by an unknown hand. They depict, in symbolic form, the beliefs of the ancient peoples of Zork. Skillfully interwoven with the bas reliefs are excerpts illustrating the major tenets expounded by the sacred texts of the religion of that time. Unfortunately a later age seems to have considered them blasphemous and just as skillfully excised them." )> <> () (OREAD " o b o r z f M A G I C z c W E L L y o n m p a " )> <> () (OREAD " o b o A G I E L m p a " )> > > > WCLIF-OBJECT> <> () (ODESC1 "There is a white book here." OCAPAC 2 OSIZE 10 OREAD ,GREEK-TO-ME)> MPANELS> WINDOW-FUNCTION> FUSE-FUNCTION () (ODESC1 "There is a coil of thin shiny wire here." OSIZE 1 OLINT [0 >])> > BUCKET () (ODESC1 "There is a wooden bucket here, 3 feet in diameter and 3 feet high." OCAPAC 100 OSIZE 100 OVTYPE ,RBUCKBIT)> WOOD-DOOR> > <> () (ODESC1 "There is a wrench here." OSIZE 10)> MPANELS> TOOL-CHEST> > BROCHURE () (ODESCO "In the mailbox is a large brochure." ODESC1 "There is a large brochure here." OSIZE 30 OCAPAC 1)> BROCHURE () (ODESC1 "There is a Don Woods Commemorative stamp here." OSIZE 1 OTVAL 1 OREAD " ---v----v----v----v----v--- | _______ | > One / \\ G < | Lousy / \\ U | > Point | ___ | E < | | (___) | | > <--)___(--> P < | / / \\ \\ o | > / / \\ \\ s < | |-|---------|-| t | > | | \\ _ / | | a < | | | --(_)-- | | g | > | | /| |\\ | | e < | |-|---|_|---|-| | > \\ \\__/_\\__/ / < | _/_______\\_ | > | f.m.l.c. | < | ------------- | > < | Donald Woods, Editor | > Spelunker Today < | | ---^----^----^----^----^---")> \ ; "SUBTITLE BANK OBJECTS" BILLS-OBJECT () (ODESC1 "200 neatly stacked zorkmid bills are here." ODESCO "On the floor sit 200 neatly stacked zorkmid bills." OSIZE 10 OTVAL 15 OFVAL 10 OREAD " ______________________________________________________________ | 1 0 0 GREAT UNDERGROUND EMPIRE 1 0 0 | | 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0| | 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0| | 1 0 0 DIMWIT 1 0 0 | | |||||||||||||||| | | || __ __ || B30332744D | | || -OO OO- || | | IN FROBS \\|| >> ||/ WE TRUST | | || ______ || | | B30332744D | ------ | | | \\\\________// | | 1 0 0 Series FLATHEAD LD Flathead 1 0 0 | | 1 0 0 0 0 719GUE Treasurer 1 0 0 0 0| | 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0| | 1 0 0 One Hundred Royal Zorkmids 1 0 0 | |_____________________________________________________________| ")> <> () (ODESC1 "The portrait of J. Pierpont Flathead is here." ODESCO "A portrait of J. Pierpont Flathead hangs on the wall." OSIZE 25 OTVAL 5 OFVAL 10 OREAD " |||||||||||||| || __ __ || || $$ $$ || \\|| >> ||/ || ______ || | -//-- | \\\\_//_____// ___//| | /__// | | | | __________// \\\\__________ / $ / **** \\ $ \\ / / ** \\ \\ / /| ** |\\ \\ / / | ** | \\ \\ / / | ** | \\ \\ ^ ^__|______$Z$**$Z$______|___^ ^ \\ * $Z$**$Z$ * / \\________*___$Z$**$Z$___*________/ | $Z$**$Z$ | J. PIERPONT FLATHEAD CHAIRMAN ")> <> () (OREAD " Bank of Zork VAULT *722 GUE* Frobozz Magic Vault Company ")> ZGNOME-FUNCTION () (ODESC1 "There is a Gnome of Zurich here.")> \ ;"SUBTITLE FOREST OBJECTS" <> () (ODESC1 "There is a small birds nest here." ODESCO "On the branch is a small birds nest." OCAPAC 20)> EGG-OBJECT () (OFVAL 5 OTVAL 5 ODESC1 "There is a jewel-encrusted egg here." OCAPAC 6 ODESCO "In the bird's nest is a large egg encrusted with precious jewels, apparently scavenged somewhere by a childless songbird. The egg is covered with fine gold inlay, and ornamented in lapis lazuli and mother-of-pearl. Unlike most eggs, this one is hinged and has a delicate looking clasp holding it closed. The egg appears extremely fragile.")> <> () (OCAPAC 6 ODESC1 "There is a somewhat ruined egg here.")> <> () (OFVAL 1 OTVAL 1 ODESC1 "There is a beautiful brass bauble here.")> CANARY-OBJECT () (OFVAL 6 OTVAL 2 ODESC1 "There is golden clockwork canary here." ODESCO "There is a golden clockwork canary nestled in the egg. It has ruby eyes and a silver beak. Through a crystal window below its left wing you can see intricate machinery inside. It appears to have wound down.")> CANARY-OBJECT () (ODESC1 "There is a non-functional canary here." ODESCO "There is a golden clockwork canary nestled in the egg. It seems to have recently had a bad experience. The mountings for its jewel-like eyes are empty, and its silver beak is crumpled. Through a cracked crystal window below its left wing you can see the remains of intricate machinery. It is not clear what result winding it would have, as the mainspring seems sprung.")> \ ;"SUBTITLE CHINESE PUZZLE OBJECTS" <> () (ODESC1 "There is a piece of paper on the ground here." OREAD " The paper is rather worn; although the writing is barely legible (the author probably had only a used pencil), it is a very elegant copperplate. To Whom It May Concern: I regret to report that the rumours regarding treasure contained in the chamber to which this passage leads have no basis in fact. Should you nevertheless be sufficiently foolhardy to enter, it will be quite impossible for you to exit. Sincerely yours, The Thief ")> CPSLT-OBJECT () (OCAPAC 4)> ,OROOM > ,OPENBIT> > > ,OROOM > <> () (ODESC1 "There is a solid gold engraved card here." ODESCO "Nestled inside the niche is an engraved gold card." OREAD " ____________________________________________________________ | | | FROBOZZ MAGIC SECURITY SYSTEMS | | Door Pass Royal Zork Puzzle Museum | | | | #632-988-496-XTHF | | | | | | USE OF THIS PASS BY UNAUTHORIZED PERSONS OR AFTER | | EXPIRATION DATE WILL RESULT IN IMMEDIATE CONFISCATION | | | | | | (approved) | | Will Weng | | 789 G.U.E. | | | | Expires 792 G.U.E. | |____________________________________________________________| " OTVAL 15 OFVAL 10 OSIZE 4)> ,OROOM > \ ; "SUBTITLE PALANTIR OBJECTS" ]> ]> PDOOR-FUNCTION> PWIND-FUNCTION> PLID-FUNCTION> PLID-FUNCTION> > > PKH-FUNCTION () (OCAPAC 12)> PKH-FUNCTION () (OCAPAC 12)> PKEY-FUNCTION () (ODESCO "" ODESC1 "There is a rusty iron key here.")> PALANTIR () (OTVAL 5 OFVAL 10 ODESCO "In the center of the table sits a blue crystal sphere." ODESC1 "There is blue crystal sphere here.")> MAT-FUNCTION () (ODESCO "A rubber mat saying 'Welcome to Zork!' lies by the door." ODESC1 "There is a welcome mat here." OREAD "Welcome to Zork!" OSIZE 12 )> STOVE-FUNCTION> PALANTIR () (OTVAL 5 OFVAL 10 ODESCO "On the floor sits a red crystal sphere." ODESC1 "There is red crystal sphere here.")> \ ;"SUBTITLE LISTS OF OBSCURE ROOMS" ; "Where your objects go when you die." )> \ ; "SUBTITLE LISTS OF VILLAINS AND WEAPONRY" )> )> 0>> 1 1]> '<>>> \ ; "SUBTITLE DEMONS" <>] HACK>>> <>] HACK>>> <>] HACK>>> \ ; "SUBTITLE END GAME QUESTIONS" ]> ]> ]> ]> >