Combined ZIL Compiler Ver 2.0 (MIM) ----------------------------------- Input file: SS:ZORK2.ZIL.18 Input file: SS:GMACROS.ZIL.7 Compiling routine: ZPROB Compiling routine: RANDOM-ELEMENT Compiling routine: PICK-ONE Input file: SS:GSYNTAX.ZIL.154 Input file: SS:2DUNGEON.ZIL.79 Compiling routine: GO Compiling routine: HEDGES-F Compiling routine: LT-CRACK-PSEUDO Compiling routine: CC-CRACK-PSEUDO Compiling routine: GLOBAL-MENHIR-F Compiling routine: GLOBAL-CERBERUS-F Compiling routine: CRACK-PSEUDO Compiling routine: ALICE-HOLE Compiling routine: SLOT-F Compiling routine: TEAPOT-F Compiling routine: ROSE-F Compiling routine: FOOTPAD-F Compiling routine: COMPASS-F Input file: SS:GGLOBALS.ZIL.67 Compiling routine: NOT-HERE-OBJECT-F Compiling routine: NOT-HERE-PRINT Compiling routine: NULL-F Compiling routine: STAIRS-F Compiling routine: SAILOR-FCN Compiling routine: GROUND-FUNCTION Compiling routine: GRUE-FUNCTION Compiling routine: CRETIN-FCN Compiling routine: PATH-OBJECT Compiling routine: ZORKMID-FUNCTION Input file: SS:GCLOCK.ZIL.7 Compiling routine: QUEUE Compiling routine: INT Compiling routine: CLOCKER Input file: SS:GMAIN.ZIL.41 Compiling routine: MAIN-LOOP Compiling routine: MAIN-LOOP-1 Compiling routine: PERFORM Input file: SS:GPARSER.ZIL.41 Compiling routine: PARSER Compiling routine: STUFF Compiling routine: INBUF-STUFF Compiling routine: INBUF-ADD Compiling routine: WT? Compiling routine: CLAUSE Compiling routine: NUMBER? Compiling routine: ORPHAN-MERGE Compiling routine: ACLAUSE-WIN Compiling routine: NCLAUSE-WIN Compiling routine: WORD-PRINT Compiling routine: UNKNOWN-WORD Compiling routine: CANT-USE Compiling routine: SYNTAX-CHECK Compiling routine: CANT-ORPHAN Compiling routine: ORPHAN Compiling routine: THING-PRINT Compiling routine: BUFFER-PRINT Compiling routine: PREP-PRINT Compiling routine: CLAUSE-COPY Compiling routine: CLAUSE-ADD Compiling routine: PREP-FIND Compiling routine: SYNTAX-FOUND Compiling routine: GWIM Compiling routine: SNARF-OBJECTS Compiling routine: BUT-MERGE Compiling routine: SNARFEM Compiling routine: GET-OBJECT Compiling routine: WHICH-PRINT Compiling routine: GLOBAL-CHECK Compiling routine: DO-SL Compiling routine: SEARCH-LIST Compiling routine: OBJ-FOUND Compiling routine: TAKE-CHECK Compiling routine: ITAKE-CHECK Compiling routine: MANY-CHECK Compiling routine: ZMEMQ Compiling routine: ZMEMQB Compiling routine: LIT? Compiling routine: THIS-IT? Compiling routine: ACCESSIBLE? Compiling routine: META-LOC Input file: SS:GVERBS.ZIL.440 Compiling routine: V-VERBOSE Compiling routine: V-BRIEF Compiling routine: V-SUPER-BRIEF Compiling routine: V-INVENTORY Compiling routine: FINISH Compiling routine: V-QUIT Compiling routine: V-RESTART Compiling routine: V-RESTORE Compiling routine: V-SAVE Compiling routine: V-SCRIPT Compiling routine: V-UNSCRIPT Compiling routine: V-VERSION Compiling routine: V-VERIFY Compiling routine: V-COMMAND-FILE Compiling routine: V-RANDOM Compiling routine: V-RECORD Compiling routine: V-UNRECORD Compiling routine: V-ADVENT Compiling routine: V-ALARM Compiling routine: V-ANSWER Compiling routine: V-ATTACK Compiling routine: V-BACK Compiling routine: V-BLAST Compiling routine: PRE-BOARD Compiling routine: V-BOARD Compiling routine: V-BREATHE Compiling routine: V-BRUSH Compiling routine: V-BUG Compiling routine: TELL-NO-PRSI Compiling routine: PRE-BURN Compiling routine: V-BURN Compiling routine: V-CHOMP Compiling routine: V-CLIMB-DOWN Compiling routine: V-CLIMB-FOO Compiling routine: V-CLIMB-ON Compiling routine: V-CLIMB-UP Compiling routine: V-CLOSE Compiling routine: V-COMMAND Compiling routine: V-COUNT Compiling routine: V-CROSS Compiling routine: V-CURSES Compiling routine: V-CUT Compiling routine: V-DEFLATE Compiling routine: V-DIG Compiling routine: V-DISEMBARK Compiling routine: V-DISENCHANT Compiling routine: V-DRINK Compiling routine: V-DRINK-FROM Compiling routine: PRE-DROP Compiling routine: V-DROP Compiling routine: V-EAT Compiling routine: HIT-SPOT Compiling routine: V-ECHO Compiling routine: V-ENCHANT Compiling routine: REMOVE-CAREFULLY Compiling routine: V-ENTER Compiling routine: V-EXAMINE Compiling routine: V-EXIT Compiling routine: V-EXORCISE Compiling routine: PRE-FILL Compiling routine: V-FILL Compiling routine: V-FIND Compiling routine: V-FOLLOW Compiling routine: V-FROBOZZ Compiling routine: PRE-GIVE Compiling routine: V-GIVE Compiling routine: V-HATCH Compiling routine: V-HELLO Compiling routine: V-INCANT Compiling routine: V-INFLATE Compiling routine: V-KICK Compiling routine: V-KISS Compiling routine: V-KNOCK Compiling routine: V-LAMP-OFF Compiling routine: V-LAMP-ON Compiling routine: V-LAUNCH Compiling routine: V-LEAN-ON Compiling routine: V-LEAP Compiling routine: V-LEAVE Compiling routine: V-LISTEN Compiling routine: V-LOCK Compiling routine: V-LOOK Compiling routine: V-LOOK-BEHIND Compiling routine: V-LOOK-INSIDE Compiling routine: V-LOOK-ON Compiling routine: V-LOOK-UNDER Compiling routine: V-LOWER Compiling routine: V-MAKE Compiling routine: V-MELT Compiling routine: PRE-MOVE Compiling routine: V-MOVE Compiling routine: V-MUMBLE Compiling routine: PRE-MUNG Compiling routine: V-MUNG Compiling routine: V-ODYSSEUS Compiling routine: V-OIL Compiling routine: V-OPEN Compiling routine: V-OVERBOARD Compiling routine: V-PICK Compiling routine: V-PLAY Compiling routine: V-PLUG Compiling routine: V-POUR-ON Compiling routine: V-PRAY Compiling routine: V-PUMP Compiling routine: V-PUSH Compiling routine: V-PUSH-TO Compiling routine: PRE-PUT Compiling routine: V-PUT Compiling routine: V-PUT-BEHIND Compiling routine: V-PUT-ON Compiling routine: V-PUT-UNDER Compiling routine: V-RAISE Compiling routine: V-RAPE Compiling routine: PRE-READ Compiling routine: V-READ Compiling routine: V-READ-PAGE Compiling routine: V-REPENT Compiling routine: V-REPLY Compiling routine: V-RING Compiling routine: V-RUB Compiling routine: V-SAY Compiling routine: V-SEARCH Compiling routine: V-SEND Compiling routine: PRE-SGIVE Compiling routine: V-SGIVE Compiling routine: V-SHAKE Compiling routine: SHAKE-LOOP Compiling routine: V-SKIP Compiling routine: V-SMELL Compiling routine: V-SPIN Compiling routine: V-SPRAY Compiling routine: V-SQUEEZE Compiling routine: V-SSPRAY Compiling routine: V-STAB Compiling routine: V-STAND Compiling routine: V-STAY Compiling routine: V-STRIKE Compiling routine: V-SWIM Compiling routine: V-SWING Compiling routine: PRE-TAKE Compiling routine: V-TAKE Compiling routine: V-TELL Compiling routine: V-THROUGH Compiling routine: V-THROW Compiling routine: V-THROW-OFF Compiling routine: V-TIE Compiling routine: V-TIE-UP Compiling routine: V-TREASURE Compiling routine: PRE-TURN Compiling routine: V-TURN Compiling routine: V-UNLOCK Compiling routine: V-UNTIE Compiling routine: V-WAIT Compiling routine: V-WALK Compiling routine: V-WALK-AROUND Compiling routine: V-WALK-TO Compiling routine: V-WAVE Compiling routine: V-WEAR Compiling routine: V-WIN Compiling routine: V-WIND Compiling routine: V-WISH Compiling routine: V-YELL Compiling routine: V-ZORK Compiling routine: V-FIRST-LOOK Compiling routine: DESCRIBE-ROOM Compiling routine: DESCRIBE-OBJECTS Compiling routine: DESCRIBE-OBJECT Compiling routine: PRINT-CONTENTS Compiling routine: PRINT-CONT Compiling routine: FIRSTER Compiling routine: SEE-INSIDE? Compiling routine: SCORE-UPD Compiling routine: SCORE-OBJ Compiling routine: YES? Compiling routine: ITAKE Compiling routine: IDROP Compiling routine: CCOUNT Compiling routine: WEIGHT Compiling routine: HACK-HACK Compiling routine: NO-GO-TELL Compiling routine: GOTO Compiling routine: LKP Compiling routine: DO-WALK Compiling routine: GLOBAL-IN? Compiling routine: FIND-IN Compiling routine: HELD? Compiling routine: OTHER-SIDE Compiling routine: MUNG-ROOM Compiling routine: THIS-IS-IT Input file: SS:2ACTIONS.ZIL.107 Compiling routine: SWORD-FCN Compiling routine: I-SWORD Compiling routine: INFESTED? Compiling routine: CAROUSEL-ROOM-FCN Compiling routine: VIOLIN-FCN Compiling routine: OPEN-CLOSE Compiling routine: BALLOON-FCN Compiling routine: I-BALLOON Compiling routine: BALLOON-BURN Compiling routine: PUT-BALLOON Compiling routine: RISE-AND-SHINE Compiling routine: DECLINE-AND-FALL Compiling routine: BCONTENTS Compiling routine: WIRE-FCN Compiling routine: I-BURNUP Compiling routine: SAFE-ROOM-FCN Compiling routine: SAFE-FCN Compiling routine: BRICK-FCN Compiling routine: FUSE-FCN Compiling routine: I-FUSE Compiling routine: I-SAFE Compiling routine: I-LEDGE Compiling routine: LEDGE-FCN Compiling routine: I-GNOME Compiling routine: GNOME-FCN Compiling routine: I-NERVOUS Compiling routine: PURPLE-BOOK-FCN Compiling routine: RANDOM-BOOK Compiling routine: HEAD-FCN Compiling routine: CRYPT-ANTEROOM-FCN Compiling routine: CRYPT-ROOM-FCN Compiling routine: DIM-DOOR-APPEARS Compiling routine: CRYPT-OBJECT Compiling routine: CRYPT-DOOR-FCN Compiling routine: TOMB-PSEUDO Compiling routine: DIM-DOOR-FCN Compiling routine: REPELLENT-FCN Compiling routine: I-SPRAY Compiling routine: ZORK3-FCN Compiling routine: I-BUCKET Compiling routine: WATER-FCN Compiling routine: PUDDLE Compiling routine: BUCKET-FCN Compiling routine: PASS-THE-BUCKET Compiling routine: POSTS-ROOM-FCN Compiling routine: EATME-FCN Compiling routine: CAKE-CRUMBLE Compiling routine: CAKE-FCN Compiling routine: CANDY-FCN Compiling routine: TOP-ETCHINGS-F Compiling routine: BOTTOM-ETCHINGS-F Compiling routine: CUBE-F Compiling routine: FIXED-FONT-ON Compiling routine: FIXED-FONT-OFF Compiling routine: POOL-FCN Compiling routine: FLASK-FCN Compiling routine: PLEAK Compiling routine: ICEBOOM Compiling routine: MAGNET-ROOM-FCN Compiling routine: MAGNET-ROOM-EXIT Compiling routine: BUTTONS Compiling routine: SPHERE-FCN Compiling routine: I-SPHERE Compiling routine: IN-CAGE-FCN Compiling routine: ROBOT-FCN Compiling routine: BILLS-OBJECT Compiling routine: BKLEAVEE Compiling routine: BKLEAVEW Compiling routine: DEPOSITORY-FCN Compiling routine: TELLER-ROOM Compiling routine: SCOL-OBJECT Compiling routine: GET-WALL Compiling routine: SCOLWALL Compiling routine: SCOL-GO Compiling routine: SCOL-OBJ Compiling routine: SCOL-THROUGH Compiling routine: I-CURTAIN Compiling routine: I-ZGNOME Compiling routine: BOX-F Compiling routine: ZGNOME-FCN Compiling routine: I-ZGNOME-OUT Compiling routine: BOMB? Compiling routine: GO&LOOK Compiling routine: TINY-ROOM-FCN Compiling routine: DREARY-ROOM-FCN Compiling routine: PCHECK Compiling routine: P-DOOR Compiling routine: PLID Compiling routine: PKH Compiling routine: PKH-FCN Compiling routine: PLID-FCN Compiling routine: ROOM? Compiling routine: PALANTIR Compiling routine: DEAD-PALANTIR Compiling routine: GLOBAL-PALANTIRS Compiling routine: PALANTIR-LOOK Compiling routine: PWINDOW-FCN Compiling routine: PDOOR-FCN Compiling routine: PKEY-FCN Compiling routine: PLACE-MAT-FCN Compiling routine: WISH-FCN Compiling routine: WELL-FCN Compiling routine: MATCH-FCN Compiling routine: I-MATCH Compiling routine: LANTERN Compiling routine: I-LANTERN Compiling routine: LIGHT-INT Compiling routine: RIDDLE-ROOM-FCN Compiling routine: RIDDLE-DOOR-FCN Compiling routine: RIDDLE-PSEUDO Compiling routine: MAGIC-ACTOR Compiling routine: RANDOM-WALK Compiling routine: FORCE-FIGHT Compiling routine: DWINDOW-DESC Compiling routine: DWINDOW-FCN Compiling routine: DIAMOND-MOTION Compiling routine: DIAMOND-LOSS Compiling routine: CERBERUS-FCN Compiling routine: COLLAR-FCN Compiling routine: GLACIER-FCN Compiling routine: GLACIER-ROOM-FCN Compiling routine: DRAGON-FCN Compiling routine: HELLO? Compiling routine: FIND-TARGET Compiling routine: I-DRAGON Compiling routine: DRAGON-LEAVES Compiling routine: I-GARDEN Compiling routine: GARDEN-ROOM-FCN Compiling routine: GLOBAL-UNICORN-FCN Compiling routine: UNICORN-FCN Compiling routine: GAZEBO-FCN Compiling routine: CHEST-FCN Compiling routine: PRINCESS-FCN Compiling routine: I-PRINCESS Compiling routine: I-UNICORN Compiling routine: MENHIR-ROOM-FCN Compiling routine: DESCRIBE-MENHIR Compiling routine: MENHIR-FCN Compiling routine: DOOR-KEEPER-FCN Compiling routine: WIZ-DOOR-FCN Compiling routine: GUARDIAN-ROOM-FCN Compiling routine: WORKSHOP-FCN Compiling routine: ARCANA-PSEUDO Compiling routine: TROPHY-PSEUDO Compiling routine: STAND-FCN Compiling routine: IN-AQUARIUM-FCN Compiling routine: AQUARIUM-FCN Compiling routine: SERPENT-FCN Compiling routine: DEAD-SERPENT-FCN Compiling routine: GENIE-FCN Compiling routine: GENIE-LEAVES Compiling routine: CASE-WORTH Compiling routine: PENTAGRAM-FCN Compiling routine: WIZARD-FCN ** Note: Atomic argument to routine assumed constant - MAGIC-ACTOR Compiling routine: I-WIZARD ** Note: Atomic argument to routine assumed constant - MAGIC-ACTOR Compiling routine: ROB Compiling routine: RIPOFF Compiling routine: WIZARD-CASE-FCN Compiling routine: WAND-FCN Compiling routine: I-WAND Compiling routine: WIZARD-QUARTERS-FCN Compiling routine: BRIDGE-FCN Compiling routine: STREAM-FCN Compiling routine: CHASM-FCN Compiling routine: TUNNEL-OBJECT Compiling routine: STALA-PSEUDO Compiling routine: MOSS-FCN Compiling routine: ROSE-BUSH-FCN Compiling routine: I-SPELL Compiling routine: V-DIAGNOSE Compiling routine: V-SCORE Compiling routine: JIGS-UP Compiling routine: RANDOMIZE-OBJECTS Compiling routine: KILL-INTERRUPTS Compiling routine: FIND-WEAPON Compiling routine: BUCKET-CONT ** Warning: Undefined Routine: T Warnings: 1 ** Note: OBJECT has no properties: GLOBAL-OBJECTS Vocabulary: 689 Prepositions: 18 IN TO WITH ON UNDER DOWN UP BEHIND AROUND FOR AT OFF ACROSS OVER AWAY FROM OUT Objects: 251 PTABLE AQUARIUM PSEUDO-OBJECT DRAGON-ROOM LETTER-OPENER COIN CRYPT-DOOR ROBOT-LABEL TELLER-EAST DIAMOND-4 MANGLED-CAGE STAIRWAY-TOP GNOME RIDDLE-ROOM IN-AQUARIUM WARNING-LABEL GAZEBO GARDEN-NORTH AQUARIUM-ROOM WHITE-BOOK DEEP-FORD ZORK3 GENIE DEAD-PALANTIR-3 DEAD-PALANTIR-2 DIAMOND-7 BRICK DEAD-PALANTIR-1 SWORD GLOBAL-WIZARD-CASE TUNNEL BANK-BROCHURE STAND-2 TOPIARY-ROOM MOSS DWINDOW SALTY-WATER REPELLENT FUSE STREAM-PATH SWWL DEAD-PALANTIR-4 PENTAGRAM GLOBAL-CERBERUS ROOM-8 COBWEBBY-CORRIDOR FOOTPAD VIEWING-WEST ARCANA DIAMOND-6 DRAGON-LAIR DEPOSITORY SSWL PURPLE-BOOK STAND-4 INTNUM POSTS CRYPT-ANTEROOM NOT-HERE-OBJECT DRAGON TOP-ETCHINGS TEA-ROOM GROUND GLOBAL-PALANTIR MAGNET-ROOM WATER DIAMOND-1 LAVA-TUBE GREAT-CAVERN SAFE-ROOM NEWSPAPER STAIRS BILLS GAZEBO-TABLE VAIR-4 VOLCANO-BOTTOM DEGREE GRUE PWINDOW COOL-ROOM LEDGE-TUNNEL BRAIDED-WIRE BALLOON NARROW-TUNNEL BROKEN-LAMP GLOBAL-MENHIR WEST-WALL LUNGS SLOT CERBERUS-ROOM GLACIER-ROOM CUBE MENHIR-ROOM DARK-TUNNEL FORMAL-GARDEN EAST-WALL ALICE-TABLE GLOBAL-UNICORN BLESSINGS TELLER-WEST DIM-DOOR PRINCESS LAMP NORTH-WALL RED-ICING CROWN SEWL CAROUSEL-ROOM LEDGE-2 DIAMOND-3 FRESCO-ROOM VIOLIN WISH BALLOON-LABEL PDOOR LIBRARY COMPASS PEARL GNOME-OF-ZURICH SAFE CANDY KEYHOLE-1 WIZARD-CASE KENNEL GOLD-KEY RECEPTACLE CRYPT-ROOM RAVINE-LEDGE SAILOR POSTS-ROOM DIAMOND-2 HEDGES WELL-BOTTOM HEADS VOLCANO-VIEW CRYPT DEPOSIT-BOX ZORKMID VAIR-2 LID-1 ICE ROSE LID-2 KEYHOLE-2 TEAPOT IN-CAGE CHASM STREAM BLUE-ICING VIEWING-EAST EXPLOSION PLACE-MAT STAND-3 ROBOT RUBY WANDS DIAMOND-9 WORKBENCH-ROOM CLOTH-BAG BANK-ENTRANCE PENTAGRAM-ROOM SOUTH-WALL STAND-1 HOOK-1 MACHINE-ROOM VAIR-3 TROPHY-BOTTLES MENHIR EAT-ME-CAKE POOL-ROOM CHEST STONE-BRIDGE DOOR-KEEPER STAMP PCRACK WORKBENCH DIAMOND-8 BRIDGE RIBBON COLLAR PATHOBJ GLOBAL-PRINCESS WIZARDS-QUARTERS BAT BROKEN-CASE IT HOOK-2 SMALL-ROOM TROPHY-ROOM GLOBAL-OBJECTS BLUE-BOOK DEAD-BALLOON DREARY-ROOM CERBERUS DEAD-DRAGON PORTRAIT CARD CAGE-ROOM SHALLOW-FORD BUCKET INSIDE-BARROW SNWL OFFICE ROSE-BUSH LEAK TINY-ROOM WIZARDS-WORKSHOP LOCAL-GLOBALS WIZ-DOOR FLASK GREEN-BOOK ADVENTURER POOL PEARL-ROOM ROOMS PALANTIR-4 ORANGE-ICING VAIR-1 PALANTIR-2 SERPENT PALANTIR-3 MARBLE-HALL PALANTIR-1 GUARDIAN-ROOM SQUARE-BUTTON UNICORN ME WAND MATCH IRON-BOX FOOT-BRIDGE CURTAIN DIAMOND-5 WIZARD DEAD-SERPENT GAZEBO-ROOM LAVA-ROOM KEY LEDGE-1 HANDS CAGE TROPHY-SWORD BOTTOM-ETCHINGS WELL-TOP RIDDLE-DOOR WELL GLOBAL-WATER TRIANGULAR-BUTTON STATUETTE VAULT ROUND-BUTTON Properties: 30 P?NW P?SW P?SE P?NE P?SOUTH P?EAST P?NORTH P?ADVFCN P?CONTFCN P?VTYPE P?DESCFCN P?TEXT P?VALUE P?CAPACITY P?FDESC P?PSEUDO P?GLOBAL P?LDESC P?SIZE P?ACTION P?ADJECTIVE P?SYNONYM P?CROSS P?LAND P?OUT P?IN P?DOWN P?UP P?WEST Globals: 161 MATCH-COUNT LAMP-TABLE DIAMOND-SOLVE DIAMOND-COUNT DIAMOND-MOVES DIAMOND-BASE DWDESCS BASES DIAMOND-ROOMS DIDIRS CERBERUS-LEASHED ICE-MELTED DRAGON-ANGER DRAGON-ATTACKS OLD-HERE TOPIARY-MOVED TOPIARY-NEAR UNICORN-MSGS UNICORN-FRIGHTENED PRINCESS-AWAKE PRCOUNT PRFOLLOW PRDIRS MENHIR-POSITION GUARDIAN-FED WIZ-DOOR-FLAG GENIE-READY? GENIE-HOARD GENIE-THANKS SPELL? SPELL-NAMES SPELL-HINTS SPELL-STOPS SPELL-HANDLED? WAND-ON SPELL-USED SPELL-VICTIM WAND-ON-LOC WIZQLAST WIZQDESCS FANTASIES SECRET-DOOR CRYPT-LIT? P-NCN P-NOT-HERE HELLOS P-OVTBL P-VTBL P-OTBL P-BUTS P-PRSI P-PRSO P-MERGE P-OCLAUSE JUMPLOSS RESERVE-LEXV INDENTS WHEEEEE P-CCTBL EIGHT-DIRECTIONS DUMMY YUKS SWIMYUKS HO-HUM BALLOON-UPS BALLOON-FLOATS BALLOON-DOWNS OTHER-PROPERTIES FATAL-VAPORS C-TABLE P-LEXV AGAIN-LEXV P-INBUF OOPS-INBUF OOPS-TABLE P-ITBL COMPASS-KLUDGE RESERVE-PTR PRSI CAROUSEL-ZOOM-FLAG BLOC P-IT-OBJECT HS CAGE-SOLVE-FLAG AGAIN-DIR P-ADJN WINNER BLAB-FLAG P-OFLAG P-NUMBER FUMBLE-PROB BINF-FLAG GNOME-FLAG DIM-DOOR-FLAG P-GETFLAGS LOAD-MAX P-TABLE QUOTE-FLAG WON-FLAG P-WON DEATHS SPRAY-USED? DEAD P-ONEOBJ P-AND PRSA P-AADJ P-XADJ P-SYNTAX C-DEMONS P-GWIMBIT P-MERGED GNOME-DOOR-FLAG BUCKET-TOP-FLAG PRSO SPRAYED? LOAD-ALLOWED C-INTS P-LEN P-ADJ P-ACT P-XADJN LIT BTIE-FLAG MUNGED-ROOM DESC-OBJECT FUMBLE-NUMBER P-DIRECTION P-CONT PLAYER P-ANAM P-WALK-DIR SWORD-GLOW P-XNAM LUCKY ALWAYS-LIT P-NAM P-MULT CLOCK-WAIT BASE-SCORE P-ADVERB P-MATCHLEN P-SLOCBITS P-ACLAUSE P-DIR EVAPORATED VERBOSE CAROUSEL-FLIP-FLAG SAFE-FLAG SUPER-BRIEF P-END-ON-PREP BANK-SOLVE-FLAG SCOL-ROOMS SCOL-WALLS SCOL-ROOM SCOL-ACTIVE ZGNOME-FLAG MUD-FLAG MATOBJ PUNLOCK-FLAG PLOOK-FLAG