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2014-07-28 09:23:41 +03:00
class InstallCore
const COOKIE_NAME = 'install_data';
static public $aGroups = array();
static public $aGroupsParams = array();
static public $oLayout = null;
static public $aLangMsg = array();
static public $aStoredData = array();
public function __construct($aGroups)
if (!$aGroups) {
throw new Exception('Empty groups');
self::$oLayout = new InstallTemplate('layout.tpl.php');
protected function defineGroups($aGroups)
$aGroupsResult = array();
$aParamsResult = array();
foreach ($aGroups as $sGroup => $aSteps) {
foreach ($aSteps as $sStep => $aParams) {
if (is_int($sStep)) {
$sStep = $aParams;
$aParams = array();
$aParamsResult[$sGroup][$sStep] = $aParams;
$aGroupsResult[$sGroup][] = $sStep;
self::$aGroups = $aGroupsResult;
self::$aGroupsParams = $aParamsResult;
* Запускает процесс инсталляции
public function run()
if (self::getRequest('reset')) {
self::$aStoredData = array();
* Получаем текущую группу
$sGroup = self::getRequestStr('group');
if ($sGroup) {
return $this->runGroup($sGroup);
* Если группа не определена и она только одна - запускаем
if (!$sGroup and count(self::$aGroups) == 1) {
$aGroupNames = array_keys(self::$aGroups);
return $this->runGroup(array_shift($aGroupNames));
* Показываем страницу выбора группы
self::render('index.tpl.php', array('groups' => array_keys(self::$aGroups)));
public function runGroup($sGroup)
if (!isset(self::$aGroups[$sGroup])) {
return self::renderError('Not found group');
$aGroup = self::$aGroups[$sGroup];
* Определяем текущий шаг
* Смотрим его в куках, если там нет, то используем первый
* Шаг сквозной для всех групп, поэтому при установке у одной группы - у других он сбрасывается на первый
$sCurrentStep = self::getStoredData('step');
if (!$sCurrentStep or !in_array($sCurrentStep, $aGroup)) {
if (!$sFirst = array_shift($aGroup)) {
return self::renderError('Not found steps');
$sCurrentStep = $sFirst;
$sNextStep = self::getNextStep($sGroup, $sCurrentStep);
$sPrevousStep = self::getPreviousStep($sGroup, $sCurrentStep);
if (!$sPrevousStep) {
if (!$sNextStep) {
if (isset($_POST['action_previous'])) {
if ($sPrevousStep) {
InstallCore::setStoredData('step', $sPrevousStep);
} elseif (count(self::$aGroups) > 1) {
* Перенаправлям на страницу выбора группы
return $this->runStep($sCurrentStep, $sGroup);
public function runStep($sStep, $sGroup)
$sClass = 'InstallStep' . ucfirst($sStep);
if (!class_exists($sClass)) {
return self::renderError('Not found step ' . $sStep);
$aParams = isset(self::$aGroupsParams[$sGroup][$sStep]) ? self::$aGroupsParams[$sGroup][$sStep] : array();
$oStep = new $sClass($sGroup, $aParams);
if (isset($_POST['action_next'])) {
* Сначала обрабатываем шаг
protected function loadLang()
$sLang = 'ru';
if (file_exists($sFilePath)) {
self::$aLangMsg = require($sFilePath);
protected function loadStoredData()
$aData = isset($_COOKIE[self::COOKIE_NAME]) ? $_COOKIE[self::COOKIE_NAME] : '';
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
self::$aStoredData = $aData ? @unserialize($aData) : array();
static public function saveStoredData()
$sData = serialize(self::$aStoredData);
setcookie(self::COOKIE_NAME, $sData, time() + 60 * 60 * 24);
static public function getStoredData($sName, $mDefault = null)
return isset(self::$aStoredData[$sName]) ? self::$aStoredData[$sName] : $mDefault;
static public function setStoredData($sName, $mValue)
self::$aStoredData[$sName] = $mValue;
static public function getDataFilePath($sFile)
return dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'data' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sFile;
static public function renderError($sMsg, $sTitle = null)
self::render('error.tpl.php', array('msg' => $sMsg, 'title' => $sTitle));
static public function render($sTemplate, $aVars = array())
if (is_object($sTemplate)) {
$oTemplate = $sTemplate;
} else {
$oTemplate = new InstallTemplate($sTemplate, $aVars);
$sContent = $oTemplate->render();
self::$oLayout->assign('content', $sContent);
static public function assign($mName, $mValue = null)
self::$oLayout->assign($mName, $mValue);
static public function getRequest($sName, $mDefault = null)
$sName = str_replace('.', '_', $sName);
return isset($_REQUEST[$sName]) ? $_REQUEST[$sName] : $mDefault;
static public function getRequestStr($sName, $mDefault = null)
$sVal = self::getRequest($sName, $mDefault);
return is_scalar($sVal) ? (string)$sVal : '';
static public function getLang($sName)
if (strpos($sName, '.')) {
$sLang = self::$aLangMsg;
$aKeys = explode('.', $sName);
foreach ($aKeys as $k) {
if (isset($sLang[$k])) {
$sLang = $sLang[$k];
} else {
return $sName;
} else {
if (isset(self::$aLangMsg[$sName])) {
$sLang = self::$aLangMsg[$sName];
} else {
return $sName;
return $sLang;
static public function getNextStep($sGroup, $sStep = null)
$aGroups = self::$aGroups;
if (isset($aGroups[$sGroup])) {
if (is_null($sStep)) {
return array_shift($aGroups[$sGroup]);
} else {
if (false !== ($iPos = array_search($sStep, $aGroups[$sGroup]))) {
$aNext = array_slice($aGroups[$sGroup], $iPos + 1, 1);
$sNext = current($aNext);
return $sNext !== false ? $sNext : null;
} else {
return null;
static public function getPreviousStep($sGroup, $sStep = null)
$aGroups = self::$aGroups;
if (isset($aGroups[$sGroup])) {
if (is_null($sStep)) {
return array_shift($aGroups[$sGroup]);
} else {
if ($iPos = array_search($sStep, $aGroups[$sGroup])) {
$aPrev = array_slice($aGroups[$sGroup], $iPos - 1, 1);
$sPrev = current($aPrev);
return $sPrev !== false ? $sPrev : null;
} else {
return null;
static public function location($sGroup = '')
header('Location: ./' . ($sGroup ? '?group=' . $sGroup : ''));
static public function setInstallResetHide($bHide = true)
self::$oLayout->assign('install_reset_hide', $bHide);
static public function setNextStepHide($bHide = true)
self::$oLayout->assign('next_step_hide', $bHide);
static public function setNextStepDisable($bDisable = true)
self::$oLayout->assign('next_step_disable', $bDisable);
static public function setPreviousStepHide($bHide = true)
self::$oLayout->assign('previous_step_hide', $bHide);
static public function setPreviousStepDisable($bDisable = true)
self::$oLayout->assign('previous_step_disable', $bDisable);
protected function stripslashes(&$data)
if (is_array($data)) {
foreach ($data as $sKey => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
} else {
$data[$sKey] = stripslashes($value);
} else {
$data = stripslashes($data);
* Выполняет транслитерацию текста
* @param $sText
* @param bool $bLower
* @return mixed|string
static public function transliteration($sText, $bLower = true)
$aConverter = array(
'а' => 'a',
'б' => 'b',
'в' => 'v',
'г' => 'g',
'д' => 'd',
'е' => 'e',
'ё' => 'e',
'ж' => 'zh',
'з' => 'z',
'и' => 'i',
'й' => 'y',
'к' => 'k',
'л' => 'l',
'м' => 'm',
'н' => 'n',
'о' => 'o',
'п' => 'p',
'р' => 'r',
'с' => 's',
'т' => 't',
'у' => 'u',
'ф' => 'f',
'х' => 'h',
'ц' => 'c',
'ч' => 'ch',
'ш' => 'sh',
'щ' => 'sch',
'ь' => "'",
'ы' => 'y',
'ъ' => "'",
'э' => 'e',
'ю' => 'yu',
'я' => 'ya',
'А' => 'A',
'Б' => 'B',
'В' => 'V',
'Г' => 'G',
'Д' => 'D',
'Е' => 'E',
'Ё' => 'E',
'Ж' => 'Zh',
'З' => 'Z',
'И' => 'I',
'Й' => 'Y',
'К' => 'K',
'Л' => 'L',
'М' => 'M',
'Н' => 'N',
'О' => 'O',
'П' => 'P',
'Р' => 'R',
'С' => 'S',
'Т' => 'T',
'У' => 'U',
'Ф' => 'F',
'Х' => 'H',
'Ц' => 'C',
'Ч' => 'Ch',
'Ш' => 'Sh',
'Щ' => 'Sch',
'Ь' => "'",
'Ы' => 'Y',
'Ъ' => "'",
'Э' => 'E',
'Ю' => 'Yu',
'Я' => 'Ya',
" " => "-",
"." => "",
"/" => "-",
"_" => "-",
'і' => 'i',
'І' => 'I',
'ї' => 'i',
'Ї' => 'I',
'є' => 'e',
'Є' => 'E',
'ґ' => 'g',
'Ґ' => 'G',
'«' => '',
'»' => '',
$sRes = strtr($sText, $aConverter);
if ($sResIconv = @iconv("UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1//IGNORE//TRANSLIT", $sRes)) {
$sRes = $sResIconv;
$sRes = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\-]/', '', $sRes);
$sRes = preg_replace('/\-{2,}/', '-', $sRes);
if ($bLower) {
$sRes = strtolower($sRes);
return $sRes;
2014-07-28 09:23:41 +03:00