* */ /** * Объект маппера для работы с БД * * @package application.modules.topic * @since 1.0 */ class ModuleTopic_MapperTopic extends Mapper { /** * Добавляет топик * * @param ModuleTopic_EntityTopic $oTopic Объект топика * @return int|bool */ public function AddTopic(ModuleTopic_EntityTopic $oTopic) { $sql = "INSERT INTO " . Config::Get('db.table.topic') . " (blog_id, blog_id2, blog_id3, blog_id4, blog_id5, user_id, topic_type, topic_title, topic_slug, topic_tags, topic_date_add, topic_date_publish, topic_user_ip, topic_publish, topic_publish_draft, topic_publish_index, topic_skip_index, topic_cut_text, topic_forbid_comment, topic_text_hash ) VALUES(?d, ?d, ?d, ?d, ?d, ?d, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?d, ?d, ?d, ?d, ?, ?, ?) "; if ($iId = $this->oDb->query($sql, $oTopic->getBlogId(), $oTopic->getBlogId2(), $oTopic->getBlogId3(), $oTopic->getBlogId4(), $oTopic->getBlogId5(), $oTopic->getUserId(), $oTopic->getType(), $oTopic->getTitle(), $oTopic->getSlug(), $oTopic->getTags(), $oTopic->getDateAdd(), $oTopic->getDatePublish(), $oTopic->getUserIp(), $oTopic->getPublish(), $oTopic->getPublishDraft(), $oTopic->getPublishIndex(), $oTopic->getSkipIndex(), $oTopic->getCutText(), $oTopic->getForbidComment(), $oTopic->getTextHash()) ) { $oTopic->setId($iId); $this->AddTopicContent($oTopic); return $iId; } return false; } /** * Добавляет контент топика * * @param ModuleTopic_EntityTopic $oTopic Объект топика * @return int|bool */ public function AddTopicContent(ModuleTopic_EntityTopic $oTopic) { $sql = "INSERT INTO " . Config::Get('db.table.topic_content') . " (topic_id, topic_text, topic_text_short, topic_text_source, topic_extra ) VALUES(?d, ?, ?, ?, ? ) "; if ($iId = $this->oDb->query($sql, $oTopic->getId(), $oTopic->getText(), $oTopic->getTextShort(), $oTopic->getTextSource(), $oTopic->getExtra()) ) { return $iId; } return false; } /** * Добавление тега к топику * * @param ModuleTopic_EntityTopicTag $oTopicTag Объект тега топика * @return int */ public function AddTopicTag(ModuleTopic_EntityTopicTag $oTopicTag) { $sql = "INSERT INTO " . Config::Get('db.table.topic_tag') . " (topic_id, user_id, blog_id, topic_tag_text ) VALUES(?d, ?d, ?d, ?) "; if ($iId = $this->oDb->query($sql, $oTopicTag->getTopicId(), $oTopicTag->getUserId(), $oTopicTag->getBlogId(), $oTopicTag->getText()) ) { return $iId; } return false; } /** * Удаление контента топика по его номеру * * @param int $iTopicId ID топика * @return bool */ public function DeleteTopicContentByTopicId($iTopicId) { $sql = "DELETE FROM " . Config::Get('db.table.topic_content') . " WHERE topic_id = ?d "; $res = $this->oDb->query($sql, $iTopicId); return $this->IsSuccessful($res); } /** * Удаляет теги у топика * * @param int $sTopicId ID топика * @return bool */ public function DeleteTopicTagsByTopicId($sTopicId) { $sql = "DELETE FROM " . Config::Get('db.table.topic_tag') . " WHERE topic_id = ?d "; $res = $this->oDb->query($sql, $sTopicId); return $this->IsSuccessful($res); } /** * Удаляет топик. * Если тип таблиц в БД InnoDB, то удалятся всё связи по топику(комменты,голосования,избранное) * * @param int $sTopicId Объект топика или ID * @return bool */ public function DeleteTopic($sTopicId) { $sql = "DELETE FROM " . Config::Get('db.table.topic') . " WHERE topic_id = ?d "; $res = $this->oDb->query($sql, $sTopicId); return $this->IsSuccessful($res); } /** * Получает топик по уникальному хешу(текст топика) * * @param int $sUserId * @param string $sHash * @return int|null */ public function GetTopicUnique($sUserId, $sHash) { $sql = "SELECT topic_id FROM " . Config::Get('db.table.topic') . " WHERE topic_text_hash =? AND user_id = ?d LIMIT 0,1 "; if ($aRow = $this->oDb->selectRow($sql, $sHash, $sUserId)) { return $aRow['topic_id']; } return null; } /** * Получить список топиков по списку айдишников * * @param array $aArrayId Список ID топиков * @return array */ public function GetTopicsByArrayId($aArrayId) { if (!is_array($aArrayId) or count($aArrayId) == 0) { return array(); } $sql = "SELECT t.*, tc.* FROM " . Config::Get('db.table.topic') . " as t JOIN " . Config::Get('db.table.topic_content') . " AS tc ON t.topic_id=tc.topic_id WHERE t.topic_id IN(?a) ORDER BY FIELD(t.topic_id,?a) "; $aTopics = array(); if ($aRows = $this->oDb->select($sql, $aArrayId, $aArrayId)) { foreach ($aRows as $aTopic) { $aTopics[] = Engine::GetEntity('Topic', $aTopic); } } return $aTopics; } /** * Список топиков по фильтру * * @param array $aFilter Фильтр * @param int $iCount Возвращает общее число элементов * @param int $iCurrPage Номер страницы * @param int $iPerPage Количество элементов на страницу * @return array */ public function GetTopics($aFilter, &$iCount, $iCurrPage, $iPerPage) { $sWhere = $this->buildFilter($aFilter); if (!isset($aFilter['order'])) { $aFilter['order'] = 't.topic_date_publish desc'; } if (!is_array($aFilter['order'])) { $aFilter['order'] = array($aFilter['order']); } $sql = "SELECT t.topic_id FROM " . Config::Get('db.table.topic') . " as t, " . Config::Get('db.table.blog') . " as b WHERE 1=1 " . $sWhere . " AND t.blog_id=b.blog_id ORDER BY " . implode(', ', $aFilter['order']) . " LIMIT ?d, ?d"; $aTopics = array(); if ($aRows = $this->oDb->selectPage($iCount, $sql, ($iCurrPage - 1) * $iPerPage, $iPerPage)) { foreach ($aRows as $aTopic) { $aTopics[] = $aTopic['topic_id']; } } return $aTopics; } /** * Количество топиков по фильтру * * @param array $aFilter Фильтр * @return int */ public function GetCountTopics($aFilter) { $sWhere = $this->buildFilter($aFilter); $sql = "SELECT count(t.topic_id) as count FROM " . Config::Get('db.table.topic') . " as t, " . Config::Get('db.table.blog') . " as b WHERE 1=1 " . $sWhere . " AND t.blog_id=b.blog_id;"; if ($aRow = $this->oDb->selectRow($sql)) { return $aRow['count']; } return false; } /** * Возвращает все топики по фильтру * * @param array $aFilter Фильтр * @return array */ public function GetAllTopics($aFilter) { $sWhere = $this->buildFilter($aFilter); if (!isset($aFilter['order'])) { $aFilter['order'] = 't.topic_id desc'; } if (!is_array($aFilter['order'])) { $aFilter['order'] = array($aFilter['order']); } $sql = "SELECT t.topic_id FROM " . Config::Get('db.table.topic') . " as t, " . Config::Get('db.table.blog') . " as b WHERE 1=1 " . $sWhere . " AND t.blog_id=b.blog_id ORDER by " . implode(', ', $aFilter['order']) . " "; $aTopics = array(); if ($aRows = $this->oDb->select($sql)) { foreach ($aRows as $aTopic) { $aTopics[] = $aTopic['topic_id']; } } return $aTopics; } /** * Получает список топиков по тегу * * @param string $sTag Тег * @param array $aExcludeBlog Список ID блогов для исключения * @param int $iCount Возвращает общее количество элементов * @param int $iCurrPage Номер страницы * @param int $iPerPage Количество элементов на страницу * @return array */ public function GetTopicsByTag($sTag, $aExcludeBlog, &$iCount, $iCurrPage, $iPerPage) { $sql = " SELECT topic_id FROM " . Config::Get('db.table.topic_tag') . " WHERE topic_tag_text = ? { AND blog_id NOT IN (?a) } ORDER BY topic_id DESC LIMIT ?d, ?d "; $aTopics = array(); if ($aRows = $this->oDb->selectPage( $iCount, $sql, $sTag, (is_array($aExcludeBlog) && count($aExcludeBlog)) ? $aExcludeBlog : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, ($iCurrPage - 1) * $iPerPage, $iPerPage ) ) { foreach ($aRows as $aTopic) { $aTopics[] = $aTopic['topic_id']; } } return $aTopics; } /** * Получает топики по рейтингу и дате * * @param string $sDate Дата * @param int $iLimit Количество * @param array $aExcludeBlog Список ID блогов для исключения * @return array */ public function GetTopicsRatingByDate($sDate, $iLimit, $aExcludeBlog = array()) { $sql = "SELECT t.topic_id FROM " . Config::Get('db.table.topic') . " as t WHERE t.topic_publish = 1 AND t.topic_date_publish >= ? AND t.topic_rating >= 0 { AND t.blog_id NOT IN(?a) } ORDER by t.topic_rating desc, t.topic_id desc LIMIT 0, ?d "; $aTopics = array(); if ($aRows = $this->oDb->select( $sql, $sDate, (is_array($aExcludeBlog) && count($aExcludeBlog)) ? $aExcludeBlog : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $iLimit ) ) { foreach ($aRows as $aTopic) { $aTopics[] = $aTopic['topic_id']; } } return $aTopics; } /** * Получает список тегов топиков * * @param int $iLimit Количество * @param array $aExcludeTopic Список ID топиков для исключения * @return array */ public function GetTopicTags($iLimit, $aExcludeTopic = array()) { $sql = "SELECT tt.topic_tag_text, count(tt.topic_tag_text) as count FROM " . Config::Get('db.table.topic_tag') . " as tt WHERE 1=1 {AND tt.topic_id NOT IN(?a) } GROUP BY tt.topic_tag_text ORDER BY count desc LIMIT 0, ?d "; $aReturn = array(); $aReturnSort = array(); if ($aRows = $this->oDb->select( $sql, (is_array($aExcludeTopic) && count($aExcludeTopic)) ? $aExcludeTopic : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $iLimit ) ) { foreach ($aRows as $aRow) { $aReturn[mb_strtolower($aRow['topic_tag_text'], 'UTF-8')] = $aRow; } ksort($aReturn); foreach ($aReturn as $aRow) { $aReturnSort[] = Engine::GetEntity('Topic_TopicTag', $aRow); } } return $aReturnSort; } /** * Получает список тегов из топиков открытых блогов (open,personal) * * @param int $iLimit Количество * @param int|null $iUserId ID пользователя, чью теги получаем * @return array */ public function GetOpenTopicTags($iLimit, $iUserId = null) { $sql = " SELECT tt.topic_tag_text, count(tt.topic_tag_text) as count FROM " . Config::Get('db.table.topic_tag') . " as tt, " . Config::Get('db.table.blog') . " as b WHERE 1 = 1 { AND tt.user_id = ?d } AND tt.blog_id = b.blog_id AND b.blog_type <> 'close' GROUP BY tt.topic_tag_text ORDER BY count desc LIMIT 0, ?d "; $aReturn = array(); $aReturnSort = array(); if ($aRows = $this->oDb->select($sql, is_null($iUserId) ? DBSIMPLE_SKIP : $iUserId, $iLimit)) { foreach ($aRows as $aRow) { $aReturn[mb_strtolower($aRow['topic_tag_text'], 'UTF-8')] = $aRow; } ksort($aReturn); foreach ($aReturn as $aRow) { $aReturnSort[] = Engine::GetEntity('Topic_TopicTag', $aRow); } } return $aReturnSort; } /** * Увеличивает у топика число комментов * * @param int $sTopicId ID топика * @return bool */ public function increaseTopicCountComment($sTopicId) { $sql = "UPDATE " . Config::Get('db.table.topic') . " SET topic_count_comment=topic_count_comment+1 WHERE topic_id = ? "; $res = $this->oDb->query($sql, $sTopicId); return $this->IsSuccessful($res); } /** * Обновляет топик * * @param ModuleTopic_EntityTopic $oTopic Объект топика * @return bool */ public function UpdateTopic(ModuleTopic_EntityTopic $oTopic) { $sql = "UPDATE " . Config::Get('db.table.topic') . " SET blog_id= ?d, blog_id2= ?d, blog_id3= ?d, blog_id4= ?d, blog_id5= ?d, topic_title= ?, topic_slug= ?, topic_tags= ?, topic_date_add = ?, topic_date_edit = ?, topic_date_edit_content = ?, topic_date_publish = ?, topic_user_ip= ?, topic_publish= ?d , topic_publish_draft= ?d , topic_publish_index= ?d, topic_skip_index= ?d, topic_rating= ?f, topic_count_vote= ?d, topic_count_vote_up= ?d, topic_count_vote_down= ?d, topic_count_vote_abstain= ?d, topic_count_read= ?d, topic_count_comment= ?d, topic_count_favourite= ?d, topic_cut_text = ? , topic_forbid_comment = ? , topic_text_hash = ? WHERE topic_id = ?d "; $res = $this->oDb->query($sql, $oTopic->getBlogId(), $oTopic->getBlogId2(), $oTopic->getBlogId3(), $oTopic->getBlogId4(), $oTopic->getBlogId5(), $oTopic->getTitle(), $oTopic->getSlug(), $oTopic->getTags(), $oTopic->getDateAdd(), $oTopic->getDateEdit(), $oTopic->getDateEditContent(), $oTopic->getDatePublish(), $oTopic->getUserIp(), $oTopic->getPublish(), $oTopic->getPublishDraft(), $oTopic->getPublishIndex(), $oTopic->getSkipIndex(), $oTopic->getRating(), $oTopic->getCountVote(), $oTopic->getCountVoteUp(), $oTopic->getCountVoteDown(), $oTopic->getCountVoteAbstain(), $oTopic->getCountRead(), $oTopic->getCountComment(), $oTopic->getCountFavourite(), $oTopic->getCutText(), $oTopic->getForbidComment(), $oTopic->getTextHash(), $oTopic->getId()); if ($res !== false and !is_null($res)) { $this->UpdateTopicContent($oTopic); return true; } return false; } /** * Обновляет контент топика * * @param ModuleTopic_EntityTopic $oTopic Объект топика * @return bool */ public function UpdateTopicContent(ModuleTopic_EntityTopic $oTopic) { $sql = "UPDATE " . Config::Get('db.table.topic_content') . " SET topic_text= ?, topic_text_short= ?, topic_text_source= ?, topic_extra= ? WHERE topic_id = ?d "; $res = $this->oDb->query($sql, $oTopic->getText(), $oTopic->getTextShort(), $oTopic->getTextSource(), $oTopic->getExtra(), $oTopic->getId()); return $this->IsSuccessful($res); } /** * Строит строку условий для SQL запроса топиков * * @param array $aFilter Фильтр * @return string */ protected function buildFilter($aFilter) { $sDateNow=date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $sWhere = ''; if (isset($aFilter['topic_date_more'])) { $sWhere .= " AND t.topic_date_publish > " . $this->oDb->escape($aFilter['topic_date_more']); } if (isset($aFilter['topic_slug'])) { $sWhere .= " AND t.topic_slug = " . $this->oDb->escape($aFilter['topic_slug']); } if (isset($aFilter['topic_publish'])) { $sWhere .= " AND t.topic_publish = " . (int)$aFilter['topic_publish'] . " AND t.topic_date_publish <= '{$sDateNow}' "; } if (isset($aFilter['topic_rating']) and is_array($aFilter['topic_rating'])) { $sPublishIndex = ''; if (isset($aFilter['topic_rating']['publish_index']) and $aFilter['topic_rating']['publish_index'] == 1) { $sPublishIndex = " or topic_publish_index = 1 ) and ( topic_skip_index = 0 and b.blog_skip_index = 0 "; } if ($aFilter['topic_rating']['type'] == 'top') { $sWhere .= " AND ( t.topic_rating >= " . (float)$aFilter['topic_rating']['value'] . " {$sPublishIndex} ) "; } else { $sWhere .= " AND ( t.topic_rating < " . (float)$aFilter['topic_rating']['value'] . " ) "; } } if (isset($aFilter['topic_new'])) { $sWhere .= " AND t.topic_date_publish >= '" . $aFilter['topic_new'] . "'"; } if (isset($aFilter['user_id'])) { $sWhere .= is_array($aFilter['user_id']) ? " AND t.user_id IN(" . implode(', ', $aFilter['user_id']) . ")" : " AND t.user_id = " . (int)$aFilter['user_id']; } if (isset($aFilter['blog_id'])) { if (!is_array($aFilter['blog_id'])) { $aFilter['blog_id'] = array($aFilter['blog_id']); } $sBlogList = join("','", $aFilter['blog_id']); $sWhere .= " AND ( t.blog_id IN ('{$sBlogList}') "; $sWhere .= " OR t.blog_id2 IN ('{$sBlogList}') "; $sWhere .= " OR t.blog_id3 IN ('{$sBlogList}') "; $sWhere .= " OR t.blog_id4 IN ('{$sBlogList}') "; $sWhere .= " OR t.blog_id5 IN ('{$sBlogList}') ) "; } if (isset($aFilter['blog_type']) and is_array($aFilter['blog_type'])) { $aBlogTypes = array(); foreach ($aFilter['blog_type'] as $sType => $aBlogId) { /** * Позиция вида 'type'=>array('id1', 'id2') */ if (!is_array($aBlogId) && is_string($sType)) { $aBlogId = array($aBlogId); } /** * Позиция вида 'type' */ if (is_string($aBlogId) && is_int($sType)) { $sType = $aBlogId; $aBlogId = array(); } $aBlogTypes[] = (count($aBlogId) == 0) ? "(b.blog_type='" . $sType . "')" : "(b.blog_type='" . $sType . "' AND t.blog_id IN ('" . join("','", $aBlogId) . "'))"; } $sWhere .= " AND (" . join(" OR ", (array)$aBlogTypes) . ")"; } if (isset($aFilter['topic_type'])) { if (!is_array($aFilter['topic_type'])) { $aFilter['topic_type'] = array($aFilter['topic_type']); } $sWhere .= " AND t.topic_type IN (" . join(",", array_map(array($this->oDb, 'escape'), $aFilter['topic_type'])) . ")"; } return $sWhere; } /** * Получает список тегов по первым буквам тега * * @param string $sTag Тэг * @param int $iLimit Количество * @return bool */ public function GetTopicTagsByLike($sTag, $iLimit) { $sTag = mb_strtolower($sTag, "UTF-8"); $sql = "SELECT topic_tag_text FROM " . Config::Get('db.table.topic_tag') . " WHERE topic_tag_text LIKE ? GROUP BY topic_tag_text LIMIT 0, ?d "; $aReturn = array(); if ($aRows = $this->oDb->select($sql, $sTag . '%', $iLimit)) { foreach ($aRows as $aRow) { $aReturn[] = Engine::GetEntity('Topic_TopicTag', $aRow); } } return $aReturn; } /** * Обновляем дату прочтения топика * * @param ModuleTopic_EntityTopicRead $oTopicRead Объект факта чтения топика * @return int */ public function UpdateTopicRead(ModuleTopic_EntityTopicRead $oTopicRead) { $sql = "UPDATE " . Config::Get('db.table.topic_read') . " SET comment_count_last = ? , comment_id_last = ? , date_read = ? WHERE topic_id = ? AND user_id = ? "; $res = $this->oDb->query($sql, $oTopicRead->getCommentCountLast(), $oTopicRead->getCommentIdLast(), $oTopicRead->getDateRead(), $oTopicRead->getTopicId(), $oTopicRead->getUserId()); return $this->IsSuccessful($res); } /** * Устанавливаем дату прочтения топика * * @param ModuleTopic_EntityTopicRead $oTopicRead Объект факта чтения топика * @return bool */ public function AddTopicRead(ModuleTopic_EntityTopicRead $oTopicRead) { $sql = "INSERT INTO " . Config::Get('db.table.topic_read') . " SET comment_count_last = ? , comment_id_last = ? , date_read = ? , topic_id = ? , user_id = ? "; return $this->oDb->query($sql, $oTopicRead->getCommentCountLast(), $oTopicRead->getCommentIdLast(), $oTopicRead->getDateRead(), $oTopicRead->getTopicId(), $oTopicRead->getUserId()); } /** * Удаляет записи о чтении записей по списку идентификаторов * * @param array $aTopicId Список ID топиков * @return bool */ public function DeleteTopicReadByArrayId($aTopicId) { $sql = " DELETE FROM " . Config::Get('db.table.topic_read') . " WHERE topic_id IN(?a) "; $res = $this->oDb->query($sql, $aTopicId); return $this->IsSuccessful($res); } /** * Получить список просмотром/чтения топиков по списку айдишников * * @param array $aArrayId Список ID топиков * @param int $sUserId ID пользователя * @return array */ public function GetTopicsReadByArray($aArrayId, $sUserId) { if (!is_array($aArrayId) or count($aArrayId) == 0) { return array(); } $sql = "SELECT t.* FROM " . Config::Get('db.table.topic_read') . " as t WHERE t.topic_id IN(?a) AND t.user_id = ?d "; $aReads = array(); if ($aRows = $this->oDb->select($sql, $aArrayId, $sUserId)) { foreach ($aRows as $aRow) { $aReads[] = Engine::GetEntity('Topic_TopicRead', $aRow); } } return $aReads; } /** * Перемещает топики в другой блог * * @param int $sBlogId ID старого блога * @param int $sBlogIdNew ID нового блога * @return bool */ public function MoveTopics($sBlogId, $sBlogIdNew) { $aFields=array('blog_id','blog_id2','blog_id3','blog_id4','blog_id5'); foreach($aFields as $sField) { $sql = "UPDATE " . Config::Get('db.table.topic') . " SET {$sField} = ?d WHERE {$sField} = ?d "; $this->oDb->query($sql, $sBlogIdNew, $sBlogId); } return true; } /** * Перемещает теги топиков в другой блог * * @param int $sBlogId ID старого блога * @param int $sBlogIdNew ID нового блога * @return bool */ public function MoveTopicsTags($sBlogId, $sBlogIdNew) { $sql = "UPDATE " . Config::Get('db.table.topic_tag') . " SET blog_id= ?d WHERE blog_id = ?d "; $res = $this->oDb->query($sql, $sBlogIdNew, $sBlogId); return $this->IsSuccessful($res); } /** * Пересчитывает счетчик избранных топиков * * @return bool */ public function RecalculateFavourite() { $sql = " UPDATE " . Config::Get('db.table.topic') . " t SET t.topic_count_favourite = ( SELECT count(f.user_id) FROM " . Config::Get('db.table.favourite') . " f WHERE f.target_id = t.topic_id AND f.target_publish = 1 AND f.target_type = 'topic' ) "; $res = $this->oDb->query($sql); return $this->IsSuccessful($res); } /** * Пересчитывает счетчики голосований * * @return bool */ public function RecalculateVote() { $sql = " UPDATE " . Config::Get('db.table.topic') . " t SET t.topic_count_vote_up = ( SELECT count(*) FROM " . Config::Get('db.table.vote') . " v WHERE v.target_id = t.topic_id AND v.vote_direction = 1 AND v.target_type = 'topic' ), t.topic_count_vote_down = ( SELECT count(*) FROM " . Config::Get('db.table.vote') . " v WHERE v.target_id = t.topic_id AND v.vote_direction = -1 AND v.target_type = 'topic' ), t.topic_count_vote_abstain = ( SELECT count(*) FROM " . Config::Get('db.table.vote') . " v WHERE v.target_id = t.topic_id AND v.vote_direction = 0 AND v.target_type = 'topic' ) "; $res = $this->oDb->query($sql); return $this->IsSuccessful($res); } public function GetTopicTypeByCode($sCode) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . Config::Get('db.table.topic_type') . ' WHERE code = ?'; if ($aRow = $this->oDb->selectRow($sql, $sCode)) { return Engine::GetEntity('ModuleTopic_EntityTopicType', $aRow); } return null; } public function GetTopicTypeById($iId) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . Config::Get('db.table.topic_type') . ' WHERE id = ?d'; if ($aRow = $this->oDb->selectRow($sql, $iId)) { return Engine::GetEntity('ModuleTopic_EntityTopicType', $aRow); } return null; } public function AddTopicType($oType) { $sql = "INSERT INTO " . Config::Get('db.table.topic_type') . " (name, name_many, code, allow_remove, date_create, state, params ) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?d, ?, ?d, ?) "; if ($iId = $this->oDb->query($sql, $oType->getName(), $oType->getNameMany(), $oType->getCode(), $oType->getAllowRemove(), $oType->getDateCreate(), $oType->getState(), $oType->getParams()) ) { return $iId; } return false; } public function GetTopicTypeItems($aFilter = array()) { if (isset($aFilter['code_not']) and !is_array($aFilter['code_not'])) { $aFilter['code_not'] = array($aFilter['code_not']); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . Config::Get('db.table.topic_type') . " WHERE 1 = 1 { and `state` = ?d } { and `code` not IN (?a) } ORDER BY sort desc LIMIT 0, 500 "; $aReturn = array(); if ($aRows = $this->oDb->select($sql, isset($aFilter['state']) ? $aFilter['state'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, (isset($aFilter['code_not']) and $aFilter['code_not']) ? $aFilter['code_not'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP ) ) { foreach ($aRows as $aRow) { $aReturn[] = Engine::GetEntity('ModuleTopic_EntityTopicType', $aRow); } } return $aReturn; } public function UpdateTopicType($oType) { $sql = "UPDATE " . Config::Get('db.table.topic_type') . " SET name= ?, name_many= ?, code= ?, state= ?d, sort= ?d, params= ? WHERE id = ?d "; $res = $this->oDb->query($sql, $oType->getName(), $oType->getNameMany(), $oType->getCode(), $oType->getState(), $oType->getSort(), $oType->getParams(), $oType->getId()); return $this->IsSuccessful($res); } public function DeleteTopicType($sTypeId) { $sql = "DELETE FROM " . Config::Get('db.table.topic_type') . " WHERE id = ?d "; $res = $this->oDb->query($sql, $sTypeId); return $this->IsSuccessful($res); } public function UpdateTopicByType($sType, $sTypeNew) { $sql = "UPDATE " . Config::Get('db.table.topic') . " SET topic_type = ? WHERE topic_type = ? "; if ($this->oDb->query($sql, $sTypeNew, $sType) !== false) { return true; } return false; } }