oEngine = $oEngine; $this->aReferences = $aReferences; $this->aActivePlugins = $oEngine->PluginManager_GetPluginsActive(); } /** * Add reference * * @param string $name * @param array $data * @return void */ public function addReference($name, $data) { $this->aReferences[$name] = $data; } /** * Get reference by key * * @param string $key * @throws Exception if reference is not exist * @return array aReferences * @return void */ public function getReference($key) { if (isset($this->aReferences[$key])) { return $this->aReferences[$key]; } throw new Exception("Fixture reference \"$key\" is not exist"); } /** * Get all references * * @return array aReferences */ public function getReferences() { return $this->aReferences; } /** * Creating entities and saving them to DB * * @return void */ abstract public function load(); /** * Get order number for fixture * * @return int */ public static function getOrder() { return 0; } /** * Get Active Plugins * * @return Active Plugins */ protected function getActivePlugins() { return $this->aActivePlugins; } /** * Create topic with default values * * @param int $iBlogId * @param int $iUserId * @param string $sTitle * @param string $sText * @param string $sTags * @param string $sDate * @param bool $bPublish * @param bool $bPublishMain * @param bool $bPublishDraft * * @throws Exception * * @return ModuleTopic_EntityTopic */ protected function _createTopic($iBlogId, $iUserId, $sTitle, $sText, $sTags, $sDate, $bPublish = true, $bPublishMain = true, $bPublishDraft = true) { $oTopic = Engine::GetEntity('Topic'); /* @var $oTopic ModuleTopic_EntityTopic */ $oTopic->setBlogId($iBlogId); $oTopic->setUserId($iUserId); $oTopic->setUserIp(''); $oTopic->setForbidComment(false); $oTopic->setType('topic'); $oTopic->setTitle($sTitle); $oTopic->setPublish($bPublish);// $oTopic->setPublishIndex($bPublishMain);// $oTopic->setPublishDraft($bPublishDraft); $oTopic->setDateAdd($sDate); $oTopic->setTextSource($sText); list($sTextShort, $sTextNew, $sTextCut) = $this->oEngine->Text_Cut($oTopic->getTextSource()); $oTopic->setCutText($sTextCut); $oTopic->setText($this->oEngine->Text_Parser($sTextNew)); $oTopic->setTextShort($this->oEngine->Text_Parser($sTextShort)); $oTopic->setTextHash(md5($oTopic->getType() . $oTopic->getTextSource() . $oTopic->getTitle())); $oTopic->setTags($sTags); //with active plugin l10n added a field topic_lang if (in_array('l10n', $this->getActivePlugins())) { $oTopic->setTopicLang(Config::Get('lang.current')); } // @todo refact this $oTopic->_setValidateScenario('topic'); $bValid = $oTopic->_Validate(); if (!$bValid) { throw new Exception("Create topic - validation error"); } $this->oEngine->Topic_AddTopic($oTopic); return $oTopic; } /** * Create user with default values * * @param string $sUserName * @param string $sPassword * @param string $sMail * @param string $sDate * * @return ModuleTopic_EntityUser */ protected function _createUser($sUserName, $sPassword, $sMail, $sDate) { $oUser = Engine::GetEntity('User'); $oUser->setLogin($sUserName); $oUser->setPassword(md5($sPassword)); $oUser->setMail($sMail); $oUser->setUserDateRegister($sDate); $oUser->setUserIpRegister(''); $oUser->setUserActivate('1'); $oUser->setUserActivateKey('0'); $this->oEngine->User_Add($oUser); return $oUser; } /** * Create topic comment with default values * * @param object $oTopic * @param object $oUser * @param integer $iParentId * @param string $sText * * @return ModuleComment_EntityComment */ protected function _createComment($oTopic, $oUser, $iParentId = null, $sText = 'fixture comment text') { $oComment = Engine::GetEntity('Comment'); $oComment->setTargetId($oTopic->getId()); $oComment->setTargetType('topic'); $oComment->setTargetParentId($oTopic->getBlogId()); $oComment->setUserId($oUser->getId()); $oComment->setText($sText); $oComment->setDate(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time())); $oComment->setUserIp(func_getIp()); $oComment->setPid($iParentId); $oComment->setTextHash(md5($sText)); $oComment->setPublish(true); $oComment = $this->oEngine->Comment_AddComment($oComment); return $oComment; } /** * Create Blog Category * * @param string $sTitle * @param string $sUrl * @param integer $iSort * @param integer $iPid * * @throws Exception * * @return ModuleBlog_EntityBlogCategory */ protected function _createCategory($sTitle, $sUrl, $iSort = 0, $iPid = null) { $oCategory = Engine::GetEntity('ModuleBlog_EntityBlogCategory'); $oCategory->setTitle($sTitle); $oCategory->setUrl($sUrl); $oCategory->setSort($iSort); $oCategory->setPid($iPid); if ($oCategory->_Validate()) { $iCategoryId = $this->oEngine->Blog_AddCategory($oCategory); $oCategory = $this->oEngine->Blog_GetCategoryById($iCategoryId); return $oCategory; } else { throw new Exception("Create category - validation error"); } } }