oUserCurrent=$oUserCurrent; } public function AddBlog(BlogEntity_Blog $oBlog) { $sql = "INSERT INTO ".Config::Get('db.table.blog')." (user_owner_id, blog_title, blog_description, blog_type, blog_date_add, blog_limit_rating_topic, blog_url, blog_avatar ) VALUES(?d, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) "; if ($iId=$this->oDb->query($sql,$oBlog->getOwnerId(),$oBlog->getTitle(),$oBlog->getDescription(),$oBlog->getType(),$oBlog->getDateAdd(),$oBlog->getLimitRatingTopic(),$oBlog->getUrl(),$oBlog->getAvatar())) { return $iId; } return false; } public function UpdateBlog(BlogEntity_Blog $oBlog) { $sql = "UPDATE ".Config::Get('db.table.blog')." SET blog_title= ?, blog_description= ?, blog_type= ?, blog_date_edit= ?, blog_rating= ?f, blog_count_vote = ?d, blog_count_user= ?d, blog_limit_rating_topic= ?f , blog_url= ?, blog_avatar= ? WHERE blog_id = ?d "; if ($this->oDb->query($sql,$oBlog->getTitle(),$oBlog->getDescription(),$oBlog->getType(),$oBlog->getDateEdit(),$oBlog->getRating(),$oBlog->getCountVote(),$oBlog->getCountUser(),$oBlog->getLimitRatingTopic(),$oBlog->getUrl(),$oBlog->getAvatar(),$oBlog->getId())) { return true; } return false; } public function GetBlogsByArrayId($aArrayId) { if (!is_array($aArrayId) or count($aArrayId)==0) { return array(); } $sql = "SELECT b.* FROM ".Config::Get('db.table.blog')." as b WHERE b.blog_id IN(?a) ORDER BY FIELD(b.blog_id,?a) "; $aBlogs=array(); if ($aRows=$this->oDb->select($sql,$aArrayId,$aArrayId)) { foreach ($aRows as $aBlog) { $aBlogs[]=Engine::GetEntity('Blog',$aBlog); } } return $aBlogs; } public function AddRelationBlogUser(BlogEntity_BlogUser $oBlogUser) { $sql = "INSERT INTO ".Config::Get('db.table.blog_user')." (blog_id, user_id, user_role ) VALUES(?d, ?d, ?d) "; if ($this->oDb->query($sql,$oBlogUser->getBlogId(),$oBlogUser->getUserId(),$oBlogUser->getUserRole())===0) { return true; } return false; } public function DeleteRelationBlogUser(BlogEntity_BlogUser $oBlogUser) { $sql = "DELETE FROM ".Config::Get('db.table.blog_user')." WHERE blog_id = ?d AND user_id = ?d "; if ($this->oDb->query($sql,$oBlogUser->getBlogId(),$oBlogUser->getUserId())) { return true; } return false; } public function UpdateRelationBlogUser(BlogEntity_BlogUser $oBlogUser) { $sql = "UPDATE ".Config::Get('db.table.blog_user')." SET user_role = ?d WHERE blog_id = ?d AND user_id = ?d "; if ($this->oDb->query($sql,$oBlogUser->getUserRole(),$oBlogUser->getBlogId(),$oBlogUser->getUserId())) { return true; } return false; } public function GetBlogUsers($aFilter) { $sWhere=' 1=1 '; if (isset($aFilter['blog_id'])) { $sWhere.=" AND bu.blog_id = ".(int)$aFilter['blog_id']; } if (isset($aFilter['user_id'])) { $sWhere.=" AND bu.user_id = ".(int)$aFilter['user_id']; } if (isset($aFilter['user_role'])) { if(!is_array($aFilter['user_role'])) { $aFilter['user_role']=array($aFilter['user_role']); } $sWhere.=" AND bu.user_role IN ('".join("', '",$aFilter['user_role'])."')"; } else { $sWhere.=" AND bu.user_role>".ModuleBlog::BLOG_USER_ROLE_GUEST; } $sql = "SELECT bu.* FROM ".Config::Get('db.table.blog_user')." as bu WHERE ".$sWhere." ; "; $aBlogUsers=array(); if ($aRows=$this->oDb->select($sql)) { foreach ($aRows as $aUser) { $aBlogUsers[]=Engine::GetEntity('Blog_BlogUser',$aUser); } } return $aBlogUsers; } public function GetBlogUsersByArrayBlog($aArrayId,$sUserId) { if (!is_array($aArrayId) or count($aArrayId)==0) { return array(); } $sql = "SELECT bu.* FROM ".Config::Get('db.table.blog_user')." as bu WHERE bu.blog_id IN(?a) AND bu.user_id = ?d "; $aBlogUsers=array(); if ($aRows=$this->oDb->select($sql,$aArrayId,$sUserId)) { foreach ($aRows as $aUser) { $aBlogUsers[]=Engine::GetEntity('Blog_BlogUser',$aUser); } } return $aBlogUsers; } public function GetPersonalBlogByUserId($sUserId) { $sql = "SELECT blog_id FROM ".Config::Get('db.table.blog')." WHERE user_owner_id = ?d and blog_type='personal'"; if ($aRow=$this->oDb->selectRow($sql,$sUserId)) { return $aRow['blog_id']; } return null; } public function GetBlogByTitle($sTitle) { $sql = "SELECT blog_id FROM ".Config::Get('db.table.blog')." WHERE blog_title = ? "; if ($aRow=$this->oDb->selectRow($sql,$sTitle)) { return $aRow['blog_id']; } return null; } public function GetBlogByUrl($sUrl) { $sql = "SELECT b.blog_id FROM ".Config::Get('db.table.blog')." as b WHERE b.blog_url = ? "; if ($aRow=$this->oDb->selectRow($sql,$sUrl)) { return $aRow['blog_id']; } return null; } public function GetBlogsByOwnerId($sUserId) { $sql = "SELECT b.blog_id FROM ".Config::Get('db.table.blog')." as b WHERE b.user_owner_id = ? AND b.blog_type<>'personal' "; $aBlogs=array(); if ($aRows=$this->oDb->select($sql,$sUserId)) { foreach ($aRows as $aBlog) { $aBlogs[]=$aBlog['blog_id']; } } return $aBlogs; } public function GetBlogs() { $sql = "SELECT b.blog_id FROM ".Config::Get('db.table.blog')." as b WHERE b.blog_type<>'personal' "; $aBlogs=array(); if ($aRows=$this->oDb->select($sql)) { foreach ($aRows as $aBlog) { $aBlogs[]=$aBlog['blog_id']; } } return $aBlogs; } public function GetBlogsRating(&$iCount,$iCurrPage,$iPerPage) { $sql = "SELECT b.blog_id FROM ".Config::Get('db.table.blog')." as b WHERE b.blog_type<>'personal' ORDER by b.blog_rating desc LIMIT ?d, ?d "; $aReturn=array(); if ($aRows=$this->oDb->selectPage($iCount,$sql,($iCurrPage-1)*$iPerPage, $iPerPage)) { foreach ($aRows as $aRow) { $aReturn[]=$aRow['blog_id']; } } return $aReturn; } public function GetBlogsRatingJoin($sUserId,$iLimit) { $sql = "SELECT b.* FROM ".Config::Get('db.table.blog_user')." as bu, ".Config::Get('db.table.blog')." as b WHERE bu.user_id = ?d AND bu.blog_id = b.blog_id AND b.blog_type<>'personal' ORDER by b.blog_rating desc LIMIT 0, ?d ; "; $aReturn=array(); if ($aRows=$this->oDb->select($sql,$sUserId,$iLimit)) { foreach ($aRows as $aRow) { $aReturn[]=Engine::GetEntity('Blog',$aRow); } } return $aReturn; } public function GetBlogsRatingSelf($sUserId,$iLimit) { $sql = "SELECT b.* FROM ".Config::Get('db.table.blog')." as b WHERE b.user_owner_id = ?d AND b.blog_type<>'personal' ORDER by b.blog_rating desc LIMIT 0, ?d ;"; $aReturn=array(); if ($aRows=$this->oDb->select($sql,$sUserId,$iLimit)) { foreach ($aRows as $aRow) { $aReturn[]=Engine::GetEntity('Blog',$aRow); } } return $aReturn; } public function GetCloseBlogs() { $sql = "SELECT b.blog_id FROM ".Config::Get('db.table.blog')." as b WHERE b.blog_type='close' ;"; $aReturn=array(); if ($aRows=$this->oDb->select($sql)) { foreach ($aRows as $aRow) { $aReturn[]=$aRow['blog_id']; } } return $aReturn; } /** * Удаление блога из базы данных * * @param int $iBlogId * @return bool */ public function DeleteBlog($iBlogId) { $sql = " DELETE FROM ".Config::Get('db.table.blog')." WHERE blog_id = ?d "; if ($this->oDb->query($sql,$iBlogId)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Удалить пользователей блога по идентификатору блога * * @param int $iBlogId * @return bool */ public function DeleteBlogUsersByBlogId($iBlogId) { $sql = " DELETE FROM ".Config::Get('db.table.blog_user')." WHERE blog_id = ?d "; if ($this->oDb->query($sql,$iBlogId)) { return true; } return false; } } ?>