/** * Различные настройки * * @module ls/settings * * @license GNU General Public License, version 2 * @copyright 2013 OOO "ЛС-СОФТ" {@link http://livestreetcms.com} * @author Denis Shakhov */ var ls = ls || {}; ls.settings = (function ($) { this.get = function (sSettingsName) { return this[sSettingsName]; }; this.markitup = { onShiftEnter: {keepDefault:false, replaceWith:'
\n'}, onCtrlEnter: {keepDefault:false, openWith:'\n

', closeWith:'

'}, onTab: {keepDefault:false, replaceWith:' '}, markupSet: [ {name:'H4', className:'editor-h4', openWith:'

', closeWith:'

' }, {name:'H5', className:'editor-h5', openWith:'
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' }, {name:'H6', className:'editor-h6', openWith:'
', closeWith:'
' }, {separator:'---------------' }, {name: ls.lang.get('panel_b'), className:'editor-bold', key:'B', openWith:'(!(|!|)!)', closeWith:'(!(|!|)!)' }, {name: ls.lang.get('panel_i'), className:'editor-italic', key:'I', openWith:'(!(|!|)!)', closeWith:'(!(|!|)!)' }, {name: ls.lang.get('panel_s'), className:'editor-stroke', key:'S', openWith:'', closeWith:'' }, {name: ls.lang.get('panel_u'), className:'editor-underline', key:'U', openWith:'', closeWith:'' }, {name: ls.lang.get('panel_quote'), className:'editor-quote', key:'Q', replaceWith: function(m) { if (m.selectionOuter) return '
'; else if (m.selection) return '
'; else return '
' } }, {name: ls.lang.get('panel_code'), className:'editor-code', openWith:'<(!(code|!|codeline)!)>', closeWith:'' }, {separator:'---------------' }, {name: ls.lang.get('panel_list'), className:'editor-ul', openWith:'
  • ', closeWith:'
  • ', multiline: true, openBlockWith:'' }, {name: ls.lang.get('panel_list'), className:'editor-ol', openWith:'
  • ', closeWith:'
  • ', multiline: true, openBlockWith:'
      \n', closeBlockWith:'\n
    ' }, {name: ls.lang.get('panel_list_li'), className:'editor-li', openWith:'
  • ', closeWith:'
  • ' }, {separator:'---------------' }, {name: ls.lang.get('panel_image'), className:'editor-picture', key:'P', beforeInsert: function(h) { jQuery('#modal-image-upload').modal('show'); } }, {name: ls.lang.get('panel_video'), className:'editor-video', replaceWith:'' }, {name: ls.lang.get('panel_url'), className:'editor-link', key:'L', openWith:'', closeWith:'', placeHolder:'Your text to link...' }, {name: ls.lang.get('panel_user'), className:'editor-user', replaceWith:'' }, {separator:'---------------' }, {name: ls.lang.get('panel_clear_tags'), className:'editor-clean', replaceWith: function(markitup) { return markitup.selection.replace(/<(.*?)>/g, "") } }, {name: ls.lang.get('panel_cut'), className:'editor-cut', replaceWith: function(markitup) { if (markitup.selection) return ''; else return '' }} ] }; this.markitupComment = { onShiftEnter: {keepDefault:false, replaceWith:'
    \n'}, onTab: {keepDefault:false, replaceWith:' '}, markupSet: [ {name: ls.lang.get('panel_b'), className:'editor-bold', key:'B', openWith:'(!(|!|)!)', closeWith:'(!(|!|)!)' }, {name: ls.lang.get('panel_i'), className:'editor-italic', key:'I', openWith:'(!(|!|)!)', closeWith:'(!(|!|)!)' }, {name: ls.lang.get('panel_s'), className:'editor-stroke', key:'S', openWith:'', closeWith:'' }, {name: ls.lang.get('panel_u'), className:'editor-underline', key:'U', openWith:'', closeWith:'' }, {separator:'---------------' }, {name: ls.lang.get('panel_quote'), className:'editor-quote', key:'Q', replaceWith: function(m) { if (m.selectionOuter) return '
    '; else if (m.selection) return '
    '; else return '
    ' } }, {name: ls.lang.get('panel_code'), className:'editor-code', openWith:'<(!(code|!|codeline)!)>', closeWith:'' }, {name: ls.lang.get('panel_image'), className:'editor-picture', key:'P', beforeInsert: function(h) { jQuery('#modal-image-upload').modal('show'); } }, {name: ls.lang.get('panel_url'), className:'editor-link', key:'L', openWith:'', closeWith:'', placeHolder:'Your text to link...' }, {name: ls.lang.get('panel_user'), className:'editor-user', replaceWith:'' }, {separator:'---------------' }, {name: ls.lang.get('panel_clear_tags'), className:'editor-clean', replaceWith: function(markitup) { return markitup.selection.replace(/<(.*?)>/g, "") } } ] }; this.tinymce = { mode : "specific_textareas", editor_selector : "mce-editor", theme : "advanced", skin : "livestreet", theme_advanced_toolbar_location : "top", theme_advanced_toolbar_align : "left", theme_advanced_buttons1 : "lshselect,bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,|,bullist,numlist,|,undo,redo,|,lslink,unlink,lsvideo,lsimage,pagebreak,code", theme_advanced_buttons2 : "", theme_advanced_buttons3 : "", theme_advanced_statusbar_location : "bottom", theme_advanced_resizing : true, theme_advanced_resize_horizontal : 0, theme_advanced_resizing_use_cookie : 0, theme_advanced_path : false, object_resizing : true, force_br_newlines : true, forced_root_block : '', // Needed for 3.x force_p_newlines : false, plugins : "lseditor,safari,inlinepopups,media,pagebreak,autoresize", convert_urls : false, extended_valid_elements : "embed[src|type|allowscriptaccess|allowfullscreen|width|height]", pagebreak_separator : "", media_strict : false, language : 'ru', inline_styles: false, formats : { underline : {inline : 'u', exact : true}, strikethrough : {inline : 's', exact : true} } }; this.tinymceComment = { mode : "textareas", theme : "advanced", skin : "livestreet", theme_advanced_toolbar_location : "top", theme_advanced_toolbar_align : "left", theme_advanced_buttons1 : "bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,lslink,lsquote", theme_advanced_buttons2 : "", theme_advanced_buttons3 : "", theme_advanced_statusbar_location : "bottom", theme_advanced_resizing : true, theme_advanced_resize_horizontal : 0, theme_advanced_resizing_use_cookie : 0, theme_advanced_path : false, object_resizing : true, force_br_newlines : true, forced_root_block : '', // Needed for 3.x force_p_newlines : false, plugins : "lseditor,safari,inlinepopups,media,pagebreak,autoresize", convert_urls : false, extended_valid_elements : "embed[src|type|allowscriptaccess|allowfullscreen|width|height]", pagebreak_separator : "", media_strict : false, language : 'ru', inline_styles: false, formats : { underline : {inline : 'u', exact : true}, strikethrough : {inline : 's', exact : true} }, setup : function(ed) { // Display an alert onclick ed.onKeyPress.add(function(ed, e) { key = e.keyCode || e.which; if(e.ctrlKey && (key == 13)) { $('#comment-button-submit').click(); return false; } }); } }; return this; }).call(ls.settings || {},jQuery);