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class InstallStepUpdateVersion extends InstallStep
protected $aVersionConvert = array(
public function init()
* Получаем данные коннекта к БД из конфига
InstallConfig::$sFileConfig = dirname(INSTALL_DIR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.local.php';
public function show()
$this->assign('from_version', InstallCore::getStoredData('update_from_version'));
$this->assign('convert_versions', $this->aVersionConvert);
public function process()
* Коннект к серверу БД
if (!$oDb = $this->getDBConnection(InstallConfig::get('db.params.host'), InstallConfig::get('db.params.port'),
InstallConfig::get('db.params.user'), InstallConfig::get('db.params.pass'), true)
) {
return false;
* Выбираем БД
if (!@mysqli_select_db($oDb, InstallConfig::get('db.params.dbname'))) {
return $this->addError(InstallCore::getLang('db.errors.db_query'));
'prefix' => InstallConfig::get('db.table.prefix'),
'engine' => InstallConfig::get('db.tables.engine'),
$sVersion = InstallCore::getRequestStr('from_version');
* Проверяем наличие конвертора
* Конвертор представляет собой отдельный метод вида converFrom_X1_Y1_Z1_to_X2_Y2_Z2
$sMethod = 'convertFrom_' . str_replace('.', '_', $sVersion) . '_to_' . str_replace('.', '_', VERSION);
if (!method_exists($this, $sMethod)) {
return $this->addError(InstallCore::getLang('steps.updateVersion.errors.not_found_convert'));
InstallCore::setStoredData('update_from_version', $sVersion);
* Запускаем конвертор
return call_user_func_array(array($this, $sMethod), array($oDb));
* Конвертор версии 2.0.0 в 2.0.1
* @param $oDb
* @return bool
public function convertFrom_2_0_0_to_2_0_1($oDb)
* Запускаем SQL патч
$sFile = 'sql' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'patch_2.0.0_to_2.0.1.sql';
list($bResult, $aErrors) = array_values($this->importDumpDB($oDb, InstallCore::getDataFilePath($sFile), array(
'engine' => InstallConfig::get('db.tables.engine'),
'prefix' => InstallConfig::get('db.table.prefix'),
'skip_fk_errors' => true
if ($bResult) {
return true;
return $this->addError(join('<br/>', $aErrors));
* Конвертор версии 1.0.3 в 2.0.0
* @param $oDb
* @return bool
public function convertFrom_1_0_3_to_2_0_0($oDb)
* Запускаем SQL патч
$sFile = 'sql' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'patch_1.0.3_to_2.0.0.sql';
list($bResult, $aErrors) = array_values($this->importDumpDB($oDb, InstallCore::getDataFilePath($sFile), array(
'engine' => InstallConfig::get('db.tables.engine'),
'prefix' => InstallConfig::get('db.table.prefix'),
'check_table' => 'cron_task',
'skip_fk_errors' => true
if ($bResult) {
* Проверяем необходимость конвертировать таблицу плагина Page
if ($this->dbCheckTable("prefix_page")) {
$sFile = 'sql' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'patch_page_1.3_to_2.0.sql';
list($bResult, $aErrors) = array_values($this->importDumpDB($oDb, InstallCore::getDataFilePath($sFile),
'engine' => InstallConfig::get('db.tables.engine'),
'prefix' => InstallConfig::get('db.table.prefix'),
'check_table_field' => array('prefix_page', 'id'),
'skip_fk_errors' => true
if (!$bResult) {
return $this->addError(join('<br/>', $aErrors));
* Конвертируем опросы
* Сначала проверяем необходимость конвертации опросов
if ($this->dbCheckTable("prefix_topic_question_vote")) {
$iPage = 1;
$iLimitCount = 50;
$iLimitStart = 0;
while ($aTopics = $this->dbSelect("SELECT t.*, c.topic_extra FROM prefix_topic as t, prefix_topic_content as c WHERE topic_type = 'question' and t.topic_id = c.topic_id LIMIT {$iLimitStart},{$iLimitCount}")) {
$iLimitStart = ($iPage - 1) * $iLimitCount;
* Топики
foreach ($aTopics as $aTopic) {
$aPollData = @unserialize($aTopic['topic_extra']);
if (!isset($aPollData['answers'])) {
* Создаем опрос
$aFields = array(
'user_id' => $aTopic['user_id'],
'target_type' => 'topic',
'target_id' => $aTopic['topic_id'],
'title' => htmlspecialchars($aTopic['topic_title']),
'count_answer_max' => 1,
'count_vote' => isset($aPollData['count_vote']) ? $aPollData['count_vote'] : 0,
'count_abstain' => isset($aPollData['count_vote_abstain']) ? $aPollData['count_vote_abstain'] : 0,
'date_create' => $aTopic['topic_date_add'],
if ($iPollId = $this->dbInsertQuery('prefix_poll', $aFields)) {
foreach ($aPollData['answers'] as $iAnswerIdOld => $aAnswer) {
* Создаем вариант ответа
$aFields = array(
'poll_id' => $iPollId,
'title' => htmlspecialchars($aAnswer['text']),
'count_vote' => htmlspecialchars($aAnswer['count']),
'date_create' => $aTopic['topic_date_add'],
if ($iAnswerId = $this->dbInsertQuery('prefix_poll_answer', $aFields)) {
* Получаем список кто голосовал за этот вариант
if ($aVotes = $this->dbSelect("SELECT * FROM prefix_topic_question_vote WHERE topic_id = '{$aTopic['topic_id']}' AND answer = '{$iAnswerIdOld}' ")) {
foreach ($aVotes as $aVote) {
* Добавляем новый факт голосования за вариант
$aFields = array(
'poll_id' => $iPollId,
'user_id' => $aVote['user_voter_id'],
'answers' => serialize(array($iAnswerId)),
'date_create' => $aTopic['topic_date_add'],
$this->dbInsertQuery('prefix_poll_vote', $aFields);
* Добавляем факты голосования воздержавшихся
* Получаем список кто голосовал за этот вариант
if ($aVotes = $this->dbSelect("SELECT * FROM prefix_topic_question_vote WHERE topic_id = '{$aTopic['topic_id']}' AND answer = -1 ")) {
foreach ($aVotes as $aVote) {
* Добавляем новый факт воздержания
$aFields = array(
'poll_id' => $iPollId,
'user_id' => $aVote['user_voter_id'],
'answers' => serialize(array()),
'date_create' => $aTopic['topic_date_add'],
$this->dbInsertQuery('prefix_poll_vote', $aFields);
* Меняем тип топика
$this->dbQuery("UPDATE prefix_topic SET topic_type = 'topic' WHERE topic_id ='{$aTopic['topic_id']}'");
* Убираем лишние данные из topic_extra
$sExtra = mysqli_escape_string($this->rDbLink, serialize($aPollData));
$this->dbQuery("UPDATE prefix_topic_content SET topic_extra = '{$sExtra}' WHERE topic_id ='{$aTopic['topic_id']}'");
* Удаляем старые таблицы
if (!$this->getErrors()) {
$this->dbQuery('DROP TABLE prefix_topic_question_vote');
* Конвертируем топик-ссылки
$iPage = 1;
$iLimitCount = 50;
$iLimitStart = 0;
while ($aTopics = $this->dbSelect("SELECT t.*, c.topic_extra, c.topic_text, c.topic_text_short, c.topic_text_source FROM prefix_topic as t, prefix_topic_content as c WHERE topic_type = 'link' and t.topic_id = c.topic_id LIMIT {$iLimitStart},{$iLimitCount}")) {
$iLimitStart = ($iPage - 1) * $iLimitCount;
* Топики
foreach ($aTopics as $aTopic) {
$aData = @unserialize($aTopic['topic_extra']);
if (!isset($aData['url'])) {
* Переносим ссылку в текст топика
$sUrl = $aData['url'];
if (strpos($sUrl, '://') === false) {
$sUrl = 'http://' . $sUrl;
$sUrl = htmlspecialchars($sUrl);
$sTextAdd = "\n<br/><br/><a href=\"{$sUrl}\">{$sUrl}</a>";
$aTopic['topic_text'] .= $sTextAdd;
$aTopic['topic_text_short'] .= $sTextAdd;
$aTopic['topic_text_source'] .= $sTextAdd;
$sExtra = mysqli_escape_string($this->rDbLink, serialize($aData));
$sText = mysqli_escape_string($this->rDbLink, $aTopic['topic_text']);
$sTextShort = mysqli_escape_string($this->rDbLink, $aTopic['topic_text_short']);
$sTextSource = mysqli_escape_string($this->rDbLink, $aTopic['topic_text_source']);
$this->dbQuery("UPDATE prefix_topic_content SET topic_extra = '{$sExtra}', topic_text = '{$sText}', topic_text_short = '{$sTextShort}', topic_text_source = '{$sTextSource}' WHERE topic_id ='{$aTopic['topic_id']}'");
* Меняем тип топика
$this->dbQuery("UPDATE prefix_topic SET topic_type = 'topic' WHERE topic_id ='{$aTopic['topic_id']}'");
* Конвертируем топик-фотосеты
if ($this->dbCheckTable("prefix_topic_photo")) {
$iPage = 1;
$iLimitCount = 50;
$iLimitStart = 0;
while ($aTopics = $this->dbSelect("SELECT t.*, c.topic_extra, c.topic_text, c.topic_text_short, c.topic_text_source FROM prefix_topic as t, prefix_topic_content as c WHERE topic_type = 'photoset' and t.topic_id = c.topic_id LIMIT {$iLimitStart},{$iLimitCount}")) {
$iLimitStart = ($iPage - 1) * $iLimitCount;
* Топики
foreach ($aTopics as $aTopic) {
$aData = @unserialize($aTopic['topic_extra']);
if (!isset($aData['main_photo_id'])) {
* Получаем фото
if ($aPhotos = $this->dbSelect("SELECT * FROM prefix_topic_photo WHERE topic_id = '{$aTopic['topic_id']}' ")) {
$aMediaItems = array();
foreach ($aPhotos as $aPhoto) {
* Необходимо перенести изображение в media и присоеденить к топику
$sFileSource = $this->convertPathWebToServer($aPhoto['path']);
* Формируем список старых изображений для удаления
$sMask = pathinfo($sFileSource,
$aFilesForRemove = array();
if ($aPaths = glob($sMask)) {
foreach ($aPaths as $sPath) {
$aFilesForRemove[$sPath] = $sPath;
if ($oImage = $this->createImageObject($sFileSource)) {
$iWidth = $oImage->getSize()->getWidth();
$iHeight = $oImage->getSize()->getHeight();
if ($this->resizeImage($oImage, 1000)) {
if ($sFileSave = $this->saveImage($oImage, $sFileSource, '_1000x')) {
if ($oImage = $this->createImageObject($sFileSource)) {
if ($this->resizeImage($oImage, 500)) {
if ($sFileSave = $this->saveImage($oImage, $sFileSource, '_500x')) {
if ($oImage = $this->createImageObject($sFileSource)) {
if ($this->cropImage($oImage, 1) and $this->resizeImage($oImage, 100)) {
if ($sFileSave = $this->saveImage($oImage, $sFileSource, '_100x100crop')) {
if ($oImage = $this->createImageObject($sFileSource)) {
if ($this->cropImage($oImage, 1) and $this->resizeImage($oImage, 50)) {
if ($sFileSave = $this->saveImage($oImage, $sFileSource, '_50x50crop')) {
* Добавляем запись в медиа
$aDataMedia = array(
'image_sizes' => array(
'w' => 1000,
'h' => null,
'crop' => false,
'w' => 500,
'h' => null,
'crop' => false,
'w' => 100,
'h' => 100,
'crop' => true,
'w' => 50,
'h' => 50,
'crop' => true,
if ($aPhoto['description']) {
$aDataMedia['title'] = htmlspecialchars($aPhoto['description']);
$aFields = array(
'user_id' => $aTopic['user_id'],
'type' => 1,
'target_type' => 'topic',
'file_path' => '[relative]' . str_replace(dirname(dirname(INSTALL_DIR)), '',
'file_name' => pathinfo($sFileSource, PATHINFO_FILENAME),
'file_size' => filesize($sFileSource),
'width' => $iWidth,
'height' => $iHeight,
'date_add' => $aTopic['topic_date_add'],
'data' => serialize($aDataMedia),
if ($iMediaId = $this->dbInsertQuery('prefix_media', $aFields)) {
* Добавляем связь медиа с топиком
$aFields = array(
'media_id' => $iMediaId,
'target_id' => $aTopic['topic_id'],
'target_type' => 'topic',
'date_add' => $aTopic['topic_date_add'],
'data' => '',
if ($iMediaTargetId = $this->dbInsertQuery('prefix_media_target', $aFields)) {
$sFileWeb = InstallConfig::get('path.root.web') . str_replace(dirname(dirname(INSTALL_DIR)),
$aMediaItems[$iMediaId] = $sFileWeb;
* Удаляем старые
foreach ($aFilesForRemove as $sFileRemove) {
* Добавляем в начало текста топика вывод фотосета
$sCodeRender = '';
$sCodeSource = '';
if ($aMediaItems) {
$sCodeSource = '<gallery items="' . join(',',
array_keys($aMediaItems)) . '" nav="thumbs" caption="1" />' . "\n";
$sCodeRender = '<div class="fotorama" data-nav="thumbs" >' . "\n";
foreach ($aMediaItems as $iId => $sFileWeb) {
$sCodeRender .= '<img src="' . $sFileWeb . '" />' . "\n";
$sCodeRender .= '</div>' . "\n";
$sExtra = mysqli_escape_string($this->rDbLink, serialize($aData));
$sText = mysqli_escape_string($this->rDbLink, $sCodeRender . $aTopic['topic_text']);
$sTextShort = mysqli_escape_string($this->rDbLink,
$sCodeRender . $aTopic['topic_text_short']);
$sTextSource = mysqli_escape_string($this->rDbLink,
$sCodeSource . $aTopic['topic_text_source']);
$this->dbQuery("UPDATE prefix_topic_content SET topic_extra = '{$sExtra}', topic_text = '{$sText}', topic_text_short = '{$sTextShort}', topic_text_source = '{$sTextSource}' WHERE topic_id ='{$aTopic['topic_id']}'");
* Меняем тип топика
$this->dbQuery("UPDATE prefix_topic SET topic_type = 'topic' WHERE topic_id ='{$aTopic['topic_id']}'");
* Удаляем старые таблицы
if (!$this->getErrors()) {
$this->dbQuery('DROP TABLE prefix_topic_photo');
* Конвертируем урлы топиков к ЧПУ формату
$iPage = 1;
$iLimitCount = 50;
$iLimitStart = 0;
while ($aTopics = $this->dbSelect("SELECT * FROM prefix_topic ORDER BY topic_id asc LIMIT {$iLimitStart},{$iLimitCount}")) {
$iLimitStart = ($iPage - 1) * $iLimitCount;
* Топики
foreach ($aTopics as $aTopic) {
if ($aTopic['topic_slug']) {
$sSlug = InstallCore::transliteration($aTopic['topic_title']);
$sSlug = $this->GetUniqueTopicSlug($sSlug, $aTopic['topic_id']);
$sSlug = mysqli_escape_string($this->rDbLink, $sSlug);
* Меняем тип топика
$this->dbQuery("UPDATE prefix_topic SET topic_slug = '{$sSlug}' WHERE topic_id ='{$aTopic['topic_id']}'");
* Конвертируем аватарки блогов
$iPage = 1;
$iLimitCount = 50;
$iLimitStart = 0;
while ($aBlogs = $this->dbSelect("SELECT * FROM prefix_blog WHERE blog_avatar <> '' and blog_avatar <> '0' and blog_avatar IS NOT NULL LIMIT {$iLimitStart},{$iLimitCount}")) {
$iLimitStart = ($iPage - 1) * $iLimitCount;
foreach ($aBlogs as $aBlog) {
$sAvatar = $aBlog['blog_avatar'];
if (strpos($sAvatar, 'http') === 0) {
$sAvatar = preg_replace('#_\d{1,3}x\d{1,3}(\.\w{3,5})$#i', '\\1', $sAvatar);
$sFileSource = $this->convertPathWebToServer($sAvatar);
* Формируем список старых изображений для удаления
$sMask = pathinfo($sFileSource,
$aFilesForRemove = array();
if ($aPaths = glob($sMask)) {
foreach ($aPaths as $sPath) {
$aFilesForRemove[$sPath] = $sPath;
* Ресайзим к новым размерам
if ($oImage = $this->createImageObject($sFileSource)) {
if ($this->cropImage($oImage, 1) and $this->resizeImage($oImage, 500)) {
if ($sFileSave = $this->saveImage($oImage, $sFileSource, '_500x500crop')) {
if ($oImage = $this->createImageObject($sFileSource)) {
if ($this->cropImage($oImage, 1) and $this->resizeImage($oImage, 100)) {
if ($sFileSave = $this->saveImage($oImage, $sFileSource, '_100x100crop')) {
if ($oImage = $this->createImageObject($sFileSource)) {
if ($this->cropImage($oImage, 1) and $this->resizeImage($oImage, 64)) {
if ($sFileSave = $this->saveImage($oImage, $sFileSource, '_64x64crop')) {
if ($oImage = $this->createImageObject($sFileSource)) {
if ($this->cropImage($oImage, 1) and $this->resizeImage($oImage, 48)) {
if ($sFileSave = $this->saveImage($oImage, $sFileSource, '_48x48crop')) {
if ($oImage = $this->createImageObject($sFileSource)) {
if ($this->cropImage($oImage, 1) and $this->resizeImage($oImage, 24)) {
if ($sFileSave = $this->saveImage($oImage, $sFileSource, '_24x24crop')) {
* Удаляем старые
foreach ($aFilesForRemove as $sFileRemove) {
* Меняем путь до аватара
$sAvatar = '[relative]' . str_replace(dirname(dirname(INSTALL_DIR)), '', $sFileSource);
$sAvatar = mysqli_escape_string($this->rDbLink, $sAvatar);
$this->dbQuery("UPDATE prefix_blog SET blog_avatar = '{$sAvatar}' WHERE blog_id ='{$aBlog['blog_id']}'");
* Конвертируем аватарки и фото пользователей
* Дополнительно добавляем роль для прав
* Получаем текущий список админов
$aUserAdmin = array();
if ($this->dbCheckTable("prefix_user_administrator")) {
if ($aAdmins = $this->dbSelect("SELECT * FROM prefix_user_administrator ")) {
foreach ($aAdmins as $aRow) {
$aUserAdmin[] = $aRow['user_id'];
$iPage = 1;
$iLimitCount = 50;
$iLimitStart = 0;
while ($aUsers = $this->dbSelect("SELECT * FROM prefix_user LIMIT {$iLimitStart},{$iLimitCount}")) {
$iLimitStart = ($iPage - 1) * $iLimitCount;
foreach ($aUsers as $aUser) {
$sAvatar = $aUser['user_profile_avatar'];
$sPhoto = $aUser['user_profile_foto'];
* Аватарки
if (strpos($sAvatar, 'http') === 0) {
$sAvatar = preg_replace('#_\d{1,3}x\d{1,3}(\.\w{3,5})$#i', '\\1', $sAvatar);
$sFileSource = $this->convertPathWebToServer($sAvatar);
* Формируем список старых изображений для удаления
$sMask = pathinfo($sFileSource,
$aFilesForRemove = array();
if ($aPaths = glob($sMask)) {
foreach ($aPaths as $sPath) {
$aFilesForRemove[$sPath] = $sPath;
* Ресайзим к новым размерам
if ($oImage = $this->createImageObject($sFileSource)) {
if ($this->cropImage($oImage, 1) and $this->resizeImage($oImage, 100)) {
if ($sFileSave = $this->saveImage($oImage, $sFileSource, '_100x100crop')) {
if ($oImage = $this->createImageObject($sFileSource)) {
if ($this->cropImage($oImage, 1) and $this->resizeImage($oImage, 64)) {
if ($sFileSave = $this->saveImage($oImage, $sFileSource, '_64x64crop')) {
if ($oImage = $this->createImageObject($sFileSource)) {
if ($this->cropImage($oImage, 1) and $this->resizeImage($oImage, 48)) {
if ($sFileSave = $this->saveImage($oImage, $sFileSource, '_48x48crop')) {
if ($oImage = $this->createImageObject($sFileSource)) {
if ($this->cropImage($oImage, 1) and $this->resizeImage($oImage, 24)) {
if ($sFileSave = $this->saveImage($oImage, $sFileSource, '_24x24crop')) {
* Удаляем старые
foreach ($aFilesForRemove as $sFileRemove) {
* Меняем путь до аватара
$sAvatar = '[relative]' . str_replace(dirname(dirname(INSTALL_DIR)), '', $sFileSource);
* Фото
if (strpos($sPhoto, 'http') === 0) {
$sFileSource = $this->convertPathWebToServer($sPhoto);
* Меняем путь до аватара
$sPhoto = '[relative]' . str_replace(dirname(dirname(INSTALL_DIR)), '', $sFileSource);
* Права
if (!$this->dbSelectOne("SELECT * FROM prefix_rbac_role_user WHERE user_id = '{$aUser['user_id']}' and role_id = 2 ")) {
* Добавляем
$aFields = array(
'user_id' => $aUser['user_id'],
'role_id' => 2,
'date_create' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
$this->dbInsertQuery('prefix_rbac_role_user', $aFields);
* Timezone
$sTzName = null;
if ($aUser['user_settings_timezone']) {
$sTzName = $this->convertTzOffsetToName($aUser['user_settings_timezone']);
* Реферальный код
$sReferralCode = $aUser['user_referral_code'];
if (!$sReferralCode) {
$sReferralCode = md5($aUser['user_id'] . '_' . mt_rand());
* Админы
$isAdmin = 0;
if (in_array($aUser['user_id'], $aUserAdmin) or $aUser['user_admin']) {
$isAdmin = 1;
* Сохраняем в БД
$sAvatar = mysqli_escape_string($this->rDbLink, $sAvatar);
$sPhoto = mysqli_escape_string($this->rDbLink, $sPhoto);
$this->dbQuery("UPDATE prefix_user SET user_admin = '{$isAdmin}' , user_referral_code = '{$sReferralCode}' , user_settings_timezone = " . ($sTzName ? "'{$sTzName}'" : 'null') . " , user_profile_avatar = '{$sAvatar}', user_profile_foto = '{$sPhoto}' WHERE user_id ='{$aUser['user_id']}'");
* Удаляем таблицы
if ($this->dbCheckTable("prefix_user_administrator")) {
$this->dbQuery('DROP TABLE prefix_user_administrator');
if ($this->getErrors()) {
return $this->addError(join('<br/>', $aErrors));
return true;
return $this->addError(join('<br/>', $aErrors));
protected function convertTzOffsetToName($fOffset)
$fOffset *= 3600;
$aAbbrarray = DateTimeZone::listAbbreviations();
foreach ($aAbbrarray as $aAbbr) {
foreach ($aAbbr as $aCity) {
if ($aCity['offset'] == $fOffset && $aCity['timezone_id']) {
$oNow = new DateTime(null, new DateTimeZone($aCity['timezone_id']));
if ($oNow->getOffset() == $aCity['offset']) {
return $aCity['timezone_id'];
return false;
protected function convertPathWebToServer($sFile)
* Конвертируем в серверный
if (preg_match('#^http.*(\/uploads\/images\/.*)$#i', $sFile, $aMatch)) {
$sFile = dirname(dirname(INSTALL_DIR)) . str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $aMatch[1]);
return $sFile;
protected function createImageObject($sFile)
try {
$oImagine = new \Imagine\Gd\Imagine;
return $oImagine->open($sFile);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return false;
protected function cropImage($oImage, $fProp, $sPosition = 'center')
try {
$oBox = $oImage->getSize();
$iWidth = $oBox->getWidth();
$iHeight = $oBox->getHeight();
* Если высота и ширина уже в нужных пропорциях, то возвращаем изначальный вариант
$iProp = round($fProp, 2);
if (round($iWidth / $iHeight, 2) == $iProp) {
return $this;
* Вырезаем прямоугольник из центра
if (round($iWidth / $iHeight, 2) <= $iProp) {
$iNewWidth = $iWidth;
$iNewHeight = round($iNewWidth / $iProp);
} else {
$iNewHeight = $iHeight;
$iNewWidth = $iNewHeight * $iProp;
$oBoxCrop = new Imagine\Image\Box($iNewWidth, $iNewHeight);
if ($sPosition == 'center') {
$oPointStart = new Imagine\Image\Point(($iWidth - $iNewWidth) / 2, ($iHeight - $iNewHeight) / 2);
} else {
$oPointStart = new Imagine\Image\Point(0, 0);
$oImage->crop($oPointStart, $oBoxCrop);
return true;
} catch (Exception $e) {
return false;
protected function resizeImage($oImage, $iWidthDest, $iHeightDest = null, $bForcedMinSize = true)
try {
$oBox = $oImage->getSize();
if ($bForcedMinSize) {
if ($iWidthDest and $iWidthDest > $oBox->getWidth()) {
$iWidthDest = $oBox->getWidth();
if ($iHeightDest and $iHeightDest > $oBox->getHeight()) {
$iHeightDest = $oBox->getHeight();
if (!$iHeightDest) {
* Производим пропорциональное уменьшение по ширине
$oBoxResize = $oBox->widen($iWidthDest);
} elseif (!$iWidthDest) {
* Производим пропорциональное уменьшение по высоте
$oBoxResize = $oBox->heighten($iHeightDest);
} else {
$oBoxResize = new Imagine\Image\Box($iWidthDest, $iHeightDest);
return true;
} catch (Exception $e) {
return false;
protected function saveImage($oImage, $sFileSource, $sFilePostfix)
$sDir = pathinfo($sFileSource, PATHINFO_DIRNAME);
$sName = pathinfo($sFileSource, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
$sFormat = pathinfo($sFileSource, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$sFile = $sDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sName . $sFilePostfix . '.' . $sFormat;
try {
$oImage->save($sFile, array(
'format' => $sFormat,
'quality' => 95,
return $sFile;
} catch (Exception $e) {
// TODO: fix exception for Gd driver
if (strpos($e->getFile(), 'Imagine' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Gd')) {
return false;
protected function GetUniqueTopicSlug($sSlug, $iSkipTopicId = null)
$iPostfix = 0;
do {
$sUrl = $sSlug . ($iPostfix ? '-' . $iPostfix : '');
} while (($aTopic = $this->getTopicBySlug($sUrl)) and (is_null($iSkipTopicId) or $iSkipTopicId != $aTopic['topic_id']));
return $sUrl;
protected function getTopicBySlug($sUrl)
$sUrl = mysqli_escape_string($this->rDbLink, $sUrl);
return $this->dbSelectOne("SELECT * FROM prefix_topic WHERE topic_slug = '{$sUrl}' ");