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Denis Shakhov dd202f682f Шаблон Synio
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2016-10-10 22:51:04 +07:00

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* Базовый шаблон топика
* Используется также для отображения превью топика
* @param object $topic
* @param boolean $isList
* @param boolean $isPreview
{$component = 'ls-topic'}
{component_define_params params=[ 'type', 'topic', 'isPreview', 'isList', 'mods', 'classes', 'attributes' ]}
{$user = $topic->getUser()}
{$type = ($topic->getType()) ? $topic->getType() : $type}
{if ! $isList}
{$mods = "{$mods} single"}
{$classes = "{$classes} topic js-topic"}
{block 'topic_options'}{/block}
<article class="{$component} {cmods name=$component mods=$mods} {$classes}" {cattr list=$attributes}>
* Хидер
{block 'topic_header'}
<header class="{$component}-header">
{$_headingTag = ($isList) ? Config::Get('view.seo.topic_heading_list') : Config::Get('view.seo.topic_heading')}
{* Заголовок *}
<{$_headingTag} class="{$component}-title ls-word-wrap">
{block 'topic_title'}
{if $topic->getPublish() == 0}
{component 'icon' icon='file' attributes=[ title => {lang 'topic.is_draft'} ]}
{if $isList}
<a href="{$topic->getUrl()}">{$topic->getTitle()|escape}</a>
{* Информация *}
<ul class="{$component}-info">
{block 'topic_header_info'}
{if ! $isPreview}
{foreach $topic->getBlogs() as $blog}
{if $blog->getType() != 'personal'}
<li class="{$component}-info-item {$component}-info-item--blog">
<a href="{$blog->getUrlFull()}">{$blog->getTitle()|escape}</a>
<li class="{$component}-info-item {$component}-info-item--date">
<time datetime="{date_format date=$topic->getDatePublish() format='c'}" title="{date_format date=$topic->getDatePublish() format='j F Y, H:i'}">
{date_format date=$topic->getDatePublish() format="j F Y, H:i"}
{* Управление *}
{if $topic->getIsAllowAction() && ! $isPreview}
{block 'topic_header_actions'}
{$items = [
[ 'icon' => 'edit', 'url' => $topic->getUrlEdit(), 'text' => $aLang.common.edit, 'show' => $topic->getIsAllowEdit() ],
[ 'icon' => 'trash', 'url' => "{$topic->getUrlDelete()}?security_ls_key={$LIVESTREET_SECURITY_KEY}", 'text' => $aLang.common.remove, 'show' => $topic->getIsAllowDelete(), 'classes' => 'js-confirm-remove-default' ]
{component 'actionbar' items=[[ 'buttons' => $items ]]}
* Текст
{block 'topic_body'}
{* Превью *}
{$previewImage = $topic->getPreviewImageWebPath(Config::Get('module.topic.default_preview_size'))}
{if $previewImage}
<div class="ls-topic-preview-image">
<img src="{$previewImage}" />
<div class="{$component}-content">
<div class="{$component}-text ls-text">
{block 'topic_content_text'}
{if $isList and $topic->getTextShort()}
{* Кат *}
{if $isList && $topic->getTextShort()}
{component 'button'
classes = "{$component}-cut"
url = "{$topic->getUrl()}#cut"
text = "{$topic->getCutText()|default:$aLang.topic.read_more}"}
{* Дополнительные поля *}
{block 'topic_content_properties'}
{if ! $isList}
{component 'property' template='output.list' properties=$topic->property->getPropertyList()}
{* Опросы *}
{block 'topic_content_polls'}
{if ! $isList}
{component 'poll' template='list' polls=$topic->getPolls()}
* Футер
{block 'topic_footer'}
{if ! $isList && $topic->getTypeObject()->getParam('allow_tags')}
{$favourite = $topic->getFavourite()}
{if ! $isPreview}
{component 'tags-personal'
classes = 'js-tags-favourite'
tags = $topic->getTagsObjects()
tagsPersonal = ( $favourite ) ? $favourite->getTagsObjects() : []
isEditable = ! $favourite
targetType = 'topic'
targetId = $topic->getId()}
<footer class="{$component}-footer">
{* Информация *}
{block 'topic_footer_info'}
<ul class="{$component}-info ls-clearfix">
{block 'topic_footer_info_items'}
{* Голосование *}
{if ! $isPreview}
<li class="{$component}-info-item {$component}-info-item--vote">
{$isExpired = strtotime($topic->getDatePublish()) < $smarty.now - Config::Get('acl.vote.topic.limit_time')}
{component 'vote'
target = $topic
classes = 'js-vote-topic'
mods = 'small white topic'
useAbstain = true
isLocked = ( $oUserCurrent && $topic->getUserId() == $oUserCurrent->getId() ) || $isExpired
showRating = $topic->getVote() || ($oUserCurrent && $topic->getUserId() == $oUserCurrent->getId()) || $isExpired}
{* Автор топика *}
<li class="{$component}-info-item {$component}-info-item--author">
{component 'user' template='avatar' user=$user size='xsmall' mods='inline'}
{* Ссылка на комментарии *}
{* Не показываем если комментирование запрещено и кол-во комментариев равно нулю *}
{if $isList && ( ! $topic->getForbidComment() || ( $topic->getForbidComment() && $topic->getCountComment() ) )}
<li class="{$component}-info-item {$component}-info-item--comments">
<a href="{$topic->getUrl()}#comments">
{lang name='comments.comments_declension' count=$topic->getCountComment() plural=true}
{if $topic->getCountCommentNew()}<span>+{$topic->getCountCommentNew()}</span>{/if}
{if ! $isList && ! $isPreview}
{* Избранное *}
<li class="{$component}-info-item {$component}-info-item--favourite">
{component 'favourite' classes="js-favourite-topic" target=$topic attributes=[ 'data-param-target_type' => $type ]}
{* Поделиться *}
<li class="{$component}-info-item {$component}-info-item--share">
{component 'icon' icon='share'
'title' => {lang 'topic.share'},
'data-tooltip-target' => "#topic_share_{$topic->getId()}"
{/block} {* /topic_footer_info_items *}
{/block} {* /topic_footer_info *}
{* Всплывающий блок появляющийся при нажатии на кнопку Поделиться *}
{if ! $isList && ! $isPreview}
<div class="ls-tooltip" id="topic_share_{$topic->getId()}">
<div class="ls-tooltip-content js-ls-tooltip-content">
{hookb run="topic_share" topic=$topic isList=$isList}
<div class="yashare-auto-init" data-yashareTitle="{$topic->getTitle()|escape}" data-yashareLink="{$topic->getUrl()}" data-yashareL10n="ru" data-yashareType="small" data-yashareTheme="counter" data-yashareQuickServices="yaru,vkontakte,facebook,twitter,odnoklassniki,moimir,gplus"></div>
{/block} {* /topic_footer *}