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2022-08-08 10:59:55 +03:00
# Release notes for Inform v9.1 (build 6L02)
This release was made on 4 May 2014, before Inform was open-sourced.
At that time bugs were tracked by a Mantis server, with seven-digit issue numbers,
and versions of Inform were identified by build codes in the form NLNN.
Suggestion numbers, also large but not starting with a 0, referred to tickets at
a Uservoice forum then in use.
This is part of the [historical archive of release notes](../version_history.md).
## Introduction
This release is a major reform of a now-mature language which is widely used,
and it has been over three years in the making. It has the following main
objectives: to clarify and better enforce the syntax of the language (which is
now formally documented); to have much greater linguistic flexibility,
enabling stories to be written in any person and tense, and paving the way for
translation to non-English languages; to remove phrases and features which
have been deprecated for some years; to remove procedural rules, which were
little used or understood and incurred a significant speed cost at run-time,
in favour of simpler ways to substitute rule behaviour; to remove assumptions
about the kind of narrative being written (i.e., that Inform is always making
a "game" which is "won" or "lost" and has a "score"); to reform the rules
handling "blocked" actions, such as listening; to redesign the Index, the
in-application documentation, and the extensions index; to reform the handling
of text, unifying "text" and "indexed text", and improving their performance;
to introduce a simple but powerful system of "responses" allowing authors to
change stock replies in the Standard Rules and other extensions, including
third-party ones (and also to make it easy to translate these to non-English
languages); and to implement full floating-point arithmetic in numerical kinds
of value, at least on the Glulx virtual machine.
This will be a disruptive release. Existing source texts which use deprecated
features will no longer work, and the improved syntax checking means that
Inform will catch problems it previously missed. It should also be noted that
the run-time implementation is different in numerous ways: story files are a
little larger but will run a little faster. We believe that almost all Inform
projects will be able to migrate to the new system with reasonable ease - for
example, "Bronze", a large story written in the very early days of Inform 7,
took about an hour's work to adapt. Nevertheless, authors of large existing
Inform projects may want to be cautious in their approach to what is, we
stress once again, an across-the-board reform of the language.
This release also refines the user interface for the Inform application. As in
Inform 7's earliest days, new features are being piloted on Mac OS X, but will
make their way to Windows and Linux soon - Toby Nelson, David Kinder and
Philip Chimento are all working on these refinements. Search facilities are
improved, but the big new feature is the Public Library, which automatically
matches the user's collection of extensions against those on the Inform
website, and allows the user to download or update them singly or en masse at
the click of a button. There are no user accounts, no passwords; no data is
held about Inform users at the server; and everything is free.
The existence of the Public Library will, we hope, be good news for extension
writers - it will now be much easier to get your extensions out to users.
We've always had a set of community standards for extensions, and Mark
Musante, the Inform project's extensions librarian, has put in a good deal of
work in recent years to look after all this. We now want to go further with
that. The Inform website holds hundreds of extensions going back several
years, but some of those are out of date, and many will contain deprecated
phrases now removed from the language. So the rule is that the Public Library
will contain only those extensions from the website which comply with the
guidelines and which work properly on the 2014 Inform - we don't want new
users, especially, to download obsolete code. Firstly, extensions should
always use Responses to reply to the player's commands: this will make them
more flexible and easier to translate to natural languages other than English.
(At present German IF authors, say, have to "fork" extensions in order to
translate them, and we want to avoid the need for that.) Secondly, these
responses should where appropriate use adaptive text substitutions so that
they will work in any person and tense, and will correctly cope with plural or
proper nouns in all situations. An extension which does all this is called
"adaptive". As from this build, all built-in extensions are adaptive, and we
hope for quite a rapid takeup from third-party extension writers, too, since
there is much to be gained and the changes are quite simple to make. Since
adaptive versions of extensions will be incompatible with older builds of
Inform, we are making arrangements to keep old non-adaptive versions of
extensions online at the Inform website (just as older released builds are
always available for download): those won't be on the Public Library, but
they'll still be available for direct download just as they are now.
Note that a number of existing extensions to provide adaptive text facilities,
such as Plurality by Emily Short, will now be redundant. But our build is
indebted to this early work, particularly by Aaron Reed and David Fisher.
Lastly, a small announcement: for the first time since 1993, the default
story file format for new projects created with Inform is the Glulx
virtual machine, not Infocom's Z-machine. The Z-machine design is 35 years
old this year, and it has done heroic service, but the time has finally
come to move on. (Inform can still compile almost all of the examples to
Z, but you'll have to choose Z explicitly in the project's settings to
get this, and there's no longer much reason to do so.)
## The Inform application
### Materials becomes .materials
Inform projects are traditionally accompanied by folders of resources:
thus, "Example.inform" would be accompanied by "Example Materials". From
2014, this folder is now called "Example.materials" instead.
This was a change imposed on us by Apple's sandboxing security requirements:
we would otherwise have been unable to have Inform available at the Mac
App Store. But it applies across all platforms.
### Inform on Mac OS X
Andrew Hunter's original Inform application for OS X has been substantially
rewritten and refined by Toby Nelson, who takes over as its maintainer from
this build. Much work has been undertaken to modernise the application, to
make it more stable, consistent, user friendly, and feature-rich. This was
also an opportunity to introduce new features to Inform's "reference design"
for the first time in some years, features which we hope to bring to Inform's
other platforms later.
The price for this is that Inform runs only on Snow Leopard 10.6.8 or
later, which means that it requires an Intel-processor Mac for the first time.
That includes almost every computer manufactured by Apple in the last eight
years, but we know it will leave a few Inform users out, and we're sorry for
that. The rapid pace of change in Apple's operating systems is such that it
has become difficult to have any kind of good user experience on 10.9 while
still functioning on 10.5.
Mac App Store: Inform is now code-signed, i.e., digitally authenticated as
being the work of an identifiable developer, and this means that Gatekeeper,
the Apple security system in OS 10.8 and 10.9, no longer advises the user
that the app is potentially dangerous to run. Inform is also sandboxed,
which gives the user the assurance that it cannot access private data or
make illicit communications. Our intention is to offer Inform both as a
direct download from inform7.com (for OS 10.6.8 or later) and on the
Mac App Store (for OS 10.8.3 or later), in versions which are identically
featured and, of course, both free. Inform's App Store debut will be in
a few weeks' time. This should be a help for users in education, where
school IT departments are wary of allowing teaching staff to download
apps from non-trusted sources.
Design: Inform now has a new clean modern look, with new application icons,
document icons, toolbar buttons, images, and Retina screen support. It
provides a full-screen mode for users of 10.7 or later (suggestion 3011916).
The centrepiece of the toolbar is now a status window like the one used by
Xcode and iTunes: this displays the task currently progressing, or the task
most recently completed, and can control whether the story is running.
Launcher: Inform used to provide a three-button splash screen, but this
has been replaced by a much more feature-rich "launcher" window. This can
be toggled open or closed with Command-L: is shows a list of recent projects,
lets you open or create new projects and extensions, provides sample projects
for new users to play with, has links to useful resources and advice, and so on.
Search: The previous find systems have been replaced with more modern and
feature-rich "Find" and "Find in Files" dialogs. "Find" (Command-F) searches
the current page (whatever currently has focus). "Find in Files"
(Command-Shift-F) is similar to "Find", but searches across chosen locations:
Source, Extensions, Documentation (Main text, Examples, Phrase definitions) in
any combination. Two search gadgets on the toolbar, one for source, one for
documentation, provide quick access to this. Shortcuts are standardised, e.g.
Shift-Command-G is now the shortcut for "Find Previous". Search results are
much better displayed and sorted (for example, results in the Recipe Book are
tinted yellow) and clicking on them jumps more accurately to their location.
Documentation search is carefully scoped to search only what's relevant.
Finally, both "Find" and "Find in Files" offer fully-featured regular
expression search and replace.
Editing: A new text and syntax-highlighting engine has made syntax colouring
and styling more accurate, much faster and less prone to crashing or hanging.
Extensions: A new pane, "Extensions", details what extensions are installed,
and offers the new Public Library. This compares versions of extensions
available at the Inform website against the installed extensions: it shows
what's new and what needs updating. Updates and new installations can be
made with a single click, or extensions can be installed en masse, with
options to download all items or update all outdated versions.
Preferences: The app Preferences are much more clearly laid out, and give
a fuller range of options on syntax colouring and styling.
These are the main highlights, but there are small enhancements throughout,
and we suggest making a general tour.
(Suggestions 876091, 860939, 3011916, 839957, 846303, 847455, 789525 and
probably others, too.)
- Bug fixed (0000062): Find text in dialog no longer cleared when frontmost
application changes.
- Bug fixed (0000092): Open Recent fixed for user extensions.
- Bug fixed (0000093): Auto indentation fixed
- Bug fixed (0000118): Fixed crash when exiting.
- Bug fixed (0000140): Check spelling as you type content menu option works as
- Bug fixed (0000155): Tab-indenting and block commenting hotkeys work in
extensions now.
- Bug fixed (0000163): Fixed syntax highlighting of substitutions (square
- Bug fixed (0000190): Old extensions not warning when new ones installed
over them.
- Bug fixed (0000197): The Z-machine interpreter's command history fixed.
- Bug fixed (0000200): The new project dialogs reworked, working correctly now.
- Bug fixed (0000201): Fix for strange characters appearing in transcript.
- Bug fixed (0000227): Fixed crash on Undo
- Bug fixed (0000295): Breakpoints are not allowed in Inform 7 projects.
- Bug fixed (0000297): Vertical scroll bar rendered underneath the right border
if a pane is closed almost to nothing.
- Bug fixed (0000298): I6 panes resize correctly.
- Bug fixed (0000301): User can click on a raw ni file to view.
- Bug fixed (0000310): A recursive printed name no longer crashes.
- Bug fixed (0000317): Find all no longer crashes Inform.
- Bug fixed (0000361): Elastic tabs now update properly
- Bug fixed (0000385): Replace All now works correctly.
- Bug fixed (0000425): Built-in extensions are no longer flagged as needing
installing by the editor.
- Bug fixed (0000426): Better help behaviour/messaging when requesting help while
an extension window is active.
- Bug fixed (0000427): IDE scrolls to error lines in extensions.
- Bug fixed (0000428): Subcomments fixed.
- Bug fixed (0000429): Contents are shown for stories without titles
- Bug fixed (0000430): Fixed quotation marks on title for Contents page
- Bug fixed (0000478): Toolbar search boxes can scroll text
- Bug fixed (0000496): Tab Indentation is now shown correctly when opening a
- Bug fixed (0000544): IDE removes the leading "the" when installing extensions.
- Bug fixed (0000562): When multiple extensions are open, the keyboard shortcuts
for switching windows now do select a story window.
- Bug fixed (0000667): IDE always recompiles the game now.
- Bug fixed (0000702): Name of elastic tabs has changed, and is now found in
Editing Preferences ('Auto-space table columns').
- Bug fixed (0000764): Long @opcode names are now coloured properly
- Bug fixed (0000773): Extensions page is not open automatically on Lion.
- Bug fixed (0000866): Text searching no longer causes a hang.
- Bug fixed (0000910): Three dots are no longer converted to a single ellipsis
- Bug fixed (00001048): Syntax highlighting long delay has been reduced
- Bug fixed (00001090): Different line endings (CR/LF combinations) are handled
- Bug fixed (00001173): Documentation is up to date.
- Bug fixed (00001175): Documentation searches starting with a comma are now
### Inform for Windows
Elastic tabstops are now available as an option in the Format menu. When
elastic tabstops are enabled, tabstops are automatically sized so that
columns in tables line up.
The font settings are now respected in the HTML based panes (that is, the
index, errors and documentation) when Internet Explorer 9 is installed.
The front-end attempts to sensibly replace spaces with tabs in text that
is pasted or dropped on the source tab: if a table is detected its
elements are separated by tabs, and leading spaces are also converted to
The Glulx interpreters in the game tab now support the additions to Glk
in versions 0.7.1, 0.7.2 and 0.7.3 of the Glk specification.
The front-end now calls the Inform 6 compiler with the 'k' switch, which
enables generation of the Infix debugging information file.
- Bug fixed (0000659) whereby the extensions menu could show only 200 installed
extensions; it can now show 1000.
- Bug fixed (0000859) whereby the Save As... menu item, although available during
the time when a story is being compiled, didn't work properly then.
- Bug fixed (0000919) whereby whitespace is sometimes trimmed when material is
cut and pasted in the source text.
- Bug fixed (0000733) whereby changing font to an exotically encoded font (e.g.
for music notation) could in some circumstances crash the interface.
- When editing the blessed Transcript, the effect of Enter and Ctrl+Enter has
been reversed: the former puts in a carriage return, the latter ends
editing. (See bug 0000532.)
- There is now an Edit > Headings menu item for navigating the source when
it's showing only one heading's-worth. (See bug 0000540.)
### Inform for Linux
The Transcript pane has arrived. This means that the Gnome front-end finally
has all the same major features as the OS X and Windows front-ends. Also,
finishing the Transcript led to many small bug fixes in the Skein, both
structural and cosmetic.
The Spanish translation of the interface has been kindly updated as of 2012 by
Jhames Bolumbero, and Stéphane Aulery has contributed a French
The "indent wrapped lines" feature from the OS X and Windows front-ends has
been added. This makes it easier to read the Story code when entire paragraphs
are indented.
Inform project folders are now displayed in the file manager with
Inform icons instead of regular folder icons, and the Materials folder has
its own icon as well.
Instead of Ctrl+(Alt+)Left and Ctrl+(Alt+)Right for navigating between
sections, the shortcuts now use the , and . keys as in the OS X
front-end, so as not to conflict with the well-known Ctrl+Left and
Ctrl+Right shortcuts for jumping to the next or previous word.
Matteo Settenvini contributed an improvement where application settings are
stored using the Gnome platform's newer GSettings API, rather than the
obsolete GConf which caused some problems (e.g. bug 0000600).
Attempted to make the program's error messages more understandable and
clearer about how to solve the error.
- Sound effects now play correctly in the Game panel, when playing a Glulx
project which contains them. (See bug 0000464.)
- Bug fixed (0000483) whereby editing extensions might lead to corruption.
- Bugs fixed (0000678, 0000717) to improve the refresh speed of the Skein
display when there's a large skein; bug fixed (0000677) to do with
labels appearing in the wrong places.
- Bugs fixed (0000522, 0000692) in the Extension installation process.
- Bug fixed (0000529) whereby HTML links in Glulx games did not always work
in the Game panel.
- Bug fixed (0000653) whereby story files released in unblorbed form would
incorrectly have Strict Debug checking left on.
- Bug fixed (0000654) whereby the setting for the user's preferred glulx
interpreter would sometimes be forgotten when Gnome Inform was quit
and then restarted.
- Bug fixed (0000676) whereby Find and Replace didn't get case sensitivity
- Bug fixed (0000681) whereby the interface would hang on reloading a source
text which had been edited and saved in some other application while
also open in Gnome Inform. Also, moved the notification displayed when
this happens to the status bar, in order to be less intrusive.
- Bug fixed (0000691) whereby the interface might crash if a Glulx project
being played tried (in error) to use a picture which did not exist.
- Bug fixed (0000702) changing "Elastic Tabs" to "Elastic Tabstops" as
per the request of elastic tabstops' inventor, Nick Gravgaard.
- Bug fixed (0000725) whereby the Contents tab displayed the headings
hierarchy with incorrect structural indentation.
- Bug fixed (0000731) whereby Gnome Inform crashed when changing the panel in
which the Game ran, under some circumstances.
- When opening a project which has been renamed so that the folder name no
longer ends with ".inform", Gnome Inform now offers to put the ".inform"
back again. (See bug 0000738.)
- Bug fixed whereby Gnome Inform crashed when the debug log was not
available to open. (Discovered through bug 0000999.)
- Bug fixed (0001087) whereby a failure in opening a project from the welcome
splash screen would quit the application instead of returning to the
splash screen.
- Bug fixed (0001109) whereby Gnome Inform crashed when encountering an empty
directory in the user's installed extensions area.
- Bug fixed (0001123) whereby Gnome Inform crashed when running a story where
input was entered in more than one Glulx window.
- Bug fixed (0001135) whereby Gnome Inform occasionally crashed when starting a
- Bug fixed (0001187) whereby Glulx text effects persisted from one run of a
story to the next.
- Bug fixed (0001206) whereby headings surrounded by whitespace-only lines
(rather than empty lines) were not included in the Contents pane.
- The default spellchecking language is now English, rather than the user's
system language. (See bug 0001209).
- Bug fixed whereby Gnome Inform crashed when there was an error opening
a project, instead of displaying an error message.
- Bug fixed whereby Gnome Inform crashed when encountering an unknown command
line option.
- Bug fixed whereby the Documentation pane didn't load on the left-hand side.
- Bug fixed whereby "paste code" icons on the Index pages didn't paste any code.
- Bug fixed whereby closing the welcome splash screen did not quit the
In addition, many minor and cosmetic bug fixes to the build process,
and removed legacy code that was required for compatibility with the
now obsolete Debian Lenny operating system.
### Inform for Command-Line Linux
The number of supported architectures has dropped to four: Linux on x86_64,
i386, ppc (32-bit), and arm6hf (e.g. Raspberry Pi). There are no longer ports
to s390 or s390x, no armv5tel, and no Solaris support. There are no more
separate downloads for the various architectures, either: the single
I7_6L01_Linux_all.tar.gz is universal.
The Cheesy Perl IDE has been updated in the following ways: Any files found
in the Extensions directory which lack an .i7x extension will have one added.
Any project "Whatever Materials" folder will be renamed "Whatever.materials".
Inform will no longer compile to z5 or z6; existing games using either of
those settings will have their compilation targets changed to z8.
A bug identified by Simon Andersson, where i7 couldn't find its components if
installed to a non-default location, has been fixed.
## Documentation
The documentation has of course been extended and modified to cover the
changes in this new build of Inform, but beyond that:
From this build, the Inform documentation (the manuals "Writing with Inform"
and "The Recipe Book") are released in EPUB format for the first time, and can
be read on tablets such as iPads, or in ebook applications such as Apple's
iBooks. The documentation HTML, which used to be coded in late-1990s idioms
and was difficult to do much with, now passes XHTML 1.1 Strict and uses CSS
for styling. (See suggestion 751034.)
A new "General Index" tab in the Documentation pane features an extensive
A-Z index, hand-prepared by Andrew Plotkin: it's a refinement of the one
he has for some years maintained online, and unlike a mechanical search
tool it's based on human understanding of the material.
The other conspicious change is that the contents page for the documentation
now presents the two books, Writing With Inform and The Recipe Book, side
by side. Informal surveys had suggested that many readers never found the
Recipe Book at all: we wanted to change that. New "expand all" buttons
make it possible to see the entire detailed contents page at once. (See
suggestions 860937 and 783273.)
The PURLOIN testing command is now documented for the first time. (See
suggestion 752104.)
The syntax analysis layer in Inform was completely rewritten for this build,
and as a side-benefit from that, we are for the first time publishing a
complete specification of the language, mechanically generated from the
source code for the compiler (along with an extensive commentary).
## The Index
The Index has been redesigned. It had gradually grown in coverage and depth,
build after build, with a variety of designs used to navigate around it.
In this build we've bitten the bullet and imposed a new design to recognise
that each of the major Index sections (Contents, Actions and so on) has
multiple "elements", and that we have a two-level hierarchy, not one.
There's greater use of mouse-over highlighting to advertise links; note
the dark grey bar to the left of the section banners, which takes the
reader to a new Welcome home page - the so-called "Periodic Table" page,
because it shows every element.
We have tried to make each element of the Index a little more detailed
and a little clearer visually. For example, the Contents listing itemises
how many words of source text fall under each heading. Indexed rules
include a new icon which reveals their Responses (see below).
There are far too many changes to itemise, but the following are noted because
they arose from Uservoice suggestions:
Command aliases are now indexed in individual actions. (See suggestion 937641.)
The Alphabetical action chart now tabulates requirements on light and nouns.
(See suggestion 3265911.)
The Actions detail view now includes persuasion and unsuccessful attempt rules.
(See suggestion 884661.)
## The Inform language
### Text
Previous builds of Inform supported two incompatible kinds of value for
holding and dealing with text: "text" and "indexed text". "Indexed text" was
much more flexible, but incurred speed and memory costs. Despite quite
complicated semantics which allowed text to be converted into indexed text,
with many such changes occurring silently so far as the author was concerned,
this all made text handling more complicated than it needed to be. The
author needed to remember to make some properties and variables indexed,
others not, and so on; and some kinds of manipulation were impossible.
What does this mean? The short answer is: you can stop typing the word
"indexed" and everything will be fine. For example:
let T be an indexed text;
let T be "Jinxed wizards pluck ivy from my quilt";
now doesn't need the first line in order to make T possible to alter or
manipulate, and similarly for kind declarations in table columns. Inform
still understands the term "indexed text", but it is synonymous with "text",
and it has been removed from the Standard Rules throughout. Thus, for
example, the phrase definition:
To decide what indexed text is line number (N - a number) in (T - indexed
text): ...
has been rewritten as the more generally applicable:
To decide what text is line number (N - a number) in (T - text): ...
and many other existing phrases can similarly be applied in a wider setting.
Most textual properties in past builds of the Standard Rules were declared
as "text", not "indexed text". So, for example, the following would have
failed to compile, and could not have worked:
The Grange is a room. A green Citroen, a fisherman, a brace of pheasants
and a topiary duck are here.
The player carries an E-bomb.
After dropping the E-bomb:
say "There is an almighty explosion!";
remove the E-bomb from play;
repeat with item running through things:
replace the text "e" in the printed name of the item with "*".
It now does the following:
You can see a green Citroen, a fisherman, a brace of pheasants and a
topiary duck here.
>drop all
(the E-bomb)
There is an almighty explosion!
You can see a gr**n Citro*n, a fish*rman, a brac* of ph*asants and a
topiary duck here.
Similarly, it's now easy to find the length of names:
When play begins:
repeat with item running through things:
say "[item]: [number of words in the printed name of
the item] word[s]."
yourself: 1 word.
E-bomb: 2 words.
green Citroen: 2 words.
fisherman: 1 word.
brace of pheasants: 3 words.
topiary duck: 2 words.
In particular, this means that many I6-level hacks used to determine the
lengths of strings - such as those used by the "Basic Screen Effects" extension
in past builds - can go.
From the language design point of view, there are really no disadvantages,
but there is one complication. What should this do?
let X be (put either text or indexed text here);
now the score is 10;
now X is "Your score is [score].";
increase the score by 5;
say X;
In all past builds of Inform, this prints "Your score is 15." if X is a
text, but "Your score is 10." if it's an indexed text. The difference
hangs on when "[score]" is substituted: a text could hold unsubstituted
material which would be substituted later (when printed), but an indexed
text couldn't.
The new rule is as follows:
- permanent substitution occurs immediately if the text refers to a local
variable which will soon no longer exist, and otherwise
- permanent substitution occurs when the text is changed for the first time,
and otherwise
- temporary substitution is made each time the text is printed.
Thus the above would print "Your score is 15." ("score" is referred to, but
it's a global variable) but this:
now the score is 10;
let X be "Your score is [score in words].";
replace the text "e" in X with "*";
increase the score by 5;
say X;
prints "Your scor* is t*n.", not "Your scor* is fift**n.", because a
permanent substitution occurred when the replacement was made.
On the whole we think this is what people would expect, and it means that
existing code such as:
now the right hand status line is "Time: [time of day]";
continues to work as before.
But there may be times when people will want to fix the text now. So there's
a new phrase:
substituted form of (T - text)
which produces T with all substitution made - which will leave most texts
alone, but change "It's [time of day]." into "It's 9:13 AM.", and so on.
A new adjective for texts, "substituted" vs "unsubstituted", will tell
us whether a text is carrying a [bombshell] or not.
The rarely-used use option:
Use maximum indexed text length of at least N.
is now renamed:
Use maximum text length of at least N.
The maximum, of course, applies only if the text is in its substituted form.
That's it for the changes as seen by the writer of I7 source text, and the
remainder of this section of the log gives some technical details for I6
hackers only.
At the I6 level, of course, things are drastically changed. The price we pay
for the benefits above is that the old T/IT division was more efficient in
its use of time and memory, because it made the user hand-optimise code by
constantly choosing between T (fast and small) and IT (slow and large).
The new text format is a hybrid, which involves some compromise.
(i) There's always a heap now. In past builds, I7 would only compile the
storage for a run-time pool of available memory ("the heap"), and the code
to deal with it, if it was actually needed. Technically that's still true,
but since text has to use the heap now, and text is ubiquitous, in practice
there's always a heap. This costs memory space.
There's something a little ironic about typing about 8K of memory usage in
programs as complex as those compiled by Inform, especially since I do it
while listening to a Crazy Horse song on a copy of iTunes currently claiming
442 MB of unpaged memory. But memory concerns are not frivolous, given that IF
needs to run in a browser now. To mitigate this, reference-counting in the
heap means that many fewer copies of data are stored than in past builds, and
so Inform generally needs a smaller heap to handle lists, texts, and so on.
For large source texts involving lots of list-handling and hacking with text,
the new system may actually need less memory at run-time, and will also run
substantially faster. The worst case scenario is a very large source text,
pushing the limits of the Z-machine, but which never did any text-hacking and
never used lists: that kind of story file may now have to move to Glulx. (This
is exactly the fate of "Bronze", for example.)
(ii) In past builds, a valid I7 text had to be either a packed string or
a pointer to a routine. For example, the I6 code:
x = "deerstalker";
y = Elementary;
[ Elementary; print "You know my methods, Watson. Apply them."; ];
creates what used to be valid I7 texts, but no longer. If you need to define
a new text in I6 code being used with I7, you have several options. In an
inclusion, or a template file, just use (+ and +). For example, at one
point the Standard Rules says:
Include (-
with saved_short_name (+ "yourself" +),
-) when defining yourself.
The effect of (+ and +) is that "yourself" is compiled by I7 into a valid
text, rather than being left for I6 to get wrong.
If you can't do that, and you need a text variable, try this:
(Don't use "": write EMPTY_TEXT_PACKED.) That's if it starts out blank;
alternatively something like:
Array MyTextVariable --> PACKED_TEXT_STORAGE "briar pipe";
Then "MyTextVariable" is a valid I7 text.
If you have a constant piece of text, on the other hand, you can protect
it from accidental damage and speed up its use slightly by writing:
Array MyTextConstant --> CONSTANT_PACKED_TEXT_STORAGE "Lestrade";
(iii) If you need to change the value of a text variable, use BlkValueCopy:
BlkValueCopy(to, from);
where "to" and "from" are both texts. Note that "to" must already be a valid
text: it's not sufficient for "to" to point to 2 words of memory somewhere.
For example,
BlkValueCopy(to, EMPTY_TEXT_VALUE);
(iv) If you really need to generate texts on the fly, you can do so with:
x = BlkValueCreate(TEXT_TY);
which will be created empty. However, if so, then to prevent memory leaks
you must subsequently:
Don't mess with BlkValueDestroy.
(v) To print a text, use one of these:
print (TEXT_TY_Say) x;
Some old extensions call a routine called I7_String(x); this still exists,
and does the same as TEXT_TY_Say. Another routine in past builds was called
PrintText(x), and although this still exists, it has been renamed
since it prints a packed string or calls an I6 routine, but won't work on
the new I7 text value.
### Story viewpoint and story tense
A conspicuous difference between interactive fiction and a traditional novel
is the point of view from which it's told. Inform usually produces text like:
You can see a grey cat in the basket.
where a novel would usually write:
He could see a grey cat in the basket.
Traditional IF is second person singular, and present tense, whereas most
novels are told in the third person singular, and past tense. But these are
just conventions - a few novels, for example, use the so-called present
historic ("Napoleon looks up at the sky and sighs. Must Ney always be so
doubting?"), and plenty are told in the first person singular ("I always
get the shakes before a drop."). Inform now allows this too. The two values:
story viewpoint
story tense
control the style of the text produced. The story viewpoint has to be one of
the values:
first person singular
second person singular
third person singular
first person plural
second person plural
third person plural
(from a kind called "narrative viewpoint"), while the story tense is one of:
past tense
present tense
future tense
(from a kind called "tense"). Combining these gives 18 possibilities in all.
Note that these settings change only the person and tense used by the texts
produced by Inform as responses to commands; for example, they might change
the dialogue
You can't go that way.
I couldn't go that way.
So in order to maintain the narrative voice, the author's own source text
has to be written to match. For example:
The Taj Mahal is a room. "You stand and admire the Taj Mahal."
When play begins:
now the story viewpoint is first person plural;
now the story tense is past tense.
In short, tense and viewpoint switching is neat, but it isn't magic. (It
can, however, be changed dynamically during play.)
If we want to write text which will work in whatever the current tense is, the following turn out to be useful little conveniences:
"[here]" produces "here" in the present tense, and "there" otherwise;
"[now]" produces "now" in the present tense, and "then" otherwise.
### Adaptive text
Paying attention to the tense and viewpoint is one reason why text might
need to adapt. Another is that it might need to adapt according to whether
nouns are singular or plural. For example, the following rule isn't ideal:
Instead of taking:
say "[The noun] is pinned down by Dr Zarkov's force field."
Most of the time it's fine ("The V-ray is pinned down by Dr Zarkov's force
field"), but then:
You is pinned down by Dr Zarkov's force field.
The condensers is pinned down by Dr Zarkov's force field.
The correction is very easy:
Instead of taking:
say "[The noun] [are] pinned down by Dr Zarkov's force field."
The result is much better: "The V-ray is pinned down..."; "You are..."; "The
condensers are...". In fact, it's also convenient because it adapts to the
story viewpoint and story tense: "The condensers will be pinned down...";
"He was pinned down...".
Note that "[are]" is not a specially-written text substitution. In fact
Inform can do this with any verb that it has a definition of. For example,
"[The noun] [carry] too much static charge."
would also adapt itself - "The V-ray carries too much static charge", and so
on. The Standard Rules know many such verbs already, and can adapt all of them.
Here is section SR4/1 of the SR, at time of writing:
To seem is a verb. To pick is a verb. To lack is a verb. To put is a verb.
To need is a verb. To eat is a verb. To lead is a verb. To go is a verb.
To arrive is a verb. To get is a verb. To look is a verb. To see is a verb.
To find is a verb. To search is a verb. To discover is a verb.
To switch is a verb. To close is a verb. To talk is a verb.
To provoke is a verb. To wave is a verb. To lock is a verb. To give is a verb.
To open is a verb. To touch is a verb. To take is a verb. To may is a verb.
To wait is a verb. To feel is a verb. To happen is a verb. To push is a verb.
To pull is a verb. To turn is a verb. To achieve is a verb. To squeeze is a verb.
To smell is a verb. To sniff is a verb. To hear is a verb. To listen is a verb.
To taste is a verb. To jump is a verb. To rub is a verb. To pass is a verb.
Negative forms like "[are not]" are also available:
"[The noun] [cannot touch] the ionizer terminal."
might produce "The V-ray will not be able to touch the ionizer terminal.",
for example.
As these examples hint, the verb adapts itself to the most recently printed
object name. All of this only works if the previous object's name is printed
from a substitution. So:
"[The condensers] [are] working."
will work -- correctly forming "The condensers are working.", "The condensers
will be working." or "The condensers were working.", according to the story
tense -- but
"The condensers [are] working."
probably won't work. Inform doesn't have any way to understand the raw text
outside of the text substitution marks "[" and "]".
That object's identity is a value stored in "prior named object", which it's
very occasionally useful to change by hand:
now the prior named object is the noun;
say "Oh, [are] [they]?"
which will produce "Oh, is it?", "Oh, are they?", or equivalents in other
tenses, depending on whether the noun is singular or plural, even though the
noun wasn't explicitly named in the text. Occasionally it's even useful to
clear the prior named object altogether:
now the prior named object is nothing;
say "There [are] no room."
This forces the "[are]" to take a singular form - "is", "was", "will be". We
need to do this because "There" in English is a sort of meaningless placeholder
noun; it doesn't represent any object.
Something else to be careful with is the use of lists. If we write this:
"[The condensers] and [the V-ray] [are] smashed by Voltan's birdmen."
then Inform is likely to print:
The condensers and the V-ray is smashed by Voltan's birdmen.
because it looks at the most recently named object - the V-ray, singular - to
decide whether to use "is" or "are". On the other hand, Inform gets this right:
"[The list of things on the bench] [are] smashed by Voltan's birdmen."
Because Inform constructs the list itself, it's able to appreciate that the
things listed are jointly the subject of the verb, and it uses that information
to decide on "is" or "are". So:
The condensers and the V-ray are smashed by Voltan's birdmen.
The Atomic Furnace shovel is smashed by Voltan's birdmen.
If we need an adaptive message with a verb which doesn't belong to Inform's
built-in set, all we need do is declare it. For example:
To retrofit is a verb.
defines a verb without telling Inform what it means. Inform will throw a
Problem message if we try to write text like "Flash retrofits the meteor beam"
because, after all, it doesn't know what "retrofit" means. But it does still
know how to print it, so this works:
"[The actor] [retrofit] the Mecha-Mole."
which might come out as "Dale retrofits the Mecha-Mole", or "Barin's archers
retrofitted the Mecha-Mole", and so on.
This is especially neat for writing a single response to an action which works
regardless of who the actor was. For example, the Standard Rules include:
say "[The actor] [put] [the noun] on [the second noun]."
And this can make either:
You put the revolver on the table.
General Lee puts the revolver on the table.
In second-person-singular IF, the player is always "you". Many messages look
like so:
"You have twenty minutes remaining."
where the subject, or the object, of the sentence is "you". But what if we
want to have this text adapt itself to multiple narrative viewpoints?
The solution is to use the following:
"[We]" or "[we]"
"[Us]" or "[us]"
"[Our]" or "[our]"
"[Ours]" or "[ours]"
"[Ourselves]" or "[ourselves]"
For example:
"[We] [carry] the Queen's warrant."
"The birds drop pebbles on [us]. Right on [our] heads!"
"[Ours] [are] the burdens of office, which [we] take on [ourselves]."
(Notice that all five of these forms are differently worded, in English.
That's the reason why we use the plural to write them - the traditional
second person plural forms would be "you", "you", "your", "yours" and
"yourself", so we wouldn't know if "[you]" was supposed to be the subject
or the object of the verb. So the convention with all of these adaptive
forms is that we use "we" and its variations. That's also why the verbs
are written in the plural - "[are]", not "[is]"; "[carry]", not "[carries]".)
We have similar adaptive pronouns for objects other than the player:
"[They]" or "[they]"
"[Them]" or "[them]"
"[Their]" or "[their]"
"[Theirs]" or "[theirs]"
"[Themselves]" or "[themselves]"
For example:
Instead of examining in the Netherworld:
say "[regarding the noun][They] [have] no clear outline in this
misty netherworld."
You have no clear outline in this misty netherworld.
He has no clear outline in this misty netherworld.
They have no clear outline in this misty netherworld.
Note that we have to say "[regarding the noun]", not just start in with
"[They]", because nothing has been named so far in the sentence - so Inform
doesn't know what object it refers to. "[regarding the noun]" prints nothing,
and simply tells the printing part of Inform that the subject has changed.
This isn't always needed:
"[We] [have] a look at [the noun], but [they] [are] just too big."
works fine, because printing "[the noun]" changes the subject to that, and
then "[they]" agrees with it automatically. The text might come out, for
example, as:
I had a look at Peter Rabbit, but he was just too big.
You have a look at the chessmen, but they are just too big.
We have a look at ourselves, but we are just too big.
There's also the peculiar impersonal non-object for English sentences like
"It is raining" or "There are books":
"[It]" or "[it]"
"[There]" or "[there]"
These look pointless - but consider the two texts
"[We] [take] [the noun]. It [rain] harder."
"[We] [take] [the noun]. [It] [rain] harder."
The first one risks printing "We took the scissors. It rain harder.", because it makes "[rain]" agree with "scissors", which are plural. But the second text makes "[rain]" agree with "[it]". And, as a convenience:
"[It's]" or "[it's]"
"[There's]" or "[there's]"
do the obvious thing using the current story tense.
Next up, demonstratives: "[Those]" or "[those]" adapt as needed. For example,
"[We] really [are not] tall enough to reach [regarding the noun][those]."
might expand to
You really are not tall enough to reach that.
He really was not tall enough to reach those.
They really will not be tall enough to reach her.
with "[those]" expanding to "that", "those", "her" and so on as needed.
We can also adapt using "[Possessive]" or "[possessive]":
"[regarding the noun][Possessive] height"
might adapt to, say, "Our height" or "Alice's height" as appropriate.
For any verb V which Inform knows, we can form modal auxiliaries as follows:
"[can V]" or "[cannot V]" or "[can't V]"
"[could V]" or "[could not V]" or "[couldn't V]"
"[may V]" or "[may not V]" or "[mayn't V]"
"[might V]" or "[might not V]" or "[mightn't V]"
"[must V]" or "[must not V]" or "[mustn't V]"
"[should V]" or "[should not V]" or "[shouldn't V]"
"[would V]" or "[would not V]" or "[wouldn't V]"
For example, "Dale [cannot go] to the Cave." might adapt as "Dale could not
have gone to the Cave." Most of the English modal verbs are defective in
that they do not exist in all tenses or parts of speech - that's why you
can't say "to must" or "I am musting" or "I will must" - so there are limits
to how good Inform's adaption is, in some of these cases. The modal "can"
even uses rewording: Inform says "Dale will be able to go to the Cave." to
avoid having to say the impossible "Dale will can go to the Cave."
Finally, we can adapt English contracted forms of verbs:
So, for example:
Instead of taking something:
say "[The noun] [are] pinned down by Dr Zarkov's force field.
[They] [aren't] free to move. [They] [can't] move, and [they]
[shouldn't] move. [They] [won't] move. [They] [haven't] a chance
to move. Anyhow, [they] [don't] move."
can (depending on the viewpoint) produce variations like these:
The condensers are pinned down by Dr Zarkov's force field. They aren't
free to move. They can't move, and they shouldn't move. They won't
move. They haven't a chance to move. Anyhow, they don't move.
You were pinned down by Dr Zarkov's force field. You weren't free to
move. You couldn't move, and you shouldn't move. You wouldn't move. You
hadn't a chance to move. Anyhow, you didn't move.
(See suggestion 751226.)
### Verbs as values
Each verb known to Inform is also a value of the new kind "verb". For
showme the verb contain;
showme the verb might;
showme the verb provoke;
verb: verb contain
verb: verb might
verb: verb provoke
As this demonstrates, if V is the infinitive form of the verb, then
"verb V" is a value of the kind "verb".
Two adjectives are provided for use with verbs: "modal" (or "non-modal")
to pick out verbs like might, could, should, and so on; and "meaningful"
(or "meaningless") to pick out verbs which have a defined meaning as an
Inform relation. For example, in the Standard Rules, the verb contain is
meaningful, the verb might is modal, and the verb provoke is meaningless.
If V has a meaning as a relation of objects, then "meaning of V" produces
that relation. For example,
showme the meaning of the verb contain;
showme the meaning of the verb provoke;
"meaning of the verb contain" = relation of objects: containment relation
"meaning of the verb provoke" = relation of objects: equality relation
(As this demonstrates, if a verb has no meaning, or its meaning doesn't
relate to objects, we get just the equality relation.)
In fact, Inform even defines a verb "to mean": it's meaningful, and its
meaning is the meaning relation. Thus:
if the verb mean means the meaning relation...
is true. More usefully, we can search our vocabulary like this:
showme the list of verbs meaning the containment relation;
which produces:
"list of verbs meaning the containment relation" = list of verbs: {verb contain}
One use for verbs as values is that it enables adaption to other tenses
or numbers. For example,
"we [adapt the verb provoke in the future tense from the first person plural]"
produces the text "we will provoke". In general, we can use:
"[adapt V]"
"[adapt V in T]"
"[adapt V from VP]"
"[adapt V in T from VP]"
"[negate V]"
"[negate V in T]"
"[negate V from VP]"
"[negate V in T from VP]"
for any tense T or viewpoint VP; these default to the current story tense and
the current story viewpoint if not supplied. The verb doesn't have to be named
explicitly, so for example:
To decide which text is the rendering of (V - verb) (this is verb rendering):
decide on "[negate V in the past perfect tense]".
When play begins:
showme verb rendering applied to the list of meaningful verbs.
"verb rendering applied to the list of meaningful verbs" = list of texts:
{"had not had", "had not related", "had not meant", "had not provided",
"had not contained", "had not supported", "had not incorporated", "had not
enclosed", "had not carried", "had not held", "had not worn", "had not
been able to see", "had not been able to touch", "had not concealed", "had
not unlocked"}
Lastly, we can obtain:
"[infinitive of V]"
"[past participle of V]"
"[present participle of V]"
For example, "[present participle of the verb incorporate]" is "incorporating".
### Non-English Inform
Intensive work has gone into making both the adaptive text system and
Inform's syntax analyser flexible enough to work in languages other than
English. For example, an experimental stab at French Inform has adaptive
pronouns such as "[celui]", "[il]", "[le]", "[lui]", "[son]" and "[le
sien]"; it supports tenses not existing in English, such as the past
historic; and it can conjugate the whole gamut of French verbs, which are
very much harder than English ones. For example, once the experimental
French Inform extension is included, the sentence:
In French craindre is a verb.
will automatically create a text substitution "[craignis]" which can
come out in about 100 different forms: "a crainte" (a female person has
been feared), "craignirent" (third-person plural past historic active),
and so on.
Inform's adaptive linguistics are specified by programming the new Inform
syntax analysis layer using a grammar called Preform. French, for example,
takes about 2200 lines of Preform grammar just to handle verbs properly.
Preform is not documented in the main Inform manual, and it remains
experimental, but see the newly published syntax specification.
Internationalising Inform 7 remains a long-term goal, but these are major
steps towards it. The scheme is that a translator creates an extension called,
say, French Language, and that this contains some material similar to that
in I6's "language definition files" together with Preform grammar, translations
of responses in the Standard Rules, creations of unusual tenses, and so on.
The draft "French Language" extension, which is still incomplete in that it
doesn't translate the Responses, is published alongside this build for the
benefit of anybody interested.
### Responses
Many of the short texts written by Inform in play do not appear in the source
text for the story, and come instead from extensions, and especially from the
Standard Rules. They are often replies to commands:
You are carrying nothing.
Such texts are called "responses". The Inform 6 jargon here was "library
messages", and a crude low-level way to alter these using I6 code was up to
now the best way to customise the dialogue appearing in play. (In practice
most authors used Inform 7 extensions to do this for them, but those
extensions in turn relied on horrible I6 hacks.)
Inform now provides a flexible way for any extension to make its responses
customisable, and every built-in extension has been rewritten to do so.
We expect many third-party extensions to follow suit.
For example, many of the smaller rules in the SR are capable of producing
one or two standard responses. These are now labelled with the rule's name and
then a bracketed letter - (A), (B), (C), ... as needed so that every response
has its own unique name. For example, the SR lays down:
Carry out taking inventory (this is the print empty inventory rule):
if the first thing held by the player is nothing,
say "[We] [are] carrying nothing." (A) instead.
which makes the familiar text "You are carrying nothing." a response named:
print empty inventory rule response (A)
These names are actually values, belonging to the kind "response". Because of
that, if we try this:
say "Hmm: [print empty inventory rule response (A)]"
Inform will produce
Hmm: print empty inventory rule response (A)
since we gave Inform a value to print, and that's just what it then did. But:
say "Hmm: [text of print empty inventory rule response (A)]"
produces "Hmm: You are carrying nothing.", unless of course the response has
been changed.
It's very easy to change responses:
The print empty inventory rule response (A) is "Your hands are, like,
totally empty. Lame."
and we can even do this dynamically during play:
now the print empty inventory rule response (A) is "Your hands ...";
just as if we were setting a variable.
In practice we can't change these responses unless we know what they're
called. One way to find out is just to read through the extensions we're
using, but that's a laborious process. A more practical answer is to type:
which replies by listing the sets of responses currently available; for
example, it says that RESPONSES 1 is the set of responses for the Standard
Rules. We can then type exactly that:
Standard Rules:
block vaguely going rule response (A): "You'll have to say which
compass direction to go in."
print the final prompt rule response (A): "> [run paragraph on]"
and so on. This lists all of the responses, rule by rule, along with their
current texts.
A more selective trick is to make use of the new activity "issuing the
response text of". If we write:
Before issuing the response text of a response (called R): say "[R]: ".
we get dialogue like:
standard report waiting rule response (A): Time passes.
can't go that way rule response (A): You can't go that way.
(See suggestion 751870.)
### Variables and named constants
The customary way to create a variable in Inform is write something like:
The wolf count is a number which varies.
(Or "a number variable", equivalently.) This creates it and gives it the
default value for whatever its kind is -- 0, in this case. So to give it a
definite value takes a second sentence:
The wolf count is 31.
This is all rather a lot of typing, so a new way to do both steps in one is:
The wolf count is initially 31.
This creates "wolf count" as a number which varies, if it hasn't already been
created, and gives it the initial value 31.
In the case of objects, it can be ambiguous what the kind is; Inform treats
this situation in the same way it does when working out the kind of columns
in tables, by being permissive rather than restrictive. For example:
Peter is a man. The accursed one is initially Peter.
This creates "accursed one" as an object which varies, to be on the safe side.
Inform can see that it currently contains a "man" (Peter), but it doesn't
know if the variable will later need to hold something else -- a woman
called Jane, say, or even a black hat. If in fact the variable must be more
restrictive, it's legal to write:
Peter is a man. The accursed one is initially Peter.
The accursed one is a man that varies.
thus telling Inform exactly what is intended.
It's also now possible to create named constants:
The speed limit is always 55.
makes "speed limit" a number constant. Any attempt to set this elsewhere, or
change its value, will result in a Problem message, and moreover it can be
used in contexts where variables wouldn't be allowed. For example,
The list of significant speeds is initially {30, the speed limit, 90}.
is legal, since the braced list is a constant, and produces
"list of significant speeds" = list of numbers: {30, 55, 90}
Similarly a named constant can be used as a table entry, and as the value
of a property, so for example:
A person has a number called maximum comfort speed.
The maximum comfort speed of Trevor is the speed limit.
means that the SHOWME TREVOR testing command produces, among other data,
maximum comfort speed: 55
### Floating-point arithmetic
Inform has a new kind of value, "real number", which is only available for
projects set to Glulx. "real number" behaves very like the "float" type in
C, C++, Java and similar programming languages, since, like them, it follows
the IEEE-754 binary32 standard for floating-point arithmetic.
It may seem odd to be creating a second kind of number, having just gone to
great effort to unify two kinds of text, but the difference here is that
arithmetic is fundamentally different for floating-point numbers.
Real numbers are typed much the way that they would be in science or
mathematics textbooks. Thus:
let gamma be 0.5772156649;
let Avogadro's number be 6.022141 x 10^23;
(Inform will instead use notations like 4.32E-22 if the use option "Use
engineering notation" is on, but by default it's off.)
The fundamental trade-off with computer representations of real numbers is
that we compromise on the accuracy of numbers, but not their size, which
can be enormously large or small. The range we can hold is roughly:
1.18 x 10^38 to 3.4 x 10^38
The mathematical constants "pi" and "e" are built in to Inform, but must be
typed in lower case.
Numbers can always be used where real numbers are expected: for example,
"cosine of 2" does the same as "cosine of 2.0" and produces -0.41615.
The standard arithmetic operations work on numbers unless one of the values
worked on is a real number, in which case the real-number calculation is
done instead. Thus "3 / 2" is 1, because the whole number 2 goes into 3 only
once, but "3 / 2.0" and "3.0 / 2" both produce the real number 1.5.
On the other hand, real numbers can't be used in place of numbers, so e.g.:
word number 1.6 in "The Great Wall of China"
is not allowed. But conversion can be made explicitly: "1.6 to the nearest
whole number" produces the number 2.
For details on real arithmetic, and on how infinities and non-numbers are
represented, see "Writing With Inform".
Text substitutions make it easy to print real numbers in the form needed:
"The semicircle is roughly [pi to 3 decimal places] paces around."
"[1.23457 x 10^8 in decimal notation]"
"[the reciprocal of 137 in scientific notation]"
and so on. Real numbers can similarly appear in Understand grammar. An
extensive suite of mathematical functions is provided:
real square root of X [unlike "square root of", which produces a number]
floor of X
ceiling of X
absolute value of X
reciprocal of X
X to the power Y
exponential of X
logarithm of X [which is a natural log]
logarithm to base Y of X
X degrees [which converts X from degrees to radians]
sine of X
cosine of X
tangent of X
arcsine of X
arccosine of X
arctangent of X
hyperbolic sine of X
hyperbolic cosine of X
hyperbolic tangent of X
hyperbolic arcsine of X
hyperbolic arccosine of X
hyperbolic arctangent of X
And these conform to IEEE-754 in the usual way.
Inform has always been able to create arithmetic kinds of value; for example:
Weight is a kind of value. 10 kg specifies a weight.
Now that there are two ways to perform arithmetic, Inform needs to decide
which to use in each case. It decides on the basis of whether floating-point
numbers are used in the notation. Above, for example, "10 kg" looks like a
whole number of kilograms, so Inform uses number arithmetic. But this:
Weight is a kind of value. 1.0 kg specifies a weight.
looks real, so Inform uses real number arithmetic. This allows, for example,
1.9891 x 10^30 kg [the mass of the Sun]
9.109383 x 10^31 kg [the mass of an electron]
and enables reasonably accurate scientific calculations to be made. The
built-in extension Metric Units has been completely rewritten to use real
arithmetic throughout.
Inform has for some years supported "equations" - calculations written out as
formulae - but up to now they have used only the basic four functions on a
calculator: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.
In this build, arithmetic phrases can be used in abbreviated form in equations.
For example:
let x be given by sin x = 1 where x is a real number;
works out x as pi divided by 4, which is to say, 90 degrees. The Phrasebook
entries on the mathematical functions give their abbreviations, but here they
all are as a list:
abs, root, ceiling, floor, int, log, exp, sin, cos, tan,
arcsin, arccos, arctan, sinh, cosh, tanh, arcsinh, arccosh, arctanh
("root" automatically means the real-number form of square root operation.)
As an example, here's the definition of arcsinh given in the Standard Rules:
To decide which real number is the hyperbolic arcsine of (R - a real number)
(this is the arcsinh function inverse to sinh):
let x be given by x = log(R + root(R^2 + 1)) where x is a real number;
decide on x.
The final bracketed clause "this is the arcsinh function inverse to sinh" tells
Inform two useful things - to call this "arcsinh" in equations, and that it
can solve implicit equations like "arcsinh x = 1" using the inverse function,
viz., by performing "x = sinh 1". It's quite legal to create new mathematical
functions in this way.
### Miscellaneous minor changes to the language
It's conventional for web pages to provide "alt-text" for significant images displayed, so that partially sighted or blind users can get an idea of what is being shown. Inform adopts the March 2014 extensions to the Blorb format and the Babel standard in order to provide such text for figures and sounds. The author simply adds short paraphrases in brackets, like so:
Fugue is the file "Bach.ogg" ("A church organ playing a Bach fugue.").
Figure 2 is the file "butterfly.jpg" ("A red admiral butterfly.").
Release along with cover art ("A cathedral at sunset.").
In previous builds it has been legal to mark headings with "(not for
release)" to say that the material inside shouldn't be included on a release;
it's now legal to do the reverse, using "(for release only)" to mark material
which is only included on a release. (See suggestion 999953.)
The I6 code generated by Inform now includes comments noting which
paragraphs of the template originate which I6 code. This makes no difference
to the effect of the code, but may help debuggers and template hackers.
(Not suggested on Uservoice, but by Andrew Plotkin in the Inform 6 maintenance
mailing list.)
In previous builds all commands starting with a given verb could be removed:
Understand the "take" command as something new.
It's now also legal to clear out all the commands leading to a given action:
Understand nothing as taking.
Note that other senses of "take" - for taking off clothes, for example - would
be unchanged, as would other senses of "get" - for getting out of rooms, etc.
(See suggestion 751396.)
When defining phrases, Inform has for some years allowed "one/two/--" to mean
that the word in question can be "one", "two", or omitted altogether. The same
is now true when giving slashed alternatives in Understand grammar. Thus:
Understand "brief underwood/urquhart/--" as briefing.
matches BRIEF, BRIEF UNDERWOOD, or BRIEF URQUHART. (See suggestion 751366.)
A new use option, "Use unabbreviated object names", instructs Inform not
to recognise names in the source text other than in full. For example,
West of the Kitchen is the Roaring Range. South of the Range is the Pantry.
is ordinarily read by Inform as constructing three rooms (Kitchen, Roaring
Range, Pantry); but with this use option set, it makes four (Kitchen, Roaring
Range, Range, Pantry), in two disconnected pieces of map. Namespace purists
have asked for this option, which makes Inform behave a little more like a
conventional programming language; but it is very much off by default.
Note that this has no effect on what commands are recognised in play, and
affects only how Inform reads the source text of the project. (See
suggestion 751458.)
New phrases have been added to make it easier to see the contents of
tables as they change:
To showme the contents of (T - table name): ...
To say the/-- current table row: ...
To say row (N - number) in/from (T - table name): ...
To say (TC - table column) in/from (T - table name): ...
These are intended to authors with testing, not for players to see. The
typical output for a full table is:
Table of Frogs
(row 1) | 13 | fish |
(row 2) | 21 | toad |
while a column comes out as a comma-separated list "fish, toad". (See
suggestion 751330.)
In past builds, if authors wanted an action to have a past participle then
this had to be specified by hand:
Photographing is an action with past participle photographed, applying
to one thing.
The "with" was optional. It is now compulsory, but in any case, past
participles are automatically generated using the adaptive linguistics tricks
discussed above - in most cases "-ing" is replaced with "-ed", but Inform knows
some 460 irregular exceptions, such as caught, fled, crossbred, taken, woven.
In all likelihood, past participle declarations can simply be removed from
existing source text.
The RULES ALL testing command now works better, fixing a bug causing it
not always to list all inapplicable rules, and giving a brief reason why such
rules are inapplicable.
Rulebooks were previously limited to 10 named outcomes (each); there is
now no limit.
The construction "list of D", where D is a description, now allows the
description to include references to "let" and loop variables. Thus for
let L be the list of things in Downton Abbey;
always worked, but
let the place be Downton Abbey;
let L be the list of things in the place;
only now works. (See suggestion 751032.)
Inform's understanding of the "-where" words has been improved: that is,
the words somewhere, anywhere, nowhere and everywhere. Inform considers
anywhere to be the same as somewhere, so there are really three cases here.
In previous builds, "somewhere" and "nowhere" meant, roughly speaking, "a room"
and "no room". Sometimes this was sensible ("if somewhere is visited, ..."),
but it gave sentences like these a strange reading:
if the marble is somewhere, ...
if the marble is nowhere, ...
with the first asking if the marble is a room (no) and the second if it is
not a room (yes). Past builds did understand "if B is everywhere", in the
case where B was a backdrop, but that was a special case.
In the new build, "-where" words as objects of the copular form of "to be"
refer to the room which something is in. To put that another way, sentences
such as
if somewhere is visited, ...
mean just what they did before; but
if the marble is somewhere, ...
if the marble is nowhere, ...
now tests whether the marble is (indirectly) in a room. This is the same test
which used to be called "on-stage" and "off-stage", which still work fine,
but we prefer the new wording in the documentation. These are linguistically
more interesting than adjectives, and we could write, for example:
if the marble is somewhere dark, ...
if the marble is somewhere which is not dark, ...
Note that the place referred to by "somewhere" is the room which ultimately
contains the marble. For example, if a glowing marble is in a closed wooden box
on a table at the bottom of the Coal Mine, then it is still "somewhere dark",
even though there's light inside the box. Note also that:
if the Coal Mine is somewhere dark, ...
continues be true, and that the meaning of "to be in" has not changed. Thus
if the marble is in a dark room, ...
if the marble is in somewhere dark, ...
both continue to talk about what the marble is immediately inside - the wooden
box, which is not a room, so both are false.
It's legal to use the -where words in assertions, too:
Godot is a man. Godot is nowhere.
in which case Godot begins off-stage - not in any of the rooms. At the
opposite extreme:
The stars are a backdrop which is everywhere.
(Only backdrops can be everywhere.) Moreover, these can be changed with "now":
now the Lady is nowhere;
duplicates the effect of the old phrase "remove the Lady from play", which,
again, we now prefer not to use, but which still works. This works for
backdrops too:
After sleeping:
say "It's a bright new day!";
now the stars are nowhere.
After waiting:
say "Darkness falls rapidly here.";
now the stars are everywhere.
Writing "now the marble is somewhere" is not allowed, since this is too
vague about where.
(See the discussion following suggestion 1286087.)
On Glulx-compiled projects, you can now have up to 256 temporary values
("let" and "repeat" variables, etc.) at a time. Previously the limit was 15,
and for Z-compiled projects it still is, since this is a restriction from the
virtual machine itself. (See bug report 0001092, a blatant and successful
attempt to pitch a suggestion under cover of the bug report database.)
The Understand tokens
are now equivalent to "[any thing]", "[any person]" and "[any room]". Note
that "[anything]" was previously read as equivalent to "[something]", and
"[anybody]" and "[anyone]" as "[someone]": the crucial difference is that
"[any thing]" matches any named thing anywhere in the story, whereas
"[something]" is restricted to the player's vicinity.
Five new values have been added to the kind "command parser error",
can't again the addressee error
comma can't begin error
can't see whom to talk to error
can't talk to inanimate things error
didn't understand addressee's last name error
This routes five of the parser's errors through the "printing a parser error"
activity for the first time. (See bug report 0000525.)
Last and very much least, it is now legal to write a sentence like:
"Madame Fanny has rules." is a text.
though there is really no good reason to do so. (See problem 0000685 from
the bug tracker.)
### Removal of procedural rules
In June 2010 it was announced that Inform's procedural rules would be
withdrawn in the next major release. We have had some minor releases in
between, but the time has now come.
Procedural rules were originally designed to provide a last-resort way to
alter the working of the Standard Rules (and of other extensions) by allowing
certain rules to be ignored, substituted and so on. In practice, they caused
confusion in use, and incurred significant run-time overheads in terms of
both memory and running time.
There is therefore no longer a "procedural rulebook", and attempts to create
rules such as this:
Procedural rule: ignore the print final score rule.
will produce problem messages.
The functionality provided by procedural rules wasn't needed often, but it
remains useful to have a last-resort mechanism. The following is available
The print final score rule does nothing.
The rule continues to be listed in any rulebook it would normally be listed in,
but now it doesn't do anything. More usefully, we can attach a condition:
The print final score rule does nothing if the score is 0.
The print final score rule does nothing unless the score is 100.
We can also substitute a rule of our own:
This is the print fancy final score rule:
say "Oh my, you scored a mammoth [score]!"
The print fancy final score rule substitutes for the print final score rule.
and once again a condition can be applied:
The print fancy final score rule substitutes for the print final score
rule when the score is greater than 100.
The following phrases, which could be used only in procedural rules, have been
removed from the built-in set:
ignore (rule)
reinstate (rule)
reject the result of (rule)
accept the result of (rule)
substitute (rule) for (rule)
restore the original (rule)
move (rule) to before (rule)
move (rule) to after (rule)
Anybody who never used procedural rules will never notice that these have gone,
but one other related change might affect them. There used to be two subtly
different ways to make a rule or rulebook apply:
follow the print fancy final score rule;
consider the print fancy final score rule;
The difference was arcane and had to do with procedural rules, which were
taken into consideration for "follow" but not "consider". This difference has
now vanished, and to avoid confusion "consider" is being withdrawn. In all
cases it can simply be replaced by "follow".
What do we gain by these changes? The language becomes simpler, and the new
syntax is easier to read; run-time memory and stack usage is reduced for
everyone, even people not using procedural rules in the first place; and,
similarly, there are significant run-time savings in speed (in one test, of
about 15%). It's also now possible to index the effects of rule
manipulation, making it possible to see from the Rules Index page what has
been altered. (See suggestions 751182 and 837651.)
### Removal of deprecated phrases
In June 2010 it was announced that a number of Inform's built-in phrases
would be withdrawn in the next major release. That day has dawned.
This means there is every chance that upgrading to the new build will cause
existing source text, including perhaps in extensions, to cause Problems.
(They will either cause Problem messages or will work as normal - they won't
behave differently in a secretive, difficult-to-detect way.)
Before upgrading, we recommend that any user concerned about this should
try adding the following to source text:
Use no deprecated features.
In builds from 6E59 onwards, this causes Inform to produce Problem messages
for any of the usages we are now withdrawing, and points to documentation
on how to make the change. That advice has now been removed from the
documentation, but is reproduced below instead.
award (number) point/points
Use "increase the score by 5" or similar instead.
change (a stored value) to (value)
change (object) to (enumerated value)
change (object) to (property)
change the/-- player to (object)
Use "now the score is 10" or similar instead; that is, try "now ... is"
in place of "change ... to".
consider (rule)
Use "follow" instead (see above).
delete (a table entry)
Use "blank out" instead of "delete".
end the game in death
Instead, use: end the story saying "You have died";
end the game in victory
Instead, use: end the story finally saying "You have won";
end the game saying (text)
Use the word "story" instead of "game".
if (a condition) then (a phrase)
Use a comma instead of "then", or use a colon and put the phrase
on the next line, indented one stop inward.
if game ended in death:
Use: if the story has ended and the story has not ended finally, ...
if game ended in victory:
Use: if the story has ended finally, ...
if game is in progress:
Use: if the story has not ended, ...
if game is over:
Use: if the story has ended, ...
if in (object):
Use "if the location is the Hall of Mists" or similar instead.
Note: don't use "if the player is in the Hall of Mists", because
that will fail if the player is inside a container in the Hall.
if it is after (time):
Use "if the time of day is after 6:00 PM" or similar instead.
if it is before (time):
Use "if the time of day is before 6:00 PM" or similar instead.
if using the/-- (use option):
Use "if the American dialect option is active" or similar instead.
resume the game
Use "resume the story" instead.
say "[contents of object]"
say "[the contents of object]"
Use "[list of things carried by Darcy]" or similar instead.
set pronouns from possessions of the player
Use the following:
repeat with item running through things held by the player:
set pronouns from the item.
while (a condition) repeatedly (a phrase)
while (a condition), (a phrase)
Use the block version of "while" instead:
while a person (called Muggins) is in the Hall:
move Muggins to the Y2 Rock Room.
## The Standard Rules
### Actions and the world model
In describing actions, Inform now distinguishes between:
(a) doing something other than taking the apple
(b) doing something other than taking to the apple
To see the difference, suppose the action is "going north". In all builds
of Inform, that fails (b): it certainly isn't performing an action on
the apple. But in past builds, it also failed (a), because Inform couldn't
distinguish the two meanings. In the new build, "doing something other than
taking the apple" matches absolutely any action (by the player) which is
not "taking the apple", so it does indeed match "going north".
(See bug report 0000784, though I think this was really a suggestion.)
If an action takes place as a result of persuasion, "after" rules are now
called on the persuasion action as well as the generated action. For example:
Persuasion rule for asking Bob to try doing something: rule succeeds.
After asking Bob to try waiting:
say "You asked Bob to wait!"; continue the action.
After Bob waiting: say "Bob did wait!"; continue the action.
now results in the following in response to "BOB, WAIT":
[asking Bob to try waiting]
[(1) Bob waiting]
Bob did wait!
Bob waits.
[(1) Bob waiting - succeeded]
You asked Bob to wait!
[asking Bob to try waiting - succeeded]
(Previously, the "After asking Bob to try waiting" rule could never have effect.)
The property "publically-named" has been respelled "publicly-named". The
spelling "publically", which GN habitually uses, is in fact archaic; it has
also been corrected in the Inform manuals.
(See suggestion 905217.)
The following rules have been renamed and moved:
the block tasting rule
the block smelling rule
the block listening rule
the block jumping rule
the block waving hands rule
the block rubbing rule
Each rule has become a Report rule, not a Check rule; and "block" in the name
has become "report" - for example, we now have the "report tasting rule".
These are all cases where the Standard Rules printed a message suggesting that
the action had taken place but with no interesting effect; but because the
messages were produced by Check rules blocking the action, it was considered
to have failed rather than succeeded. It now succeeds.
This change will cause a few existing source texts to fail because they
explicitly removed the old rules, for instance like so:
The block smelling rule is not listed in any rulebook.
In some cases sentences like this won't be needed any more, and in others they
can simply be replaced by:
The report smelling rule is not listed in any rulebook.
Note that as a result of these changes, other actors can also succeed in these
actions, and this means there are new "library messages" to report that: for
You jump on the spot.
Clark Gable jumps on the spot.
The second version here is new. Note also that Inform's default response used
to be "You jump on the spot, fruitlessly." - we have removed "fruitlessly".
Similarly, on waving hands, the player is no longer "feeling foolish".
Because the rubbing action now succeeds, people can now in principle rub
each other. This of course is not unknown in real life, but it's socially loaded
enough that we shouldn't allow it without the author's intervention. So there
is a new rule:
can't rub another person rule
to block this ("Keep your hands to yourself.").
(See suggestion 750970.)
The "singing" action has been removed from the Standard Rules. In cases where
it was useful, it was a nuisance to modify in order to make its responses
appropriate - simply writing a singing action fresh is easier and clearer.
The main case for removing it was that beginners often forgot to do anything
about the "singing" action at all, so that singing would be possible in the
most unlikely circumstances -- swimming underwater, creeping up on somebody,
and so on.
(Again, see suggestion 750970.)
The "swearing strongly" and "swearing mildly" actions have been removed from
the Standard Rules, and by default, Inform story files no longer respond to
swear-words at all. This change is made partly because they weren't useful
enough actions to belong in the Standard Rules core set, and partly because of
concerns about the use of Inform in education.
(See suggestion 873945.)
The "dropping" action has a new rule:
can't drop body parts rule
which provides a better response to attempts to do so ("You can't drop part of
yourself." rather than "You haven't got that.").
(See suggestion 751260.)
The "entering" action has a new rule:
can't enter if this exceeds carrying capacity rule
which means that if the player puts an apple on a table with carrying
capacity 1, then tries to stand on the table, she will be prevented on the
grounds that there's not enough room.
(See bug report 0001062.)
The "eating" action no longer requires the noun to be carried. This allows
people to graze on giant mushrooms, eat berries straight from the bush, and
so on, and it also gets over awkward situations over commands like "EAT SOUP"
when the soup is a thing on a dining table. What now happens is that an
implicit taking action occurs if the food is portable, but not otherwise.
(Because of the rule ordering, it also only happens if the supposed food
is in fact edible.) For realism's sake, we also, by default, block the eating
of food carried by other people.
There are two new rules:
can't eat other people's food rule
can't eat portable food without carrying it rule
and there's also a new "library message" covering the first of these.
(See suggestion 750956.)
The "can't put onto something being carried rule" has been removed. There
are already ways in which it's possible for a supporter to continue to hold
something up while being carried -- for instance, the tray created thus:
The tray is a portable supporter. On the tray is a bottle of absinthe.
can be picked up. The effect of removing this rule is that it's now possible
to, say, put a glass onto the tray while still holding the tray, which seems
reasonable enough.
(See suggestion 1564863.)
In effect, we're now saying that it's within the rules of the world model
for people to carry supporters which are in use as such. Initial situations
like this one:
The player is carrying the tray. On the tray is a bottle of absinthe.
are therefore now allowed; in previous builds the tray would have been
assumed to be fixed in place, being a supporter, but now it's assumed to be
portable, being carried.
Supported items can now have initial appearances, or rather, their initial
appearances are now made use of. For example:
An old oak tree-stump is here. A golden acorn is on the tree-stump.
"A gleaming gold acorn shines out from the gnarled wood of [the tree-stump]."
enables the following:
A gleaming gold acorn shines out from the gnarled wood of the old oak tree-stump.
>get acorn
Forest Glade
You can see an old oak tree-stump here.
This is enabled by a new rule:
initial appearance on supporters rule
If unwanted, the new behaviour can be removed by removing this rule.
(See suggestion 1615745.)
The "taking off" action, for removing articles of clothing, used to mandate
that the article in question be carried. This sounded sensible, since after
all you could hardly take off a hat which was already on the floor. But it
had the unfortunate side-effect that typing REMOVE HAT in this situation
would cause an implicit action of taking the hat before going on to tell
the player that he can't remove it because he's not wearing it. Taking off
now doesn't require the article to be carried as part of the specification,
and instead it includes the disambiguation hint:
Does the player mean taking off something worn: it is very likely.
(See suggestion 2899370.)
A new activity, "printing inventory details", exactly parallels the existing
activity "printing room description details" - but, of course, it prints
additional information about items in inventory listings, not in room
descriptions. For example:
a flaming branch (providing light)
The bracketed addition here was added by this activity.
As example rules:
Rule for printing inventory details: stop.
gets rid of these addenda; and
Rule for printing inventory details of something edible:
say " (yummy!)[run paragraph on]".
adds a new one.
(See suggestion 868581.)
### Implicit taking
"Implicit taking" is what happens in situations like this one:
In the wooden bread-bin is a croissant.
(first taking the croissant)
Although the command doesn't directly call for a taking action, it's implicit,
and Inform pauses the eating action while a taking action is tried first.
The business of this is carried out by an activity called "implicitly taking".
This has existed for some time, but only as hook on which to hang rules. That
is, you could modify how implicit taking was done, but you couldn't change
the circumstances under which it was done. This is no longer true, and you
can now write rules like this:
Check an actor eating (this is the can't eat portable food without
carrying it rule):
if the noun is portable and the actor is not carrying the noun:
carry out the implicitly taking activity with the noun;
if the actor is not carrying the noun, stop the action.
which is, in fact, how the Standard Rules makes the dialogue above happen.
Note that if the activity doesn't succeed in taking the item, it's expected
to print some text explaining this, which is why we don't need to say anything
This reform also means that the following rules:
can't insert what's not held rule
can't put what's not held rule
now generate implicit takes properly, using the activity, rather than simply
imitating this (as they did in previous builds).
The implementation of the activity has changed as part of this process.
It used to be empty by default - containing no rules, that is, except any
which the user chose to add. But it now contains a "for" rule as the last
rule in "for implicitly taking":
standard implicit taking rule
This prints the text "(first taking ...)" and then silently tries the taking
action. (See suggestion 1207603.)
### Story conclusion and scoring
In previous builds, Inform produced story files which kept score (and
showed the score in the status line, and so on) by default: it only removed
scoring if the option
Use no scoring.
was used. This was a hangover to the days when all IF was game-based, and
we now think it's out of date. So by default Inform now has no score; the
new option
Use scoring.
has to be used to put it back. If this isn't done, and the source text ever
changes the "score" variable, Inform issues a problem message; so in practice
Inform won't silently compile existing source text which expects scoring but
doesn't get it.
In story files with no scoring, Inform previously defaulted to showing the
turn count in the right hand part of the status line. We don't think this is
useful any more, either, so the right hand status line is now blank for
no-scoring stories (by default). The status line's appearance for scoring
stories is unchanged.
(This implements suggestions 1564911 and 1565295.)
### Miscellaneous minor changes to the Standard Rules
It has always been the case that if the author doesn't specify the
room where the player begins, Inform assumes the player begins in the
first room created. In past builds, however, it was possible for that
to be a room created in an extension, since "Include..." sentences tend
to come early on. In this build, Inform gives preference to the main
source text, and will only put the player (by default) into a room
created by an extension if there are no rooms created by the main
source text. In practice this rarely arose because very few extensions
need to create rooms, but for those which do, it could lead to quite
some confusion.
The property "mentioned" is used to mark items which have been named
already in the course of a room description, but it used to apply only
to naming after the room's main description was printed. It now applies
either since the beginning of the turn, or since the current looking
action began to be carried out, whichever is more recent. So:
The Grange is a room. "Welcome to the home of [the fisherman]."
The fisherman and the green net are here.
Welcome to the home of the fisherman.
You can see a green net here.
rather than "You can see the fisherman and a green net here."
The following restores the previous behaviour:
A first before printing the locale description rule:
repeat with item running through things:
now the item is not mentioned.
Whereas the following makes the new behaviour even stronger:
The declare everything unmentioned rule is not listed in the carry out looking rulebook.
so that "mentioned" would mean "named somewhere since the start of this turn".
(See suggestion 831441.)
In previous builds of Inform, the rules on touchability applied rather
oddly to two-sided doors. This only really showed up when non-players
were trying actions outside the player's location, but that case led to a
number of bug reports (0000886, 0001163, 0001164). These anomalies have
been removed, and doors are now subject to the same rules on touch and
reach as anything else. I'm noting that here because a few source texts
just might depend on the old way: the example "Rope" had to be modified
because it relied on trying an opening action on a door a long way from
the player (at the other end of the rope), which worked in the old
build because Inform wasn't checking for touchability. In the new build,
"reaching inside" rules had to be added to make the door touchable.
Previous builds of Inform had two actions to handle swear-words typed in
at the command prompt, for mild and strong obscenities, respectively. These
had to be handled a little coyly in the Index to avoid Inform being
considered a "mature audiences only" program, which would get in the way
of classroom use. But they were also inappropriate for many games, and
added nothing of any great value to the world model; they have now been
(This doesn't implement suggestion 873945 from the forum as such, but it
does resolve the unsatisfactory situation this drew attention to; see also
suggestion 751338.)
There's a new rule, the -
exclude people from drop all rule
which does just what it says, using the "deciding whether all includes"
activity. (See the maintenance section below under 0000433.)
There's a new rule, the -
can't push from within rule
which stops people getting into vehicles which are also pushable between
rooms and then pushing them in some direction from the inside. One can
imagine a few such vehicles - a bobsleigh, maybe, or a punt - but they
would probably be better modelled a different way in any case. (See
bug report 0000630.)
New rules:
can't exceed carrying capacity when taking off rule
can't exceed carrying capacity when giving rule
defend against sneaky ways to exceed peoples' carrying capacity. (See bug
reports 0000787, 0000788, 0000804.)
## Extensions
Inform builds projects from both the source text typed by the author and from
Extensions; one of these, the Standard Rules, is always included; others are
added as authors please. About 20 are "built-in" to Inform, meaning that they
are stored inside the application and always available. Others must be
"installed", and each Inform user will have a folder somewhere on his computer
which contains these. Users typically download these from inform7.com and
then use an Install Extension menu option in the application, which then
squirrels the file away. Installed extensions are then available to any
projects that user may be working on.
It is now also possible to have extensions available to just one project.
These must be stored in the Extensions subfolder of the .materials folder,
but otherwise are arranged much the same as installed extensions - there's
an outer folder for each author's name, and extensions are named with a
".i7x" extension within. For example:
Mourning Hypercritical.inform
Mourning Hypercritical.materials
John Siracusa
Fixing The Finder.i7x
When Inform needs to find an extension, it looks here first, then in the
installed area, then in its built-in area. That means that you can make
your own revised or hacked version of an extension, put it in the .materials
area, and then have it take precedence over the installed or built-in one.
We expect this to be useful in several situations: (i) for people who want
to have all of their extensions somewhere where a source-control utility
like Subversion can conveniently get at them; (ii) for people who want to
keep snapshots of extensions as they were at a given point in time;
(iii) for people who like to circumvent the Inform application's source
editing window and keep all of their source text for a large project in a
string of extensions instead; and (iv) for extension authors who want to
have an experimental, not-ready-for-release version of their extension to
play with in a test project, without disturbing their installed stable
version. (See suggestion 751172.)
Extensions are now required to be filenamed with a ".i7x" extension.
This was previously usual but not required, and unextended filenames caused
problems with the Subversion source control system. (See suggestion 834467.)
## Releasing
There's a new "release along with" option:
Release along with an introductory postcard.
which bundles Andrew Plotkin's IF postcard as part of a release.
(See suggestion 1240511.)
There's also the release option:
Release along with the file "filename".
This includes the named file, but without listing it as a browsable item on
any generated website. For example,
Release along with a file of "Butterfly painting" called "butterfly.jpg".
Release along with the file "butterfly.jpg".
do exactly the same thing as each other except that the first lists "Butterfly
painting" on the sidebar menu of a released website, and the second doesn't.
We can also file it away in a subfolder:
Release along with the file "butterfly.jpg" in "hidden_images".
so that it ends up as
rather than
The new release options:
Release along with Javascript "whatever.js".
Release along with style sheet "how_may_you.css".
cause Inform to add inclusions of these scripts (of which there can be any
number) to any web page generated in the release; and automatically also
achieve the effect of:
Release along with the file "whatever.js".
Release along with the file "how_may_you.css".
thus copying them into place.
The new release options:
Release along with separate figures.
Release along with separate sounds.
cause any figures or sounds created by the project to be copied into the
Release folder explicitly: in fact, to Release/Figures and Release/Sounds
respectively. This makes them more accessible to hybrid website/IF projects
than if they were only embedded in the Glulx story file, and thus invisible
to external Javascript or HTML.
Bibliographic data for a project is now allowed to contain Unicode text
substitutions. Thus:
Include Unicode Character Names by Graham Nelson.
The story headline is "Adventures in [']68[unicode 8211]79".
The story description is "This is a sentence[unicode 8212]with a parenthetical in dashes[unicode 8212]because 8212 is the Unicode number for an em-dash. But for example, 'pawn to [unicode black chess bishop]4' draws in a black chess bishop, so it works with names, too."
(This was absolutely a suggestion, not a bug, in spite of generating bug reports 0000913 and 0000926.)
## Maintenance
### Core Inform maintenance
More than 400 bug fixes are made in this build, addressing almost every
known defect in its predecessors.
The following lists only the more significant bug fixes: it excludes those
categorised by the bug tracker as "cosmetic", mostly small improvements to
problem messages, or which affect only the documentation. I'm nevertheless
grateful to all those who submitted these bugs, and in particular this build
benefits from reports 0000409, 0000461, 0000527, 0000661, 0000674, 0000679,
0000701, 0000782, 0000785, 0000789, 0000791, 0000796, 0000797, 0000798,
0000805, 0000815, 0000816, 0000820, 0000821, 0000822, 0000823, 0000833,
0000854, 0000862, 0000864, 0000867, 0000869, 0000875, 0000881, 0000893,
0000917, 0000920, 0000933, 0000936, 0000941, 0000944, 0000948, 0000952,
0000964, 0000965, 0000984, 0000985, 0000996, 0001009, 0001022, 0001027,
0001028, 0001030, 0001032, 0001043, 0001053, 0001058, 0001066, 0001071,
0001068, 0001074, 0001082, 0001089, 0001096, 0001098, 0001102, 0001115,
0001118, 0001140, 0001141, 0001173, 0001174, 0001180, 0001182, 0001194,
0001196, 0001198, 0001201, 0001205, 0001208, 0001211, 0001220. See also
suggestion 4858913.
#### Uncategorisable
- Bug fixed (0000999) whereby, on some platforms, an accented character in
the directory path to an Inform project would cause translation to fail,
usually with a problem message about failure to create the debugging log,
or the .materials folder.
- Bug fixed (0000916) whereby "any" could not be use used as a determiner, e.g.
in a condition such as "if any animal is in the Observatory".
- Bug fixed (0000479) - or, clarification made, perhaps - so that "almost all"
will no longer apply to a situation in which all but one item qualifies
when there are four or fewer items.
- Bug fixed (0000480) whereby the determiners "all but" and "all except" were
not being recognised, contrary to the documentation's claim that they
are legal. (They are.)
- Bug fixed (0001060) whereby the determiners "less than" and "greater than"
measured <= and >=, not < and >. ("More than" and "fewer than" did work.
They're now synonymous in the context of determiners.)
- Bug fixed (0000632) whereby certain awkward double relationships involving
known objects would be misread, e.g. in the cases of
- (1) things enclosing the player that encloses something
- (2) things that enclose something enclosed by the player
Now (1) chooses the x such that x -> player -> (a thing), whereas (2)
chooses the x such that player -> x -> (a thing).
- Bug fixed (0001065), if it's a bug exactly, to move problem message text
from "stdout" to "stderr" when I7 is being run as a command-line tool.
- Bug fixed (0000863) whereby Inform would fail with I6 errors if the system
clock were set to a date before AD 2000; which sounds harmless enough,
but on laptops with failed batteries, or after some kinds of hard crash,
it's not unknown for Mac OS X to boot into the year 1969.
#### Source text and punctuation
- Bug fixed (0000412) whereby a semicolon placed at the end of a sentence
consisting otherwise of a double-quoted text, and followed by another
sentence, which Inform therefore (correctly) read as one joined-up but
incorrectly written sentence, led to an unhelpful problem message.
- Bug fixed (0000553, 0001056) whereby the apostrophe quotation mark rule
would not be applied properly with letters from extended Latin alphabets.
- Bug fixed (0000588) whereby a missed full stop after one sentence ending
with a double-quoted text and before another one referring to the
same thing, e.g.:
"It has printed name "Large cavern" It is west from Low passageway."
...could lead to an internal error.
#### Headings
- Bug fixed (0000553) whereby apostrophes written ['] couldn't be used inside
the double-quoted story title at the start of the source text.
- Bug fixed (0000635) whereby sections couldn't be marked both as unindexed
and also "in place of" other sections.
#### Extensions
- Bug fixed (0000377) whereby extension documentation which contains paste
buttons would sometimes omit the closure "-)" of any I6 inclusion syntax
included in the source text being demonstrated.
- Bug fixed (0000379) whereby extensions could contain spurious sentences
after the "ends here" line, sometimes leading to internal errors; a
problem message is now issued.
- Bug fixed (0000847) whereby run-time problems arising in extensions would
be reported only as being in "the source text", rather than identifying
which extension is at fault.
- Bug fixed (0000781) whereby documentation would not be correctly generated
for extensions whose title, or author name, included certain non-ASCII
- Problem message added (0001126) to catch the case of a heading replacement
subordinate to another heading replacement, so that its destination is
at best ambiguous.
#### Assertions and creations
- Bug fixed (0000549) whereby using "Here" to place something abstract, e.g.,
"X is a kind of value. Here is an X.", would produce an internal error.
It now produces a philosophical sort of problem message.
- Bug fixed (0000582) whereby incorrect assertions in the form
Let A be the B that relates to C by D.
(which really could hardly be more wrong) might in some cases lead to
a compiler crash rather than a problem message.
- Bug fixed (0000671) whereby incorrect assertions like
The description of Y during X is "".
(incorrect because properties can't be given values specific to the
duration of scenes) might, in the case where X is ambiguous, lead to
an internal error instead of a problem message.
- Bug fixed (0000703) whereby creating a new value whose name coincides with
that of an existing variable would sometimes lead to an internal error
as well a problem message.
- Bug fixed (0000735) whereby declaring "Every X incorporates a Y", when Y is
not a kind, led to an unhelpful problem message.
- Bug fixed (0000778) whereby Inform issued an internal error when trying to
implicitly create a rulebook via a relation it has to an existing rulebook
(which is entirely legal).
- Bug fixed (0000794) whereby creating one half of a pair of opposed directions
in an implicit way crashed the compiler.
- Bug fixed (0001117) and problem message improved for circular creations which
cause something to be indirectly a part of itself.
- Bug fixed (0000932) and problem messages added for assertions involving
"nothing", such as "Nothing is in the box.", and for "nothing" said to
be "here", as in "Here is nothing."
- Bug fixed (0001083 mentions this) whereby calling a room (say) "storage" or
some other keyword with an internal meaning might lead to problems.
- Bug fixed (0001038) whereby an assembly of a part of a nameless object could
crash Inform while it was trying to work out a name for the part.
- Bug fixed (0001116) whereby creations such as the following would fail:
A colour is a kind of value. The colours are red and blue.
A tile is a kind of thing. A tile has a colour.
Workshop is a room. Workshop contains a red tile.
- Bug fixed (0000888) whereby declarations like so:
The filter is a description of numbers that varies.
would be misread as an attempt to set a "description" property value.
- Bug fixed (0000521) whereby multiple sentences in succession of the form
"South is nowhere. East is nowhere.", etc., would sometimes give problem
messages for all but the first.
- Bug fixed (0001040), or you could argue this is a small feature added, so
Ideal Home Exhibition is a region. A kitchen is a kind of room.
A kitchen is always in the Ideal Home Exhibition.
will work. ("All kitchens are in the Ideal Home Exhibition" already
worked; this hangs on the difference between "always" as a measure of
likelihood and "always" as quantification.)
- Bug fixed (0001128, 0001169) whereby assembled objects attached to
proper-named objects would sometimes cause I6 run-time errors on trying
to print their capitalised names.
- Bug fixed (0000803) whereby plurals would be oversensitive about articles,
in that "The plural of a vertex is vertices." would fail to pluralise
"vertex". This is now equivalent to "The plural of vertex is vertices."
- Bug fixed (0000769) whereby it was possible to redefine an existing constant
value (say, a rulebook) as also being a kind of value, in such a way
that problem messages would crop up later and a bit misleadingly,
rather than straight away.
- Bug fixed (0000861) whereby directions would sometimes have their uses as
objects and as relative clauses confused, so that e.g.:
A direction can be planar. A direction is usually planar.
Up, down, inside, outside are not planar.
would cause Inform to think "inside , outside" was a reference to
something being inside ", outside".
- Bug fixed (0000924) whereby the source could define verbs with capitalised
words ("To Hoover implies..."), but these verbs wouldn't then be parsed
correctly. There's now a problem message to catch this.
- Bug fixed (0001219) whereby attempted proper nouns misread as spatial
locations would sometimes produce internal errors rather than
problem messages.
- Bug fixed (0001217) whereby "action of X", when used as a noun phrase in
an assertion, would require the word "trying" to be used if the actor
in question wasn't the player, whereas in other contexts Inform would
allow "trying" to be omitted. For example, the following would work
only if "trying" were inserted between "Pete" and "waiting":
The best idea yet is a stored action that varies.
The best idea yet is the action of Pete waiting.
- Bug fixed (0001156) whereby a contradiction would be reported between "A K is
always improper-named.", where K is a kind of object, and "X is a K",
where X has no article; Inform correctly inferred that X is probably
proper-named, but then incorrectly didn't overrule this with the certain
knowledge it ought to have about all Ks being improper-named.
- Bug fixed (0000693) whereby naming a room Something would lead to confusion
with the determiner "something".
- Bug fixed (0000638, 0001142) whereby assertions about "the player" wouldn't
always refer to Fred if the sentence "The player is a man called Fred"
occurred in certain places in the source.
- Bug fixed (0000655) to do with assemblies applying to a player which had
been changed to a named character with a kind more specific than "person":
for example, if "The player is a man called Robert." then assemblies
applying to men but not people in general might not properly be applied
to Robert, and even if they were, they might be misnamed.
- Bug fixed (0000824) whereby "There is... called..." would sometimes get
confused by prepositions in the first clause.
#### Model world
- Bug fixed (0000589) whereby defining a one-sided door so that its exit
direction was the same as its entry direction caused a misworded problem
- Bug fixed (0000852, 0001007) whereby it was possible for the player to be
created as, changed into, or made a part of something else. This is not
allowed, and breaks many assumptions. There's now a problem message and
a runtime problem.
- Bug fixed (0001031) whereby it was possible to have the player get on top
of a supporter, or inside a container, and then move that off-stage,
leaving the player indirectly in limbo. This is not allowed, and now
produces the run-time problem "Attempt to move the player off-stage".
(That unfortunately breaks version 5 and earlier of the extension
"Transit System by Emily Short", so you'll need version 6 or better.)
- Infelicity fixed (0000598) whereby an attempt by an actor to enter himself
failed the "can't enter what's already entered rule", rather than the
"can't enter what's not enterable rule".
- Bug fixed (0000723) whereby "resume the story" could not undo a story
end once the final question ("Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a
saved game, ...") had been asked.
- Bug fixed (0000602) whereby UNDO would be forbidden on the second command
if the first command produced an out-of-world action; but OOW actions
can indeed be undone, so this was needlessly restrictive.
- Bug fixed (0000376) whereby implicit searches through possible enclosing
objects (that is, those which satisfy the enclosure relation) would
search only things, not rooms.
- Bug fixed (0000604) whereby a player in a vehicle being driven by another
character would move rooms without "location" being immediately updated,
causing problems in some cases for light, two-sided doors and so on.
- Bug fixed (0001168) whose report begins "If an object is on a supporter
inside a closed transparent container that is part of a backdrop..."
and goes on that way, but concerns the rules on touchability.
- Bug fixed (0000806) whereby if an action is tried in the before rules for
an exiting action, and that first action causes a transition from
darkness into light, then the report of the player's new location
after the exiting will spuriously mention darkness and then
immediately correct itself.
- Bug fixed (0000807) whereby if the player begins the story as a named
character who is in darkness inside a closed container, then darkness
remains even when he or she emerges.
- Bug fixed (0000827) whereby the missing nouns supplied by default for the
commands LISTEN and SMELL would always be the location, even if the
player is within a sealed container in that location. They now supply
the outermost object which the player can touch from the inside.
- Bug fixed (0001164) whereby non-player people can sometimes not touch a
two-sided door when on the other side of it from the player.
- Bug fixed (0000870) whereby the phrase "direction of D from R" would give
misleading answers if D is a two-sided door whose facing directions
are not opposite to each other, e.g., for:
The red rock stair is east of the Orchard and above the Undertomb.
"direction of the red rock stair from the Undertomb" would evaluate
to "west", not "down" as it probably should (and now does).
- Bug fixed (0000565) whereby changing the player from a nameless default
"yourself" to somebody else renders that other person unable to refer
to "former self" in commands.
- Bug fixed (0001042) to clarify the meaning of "X is regionally in R" when
X is a backdrop or two-sided door: it's now true if and only if X is
in any one of the rooms contained in the region R. In particular, note
that a two-sided door can be regionally in two different regions at
- Bug fixed (0000694) to make the "front side" and "back side" of a door
the first and second rooms it connects to in source text sequence,
rather than in inference priority sequence (which is often but not
always the same).
- Bug fixed (0001069) whereby an object can be said to be "here" more than
once in the source text, which may implicitly lead to contradictions,
since "here" may have a different meaning in different sentences.
#### Properties
- Bug fixed (0000374) whereby Inform wasn't properly checking that condition
properties shared between different, not-inheriting-from-each-other kinds
were being consistently defined for each kind.
- Bug fixed (0000435) whereby Inform's problem message for giving a property
the same name as its own kind was unhelpful. ("Movie has a theme called
- Bug fixed (0000517) whereby Inform's problem message for trying to give an
object a nameless number or text property was unhelpful.
- Bug fixed (0001103) whereby creating a nameless property whose kind is a
proper subkind of object would fail.
- Bug fixed (0000567) whereby attempts to give one of the three properties
mentioned, privately-named or pushable between rooms to a kind of value
as well as a kind of object would lead to I6 errors. (For complicated
run-time reasons this would be rather difficult; a specific problem
message now catches this. No other properties are affected.)
- Bug fixed (0000590) whereby Inform's problem message for giving a property
an unspecific kind (such as "relation") did not reference the source
text at fault.
- Bug fixed (0000669) whereby declaring an either/or property with the name of
an article (such as "a" or "the") would lead to an internal error as well
as a (deserved) problem message.
- Bug fixed (0000712) whereby usages such as "the X of a random Y", where Y is
not a kind but a single object, or a non-existent object, would lead
to an internal error as well as a (deserved) problem message.
- Bug fixed (0001154) to do with adding relations as properties fixed. (This
looks like, but is not quite, 0000582, which is also fixed.)
- Bug fixed (0000539) whereby adding properties to new enumerated kinds, i.e.,
before any values were enumerated, would wrongly cause a problem message
saying that the kind couldn't have properties. (Bug 0000523 was, though
not obviously, a duplicate.)
- Bug fixed (0001063) whereby adjectives defined by measuring property values
would sometimes fail if the kind in question was (e.g.) a list. For
example, "Definition: a thing is fooey if its foo is {28, 34}." would
perform the wrong test.
- Bug fixed (0001192) whereby testing such adjectives on constant values might
fail, either giving a wrong answer or throwing I6 errors.
- Bug fixed (0000854) whereby defining the same adjective twice over the same
domain now throws a problem message if both definitions occur in the
source text, or both in the same extension. If not, the source text
version always prevails. This means you can, for example, write
Definition: a number is positive if it is -6.
in the source text, and override the definition in the Standard Rules,
if you really, really want to. But you can't write:
Definition: A thing is a doggie-snack if it is edible.
Definition: A thing is a doggie-snack if it is the newspaper.
- Bug fixed (0000434, 0000498) whereby declaring that a further kind can have
an existing either/or property, but giving them the wrong way around,
would disrupt the working of the property on the original kind.
- Bug fixed (0000935) whereby it was possible to make kind-unsafe property
assertions in relation to the kinds room, container, supporter and thing.
For example, the following is actually incorrect, because Inform isn't
told either implicitly or explicitly that "House" is a room, and so
it's a thing; but the bug meant that no problem message was produced,
and instead an unsafe value was stored in "home of Martha".
The Garden is a room. A person has a room called the home.
Martha is a woman. The home of Martha is House.
- Bug fixed (0000459) whereby the values of "printed name", for anonymous
objects, would sometimes mysteriously fail to be equal to each other
even when their texts looked the same.
- Bug fixed (0000533) whereby defining an adjective over two domains, one a
specific object of kind K and another a kind L which is not K or a
kind of K, would produce a spurious problem message about the domain
being unrecognised.
- Bug fixed (0000576), or problem message improved, really, for certain
attempts to use the same adjective both as an either/or property
and as one value in a many-valued condition.
#### Relations
- Bug fixed (0000515) whereby making use of various-to-one relations of things
to values could sometimes lead the compiler to crash when constructing
the initial state of play, though only in unusual cases.
- Bug fixed (0000779) whereby problem messages, arising from a description value
involving a relationship to another value held only in a local variable
about to go out of scope, were unhelpful.
- Bug fixed (0000925) whereby a relation set up with a wrongly named property
would sometimes crash rather than issue a problem message.
- Bug fixed (0000568, 0000581, 0001113) whereby relations would in some cases
be looked up back to front as seen by phrases like "the X which relates
to Y by R".
- Bug fixed (0000578) whereby fast route finding, if enabled, would sometimes
get the wrong answer when searching a source-defined relation.
- Bug fixed (0000670) whereby relations involving specific kinds of object would
not be very well defended against usage with the wrong kind of object
at run-time. For example, if:
Application relates various devices to one thing.
The verb to be applied to implies the application relation.,
then at run-time "now the noun is applied to the second noun" (say)
would produce mysteriously wrong results, I6 programming errors, etc.,
if the noun and second noun were objects other than a device and a thing.
It is now safe to read the relation for any kind of object, but the
result is "false" if the kind is wrong. It causes a run-time problem
to write the relation for the wrong kinds.
- Bug fixed (0000994) whereby relations asserted between values which, though
nouns, could also be used adjectivally, would fail. For example,
Faction is a kind of value. The factions are friendly, passive, hostile.
Hating relates various factions to various factions.
The verb to hate implies the hating relation.
A person has a faction.
Hostile hates friendly.
would produce a spurious problem message on the last sentence, because
Inform misconstrued "hostile" and "friendly" as adjectives applying to
people, not as nouns of kind "faction".
- Bug fixed (0000726) whereby relations used as property values, as initial
values of global variables, etc., would not be mutable.
#### Actions
- Bug fixed (0000512) whereby, when an action failed at the Instead stage, the
"reason the action failed" would sometimes wrongly implicate another
rulebook when looked at from entirely outside the action machinery.
- Bug fixed (0000560) whereby creating action or rulebook variables without
specifying their names would cause an internal error rather than a
problem message.
- Bug fixed (0000583) whereby "Instead of jumping for fewer than 4 turns" (say)
wouldn't be accepted, but "...less than..." would. Both are legal.
- Bug fixed (0000401) whereby attaching variables to actions, and marking them
as "(matched as X)", would result in them being matchable in practice
only if the kind of the variable was "object" or one of its subkinds.
- Bug fixed (0000908) whereby a description of an action using an optional
matched-by clause would not be accepted as part of the definition of a
kind of action. For example, this would fail to define "leaving town":
Going west from Example is leaving town.
- Bug fixed (0001148) whereby a description of an action applied to a region
would sometimes be tested on objects by seeing if the object was in that
region, rather than seeing if it was equal to it.
- Bug fixed (0001044), or perhaps it's more of a clarification of the design:
it's legal, though probably unwise, for an out-of-world action to "try"
an in-world action, and that action will indeed be in-world, and
subject to the full in-world action processing. This slightly affects
the GONEAR testing command, which runs as out-of-world but tries looking;
it therefore now runs (e.g.) the after rules for looking, which previous
builds did not. However, it doesn't run the "every turn" rules.
- Bug fixed (0000872) whereby the "standard implicit taking rule" would print
clarifying text like "(the fox first taking the eggs)" if an implicit
take was caused by something like "try the fox eating the eggs" even
when the fox could not be seen by the player at the time.
- Bug fixed (0000506, 0000937) whereby a requested action which, when accepted,
caused an action to be transferred back to the player by conversion,
would sometimes run the wrong check and carry out rules. (E.g., on
the command DAPHNE, ASK ME FOR BRENNA, with Daphne and Brenna both
being people, there would mysteriously be no text indicating that
Brenna has not in fact been taken.)
- Bug fixed (0001099, 0001107) whereby a calling in a condition which fails can
leave the variable in question holding a kind-unsafe value. For example,
if attacking a device (called the mechanism): ...
when the current action is "attacking Peter", the condition will fail
because Peter is not a device, but the "mechanism" variable would
hold Peter anyway - despite its kind being "device". It now reverts
to "nothing" in this case.
- Bug fixed (0000956) whereby a description of an action containing a name
which could refer either to a variable or a constant would always be
resolved in favour of the constant, which could lead to some strange
effects: notably, the rule here -
Player Alice is a person.
Instead of examining the player: ...
would fire on examining Alice, because "player" could refer either to
the global variable, or to player Alice. Inform already gave priority
to local variables, and now gives priority to global ones too.
- Problem message added (0001186) to catch conditions like this:
if we have examined the grail for the fifth time:
which are impossible to satisfy since "we have examined the grail" is
false until it's true, and then stays true forever, so that there cannot
be five distinct periods of time in which it's true. Since this does
not conform to our ordinary English understanding of this condition,
and since the condition cannot be useful, a problem message seems
the best response. (Previously there was a hacky workaround for this,
giving the condition a different meaning, but it had too many demerits
and caused confusion as to what "for the fifth time" meant.)
- Due to a mistype in its catalogue of irregular English verbs, Inform previously
believed the participles "spinning" and "spining" had past forms "spinned"
and "spun" respectively; it now realises they are "spun" and "spined".
#### Activities
- Bug fixed (0001083) whereby an activity rule applied to an internal keyword
such as "storage" would cause an internal error.
- Bug fixed (0000884) whereby a rule with a while condition which refers to an
activity with a non-thing kind attached would fail to compile.
- Bug fixed (0000885) whereby a rule with a while condition relating to an
activity would handle "(called X)" in a bogus way; in fact, for the
moment anyway, Inform can't handle this, and it now issues a problem
message saying so.
- Bug fixed (0000453) whereby Inform would allow the creation of activities
on values of an indefinite kind, such as:
Enunciating something is an activity on values.
- Bug fixed (0001112) whereby the list-writing activities would sometimes
fail to say "nothing" when a list of objects was empty only because
none of the (at least one) possible candidates qualified, rather
than because there were no candidates. (For example, when opening a
container to reveal only invisible scenery objects, this bug caused
odd messages like "You open the box, revealing .")
- Bug fixed (0000634) whereby, similarly, when such a list was "nothing"
the "prefacing with is/are" option would sometimes be ignored.
#### Rules and rulebooks
- Bug fixed (0000513) whereby passing the number 0 (only) to a number based
rulebook (only) using "consider" would in some cases pass a different
number instead.
- Bug fixed (0000543, 0000484) whereby a rule referencing the past in terms of
a temporary value which didn't exist in the past would produce a problem
message, correctly, but then crash.
- Bug fixed (0000619) whereby Inform crashed when comparing the specificity
of two rules, in quite unusual circumstances.
- Bug fixed (0001077) whereby Inform produced an I6 error if a rule name
included the @ character. (Which is perfectly legal, if odd.)
- Problem message added (0001139) to be more explanatory about why "This is
the rule:" is not allowed.
- Bug fixed (0000894) whereby large numbers of rules attached to the same
rulebook and having usage tests - say, 5000 copies of "Before eating
when yourself is yourself: do nothing." - would in some cases cause
memory usage and/or running time to spike dramatically, though Inform
would still produce correct code in the end.
- Bug fixed (0001181) whereby attempting to place a rule before or after
itself in a rulebook would cause an internal error, rather than a
problem message.
- Bug fixed (0000763) whereby attempting to change the default outcome of
some action-specific check, carry out or report rulebooks would not
in fact change their default outcomes (though for others it would).
- Bug fixed (0000500) whereby rules which ambiguously contain "when" in
their conditions, but where it isn't in fact a condition but part
of a noun, would cause problem messages.
- Bug fixed (0001006) whereby the "no outcome" rulebook outcome couldn't
be printed using "say".
- Bug fixed (0000550) whereby some name-clashes between rulebook variables
and other named constants would be disallowed unnecessarily, which
made it possible for the Standard Rules not to compile in some cases.
#### Lists
- Bug fixed (0000662) whereby duplicate problem messages would sometimes be
issued for unrecognized list elements.
- Bug fixed (0000836, 0001190) whereby phrases dealing with lists which were
never in fact used, since the source never contained any lists, would
fail to compile in I6.
- Bug fixed (0001052) whereby sorting would sometimes get the wrong answer
with high values due to numerical overflows; this would probably not
have been seen on Glulx, but could more easily happen on Z.
- Bug fixed (0001047) whereby use of a temporary variable in a list constant
passed out of its scope would result in an internal error rather than
a problem message.
- Bug fixed (0000968) whereby the list L in a "repeat with X running through L"
loop would be recalculated each time around, which besides being a little
inefficient would also go wrong if the expression for L was not
deterministic - e.g., if it made a random selection, or if it altered
as a result of side effects of what was being done in the loop body.
#### Tables
- Bug fixed (0000444) whereby Inform would sometimes ignore an explicit kind
declaration for a column and impose the kind "object" if that declared
kind was a subkind of object (such as "person").
- Bug fixed (0000446) whereby Inform would not allow some kinds of value in
parenthetical kind declarations for columns, wrongly considering them
to be bad syntax.
- Bug fixed (0000448, 0001049) to do with Inform not always correctly inferring
the kind stored in a column when its only examples had differing kinds
(e.g. man, woman) which could only be implicitly united under a single
kind (e.g. thing).
- Bug fixed (0000931) whereby the kind of a column would be weakened to "object",
etc., if it were given only as a general description in the top row,
rather than an explicit declaration in the heading.
- Bug fixed (0000537) to do with Inform being over-finicky about the kind of
a column indicated only by a rule used as a value.
- Bug fixed (0000571) whereby tables could not be given alphanumeric names such
as Table C2, which was a bit embarrassing, given that the documentation
used exactly that as an example Table name.
- Bug fixed (0000587) whereby long text entries in certain tables were sometimes
truncated; this showed up in use of the Basic Help Menu extension, but was
not otherwise related to it.
- Bug fixed (0000690) whereby names of kinds could sometimes appear where names
of things were expected, in table cells, with no problem being reported.
- Bug fixed (0000716) whereby the problem message for an empty table would
sometimes be followed by an internal error if that table in fact also
had a continuation table.
- Bug fixed (0000718) whereby the problem message for an empty table lacked a
reference to the source location.
- Bug fixed (0001010) whereby an internal error rather than a problem message
resulted from an improper column name - e.g. one using brackets, commas,
consisting only of an article, etc.
- Bug fixed (0000707) to do with looking up text vs indexed text entries in
tables, though this is now moot since text and indexed text are now
the same kind.
- Bug fixed (0000624) whereby blanking out entries containing stored actions
would sometimes obscurely fail.
- Bug fixed (0001195) whereby blanking out entries corresponding to values
in another column would sometimes zero them, not blank them.
- Bug fixed (0001222) whereby a table column whose name consists only of an
article would result in an internal error, not a problem message.
- Bug fixed (0000939) - or maybe it's a suggestion - providing a problem
message for the table column name "location", since people sometimes
wrongly use this thinking it will determine the initial position of
things; whereas in fact it overrides the meaning of many of the
Standard Rules.
- Bug fixed (0000407, 0000708) whereby looking text, stored actions, etc.,
up in a table containing blanks would sometimes cause the Z-machine to
throw a "programming error", or cause Glulx to halt.
- Bug fixed (0000683) whereby the run-time problem for accessing a nonexistent
table entry would sometimes not appear in time to prevent an illegal
memory access.
- Bug fixed (0000801) whereby an attempt to set an entry which was a list,
or indexed text, etc., corresponding to another value, would sometimes
fail with a "deep copy failed" error at run-time.
- Bug fixed (0000802) whereby text allocation would allocate too little memory.
Though not really to do with tables, it manifested itself only when
looking up indexed text in a table.
- Bug fixed (0000696) whereby items created by table would sometimes not allow
figure names as property values if those figures had yet to be declared.
#### Scenes
- Bug fixed (0000856, and cf. 0001147) whereby a rule firing "When a scene
ends" would fire twice if a scene ended in a specialised way. To clarify,
the following shows what ought to happen, but previously the "happen last"
text appeared twice.
Once Upon a Time is a scene.
Once Upon a Time begins when play begins.
Once Upon a Time ends bouncily when jumping.
When Once Upon a Time ends:
say "This should happen second.";
When Once Upon a Time ends bouncily:
say "This should happen first.";
When a scene ends:
say "This should happen last.";
- Problem message improved (see bug report 0000575) for attempts to mix
scene ending conditions.
#### Kinds and typechecking
- Bug fixed (0000445) whereby the run-time problem message for attempts to set
a variable to the wrong kind of value would be issued with the text of
a quite different problem message as explanation.
- Bug fixed (0000493) whereby text didn't always dynamically expand as it should
in Glulx projects.
- Bug fixed (0000497, 0000617) whereby Inform checks the kinds of what a relation
relates better, so that problems can be reported earlier and in a more
explanatory way.
- Bug fixed (0000644) whereby some legal if exotic kinds such as
a phrase (phrase number -> (phrase number -> number)) -> nothing
would fail to be recognised and lead to a spurious problem message.
- Bug fixed (0000727) whereby Inform produced an internal error when invited
to create a "let" variable whose value was the name of a property having
a complex kind (such as "relation of things to numbers").
- Bug fixed (0000728) whereby problem messages would sometimes talk about the
misworded name of a relation as if it were a property, because in fact
that misworded name was the correctly worded name of the property used
to store the relation data; such problems have been clarified.
- Bug fixed (0000739) whereby problems for concatenated phrases which involved
a potential mismatch of kinds at an intermediate stage were not as
helpful as they might be.
- Bug fixed (0000750) whereby problems involving kind mismatches of the basis
of a rule were not as helpful as they might be.
- Big fixed (0000751) whereby some assignments of property names to variables
holding property names led to mis-compiled I6 code.
- Bug fixed (0000809) whereby use of a phrase which produces an object, in a
context where some more specific kind of object is required, would
produce I6 errors if the phrase usage in question involved double-quoted
text as one of its arguments.
- Bug fixed (0000967) whereby Inform would sometimes allow conditions like
Instead of going to a room when the room is not visited: ...
in which "the room" intends to refer back to the one implicitly referred
to by "a room", but where Inform misread it as:
Instead of going to a room when a room is not visited: ...
with misleading results. Inform now issues a problem message in such
cases. (See suggestion 754190. It would, of course, be better to
attempt to understand "the room" in line with the writer's expectations,
but this begins to take us into the notorious "donkey anaphora" problem
in structural linguistics. The sentence above is not very hard, but
we're wary of trickier cases. So for now, at least, this kind of anaphoric
reference produces an explanatory Problem message.)
- Bugs fixed (0000906, 0000907, 0000911) and problem messages added to stop people
making the fundamental spatial kinds "thing", "direction", "region" and
"room" not fundamental any more: for example, "A room is a kind of door."
has chaotic results since it means in particular that a room is also a
thing. (It also causes the indexing code to hang, which was the specific
cause of 0000911.)
- Bug fixed (0001110) whereby one implicit reference to a loop which contains
another, such as "whether or not a random thing unlocks a door", would
under some circumstances fail to kind-check properly, and in others
might crash the compiler.
- Bug fixed (0001097, 0001121) whereby it was possible to increment or decrement
non-arithmetic kinds of value, generating either bad I6 code or an internal
error; there's now a problem message to pick this up.
- Bug fixed (0000366, 0001004), relatedly, whereby Inform would allow instructions
to change lists or texts which are constant: "remove 2 from {1, 2, 3}",
for instance. There's a problem message for this, too.
- Bug fixed (0000834) whereby a case value "-- V" in an "if" construction would
not always be typechecked if it were defined by a polymorphic phrase whose
arguments were wrong; in particular if V is some text making no sense
but containing the word "before" or "after" in the middle, then Inform
would throw an internal error rather than explain why this is wrong.
- Bug fixed (0000759, 0001095) whereby phrases in the Standard Rules to do
with rules would not accept nothing-based rulebooks, so that e.g.
"follow the after reading a command rules" would not work.
- Bug fixed (0000838) whereby global variables and properties couldn't be
created of the kind "rulebook outcome" unless their explicit values
were given.
- Bug fixed (0000839) whereby "rulebook outcome" wasn't listed in the Kinds
index. In fact this was intentional, since users aren't really intended
to make use of "rulebook outcome"; but in view of 0000838...
- Bug fixed (0000621) whereby the kind of a rule, treated as a constant, was
sufficiently vague that "let" (for example) couldn't use it as a value.
- Bug fixed (0000452) whereby oddball conditions like "if an object is an
object" would throw a run-time problem claiming that Inform "can't
implicitly repeat through the values of this kind".
- Bug fixed (0001070) whereby "nowhere" used as a value of kind "description
of rooms" would sometimes be read as if it were "somewhere"; and,
relatedly, problem message added to catch attempts to quantify over
a range within a single value, such as writing "three rooms".
- Bug fixed (0000436) whereby text, stored action, list, etc., variables
created inside loops and given no explicit value would not be found
to be initialised to their default values on iterations after the
- Problem messages improved or added to clarify that descriptions can't be
used as first-class literal values (yet); see bug reports 0000899,
0000887, 0000888, 0000889, 0000891.
#### Phrases and functional programming
- A refined method for resolving ambiguous phrase usage gets several cases of
apparent name clashes better (e.g., 0000599, 0000613).
- Bug fixed (0000360) whereby the problem message for a case of an "if" missing
its colon wasn't as helpful as it might be.
- Infelicity fixed (0000442) whereby the generated I6 code for some deferred
propositional tests included spurious commas, which looked strange, and
were ignored by I6 anyway.
- Bug fixed (0000490) whereby the problem message for using a local variable
which had gone out of scope wasn't as helpful as it might be.
- Bug fixed (0000491) whereby the problem message for using too many local
variables in a phrase would in some cases be followed by a spurious
internal error too.
- Bug fixed (0000501) whereby the problem message for indenting a Python-style
phrase entirely right of the margin wasn't as helpful as it might be.
- Bug fixed (0000557) whereby the problem message for an "otherwise:" used to
follow a single-line rather than blocked "if" wasn't as helpful as it
might be.
- Bug fixed (0000628) whereby the problem message for a malformed "every turn"
condition was reported at the wrong line of the source text.
- Bug fixed (0000777) whereby Inform crashed at the I6 stage if asked to define
a phrase with a synonym consisting of a double-quotation mark.
- Bug fixed (0000813) whereby use of "[any thing]" as a value of kind "topic" in
a phrase argument would issue a misleading problem message about the past
tense if used other than in a rule definition. (The correct behaviour is
to issue no problem at all: this is quite legal.)
- Bug fixed (0000877) whereby a mysterious internal error about "binding and
substitution" would sometimes appear in response to conditions which
require multiple substitutions when their logical form is being simplified:
e.g. "if X which is related-in-some-way to Y is Z" where the nature of the
relation implies knowledge about X given Y.
- Bug fixed (0001153) whereby a complex "now", involving searching or systematic
changes, which involed a text substitution in some way, would sometimes
lead to a "Too late for further text substitutions" internal error. Such
phrases now correctly compile.
- Bug fixed (0001057) involving the use of "called" to identify phrase arguments
whose kind involved parentheses.
- "Bug" fixed (0000473, 0000946) whereby phrases to decide a condition would have
the kind "phrase X -> nothing" - really this was a poor design decision,
not a bug as such; anyway, the kind is now "phrase X -> truth state".
(It's consequently legal to return in such phrases with "decide on T" for a
truth state T, as an alternative to "decide yes" or "decide no".)
- Bug fixed (0000688) whereby a phrase to decide a value, which in fact took
no decision, would result in the value internally stored as 0, which was
not always kind-safe. It now results in the default value for the kind
in question.
- Bug fixed (0000825, 0000830) whereby ambiguous phrases such as "dispatch based
on item", given multiple definitions to go on where one involved a qualified
description, e.g.:
To dispatch based on (X - a thing): say "Fail."
To dispatch based on (X - a thing that is yourself): say "Pass."
...would result in correct code being generated the first time they arise,
but not subsequent times, when the qualified case (here "thing that is
yourself") would be overlooked.
- Bug fixed (0001079) to clarify that it's not legal to overload the return
kind of a phrase, so that:
To decide what number is my special value: decide on 4.
To decide what person is my special value: decide on the player.
is a conflict which now produces a problem message.
- Bug fixed (0000591) whereby the use of slashes to give alternative wording
would cause the definitions of say phrases to lose case sensitivity.
- Bug fixed (0000584) whereby the condition "if ... for 0 turns" would be
miscompiled to something which is always true when the condition
holds, rather than only true if it has only just become true.
- Bug fixed (an offshoot of 0000818) whereby adjectives used as filters on lists
would sometimes be read as applying to the wrong kind of value, if no
kind was explicitly given.
- Bug fixed (0000362, 0000747) whereby phrases with inline I6 definitions could
nevertheless be given names as constants; this resulted in I6 compilation
errors. It now causes an explanatory problem message.
- Bug fixed (0000753, and see also 0000648) whereby phrases could be given
definitions whose kinds could not in practice be determined through their
usage, e.g. "To decide what value is bar: ...".
- Bug fixed (0000904) whereby phrases involving kind variables could be invoked
with kinds which could not be worked out by supplying them with the empty
list written as a constant.
- Bug fixed (0000768, 0000771) whereby a phrase to decide a topic, which
returned what looked like constant text, would indeed return that and
not a topic at all.
- Bug fixed (0000452) - or, really, it suggested that Inform should have
tighter syntax, which is now provided - so that using a kind variable
as if it were a noun produces a problem message. For example, "if K is L"
throws this problem; but "if a K is an L" doesn't, because "a K" is a
description matching multiple values, whereas "K" on its own looks as
if it might be a single value.
- Bug fixed (related to 0001001) whereby definitions which give a return kind
in terms of unset kind variables weren't being rejected - for example,
To decide which K is acclaimed by (x - value of kind J): do nothing.
does not determine K, and presumably the author meant J. This now
produces a problem message.
- Bug fixed (0000998) whereby phrases marked with "instead" wouldn't always
quit their rules if they required run-time kind checking to perform.
- Bug fixed (0000873) whereby a generic phrase whose tokens contained
stipulations about property provision, as in this example:
To say foo (C - sayable value that provides the property
indefinite article):
...would not always correctly be applied.
- Bug fixed (0001080) whereby a selection of overlapping phrase definitions
distinguished only by descriptions of one or more tokens would
sometimes be given incorrect mutual precedences.
- Bug fixed (0000799) whereby the looking-up of a random value involving
callings would result in those callings not being made, e.g., after
let foo be a random person in a room (called bar);
"foo" would be set but not "bar". They now both are.
- Bug fixed (0000368) whereby phrases whose tokens were required to be
specific other phrases would not always be correctly called.
- Bug fixed (0000817) whereby descriptions of phrases would not always be
accepted as filters on lists of phrases.
- Bug fixed (0000463) whose circumstances were obscure, but which seemed to
occur when named say phrases were used as terms in a relation.
- Bug fixed (0000469) whereby "break" did not, as claimed, escape the innermost
loop but would instead escape an "if X is... -- V: ..." construction
(i.e., a switch case) if that were innermost.
- Bug fixed (0001101) whereby local variables with the same name as a kind
would be misunderstood in descriptions of actions.
- Bug fixed (related to 0001101) whereby local variables were allowed to have
some pretty strange names - punctuation, say.
- Bug fixed (0000410) whereby rules taking effect on some condition which
involves rulebook variables would sometimes cause spurious problem
messages when in the presence of other rules in the same rulebook of
an apparently similar logical priority.
- Bug fixed (0000417) whereby two rule headers in a row, where the first
therefore had no body to define it, would misleadingly be legal.
- Bug fixed (0000900) to do with misreading ambiguous names of variables:
see bug 0000956 below, though they aren't quite duplicates.
- Bug fixed (0001106) whereby "(called X)" could be added after a token in a
phrase which wanted only the name of a kind, not an instance of that kind.
- Problem message added to catch creations of variables which have such a
short life-span that they vanish immediately they're made - as in
the following example (if X does not already exist):
if the location is the Casimir Effect Demo Area, let X be 1;
#### Equations, units and arithmetic
- Bug fixed (0001021) whereby square roots of integers with the top non-sign-bit
set would be incorrectly evaluated as -1.
- Bug fixed (0000850) to do with rounding negative numbers to the nearest value.
- Bug fixed (0000548) to do with choosing an appropriate literal notation to
print negative values of a unit.
- Bug fixed (0000441) whereby arithmetic performed on times could push them
out of range. This arose semi-intentionally, because Inform slightly
improperly but conveniently uses the same kind for times of day as for
durations, and a duration of "minus 10 minutes" makes sense but a time
of day of -10 doesn't. Inform now renormalises the result of all
arithmetic on times to force them into range.
- Accuracy slightly improved when printing awkwardly-scaled units using only
16-bit integer arithmetic (see 0000547).
- Problem message added (0000399) to catch attempts to solve an equation for
a constant rather than a variable.
- Problem message added (0000737) to catch integer scalings of units so wide
that they can't safely be represented in the 16-bit Z-machine.
#### Understanding
- Bug fixed (0000561, 0000485) whereby Problems in conditions attached to
Understand sentences would misreport type-checking errors.
- Bug fixed (0000564) whereby Problems from sentences like "Understand "fooble"
as the player." would be unhelpful.
- Bugs fixed (0000647, 0001075) whereby using a "[something related by...]" token
in an Understand sentence produced an internal error rather than problem
messages when the relation was to a value rather than a thing. (0001075
occurs slightly differently, but was fixed at the same time.)
- Bug fixed (0000698) whereby sentences like "Understand the P property as
describing X" sometimes caused internal errors rather than problem messages
if P is a value rather than either/or property.
- Bug fixed (0000808) whereby placing items in scope could cause a hang at
run-time when trying to match the name of something visible only if
something is visible.
- Bug fixed (0000957) whereby a too-many-activities run time problem could be
generated from Understand grammar such as:
Understand "[person] spot" as the parking spot.
since this would mean that no object name could be parsed without checking
to see whether it was the parking spot by this rule; but then, first the
text must be checked to see if it begins "[person]"; and that would mean
parsing an object name, which... and so on. Inform now checks that the
"[person]" condition applies before rather than after parsing for it,
which means that in the case of the parking spot object - which is not
a person - no recursion occurs, and all is well.
- Bug fixed (0000719) whereby the token "[something related by reversed wearing]"
or "[something related by reversed carrying]" (but no others) would fail,
in some cases causing a hang.
- Bug fixed (0000636) whereby, at run-time, the response to incomplete commands
(and where no "does the player mean" rule supplied suggestions) would be
unhelpful ("I didn't understand...") rather than asking a clarificatory
- Bug fixed (0001160) whereby, relatedly but differently, incomplete commands
endin with multiple bogus prepositions (e.g. "DROP ROCK ON INTO") gave
strange replies ("What do you want to drop the rock on those things?").
- Bug fixed (0000767) whereby testing whether a command includes a snippet
would sometimes fail if that snippet contained alternatives marked
with a slash, and where the test occurred in a rule condition rather
than in a phrase.
- Bug fixed (0000814) whereby passing a topic as a phrase argument, which
contains one of the special tokens such as "[someone]", would produce
a spurious problem message about "[text]" not being allowed.
- Bug fixed (0000437) - or, arguably, small feature added - so that it's now
legal to have a range of aliases for objects or values, in which some
aliases produce values, and others don't. For example:
Colour is a kind of value. The colours are red and blue.
A cube is a kind of thing.
Understand "[colour]" as a cube.
Understand "box" as a cube.
allows "red", "blue" and "box" all to refer to any cube. Previously,
this would have thrown a problem message as being inconsistent, because
one alias works out a value ("[colour]") and another doesn't ("box").
- Bug fixed (0000433, 0001054) whereby the "deciding whether all includes"
wasn't being consulted when only one object qualified for "all". It's
arguable whether this is a bug, but the change makes the activity
stronger, and better able to reject "DROP ALL" inferring the player
when there's nothing else around, for example.
- Bug fixed (0000865) whereby the snippet "player's command" would sometimes
omit words added to the command as a result of followup disambiguation
- Bug fixed (0000765) whereby use of the token "[any D]", where D is a
description of a kind which is otherwise not called for by any other
token, would result in an I6 compilation error.
- Bug fixed (0000700) to do with the names of things described by numerical
- Bug fixed (0000633, 0000943) whereby apparently unnecessary disambiguation
questions were issued when trying to parse "put X in/on Y", with "does
the player mean" rules not being properly consulted.
- Bug fixed (0001002) whereby "does the player mean" rules would not always
be consulted if a command ended with a full stop ("examine green."
instead of "examine green", say).
- Bug fixed (0000744) whereby "does the player mean" rules would not always
be consulted on an ambiguous noun where the second token of the line
consisted of "[text]" rather than an object.
- Bug fixed (0000835) whereby what look like numbers, followed by a full
stop, would sometimes not be read as objects even when that's what
they are - e.g., if "one" could mean issue 1 of a magazine, "take one."
would fail even though "take one" would work.
- Bug fixed (0001011) whereby verbless commands with full stops dividing
them could, sooner or later, cause crashes or hangs at run-time.
- Bug fixed (0000642, 0000959) whereby matching text against tokens involving
the names of objects could cause the value of "noun" to be corrupted,
thus causing rulebook processing to go wrong.
- Bug fixed (0000489) whereby literal patterns set up with an optional minus
sign in front, and which could have two or more parts, would have the
minus sign accepted but ignored by Understand tokens.
- Bug fixed (0000680) whereby disambiguation questions would sometimes give
the choices of object in the opposite order to that expected.
- Bug fixed (0000396) whereby apparently incomplete commands beginning with
a direction (and thus with a "go" implied) could be wrongly reported
back by the parser error "I only understood you as far as..."; the
text of which has also been improved in this case.
- Bug fixed (0000800) whereby "GET ALL FROM X" would sometimes produce a
peculiar reply if nothing was in X, but exactly one item had been
explicitly placed in scope by a "deciding the scope" rule in the
source text.
- Bug fixed (0001134) whereby some "PERSON, SOMETHING" commands would not
properly interrupt a disambiguation question.
- Bug fixed (0000942), or at any rate the algorithm improved, so that Inform
is better able to parse ambiguously worded properties by which
objects are to be understood.
- Bug fixed (0000460) whereby parsing names identified by number properties
would sometimes, when it failed, cause a misleading choice of parser
- Problem and run-time problem message added (in response to 0000580) to
tell the player why one can't have "[text]" followed by something
more flexible than fixed wording.
- Infelicity fixed (0001216) whereby I7 compiled references to the I6 variable
"parser_trace" even in Release builds, where it's always 0.
- Problem message added (0000745) for an attempt to "Understand the command
... as ..." with a multiple-word command given. Previously this was
accepted but did nothing, which could mislead authors.
- Problem message added (0000555) to help prevent newcomers from writing
sentences like:
Understand "yourself" as Bob while asking Bob to try doing anything.
where the condition depends on an action which has yet to be fully
parsed, so that the condition can never meaningfully test anything.
- Problem message added (0001204) to catch multiple uses of the "things"
tokens in a single command line, as in:
Understand "put [things] in [things]" as inserting it into.
#### Glulx issues, file I/O, figures, sounds
- Bug fixed (0000756) whereby asking an "if the player consents" question
would not update the status line first on Glulx, even though it would
do on the Z-machine. (It now does on both.)
- The template's embedded copy of "infglk.h" is now updated to one which
was generated automatically for Glk API 0.7.4. (See bug 0001215, though
this really wasn't a bug.)
#### I6 template layer and inclusions
- Bug fixed (0000487) whereby the problem message for a reference to an unknown
I7 noun in (+ ... +) markers inside an I6 inclusion gives a source text
reference to the wrong place.
- Bug fixed (0000748) whereby a Z/Glulx opcode written in I6's @notation and
placed on column 1 of its file would cause an internal error rather than
a problem message.
- Bug fixed (0000882) whereby the "ineffectual" use option had the effect of
causing code to fail to compile in I6; it should of course have no effect.
- Infelicity fixed (0000754) whereby the Parser.i6t routine I7_ExtendedTryNumber
was never called. It's now removed.
- Infelicity fixed (0000757) whereby some template code in letter (E) of
Parser.i6t was redundantly duplicated.
- Infelicity fixed (0000760) whereby calls to FollowRulebook in Parser.i6t
were written misleadingly.
- Infelicity fixed (0000626) whereby usages of the deprecated I6 syntax
"for (;;)" were still used in the template code.
- Problem messages added in place of internal errors for misapplication of
certain undocumented internal syntaxes. (See e.g. bugs 0000775 and
- Bug fixed (0000883) whereby problem messages citing an I6 inclusion (-...-)
would, in the words of the reporter, "shortchange the author one smiley
- Bug fixed (0001104) whereby I6 code inserted after the last named part
of a template file would lead to a problem message rather than the
code actually being inserted.
- Bug fixed (0000832) whereby use options with numerical values spelled out
in words rather than numerals would be 0, not the value given.
- Bug fixed (0000618) whereby Inform wasn't checking that the meaning of a
"Use ... translates as ..." is meant to be just a single fragment of I6.
#### Text, spacing and printing
- Bug fixed (0000849) whereby Inform wouldn't complain at out of place
"[otherwise]" or "[otherwise if]" substitutions.
- Bug fixed (0000845, 0000912) whereby Unicode output on Glulx would bypass
glulx's filter mechanism, which Inform doesn't use directly, but which
authors willing to do some glulx assembly in I6 inclusions might use.
- Bug fixed (0000384) whereby looking up a value decided by a rulebook could
cause a spurious newline to be printed; this manifested itself in
blanking out the status line, for example.
- Bug fixed (0000743) whereby silent actions tried while a line of printed
text was still incomplete would sometimes produce newlines even
when they generated no text themselves, having worked.
- Bug fixed (0000715) - or if not a bug, this was a request to clarify and make
consistent the handling of tabs and newlines inside quoted text. The
change made is that two or more newlines followed by tabs or spaces are
now interpreted as a paragraph break, just as they would be if they
weren't followed by tabs or spaces. So, for example:
say "Hello
was always read as a paragraph break inside the text; and
say "Hello
indented a little."
is now also read that way. (The white space following the newlines is
soaked up.)
- Bug fixed (0000605) whereby use of character class escapes in ranges in
regular expressions would match either their meaning or their letter
code, so e.g. "<x\p>" would match an "x", a punctuation character,
or a "p". It now matches just "x" or the punctuation character.
- Bug fixed (0001155) whereby the "printing the name of" activity would
sometimes get confused about indefinite articles if a rule needed to
use the indefinite article of something else in the course of its work.
- Bug fixed (0001046) whereby relations arising from properties of the kinds
"room", "region" or "direction" would not be searched properly by an
implicit search.
#### Indexing
- Bug fixed (0000502) whereby the World page didn't properly map backdrops in
their locations.
- Bug fixed (0000577) whereby Inform would halt with a file-system error if the
Index subfolder of a project had been manually removed between runs.
Inform now repairs the thing with the silent patience of a saint.
- Bug fixed (0000826) whereby the Contents page of the index would take too
much memory and time to render, especially on Windows, if there were
more than 1000 or so figures. Inform now displays thumbnails only for
the first 50 figures by default, but provides the use option "Use index
figure thumbnails of at least X." to raise this as needed.
#### Testing commands
- Bug fixed (0000871) whereby the RULES ALL testing command wouldn't list
some rules whose conditions of applicability failed.
- Bug fixed (0000505) whereby the RULES testing command wouldn't list rules
with no applicability tests. This was actually a deliberate decision,
the idea being that you didn't need to be told, but I now think the
added verbosity is worth it for the sake of consistency.
- Bug fixed (0000356) whereby the RELATIONS testing command would give wrong
answers or, in some cases, crash on a one K to various texts relation.
- Bug fixed (0000860) whereby "does the player mean" rules would not always
be run for some commands in a TEST script.
#### Releasing, bibliographic data, and cBlorb
- I'm grateful to David Griffith for supplying a little code to allow cBlorb
to produce I6 constant declarations like those generated by the older
tool perlblorb, for the benefit of I6 projects developed outside the
I7 framework.
- Bug fixed (0000551) whereby releasing with source text after including some
extensions (notably the GPL3 licence one) caused cblorb release errors.
- Bug fixed (0000597) whereby releasing with source text including a multiline
footnote with extra white space would lead to badly formatted website.
- Bug fixed (0000615) whereby releasing a project whose title ends in a question
mark failed (though on Windows only).
- Bug fixed (0000714) whereby releasing with an existing Z-code story file
caused I6 errors related to "VPH_Class".
- Bug fixed, or suggestion adopted (0000746), to do with values of the
bibliographic variables "release number", "story headline" and "story
genre" when these are not set by the source text.
### Extension maintenance
All of the built-in extensions have been made adaptive (see above).
A new extension, Inanimate Listeners by Emily Short, has been added to the
built-in selection to provide for objects like microphones which, though
inanimate, can be talked to.
(See suggestion 750934.)
A new extension, Skeleton Keys by Emily Short, has been added to the built-in
selection to provide the built-in implementation of locking (a one thing to
various things relation) with a more generous but memory-consuming
implementation (various things to various things). This means that it is
possible to have multiple keys that open the same lock. It is compatible
with, but does not require, the new version 12 of Locksmith by Emily Short.
(See suggestion 819431.)
Metric Units by Graham Nelson has been completely rewritten to use real
arithmetic, and now performs more accurate physical calculations.
A new extension, Approximate Metric Units by Graham Nelson, is essentially
the previous version of Metric Units under a new name, and performs
calculations with scaled integer arithmetic as before.
Complex Listing by Emily Short: misleading code in second example improved.
- Bug fixed (0000929) making lists of rooms fail to "prepare" in Complex
Listing by Emily Short.
- Bug fixed (0001003) causing period removal to fail in Punctuation Removal by
Emily Short (on Glulx only, and with different symptoms on different
### Examples maintenance
Nine new Examples have been added to demonstrate new features: "Fun With
Participles", "Greater Variety", "History Lab", "Narrative Register",
"Olfactory Settings", "Relevant Relations", "Responsive", "Variety" and
"Wesponses". Contrariwise, "Odins" has been removed, since it demonstrated
adaptive text tricks now done much more easily with features built in to
the language.
Of the 447 Examples in the previous build, some 114 have been slightly tweaked
to make better use of modern Inform syntax; procedural rules have been removed,
and so forth. An itemised list would be tiresome.
- The sense of "Verbosity" has been reversed: it used to demonstrate how to make
room descriptions verbose, but now that conventions have changed, it instead
demonstrates how to make them not verbose.
- Bug fixed (0000687) whereby the beverages in "Disenchantment Bay 12" would
respond to OPEN with a run-time problem.
- Bug fixed (0000689) whereby the hats in "Hatless 3" would sometimes appear
to miss one of the quartet out, because the remaining hat would be placed
on the player's head instead.
- Bug fixed (0000697) whereby the "Circle Of Misery" baggage carousel was
inadvertently portable.
- Bug fixed (0000720) in "Lanista 2" whereby a run-time problem was produced
just as the player died upon the sands.
- Infelicity fixed (0000721) in "Odyssey" to remove side-effects on "every turn".
- "Bogart", "Persephone" and "What Not To Wear" given slightly better modified
inventory rules, in case people borrow these for their own stories. (Suggestion
- Minor bugs, turned up by 0000967, removed from "U-Stor-It", "Otranto",
"Reflections", "Shipping Trunk", "Trachypachidae Maturin 1803".
- Bug fixed (0001055) whereby TAKE ALL in "Low Light" would pick up the shadow.
- Bug fixed (0001146) whereby "MRE" allowed multiple foods to interfere with
each other's nutritional value.
- Bug fixed (0001176) whereby the light-meter in "Unblinking" did not always
disappear after use.
- Bugs fixed (0001202, 0001212) to do with commentary in "Terror of the Sierra
Madre" and "The Facts Were These".
- Finally, from the department of might-have-been, Emily Short's epic espionage
game Counterfeit Monkey came out. Which we mention here since it began life
in 2008 as what was going to be a three-star Inform example.
### Interpreter maintenance
Inform comes with browser interpreters built in, so that it can act on release
instructions such as "Release along with an interpreter.", which tell Inform
to make a website in which the current story is immediately playable.
#### Parchment
Updated to "Parchment for Inform 7 (2014-04-21)".
This replaces the old Gnusto interpreter core with a new one, ifvms.js, which
is both faster and smaller, and is now licenced under a new BSD licence
(rather than the GPL as it was before.)
Any updates to Parchment made between builds of Inform 7 can be found at:
#### Quixe
Updated version to "Quixe for Inform 7 (v. 1.3.1)".
Supports accelerated functions, access to real date and time, line input
terminator keys, line input echo control, and resource streams; also
various bug fixes and optimizations.
Any updates to Quixe made between builds of Inform 7 can be found at:
#### Vorple
This is included with the main Inform distribution for the first time,
as part of what we hope will be much greater integration in future.
See vorple-if.com for more.