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2019-02-05 02:44:07 +02:00
[This is English.preform, generated by inweb: do not edit.]
language English
<include-in-debugging-sentence-subject> ::=
only <debugging-log-request> |
<debugging-log-request> ::=
everything |
nothing |
<preform-nonterminal> |
<extension-documentation-heading> ::=
chapter : ... |
section : ...
<extension-example-header> ::=
example : <row-of-asterisks> ... - ... |
example : ... - ...
<row-of-asterisks> ::=
* |
** |
\*** |
<extension-documentation-paste-marker> ::=
* : ...
<documentation-symbol-tail> ::=
... ( <documentation-symbol> ) |
... -- <documentation-symbol> --
<documentation-symbol> ::=
documented at ###
<small-trie-test> ::=
big* bigstar! |
biggish biggish! |
bigger bigger! |
big big! |
bi bi!
<natural-language> internal
<preform-nonterminal> internal
<singular-noun-to-its-indefinite-article> ::=
<en-trie-indef-a> |
<en-trie-indef-b> |
<en-trie-indef-a> ::=
oneir* an |
onero* an |
ukiyo-e an |
urao* an |
urial* an |
uvarovite* an
<en-trie-indef-b> ::=
eu* a |
ewe* a |
ewftes a |
ewghen a |
ewk a |
houri a |
once* a |
one* a |
onst a |
oui* a |
u a |
u-* a |
u'* a |
uakari a |
ub* a |
udal* a |
udomet* a |
uey a |
ueys a |
ufo* a |
uganda* a |
ugr* a |
uint* a |
uk* a |
ulex a |
uli* a |
ulo* a |
ulu* a |
una a |
unabomb* a |
unalist a |
unanimit* a |
unanimous* a |
unesco a |
unescos a |
unia* a |
unic* a |
unif* a |
unig* a |
unil* a |
unio* a |
unip* a |
uniq* a |
unis* a |
unit* a |
univ* a |
upas* a |
ura* a |
ure* a |
uri* a |
uru* a |
usa* a |
use* a |
usi* a |
usu* a |
utas* a |
ute* a |
uti* a |
uto* a |
utr* a |
uttoxeter* a |
uva* a |
uvu* a
<en-trie-indef-c> ::=
a* an |
e* an |
i* an |
o* an |
u* an |
f an |
f's an |
f-* an |
fbi an |
fo an |
frs an |
h an |
h's an |
h-* an |
haute* an |
heir* an |
hono* an |
hour* an |
l an |
l's an |
l-* an |
m an |
m's an |
m-* an |
n an |
n's an |
n-* an |
r an |
r's an |
r-* an |
rac an |
raf an |
rspca an |
rsvp an |
s an |
s's an |
s-* an |
x an |
x's an |
x-* an |
xmas* an |
yb* an |
yc* an |
yd* an |
yf* an |
yg* an |
ym* an |
yn* an |
yp* an |
yr* an |
ys* an |
yt* an |
yw* an
<singular-noun-to-its-plural> ::=
... <en-trie-plural-uninflected> |
... <en-trie-plural-pronouns> |
... <en-trie-plural-irregular> |
... <en-trie-plural-irregular-inflections> |
... <en-trie-plural-assimilated-classical-inflections> |
... <en-trie-plural-irregular-o-suffixes> |
... <en-trie-plural-regular-inflections> |
... <en-trie-plural-append-s>
<en-trie-plural-uninflected> ::=
*fish 0 |
*ois 0 |
*sheep 0 |
*deer 0 |
*pox 0 |
*itis 0 |
bison 0 |
flounder 0 |
pliers 0 |
bream 0 |
gallows 0 |
proceedings 0 |
breeches 0 |
graffiti 0 |
rabies 0 |
britches 0 |
headquarters 0 |
salmon 0 |
carp 0 |
herpes 0 |
scissors 0 |
chassis 0 |
high-jinks 0 |
sea-bass 0 |
clippers 0 |
homework 0 |
series 0 |
cod 0 |
innings 0 |
shears 0 |
contretemps 0 |
jackanapes 0 |
species 0 |
corps 0 |
mackerel 0 |
swine 0 |
debris 0 |
measles 0 |
trout 0 |
diabetes 0 |
mews 0 |
tuna 0 |
djinn 0 |
mumps 0 |
whiting 0 |
eland 0 |
news 0 |
wildebeest 0 |
elk 0 |
pincers 0
<en-trie-plural-pronouns> ::=
i we |
you you |
thou you |
she they |
he they |
it they |
they they |
me us |
you you |
thee you |
her them |
him them |
it them |
them them |
myself ourselves |
yourself yourself |
thyself yourself |
herself themselves |
himself themselves |
itself themselves |
themself themselves |
oneself oneselves
<en-trie-plural-irregular> ::=
beef beefs |
brother brothers |
child children |
cow cows |
ephemeris ephemerides |
genie genies |
money moneys |
mongoose mongooses |
mythos mythoi |
octopus octopuses |
ox oxen |
soliloquy soliloquies |
trilby trilbys
<en-trie-plural-irregular-inflections> ::=
*man 3men |
*blouse 2ses |
*louse 5lice |
*mouse 5mice |
*tooth 5teeth |
*goose 5geese |
*foot 4feet |
*zoon 4zoa |
*cis 3ces |
*sis 3ses |
*xis 3xes
<en-trie-plural-assimilated-classical-inflections> ::=
alumna alumnae |
alga algae |
vertebra vertebrae |
codex codices |
murex murices |
silex silices |
aphelion aphelia |
hyperbaton hyperbata |
perihelion perihelia |
asyndeton asyndeta |
noumenon noumena |
phenomenon phenomena |
criterion criteria |
organon organa |
prolegomenon prolegomena |
agendum agenda |
datum data |
extremum extrema |
bacterium bacteria |
desideratum desiderata |
stratum strata |
candelabrum candelabra |
erratum errata |
ovum ova
<en-trie-plural-irregular-o-suffixes> ::=
albino albinos |
alto altos |
archipelago archipelagos |
armadillo armadillos |
basso bassos |
canto cantos |
commando commandos |
contralto contraltos |
crescendo crescendos |
ditto dittos |
dynamo dynamos |
embryo embryos |
fiasco fiascos |
generalissimo generalissimos |
ghetto ghettos |
guano guanos |
inferno infernos |
jumbo jumbos |
lingo lingos |
lumbago lumbagos |
magneto magnetos |
manifesto manifestos |
medico medicos |
octavo octavos |
photo photos |
pro pros |
quarto quartos |
rhino rhinos |
solo solos |
soprano sopranos |
stylo stylos |
tempo tempos
<en-trie-plural-regular-inflections> ::=
*ch 0es |
*sh 0es |
*ss 0es |
*alf 1ves |
*elf 1ves |
*olf 1ves |
*eaf 1ves |
*arf 1ves |
*nife 2ves |
*life 2ves |
*wife 2ves |
*ax 0es |
*ex 0es |
*ix 0es |
*ox 0es |
*ux 0es |
*as 0es |
*es 0es |
*is 0es |
*os 0es |
*us 0es |
*az 0es |
*ez 0es |
*iz 0es |
*oz 0es |
*uz 0es |
*ay 0s |
*by 1ies |
*cy 1ies |
*dy 1ies |
*ey 0s |
*fy 1ies |
*gy 1ies |
*hy 1ies |
*iy 0s |
*jy 1ies |
*ky 1ies |
*ly 1ies |
*my 1ies |
*ny 1ies |
*oy 0s |
*py 1ies |
*qy 1ies |
*ry 1ies |
*sy 1ies |
*ty 1ies |
*uy 0s |
*vy 1ies |
*wy 1ies |
*xy 1ies |
*yy 1ies |
*zy 1ies |
*ao 0s |
*bo 1oes |
*co 1oes |
*do 1oes |
*eo 0s |
*fo 1oes |
*go 1oes |
*ho 1oes |
*io 0s |
*jo 1oes |
*ko 1oes |
*lo 1oes |
*mo 1oes |
*no 1oes |
*oo 0s |
*po 1oes |
*qo 1oes |
*ro 1oes |
*so 0s |
*to 1oes |
*uo 0s |
*vo 1oes |
*wo 1oes |
*xo 0s |
*yo 1oes |
*zo 0s
<en-trie-plural-append-s> ::=
* 0s
<verb-conjugation-instructions> ::=
be <to-be-conjugation> |
be able to ... <to-be-able-to-auxiliary> |
be able to <to-be-able-to-conjugation> |
could <modal-conjugation> |
may <modal-conjugation> |
might <modal-conjugation> |
must <modal-conjugation> |
should <modal-conjugation> |
would <modal-conjugation> |
auxiliary-have <to-have-conjugation> |
do <to-do-conjugation> |
're <contracted-to-be-conjugation> |
've <contracted-to-have-conjugation> |
aren't <arent-conjugation> |
can't <cant-modal-conjugation> |
don't <informal-negated-modal-conjugation> |
haven't <informal-negated-modal-conjugation> |
mayn't <informal-negated-modal-conjugation> |
mightn't <informal-negated-modal-conjugation> |
mustn't <informal-negated-modal-conjugation> |
wouldn't <informal-negated-modal-conjugation> |
couldn't <informal-negated-modal-conjugation> |
shouldn't <informal-negated-modal-conjugation> |
won't <informal-negated-modal-conjugation> |
... <regular-verb-conjugation>
<to-have-conjugation> ::=
2 having |
3 had |
<auxiliary-verb-only> |
<not-instance-of-verb-at-run-time> |
<to-have-tabulation> ::=
a1+ <to-have-present> |
a1- <to-have-present> not |
a2+ had |
a2- had not
<to-have-present> ::=
have | have | has | have | have | have
<to-do-conjugation> ::=
2 doing |
3 done |
<to-do-tabulation> ::=
a1+ <to-do-present> |
a1- <to-do-present> not |
a2+ did |
a2- did not |
a3 ( t1 auxiliary-have ) done |
a4 ( t2 auxiliary-have ) done |
a5+ will do |
a5- will not do |
p* done by
<to-do-present> ::=
do | do | does | do | do | do
<regular-verb-conjugation> ::=
2 <en-trie-present-participle> |
3 <en-trie-past-participle> |
5 <en-trie-present-verb-form> |
6 <en-trie-past> |
<regular-verb-tabulation> ::=
a1+ <regular-verb-present> |
a1- ( do ) 1 |
a2+ 6 |
a2- ( do ) 1 |
a3 ( t1 auxiliary-have ) 3 |
a4 ( t2 auxiliary-have ) 3 |
a5+ will 1 |
a5- will not 1 |
p* 3 by
<regular-verb-present> ::=
1 | 1 | 5 | 1 | 1 | 1
<to-be-conjugation> ::=
2 being |
3 been |
<to-be-tabulation> ::=
a1+ <to-be-present> |
a1- <to-be-present> not |
a2+ <to-be-past> |
a2- <to-be-past> not |
a3 ( t1 auxiliary-have ) been |
a4 ( t2 auxiliary-have ) been |
a5+ will be |
a5- will not be
<to-be-present> ::=
am | are | is | are | are | are
<to-be-past> ::=
was | were | was | were | were | were
<to-be-able-to-conjugation> ::=
2 <en-trie-present-participle> |
3 <en-trie-past-participle> |
<to-be-able-to-tabulation> ::=
a1+ can ++1 |
a1- cannot ++1 |
a2+ could ++1 |
a2- could not ++1 |
a3 ( t1 auxiliary-have ) been able to ++1 |
a4 ( t2 auxiliary-have ) been able to ++1 |
a5+ will be able to ++1 |
a5- will not be able to ++1
<to-be-able-to-auxiliary> ::=
2 <en-trie-present-participle> |
3 <en-trie-past-participle> |
<to-be-able-to-auxiliary-tabulation> ::=
a ( be able to ) 4 |
p ( be able to ) be 3 ( 4 ) by
<modal-conjugation> ::=
2 <en-trie-present-participle> |
3 <en-trie-past-participle> |
<modal-tabulation> ::=
a1+ 4 ++1 |
a1- 4 not ++1 |
a2+ 4 have ++2 |
a2- 4 not have ++2 |
a3+ 4 have ++2 |
a3- 4 not have ++2 |
a4+ 4 have ++2 |
a4- 4 not have ++2 |
a5+ 4 ++1 |
a5- 4 not ++1
<contracted-to-be-conjugation> ::=
2 being |
3 been |
<not-instance-of-verb-at-run-time> |
<contracted-to-be-tabulation> ::=
a1+ <contracted-to-be-present> |
a1- <contracted-to-be-present> not |
a2+ <contracted-to-be-past> |
a2- <contracted-to-be-past-negated> |
a3+ <contracted-to-have-present> been |
a3- <contracted-to-have-present> not been |
a4+ 'd been |
a4- 'd not been |
a5+ 'll be |
a5- 'll not be
<contracted-to-be-present> ::=
'm | 're | 's | 're | 're | 're
<contracted-to-be-past> ::=
was | were | was | were | were | were
<contracted-to-be-past-negated> ::=
wasn't | weren't | wasn't | weren't | weren't | weren't
<contracted-to-have-conjugation> ::=
2 having |
3 had |
<not-instance-of-verb-at-run-time> |
<contracted-to-have-tabulation> ::=
a1+ <contracted-to-have-present> |
a1- <contracted-to-have-present> not |
a2+ had |
a2- hadn't |
a3+ <contracted-to-have-present> had |
a3- <contracted-to-have-present> not had |
a4+ 'd had |
a4- 'd not had |
a5+ 'll have |
a5- 'll not have
<contracted-to-have-present> ::=
've | 've | 's | 've | 've | 've
<arent-conjugation> ::=
2 <en-trie-present-participle> |
3 <en-trie-past-participle> |
<not-instance-of-verb-at-run-time> |
<arent-tabulation> ::=
a1+ <arent-present> |
a2+ <arent-past> |
a3+ <arent-perfect> |
a4+ hadn't been |
a5+ won't be
<arent-present> ::=
am not | aren't | isn't | aren't | aren't | aren't
<arent-past> ::=
wasn't | weren't | wasn't | weren't | weren't | weren't
<arent-perfect> ::=
haven't been | haven't been | hasn't been | haven't been | haven't been | haven't been
<informal-negated-modal-conjugation> ::=
2 <en-trie-present-participle> |
3 <en-trie-past-participle> |
5 <en-trie-modal-contracted-past> |
6 <en-trie-modal-contracted-future> |
7 <en-trie-modal-contracted-present> |
<not-instance-of-verb-at-run-time> |
<informal-negated-modal-tabulation> ::=
a1+ <informal-negated-modal-present> ++1 |
a2+ 5 ++2 |
a3+ 5 ++2 |
a4+ 5 ++2 |
a5+ 6 ++1
<informal-negated-modal-present> ::=
1 | 1 | 7 | 1 | 1 | 1
<cant-modal-conjugation> ::=
2 <en-trie-present-participle> |
3 <en-trie-past-participle> |
<not-instance-of-verb-at-run-time> |
<cant-modal-tabulation> ::=
a1+ can't ++1 |
a2+ couldn't ++1 |
a3+ ( t1 haven't ) been able to ++1 |
a4+ ( t2 haven't ) been able to ++1 |
a5+ won't be able to ++1
<en-trie-modal-contracted-present> ::=
can't can't |
don't doesn't |
haven't hasn't |
won't won't |
mayn't mayn't |
mightn't mightn't |
mustn't mustn't |
wouldn't wouldn't |
couldn't couldn't |
shouldn't shouldn't
<en-trie-modal-contracted-past> ::=
can't couldn't |
don't didn't |
haven't hadn't |
won't wouldn't |
mayn't mayn't+have |
mightn't mightn't+have |
mustn't mustn't+have |
wouldn't wouldn't+have |
couldn't couldn't+have |
shouldn't shouldn't+have
<en-trie-modal-contracted-future> ::=
can't won't+be+able+to |
don't won't |
haven't won't+have |
won't won't |
mayn't mayn't |
mightn't mightn't |
mustn't mustn't |
wouldn't wouldn't |
couldn't couldn't |
shouldn't shouldn't
<en-trie-present-participle> ::=
... <en-trie-irregular-present-participle> |
... <en-trie-irregular-compound-present-participle> |
... <en-trie-regular-a-present-participle> |
... <en-trie-regular-b-present-participle> |
... <en-trie-regular-c-present-participle>
<en-trie-irregular-present-participle> ::=
boob 0ing |
had 0ding |
quad 0ding |
quod 0ding |
squid 0ding |
whid 0ding |
ballad 0ing |
salad 0ing |
invalid 0ing |
ref 0fing |
stravaig 0ing |
scoog 0ing |
scoug 0ing |
yak 0king |
yok 0king |
lek 0king |
trek 0king |
spaniel 0ling |
vermeil 0ling |
madam 0ing |
buckram 0ing |
hem 0ming |
emblem 0ing |
item 0ing |
slalom 0ing |
alarum 0ing |
possum 0ing |
chalan 0ing |
challan 0ing |
tyran 0ning |
den 0ning |
hen 0ning |
ken 0ning |
misken 0ning |
pen 0ning |
unpen 0ning |
sten 0ning |
in 0ning |
gin 0ning |
begin 0ning |
bin 0ning |
sin 0ning |
damaskin 0ing |
trampolin 0ing |
chagrin 0ing |
satin 0ing |
on 0ning |
con 0ning |
don 0ning |
kon 0ning |
fillip 0ing |
turnip 0ing |
sip 0ping |
cop 0ping |
lop 0ping |
clop 0ping |
flop 0ping |
plop 0ping |
slop 0ping |
galop 0ping |
up 0ping |
cup 0ping |
gar 0ring |
mortar 0ing |
sker 0ring |
deter 0ring |
inter 0ring |
disinter 0ring |
reinter 0ring |
aver 0ring |
abhor 0ring |
vor 0ring |
demur 0ring |
fur 0ring |
smur 0ring |
caucus 0ing |
sus 0sing |
combat 0ing |
ballat 0ing |
curat 0ing |
quadrat 0ing |
bet 0ting |
abet 0ting |
fet 0ting |
fidget 0ing |
target 0ing |
crochet 0ing |
epithet 0ing |
ratchet 0ing |
let 0ting |
blet 0ting |
leaflet 0ting |
relet 0ting |
sublet 0ting |
underlet 0ting |
net 0ting |
benet 0ting |
overnet 0ting |
pet 0ting |
spet 0ting |
ret 0ting |
aret 0ting |
fret 0ting |
regret 0ting |
basset 0ing |
closet 0ing |
corset 0ing |
cosset 0ing |
gusset 0ing |
posset 0ing |
roset 0ing |
russet 0ing |
briquet 0ting |
coquet 0ting |
duet 0ting |
parquet 0ting |
covet 0ing |
unrivet 0ing |
velvet 0ing |
discomfit 0ing |
profit 0ing |
limit 0ing |
delimit 0ing |
vomit 0ing |
rit 0ting |
frit 0ting |
grit 0ting |
bit 0ting |
dit 0ting |
kit 0ting |
sit 0ting |
besit 0ting |
outsit 0ting |
resit 0ting |
picot 0ing |
ballot 0ing |
pilot 0ing |
parrot 0ing |
debut 0ing |
brut 0ing |
div 0ing |
ante 0ing |
be 0ing |
binge 0ing |
birdie 0ing |
centre 0ing |
chasse 0ing |
cicerone 0ing |
dele 0ing |
ensilage 0ing |
facsimile 0ing |
glace 0ing |
jeelie 0ing |
longe 0ing |
lunge 0ing |
ouglie 0ing |
peenge 0ing |
pie 0ing |
quaere 0ing |
queue 0ing |
recce 0ing |
route 0ing |
reroute 0ing |
restringe 0ing |
saute 0eing |
schappe 0ing |
segue 0ing |
singe 0ing |
sortie 0ing |
stymie 0ing |
winge 0ing |
swinge 0ing |
tinge 0ing |
unbe 0ing |
vise 0ing |
vogue 1ing |
whinge 0ing |
aleye 1ing |
baye 1ing |
herye 1ing |
nye 1ing |
rallye 1ing |
reaedifye 1ing |
stye 1ing |
undersaye 1ing
<en-trie-irregular-compound-present-participle> ::=
*<gosyz>ie 0ing |
*ae 0ing |
*quit 0ting |
*uret 0ting |
*budget 0ing |
*efer 0ring |
*nfer 0ring |
*sfer 0ring |
*bias 0sing |
*bishop 0ing |
*woman 0ing |
*jambok 0king |
*alog 0ing |
*daub 0ing
<en-trie-regular-a-present-participle> ::=
*<aeiouy>b 0bing |
*<dglmpw>ad 0ding |
*<bhlnrtw>ed 0ding |
*<bklr>id 0ding |
*<cdghlnprst>od 0ding |
*<bchmprtw>ud 0ding |
*uf 0fing |
*<aeiouy>g 0ging |
*<bcdhiklmnprstuv>al 0ling |
*<bcdfghkmnprstuvwz>el 0ling |
*<cfmnrtv>il 0ling |
*<bcrtv>ol 0ling |
*<cn>ul 0ling |
*<bcdghjlprw>am 0ming |
*<glt>em 0ming |
*<dhklnrw>im 0ming |
*lom 0ming |
*<bcghlmrstv>um 0ming |
*<bcflmptvw>an 0ning |
*<ry>en 0ning |
*<dhklprtw>in 0ning |
*<fw>on 0ning |
*<dfghprst>un 0ning |
*<cdghjlmnprstwyz>ap 0ping |
*<klprt>ep 0ping |
*<dhklnprtuyz>ip 0ping |
*<bdhmprstuw>op 0ping |
*<dhpst>up 0ping |
*yp 0ping |
*<bcfhjmnptw>ar 0ring |
*<fhmst>ir 0ring |
*dor 0ring |
*<bclp>ur 0ring |
*<bgmpv>as 0sing |
*<mnrsu>es 0sing |
*<hmpw>is 0sing |
*<bcds>os 0sing |
*<bclm>us 0sing |
*<bcfhlmprtuvw>at 0ting |
*<ghjstvw>et 0ting |
*<fhlmnptw>it 0ting |
*<bcdhjlnprstw>ot 0ting |
*<bcghjlmnprt>ut 0ting |
*<ei>v 0ving |
*iz 0zing
<en-trie-regular-b-present-participle> ::=
*<aeiou>c 0king |
*<eoy>e 0ing |
*ie 2ying
<en-trie-regular-c-present-participle> ::=
*e 1ing |
* 0ing
<en-trie-past-participle> ::=
<en-trie-irregular-past-participle> |
<en-trie-irregular-past-participle> ::=
be been |
have had |
do did |
arise arisen |
awake awoken |
bear borne |
beat beaten |
become become |
befall befallen |
beget begotten |
begin begun |
bespeak bespoken |
bite bitten |
blow blown |
break broken |
browbeat browbeaten |
choose chosen |
cleave cloven |
come come |
dive dived |
draw drawn |
drink drunk |
drive driven |
eat eaten |
fall fallen |
fly flown |
forbear forborne |
forbid forbidden |
forego foregone |
foreknow foreknown |
forelie forlain |
forerun forerun |
foresee foreseen |
forget forgotten |
forgive forgiven |
forgo forgone |
forsake forsaken |
forswear forsworn |
freeze frozen |
ghostwrite ghostwritten |
give given |
go gone |
grow grown |
hew hewn |
hide hidden |
interweave interwoven |
know known |
lade laden |
misbecome misbecome |
misbeget misbegotten |
mischoose mischosen |
misdo misdone |
misget misgotten |
misgive misgiven |
misknow misknown |
misshape misshapen |
misspeak misspoken |
mistake mistaken |
miswrite miswritten |
mow mown |
outdo outdone |
outgrow outgrown |
outgrow outgrown |
outrun outrun |
outshine outshone |
outswear outsworn |
outthrow outthrown |
overbear overborne |
overblow overblown |
overclothe overclad |
overcome overcome |
overdo overdone |
overdraw overdrawn |
overdrink overdrunk |
overdrive overdriven |
overeat overeaten |
overfly overflown |
overgrow overgrown |
overlie overlain |
override overridden |
overrun overrun |
oversee overseen |
oversew oversewn |
overshake overshaken |
overstride overstridden |
overtake overtaken |
overwear overworn |
overwrite overwritten |
partake partaken |
plead pled |
redo redone |
redraw redrawn |
regrow regrown |
rerun rerun |
resing resung |
retake retaken |
retread retrodden |
rewrite rewritten |
ride ridden |
ring rung |
rise risen |
rive riven |
run run |
saw sawn |
see seen |
sew sewn |
shake shaken |
shave shaven |
shear shorn |
shine shone |
shoe shodden |
show shown |
shrink shrunk |
shrive shriven |
sing sung |
sink sunk |
slay slain |
smite smitten |
sow sown |
speak spoken |
spin spun |
spit spit |
spring sprung |
steal stolen |
stink stunk |
stride stridden |
bestride bestridden |
strike stricken |
strive striven |
swear sworn |
swell swollen |
take taken |
tear torn |
thrive thriven |
throw thrown |
tread trodden |
underbear underborne |
underdo underdone |
underdraw underdrawn |
undergo undergone |
undergrow undergrown |
underrun underrun |
undertake undertaken |
underwrite underwritten |
undo undone |
wake woken |
wear worn |
weave woven |
withdraw withdrawn |
wring wrung |
write written
<en-trie-present-verb-form> ::=
<en-trie-irregular-third-person-present> |
... <singular-noun-to-its-plural>
<en-trie-irregular-third-person-present> ::=
be is |
have has |
do does
<en-trie-past> ::=
... <en-trie-irregular-past> |
... <en-trie-irregular-compound-past> |
... <en-trie-regular-a-past> |
... <en-trie-regular-b-past> |
... <en-trie-regular-c-past>
<en-trie-irregular-past> ::=
be was |
do did |
go went |
in 0ned |
on 0ned |
up 0ped |
bet bet |
abet 0ted |
bid bid |
bin 0ned |
bit 0ted |
buy bought |
con 0ned |
cop 0ped |
cup 0ped |
cut cut |
den 0ned |
dig dug |
dit 0ted |
div 0ed |
don 0ned |
eat ate |
fet 0ted |
fit fitted |
fly flew |
fur 0red |
gar 0red |
get got |
gin 0ned |
had 0ded |
hem 0med |
hen 0ned |
hit hit |
ken 0ned |
kit 0ted |
kon 0ned |
lay laid |
lek 0ked |
let let |
let 0ted |
lop 0ped |
net 0ted |
ante 0ed |
nye 1ed |
pay paid |
pen penned |
pet 0ted |
pie 1ed |
put put |
ref 0fed |
ret 0ted |
aret 0ted |
rid rid |
rit 0ted |
run ran |
say said |
see saw |
set set |
sin 0ned |
sip 0ped |
sit sat |
sus 0sed |
aver 0red |
vor 0red |
wed wedded |
wet wetted |
win won |
yak 0ked |
yok 0ked |
baye 1ed |
bear bore |
beat beat |
bend bent |
abhor 0red |
abide abided |
bide bided |
bind bound |
bite bit |
blet 0ted |
blow blew |
boob 0ed |
brut 0ed |
burn burnt |
cast cast |
clop 0ped |
come came |
deal dealt |
dele 1ed |
dive dove |
drag dragged |
draw drew |
duet 0ted |
fall fell |
feed fed |
feel felt |
find found |
flee fled |
flop 0ped |
fret 0ted |
frit 0ted |
give gave |
grit 0ted |
grow grew |
hang hung |
have had |
hear heard |
hide hid |
hold held |
hurt hurt |
item 0ed |
keep kept |
knit knit |
know knew |
lade laded |
lead led |
lend lent |
aleye 1ed |
lose lost |
make made |
mean meant |
meet met |
plop 0ped |
quad 0ded |
quit quit |
quod 0ded |
read read |
redo redid |
rend rent |
ride rode |
ring rang |
arise arose |
rise rose |
rive rove |
seek sought |
sell sold |
send sent |
shed shed |
shoe shoed |
shut shut |
sing sang |
sink sank |
sker 0red |
slip slipped |
slit slit |
slop 0ped |
smur 0red |
spet 0ted |
spin span |
spit spat |
sten 0ned |
stye 1ed |
swim swam |
take took |
tear tore |
tell told |
trek 0ked |
unbe 1ed |
undo undid |
vise 1ed |
awake awoke |
wake woke |
wear wore |
weep wept |
whid 0ded |
wind wound |
beget begot |
begin began |
benet 0ted |
beset beset |
besit 0ted |
binge 1ed |
bleed bled |
break broke |
breed bred |
bring brought |
build built |
burst burst |
catch caught |
cling clung |
covet 0ed |
creep crept |
curat 0ed |
debut 0ed |
demur 0red |
deter 0red |
drink drank |
drive drove |
fight fought |
fling flung |
forgo forwent |
galop 0ped |
glace 0ed |
grind ground |
herye 1ed |
hoise hoist |
inlay inlaid |
input input |
inset inset |
inter 0red |
kneel knelt |
alarum 0ed |
leave left |
light lit |
limit 0ed |
longe 1ed |
lunge 1ed |
madam 0ed |
misdo misdid |
outdo outdid |
picot 0ed |
pilot 0ed |
prove proved |
queue 1ed |
reave reft |
recce 1ed |
recut recut |
relet 0ted |
repay repaid |
rerun reran |
reset reset |
resit 0ted |
roset 0ed |
route 1ed |
salad 0ed |
satin 0ed |
saute 0ed |
scoog 0ed |
scoug 0ed |
segue 1ed |
shake shook |
shall should |
shape shaped |
shave shaved |
shine shined |
shoot shot |
singe 1ed |
sleep slept |
slide slid |
sling slung |
slink slunk |
smite smote |
speak spoke |
speed sped |
spell spelt |
spend spent |
split split |
squid 0ded |
stand stood |
steal stole |
stick stuck |
sting stung |
stink stank |
swear swore |
sweep swept |
swing swung |
teach taught |
think thought |
throw threw |
tinge 1ed |
tread trod |
tyran 0ned |
unpen 0ned |
unset unset |
upset upset |
vogue 1ed |
vomit 0ed |
weave wove |
winge 1ed |
worth worth |
wring wrang |
write wrote |
ballad 0ed |
ballat 0ed |
ballot 0ed |
basset 0ed |
become became |
befall befell |
behold beheld |
birdie 1ed |
caucus 0ed |
centre 1ed |
chalan 0ed |
chasse 1ed |
choose chose |
cleave clove |
closet 0ed |
clothe clothed |
combat 0ed |
coquet 0ted |
corset 0ed |
cosset 0ed |
emblem 0ed |
fidget 0ed |
fillip 0ed |
forbid forbade |
forego forewent |
forget forgot |
freeze froze |
gusset 0ed |
jeelie 1ed |
misfit misfitted |
misget misgot |
mishit mishit |
misken 0ned |
mislay mislaid |
missay missaid |
misset misset |
mortar 0ed |
naysay naysaid |
ouglie 1ed |
outbid outbid |
output output |
outrun outran |
outsit outsat |
overdo overdid |
parrot 0ed |
peenge 1ed |
posset 0ed |
possum 0ed |
prepay prepaid |
preset preset |
profit 0ed |
quaere 1ed |
rallye 1ed |
recast recast |
redraw redrew |
regret 0ted |
regrow regrew |
re-lay re-laid |
remake remade |
reread reread |
resell resold |
resend resent |
resing resang |
retake retook |
retell retold |
rewind rewound |
russet 0ed |
shrink shrank |
shrive shrove |
slalom 0ed |
sortie 1ed |
spread spread |
spring sprang |
stride strode |
strike struck |
string strung |
strive strove |
stymie 1ed |
sublet sublet |
sunset sunset |
swinge 1ed |
target 0ed |
thrive throve |
turnip 0ed |
unbend unbent |
unbind unbound |
unhear unheard |
unmake unmade |
unwind unwound |
uphold upheld |
velvet 0ed |
waylay waylaid |
whinge 1ed |
writhe writhed |
beseech besought |
bespeak bespoke |
briquet 0ted |
buckram 0ed |
chagrin 0ed |
challan 0ed |
crochet 0ed |
delimit 0ed |
epithet 0ed |
forbear forbore |
forelay forelaid |
forelie forlay |
forerun foreran |
foresee foresaw |
forgive forgave |
forsake forsook |
gainsay gainsaid |
inbreed inbred |
invalid 0ed |
leaflet 0ted |
lipread lipread |
miscast miscast |
misdeal misdealt |
misfeed misfed |
misgive misgave |
mishear misheard |
mishold misheld |
miskeep miskept |
misknow misknew |
mislead misled |
misread misread |
missend missent |
mistake mistook |
outgrow outgrew |
outride outrode |
outsell outsold |
outswim outswam |
outtell outtold |
outwear outwore |
overbid overbid |
overbuy overbought |
overeat overate |
overfly overflew |
overhit overhit |
overlay overlaid |
overlie overlay |
overnet 0ted |
overpay overpaid |
overrun overran |
oversee oversaw |
overset overset |
parquet 0ted |
partake partook |
podcast podcast |
precast precast |
quadrat 0ed |
ratchet 0ed |
rebuild rebuilt |
reinter 0red |
reroute 1ed |
reshoot reshot |
rethink rethought |
retread retrod |
rewrite rewrote |
schappe 1ed |
spaniel 0led |
underdo underdid |
undergo underwent |
unrivet 0ed |
vermeil 0led |
webcast webcast |
backbite backbit |
bespread bespread |
bestride bestrode |
browbeat browbeat |
cicerone 1ed |
crosscut crosscut |
damaskin 0ed |
disinter 0red |
ensilage 1ed |
forecast forecast |
foreknow foreknew |
foretell foretold |
forswear forswore |
intercut intercut |
misbeget misbegot |
misshape misshaped |
misshoot misshot |
misspeak misspoke |
misspell misspelt |
misspend misspent |
miswrite miswrote |
outdrink outdrunk |
outfight outfought |
outshine outshone |
outspend outspent |
outswear outswore |
outthink outthought |
outthrow outthrew |
overbear overbore |
overbend overbent |
overblow overblew |
overcast overcast |
overcome overcame |
overdraw overdrew |
overfeed overfed |
overgrow overgrew |
overhang overhung |
overhear overheard |
overlend overlent |
override overrode |
oversell oversold |
overslip overslipped |
overtake overtook |
overwear overwore |
sightsee sightsaw |
stravaig 0ed |
telecast telecast |
unclothe unclothed |
underbid underbid |
underbuy underbought |
undercut undercut |
underdig underdug |
underlay underlaid |
underlet 0ted |
underlie underlaid |
underpay underpaid |
underrun underran |
unfreeze unfroze |
withdraw withdrew |
withhold withheld |
broadcast broadcast |
discomfit 0ed |
facsimile 1ed |
misbecome misbecame |
mischoose mischose |
outthrust outthrust |
overbreed overbred |
overbuild overbuilt |
overdrink overdrank |
overdrive overdrove |
overshake overshook |
overshine overshone |
overshoot overshot |
oversleep overslept |
overslide overslid |
overspend overspent |
overswing overswung |
overwrite overwrote |
proofread proofread |
reaedifye 1ed |
restringe 1ed |
simulcast simulcast |
trampolin 0ed |
underbear underbore |
underbind underbound |
undercast undercast |
underdraw underdrew |
underfeed underfed |
undergrow undergrew |
underhang underhung |
undersaye 1ed |
undersell undersold |
undertake undertook |
withstand withstood |
ghostwrite ghostwrote |
interbreed interbred |
interweave interwove |
overclothe overclothed |
overstride overstrode |
underbuild underbuilt |
undershoot undershot |
underspend underspent |
understand understood |
underwrite underwrote |
underclothe underclothed |
misunderstand misunderstood
<en-trie-irregular-compound-past> ::=
*<gosyz>ie 1ed |
*ae 1ed |
*quit 0ted |
*uret 0ted |
*budget 0ed |
*efer 0red |
*nfer 0red |
*sfer 0red |
*bias 0sed |
*bishop 0ed |
*woman 0ed |
*jambok 0ked |
*alog 0ed |
*daub 0ed
<en-trie-regular-a-past> ::=
*<aeiouy>b 0bed |
*<dglmpw>ad 0ded |
*<bhlnrtw>ed 0ded |
*<bklr>id 0ded |
*<cdghlnprst>od 0ded |
*<bchmprtw>ud 0ded |
*uf 0fed |
*<aeiouy>g 0ged |
*<bcdhiklmnprstuv>al 0led |
*<bcdfghkmnprstuvwz>el 0led |
*<cfmnrtv>il 0led |
*<bcrtv>ol 0led |
*<cn>ul 0led |
*<bcdghjlprw>am 0med |
*<glt>em 0med |
*<dhklnrw>im 0med |
*lom 0med |
*<bcghlmrstv>um 0med |
*<bcflmptvw>an 0ned |
*<ry>en 0ned |
*<dhklprtw>in 0ned |
*<fw>on 0ned |
*<dfghprst>un 0ned |
*<cdghjlmnprstwyz>ap 0ped |
*<klprt>ep 0ped |
*<dhklnprtuyz>ip 0ped |
*<bdhmprstuw>op 0ped |
*<dhpst>up 0ped |
*yp 0ped |
*<bcfhjmnptw>ar 0red |
*<fhmst>ir 0red |
*dor 0red |
*<bclp>ur 0red |
*<bgmpv>as 0sed |
*<mnrsu>es 0sed |
*<hmpw>is 0sed |
*<bcds>os 0sed |
*<bclm>us 0sed |
*<bcfhlmprtuvw>at 0ted |
*<ghjstvw>et 0ted |
*<fhlmnptw>it 0ted |
*<bcdhjlnprstw>ot 0ted |
*<bcghjlmnprt>ut 0ted |
*<ei>v 0ved |
*iz 0zed
<en-trie-regular-b-past> ::=
*<aeiou>c 0ked |
*<eioy>e 1ed |
*ey 0ed
<en-trie-regular-c-past> ::=
*e 1ed |
*y 1ied |
* 0ed
<pasturise-participle> ::=
<en-trie-pasturise-exceptions> |
... <en-trie-pasturise-regular-y> |
... <en-trie-pasturise-regular>
<en-trie-pasturise-exceptions> ::=
abiding abided |
alighting alighted |
arising arisen |
awaking awakened |
backbiting backbitten |
backsliding backslidden |
bearing born |
beating beaten |
becoming become |
befalling befallen |
begeting begotten |
begining begun |
beholding beheld |
bending bent |
bereaving bereaved |
beseeching besought |
besetting beset |
bestrewing bestrewn |
betting bet |
betaking betaken |
bethinking bethought |
binding bound |
biting bitten |
bleeding bled |
blowing blown |
breaking broken |
breeding bred |
bringing brought |
broadcasting broadcast |
browbeating browbeaten |
building built |
burning burned |
bursting burst |
busting busted |
buying bought |
casting cast |
catching caught |
chiding chided |
choosing chosen |
claping clapped |
clinging clung |
clothing clothed |
coming come |
costing cost |
creeping crept |
crossbreeding crossbred |
cutting cut |
daring dared |
daydreaming daydreamed |
dealing dealt |
diging dug |
dighting dighted |
disproving disproved |
diving dived |
doing done |
drawing drawn |
dreaming dreamed |
drinking drunk |
driving driven |
dwelling dwelt |
eating eaten |
enwinding enwound |
falling fallen |
feeding fed |
feeling felt |
fighting fought |
finding found |
fitting fitted |
fleeing fled |
flinging flung |
flying flown |
forbearing forborne |
forbiding forbidden |
fordoing fordone |
forecasting forecast |
foregoing foregone |
foreknowing foreknown |
foreruning forerun |
foreseeing foreseen |
foreshowing foreshown |
forespeaking forespoken |
foretelling foretold |
forgetting forgotten |
forgiving forgiven |
forsaking forsaken |
forswearing forsworn |
fraughting fraught |
freezing frozen |
frostbiting frostbitten |
gainsaying gainsaid |
getting got |
gilding gilded |
giving given |
going gone |
grinding ground |
growing grown |
halterbreaking halterbroken |
hamstringing hamstrung |
hand-feeding hand-fed |
handwriting handwritten |
hanging hung |
hearing heard |
heaving heaved |
hewing hewn |
hiding hidden |
hitting hit |
holding held |
hurting hurt |
inbreeding inbred |
inlaying inlaid |
inputing input |
insetting inset |
interbreeding interbred |
intercutting intercut |
interlaying interlaid |
intersetting interset |
interweaving interwoven |
interwinding interwound |
inweaving inwoven |
jerry-building jerry-built |
keeping kept |
kneeling knelt |
knitting knitted |
knowing known |
lading laden |
landsliding landslid |
laying laid |
leading led |
leaning leaned |
leaping leaped |
learning learned |
leaving left |
lending lent |
letting let |
lieing lain |
lighting lit |
lip-reading lip-read |
losing lost |
making made |
meaning meant |
meeting met |
misbecoming misbecome |
miscasting miscast |
miscutting miscut |
misdealing misdealt |
misdoing misdone |
mishearing misheard |
mishitting mishit |
mislaying mislaid |
misleading misled |
mislearning mislearned |
misreading misread |
missaying missaid |
missending missent |
missetting misset |
misspeaking misspoken |
misspelling misspelled |
misspending misspent |
misswearing missworn |
mistaking mistaken |
misteaching mistaught |
mistelling mistold |
misthinking misthought |
misunderstanding misunderstood |
miswearing misworn |
misweding miswed |
miswriting miswritten |
mowing mowed |
offsetting offset |
outbiding outbid |
outbreeding outbred |
outdoing outdone |
outdrawing outdrawn |
outdrinking outdrunk |
outdriving outdriven |
outfighting outfought |
outflying outflown |
outgrowing outgrown |
outlaying outlaid |
outleaping outleaped |
outputing output |
outriding outridden |
outruning outrun |
outseeing outseen |
outselling outsold |
outshining outshined |
outshooting outshot |
outsinging outsung |
outsitting outsat |
outsleeping outslept |
outsmelling outsmelled |
outspeaking outspoken |
outspeeding outsped |
outspending outspent |
outspining outspun |
outspringing outsprung |
outstanding outstood |
outswearing outsworn |
outswiming outswum |
outtelling outtold |
outthinking outthought |
outthrowing outthrown |
outwearing outworn |
outwinding outwound |
outwriting outwritten |
overbearing overborne |
overbiding overbid |
overbreeding overbred |
overbuilding overbuilt |
overbuying overbought |
overcasting overcast |
overcoming overcome |
overcutting overcut |
overdoing overdone |
overdrawing overdrawn |
overdrinking overdrunk |
overeating overeaten |
overfeeding overfed |
overhanging overhung |
overhearing overheard |
overlaying overlaid |
overleaping overleaped |
overlieing overlain |
overpaying overpaid |
overriding overridden |
overruning overrun |
overseeing overseen |
overselling oversold |
oversetting overset |
oversewing oversewn |
overshooting overshot |
oversleeping overslept |
oversowing oversown |
overspeaking overspoken |
overspending overspent |
overspilling overspilled |
overspining overspun |
overspreading overspread |
overspringing oversprung |
overstanding overstood |
overstrewing overstrewn |
overstriding overstridden |
overstriking overstruck |
overtaking overtaken |
overthinking overthought |
overthrowing overthrown |
overwearing overworn |
overwinding overwound |
overwriting overwritten |
partaking partaken |
paying paid |
pleading pleaded |
prebuilding prebuilt |
predoing predone |
premaking premade |
prepaying prepaid |
preselling presold |
presetting preset |
preshrinking preshrunk |
presplitting presplit |
proofreading proofread |
proving proven |
putting put |
quick-freezing quick-frozen |
quiting quit |
reading read |
reawaking reawaken |
rebiding rebid |
rebinding rebound |
rebroadcasting rebroadcast |
rebuilding rebuilt |
recasting recast |
recutting recut |
redealing redealt |
redoing redone |
redrawing redrawn |
reeving reeved |
refitting refitted |
regrinding reground |
regrowing regrown |
rehanging rehung |
rehearing reheard |
reknitting reknitted |
relearning relearned |
relighting relit |
remaking remade |
rending rent |
repaying repaid |
rereading reread |
reruning rerun |
reselling resold |
resending resent |
resetting reset |
resewing resewn |
retaking retaken |
reteaching retaught |
retearing retorn |
retelling retold |
rethinking rethought |
retreading retread |
retrofitting retrofitted |
rewaking rewaken |
rewearing reworn |
reweaving rewoven |
reweding rewed |
reweting rewet |
rewining rewon |
rewinding rewound |
rewriting rewritten |
riding rid |
riding ridden |
ringing rung |
rising risen |
riving riven |
roughcasting roughcast |
running run |
sand-casting sand-cast |
sawing sawed |
saying said |
seeing seen |
seeking sought |
self-feeding self-fed |
self-sowing self-sown |
selling sold |
sending sent |
setting set |
sewing sewn |
shaking shaken |
shaving shaved |
shearing sheared |
sheding shed |
shining shined |
shoeing shoed |
shooting shot |
showing shown |
shrinking shrunk |
shriving shriven |
shutting shut |
sight-reading sight-read |
singing sung |
sinking sunk |
siting sat |
skywriting skywritten |
sleeping slept |
sliding slid |
slinging slung |
slinking slinked |
slitting slit |
smelling smelled |
smiting smitten |
sneaking sneaked |
sowing sown |
speaking spoken |
speeding sped |
spelling spelled |
spending spent |
spilling spilled |
spinning spun |
spitting spit |
splitting split |
spoiling spoiled |
spoon-feeding spoon-fed |
spreading spread |
springing sprung |
stall-feeding stall-fed |
standing stood |
staving staved |
stealing stolen |
sticking stuck |
stinging stung |
stinking stunk |
strewing strewn |
striding stridden |
striking struck |
stringing strung |
striping stripped |
striving striven |
subletting sublet |
sunburning sunburned |
swearing sworn |
sweating sweat |
sweeping swept |
swelling swollen |
swiming swum |
swinging swung |
taking taken |
teaching taught |
tearing torn |
telecasting telecast |
telling told |
test-driving test-driven |
test-flying test-flown |
thinking thought |
thriving thrived |
throwing thrown |
thrusting thrust |
treading trodden |
troubleshooting troubleshot |
typecasting typecast |
typesetting typeset |
typewriting typewritten |
unbearing unborn |
unbending unbent |
unbinding unbound |
unbuilding unbuilt |
underbiding underbid |
underbuying underbought |
undercutting undercut |
underfeeding underfed |
undergoing undergone |
underlaying underlaid |
underletting underlet |
underlieing underlain |
underruning underrun |
underselling undersold |
undershooting undershot |
underspending underspent |
understanding understood |
undertaking undertaken |
underthrusting underthrust |
underwriting underwritten |
undoing undone |
undrawing undrawn |
unfreezing unfrozen |
unhanging unhung |
unhiding unhidden |
unholding unheld |
unknitting unknitted |
unlading unladen |
unlaying unlaid |
unlearning unlearned |
unmaking unmade |
unreeving unreeved |
unsaying unsaid |
unsewing unsewn |
unslinging unslung |
unspining unspun |
unsticking unstuck |
unstringing unstrung |
unswearing unsworn |
unteaching untaught |
unthinking unthought |
unweaving unwoven |
unwinding unwound |
unwriting unwritten |
upholding upheld |
upsetting upset |
vexing vexed |
waking woken |
waylaying waylaid |
wearing worn |
weaving woven |
weding wed |
weeping wept |
wetting wet |
wining won |
winding wound |
withdrawing withdrawn |
withholding withheld |
withstanding withstood |
wringing wrung |
writing written
<en-trie-pasturise-regular-y> ::=
*ying 4ied
<en-trie-pasturise-regular> ::=
*ing 3ed
<adjective-to-plural> ::=
* 0
<adjective-to-masculine-singular> ::=
* 0
<adjective-to-feminine-singular> ::=
* 0
<adjective-to-masculine-plural> ::=
* 0
<adjective-to-feminine-plural> ::=
* 0
<pronoun> ::=
<nominative-pronoun> |
<nominative-pronoun> ::=
it/he/she |
<accusative-pronoun> ::=
it/him/her |
<possessive-first-person> ::=
my |
<possessive-second-person> ::=
your |
<possessive-third-person> ::=
its/his/her |
<relative-clause-marker> ::=
<article> ::=
<indefinite-article> |
<definite-article> ::=
/a/ the
<indefinite-article> ::=
/a/ a/an |
/d/ some
<optional-definite-article> ::=
<definite-article> ... |
<optional-article> ::=
<article> ... |
<compulsory-article> ::=
<article> ...
<non-participles> ::=
<probable-participle> internal
<negated-clause> ::=
not ...
<determiner-names> ::=
all |
each |
every |
no |
none |
some |
any |
all but |
all except |
almost all |
almost no |
most |
under half |
at least |
at most |
exactly |
fewer than |
less than |
more than |
greater than |
other than
<determination-of> ::=
of the ... |
of ... |
<excluded-from-determiners> ::=
no one ***
<historical-reference-possible> ::=
*** once/twice/thrice/turn/turns/time/times
<historical-reference> ::=
for <repetition-specification> |
<repetition-specification> ::=
only/exactly <repetitions> |
at most <repetitions> |
less/fewer than <repetitions> |
at least <repetitions> |
more than <repetitions> |
under <repetitions> |
over <repetitions> |
<repetitions> ::=
<iteration-repetitions> |
<iteration-repetitions> ::=
once |
twice |
thrice |
<rep-number> to <rep-number> time/times |
<rep-number> time/times
<turn-repetitions> ::=
<rep-number> to <rep-number> turn/turns |
<rep-number> turn/turns
<rep-number> ::=
<definite-article> <ordinal-number> |
<ordinal-number> |
<adjective-name> internal
<adaptive-adjective> internal
<specifies-sentence-subject> ::=
... ( {<literal-pattern-group-list>} ) |
<k-kind-articled> times <k-kind-articled> |
<spec-type-expression> times <spec-type-expression> |[issues PM_MultiplyingNonKOVs]
<literal-pattern-group-list> ::=
<literal-pattern-group> <literal-pattern-group-tail> |
<literal-pattern-group-tail> ::=
, and <literal-pattern-group-list> |
,/and <literal-pattern-group-list>
<literal-pattern-group> ::=
singular |
plural |
<literal-pattern-group-name> |
in ...... |
...... [issues PM_BadLPNameOption]
<specifies-sentence-object> ::=
<kind-specified> <literal-pattern-specification-tail> |
<kind-specified> ::=
<k-kind-articled> |
... [issues PM_LPNotKOV]
<literal-pattern-specification-tail> ::=
with parts <literal-pattern-part-list> |
<scaling-instruction> |
<scaling-instruction> offset by <literal> |
offset by <literal> |
equivalent to <literal>
<scaling-instruction> ::=
scaled up by <cardinal-number> |
scaled up by <literal-real-number> |
scaled down by <cardinal-number> |
scaled down by <literal-real-number> |
scaled at <cardinal-number> |
scaled at <literal-real-number>
<literal-pattern-part-list> ::=
<literal-pattern-part> <literal-pattern-part-tail> |
<literal-pattern-part-tail> ::=
, and <literal-pattern-part-list> |
,/and <literal-pattern-part-list>
<literal-pattern-part> ::=
<np-balanced> ( <literal-pattern-part-option-list> ) |
<literal-pattern-part-option-list> ::=
<literal-pattern-part-option> <literal-pattern-part-option-tail> |
<literal-pattern-part-option-tail> ::=
, and <literal-pattern-part-option-list> |
,/and <literal-pattern-part-option-list>
<literal-pattern-part-option> ::=
optional |
preamble optional |
without leading zeros |
...... [issues PM_BadLPPartOption]
<literal-pattern-group-name> internal
<literal-time> ::=
minus <elapsed-time> |
<elapsed-time> |
<elapsed-time> ::=
<cardinal-number> hour/hours |
<cardinal-number> minute/minutes |
<cardinal-number> hour/hours <cardinal-number> minute/minutes
<clock-time> ::=
<cardinal-number> <am-pm> |
<digital-clock-time> <am-pm>
<am-pm> ::=
am |
<digital-clock-time> internal
<continental-clock-time> internal
<event-rule-preamble> ::=
at <clock-time> |
at the time when ... |
at the time that ... | [issues PM_AtTimeThat]
at ... [issues PM_AtWithoutTime]
<translates-into-unicode-sentence-subject> ::=
<unicode-character-name> |
<translates-into-unicode-sentence-object> ::=
<cardinal-number-unlimited> |
... [issues PM_UnicodeNonLiteral]
<unicode-character> ::=
<cardinal-number-unlimited> |
<unicode-character-name> internal
<translates-into-nl-sentence-subject> ::=
<k-kind> |
<instance-of-object> internal
<instance-of-non-object> internal
<instance> internal
<notable-variables> ::=
i6-varying-global |
<value-understood-variable-name> ::=
<k-kind> understood
<relation-name> internal
<relation-names> ::=
equality |
universal |
meaning |
provision |
numerically-greater-than-or-equal-to |
numerically-greater-than |
numerically-less-than-or-equal-to |
numerically-less-than |
adjacency |
regional-containment |
containment |
support |
incorporation |
carrying |
holding |
wearing |
possession |
visibility |
touchability |
concealment |
enclosure |
<relates-sentence-subject> ::=
<relation-name> | [issues PM_RelationExists]
<relates-sentence-left-object> ::=
<relation-term-basic> ( called ... ) |
<relates-sentence-right-object> ::=
<relation-term-right-named> with fast route-finding |
<relation-term-right-named> when ... |
<relation-term-right-named> ::=
<relation-term-right> ( called ... ) |
<relation-term-right> ::=
{another} |
{each other} |
{each other in groups} |
<relation-term-basic> ::=
one ... |
various ... |
<general-verb> internal
<general-verb-present-positive> internal
<foreign-verb-present-positive> internal
<copular-verb> internal
<copular-verb-present-positive> internal
<negated-noncopular-verb-present> internal
<universal-verb> internal
<possession-verb-present-positive> internal
<negated-verb> internal
<past-tense-verb> internal
<inequality-conjugations> ::=
< |
> |
<= |
<verb-implies-sentence-subject> ::=
<infinitive-usage> ( ... ) |
<infinitive-usage> ::=
<infinitive-usage-exceptional> |
<infinitive-usage-exceptional> ::=
{be able to ...} |
{be able to} |
be ...
<conjugation> ::=
<nominative-pronoun> is/are ... |
<nominative-pronoun> ...
<participle-like> ::=
<probable-participle> *** |
*** <probable-participle>
<verb-implies-sentence-object> ::=
reversed <relation-name> relation |
<relation-name> relation |
to be <preposition> |
to <verb-infinitive> |
... property |
... relation | [issues PM_VerbRelationUnknown]
{relation} | [issues PM_VerbRelationVague]
... [issues PM_VerbUnknownMeaning]
<adaptive-verb> internal
<auxiliary-verb-only> internal
<instance-of-verb> internal
<not-instance-of-verb-at-run-time> internal
<modal-verb> internal
<verb-infinitive> internal
<preposition> internal
<preposition-implying-player> internal
<comparative-property-construction> ::=
... than
<same-property-as-construction> ::=
the same ... as
<same-property-as-in-lexicon> ::=
the same property as
<if-start-of-paragraph> internal
<if-start-of-source-text> internal
<if-not-deliberately-capitalised> internal
<balanced-text> ::=
<list-comma-division> ::=
...... , ......
<dividing-sentence> ::=
<if-start-of-paragraph> <heading> |
<heading> ::=
volume ... |
book ... |
part ... |
chapter ... |
section ...
<extension-end-marker-sentence> ::=
... begin/begins here |
... end/ends here
<structural-sentence> ::=
<if-start-of-source-text> <quoted-text> |
<if-start-of-source-text> <quoted-text> ... |
<language-modifying-sentence> |
* |
* <quoted-text-without-subs> |
<if-start-of-paragraph> table ... |
<if-start-of-paragraph> equation ... |
include <nounphrase-articled> by <nounphrase> |
include (- ...
<language-modifying-sentence> ::=
include (- ### in the preform grammar |
use ... language element/elements
<use-option-sentence-shape> ::=
use ... .
<comma-divisible-sentence> ::=
instead of ... |
every turn *** |
before ... |
after ... |
when ...
<list-or-division> ::=
...... , _or ...... |
...... _or ......
<heading-qualifier> ::=
... ( <bracketed-heading-qualifier> ) |
... not for release |
... for release only |
... unindexed
<bracketed-heading-qualifier> ::=
not for release |
for release only |
unindexed |
<platform-qualifier> |
<platform-qualifier> ::=
for <platform-identifier> only |
not for <platform-identifier>
<platform-identifier> ::=
<language-element> language element |
...... language element | [issues PM_UnknownLanguageElement]
<virtual-machine> |
...... [issues PM_UnknownVirtualMachine]
<extension-qualifier> ::=
for use with <extension-identifier> |
for use without <extension-identifier> |
not for use with <extension-identifier> |
in place of (<quoted-text>) in <extension-identifier> |
in place of ...... in <extension-identifier>
<extension-identifier> ::=
...... by ......
<nonstructural-sentence> ::=
<nounphrase-definite> {translates into <translation-target> as} <nounphrase-articled> |
<nounphrase-alternative-list> {specifies} <nounphrase> |
<nounphrase-as-subject> {are defined by} <nounphrase-as-object> |
the plural of <article> <nounphrase> {is} <nounphrase> |
the plural of <nounphrase> {is} <nounphrase> |
<nounphrase> {is an action} <nounphrase-actionable> |
... is an action | [issues PM_BadActionDeclaration]
<nounphrase> {begins when} <nounphrase> |
<nounphrase> {ends when} <nounphrase> |
<nounphrase> {ends} <nounphrase> when <nounphrase> |
<nounphrase-figure> {is the file} <nounphrase> |
<nounphrase-sound> {is the file} <nounphrase> |
{test} <nounphrase> with <nounphrase> |
{understand} <nounphrase> as <nounphrase> |
{the story} {is episode} <nounphrase> |
<nounphrase-external-file> {is called} <nounphrase> |
<nounphrase> {is} {an activity} |
the verb to <nounphrase> {implies/means} <nounphrase-definite> |
in <natural-language> <nounphrase> {is} {a verb} |
to <nounphrase> {is} {a verb} |
in <natural-language> <nounphrase> {is a verb implying/meaning} <nounphrase-definite> |
to <nounphrase> {is a verb implying/meaning} <nounphrase-definite> |
in <natural-language> <nounphrase> {is} {an adjective} |
in <natural-language> <nounphrase> {is an adjective implying/meaning} <nounphrase-definite> |
<nounphrase> {can be} <nounphrase> |
<nounphrase> {is either} <nounphrase> |
<nounphrase-rule-list> {is/are listed} <nounphrase> |
<nounphrase-rule-list> {is/are not listed} <nounphrase> |
<nounphrase-rule-list> {does/do nothing} |
<nounphrase-rule-list> {does/do nothing} if/when <nounphrase> |
<nounphrase-rule-list> {does/do nothing} unless <nounphrase> |
<nounphrase-rule> {substitutes for} <nounphrase-rule> |
<nounphrase-rule> {substitutes for} <nounphrase-rule> if/when <nounphrase> |
<nounphrase-rule> {substitutes for} <nounphrase-rule> unless <nounphrase> |
<nounphrase> {relates} <nounphrase> to <nounphrase> |
... can have ... | [issues PM_CanHave]
<existential-sentence> |
<regular-sentence> |
{use} <nounphrase> translates as <nounphrase> |
{use} <nounphrase-articled-list> |
{release along with} <nounphrase-articled-list> |
{index map with} <nounphrase-articled-list> |
{include} <nounphrase-articled-list> in the debugging log |
{omit} <nounphrase-articled-list> from the debugging log |
{document} <nounphrase> at <nounphrase>
<nounphrase> ::=
<nounphrase-definite> ::=
<definite-article> <nounphrase> |
<nounphrase-figure> ::=
figure ...
<nounphrase-sound> ::=
sound ...
<nounphrase-external-file> ::=
<nounphrase-actionable> ::=
<variable-creation-tail> ::=
... that/which vary/varies |
... variable
<translation-target> ::=
unicode |
i6 |
inform 6 |
<existential-sentence> ::=
{<s-existential-np>} {is/are} {... called <np-articled-balanced>} |
<s-existential-np> is/are <existential-sentence-inner> |
<s-existential-np> is/are ... {<certainty> <preposition> <certainty>} ... |[issues PM_TwoLikelihoods]
<s-existential-np> is/are ... {<certainty> <preposition>} ... |
<s-existential-np> is/are ... {<preposition> <certainty>} ... |
<s-existential-np> is/are ... {<preposition>} ... |
{<s-existential-np>} {is/are <certainty>} ... |
{<s-existential-np>} {<certainty> is/are} ... |
{<s-existential-np>} {is/are} ...
<existential-sentence-inner> ::=
... <existential-sentence-inner-tail1> |
... <existential-sentence-inner-tail2> |
... <existential-sentence-inner-tail3> |
... <regular-sentence-tail1> |
... <regular-sentence-tail2> |
... <regular-sentence-tail3>
<existential-sentence-inner-tail1> ::=
<negated-noncopular-verb-present> ... |
<relative-clause-marker> <regular-sentence-tail1-inner>
<existential-sentence-inner-tail2> ::=
<negated-noncopular-verb-present> ... |
<relative-clause-marker> <regular-sentence-tail2-inner>
<existential-sentence-inner-tail3> ::=
<negated-noncopular-verb-present> ... |
<relative-clause-marker> <regular-sentence-tail3-inner>
<certainty> ::=
always/certainly |
usually/normally |
rarely/seldom |
never |
<regular-sentence> ::=
... <regular-sentence-tail1-without-rc> |
... <regular-sentence-tail2-without-rc> |
... <regular-sentence-tail3-without-rc> |
... <regular-sentence-tail4-without-rc> |
... <regular-sentence-tail1> |
... <regular-sentence-tail2> |
... <regular-sentence-tail3> |
... <regular-sentence-tail4>
<regular-sentence-tail1-without-rc> ::=
<relative-clause-marker> <certainty> <general-verb-present-positive> ... |
<relative-clause-marker> <general-verb-present-positive> ... |
<negated-noncopular-verb-present> ... |
<regular-sentence-tail2-without-rc> ::=
<relative-clause-marker> <certainty> <general-verb-present-positive> ... |
<relative-clause-marker> <general-verb-present-positive> ... |
<negated-noncopular-verb-present> ... |
<regular-sentence-tail3-without-rc> ::=
<relative-clause-marker> <certainty> <general-verb-present-positive> ... |
<relative-clause-marker> <general-verb-present-positive> ... |
<negated-noncopular-verb-present> ... |
<regular-sentence-tail4-without-rc> ::=
<relative-clause-marker> <certainty> <general-verb-present-positive> ... |
<relative-clause-marker> <general-verb-present-positive> ... |
<negated-noncopular-verb-present> ... |
<regular-sentence-tail1> ::=
<negated-noncopular-verb-present> ... |
<regular-sentence-tail2> ::=
<negated-noncopular-verb-present> ... |
<regular-sentence-tail3> ::=
<negated-noncopular-verb-present> ... |
<regular-sentence-tail4> ::=
<negated-noncopular-verb-present> ... |
<regular-sentence-tail1-inner> ::=
{<certainty> <possession-verb-present-positive> <certainty>} ... |[issues PM_TwoLikelihoods]
{<possession-verb-present-positive> <certainty>} ... |
{<certainty> <possession-verb-present-positive>} ... |
{<possession-verb-present-positive>} ...
<regular-sentence-tail2-inner> ::=
{<certainty> <copular-verb-present-positive> <certainty>} ... | [issues PM_TwoLikelihoods]
{<copular-verb-present-positive> <certainty>} ... |
{<certainty> <copular-verb-present-positive>} ... |
{<copular-verb-present-positive>} ...
<regular-sentence-tail3-inner> ::=
{<certainty> <general-verb-present-positive> <certainty>} ... | [issues PM_TwoLikelihoods]
{<general-verb-present-positive> <certainty>} ... |
{<certainty> <general-verb-present-positive>} ... |
{<general-verb-present-positive>} ...
<regular-sentence-tail4-inner> ::=
{<certainty> <general-verb-present-positive> <certainty>} ... | [issues PM_TwoLikelihoods]
{<foreign-verb-present-positive> <certainty>} ... |
{<certainty> <foreign-verb-present-positive>} ... |
{<foreign-verb-present-positive>} ...
<bad-nonstructural-sentence-diagnosis> ::=
... <bad-nonstructural-sentence-diagnosis-tail>
<bad-nonstructural-sentence-diagnosis-tail> ::=
<relative-clause-marker> <certainty> <general-verb-present-positive> ... |
<relative-clause-marker> <general-verb-present-positive> ... |
<past-tense-verb> ... | [issues PM_NonPresentTense]
<negated-verb> ... [issues PM_NegatedVerb1]
<nounphrase-articled> ::=
... |
<if-not-deliberately-capitalised> <indefinite-article> <nounphrase> |
<if-not-deliberately-capitalised> <definite-article> <nounphrase> |
<np-balanced> ::=
^<balanced-text> |
<np-articled-balanced> ::=
^<balanced-text> |
<nounphrase-articled-list> ::=
... |
<np-articled-balanced> <np-articled-tail> |
<np-articled-tail> ::=
, {_and} <nounphrase-articled-list> |
{_,/and} <nounphrase-articled-list>
<nounphrase-rule-list> ::=
... |
<nounphrase-rule> <np-rule-tail> |
<np-rule-tail> ::=
, {_and} <nounphrase-rule-list> |
{_,/and} <nounphrase-rule-list>
<nounphrase-rule> ::=
... rule
<nounphrase-alternative-list> ::=
... |
<np-balanced> <np-alternative-tail> |
<np-alternative-tail> ::=
, {_or} <nounphrase-alternative-list> |
{_,/or} <nounphrase-alternative-list>
<nounphrase-as-object> ::=
<np-inner> |
<nounphrase-as-subject> ::=
<if-not-deliberately-capitalised> <if-copular> <np-relative-phrase-limited> |
<np-inner-without-rp> |
<np-inner> ::=
<if-not-deliberately-capitalised> <if-copular> <np-relative-phrase-unlimited> |
<if-copular> internal
<np-relative-phrase-limited> ::=
<np-relative-phrase-implicit> |
<probable-participle> *** |
<np-relative-phrase-exception> |
<np-relative-phrase-unlimited> ::=
<np-relative-phrase-implicit> |
<np-relative-phrase-exception> |
<np-relative-phrase-exception> ::=
inside of/from ...
<np-relative-phrase-implicit> ::=
worn |
carried |
initially carried |
<np-relative-phrase-explicit> ::=
<preposition> _,/and ... |
<preposition> _,/and |
<preposition> <np-inner-without-rp>
<np-inner-without-rp> ::=
... |
<np-inner> {called} <np-articled-balanced> |
<np-inner> <np-with-or-having-tail> |
<np-inner> <np-tail> |
<np-kind-phrase> |
<np-inner> <np-from-or-of-tail> |
<nominative-pronoun> |
<np-with-or-having-tail> ::=
it with action *** |
{with/having} (/) *** |
{with/having} ... ( <response-letter> ) |
{with/having} <np-new-property-list>
<np-new-property-list> ::=
... |
<np-new-property> <np-new-property-tail> |
<np-new-property> ::=
<np-new-property-tail> ::=
, {_and} <np-new-property-list> |
{_,/and} <np-new-property-list>
<np-tail> ::=
, {_and} <np-inner> |
{_,/and} <np-inner>
<np-kind-phrase> ::=
<indefinite-article> <np-kind-phrase-unarticled> |
<np-kind-phrase-unarticled> ::=
kind/kinds |
kind/kinds of <np-inner>
<np-from-or-of-tail> ::=
in the presence of ... |
... that varies |
... variable |
<property-name-v> *** |
_of <np-inner> |
_from <np-inner>
<prohibited-property-owners> ::=
<action-name-formal> |
<activity-name-formal> |
<action-name-formal> ::=
... action
<activity-name-formal> ::=
... activity
<relation-name-formal> ::=
... relation
<rule-name-formal> ::=
... rule
<rulebook-name-formal> ::=
... rulebook
<has-properties-called-sentence-object> ::=
<has-property-name> <has-property-name-tail> |
<has-property-name-tail> ::=
, {_and} <has-properties-called-sentence-object> |
{_,/and} <has-properties-called-sentence-object>
<has-property-name> ::=
<bad-property-name-diagnosis> |
<bad-property-name-diagnosis> ::=
<article> | [issues PM_PropertyCalledArticle]
presence | [issues PM_PropertyCalledPresence]
*** , *** | [issues PM_PropertyNameForbidden]
*** <quoted-text> *** [issues PM_PropertyNameForbidden]
<sentence-needing-second-look> ::=
*** <ambiguous-property-name> ***
<control-structure-phrase> ::=
if ... is begin |
if ... is |
if/unless ... |
repeat ... |
while ... |
else/otherwise |
else/otherwise if/unless ... |
-- otherwise |
-- ... |
let ... be the phrase ...
<end-control-structure-phrase> ::=
end if/unless |
end while |
end repeat
<phrase-beginning-block> ::=
... begin
<extension-title-and-version> ::=
version <extension-version> of <definite-article> <extension-unversioned> |
version <extension-version> of <extension-unversioned> |
<extension-unversioned> ::=
<extension-unversioned-inner> ( ... ) |
<extension-unversioned-inner> ::=
<quoted-text> *** | [issues PM_IncludeExtQuoted]
<extension-version> internal
<extension-body> ::=
*** ---- documentation ---- ... |
<begins-here-sentence-subject> ::=
<extension-title-and-version> by ... |
... [issues PM_ExtMiswordedBeginsHere]
<no-verb-diagnosis> ::=
before/every/after/when/instead/check/carry/report ... |[issues PM_RuleWithoutColon]
if ... | [issues PM_IfOutsidePhrase]
... , ... | [issues PM_NoSuchVerbComma]
... [issues PM_NoSuchVerb]
<newfound-property-of> ::=
{<property-name-v>} of ...
<assertion-np-as-value> ::=
variable | [issues PM_VagueVariable]
action of <spec-stored-action> |
<spec-descriptive-type-expression> |
<grammatical-gender-marker> ::=
... ( <grammatical-gender-abbreviation> )
<grammatical-gender-abbreviation> ::=
n |
m |
<creation-problem-diagnosis> ::=
<article> | [issues PM_NameIsArticle]
... (/) ... | [issues PM_NameWithBrackets]
ni--crash--1 | [issues PM_Crash1]
ni--crash--10 | [issues PM_Crash10]
ni--crash--11 | [issues PM_Crash11]
, ... | [issues PM_StartsWithComma]
... , | [issues PM_EndsWithComma]
... when/while ... | [issues PM_ObjectIncWhen]
*** <quoted-text> *** | [issues PM_NameWithText]
<storage-nonkind-types> | [issues PM_NameReserved]
<command-phrase-nonkind-types> | [issues PM_NameReserved]
<condition-nonkind-types> [issues PM_NameReserved]
<text-ending-with-a-calling> ::=
... ( called the ... ) |
... ( called ... )
<text-including-a-calling> ::=
... ( called ... ) ***
<unsuitable-name> ::=
<article> |
*** (/)/{/}/,/. *** |
*** <quoted-text> ***
<unsuitable-name-for-locals> ::=
<definite-article> |
*** (/)/{/}/,/. *** |
*** <quoted-text> ***
<unfortunate-name> ::=
... with/having/and/or ... |
<something-loose-diagnosis> ::=
*** something *** [issues PM_EquatesSomethingToValue]
<forbidden-property-owners> ::=
<article> kind | [issues PM_PropertyOfKind1]
kind | [issues PM_PropertyOfKind1]
<pronoun> [issues PM_PropertyOfPronoun]
<can-be-sentence-object> ::=
either <nounphrase-alternative-list> ( <condition-name> ) |
<nounphrase-alternative-list> ( <condition-name> ) |
either <nounphrase-alternative-list> |
<condition-name> ::=
this is <condition-name-inner> |
<condition-name-inner> ::=
<article> <condition-name-innermost> |
<possessive-third-person> <condition-name-innermost> |
<condition-name-innermost> ::=
<nounphrase> property |
<s-plain-text> internal
<s-plain-text-with-equals> internal
<s-literal> ::=
<literal> ::=
<cardinal-number> |
minus <cardinal-number> |
<quoted-text> ( <response-letter> ) |
<quoted-text> |
<literal-real-number> |
<literal-truth-state> |
<literal-list> |
unicode <unicode-character> |
<literal-time> |
<literal-unit-notation> internal
<cardinal-number-in-words> ::=
zero |
one |
two |
three |
four |
five |
six |
seven |
eight |
nine |
ten |
eleven |
<ordinal-number-in-words> ::=
zeroth |
first |
second |
third |
fourth |
fifth |
sixth |
seventh |
eighth |
ninth |
tenth |
eleventh |
<cardinal-number> internal
<ordinal-number> internal
<cardinal-number-unlimited> internal
<quoted-text> internal
<quoted-text-with-subs> internal
<quoted-text-without-subs> internal
<empty-text> internal
<response-letter> internal
<literal-truth-state> ::=
false |
<literal-real-number> ::=
_ pi |
_ e |
plus infinity |
minus infinity |
<literal-real-in-digits> internal
<s-constant-value> ::=
<s-literal> |
nothing |
<s-miscellaneous-proper-noun> |
<s-rulebook-outcome-name> outcome |
<s-use-option-name> option |
verb <instance-of-verb> |
<s-rule-name> response ( <response-letter> )
<s-miscellaneous-proper-noun> internal
<spec-named-constant> internal
<s-rulebook-outcome-name> internal
<s-use-option-name> internal
<s-rule-name> internal
<s-table-column-name> internal
<property-name-as-noun-phrase> ::=
<definite-article> <property-name-construction> |
<s-property-name> internal
<s-adjective-list-as-desc> ::=
<s-adjective-list> ::=
not <indefinite-article> <s-adjective-list-unarticled> |
<indefinite-article> <s-adjective-list-unarticled> |
<s-adjective-list-unarticled> ::=
not <s-adjective> |
<s-adjective> |
not <s-adjective> <s-adjective-list-unarticled> |
<s-adjective> <s-adjective-list-unarticled>
<s-adjective> internal
<s-qualifiable-noun> ::=
<k-kind> |
<s-qualifiable-common-noun> ::=
<s-instance-name> internal
<s-applicable-adjective-list> ::=
<s-description> ::=
<s-description-uncomposite> |
<s-description-uncomposite> ::=
<s-description-uncalled> ( called <s-calling-name> ) |
<s-description-uncalled> ::=
<s-specifier> <s-description-unspecified> |
<s-specifying-noun> |
<s-specifying-noun> <s-adjective-list> |
<definite-article> <s-common-description-unspecified> | [issues PM_DefiniteCommonNoun]
<article> <s-description-unspecified> |
<s-description-unspecified> ::=
<s-qualifiable-noun> |
<s-applicable-adjective-list> <s-qualifiable-noun>
<s-common-description-unspecified> ::=
<s-qualifiable-common-noun> |
<s-applicable-adjective-list> <s-qualifiable-common-noun>
<s-description-nounless> ::=
<s-description-nounless-uncomposite> |
<s-description-nounless-uncomposite> ::=
<s-description-nounless-uncalled> ( called <s-calling-name> ) |
<s-description-nounless-uncalled> ::=
<s-specifier> <s-description-nounless-unspecified> |
<s-specifying-noun> |
<s-specifying-noun> <s-adjective-list> |
<definite-article> <s-common-description-unspecified> | [issues PM_DefiniteCommonNoun]
<article> <s-description-nounless-unspecified> |
<s-description-nounless-unspecified> ::=
<s-qualifiable-noun> |
<s-applicable-adjective-list> <s-qualifiable-noun> |
<s-calling-name> ::=
<article> ... |
<s-specifier> internal
<s-specifying-noun> internal
<s-nonkind-type> ::=
( <s-nonkind-type> ) |
<s-nonkind-type-unbracketed> internal
<s-type-expression> ::=
<article> <s-type-expression-unarticled> |
<s-type-expression-unarticled> ::=
<s-variable-scope> variable/variables |
<s-variable-scope> that/which vary/varies |
<s-nonkind-type> |
<k-kind> |
<s-literal> |
<s-description> |
<s-descriptive-type-expression> ::=
<article> <s-descriptive-type-expression-unarticled> |
<s-descriptive-type-expression-unarticled> ::=
<s-adjective-list-as-desc> |
<s-variable-scope> ::=
existing |
existing <s-type-expression> |
nonexisting |
nonexisting <s-type-expression> |
global |
global <s-type-expression> |
<if-let-equation-mode> internal
<if-pronoun-present> internal
<if-table-column-expected> internal
<if-property-name-expected> internal
<s-value> ::=
( <s-value> ) |
<s-variable> |
<if-table-column-expected> <s-table-column-name> |
<if-property-name-expected> <s-property-name> |
<s-constant-value> |
<s-value> where <s-plain-text> |
<if-let-equation-mode> <s-plain-text-with-equals> |
<s-property-name> |
<s-action-pattern-as-value> |
<s-value-phrase-non-of> |
<s-adjective-list-as-desc> |
<s-purely-physical-description> |
<s-table-reference> |
member/members of <s-description> |
member/members of <s-local-variable> |
<s-property-name> of <s-value> |
<if-pronoun-present> <possessive-third-person> <s-property-name> |
entry <s-value> of/in/from <s-value> |
<s-description> |
<s-table-column-name> |
<s-variable> ::=
<definite-article> <s-variable> |
<s-local-variable> |
<s-stacked-variable> |
<s-nonglobal-variable> ::=
( <s-nonglobal-variable> ) |
<s-local-variable> |
<s-variable-as-value> ::=
<s-local-variable> internal
<s-stacked-variable> internal
<s-global-variable> internal
<property-of-shape> ::=
<s-property-name> of ...
<s-value-phrase-non-of> internal
<s-value-phrase> internal
<s-table-reference> ::=
<s-table-column-name> entry |
<s-table-column-name> in row <s-value> of <s-value> |
<s-table-column-name> listed in <s-value> |
<s-table-column-name> corresponding to <s-table-column-name> of <s-value> in <s-value> |
<s-table-column-name> of <s-value> in <s-value>
<s-action-pattern-as-value> ::=
<s-sentence> ::=
<s-existential-np> <s-existential-verb-tail> |
<s-noun-phrase> <s-general-verb-tail>
<s-existential-np> ::=
<s-existential-verb-tail> ::=
<copular-verb> <s-noun-phrase-nounless>
<s-general-verb-tail> ::=
<copular-verb> <preposition-implying-player> |
<copular-verb> <preposition> <s-noun-phrase-nounless> |
<copular-verb> <s-noun-phrase-nounless> |
<universal-verb> <s-universal-relation-term> |
<general-verb> <s-noun-phrase>
<s-universal-relation-term> ::=
<s-noun-phrase> to <s-noun-phrase>
<s-np-with-relative-clause> ::=
<s-noun-phrase-nounless> <s-implied-relative-verb-tail> |
<s-noun-phrase> <s-relative-verb-tail>
<s-implied-relative-verb-tail> ::=
<preposition> <s-noun-phrase-nounless> |
not <preposition> <s-noun-phrase-nounless>
<s-relative-verb-tail> ::=
<relative-clause-marker> <copular-verb> <preposition-implying-player> |
<relative-clause-marker> <copular-verb> <preposition> <s-noun-phrase-nounless> |
<relative-clause-marker> <copular-verb> <s-noun-phrase-nounless> |
<relative-clause-marker> <universal-verb> <s-universal-relation-term> |
<relative-clause-marker> <general-verb> <s-noun-phrase>
<s-purely-physical-description> internal
<if-forced-physical> internal
<s-noun-phrase> ::=
<if-forced-physical> <s-variable-as-value> |
<if-forced-physical> <s-description> |
^<if-forced-physical> <s-value> |
<s-noun-phrase-nounless> ::=
<if-forced-physical> <s-variable-as-value> |
<if-forced-physical> <s-description-nounless> |
^<if-forced-physical> <s-value> |
<s-descriptive-np> ::=
( <s-descriptive-np> ) |
<cardinal-number> |
<s-description> |
<s-condition> ::=
<s-condition-pure> |
<s-condition-pure> ::=
( <s-condition-pure> ) |
<s-condition-pure> , and <s-condition-pure> |
<s-condition-pure> and <s-condition-pure> |
<s-condition-pure> , or <s-condition-pure> |
<s-condition-pure> or <s-condition-pure> |
<s-condition-with-chronology> |
<s-condition-with-chronology> internal
<s-condition-atomic> ::=
<s-phrase-option-in-use> |
not <s-phrase-option-in-use> |
<s-nonexistential-phrase-to-decide> |
<s-past-action-pattern-as-condition> |
<s-past-action-pattern-as-negated-condition> |
<s-action-pattern-as-condition> |
<s-action-pattern-as-negated-condition> |
<s-sentence> |
<s-nonexistential-phrase-to-decide> ::=
<existential-verb-phrase> |
<s-phrase-to-decide> |
not <s-phrase-to-decide>
<s-existential-phrase-to-decide> ::=
^<existential-verb-phrase> |
<s-phrase-to-decide> |
not <s-phrase-to-decide>
<existential-verb-phrase> ::=
<s-existential-np> is/are ...
<s-phrase-to-decide> internal
<s-phrase-option-in-use> internal
<s-action-pattern-as-condition> ::=
<s-action-pattern-as-negated-condition> ::=
<s-past-action-pattern-as-condition> ::=
<s-past-action-pattern-as-negated-condition> ::=
<s-command> ::=
( <s-command> ) |
else/otherwise |
else/otherwise if/unless *** begin |
else/otherwise if/unless *** , *** |
else/otherwise if/unless ... |
else/otherwise ^if/unless *** |
-- otherwise |
-- <s-value> |
<s-command-phrase> |
<s-command-phrase> ::=
instead <s-command-phrase-inner> |
<s-command-phrase-inner> instead |
<s-command-phrase-inner> ::=
say <s-say-phrase> |
<s-to-phrase> internal
<s-say-phrase> ::=
<s-say-term> , <s-say-term> |
<quoted-text-with-subs> |
<adaptive-verb> verb |
<adaptive-adjective> adjective |
<adaptive-verb> |
<modal-verb> <adaptive-verb> verb |
<modal-verb> <adaptive-verb> |
<adaptive-adjective> |
<s-say-term> ::=
<empty-text> |
<s-text-substitution> internal
<s-unpacked-text-with-substitutions> ::=
*** . *** | [issues PM_TSWithPunctuation]
, *** | [issues PM_EmptySubstitution]
*** , | [issues PM_EmptySubstitution]
*** , , *** | [issues PM_EmptySubstitution]
<notable-linguistic-kinds> ::=
natural language |
grammatical gender |
grammatical tense |
narrative viewpoint |
grammatical case
<if-parsing-phrase-tokens> internal
<spec-phrase-token-type> internal
<k-kind-for-template> internal
<spec-kind-as-name-token> internal
<k-kind-as-name-token> ::=
( <k-kind-as-name-token> ) |
name of kind of <k-kind-abbreviating> |
name of kind <k-kind-abbreviating> |
name of kind of ... |
name of kind ...
<k-kind-abbreviating> ::=
( <k-kind-abbreviating> ) |
<k-kind-of-kind> <k-formal-kind-variable> |
<k-kind> ::=
( <k-kind> ) |
^<if-parsing-phrase-tokens> <k-kind-variable> |
<if-parsing-phrase-tokens> <k-variable-definition> |
<k-base-kind> |
<k-irregular-kind-construction> |
<k-kind-articled> ::=
<indefinite-article> <k-kind> |
<k-variable-definition> ::=
<k-formal-kind-variable> |
<k-kind-of-kind> of kind <k-formal-kind-variable>
<k-base-kind> internal
<k-irregular-kind-construction> ::=
indexed text |
indexed texts |
object-based rulebook producing <k-kind> |
object-based rulebook |
action-based rulebook |
object-based rule producing <k-kind> |
object-based rule |
action-based rule |
either-or property
<k-kind-construction> internal
<k-single-material> ::=
( <k-single-material> ) |
<article> <k-single-material> |
<k-optional-material> ::=
( <k-optional-material> ) |
<article> <k-optional-material> |
nothing |
action |
<k-tupled-material> ::=
( <k-tuple-list> ) |
nothing |
<k-tuple-list> ::=
<k-single-material> , <k-tuple-list> |
<k-kind-of-kind> ::=
<k-kind-variable> internal
<k-formal-kind-variable> internal
<k-formal-kind-variable-singular> internal
<k-kind-variable-texts> ::=
a/as |
b/bs |
c/cs |
d/ds |
e/es |
f/fs |
g/gs |
h/hs |
i/is |
j/js |
k/ks |
l/ls |
m/ms |
n/ns |
o/os |
p/ps |
q/qs |
r/rs |
s/ss |
t/ts |
u/us |
v/vs |
w/ws |
x/xs |
y/ys |
<spec-value> internal
<spec-condition> internal
<spec-command> internal
<spec-type-expression> internal
<spec-descriptive-type-expression> internal
<spec-type-expression-or-value> ::=
<spec-type-expression> |
<spec-global-variable> ::=
<spec-kind> ::=
<spec-description> ::=
<spec-instance> ::=
<spec-table-name> ::=
<spec-stored-action> internal
<storage-nonkind-types> ::=
storage |
storages |
variable |
variables |
property-value |
property-values |
table-reference |
table-references |
list-entry |
<condition-nonkind-types> ::=
condition |
<command-phrase-nonkind-types> ::=
phrase |
phrases |
action |
actions |
now-condition |
<structural-phrase-problem-diagnosis> ::=
else/otherwise ^if/unless *** | [issues PM_WrongOtherwise]
else/otherwise if/unless ... , ... |[issues PM_WrongOtherwise2]
else/otherwise if/unless ... begin |[issues PM_WrongOtherwise3]
if/unless ... then | [issues PM_WrongThen]
if ... | [issues PM_PossibleUnterminatedIf]
unless ... | [issues PM_PossibleUnterminatedUnless]
continue [issues PM_WrongContinue]
<unknown-text-shape> ::=
say ... |
... and/or ... |
<unknown-text-substitution-problem-diagnosis> ::=
, ... | [issues PM_SayComma]
unicode ... | [issues PM_SayUnicode]
... condition | [issues PM_SayUnknownCondition]
... [issues PM_SayUnknown]
<unknown-value-problem-diagnosis> ::=
turns | [issues PM_NumberOfTurns]
... is/are out of play | [issues PM_OutOfPlay]
unicode ... | [issues PM_MidTextUnicode]
... condition | [issues PM_UnknownCondition]
... [issues PM_Unknown]
<unknown-use-option-diagnosis> ::=
... ^option | [issues PM_OptionlessOption]
... [issues PM_Unknown]
<unknown-activity-diagnosis> ::=
... of | [issues PM_ActivityOf]
... [issues PM_Unknown]
<failed-text-substitution-diagnosis> ::=
time | [issues PM_Time2]
the time | [issues PM_Time2]
<spec-description> | [issues PM_SayDescription]
a list of ... | [issues PM_SayAList]
<spec-type-expression-or-value> |[issues PM_AllSayInvsFailed]
... [issues last-resort failed ts]
<condition-problem-diagnosis> ::=
<condition-problem-part> <condition-problem-part-tail> |
<condition-problem-part-tail> ::=
, and/or <condition-problem-diagnosis> |
,/and/or <condition-problem-diagnosis>
<condition-problem-part> ::=
<spec-condition> |
<spec-value> |
... begins/ends |
when/while *** |
<notable-properties> ::=
description |
specification |
indefinite appearance text |
variable initial value
<property-name-construction> ::=
property ...
<property-name> internal
<either-or-property-name> internal
<value-property-name> internal
<property-name-v> internal
<name-looking-like-property-test> ::=
*** of ***
<ambiguous-property-name> internal
<measurement-adjective-definition> ::=
<possessive-third-person> ... is/are not ... | [issues PM_GradingMisphrased]
<possessive-third-person> {<property-name>} is/are <measurement-range> |
<possessive-third-person> ... is/are <measurement-range>
<measurement-range> ::=
... or more |
... or less |
<relation-property-name> ::=
<either-or-property-name> | [issues PM_RelationWithEitherOrProperty]
<value-property-name> |
... [issues PM_RelationWithBadProperty]
<literal-list> ::=
\{ \} |
\{ <literal-list-contents> \}
<literal-list-contents> ::=
<literal-list-entry> , <literal-list-contents> |
<literal-list-entry> ::=
<spec-value> |
<table-column-heading> ::=
( *** ) | [issues PM_TableColumnBracketed]
<s-table-column-name> ( ... ) |
<table-column-heading-unbracketed> ( ... ) |
<s-table-column-name> |
<table-column-heading-unbracketed> ::=
<article> | [issues PM_TableColumnArticle]
{topic} |
{<property-name>} |
{<s-constant-value>} | [issues PM_TableColumnAlready]
<table-column-name-construction> ::=
... column
<table-header> ::=
<table-new-name> ( continued ) |
<table-new-name> ( amended ) |
<table-new-name> ( replaced ) |
<table-new-name> ::=
table ... - ... |
table ### |
table of ... |
table ... [issues PM_TableMisnamed]
<table-names-construction> ::=
table ... |
table of ...
<table-footer> ::=
*** with <cardinal-number> blank row/rows |
*** with blank row/rows for each/every ...
<table-cell> ::=
<table-cell-blank> |
<k-kind-articled> |
<spec-named-constant> |
<s-global-variable> | [issues PM_TablePlayerEntry or C20TableVariableEntry]
<table-cell-value> |
<list-of-double-quotes> |
... [issues PM_TableUnknownEntry]
<table-cell-blank> ::=
<table-cell-value> ::=
the action of <spec-stored-action> |
<spec-stored-action> |
<instance-of-non-object> |
<list-of-double-quotes> ::=
<quoted-text> or <list-of-double-quotes> |
<rankings-table-name> ::=
<defined-by-sentence-subject> ::=
kind/kinds of <spec-type-expression> |
<spec-instance> | [issues PM_TableDefiningObject]
<spec-type-expression> |
... [issues PM_TableDefiningTheImpossible]
<defined-by-sentence-object> ::=
<spec-table-name> |
... [issues PM_TableUndefined]
<unfortunate-table-column-property> ::=
location [issues PM_TableColumnLocation]
<equation-name> ::=
equation {<cardinal-number>} - ... |
equation {<cardinal-number>} |
equation - ... |
equation ... [issues PM_EquationMisnumbered]
<equation-names-construction> ::=
equation ... |
... equation
<equation-where> ::=
... where ...
<equation-where-list> ::=
... |
<equation-where-setting-entry> <equation-where-tail> |
<equation-where-tail> ::=
, _and <equation-where-list> |
_,/and <equation-where-list>
<equation-where-setting-entry> ::=
<equation-where-setting> ::=
<equation-symbol> is/are <k-kind> |
<equation-symbol> is/are <spec-value> |
<equation-symbol> is/are ... | [issues PM_EquationSymbolNonValue]
<equation-symbol> = <k-kind> | [issues PM_EquationSymbolEqualsKOV]
<equation-symbol> = <spec-value> |
<equation-symbol> = ... | [issues PM_EquationSymbolNonValue]
<equation-symbol> ::=
<valid-equation-symbol> |
### | [issues PM_EquationSymbolMalformed]
... [issues PM_EquationSymbolMisdeclared]
<valid-equation-symbol> internal
<new-rulebook-name> ::=
<definite-article> <new-rulebook-name> |
<new-rulebook-name> rules/rulebook |
at *** | [issues PM_RulebookWithAt]
to *** | [issues PM_RulebookWithTo]
definition *** | [issues PM_RulebookWithDefinition]
<rulebook-name-construction> ::=
... rules |
... rulebook
<rulebook-variable-name> ::=
<unfortunate-name> | [issues PM_RulebookVariableAnd]
<rulebook-stem> internal
<rulebook-stem-inner> ::=
<indefinite-article> <rulebook-stem-inner-unarticled> |
<definite-article> <rulebook-stem-inner-unarticled> |
<rulebook-stem-inner-unarticled> ::=
rule for/about/on <rulebook-stem-name> |
rule <rulebook-stem-name> |
first <rulebook-stem-name> |
last <rulebook-stem-name> |
<rulebook-stem-name> ::=
{when ... begins} |
{when ... ends} |
<rulebook-property> ::=
outcome/outcomes <rulebook-outcome-list> |
default <rulebook-default-outcome> |
... [issues PM_NonOutcomeProperty]
<rulebook-default-outcome> ::=
<rule-outcome> |
... [issues PM_BadDefaultOutcome]
<rule-outcome> ::=
success |
failure |
no outcome
<rulebook-outcome-list> ::=
... |
<rulebook-outcome-setting-entry> <rulebook-outcome-tail> |
<rulebook-outcome-tail> ::=
, _and/or <rulebook-outcome-list> |
_,/and/or <rulebook-outcome-list>
<rulebook-outcome-setting-entry> ::=
<form-of-named-rule-outcome> ::=
... ( <rule-outcome> - the default ) |
... ( <rule-outcome> - default ) |
... ( <rule-outcome> ) |
... ( ... ) | [issues PM_BadOutcomeClarification]
<rulebook-name> internal
<rule-name> internal
<substitutes-for-sentence-subject> ::=
<rule-name> |
... [issues PM_NoSuchRuleExists]
<substitutes-for-sentence-object> ::=
<rule-name> |
... [issues PM_NoSuchRuleExists]
<does-nothing-sentence-subject> ::=
<rule-name> |
... [issues PM_NoSuchRuleExists]
<listed-in-sentence-subject> ::=
<rule-name> |
... [issues PM_NoSuchRuleExists]
<listed-in-sentence-object> ::=
in any rulebook |
in <destination-rulebook> |
first in <destination-rulebook> |
last in <destination-rulebook> |
instead of <rule-name> in <rulebook-name> |
instead of <rule-name> in ... | [issues PM_NoSuchRulebookPlacement]
instead of ... in ... | [issues PM_NoSuchRuleExists]
before <rule-name> in <rulebook-name> |
before <rule-name> in ... | [issues PM_NoSuchRulebookPlacement]
before ... in ... | [issues PM_NoSuchRuleExists]
after <rule-name> in <rulebook-name> |
after <rule-name> in ... | [issues PM_NoSuchRulebookPlacement]
after ... in ... | [issues PM_NoSuchRuleExists]
instead of ... | [issues PM_UnspecifiedRulebookPlacement]
before ... | [issues PM_UnspecifiedRulebookPlacement]
after ... | [issues PM_UnspecifiedRulebookPlacement]
... [issues PM_ImproperRulePlacement]
<destination-rulebook> ::=
<rulebook-name> |
... [issues PM_NoSuchRulebookPlacement]
<activity-sentence-subject> ::=
<activity-noted> ( <documentation-symbol> ) |
<activity-noted> -- <documentation-symbol> -- |
<activity-noted> ::=
<activity-new-name> ( future action ) |
<activity-new-name> ( ... ) | [issues PM_ActivityNoteUnknown]
<activity-new-name> ::=
... of/for something/anything |
... something/anything |
<activity-name-construction> ::=
... activity
<activity-variable-name> ::=
<unfortunate-name> | [issues PM_ActivityVarAnd]
<run-time-context> ::=
not <activity-list-unnegated> |
<activity-list-unnegated> ::=
... |
<activity-list-entry> <activity-tail> |
<activity-tail> ::=
, _or <run-time-context> |
_,/or <run-time-context>
<activity-list-entry> ::=
<activity-name> |
<activity-name> of/for <activity-operand> |
<activity-name> <activity-operand> |
^<if-parsing-al-conditions> ... |
<if-parsing-al-conditions> <spec-condition>
<activity-operand> ::=
something/anything |
something/anything else |
<activity-name> internal
<if-parsing-al-conditions> internal
<inline-phrase-definition> ::=
(- ### - in to only |
(- ### - in to decide if only |
(- ### - in to decide only |
(- ### |
(- ### ... [issues PM_TailAfterInline]
<rule-preamble> ::=
definition |
this is the {... rule} |
this is the rule | [issues PM_NamelessRule]
this is ... rule | [issues PM_UnarticledRule]
<event-rule-preamble> |
to | [issues PM_BareTo]
to ... ( called ... ) | [issues PM_DontCallPhrasesWithCalled]
{to ...} ( this is the {### function} inverse to ### ) |
{to ...} ( this is the {### function} ) |
{to ...} ( this is ... ) |
to ... |
... ( this is the {... rule} ) |
... ( this is the rule ) | [issues PM_NamelessRule]
... ( this is ... rule ) | [issues PM_UnarticledRule]
<now-phrase-preamble> ::=
to now ...
<rule-preamble-fine> ::=
<rule-preamble-finer> during <spec-scene-description> |
<rule-preamble-finer> ::=
{<rulebook-stem-embellished>} {when/while ...} |
{<rulebook-stem-embellished>} |
<rulebook-stem-embellished> ::=
<rulebook-stem> *** |
rule for <rulebook-stem> *** |
rule <rulebook-stem> ***
<rulebook-bud> ::=
of/for ... |
rule about/for/on ... |
<unrecognised-rule-stem-diagnosis> ::=
when *** | [issues PM_BadRulePreambleWhen]
... [issues PM_BadRulePreamble]
<when-while-clause> ::=
... when/while ...
<parametric-problem-diagnosis> ::=
when the play begins/ends | [issues PM_WhenThePlay]
... [issues PM_BadParameter]
<action-problem-diagnosis> ::=
in the presence of ... | [issues PM_NonActionInPresenceOf]
in ... [issues PM_NonActionIn]
<action-when-diagnosis> ::=
... called ... {when/while ...} |
... {when/while *** nothing ***} |
... {when/while *** nowhere ***} |
... and {when/while ...} |
... {when/while ...}
<anl-diagnosis> ::=
<anl-inner-diagnosis> when/while ... |
<anl-inner-diagnosis> ::=
<anl-entry-diagnosis> <anl-tail-diagnosis> |
<anl-tail-diagnosis> ::=
, _or <anl-inner-diagnosis> |
_,/or <anl-inner-diagnosis>
<anl-entry-diagnosis> ::=
<phrase-preamble> ::=
<phrase-preamble> ( deprecated ) |
<say-preamble> |
<to-preamble> ::=
<to-preamble> ( arithmetic operation <cardinal-number> ) |
<to-preamble> ( assignment operation ) |
{let ... be given by ...} |
{let ...} |
... -- end |
... -- end conditional |
... -- end loop |
... -- in loop |
... -- in ### |
<phrase-vetting> ::=
( ...... ) is {<preposition>} ( ...... )[issues PM_MasksRelation]
<say-preamble> ::=
<say-preamble> -- running on |
{say otherwise/else} |
{say otherwise/else if/unless ...} |
{say if/unless ...} |
{say end if/unless} |
{say ...} -- beginning ### |
{say ...} -- continuing ### |
{say ...} -- ending ### with marker ### |
{say ...} -- ending ### |
{say ...}
<to-return-data> ::=
to {decide yes/no} |
to {decide on ...} |
to decide whether/if the ... |
to decide whether/if ... |
to decide what/which <return-kind> is the ... |
to decide what/which <return-kind> is ... |
to ...
<return-kind> ::=
<k-kind-for-template> |
... [issues PM_UnknownValueToDecide]
<phrase-definition-word-or-token> ::=
( ) *** | [issues PM_TokenWithEmptyBrackets]
( <phrase-token-declaration> ) *** |
( *** | [issues PM_TokenWithoutCloseBracket]
) *** | [issues PM_TokenWithoutOpenBracket]
### ***
<phrase-token-declaration> ::=
*** ( *** - ...... | [issues PM_TokenWithNestedBrackets]
...... - <spec-phrase-token-type> |
...... - <spec-kind-as-name-token> |
...... - ...... | [issues PM_BadTypeIndication]
<spec-kind-as-name-token> |
...... [issues PM_TokenMisunderstood]
<phrase-option-declaration-list> ::=
... |
<phrase-option-declaration-setting-entry> <phrase-option-declaration-tail> |
<phrase-option-declaration-tail> ::=
, _or <phrase-option-declaration-list> |
, \and/or <phrase-option-declaration-list> |
_,/or <phrase-option-declaration-list> |
\and/or <phrase-option-declaration-list>
<phrase-option-declaration-setting-entry> ::=
<phrase-option-list> ::=
... |
<phrase-option-setting-entry> <phrase-option-tail> |
<phrase-option-tail> ::=
, _and <phrase-option-list> |
_,/and <phrase-option-list>
<phrase-option-setting-entry> ::=
<phrase-option> |
... [issues PM_NotAPhraseOption or C22NotTheOnlyPhraseOption]
<phrase-option> internal
<heading-with-parenthesis> ::=
{<heading-name-hyphenated>} ( <definite-article> ... ) |
{<heading-name-hyphenated>} ( ... ) |
<heading-name-hyphenated> ::=
... - ... - ... |
... - ... |
<definition-header> ::=
<adjective-definition> ::=
<adjective-domain> is/are <adjective-wording> if ... |
<adjective-domain> is/are <adjective-wording> unless ... |
<adjective-domain> is/are <adjective-wording>
<adjective-domain> ::=
... ( called the ... ) |
... ( called ... ) |
<adjective-wording> ::=
... rather than ... |
<inform6-routine-adjective-definition> ::=
i6 routine {<quoted-text-without-subs>} says so ( ... ) |
i6 routine {<quoted-text-without-subs>} makes it so ( ... )
<inform6-condition-adjective-definition> ::=
i6 condition <quoted-text-without-subs> says so ( ... )
<new-called-name> ::=
*** - *** | [issues PM_CalledWithDash]
<definite-article> <new-called-name-unarticled> |
<new-called-name-unarticled> ::=
<existing-local-name> |
<spec-type-expression-or-value> |
<existing-local-name> internal
<end-phrase-construction> ::=
end ...
<inline-substitution> ::=
phrase options |
<phrase-option> |
<name-local-to-inline-stack-frame> |
... [issues PM_BadInlineExpansion]
<name-local-to-inline-stack-frame> internal
<vm-description-list> ::=
... |
<vm-description-entry> <vm-description-tail> |
<vm-description-tail> ::=
, _and/or <vm-description-list> |
_,/and/or <vm-description-list>
<vm-description-entry> ::=
<version-identification> ::=
version/versions <cardinal-number>
<virtual-machine> internal
<inform6-inclusion-location> ::=
<inclusion-side> {<quoted-text-without-subs>} |
<inclusion-side> {<quoted-text-without-subs>} in {<quoted-text-without-subs>} |
when defining <spec-type-expression> |
when defining ... | [issues PM_WhenDefiningUnknown]
before the library | [issues PM_BeforeTheLibrary]
in the preform grammar
<inclusion-side> ::=
before |
instead of |
<use-translates-as-sentence-object> ::=
(- ### |
... [issues PM_UseTranslatesNotI6]
<use-sentence-object> ::=
... of at least <cardinal-number-unlimited> |
### of <cardinal-number-unlimited> |
<definite-article> ... |
<notable-use-option-name> ::=
authorial modesty |
dynamic memory allocation |
memory economy |
no deprecated features |
numbered rules |
telemetry recordings |
scoring |
no scoring |
engineering notation |
unabbreviated object names |
index figure thumbnails |
gn testing version
<immediate-use> ::=
... |
<immediate-use-entry> <immediate-use-tail> |
<immediate-use-tail> ::=
, _and <immediate-use> |
_,/and <immediate-use>
<immediate-use-entry> ::=
<notable-use-option-name> |
<notable-bibliographic-variables> ::=
story title |
story author |
story headline |
story genre |
story description |
story creation year |
release number
<titling-line> ::=
<plain-titling-line> ( in <natural-language> ) |
<plain-titling-line> ::=
{<quoted-text-without-subs>} by ... |
<episode-sentence-object> ::=
<cardinal-number> of <quoted-text-without-subs> |
... [issues PM_BadEpisode]
<release-sentence-object> ::=
<privacy-indicator> <exposed-innards> |
<privacy-indicator> ... | [issues PM_NoSuchPublicRelease]
<exposed-innards> |
cover art ( <quoted-text> ) |
cover art |
existing story file |
file of {<quoted-text-without-subs>} called {<quoted-text-without-subs>} |
file {<quoted-text-without-subs>} in {<quoted-text-without-subs>} |
file {<quoted-text-without-subs>} |
style sheet {<quoted-text-without-subs>} |
javascript {<quoted-text-without-subs>} |
introductory booklet |
introductory postcard |
website |
separate figures |
separate sounds |
{<quoted-text-without-subs>} website |
interpreter |
{<quoted-text-without-subs>} interpreter
<privacy-indicator> ::=
private |
<exposed-innards> ::=
solution |
source text |
library card
<notable-naming-properties> ::=
indefinite article |
plural-named |
proper-named |
printed name |
printed plural name |
publicly-named |
privately-named |
adaptive text viewpoint |
neuter |
<notable-spatial-kinds> ::=
room |
thing |
container |
supporter |
<notable-spatial-properties> ::=
initial appearance |
wearable |
fixed in place |
matching key
<spatial-specifying-nouns> ::=
_something/anything *** |
_somewhere/anywhere *** |
_someone/anyone/somebody/anybody *** |
_everything *** |
_everywhere *** |
_everyone/everybody *** |
_nowhere *** |
_nobody/no-one *** |
_no _one ***
<notable-spatial-noun-phrases> ::=
<notable-player-instances> ::=
<notable-player-variables> ::=
player |
score |
time of day
<implicit-player-relationship> ::=
worn |
carried |
initially carried
<notable-backdrops-kinds> ::=
<notable-backdrops-properties> ::=
<notable-backdrops-noun-phrases> ::=
<notable-regions-kinds> ::=
<notable-regions-properties> ::=
map region
<notable-map-kinds> ::=
direction |
<notable-map-directions> ::=
up |
<notable-map-properties> ::=
opposite |
other side
<notable-map-noun-phrases> ::=
below |
<mapping-relation-construction> ::=
mapping ...
<mapping-preposition-construction> ::=
mapped ... of |
mapped ...
<notable-directions> ::=
inside |
<map-name-abbreviation-omission-words> ::=
in |
of |
<direction-name> ::=
<index-map-sentence-subject> ::=
eps file |
<direction-name> mapped as <direction-name> |
... mapped as ... | [issues PM_MapDirectionClue]
<instance-of-object> mapped <map-positioning> |
... mapped ... | [issues PM_MapPlacement]
<map-setting> set to <map-setting-value> |
<map-setting> set to ... | [issues PM_MapSettingTooLong]
... set to ... | [issues PM_MapSettingOfUnknown]
rubric {<quoted-text-without-subs>} *** |
... [issues PM_MapHintUnknown]
<map-positioning> ::=
<instance-of-object> of/from <instance-of-object> |
above <instance-of-object> |
below <instance-of-object>
<map-setting> ::=
<map-parameter> of <map-setting-scope> |
<map-parameter> |
... of <map-setting-scope> [issues PM_MapSettingUnknown]
<map-setting-scope> ::=
<definite-article> <map-setting-scope-unarticled> |
<map-setting-scope-unarticled> ::=
first room |
level <cardinal-number> |
<k-kind> |
<map-parameter> internal
<map-setting-value> ::=
<cardinal-number> |
<quoted-text> |
<map-setting-boolean> |
<map-offset> |
<map-setting-boolean> ::=
on |
<map-offset> internal
<map-rubric> ::=
size <cardinal-number> *** |
font {<quoted-text-without-subs>} *** |
colour {<quoted-text-without-subs>} *** |
at <map-offset> from ... |
at <map-offset> ***
<notable-scene-properties> ::=
<notable-scenes> ::=
entire game
<scene-ends-sentence-subject> ::=
<scene-name> |
... [issues PM_ScenesOnly]
<scene-ends-sentence-adverb> ::=
<scene-ends-sentence-object> ::=
<text-including-a-calling> | [issues PM_ScenesDisallowCalled]
play begins |
play ends | [issues PM_ScenesNotPlay]
<scene-name> begins |
<scene-name> ends |
<scene-name> ends <scene-end-name> |
<scene-name> ends ... | [issues PM_ScenesUnknownEnd]
<scene-name> ::=
<definite-article> <scene-name-unarticled> |
<scene-name-unarticled> ::=
<scene-end-name> internal
<scene-end-name-creating> internal
<spec-scene-description> ::=
<notable-actions> ::=
<action-name-construction> ::=
... action
<action-pronoun> ::=
<action-name> internal
<action-optional-trailing-prepositions> ::=
... to
<action-variable> ::=
<action-variable-name> ( matched as {<quoted-text-without-subs>} ) |
<action-variable-name> ( ... ) | [issues PM_BadMatchingSyntax]
<action-variable-name> ::=
<unfortunate-name> | [issues PM_ActionVarAnd]
<action-sentence-subject> ::=
<action-name> | [issues PM_ActionAlreadyExists]
<action-clause> ::=
out of world |
abbreviable |
with past participle ... |
applying to <action-applications> |
requiring light
<action-applications> ::=
nothing |
one <act-req> and one <act-req> |
one <act-req> and <act-req> |
<act-req> and one <act-req> |
<act-req> and <act-req> |
one <act-req> |
two <act-req> |
<act-req> |
... [issues PM_ActionMisapplied]
<act-req> ::=
<action-access> <k-kind> |
<action-access> ::=
visible |
touchable |
<action-sentence-object> ::=
<action-clauses> |
... [issues PM_ActionClauseUnknown]
<action-clauses> ::=
... |
<action-clauses> <action-clause-terminated> |
<action-clause-terminated> ::=
<action-clause> , and |
<action-clause> and |
<action-clause> , |
<action-list> ::=
doing something/anything other than <anl-excluded> |
doing something/anything except <anl-excluded> |
doing something/anything to/with <anl-to-tail> |
doing something/anything |
doing something/anything ... |
<anl-excluded> ::=
<anl> to/with {<anl-minimal-common-operand>} |
<anl-minimal-common-operand> ::=
_,/or ... |
... to/with ... |
<anl-to-tail> ::=
<anl-operand> <anl-in-tail> |
<anl-operand> ::=
<anl-in-tail> ::=
fixed in place *** |
is/are/was/were/been/listed in *** |
in ...
<anl> ::=
<anl-entry> <anl-tail> |
<anl-tail> ::=
, _or <anl> |
_,/or <anl>
<anl-entry> ::=
<named-action-pattern> |
<named-action-pattern> <anl-in-tail> |
<named-action-pattern> internal
<anl-entry-with-action> internal
<action-pattern> ::=
asking <action-parameter> to try <action-pattern-core> |
<action-parameter> trying <action-pattern-core> |
an actor trying <action-pattern-core> |
an actor <action-pattern-core> |
trying <action-pattern-core> |
<we-are-action-pattern> ::=
we are asking <action-parameter> to try <action-pattern-core> |
asking <action-parameter> to try <action-pattern-core> |
<action-parameter> trying <action-pattern-core> |
an actor trying <action-pattern-core> |
an actor <action-pattern-core> |
we are trying <action-pattern-core> |
trying <action-pattern-core> |
we are <action-pattern-core> |
<action-pattern-negated> ::=
we are not asking <action-parameter> to try <action-pattern-core> |
not asking <action-parameter> to try <action-pattern-core> |
<action-parameter> not trying <action-pattern-core> |
an actor not trying <action-pattern-core> |
an actor not <action-pattern-core> |
we are not trying <action-pattern-core> |
not trying <action-pattern-core> |
we are not <action-pattern-core> |
not <action-pattern-core-actor>
<action-pattern-past> ::=
we have asked <action-parameter> to try <action-pattern-core> |
<action-parameter> has tried <action-pattern-core> |
an actor has tried <action-pattern-core> |
an actor has <action-pattern-past-core> |
we have tried <action-pattern-core> |
we have <action-pattern-past-core>
<action-pattern-past-negated> ::=
we have not asked <action-parameter> to try <action-pattern-core> |
<action-parameter> has not tried <action-pattern-core> |
an actor has not tried <action-pattern-core> |
an actor has not <action-pattern-past-core> |
we have not tried <action-pattern-core> |
we have not <action-pattern-past-core>
<action-pattern-core-actor> ::=
<action-pattern-core> |
<actor-description> <action-pattern-core>
<actor-description> internal
<action-pattern-core> internal
<action-pattern-past-core> internal
<action-pronominal> ::=
doing it
<ap-common-core> ::=
<ap-common-core-inner> when/while <condition-in-ap> |
<ap-common-core-inner> |
... when/while <condition-in-ap> |
... when/while ...
<condition-in-ap> internal
<ap-common-core-inner> ::=
<ap-common-core-inner-inner> in the presence of <action-parameter> |
<ap-common-core-inner-inner> ::=
in <action-parameter> |
<ap-common-core-inner-inner-inner> internal
<action-operand> ::=
something/anything |
something/anything else |
<going-action-irregular-operand> ::=
nowhere |
<understanding-action-irregular-operand> ::=
something/anything |
<action-parameter> ::=
<spec-local-variable> |
<spec-global-variable> |
<spec-local-variable> internal
<understand-sentence-subject> ::=
nothing |
<understand-property-list> |
the command/commands <understand-regular-list> |
the verb/verbs ... | [issues PM_OldVerbUsage]
<understand-regular-list> ::=
... |
<understand-regular-entry> <understand-regular-tail> |
<understand-regular-tail> ::=
, _and/or <understand-regular-list> |
_,/and/or <understand-regular-list>
<understand-regular-entry> ::=
<understand-property-list> ::=
... |
<understand-property-entry> <understand-property-tail> |
<understand-property-tail> ::=
, _and/or <understand-property-list> |
_,/and/or <understand-property-list>
<understand-property-entry> ::=
<property-name> property |
... property [issues PM_UnknownUnderstandProperty]
<understand-sentence-object> ::=
<understand-sentence-object-uncond> when/while ... |
<understand-sentence-object-uncond> ::=
... |
<understand-sentence-entry> <understand-sentence-object-tail> |
<understand-sentence-object-tail> ::=
, _and/or <understand-sentence-object-uncond> |
_,/and/or <understand-sentence-object-uncond>
<understand-sentence-entry> ::=
<understand-as-this> ::=
... |
a mistake |
a mistake ( <quoted-text> ) |
a mistake ... | [issues PM_TextlessMistake]
the plural of <understand-ref> |
plural of <understand-ref> |
<quoted-text> |
<understand-ref> ( with nouns reversed ) |
<understand-ref> ::=
<action-name> |
<spec-descriptive-type-expression> |
<s-variable> | [issues PM_UnderstandVariable]
... [issues PM_UnderstandVague]
<understand-command-sentence-object> ::=
... when/while ... | [issues PM_UnderstandCommandWhen]
something new |
<quoted-text> |
... [issues PM_NotOldCommand]
<understand-property-sentence-object> ::=
<understand-property-sentence-object-unconditional> when/while ... |
<understand-property-sentence-object-unconditional> ::=
referring to <understand-property-reference> |
describing <understand-property-reference> |
... [issues PM_BadUnderstandProperty]
<understand-property-reference> ::=
<k-kind> |
<instance-of-object> |
... [issues PM_BadUnderstandPropertyAs]
<notable-parsing-variables> ::=
<k-kind> understood |
noun |
location |
actor-location |
second noun |
person asked |
maximum score |
<understand-condition> ::=
<spec-non-action-condition> |
<spec-condition> | [issues PM_WhenAction]
... [issues PM_BadWhen]
<spec-non-action-condition> internal
<grammar-token-breaking> ::=
... , ... |
<quoted-text> |
<grammar-token> ::=
<named-grammar-token> |
any <spec-description> |
any <spec-kind> |
anything |
anybody |
anyone |
anywhere |
something related by reversed <relation-name> |
something related by <relation-name> |
something related by ... | [issues PM_GrammarBadRelation]
<standard-grammar-token> |
<spec-instance> |
<spec-description> |
<spec-kind> |
<spec-type-expression> | [issues PM_BizarreToken]
... [issues PM_UnknownToken]
<standard-grammar-token> ::=
something |
things |
things inside |
things preferably held |
something preferably held |
other things |
someone |
somebody |
text |
topic | [issues PM_UseTextNotTopic]
a topic | [issues PM_UseTextNotTopic]
object | [issues PM_UseThingNotObject]
an object | [issues PM_UseThingNotObject]
something held | [issues something held]
things held [issues things held]
<named-grammar-token> internal
<test-sentence-subject> ::=
<internal-test-case-name> ( internal ) |
### ( internal ) | [issues PM_UnknownInternalTest]
### |
... [issues PM_TestMultiWord]
<internal-test-case-name> ::=
headline |
sentence |
description |
dimensions |
evaluation |
equation |
article |
verb |
adjective |
participle |
kind |
<test-sentence-object> ::=
<quoted-text> |
<quoted-text> <test-case-circumstance-list> |
... [issues PM_TestBadRequirements]
<test-case-circumstance-list> ::=
... |
<test-case-circumstance-list> <test-case-circumstance> |
<test-case-circumstance> ::=
in <instance-of-object> |
holding/and/, <instance-of-object> |
in ... | [issues PM_TestBadRequirements]
holding/and/, ... | [issues PM_TestBadRequirements]
with ... [issues PM_TestDoubleWith]
<figure-sentence-object> ::=
<figure-source> ( <quoted-text> ) |
<figure-source> ::=
of cover art |
<quoted-text> |
... [issues PM_PictureNotTextual]
<notable-figures> ::=
of cover art
<sound-sentence-object> ::=
<sound-source> ( <quoted-text> ) |
<sound-source> ::=
<quoted-text> |
... [issues PM_SoundNotTextual]
<external-file-sentence-subject> ::=
<definite-article> <external-file-sentence-subject> |
text <external-file-name> |
binary <external-file-name> |
<external-file-name> ::=
{file ...} ( owned by <external-file-owner> ) |
{file ...}
<external-file-owner> ::=
another project |
project {<quoted-text-without-subs>} |
... [issues PM_BadFileOwner]
<external-file-sentence-object> ::=
<quoted-text> |
... [issues PM_FilenameNotTextual]
<translates-into-i6-sentence-subject> ::=
... property |
... object/kind |
{... rule} |
... variable |
... action |
understand token ... |
... [issues PM_TranslatedUnknownCategory]
<translates-into-i6-sentence-object> ::=
<quoted-text> with <nounphrase-articled-list> |
<extra-response> ::=
<quoted-text> ( <response-letter> )
<plugin-name> ::=
core |
interactive fiction |
naming |
instance counting |
command |
actions |
spatial model |
mapping |
player |
regions |
backdrops |
showme |
times of day |
scenes |
figures |
sounds |
glulx external files |
bibliographic data
<language-element> ::=
<use-language-element-sentence-subject> ::=
no <plugin-name> |
<plugin-name> |
... [issues PM_NoSuchLanguageElement]