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2020-05-11 22:49:36 +03:00
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2020-05-11 22:49:36 +03:00
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<ul class="crumbs"><li><a href="../index.html">Home</a></li><li><a href="../services.html">Services</a></li><li><a href="index.html">words</a></li><li><a href="index.html#P">Preliminaries</a></li><li><b>What This Module Does</b></li></ul></div>
2020-05-11 22:49:36 +03:00
<p class="purpose">An overview of the words module's role and abilities.</p>
2020-05-14 23:55:05 +03:00
<ul class="toc"><li><a href="P-wtmd.html#SP1">&#167;1. Prerequisites</a></li><li><a href="P-wtmd.html#SP2">&#167;2. Words, words, words</a></li><li><a href="P-wtmd.html#SP5">&#167;5. Meaning codes</a></li><li><a href="P-wtmd.html#SP6">&#167;6. Contiguous runs of words</a></li><li><a href="P-wtmd.html#SP7">&#167;7. Hypothetical words</a></li><li><a href="P-wtmd.html#SP8">&#167;8. Rock, paper, scissors</a></li><li><a href="P-wtmd.html#SP9">&#167;9. Traditional identifiers</a></li><li><a href="P-wtmd.html#SP10">&#167;10. Preform</a></li></ul><hr class="tocbar">
2020-05-11 22:49:36 +03:00
2020-08-27 17:50:24 +03:00
<p class="commentary firstcommentary"><a id="SP1" class="paragraph-anchor"></a><b>&#167;1. Prerequisites. </b>The words module is a part of the Inform compiler toolset. It is
2020-05-11 22:49:36 +03:00
presented as a literate program or "web". Before diving in:
<ul class="items"><li>(a) It helps to have some experience of reading webs: see <a href="../../../inweb/index.html" class="internal">inweb</a> for more.
2020-05-11 22:49:36 +03:00
</li><li>(b) The module is written in C, in fact ANSI C99, but this is disguised by the
fact that it uses some extension syntaxes provided by the <a href="../../../inweb/index.html" class="internal">inweb</a> literate
programming tool, making it a dialect of C called InC. See <a href="../../../inweb/index.html" class="internal">inweb</a> for
2020-05-11 22:49:36 +03:00
full details, but essentially: it's C without predeclarations or header files,
and where functions have names like <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">Tags::add_by_name</span></span> rather than <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">add_by_name</span></span>.
2022-04-04 20:31:44 +03:00
</li><li>(c) This module uses other modules drawn from the compiler (see <a href="../structure.html" class="internal">structure</a>), and also
uses a module of utility functions called <a href="../../../inweb/foundation-module/index.html" class="internal">foundation</a>.
For more, see <a href="../../../inweb/foundation-module/P-abgtf.html" class="internal">A Brief Guide to Foundation (in foundation)</a>.
2020-05-11 22:49:36 +03:00
2020-08-27 17:50:24 +03:00
<p class="commentary firstcommentary"><a id="SP2" class="paragraph-anchor"></a><b>&#167;2. Words, words, words. </b>Natural language text for use with Inform begins as text files written by
2020-05-12 12:00:53 +03:00
human users, which are fed into the "lexer" (i.e., lexical analyser).
The function <a href="3-tff.html#SP2" class="internal">TextFromFiles::feed_open_file_into_lexer</a> reads such a file,
converting it to a numbered stream of words. For indexing and error reporting
purposes, we must not forget where these words came from: the function returns
a <a href="3-tff.html#SP1" class="internal">source_file</a> object representing the file as an origin, and the lexer
assigns each word a <a href="3-lxr.html#SP2" class="internal">source_location</a> which is simply its SF together with
a line number. <a href="3-lxr.html#SP19" class="internal">Lexer::word_location</a> returns this for a given word number.
2020-05-12 12:00:53 +03:00
<p class="commentary">Word numbers count upwards from 1 and are contiguous: for example &mdash;
<pre class="displayed-code all-displayed-code code-font">
<span class="plain-syntax"> Mary had a little lamb . Everywhere that Mary went , the lamb</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29</span>
<p class="commentary">Repetitions are frequent: a typical source text of 50,000 words has an
unquoted<sup id="fnref:1"><a href="#fn:1" rel="footnote">1</a></sup> vocabulary of only about 2000 different words. Inform generates
a <a href="2-vcb.html#SP1" class="internal">vocabulary_entry</a> object for each of these distinct words, and <a href="3-lxr.html#SP19" class="internal">Lexer::word</a>
2020-05-12 12:00:53 +03:00
returns the VE for a given word number. In the above example,
<pre class="displayed-code all-displayed-code code-font">
2020-05-13 01:33:17 +03:00
<span class="plain-syntax"> </span><span class="function-syntax">Lexer::word</span><span class="plain-syntax">(17) == </span><span class="function-syntax">Lexer::word</span><span class="plain-syntax">(25) </span><span class="comment-syntax"> both are uses of "Mary"</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> </span><span class="function-syntax">Lexer::word</span><span class="plain-syntax">(21) == </span><span class="function-syntax">Lexer::word</span><span class="plain-syntax">(29) </span><span class="comment-syntax"> both are uses of "lamb"</span>
2020-05-12 12:00:53 +03:00
<span class="plain-syntax"> </span><span class="function-syntax">Lexer::word</span><span class="plain-syntax">(20) != </span><span class="function-syntax">Lexer::word</span><span class="plain-syntax">(24) </span><span class="comment-syntax"> one is "little", the other "that"</span>
<p class="commentary">The important point is that words at two positions can be tested for textual
equality in an essentially instant process, by comparing <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">vocabulary_entry *</span></span>
2020-05-13 01:33:17 +03:00
pointers. (See <a href="2-nw.html" class="internal">Numbered Words</a> for just this sort of comparison.)
2020-05-12 12:00:53 +03:00
<p class="commentary">Nothing in life is free, and building the vocabulary efficiently is itself a
challenge: see <a href="2-vcb.html#SP13" class="internal">Vocabulary::hash_code_from_word</a>. The key function is
<a href="2-vcb.html#SP15" class="internal">Vocabulary::entry_for_text</a>, which takes a wide C string for a word and
returns its <a href="2-vcb.html#SP1" class="internal">vocabulary_entry</a>. There are also issues with casing: in
general we want "Lamb" and "lamb" to match, but not always.
<ul class="footnotetexts"><li class="footnote" id="fn:1"><p class="inwebfootnote"><sup id="fnref:1"><a href="#fn:1" rel="footnote">1</a></sup> A piece of text in double-quotes is treated as a single word by the lexer,
although <a href="../inform7/index.html" class="internal">inform7</a> may later unroll text substitutions in it, calling the
lexer again to do that.
<a href="#fnref:1" title="return to text"> &#x21A9;</a></p></li></ul>
2020-08-27 17:50:24 +03:00
<p class="commentary firstcommentary"><a id="SP3" class="paragraph-anchor"></a><b>&#167;3. </b>A few <a href="2-vcb.html#SP1" class="internal">vocabulary_entry</a> objects are hardwired into <a href="index.html" class="internal">words</a>, but only
2020-05-12 12:00:53 +03:00
for punctuation. These have names like <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">COMMA_V</span></span>, which means just what you
think it means. In our example,
<pre class="displayed-code all-displayed-code code-font">
<span class="plain-syntax"> </span><span class="function-syntax">Lexer::word</span><span class="plain-syntax">(27) == </span><span class="identifier-syntax">COMMA_V</span><span class="plain-syntax"> </span><span class="comment-syntax"> the comma between "went" and "the"</span>
2020-05-17 02:20:21 +03:00
<p class="commentary">See <a href="2-vcb.html#SP2" class="internal">Vocabulary::create_punctuation</a>, and also <a href="4-lp.html#SP6" class="internal">LoadPreform::create_punctuation</a>,
where further punctuation marks are created in order to parse Preform syntax &mdash;
2020-05-13 01:33:17 +03:00
there are exotica such as <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">COLONCOLONEQUALS_V</span></span> there, for "::=".
2020-08-27 17:50:24 +03:00
<p class="commentary firstcommentary"><a id="SP4" class="paragraph-anchor"></a><b>&#167;4. </b>Lexical errors occur if words are too long, or quoted text continues without
2020-05-12 12:00:53 +03:00
a close quote right to the end of a file, and so on. These are sent to the
function <a href="3-lxr.html#SP30" class="internal">Lexer::lexer_problem_handler</a>, but can be intercepted by the
2020-05-12 12:00:53 +03:00
user (see <a href="P-htitm.html" class="internal">How To Include This Module</a>).
2020-08-27 17:50:24 +03:00
<p class="commentary firstcommentary"><a id="SP5" class="paragraph-anchor"></a><b>&#167;5. Meaning codes. </b>Each <a href="2-vcb.html#SP1" class="internal">vocabulary_entry</a> has a bitmap of <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">*_MC</span></span> meaning codes assigned to it.
2020-05-12 12:00:53 +03:00
(And <a href="2-vcb.html#SP10" class="internal">Vocabulary::test_flags</a> tests whether the Nth word has a given bit.)
For example, <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">ORDINAL_MC</span></span> is applied to ordinal numbers like "sixth" or "15th"
&mdash; see <a href="2-vcb.html#SP17" class="internal">Vocabulary::an_ordinal_number</a>, and <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">NUMBER_MC</span></span> to cardinals. The
<a href="index.html" class="internal">words</a> module uses only a few bits in this map, but the <a href="../linguistics-module/index.html" class="internal">linguistics</a>
module develops the idea much further: for example, any word which can be used
in a particular semantic category &mdash; say, in a variable name &mdash; is marked
with a bit representing that &mdash; say, <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">VARIABLE_MC</span></span>. The <a href="../core-module/index.html" class="internal">core</a> module
uses this for 15 or so of the most commonly used semantic categories in the
Inform language. See <a href="../linguistics-module/P-wtmd.html" class="internal">What This Module Does (in linguistics)</a> to pick up the story.
2020-08-27 17:50:24 +03:00
<p class="commentary firstcommentary"><a id="SP6" class="paragraph-anchor"></a><b>&#167;6. Contiguous runs of words. </b>Natural languages are fundamentally unlike programming languages because a noun
2020-05-12 12:00:53 +03:00
referring to, say, a variable is rarely a single lexical token. In C, a variable
name like <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">selected_lamb</span></span> is one lexical unit. For us, though, "a little lamb"
is three words.
<p class="commentary">However, multi-word snippets of text which have a joint meaning are almost
always contiguous. The text "a little lamb" is word numbers 19, 20, 21. We
deal with this using the <a href="3-wrd.html#SP1" class="internal">wording</a> type: it's essentially a pair of integers,
2020-05-12 12:00:53 +03:00
<span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">(19, 21)</span></span>, and thus is very quick to form, compare, copy and pass as a
parameter. <a href="3-wrd.html" class="internal">Wordings</a> provides an extensive API for this.
2020-08-27 17:50:24 +03:00
<p class="commentary firstcommentary"><a id="SP7" class="paragraph-anchor"></a><b>&#167;7. Hypothetical words. </b>Sometimes Inform needs to make hypothetical passages of text. For example,
2020-05-12 12:00:53 +03:00
suppose there is a kind called "paint colour" in the source text; Inform may
then want to create a variable called "paint colour understood". But this text
may not occur as such anywhere in the source.
<p class="commentary">If all the words needed are in the source somewhere, but not together, the user
of the <a href="index.html" class="internal">words</a> module has two options:
<ul class="items"><li>&#9679; Create a <a href="2-wa.html#SP1" class="internal">word_assemblage</a> object. This can represent any discontiguous
2020-05-12 12:00:53 +03:00
list of word numbers: thus, the text "lamb went everywhere" could be a WA
of numbers (21, 26, 23) in our example above.
</li><li>&#9679; Use <a href="3-lxr.html#SP29" class="internal">Lexer::splice_words</a> to create duplicate snippets of text in the
2020-05-12 12:00:53 +03:00
word stream, with new numbers. For example, call this on "lamb", then "went",
then "everywhere"; the three new word numbers will then be contiguous, and
can be represented by a <a href="3-wrd.html#SP1" class="internal">wording</a>:
2020-05-12 12:00:53 +03:00
<pre class="displayed-code all-displayed-code code-font">
<span class="plain-syntax"> Mary had a little lamb . Everywhere that Mary went , the lamb lamb went everywhere</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32</span>
<p class="commentary">If however we want to make "lamb tian with haricot beans", we need to use the
Lexer's ability to read text internally as well as from external files. This
2020-05-13 01:33:17 +03:00
is called a "feed": see <a href="3-fds.html" class="internal">Feeds</a>. In particular, <a href="3-fds.html#SP3" class="internal">Feeds::feed_text</a> will
2020-05-12 12:00:53 +03:00
take the text <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">I"tian with haricot beans"</span></span>, treat this as fresh text for
lexing so that we now have
<pre class="displayed-code all-displayed-code code-font">
<span class="plain-syntax"> ... , the lamb lamb went everywhere tian with haricot beans</span>
<span class="plain-syntax"> ... 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 37</span>
<p class="commentary">and now the word assemblage (21, 34, 35, 36, 37) would indeed represent "lamb
2020-05-13 01:33:17 +03:00
tian with haricot beans". The return value of <a href="3-fds.html#SP3" class="internal">Feeds::feed_text</a> is the
<a href="3-wrd.html#SP1" class="internal">wording</a> (34, 37).
2020-05-12 12:00:53 +03:00
<p class="commentary">These new words do not originate in a file; their <a href="3-lxr.html#SP2" class="internal">source_location</a> therefore
2020-05-12 12:00:53 +03:00
has a null <a href="3-tff.html#SP1" class="internal">source_file</a>. Words which have been spliced, however, and thus
duplicated in the word stream (like "lamb went everywhere", 30-32), retain
their original origins.
2020-08-27 17:50:24 +03:00
<p class="commentary firstcommentary"><a id="SP8" class="paragraph-anchor"></a><b>&#167;8. Rock, paper, scissors. </b>We now have three ways to represent text which may contain multiple words:
2020-05-12 12:00:53 +03:00
as a <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">text_stream</span></span>, as a <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">wording</span></span>, as a <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">word_assemblage</span></span>. Each can be
converted into the other two:
2020-05-13 01:33:17 +03:00
<ul class="items"><li>&#9679; Use <a href="3-fds.html#SP3" class="internal">Feeds::feed_text</a> to turn a <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">text_stream</span></span> to a <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">wording</span></span>.
</li><li>&#9679; Use <a href="2-wa.html#SP3" class="internal">WordAssemblages::from_wording</a> to turn a <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">wording</span></span> to a <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">word_assemblage</span></span>.
</li><li>&#9679; Use <a href="2-wa.html#SP6" class="internal">WordAssemblages::to_wording</a> to turn a <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">word_assemblage</span></span> to a <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">wording</span></span>.
</li><li>&#9679; Use <a href="3-wrd.html#SP21" class="internal">Wordings::writer</a> or use the formatted <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">WRITE</span></span> escape <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">%W</span></span> to
2020-05-12 12:00:53 +03:00
write a <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">wording</span></span> into a <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">text_stream</span></span>.
</li><li>&#9679; Use <a href="2-wa.html#SP8" class="internal">WordAssemblages::writer</a> or use the formatted <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">WRITE</span></span> escape <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">%A</span></span> to
2020-05-12 12:00:53 +03:00
write a <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">word_assemblage</span></span> into a <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">text_stream</span></span>.
<p class="commentary">As a general design goal, all Inform code uses <a href="3-wrd.html#SP1" class="internal">wording</a> to identify names
2020-05-12 12:00:53 +03:00
of things: this is fastest and most efficient on memory.
2020-08-27 17:50:24 +03:00
<p class="commentary firstcommentary"><a id="SP9" class="paragraph-anchor"></a><b>&#167;9. Traditional identifiers. </b>Imagine you're a compiler turning natural language into some sort of computer
2020-05-12 12:00:53 +03:00
code, just hypothetically: then you probably want "a little lamb" to come out
as a named location in memory, or object, or something like that: and this name
must be a valid identifier for some other compiler or assembler &mdash; alphanumeric,
not too long, and so on. Calling it "a little lamb" is not an option.
<p class="commentary">You could of course name it <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">ref_15A40F</span></span>, or some such, because the user will
never see it anyway, so why have a helpful name? But that won't make debugging
your output easy. The function <a href="3-idn.html#SP3" class="internal">Identifiers::compose</a> therefore takes a
wording and a unique ID number and makes something sensible: <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">I15_a_little_lamb</span></span>,
2020-08-27 17:50:24 +03:00
<p class="commentary firstcommentary"><a id="SP10" class="paragraph-anchor"></a><b>&#167;10. Preform. </b>Preform is a meta-language for writing a simple grammar: it's in some sense
2020-05-19 18:36:50 +03:00
pre-Inform, because it defines the Inform language itself. See <a href="4-ap.html" class="internal">About Preform</a>,
where the story told in the present section continues...
2020-05-14 23:55:05 +03:00
2020-05-11 22:49:36 +03:00
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2020-05-13 01:33:17 +03:00
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2020-05-11 22:49:36 +03:00
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