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2020-05-10 19:33:41 +03:00
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2020-05-20 13:36:42 +03:00
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2020-05-10 19:33:41 +03:00
<p class="purpose">An overview of the html module's role and abilities.</p>
2021-07-26 02:38:28 +03:00
<ul class="toc"><li><a href="P-wtmd.html#SP1">&#167;1. Prerequisites</a></li><li><a href="P-wtmd.html#SP2">&#167;2. Purpose</a></li><li><a href="P-wtmd.html#SP3">&#167;3. Custom HTML link protocols</a></li><li><a href="P-wtmd.html#SP5">&#167;5. Localisation</a></li></ul><hr class="tocbar">
2020-05-10 19:33:41 +03:00
2020-08-27 17:50:24 +03:00
<p class="commentary firstcommentary"><a id="SP1" class="paragraph-anchor"></a><b>&#167;1. Prerequisites. </b>The html module is a part of the Inform compiler toolset. It is
2020-05-10 19:33:41 +03:00
presented as a literate program or "web". Before diving in:
<ul class="items"><li>(a) It helps to have some experience of reading webs: see <a href="../../../inweb/docs/index.html" class="internal">inweb</a> for more.
</li><li>(b) The module is written in C, in fact ANSI C99, but this is disguised by the
fact that it uses some extension syntaxes provided by the <a href="../../../inweb/docs/index.html" class="internal">inweb</a> literate
programming tool, making it a dialect of C called InC. See <a href="../../../inweb/docs/index.html" class="internal">inweb</a> for
full details, but essentially: it's C without predeclarations or header files,
and where functions have names like <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">Tags::add_by_name</span></span> rather than <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">add_by_name</span></span>.
</li><li>(c) This module uses other modules drawn from the <a href="../compiler.html" class="internal">compiler</a>, and also
uses a module of utility functions called <a href="../../../inweb/docs/foundation-module/index.html" class="internal">foundation</a>.
For more, see <a href="../../../inweb/docs/foundation-module/P-abgtf.html" class="internal">A Brief Guide to Foundation (in foundation)</a>.
2020-08-27 17:50:24 +03:00
<p class="commentary firstcommentary"><a id="SP2" class="paragraph-anchor"></a><b>&#167;2. Purpose. </b>Many functions of the Inform toolset involve the generation of HTML in some
2020-05-10 19:33:41 +03:00
way, but almost all of that work is actually done by the <a href="../../../inweb/docs/foundation-module/index.html" class="internal">foundation</a> module.
If you're interested in how HTML pages are made, how tags are opened and closed,
and such, see <a href="../../../inweb/docs/foundation-module/5-htm.html" class="internal">HTML (in foundation)</a> and <a href="../../../inweb/docs/foundation-module/5-ee.html" class="internal">Epub Ebooks (in foundation)</a>. All of that
code is general-purpose.
<p class="commentary">By contrast, the <a href="index.html" class="internal">html</a> module is very much a part of the Inform compiler
and provides highly Inform-specific functions needed to make the intranet-like
miniature websites it generates on the fly &mdash; problem pages, the Index, the
extensions documentation.
<ul class="items"><li>(a) clickable links to positions in source text, opening the Source panel
in the Inform GUI apps as needed &mdash; see <a href="2-sl.html#SP2" class="internal">SourceLinks::link</a>;
</li><li>(b) paste buttons which, when clicked, insert text into the Source panel,
or which open certain files or folders &mdash; see <a href="2-pb.html" class="internal">Paste Buttons</a>;
</li><li>(c) renders Inform extension documentation text to HTML &mdash; see
<a href="2-dr.html#SP9" class="internal">DocumentationRenderer::set_body_text</a> for the body of an extension or of one
of its examples, and <a href="2-dr.html#SP7" class="internal">DocumentationRenderer::table_of_contents</a> for the TOC at
the top.
2020-08-27 17:50:24 +03:00
<p class="commentary firstcommentary"><a id="SP3" class="paragraph-anchor"></a><b>&#167;3. Custom HTML link protocols. </b>This seems a useful place to document something which the Inform GUI apps
2020-05-10 19:33:41 +03:00
must provide. These render index, problem and extension mini-website pages
in embedded web browser views: for example, Inform on MacOS is essentially
running a copy of Safari (or rather, its underlying engine WebKit) under
the hood to display these. The material displayed consists of standard web
pages, except that there are two custom "transport protocols" or "URL schemas".
<p class="commentary">Protocols like this go under a number of names, partly because there are many
subtly different ideas here which only experts can distinguish (see
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Application_layer" class="external">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Application_layer</a> for the entrance to the
rabbit-hole). To us, anyway, protocols are the prefixes of URLs which end
with a colon &mdash; all browsers recognise a standard set of these, of which <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">http:</span></span>
<span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">https:</span></span> and <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">file:</span></span> are by far the most commonly used.
<p class="commentary">Inform uses two non-standard ones in these internal pages, and so the GUI app
must implement them for its embedded web engine:
<ul class="items"><li>(a) <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">source:</span></span> is used in link <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">href</span></span>s to make source text references &mdash; see <a href="2-sl.html" class="internal">Source Links</a>;
</li><li>(b) <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">inform:</span></span> is used both for links to internal or external pages generated
by Inform, and also for image <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">src</span></span>s. It behaves just like <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">http:</span></span>, except
that it derives the location of a file from the given URL in a different way.
2020-08-27 17:50:24 +03:00
<p class="commentary firstcommentary"><a id="SP4" class="paragraph-anchor"></a><b>&#167;4. </b>The reason <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">inform:</span></span> is needed is that HTML files generated by Inform have
2020-05-10 19:33:41 +03:00
no way to know the relative URLs necessary to access e.g. icon images for
the World index, which will be in different places in the file system on
different Inform apps. More formally, the specification of <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">inform:</span></span> is that &mdash;
<ul class="items"><li>(a) <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">inform://...</span></span> is interpreted as a reference to one of the built-in images,
i.e., to wherever the app has internally stashed the Inform distribution's
directory <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">resources/Imagery</span></span>. Barring errors in Inform, or in the app, this
should never 404.
</li><li>(b) For any path <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">*</span></span>, <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">inform://Extensions/*</span></span> should be fetched as <span class="extract"><span class="extract-syntax">*</span></span> in the
external resources area &mdash; that is, the place to which the app is installing
new extensions. If no file was found, the link should simply do nothing:
the application is required not to produce a 404 error page, or to
blank out the page currently showing.
2021-07-26 02:38:28 +03:00
<p class="commentary firstcommentary"><a id="SP5" class="paragraph-anchor"></a><b>&#167;5. Localisation. </b>This module also contains a very simple system for "localisation" of text,
that is, enabling the user to output text in multiple human languages. (Inform
makes heavy use of this in the Index.) This may not appear at first to have
anything to do with HTML, but in fact we will mainly use it when generating
web pages in the Index, so it has some conveniences for stylistic markup as well.
<p class="commentary">See <a href="2-lcl.html" class="internal">Localisation</a> for details.
2020-05-10 19:33:41 +03:00
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2020-05-11 22:49:36 +03:00
<ul class="progressbar"><li class="progressprevoff">&#10094;</li><li class="progresscurrentchapter">P</li><li class="progresscurrent">wtmd</li><li class="progresssection"><a href="P-htitm.html">htitm</a></li><li class="progresschapter"><a href="1-hm.html">1</a></li><li class="progresschapter"><a href="2-sl.html">2</a></li><li class="progressnext"><a href="P-htitm.html">&#10095;</a></li></ul></div>
2020-05-10 19:33:41 +03:00
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