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inform7/inbuild/supervisor-module/Chapter 7/Documentation Compiler.w

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[DocumentationCompiler::] Documentation Compiler.
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
To compile documentation from the textual syntax in an extension into a tree.
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
@ We will actually wrap the result in the following structure, but
it's really not much more than the tree produced by //Documentation Tree//:
typedef struct compiled_documentation {
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
struct text_stream *title;
struct text_stream *original;
struct inform_extension *associated_extension;
2023-08-01 01:33:58 +03:00
struct inform_extension *within_extension;
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
struct heterogeneous_tree *tree;
int total_headings[3];
int total_examples;
int empty;
struct linked_list *cases; /* of |satellite_test_case| */
} compiled_documentation;
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
compiled_documentation *DocumentationCompiler::new_wrapper(text_stream *source) {
compiled_documentation *cd = CREATE(compiled_documentation);
cd->title = Str::new();
cd->original = Str::duplicate(source);
cd->associated_extension = NULL;
2023-08-01 01:33:58 +03:00
cd->within_extension = NULL;
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
cd->tree = DocumentationTree::new();
cd->total_examples = 0;
cd->total_headings[0] = 1;
cd->total_headings[1] = 0;
cd->total_headings[2] = 0;
cd->empty = FALSE;
cd->cases = NEW_LINKED_LIST(satellite_test_case);
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
return cd;
typedef struct satellite_test_case {
int is_example;
struct text_stream *owning_heading;
struct tree_node *owning_node;
struct compiled_documentation *owner;
struct text_stream *short_name;
struct filename *test_file;
struct filename *ideal_transcript;
} satellite_test_case;
@ We can compile either from a file...
compiled_documentation *DocumentationCompiler::compile_from_path(pathname *P,
inform_extension *associated_extension) {
filename *F = Filenames::in(P, I"Documentation.txt");
if (TextFiles::exists(F) == FALSE) return NULL;
compiled_documentation *cd =
DocumentationCompiler::compile_from_file(F, associated_extension);
if (cd == NULL) return NULL;
pathname *EP = Pathnames::down(P, I"Examples");
int egs = TRUE;
@<Scan EP directory for examples@>;
egs = FALSE;
EP = Pathnames::down(P, I"Tests");
@<Scan EP directory for examples@>;
return cd;
@<Scan EP directory for examples@> =
scan_directory *D = Directories::open(EP);
if (D) {
while (Directories::next(D, leafname)) {
wchar_t first = Str::get_first_char(leafname), last = Str::get_last_char(leafname);
if (Platform::is_folder_separator(last)) continue;
if (first == '.') continue;
if (first == '(') continue;
text_stream *short_name = Str::new();
filename *F = Filenames::in(EP, leafname);
Filenames::write_unextended_leafname(short_name, F);
if ((Str::get_at(short_name, Str::len(short_name)-2) == '-') &&
((Str::get_at(short_name, Str::len(short_name)-1) == 'I')
|| (Str::get_at(short_name, Str::len(short_name)-1) == 'i')))
satellite_test_case *stc = CREATE(satellite_test_case);
stc->is_example = egs;
stc->owning_heading = NULL;
stc->owning_node = NULL;
stc->owner = cd;
stc->short_name = short_name;
stc->test_file = F;
stc->ideal_transcript = NULL;
WRITE_TO(ideal_leafname, "%S-I.txt", stc->short_name);
filename *IF = Filenames::in(EP, ideal_leafname);
if (TextFiles::exists(IF)) stc->ideal_transcript = IF;
if (stc->is_example) {
@<Scan the example for its header and content@>;
ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(stc, satellite_test_case, cd->cases);
typedef struct example_scanning_state {
int star_count;
struct text_stream *long_title;
struct text_stream *body_text;
struct text_stream *placement;
struct text_stream *desc;
struct linked_list *errors;
struct heterogeneous_tree *tree;
struct text_stream *scanning;
int past_header;
} example_scanning_state;
@<Scan the example for its header and content@> =
example_scanning_state ess;
ess.star_count = 1;
ess.long_title = NULL;
ess.body_text = Str::new();
ess.placement = NULL;
ess.desc = NULL;
ess.errors = NEW_LINKED_LIST(tree_node);
ess.tree = cd->tree;
ess.past_header = FALSE;
ess.scanning = Str::new(); WRITE_TO(ess.scanning, "%S", Filenames::get_leafname(stc->test_file));
TextFiles::read(stc->test_file, FALSE, "unable to read file of example", TRUE,
&DocumentationCompiler::read_example_helper, NULL, &ess);
tree_node *placement_node = NULL;
if (Str::len(ess.placement) == 0) {
placement_node = cd->tree->root;
} else {
placement_node = DocumentationTree::find_section(cd->tree, ess.placement);
if (placement_node == NULL) {
I"example gives a Location which is not the name of any section");
if (Str::len(ess.desc) == 0) {
I"example does not give its Description");
tree_node *content_node = NULL;
if (Str::len(ess.body_text) == 0) {
I"example does not give any actual content");
} else {
compiled_documentation *ecd =
DocumentationCompiler::compile(ess.body_text, associated_extension);
if ((ecd) && (ecd->tree) && (ecd->tree->root) &&
(ecd->tree->root->child) &&
(ecd->tree->root->child->type == passage_TNT))
content_node = ecd->tree->root->child;
else {
I"example file content is missing or wrongly set out");
tree_node *example_node = DocumentationTree::new_example(cd->tree,
ess.long_title, ess.desc, ess.star_count, ++(cd->total_examples));
if (placement_node) Trees::make_child(example_node, placement_node);
if (content_node) Trees::make_child(content_node, example_node);
tree_node *E;
LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(E, tree_node, ess.errors)
Trees::make_child(E, cd->tree->root);
@ =
void DocumentationCompiler::example_error(example_scanning_state *ess, text_stream *text) {
text_stream *err = Str::new();
WRITE_TO(err, "Example file '%S': %S", ess->scanning, text);
tree_node *E = DocumentationTree::new_source_error(ess->tree, err);
ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(E, tree_node, ess->errors);
@ =
void DocumentationCompiler::read_example_helper(text_stream *text, text_file_position *tfp,
void *v_state) {
example_scanning_state *ess = (example_scanning_state *) v_state;
if (tfp->line_count == 1) {
match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
if ((Regexp::match(&mr, text, L"Example *: *(%**) *(%c+?)")) ||
(Regexp::match(&mr, text, L"Example *- *(%**) *(%c+?)"))) {
ess->star_count = Str::len(mr.exp[0]);
if (ess->star_count == 0) {
I"this example should be marked (before the title) '*', '**', '***' or '****' for difficulty");
ess->star_count = 1;
if (ess->star_count > 4) {
I"four stars '****' is the maximum difficulty rating allowed");
ess->star_count = 4;
ess->long_title = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[1]);
} else {
I"titling line of example file is malformed");
} else if (ess->past_header == FALSE) {
if (Str::is_whitespace(text)) { ess->past_header = TRUE; return; }
match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
if (Regexp::match(&mr, text, L"(%C+?) *: *(%c+?)")) {
if (Str::eq(mr.exp[0], I"Location")) ess->placement = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[1]);
else if (Str::eq(mr.exp[0], I"Description")) ess->desc = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[1]);
else {
I"unknown datum in header line of example file");
} else {
I"header line of example file is malformed");
} else {
WRITE_TO(ess->body_text, "%S\n", text);
compiled_documentation *DocumentationCompiler::compile_from_file(filename *F,
inform_extension *associated_extension) {
TextFiles::read(F, FALSE, "unable to read file of documentation", TRUE,
&DocumentationCompiler::read_file_helper, NULL, temp);
compiled_documentation *cd =
DocumentationCompiler::compile(temp, associated_extension);
return cd;
void DocumentationCompiler::read_file_helper(text_stream *text, text_file_position *tfp,
void *v_state) {
text_stream *contents = (text_stream *) v_state;
WRITE_TO(contents, "%S\n", text);
@ ...or from text:
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
compiled_documentation *DocumentationCompiler::compile(text_stream *source,
inform_extension *associated_extension) {
SVEXPLAIN(1, "(compiling documentation: %d chars)\n", Str::len(source));
compiled_documentation *cd = DocumentationCompiler::new_wrapper(source);
cd->associated_extension = associated_extension;
if (cd->associated_extension)
WRITE_TO(cd->title, "%X", cd->associated_extension->as_copy->edition->work);
if (Str::is_whitespace(source)) cd->empty = TRUE;
else @<Parse the source@>;
if (cd->empty) {
SVEXPLAIN(1, "(resulting tree is empty)\n");
} else {
SVEXPLAIN(1, "(resulting tree has %d chapter(s), %d section(s) and %d example(s))\n",
cd->total_headings[1], cd->total_headings[2], cd->total_examples);
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
return cd;
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
@ The source material is line-based, with semantic content sometimes spreading
across multiple lines, so we'll need to keep track of some state as we read
one line at a time:
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
@<Parse the source@> =
int chapter_number = 0, section_number = 0;
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
tree_node *current_headings[4]; /* Most recent headings of levels 0, 1, 2 */
current_headings[0] = cd->tree->root; /* This will never change */
current_headings[1] = NULL; /* Latest chapter, if any */
current_headings[2] = NULL; /* Latest section in most recent thing of lower level */
current_headings[3] = NULL; /* Latest example in most recent thing of lower level */
tree_node *current_passage = NULL, /* passage being assembled, if any */
*current_phrase_defn = NULL, /* again, if any */
*current_paragraph = NULL,
*current_code = NULL,
*last_paste_code = NULL; /* last code sample with a paste button */
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
int pending_code_sample_blanks = 0, code_is_tabular = FALSE; /* used only when assembling code samples */
programming_language *default_language = DocumentationCompiler::get_language(I"Inform");
programming_language *language = default_language;
@<Parse the source linewise@>;
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
@ Leading space on a line is removed but not ignored: it is converted into an
indentation level, measured as a tab count, using the exchange rate 4 spaces
to 1 tab.
@<Parse the source linewise@> =
int indentation = 0, space_count = 0;
for (int i=0; i<Str::len(source); i++) {
wchar_t c = Str::get_at(source, i);
if (c == '\n') {
@<Line read@>;
indentation = 0; space_count = 0;
} else if ((Str::len(line) == 0) && (Characters::is_whitespace(c))) {
if (c == '\t') indentation++;
if (c == ' ') space_count++;
if (space_count == 4) { indentation++; space_count = 0; }
} else {
PUT_TO(line, c);
if (Str::len(line) > 0) @<Line read@>;
@<Check for runaway phrase definitions@>;
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
@<Complete passage if in one@>;
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
@ Trailing space is ignored and removed.
Lines which are unindented and take the following shapes are headings:
= (text)
Chapter: Survey and Prospecting
Section: Black Gold
Example: *** Gelignite Anderson - A Tale of the Texas Oilmen
where in each case the colon can equally be a hyphen, and with optional
space either side.
Otherwise, lines are divided into blanks, which always end paragraphs but
may either end or continue code samples; unindented lines, which are always
part of paragraphs; or indented ones, which are always part of code samples.
@<Line read@> =
if (Str::len(line) == 0) {
if (current_paragraph) @<Complete paragraph or code@>;
if (current_code) @<Insert line break in code@>;
} else if (indentation == 0) {
match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
if ((Regexp::match(&mr, line, L"Section *: *(%c+?)")) ||
(Regexp::match(&mr, line, L"Section *- *(%c+?)"))) {
@<Insert a section heading@>;
} else if ((Regexp::match(&mr, line, L"Chapter *: *(%c+?)")) ||
(Regexp::match(&mr, line, L"Chapter *- *(%c+?)"))) {
@<Insert a chapter heading@>;
} else if ((Regexp::match(&mr, line, L"Example *: *(%**) *(%c+?)")) ||
(Regexp::match(&mr, line, L"Example *- *(%**) *(%c+?)"))) {
@<Insert an example heading@>;
} else if (Regexp::match(&mr, line, L"{defn *(%c*?)} *(%c+)")) {
@<Begin a phrase definition@>;
} else if (Regexp::match(&mr, line, L"{end}")) {
@<End a phrase definition@>;
} else {
if (current_paragraph == NULL) @<Begin paragraph@>;
@<Insert space in paragraph@>;
@<Insert line in paragraph@>;
} else {
if (current_code == NULL) {
if ((Str::get_at(line, 0) == '{') && (Str::get_at(line, 1) == 'a') &&
(Str::get_at(line, 2) == 's') && (Str::get_at(line, 3) == ' ') &&
(Str::get_at(line, Str::len(line)-1) == '}')) {
Str::delete_n_characters(line, 4);
language = DocumentationCompiler::get_language(line);
if (language == NULL) {
@<Complete paragraph or code@>;
@<Begin passage if not already in one@>;
WRITE_TO(err, "cannot find a language called '%S'", line);
tree_node *E = DocumentationTree::new_source_error(cd->tree, err);
Trees::make_child(E, current_passage);
} else {
@<Begin code@>;
@<Insert line in code sample@>;
} else {
@<Insert line in code sample@>;
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
@<Insert a chapter heading@> =
@<Complete passage if in one@>;
section_number = 0;
int level = 1, id = cd->total_headings[0] + cd->total_headings[1] + cd->total_headings[2];
tree_node *new_node = DocumentationTree::new_heading(cd->tree, mr.exp[0], mr.exp[0], level,
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
id, chapter_number, section_number);
@<Place this new structural node in the tree@>;
@<Insert a section heading@> =
@<Complete passage if in one@>;
int level = 2, id = cd->total_headings[0] + cd->total_headings[1] + cd->total_headings[2];
tree_node *new_node = DocumentationTree::new_heading(cd->tree, mr.exp[0], mr.exp[0], level,
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
id, chapter_number, section_number);
@<Place this new structural node in the tree@>;
@<Insert an example heading@> =
@<Complete passage if in one@>;
int level = 3, star_count = Str::len(mr.exp[0]);
tree_node *new_node = DocumentationTree::new_example(cd->tree, mr.exp[1], NULL,
star_count, ++(cd->total_examples));
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
@<Place this new structural node in the tree@>;
if (star_count == 0) {
@<Begin passage if not already in one@>;
tree_node *E = DocumentationTree::new_source_error(cd->tree,
I"this example should be marked (before the title) '*', '**', '***' or '****' for difficulty");
Trees::make_child(E, current_passage);
if (star_count > 4) {
@<Begin passage if not already in one@>;
tree_node *E = DocumentationTree::new_source_error(cd->tree,
I"four stars '****' is the maximum difficulty rating allowed");
Trees::make_child(E, current_passage);
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
@<Begin a phrase definition@> =
@<Check for runaway phrase definitions@>;
if (current_phrase_defn == NULL) {
@<Begin passage if not already in one@>;
@<Complete paragraph or code@>;
current_phrase_defn =
DocumentationTree::new_phrase_defn(cd->tree, mr.exp[0], mr.exp[1]);
Trees::make_child(current_phrase_defn, current_passage);
@<Complete passage if in one@>;
@<End a phrase definition@> =
if (current_phrase_defn) {
@<Complete passage if in one@>;
current_passage = current_phrase_defn->parent;
current_phrase_defn = NULL;
} else {
@<Begin passage if not already in one@>;
tree_node *E = DocumentationTree::new_source_error(cd->tree,
I"{end} without {defn}");
Trees::make_child(E, current_passage);
language = default_language;
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
@<Place this new structural node in the tree@> =
@<Check for runaway phrase definitions@>;
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
for (int j=level-1; j>=0; j--)
if (current_headings[j]) {
Trees::make_child(new_node, current_headings[j]);
current_headings[level] = new_node;
for (int j=level+1; j<4; j++) current_headings[j] = NULL;
language = default_language;
@<Check for runaway phrase definitions@> =
if (current_phrase_defn) {
@<Begin passage if not already in one@>;
tree_node *E = DocumentationTree::new_source_error(cd->tree,
I"{defn} has no {end}");
Trees::make_child(E, current_passage);
current_phrase_defn = NULL;
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
@<Begin passage if not already in one@> =
if (current_passage == NULL) {
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
current_passage = DocumentationTree::new_passage(cd->tree);
if (current_phrase_defn)
Trees::make_child(current_passage, current_phrase_defn);
else for (int j=3; j>=0; j--)
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
if (current_headings[j]) {
Trees::make_child(current_passage, current_headings[j]);
current_paragraph = NULL;
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
@<Complete passage if in one@> =
if (current_passage) {
@<Complete paragraph or code@>;
current_passage = NULL;
@<Complete paragraph or code@> =
if (current_paragraph) @<Complete paragraph@>
if (current_code) @<Complete code@>
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
@ Line breaks are treated as spaces in the content of a paragraph, so that
|P->content| here can be a long text but one which contains no line breaks.
@<Begin paragraph@> =
@<Complete paragraph or code@>;
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
@<Begin passage if not already in one@>;
current_paragraph = DocumentationTree::new_paragraph(cd->tree, NULL);
Trees::make_child(current_paragraph, current_passage);
@<Insert space in paragraph@> =
cdoc_paragraph *P = RETRIEVE_POINTER_cdoc_paragraph(current_paragraph->content);
if (Str::len(P->content) > 0) WRITE_TO(P->content, " ");
@<Insert line in paragraph@> =
cdoc_paragraph *P = RETRIEVE_POINTER_cdoc_paragraph(current_paragraph->content);
WRITE_TO(P->content, "%S", line);
@<Complete paragraph@> =
if (current_paragraph) {
current_paragraph = NULL;
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
@ Line breaks are more significant in code samples, of course. Blank lines
at the end of a code sample are stripped out; and they cannot appear at the start
of a code sample either, since a non-blank indented line is needed to trigger one.
@<Begin code@> =
@<Complete paragraph or code@>;
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
@<Begin passage if not already in one@>;
int paste_me = FALSE, continue_me = FALSE;
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
if ((Str::get_at(line, 0) == '*') &&
(Str::get_at(line, 1) == ':')) {
paste_me = TRUE;
} else if ((Str::get_at(line, 0) == '*') &&
(Str::get_at(line, 1) == '*') &&
(Str::get_at(line, 2) == ':')) {
continue_me = TRUE;
} else if ((Str::get_at(line, 0) == '{') && (Str::get_at(line, 1) == '*') &&
(Str::get_at(line, 2) == '}')) {
paste_me = TRUE;
} else if ((Str::get_at(line, 0) == '{') && (Str::get_at(line, 1) == '*') &&
(Str::get_at(line, 2) == '*') && (Str::get_at(line, 3) == '}')) {
continue_me = TRUE;
current_code = DocumentationTree::new_code_sample(cd->tree, paste_me, language);
if (continue_me) {
if (last_paste_code) {
cdoc_code_sample *S = RETRIEVE_POINTER_cdoc_code_sample(last_paste_code->content);
S->continuation = current_code;
} else {
tree_node *E = DocumentationTree::new_source_error(cd->tree, I"cannot continue a paste here");
Trees::make_child(E, current_passage);
if ((paste_me) || (continue_me)) {
last_paste_code = current_code;
} else {
last_paste_code = NULL;
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
Trees::make_child(current_code, current_passage);
pending_code_sample_blanks = 0;
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
code_is_tabular = FALSE;
@<Insert line break in code@> =
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
if (current_code->child) {
code_is_tabular = FALSE;
@<Insert line in code sample@> =
for (int i=0; i<pending_code_sample_blanks; i++)
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
Trees::make_child(DocumentationTree::new_code_line(cd->tree, NULL, 0, FALSE), current_code);
pending_code_sample_blanks = 0;
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
if (Regexp::match(&mr, line, L"Table %c*")) {
code_is_tabular = TRUE;
Trees::make_child(DocumentationTree::new_code_line(cd->tree, line, indentation-1, code_is_tabular),
@<Complete code@> =
if (current_code) {
current_code = NULL;
2023-07-18 00:54:02 +03:00
code_is_tabular = FALSE;
programming_language *DocumentationCompiler::get_language(text_stream *name) {
inbuild_nest *N = Supervisor::internal();
if (N == NULL) return NULL;
pathname *LP = Pathnames::down(Nests::get_location(N), I"PLs");
programming_language *pl = Languages::find_by_name(name, NULL, FALSE);
if (pl == NULL) LOG("Did not load %S!\n", name);
return pl;