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inform7/inform6/Tests/Test Cases/cloak-metro84-v3test_z4.inf

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! ============================================================================ !
! Cloak of Darkness - a simple demonstration of Interactive Fiction
! This version for INFORM written by Roger Firth on 17Sep1999,
! adapted to Metrocenter '84 by Stefan Vogt, Puddle Software on 12Feb2020.
! ============================================================================ !
! ### This file has the metro84 library included inline, so it will compile
! ### standalone. Compilable with -v3.
! ### Switches e; ! This version can be compiled with or without Economize
Constant Story "Cloak of Darkness";
Constant Headline "^A basic IF demonstration.^";
Constant MAX_SCORE 2;
Constant ENABLE_WEAR; ! disabling wearbale objects saves 500 bytes
!Constant DISABLE_INFERENCE; ! prevents printing assumption messages
Serial "200212";
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Metrocenter '84 version of PARSER.
! (c) Stefan Vogt, Puddle Software 2020.
! This project is based on:
! Inform 6, mInform 1.1 Library
! (c) Graham Nelson 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 but freely usable (see manuals),
! (c) Dave Bernazzani 2004.
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Abbreviate ". ";
Abbreviate ", ";
Abbreviate "You ";
Abbreviate "'t ";
Abbreviate "That's not something you can ";
Abbreviate "_to/";
Abbreviate "nothing";
Abbreviate "That ";
Abbreviate "close";
Abbreviate "already";
Abbreviate "(which is ";
Abbreviate " is ";
Abbreviate "thing";
Abbreviate "ed.";
Abbreviate "t's";
Abbreviate "lock";
Abbreviate "rea";
Abbreviate "witch";
Abbreviate "can";
Abbreviate "open";
Abbreviate "empty";
Abbreviate "You";
Abbreviate "t first.";
Abbreviate "rrying";
Abbreviate "contain";
Abbreviate "when_";
Abbreviate "that.";
Abbreviate "t wa";
Abbreviate "But you";
Abbreviate "t of";
Abbreviate "Tha";
Abbreviate "Res";
Abbreviate " the ";
Abbreviate "all";
Abbreviate "yourself";
Abbreviate "_to";
Abbreviate "ter";
Abbreviate "here";
Abbreviate "able";
Abbreviate "ing";
Abbreviate "are";
Abbreviate "have";
Abbreviate "and";
Abbreviate "unexpected";
Abbreviate "ion";
Abbreviate "side";
Abbreviate "talk";
Abbreviate "see";
Abbreviate "sco";
Abbreviate "ake";
Abbreviate "ame";
Abbreviate "urn";
Abbreviate " to ";
Abbreviate "ore";
Abbreviate "the";
Abbreviate "tha";
Abbreviate "you";
Abbreviate "ome";
Abbreviate "t i";
Abbreviate "off";
Abbreviate "rin";
Abbreviate "pec";
Abbreviate "on.";
Abbreviate "ste";
Constant LibSerial "200420";
Constant LibRelease "Metrocenter84 v1.0";
Constant LIBRARY_Metrocenter84;
Constant Grammar__Version 1;
Constant MAX_TIMERS 4;
Array the_timers --> MAX_TIMERS;
Array buffer string 64;
Array parse string 64;
[ DebugAttribute a anames;
if (a < 0 || a >= 48) print "<invalid attribute ", a, ">";
else {
anames = #identifiers_table; anames = anames + 2*(anames-->0);
print (string) anames-->a;
! calls to object routines, etc.
Attribute animate;
Attribute clothing;
Attribute concealed;
Attribute container;
Attribute door;
Attribute edible;
Attribute enterable;
Attribute general;
Attribute light;
Attribute lockable;
Attribute locked;
Attribute moved;
Attribute on;
Attribute open;
Attribute openable;
Attribute proper;
Attribute scenery;
Attribute scored;
Attribute static;
Attribute supporter;
Attribute switchable;
Attribute talkable;
Attribute transparent;
Attribute visited;
Attribute workflag;
Attribute worn;
Attribute absent; ! Please, no psychoanalysis
Property additive before $ffff;
Property additive after $ffff;
Property additive life $ffff;
Property long n_to; Property long s_to; ! Slightly wastefully, these are
Property long e_to; Property long w_to; ! long (they might be routines)
Property long ne_to; Property long se_to;
Property long nw_to; Property long sw_to;
Property long u_to; Property long d_to;
Property long in_to; Property long out_to;
Property door_to alias n_to; ! For economy: these properties are
Property when_closed alias s_to; ! used only by objects which
Property with_key alias e_to; ! aren't rooms
Property door_dir alias w_to;
Property invent alias u_to;
Property add_to_scope alias se_to;
Property list_together alias sw_to;
Property react_before alias ne_to;
Property react_after alias nw_to;
Property grammar alias in_to;
Property orders alias out_to;
Property long initial;
Property when_open alias initial;
Property when_on alias initial;
Property when_off alias when_closed;
Property long description;
Property additive describe $ffff;
Property article "a";
Property cant_go "You can't go that way.";
Property long found_in; ! For fiddly reasons this can't alias
Property long time_left;
Property long number;
Property additive time_out $ffff;
Property daemon alias time_out;
Property additive each_turn $ffff;
Property capacity 100;
Property long short_name 0;
Property long parse_name 0;
Fake_Action LetGo;
Fake_Action Receive;
Fake_Action ThrownAt;
Fake_Action Order;
Fake_Action Miscellany;
Fake_Action Prompt;
Fake_Action NotUnderstood;
[ Main; PlayTheGame(); ];
Constant NULL $ffff;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Attribute and property definitions
! The compass, directions, darkness and player objects
! Definitions of fake actions
! Library global variables
! Private parser variables
! Keyboard reading
! Parser, level 0: outer shell, conversation, errors
! 1: grammar lines
! 2: tokens
! 3: object lists
! 4: scope and ambiguity resolving
! 5: object comparisons
! 6: word comparisons
! 7: reading words and moving tables about
! Main game loop
! Action processing
! Menus
! Time: timers and daemons
! Changing player personality
! Printing short names
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Object GameController "GameController";
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Construct the compass - a dummy object containing the directions, which also
! represent the walls in whatever room the player is in (these are given the
! general-purpose "number" property for the programmer's convenience)
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Object compass "compass" has concealed;
Object n_obj "north" compass
with name "n" "north", door_dir n_to, number 0
has scenery;
Object s_obj "south" compass
with name "s" "south", door_dir s_to, number 0
has scenery;
Object e_obj "east" compass
with name "e" "east", door_dir e_to, number 0
has scenery;
Object w_obj "west" compass
with name "w" "west", door_dir w_to, number 0
has scenery;
Object ne_obj "ne" compass
with name "ne" "northeast", door_dir ne_to, number 0
has scenery;
Object se_obj "sw" compass
with name "se" "southeast", door_dir se_to, number 0
has scenery;
Object nw_obj "nw" compass
with name "nw" "northwest", door_dir nw_to, number 0
has scenery;
Object sw_obj "sw" compass
with name "sw" "southwest", door_dir sw_to, number 0
has scenery;
Object u_obj "above" compass
with name "u" "up" "above" "sky", door_dir u_to, number 0
has scenery;
Object d_obj "ground" compass
with name "d" "down" "ground" "floor", door_dir d_to, number 0
has scenery;
Object out_obj "outside" compass
with door_dir out_to, number 0
has scenery;
Object in_obj "inside" compass
with door_dir in_to, number 0
has scenery;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Create the player object
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Object selfobj "yourself"
with description "As good-looking as ever.", number 0,
before $ffff, after $ffff, life $ffff, each_turn $ffff,
time_out $ffff, describe $ffff, capacity 100,
parse_name 0, short_name 0, orders 0, add_to_scope 0,
has concealed animate proper transparent;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Globals: note that the first one defined gives the status line place, the
! next two the score/turns
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Global location = 1;
Global sline1 = 0;
Global sline2 = 0;
Global score = 0;
Global turns = 1;
Global player;
Global deadflag = 0;
Global transcript_mode = 0;
Global last_score = 0;
Global notify_mode = 1; ! Score notification
Global places_score = 0;
Global things_score = 0;
Global lastdesc = 0;
Global top_object = 0;
Global standard_interpreter = 0;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Parser variables accessible to the rest of the game
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Array inputobjs --> 16; ! To hold parameters
Global actor = 0; ! Person asked to do something
Global actors_location = 0; ! Like location, but for the actor
Global action = 0; ! Thing he is asked to do
Global inp1 = 0; ! First parameter
Global inp2 = 0; ! Second parameter
Global special_number1 = 0; ! First number, if one was typed
Global noun = 0; ! First noun
Global second = 0; ! Second noun
Global special_word = 0; ! Dictionary address of "special"
Global parsed_number = 0; ! For user-supplied parsing routines
global meta; ! Verb is a meta-command (such as "save")
global reason_code; ! Reason for calling a life
global consult_from; ! Word that "consult"<22>topic starts on
global consult_words; ! ...and number of words in topic
#ifdef DEBUG;
global parser_trace = 0; ! Set this to 1 to make the parser trace
! tokens and lines
global debug_flag = 0; ! For debugging information
global lm_n; ! Parameters for LibraryMessages
global lm_o;
Constant REPARSE_CODE 10000;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! The parser, beginning with variables private to itself:
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
global wn; ! Word number (counts from 1)
global num_words; ! Number of words typed
global verb_word; ! Verb word (eg, take in "take all" or
! "dwarf, take all") - address in dictionary
global verb_wordnum; ! and the number in typing order (eg, 1 or 3)
Array pattern --> 8; ! For the current pattern match
global pcount; ! and a marker within it
Array pattern2 --> 8; ! And another, which stores the best match
global pcount2; ! so far
global parameters; ! Parameters (objects) entered so far
global params_wanted; ! Number needed (may change in parsing)
global inferfrom; ! The point from which the rest of the
! command must be inferred
global inferword; ! And the preposition inferred
Array match_list -> 8;
! An array of matched objects so far
Array match_classes -> 8;
! An array of equivalence classes for them
global number_matched; ! How many items in it? (0 means none)
global number_of_classes; ! How many equivalence classes?
global match_length; ! How many typed words long are these matches?
global match_from; ! At what word of the input do they begin?
global parser_action; ! For the use of the parser when calling
global parser_one; ! user-supplied routines
global parser_two; !
global lookahead; ! The token after the object now being matched
global not_holding; ! Object to be automatically taken as an
! implicit command
global best_etype; ! Error number used within parser
global nextbest_etype; ! Error number used within parser
global etype; ! Error number used for individual lines
global token_was; ! For noun filtering by user routines
global advance_warning; ! What a later-named thing will be
global placed_in_flag; ! To do with PlaceInScope
global action_to_be; ! So the parser can "cheat" in one case
global dont_infer; ! Another dull flag
global scope_reason = PARSING_REASON; ! For "each_turn" and reactions
global scope_token; ! For scope:Routine tokens
global scope_error;
global scope_stage;
global ats_flag = 0; ! For AddToScope routines
global usual_grammar_after = 0;
Global active_timers = 0;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Variables for Verblib
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
global inventory_stage = 1;
global c_style;
global wlf_indent;
global keep_silent;
global receive_action;
#ifdef DEBUG;
global xcommsdir;
Global x_scope_count;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! The comma_word is a special word, used to substitute commas in the input
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Constant comma_word 'xcomma';
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! In Advanced games only, the DrawStatusLine routine does just that: this is
! provided explicitly so that it can be Replace'd to change the style, and
! as written it emulates the ordinary Standard game status line, which is
! drawn in hardware
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ DrawStatusLine width posa posb;
@split_window 1; @set_window 1; @set_cursor 1 1; style reverse;
width = 0->33; posa = width-26; posb = width-13;
spaces (width);
@set_cursor 1 2; PrintShortName(location);
if (width > 76)
{ @set_cursor 1 posa; print "Score: ", sline1;
@set_cursor 1 posb; print "Moves: ", sline2;
if (width > 63 && width <= 76)
{ @set_cursor 1 posb; print sline1, "/", sline2;
@set_cursor 1 1; style roman; @set_window 0;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! The Keyboard routine actually receives the player's words,
! putting the words in "a_buffer" and their dictionary addresses in
! "a_table". It is assumed that the table is the same one on each
! (standard) call.
! It can also be used by miscellaneous routines in the game to ask
! yes-no questions and the like, without invoking the rest of the parser.
! Return the number of words typed
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ Keyboard a_buffer a_table nw;
! In case of an array entry corruption that shouldn't happen, but would be
! disastrous if it did:
a_buffer->0 = 64;
a_table->0 = 64;
! Print the prompt, and read in the words and dictionary addresses
#IFV3; read a_buffer a_table; #ENDIF;
temp_global = 0;
#IFV5; read a_buffer a_table DrawStatusLine; #ENDIF;
! If the line was blank, get a fresh line
if (nw == 0)
jump FreshInput;
return nw;
Constant STUCK_PE 1;
Constant UPTO_PE 2;
Constant NUMBER_PE 3;
Constant CANTSEE_PE 4;
Constant TOOLIT_PE 5;
Constant NOTHELD_PE 6;
Constant MULTI_PE 7;
Constant MMULTI_PE 8;
Constant VAGUE_PE 9;
Constant EXCEPT_PE 10;
Constant ANIMA_PE 11;
Constant VERB_PE 12;
Constant SCENERY_PE 13;
Constant ITGONE_PE 14;
Constant JUNKAFTER_PE 15;
Constant TOOFEW_PE 16;
Constant NOTHING_PE 17;
Constant ASKSCOPE_PE 18;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! The Parser routine is the heart of the parser.
! It returns only when a sensible request has been made, and puts into the
! "results" buffer:
! Word 0 = The action number
! Word 1 = Number of parameters
! Words 2, 3, ... = The parameters (object numbers), but
! 00 means "multiple object list goes here"
! 01 means "special word goes here"
! (Some of the global variables above are really local variables for this
! routine, because the Z-machine only allows up to 15 local variables per
! routine, and Parser runs out.)
! To simplify the picture a little, a rough map of this routine is:
! (A) Get the input, do "oops" and "again"
! (B) Is it a direction, and so an implicit "go"? If so go to (K)
! (C) Is anyone being addressed?
! (D) Get the verb: try all the syntax lines for that verb
! (E) Go through each token in the syntax line
! (F) Check (or infer) an adjective
! (G) Check to see if the syntax is finished, and if so return
! (H) Cheaply parse otherwise unrecognised conversation and return
! (I) Print best possible error message
! (J) Retry the whole lot
! (K) Last thing: check for "then" and further instructions(s), return.
! The strategic points (A) to (K) are marked in the commentary.
! Note that there are three different places where a return can happen.
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ Parser results syntax line num_lines line_address i j
token l m;
! **** (A) ****
! Initially assume the command is aimed at the player, and the verb
! is the first word
#ifdef DEBUG;
if (parser_trace>=4)
{ print "[ ", num_words, " to parse: ";
for (i=1:i<=num_words:i++)
{ j=parse-->((i-1)*2+1);
if (j == 0) print "? ";
{ if (UnsignedCompare(j, 0-->4)>=0
&& UnsignedCompare(j, 0-->2)<0) print (address) j;
else print j; print " ";
print "]^";
actor=player; actors_location=location;
usual_grammar_after = 0;
token_was = 0; ! In case we're still in "user-filter" mode from last round
scope_token = 0;
action_to_be = NULL;
! Begin from what we currently think is the verb word
verb_word = NextWordStopped();
! If there's no input here, we must have something like
! "person,".
if (verb_word==-1)
{ best_etype = STUCK_PE; jump GiveError; }
if (usual_grammar_after==0)
{ i = RunRoutines(actor, grammar);
#ifdef DEBUG;
if (parser_trace>=2 && actor.grammar~=0 or NULL)
print " [Grammar property returned ", i, "]^";
if (i<0) { usual_grammar_after = verb_wordnum; i=-i; }
if (i==1)
{ results-->0 = action;
results-->1 = noun;
results-->2 = second;
if (i~=0) { verb_word = i; wn--; verb_wordnum--; }
{ wn = verb_wordnum; verb_word=NextWord();
else usual_grammar_after=0;
! **** (B) ****
! If the first word is not listed as a verb, it must be a direction
! or the name of someone to talk to
! (NB: better avoid having a Mr Take or Mrs Inventory around...)
if (verb_word==0 || ((verb_word->#dict_par1) & 1) == 0)
! So is the first word an object contained in the special object "compass"
! (i.e., a direction)? This needs use of NounDomain, a routine which
! does the object matching, returning the object number, or 0 if none found,
! or REPARSE_CODE if it has restructured the parse table so that the whole parse
! must be begun again...
if (l==REPARSE_CODE) jump ReParse;
! If it is a direction, send back the results:
! action=GoSub, no of arguments=1, argument 1=the direction.
if (l~=0)
{ results-->0 = ##Go;
results-->1 = 1;
results-->2 = l;
jump LookForMore;
! **** (C) ****
! Only check for a comma (a "someone, do something" command) if we are
! not already in the middle of one. (This simplification stops us from
! worrying about "robot, wizard, you are an idiot", telling the robot to
! tell the wizard that she is an idiot.)
if (actor==player)
{ for (j=2:j<=num_words:j++)
{ i=NextWord(); if (i==comma_word) jump Conversation;
if (verb_word~=0) jump VerbAccepted;
best_etype=VERB_PE; jump GiveError;
! NextWord nudges the word number wn on by one each time, so we've now
! advanced past a comma. (A comma is a word all on its own in the table.)
if (j==1) { jump ReType; }
! Use NounDomain (in the context of "animate creature") to see if the
! words make sense as the name of someone held or nearby
wn=1; lookahead=1;
scope_reason = TALKING_REASON;
scope_reason = PARSING_REASON;
if (l==REPARSE_CODE) jump ReParse;
if (l==0) { print "I can't figure out who you want to talk with.^"; jump ReType; }
! The object addressed must at least be "talkable" if not actually "animate"
! (the distinction allows, for instance, a microphone to be spoken to,
! without the parser thinking that the microphone is human).
if (l hasnt animate && l hasnt talkable)
{ print "You can't talk to "; DefArt(l); print ".^"; jump ReType; }
! Check that there aren't any mystery words between the end of the person's
! name and the comma (eg, throw out "dwarf sdfgsdgs, go north").
if (wn~=j)
{ print "To talk, use ~someone, hello~.^";
jump ReType;
! Set the global variable "actor", adjust the number of the first word,
! and begin parsing again from there.
verb_wordnum=j+1; actor=l;
while (parent(actors_location)~=0)
#ifdef DEBUG;
if (parser_trace>=1)
print "[Actor is ", (the) actor, " in ",
(name) actors_location, "]^";
jump BeginCommand;
! **** (D) ****
! We now definitely have a verb, not a direction, whether we got here by the
! "take ..." or "person, take ..." method. Get the meta flag for this verb:
meta=((verb_word->#dict_par1) & 2)/2;
! You can't order other people to "full score" for you, and so on...
if (meta==1 && actor~=player)
{ best_etype=VERB_PE; meta=0; jump GiveError; }
! Now let i be the corresponding verb number, stored in the dictionary entry
! (in a peculiar 255-n fashion for traditional Infocom reasons)...
! ...then look up the i-th entry in the verb table, whose address is at word
! 7 in the Z-machine (in the header), so as to get the address of the syntax
! table for the given verb...
! ...and then see how many lines (ie, different patterns corresponding to the
! same verb) are stored in the parse table...
#ifdef DEBUG;
if (parser_trace>=1)
{ print "[Parsing for the verb '", (address) verb_word,
"' (", num_lines+1, " lines)]^";
best_etype=STUCK_PE; nextbest_etype=best_etype;
! "best_etype" is the current failure-to-match error - it is by default
! the least informative one, "don't understand that sentence"
! **** (E) ****
for (line=0:line<=num_lines:line++)
{ line_address = syntax+1+line*8;
#ifdef DEBUG;
if (parser_trace>=1)
{ print "[Line ", line, ": ", line_address->0, " parameters: ";
for (pcount=1:pcount<=6:pcount++)
{ token=line_address->pcount;
print token, " ";
print " -> action ", line_address->7, "]^";
! We aren't in "not holding" or inferring modes, and haven't entered
! any parameters on the line yet, or any special numbers; the multiple
! object is still empty.
params_wanted = line_address->0;
action_to_be = line_address->7;
! Put the word marker back to just after the verb
! An individual "line" contains six tokens... There's a preliminary pass
! first, to parse late tokens early if necessary (because of mi or me).
! We also check to see whether the line contains any "multi"s.
for (i=0,m=0,pcount=1:pcount<=6:pcount++)
{ scope_token=0;
if (token==2) m++;
if (token<180) i++;
if (token==4 or 5 && i==1)
#ifdef DEBUG;
if (parser_trace>=2) print " [Trying look-ahead]^";
while (pcount<=6 && line_address->pcount>=180) pcount++;
if (token>=180)
{ j=AdjectiveAddress(token);
! Now look for word with j, move wn, parse next
! token...
while (wn <= num_words)
{ if (NextWord()==j)
{ l = NounDomain(actors_location,actor,token);
#ifdef DEBUG;
if (parser_trace>=2)
{ print " [Forward token parsed: ";
if (l==REPARSE_CODE) print "re-parse request]^";
if (l==1) print "but multiple found]^";
if (l==0) print "hit error ", etype, "]^";
if (l==REPARSE_CODE) jump ReParse;
if (l>=2)
{ advance_warning = l;
#ifdef DEBUG;
if (parser_trace>=3)
{ DefArt(l); print "]^";
! And now start again, properly, forearmed or not as the case may be.
action_to_be = line_address->7;
! "Pattern" gradually accumulates what has been recognised so far,
! so that it may be reprinted by the parser later on
for (pcount=1:pcount<=6:pcount++)
{ pattern-->pcount=0; scope_token=0;
#ifdef DEBUG;
if (parser_trace>=2)
{ print " [Token ",pcount, " is ", token, ": ";
if (token<16)
{ if (token==0) print "<noun> or null";
if (token==1) print "<held>";
if (token==2) print "<multi>";
if (token==3) print "<multiheld>";
if (token==4) print "<multiexcept>";
if (token==5) print "<multiinside>";
if (token==6) print "<creature>";
if (token==7) print "<special>";
if (token==8) print "<number>";
if (token>=16 && token<48)
print "<noun filter by routine ",token-16, ">";
if (token>=48 && token<80)
print "<general parse by routine ",token-48, ">";
if (token>=80 && token<128)
print "<scope parse by routine ",token-80, ">";
if (token>=128 && token<180)
print "<noun filter by attribute ",token-128, ">";
if (token>180)
{ print "<adjective ",255-token, " '",
(address) AdjectiveAddress(token), "'>";
print " at word number ", wn, "]^";
! Lookahead is set to the token after this one, or 8 if there isn't one.
! (Complicated because the line is padded with 0's.)
m=pcount+1; lookahead=8;
if (m<=6) lookahead=line_address->m;
if (lookahead==0)
{ m=parameters; if (token<=7) m++;
if (m>=params_wanted) lookahead=8;
! **** (F) ****
! When the token is a large number, it must be an adjective:
! remember the adjective number in the "pattern".
if (token>180)
{ pattern-->pcount = REPARSE_CODE+token;
! If we've run out of the player's input, but still have parameters to
! specify, we go into "infer" mode, remembering where we are and the
! adjective we are inferring...
if (wn > num_words)
{ if (inferfrom==0 && parameters<params_wanted)
{ inferfrom=pcount; inferword=token; }
! Otherwise, this line must be wrong.
if (inferfrom==0) break;
! Whereas, if the player has typed something here, see if it is the
! required adjective... if it's wrong, the line must be wrong,
! but if it's right, the token is passed (jump to finish this token).
if (wn <= num_words && token~=AdjectiveWord()) break;
jump TokenPassed;
! **** (G) ****
! Check now to see if the player has entered enough parameters...
! (since params_wanted is the number of them)
if (parameters == params_wanted)
if (wn <= num_words)
{ for (m=0:m<8:m++) pattern2-->m=pattern-->m;
etype=UPTO_PE; break;
#ifdef DEBUG;
if (parser_trace>=1)
print "[Line successfully parsed]^";
! At this point the line has worked out perfectly, and it's a matter of
! sending the results back...
! ...pausing to explain any inferences made (using the pattern)...
if (inferfrom~=0)
{ print "("; PrintCommand(inferfrom,1); print ")^";
! ...and to copy the action number, and the number of parameters...
results-->1 = params_wanted;
results-->0 = line_address->7;
! ...and declare the user's input to be error free...
! ...and worry about the case where an object was allowed as a parameter
! even though the player wasn't holding it and should have been: in this
! event, keep the results for next time round, go into "not holding" mode,
! and for now tell the player what's happening and return a "take" request
! instead...
if (not_holding~=0 && actor==player)
print "You need to be in possession of it first.^";
jump reType;
! (Notice that implicit takes are only generated for the player, and not
! for other actors. This avoids entirely logical, but misleading, text
! being printed.)
! ...and finish.
! Otherwise, the player still has at least one parameter to specify: an
! object of some kind is expected, and this we hand over to POL.
if (token==6 && (action_to_be==##Answer or ##Ask or ##AskFor
|| action_to_be==##Tell))
#ifdef DEBUG;
if (parser_trace>=3)
{ print " [Parse object list replied with";
if (l==REPARSE_CODE) print " re-parse request]^";
if (l==0) print " token failed, error type ", etype, "]^";
if (l==1) print " token accepted]^";
if (l==REPARSE_CODE) jump ReParse;
if (l==0) break;
! The token has been successfully passed; we are ready for the next.
! But if we get here it means that the line failed somewhere, so we continue
! the outer for loop and try the next line...
if (etype>best_etype)
{ best_etype=etype;
if (etype~=ASKSCOPE_PE && etype>nextbest_etype)
{ nextbest_etype=etype;
! So that if we get here, each line for the specified verb has failed.
! **** (H) ****
! Errors are handled differently depending on who was talking.
! If the command was addressed to somebody else (eg, "dwarf, sfgh") then
! it is taken as conversation which the parser has no business in disallowing.
if (actor~=player)
if (usual_grammar_after>0)
{ verb_wordnum = usual_grammar_after;
jump AlmostReParse;
if (special_word=='xcomma')
{ special_word=NextWord();
results-->2=1; special_number1=special_word;
consult_from = verb_wordnum; consult_words = num_words-consult_from+1;
! **** (I) ****
! If the player was the actor (eg, in "take dfghh") the error must be printed,
! and fresh input called for. In three cases the oops word must be jiggled.
if (ParserError(etype)~=0) jump ReType;
if (etype==STUCK_PE)
{ print "I didn't understand that.^"; }
if (etype==UPTO_PE)
{ print "I only understood you as far as wanting to ";
for (m=0:m<8:m++) pattern-->m = pattern2-->m;
pcount=pcount2; PrintCommand(0,1); print ".^";
if (etype==CANTSEE_PE)
{ print "You can't see any such thing.^"; }
if (etype==ANIMA_PE)
print "You can only do that to something animate.^";
if (etype==VERB_PE)
print "Unknown command.^";
if (etype==SCENERY_PE)
print "No need to concern yourself with that.^";
if (etype==ASKSCOPE_PE)
{ scope_stage=3;
if (indirect(scope_error)==-1)
{ best_etype=nextbest_etype; jump GiveError; }
! **** (J) ****
! And go (almost) right back to square one...
jump ReType;
! ...being careful not to go all the way back, to avoid infinite repetition
! of a deferred command causing an error.
! **** (K) ****
! At this point, the return value is all prepared, and we are only looking
! to see if there is a "then" followed by subsequent instruction(s).
if (wn>num_words) rtrue;
best_etype=UPTO_PE; jump GiveError;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Descriptors()
! Skips "the", and leaves wn pointing to the first misunderstood word.
! Returns error number, or 0 if no error occurred
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ Descriptors o flag;
for (flag=1:flag==1:)
{ o=NextWord(); flag=0;
if (o=='the') flag=1;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! CreatureTest: Will this person do for a "creature" token?
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ CreatureTest obj;
if (obj has animate) rtrue;
if (obj hasnt talkable) rfalse;
if (action_to_be==##Ask or ##Answer or ##Tell
|| action_to_be==##AskFor) rtrue;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! ParseObjectList: Parses tokens 0 to 179, from the current word number wn
! Returns:
! REPARSE_CODE for "reconstructed input, please re-parse from scratch"
! 1 for "token accepted"
! 0 for "token failed"
! (A) Preliminaries and special/number tokens
! (B) Actual object names (mostly subcontracted!)
! (C) and/but and so on
! (D) Returning an accepted token
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ParseObjectList results token l single_object desc_wn oops_from;
oops_from = 0;
! **** (A) ****
! We expect to find a list of objects next in what the player's typed.
#ifdef DEBUG;
if (parser_trace>=3) print " [Object list from word ", wn, "]^";
if (token>=48 && token<80)
{ l=indirect(#preactions_table-->(token-48));
#ifdef DEBUG;
if (parser_trace>=3)
print " [Outside parsing routine returned ", l, "]^";
if (l<0) rfalse;
if (l==0) { params_wanted--; rtrue; } ! An adjective after all...
if (l==1)
special_number1 = parsed_number; !TBD, this is where ASK ROBOT ABOUT X broke.
if (l==REPARSE_CODE) return l;
single_object=l; jump PassToken;
if (token>=80 && token<128)
{ scope_token = #preactions_table-->(token-80);
scope_stage = 1;
#ifdef DEBUG;
if (parser_trace>=3)
print " [Scope routine returned multiple-flag of ", l, "]^";
if (l==1) token=2; else token=0;
if (token>=16)
{ token_was = token;
! Otherwise, we have one of the tokens 0 to 6, all of which really do mean
! that objects are expected.
! So now we parse any descriptive words
desc_wn = wn;
! **** (B) ****
! This is an actual specified object, and is therefore where a typing error
! is most likely to occur, so we set:
! In either case below we use NounDomain, giving it the token number as
! context, and two places to look: among the actor's possessions, and in the
! present location. (Note that the order depends on which is likeliest.)
l=NounDomain(actor, actors_location, token);
if (l==REPARSE_CODE) return l;
if (l==0) { etype=CantSee(); return l; }
if (token==6 && CreatureTest(l)==0) ! Animation is required
etype=ANIMA_PE; jump FailToken;
} ! for token 6
single_object = l;
! The following moves the word marker to just past the named object...
wn = oops_from + match_length;
! **** (C) ****
! Object(s) specified now
! **** (D) ****
! Happy or unhappy endings:
results-->(parameters+2) = single_object;
pattern-->pcount = single_object;
return 1;
return 0;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! NounDomain does the most substantial part of parsing an object name.
! It is given two "domains" - usually a location and then the actor who is
! looking - and a context (i.e. token type), and returns:
! 0 if no match at all could be made,
! 1 if a multiple object was made,
! k if object k was the one decided upon,
! REPARSE_CODE if it asked a question of the player and consequently rewrote all
! the player's input, so that the whole parser should start again
! on the rewritten input.
! In the case when it returns 1<k<REPARSE_CODE, it also sets the variable
! length_of_noun to the number of words in the input text matched to the
! noun.
! In the case k=1, the multiple objects are added to multiple_object by
! hand (not by MultiAdd, because we want to allow duplicates).
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ NounDomain domain1 domain2 context first_word i answer_words;
#ifdef DEBUG;
if (parser_trace>=4) print " [NounDomain called at word ", wn, "^";
match_length=0; number_matched=0; match_from=wn; placed_in_flag=0;
SearchScope(domain1, domain2, context);
#ifdef DEBUG;
if (parser_trace>=4) print " [ND made ", number_matched, " matches]^";
! If nothing worked at all, leave with the word marker skipped past the
! first unmatched word...
if (number_matched==0) { wn++; rfalse; }
! Suppose that there really were some words being parsed (i.e., we did
! not just infer). If so, and if there was only one match, it must be
! right and we return it...
if (match_from <= num_words)
{ if (number_matched==1) { i=match_list-->0; return i; }
! ...now suppose that there was more typing to come, i.e. suppose that
! the user entered something beyond this noun. Use the lookahead token
! to check that if an adjective comes next, it is the right one. (If
! not then there must be a mistake like "press red buttno" where "red"
! has been taken for the noun in the mistaken belief that "buttno" is
! some preposition or other.)
! If nothing ought to follow, then similarly there must be a mistake,
! (unless what does follow is just a full stop, and or comma)
if (wn<=num_words)
{ i=NextWord(); wn--;
if (lookahead==8) rfalse;
if (lookahead>8)
{ if (lookahead~=AdjectiveWord())
{ wn--;
#ifdef DEBUG;
if (parser_trace>=3)
print " [ND failed at lookahead at word ", wn, "]^";
! Now look for a good choice, if there's more than one choice...
if (number_matched==1) i=match_list-->0;
if (number_matched>1)
if (i==-1) rfalse;
if (i==1) rtrue; ! Adjudicate has made a multiple
! object, and we pass it on
! If i is non-zero here, one of two things is happening: either
! (a) an inference has been successfully made that object i is
! the intended one from the user's specification, or
! (b) the user finished typing some time ago, but we've decided
! on i because it's the only possible choice.
! In either case we have to keep the pattern up to date,
! note that an inference has been made and return.
! (Except, we don't note which of a pile of identical objects.)
if (i~=0)
if (dont_infer==1) return i;
if (inferfrom==0) inferfrom=pcount;
pattern-->pcount = i;
return i;
! Now we come to the question asked when the input has run out
! and can't easily be guessed (eg, the player typed "take" and there
! were plenty of things which might have been meant).
print "You'll need to be more specific.^";
answer_words=Keyboard(buffer, parse);
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! The Adjudicate routine tries to see if there is an obvious choice, when
! faced with a list of objects (the match_list) each of which matches the
! player's specification equally well.
! To do this it makes use of the context (the token type being worked on).
! It counts up the number of obvious choices for the given context
! (all to do with where a candidate is, except for 6 (animate) which is to
! do with whether it is animate or not);
! if only one obvious choice is found, that is returned;
! if we are in indefinite mode (don't care which) one of the obvious choices
! is returned, or if there is no obvious choice then an unobvious one is
! made;
! at this stage, we work out whether the objects are distinguishable from
! each other or not: if they are all indistinguishable from each other,
! then choose one, it doesn't matter which;
! otherwise, 0 (meaning, unable to decide) is returned (but remember that
! the equivalence classes we've just worked out will be needed by other
! routines to clear up this mess, so we can't economise on working them
! out).
! Returns -1 if an error occurred
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ Adjudicate context i j k good_ones last n ultimate;
#ifdef DEBUG;
if (parser_trace>=4)
print " [Adjudicating match list of size ", number_matched, "^";
j=number_matched-1; good_ones=0; last=match_list-->0;
for (i=0:i<=j:i++)
{ n=match_list-->i;
if (n hasnt concealed)
{ ultimate=n;
until (ultimate==actors_location or actor or 0);
if (context==0 && ultimate==actors_location &&
(token_was==0 || UserFilter(n)==1)) { good_ones++; last=n; }
if (context==1 && parent(n)==actor) { good_ones++; last=n; }
if (context==2 && ultimate==actors_location)
{ good_ones++; last=n; }
if (context==3 && parent(n)==actor) { good_ones++; last=n; }
if (context==4 or 5)
{ if (advance_warning==-1)
{ if (parent(n)==actor) { good_ones++; last=n; }
{ if (context==4 && parent(n)==actor && n~=advance_warning)
{ good_ones++; last=n; }
if (context==5 && parent(n)==actor && n in advance_warning)
{ good_ones++; last=n; }
if (context==6 && CreatureTest(n)==1) { good_ones++; last=n; }
if (good_ones==1) return last;
! If there is ambiguity about what was typed, but it definitely wasn't
! animate as required, then return anything; higher up in the parser
! a suitable error will be given. (This prevents a question being asked.)
if (context==6 && good_ones==0) return match_list-->0;
for (i=0:i<number_matched:i++)
if (match_classes-->i==0)
#ifdef DEBUG;
if (parser_trace>=4)
{ print " Difficult adjudication with ", n, " equivalence classes:^";
for (i=0:i<number_matched:i++)
{ print " "; CDefArt(match_list-->i);
print " (", match_list-->i, ") --- ",match_classes-->i, "^";
number_of_classes = n;
if (n>1)
{ j=0; good_ones=0;
for (i=0:i<number_matched:i++)
{ k=ChooseObjects(match_list-->i,2);
if (k==j) good_ones++;
if (k>j) { j=k; good_ones=1; last=match_list-->i; }
if (good_ones==1)
#ifdef DEBUG;
if (parser_trace>=4)
print " ChooseObjects picked a best.]^";
return last;
#ifdef DEBUG;
if (parser_trace>=4)
print " Unable to decide: it's a draw.]^";
return 0;
! When the player is really vague, or there's a single collection of
! indistinguishable objects to choose from, choose the one the player
! most recently acquired, or if the player has none of them, then
! the one most recently put where it is.
if (n==1) dont_infer = 1;
return BestGuess();
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! ScoreMatchL scores the match list for quality in terms of what the
! player has vaguely asked for. Points are awarded for conforming with
! requirements like "my", and so on. If the score is less than the
! threshold, block out the entry to -1.
! The scores are put in the match_classes array, which we can safely
! reuse by now.
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ScoreMatchL its_owner its_score obj i threshold a_s l_s;
a_s = 30; l_s = 20;
if (action_to_be == ##Take or ##Remove) { a_s=20; l_s=30; }
for (i=0:i<number_matched:i++)
{ obj = match_list-->i; its_owner = parent(obj); its_score=0;
if (its_owner==actor) its_score=a_s;
if (its_owner==actors_location) its_score=l_s;
if (its_score==0 && its_owner~=compass) its_score=10;
its_score=its_score + ChooseObjects(obj,2);
if (its_score < threshold) match_list-->i=-1;
{ match_classes-->i=its_score;
#ifdef DEBUG;
if (parser_trace >= 4)
{ print " "; CDefArt(match_list-->i);
print " (", match_list-->i, ") in "; DefArt(its_owner);
print " scores ",its_score, "^";
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! BestGuess makes the best guess it can out of the match list, assuming that
! everything in the match list is textually as good as everything else;
! however it ignores items marked as -1, and so marks anything it chooses.
! It returns -1 if there are no possible choices.
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ BestGuess earliest its_score best i;
if (number_of_classes~=1) ScoreMatchL();
earliest=0; best=-1;
for (i=0:i<number_matched:i++)
{ if (match_list-->i >= 0)
{ its_score=match_classes-->i;
if (its_score>best) { best=its_score; earliest=i; }
#ifdef DEBUG;
if (parser_trace>=4)
{ if (best<0)
print " Best guess ran out of choices^";
{ print " Best guess "; DefArt(match_list-->earliest);
print " (", match_list-->earliest, ")^";
if (best<0) return -1;
return i;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! PrintCommand reconstructs the command as it presently reads, from
! the pattern which has been built up
! If from is 0, it starts with the verb: then it goes through the pattern.
! The other parameter is "emptyf" - a flag: if 0, it goes up to pcount:
! if 1, it goes up to pcount-1.
! Note that verbs and prepositions are printed out of the dictionary:
! and that since the dictionary may only preserve the first six characters
! of a word (in a V3 game), we have to hand-code the longer words needed.
! (Recall that pattern entries are 0 for "multiple object", 1 for "special
! word", 2 to 999 are object numbers and REPARSE_CODE+n means the preposition n)
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ PrintCommand from emptyf i j k f;
if (from==0)
i=verb_word; from=1; f=1;
if (i==#n$l) { print "look"; jump VerbPrinted; }
if (i=='examine' or #n$x) { print "examine"; jump VerbPrinted; }
if (PrintVerb(i)==0) print (address) i;
for (k=from:k<=j:k++)
if (f==1) print (char) ' ';
{ i=AdjectiveAddress(i-REPARSE_CODE);
print (address) i;
else DefArt(i);
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! The CantSee routine returns a good error number for the situation where
! the last word looked at didn't seem to refer to any object in context.
! The idea is that: if the actor is in a location (but not inside something
! like, for instance, a tank which is in that location) then an attempt to
! refer to one of the words listed as meaningful-but-irrelevant there
! will cause "you don't need to refer to that in this game" rather than
! "no such thing" or "what's 'it'?".
! (The advantage of not having looked at "irrelevant" local nouns until now
! is that it stops them from clogging up the ambiguity-resolving process.
! Thus game objects always triumph over scenery.)
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ CantSee i w e;
if (scope_token~=0) { scope_error = scope_token; return ASKSCOPE_PE; }
wn--; w=NextWord();
if (i has visited && Refers(i,w)==1) e=SCENERY_PE;
if (etype>e) return etype;
return e;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! The UserFilter routine consults the user's filter (or checks on attribute)
! to see what already-accepted nouns are acceptable
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ UserFilter obj;
if (token_was>=128)
{ if (obj has (token_was-128)) rtrue;
return (indirect(#preactions_table-->(token_was-16)));
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! SearchScope domain1 domain2 context
! Works out what objects are in scope (possibly asking an outside routine),
! but does not look at anything the player has typed.
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ SearchScope domain1 domain2 context i;
! Everything is in scope to the debugging commands
#ifdef DEBUG;
if (scope_reason==PARSING_REASON
&& (verb_word == 'purloin' or 'tree' or 'abstract'
|| verb_word == 'gonear' or 'scope'))
{ for (i=selfobj+1:i<=top_object:i++) PlaceInScope(i);
! First, a scope token gets priority here:
if (scope_token ~= 0)
{ scope_stage=2;
if (indirect(scope_token)~=0) rtrue;
! Next, call any user-supplied routine adding things to the scope,
! which may circumvent the usual routines altogether if they return true:
if (actor==domain1 or domain2 && InScope(actor)~=0) rtrue;
! Pick up everything in the location except the actor's possessions;
! then go through those. (This ensures the actor's possessions are in
! scope even in Darkness.)
if (context==5 && advance_warning ~= -1)
{ if (IsSeeThrough(advance_warning)==1)
ScopeWithin(advance_warning, 0, context);
{ ScopeWithin(domain1, domain2, context);
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! IsSeeThrough is used at various places: roughly speaking, it determines
! whether o being in scope means that the contents of o are in scope.
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ IsSeeThrough o;
if (o has supporter
|| (o has transparent)
|| (o has container && o has open))
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! PlaceInScope is provided for routines outside the library, and is not
! called within the parser (except for debugging purposes).
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ PlaceInScope thing;
{ DoScopeAction(thing); rtrue; }
wn=match_from; TryGivenObject(thing); placed_in_flag=1;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! DoScopeAction
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ DoScopeAction thing s p1;
s = scope_reason; p1=parser_one;
#ifdef DEBUG;
if (parser_trace>=5)
{ print "[DSA on ", (the) thing, " with reason = ", scope_reason,
" p1 = ", parser_one, " p2 = ", parser_two, "]^";
if (thing.react_before==0 or NULL) return;
#ifdef DEBUG;
if (parser_trace>=2)
{ print "[Considering react_before for ", (the) thing, "]^"; }
if (parser_one==0) parser_one = RunRoutines(thing,react_before);
if (thing.react_after==0 or NULL) return;
#ifdef DEBUG;
if (parser_trace>=2)
{ print "[Considering react_after for ", (the) thing, "]^"; }
if (parser_one==0) parser_one = RunRoutines(thing,react_after);
if (thing.&each_turn==0) return;
#ifdef DEBUG;
if (parser_trace>=2)
{ print "[Considering each_turn for ", (the) thing, "]^"; }
PrintOrRun(thing, each_turn);
if (thing==parser_one) parser_two = 1;
indirect(parser_one,thing); parser_one=p1;
scope_reason = s;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! ScopeWithin looks for objects in the domain which make textual sense
! and puts them in the match list. (However, it does not recurse through
! the second argument.)
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ScopeWithin domain nosearch context;
if (domain==0) rtrue;
! multiexcept doesn't have second parameter in scope
if (context==4 && domain==advance_warning) rtrue;
! Special rule: the directions (interpreted as the 12 walls of a room) are
! always in context. (So, e.g., "examine north wall" is always legal.)
! (Unless we're parsing something like "all", because it would just slow
! things down then, or unless the context is "creature".)
if (domain==actors_location
&& scope_reason==PARSING_REASON && context~=6) ScopeWithin(compass);
! Look through the objects in the domain
objectloop (domain in domain) ScopeWithin_O(domain, nosearch, context);
[ ScopeWithin_O domain nosearch context i ad n;
! If the scope reason is unusual, don't parse.
{ DoScopeAction(domain); jump DontAccept; }
! If we're beyond the end of the user's typing, accept everything
! (NounDomain will sort things out)
if (match_from > num_words)
#ifdef DEBUG;
i=parser_trace; parser_trace=0;
if (i>=5) { print " Out of text: matching "; DefArt(domain);
new_line; }
#ifdef DEBUG;
jump DontAccept;
! "it" or "them" matches to the it-object only. (Note that (1) this means
! that "it" will only be understood if the object in question is still
! in context, and (2) only one match can ever be made in this case.)
if (i==4 && player==domain) MakeMatch(player,1);
! Construing the current word as the start of a noun, can it refer to the
! object?
wn--; TryGivenObject(domain);
! Shall we consider the possessions of the current object, as well?
! Only if it's a container (so, for instance, if a dwarf carries a
! sword, then "drop sword" will not be accepted, but "dwarf, drop sword"
! will).
! Also, only if there are such possessions.
! Notice that the parser can see "into" anything flagged as
! transparent - such as a dwarf whose sword you can get at.
if (child(domain)~=0 && domain ~= nosearch && IsSeeThrough(domain)==1)
! Drag any extras into context
ad = domain.&add_to_scope;
if (ad ~= 0)
{ if (UnsignedCompare(ad-->0,top_object) > 0)
{ ats_flag = 2+context;
RunRoutines(domain, add_to_scope);
ats_flag = 0;
{ n=domain.#add_to_scope;
for (i=0:(2*i)<n:i++)
if (ad-->i)
ScopeWithin_O(ad-->i,0,context); !bugfix: backport from 6/11
[ AddToScope obj;
if (ats_flag>=2)
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! MakeMatch looks at how good a match is. If it's the best so far, then
! wipe out all the previous matches and start a new list with this one.
! If it's only as good as the best so far, add it to the list.
! If it's worse, ignore it altogether.
! The idea is that "red panic button" is better than "red button" or "panic".
! number_matched (the number of words matched) is set to the current level
! of quality.
! We never match anything twice, and keep at most 32 equally good items.
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ MakeMatch obj quality i;
#ifdef DEBUG;
if (parser_trace>=5) print " Match with quality ",quality,"^";
if (token_was~=0 && UserFilter(obj)==0)
{ #ifdef DEBUG;
if (parser_trace>=5) print " Match filtered out^";
if (quality < match_length) rtrue;
if (quality > match_length) { match_length=quality; number_matched=0; }
{ if (2*number_matched>=MATCH_LIST_SIZE) rtrue;
for (i=0:i<number_matched:i++)
if (match_list-->i==obj) rtrue;
match_list-->number_matched++ = obj;
#ifdef DEBUG;
if (parser_trace>=5) print " Match added to list^";
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! TryGivenObject tries to match as many words as possible in what has been
! typed to the given object, obj. If it manages any words matched at all,
! it calls MakeMatch to say so. There is no return value.
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ TryGivenObject obj threshold k w j;
#ifdef DEBUG;
if (parser_trace>=5)
{ print " Trying "; DefArt(obj);
print " (", obj, ") at word ", wn, "^";
! Ask the object to parse itself if necessary:
if (obj.parse_name~=0)
{ parser_action=-1; j=wn;
if (k>0)
{ wn=j+k;
MakeMatch(obj,k); rfalse;
if (k==0) jump NoWordsMatch;
! The default algorithm is simply to count up how many words pass the
! Refers test:
w = NounWord();
if (w==4 && obj==player) { MakeMatch(obj,1); rfalse; }
threshold = ParseNoun(obj);
#ifdef DEBUG;
if (threshold>=0 && parser_trace>=5)
print " ParseNoun returned ", threshold, "^";
if (threshold<0) wn++;
if (threshold>0) { k=threshold; jump MMbyPN; }
if (threshold==0 || Refers(obj,w)==0)
if (threshold<0)
threshold=1; while (0~=Refers(obj,NextWord())) threshold++;
#ifdef DEBUG;
if (parser_trace>=5) print " Matched^";
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Refers works out whether the word with dictionary address wd can refer to
! the object obj, by seeing if wd is listed in the "names" property of obj.
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ Refers obj wd k l m;
if (obj==0) rfalse;
k=obj.&1; l=(obj.#1)/2-1;
for (m=0:m<=l:m++)
if (wd==k-->m) rtrue;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! NounWord (which takes no arguments) returns:
! 4 if "me", "myself", "self"
! 0 if the next word is unrecognised or does not carry the "noun" bit in
! its dictionary entry,
! or the address in the dictionary if it is a recognised noun.
! The "current word" marker moves on one.
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ NounWord i;
if (i=='me' or 'myself' or 'self') return 4;
if (i==0) rfalse;
if ((i->#dict_par1)&128 == 0) rfalse;
return i;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! WordInProperty returns:
! true if the dictionary word is listed in the property values for
! the obj_id.
! This code was backported to Metrocenter'84 from a later Inform version.
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ WordInProperty wd obj prop k l m;
k=obj.&prop; l=(obj.#prop)/2-1;
for (m=0:m<=l:m++)
if (wd==k-->m) rtrue;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! AdjectiveWord (which takes no arguments) returns:
! 0 if the next word is listed in the dictionary as possibly an adjective,
! or its adjective number if it is.
! The "current word" marker moves on one.
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ AdjectiveWord i j;
if (j==0) rfalse;
if (i&8 == 0) rfalse;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! AdjectiveAddress works out the address in the dictionary of the word
! corresponding to the given adjective number.
! It should never produce the given error (which would mean that Inform
! had set up the adjectives table incorrectly).
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ AdjectiveAddress n m;
for (::)
{ if (n==m-->1) return m-->0;
m=#adjectives_table; RunTimeError(1);
return m;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! NextWord (which takes no arguments) returns:
! 0 if the next word is unrecognised,
! comma_word if it is a comma character
! (which is treated oddly by the Z-machine, hence the code)
! or the dictionary address if it is recognised.
! The "current word" marker is moved on.
! NextWordStopped does the same, but returns -1 when input has run out
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ NextWord i j k;
if (wn > parse->1) { wn++; rfalse; }
i=wn*2-1; wn++;
if (j==0)
{ k=wn*4-3; i=buffer->(parse->k);
if (i==',') j=comma_word;
return j;
[ NextWordStopped;
if (wn > parse->1) { wn++; return -1; }
return NextWord();
[ WordAddress wordnum;
return buffer + parse->(wordnum*4+1);
[ WordLength wordnum;
return parse->(wordnum*4);
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Useful routine: unsigned comparison (for addresses in Z-machine)
! Returns 1 if x>y, 0 if x=y, -1 if x<y
! ZRegion(addr) returns 1 if object num, 2 if in code area, 3 if in strings
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ UnsignedCompare x y u v;
if (x==y) return 0;
if (x<0 && y>=0) return 1;
if (x>=0 && y<0) return -1;
u = x&$7fff; v= y&$7fff;
if (u>v) return 1;
return -1;
[ ZRegion addr;
if (addr==0) return 0;
if (addr>=1 && addr<=top_object) return 1;
if (UnsignedCompare(addr, #strings_offset)>=0) return 3;
if (UnsignedCompare(addr, #code_offset)>=0) return 2;
return 0;
[ PrintOrRun obj prop flag a;
if (obj.#prop > 2) return RunRoutines(obj,prop);
if (obj.prop==NULL) rfalse;
if (a==0 or 1) return RunTimeError(2,obj,prop);
if (a==3) { print (string) obj.prop; if (flag==0) new_line; rtrue; }
return RunRoutines(obj,prop);
[ ValueOrRun obj prop a;
if (a==2) return RunRoutines(obj,prop);
return obj.prop;
[ NameTheProperty prop;
if (#identifiers_table-->prop == 0)
{ print "property ", prop; return;
print (string) #identifiers_table-->prop;
[ RunRoutines obj prop i j k l m ssv;
if (obj.prop==NULL or 0) rfalse;
if (debug_flag & 1 ~= 0 && prop~=short_name)
print "[Running ", (NameTheProperty) prop, " for ", (name) obj,"]^";
j=obj.&prop; k=obj.#prop; m=self; self=obj;
if (prop==life) sw__var=reason_code;
else sw__var=action;
for (i=0:i<k/2:i++)
{ if (j-->i == NULL) { self=m; sw__var=ssv; rfalse; }
if (l==2)
{ l=indirect(j-->i);
if (l~=0) { self=m; sw__var=ssv; return l; }
{ if (l==3) { print (string) j-->i; new_line; rtrue;}
else RunTimeError(3,obj,prop);
self=m; sw__var=ssv;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! End of the parser proper: the remaining routines are its front end.
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ DisplayStatus;
sline1=score; sline2=turns;
[ NotifyTheScore i;
print "^[Your score has just gone ";
if (last_score > score) { i=last_score-score; print "down"; }
else { i=score-last_score; print "up"; }
print " by ", i,"]^";
[ PlayTheGame i j;
standard_interpreter = $32-->0;
player = selfobj;
top_object = #largest_object-255;
selfobj.capacity = MAX_CARRIED;
self = GameController; sender = GameController;
last_score = score;
move player to location;
while (parent(location)~=0) location=parent(location);
objectloop (i in player) give i moved ~concealed;
if (j~=2) Banner();
for (i=1:i<=100:i++) j=random(i);
while (deadflag==0)
self = GameController; sender = GameController;
if (score ~= last_score)
{ if (notify_mode==1) NotifyTheScore(); last_score=score; }
inputobjs-->0 = 0; inputobjs-->1 = 0;
inputobjs-->2 = 0; inputobjs-->3 = 0; meta=0;
! The Parser writes its results into inputobjs and meta,
! a flag indicating a "meta-verb". This can only be set for
! commands by the player, not for orders to others.
noun=0; second=0; action=0;
! Reverse "give fred biscuit" into "give biscuit to fred"
if (action==##GiveR or ##ShowR)
{ i=inputobjs-->2; inputobjs-->2=inputobjs-->3; inputobjs-->3=i;
if (action==##GiveR) action=##Give; else action=##Show;
! Convert "P, tell me about X" to "ask P about X"
if (action==##Tell && inputobjs-->2==player && actor~=player)
{ inputobjs-->2=actor; actor=player; action=##Ask;
! Convert "ask P for X" to "P, give X to me"
if (action==##AskFor && inputobjs-->2~=player && actor==player)
{ actor=inputobjs-->2; inputobjs-->2=inputobjs-->3;
inputobjs-->3=player; action=##Give;
inp1=0; inp2=0; i=inputobjs-->1;
if (i>=1) inp1=inputobjs-->2;
if (i>=2) inp2=inputobjs-->3;
! inp1 and inp2 hold: object numbers, or 0 for "multiple object",
! or 1 for "a number or dictionary address"
noun=inp1; second=inp2;
if (inp1==1)
if (inp2==1)
! noun and second equal inp1 and inp2, except that in place of 1
! they substitute the actual number or dictionary address
if (actor~=player)
! The player's "orders" property can refuse to allow conversation
! here, by returning true. If not, the order is sent to the
! other person's "orders" property. If that also returns false,
! then: if it was a misunderstood command anyway, it is converted
! to an Answer action (thus "floyd, grrr" ends up as
! "say grrr to floyd"). If it was a good command, it is finally
! offered to the Order: part of the other person's "life"
! property, the old-fashioned way of dealing with conversation.
if (j==0)
{ j=RunRoutines(actor,orders);
if (j==0)
{ if (action==##NotUnderstood)
{ inputobjs-->3=actor; actor=player; action=##Answer;
jump begin__action;
if (RunLife(actor,##Order)==0) L__M(##Order,1,actor);
jump turn__end;
! So now we must have an ordinary parser-generated action, unless
! inp1 is a "multiple object", in which case we: (a) check the
! multiple list isn't empty; (b) warn the player if it has been
! cut short because of excessive size, and (c) generate a sequence
! of actions from the list (stopping on death or movement away).
if (i==0 || inp1~=0) Process();
! No time passes if either (i) the verb was meta, or
! (ii) we've only had the implicit take before the "real"
! action to follow.
if (deadflag==0 && meta==0) EndTurnSequence();
if (deadflag~=2) AfterLife();
if (deadflag==0) jump late__error;
print "^";
if (deadflag==1) L__M(##Miscellany,3);
if (deadflag==2) L__M(##Miscellany,4);
if (deadflag>2) { print " "; DeathMessage(); print " "; }
print "^";
print "> ";
#IFV3; read buffer parse; #ENDIF;
#IFV5; read buffer parse DrawStatusLine; #ENDIF;
if (i=='quit' or #n$q) quit;
if (i=='restart') @restart;
if (i=='restore') { RestoreSub(); }
jump RRQL;
[ Process;
if (debug_flag & 2 ~= 0) TraceAction(0);
if (meta==1 || BeforeRoutines()==0)
Array debug_anames table
[;##Inv "Inv";
##Take "Take";
##Drop "Drop";
##Remove "Remove";
##PutOn "PutOn";
##Insert "Insert";
##Enter "Enter";
##Exit "Exit";
##GetOff "GetOff";
##Go "Go";
##GoIn "GoIn";
##Look "Look";
##Examine "Examine";
##Search "Search";
##Give "Give";
##Show "Show";
##Unlock "Unlock";
##Lock "Lock";
##SwitchOn "SwitchOn";
##SwitchOff "SwitchOff";
##Open "Open";
##Close "Close";
! ##Disrobe "Disrobe";
! ##Wear "Wear";
##Eat "Eat";
##Burn "Burn";
##Consult "Consult";
##Smell "Smell";
##Listen "Listen";
##Taste "Taste";
##Touch "Touch";
##Dig "Dig";
##Cut "Cut";
##Jump "Jump";
##JumpOver "JumpOver";
##Tie "Tie";
##Drink "Drink";
##Fill "Fill";
##Attack "Attack";
##Swim "Swim";
##Rub "Rub";
##Set "Set";
##SetTo "SetTo";
##Pull "Pull";
##Push "Push";
##PushDir "PushDir";
##Turn "Turn";
##ThrowAt "ThrowAt";
##Answer "Answer";
##Ask "Ask";
##Tell "Tell";
##AskFor "AskFor";
##Climb "Climb";
##Wait "Wait";
##Order "Order";
##NotUnderstood "NotUnderstood";
[ DebugParameter w x n l;
x=0-->4; x=x+(x->0)+1; l=x->0; n=(x+1)-->0; x=w-(x+3);
print w;
if (w>=1 && w<=top_object) print " (", (name) w, ")";
if (x%l==0 && (x/l)<n) print " ('", (address) w, "')";
[ DebugAction a i;
for (i=1:i<=debug_anames-->0:i=i+2)
if (debug_anames-->i==a)
{ print (string) debug_anames-->(i+1); rfalse; }
print a;
[ TraceAction source ar;
if (source<2) { print "[Action "; DebugAction(action); }
{ if (ar==##Order)
{ print "[Order to "; PrintShortName(actor); print ": ";
{ print "[Life rule "; DebugAction(ar); }
if (noun~=0) { print " with noun "; DebugParameter(noun); }
if (second~=0) { print " and second "; DebugParameter(second); }
if (source==0) print " (from parser)";
if (source==1) print " (from outside)";
print "]^";
[ TestScope obj act a al sr x y;
x=parser_one; y=parser_two;
parser_one=obj; parser_two=0; a=actor; al=actors_location;
sr=scope_reason; scope_reason=TESTSCOPE_REASON;
if (act==0) actor=player; else actor=act;
while (parent(actors_location)~=0)
SearchScope(location,player,0); scope_reason=sr; actor=a;
actors_location=al; parser_one=x; x=parser_two; parser_two=y;
return x;
[ LoopOverScope routine act x y a al;
x = parser_one; y=scope_reason; a=actor; al=actors_location;
parser_one=routine; if (act==0) actor=player; else actor=act;
while (parent(actors_location)~=0)
parser_one=x; scope_reason=y; actor=a; actors_location=al;
[ BeforeRoutines;
if (GamePreRoutine()~=0) rtrue;
if (RunRoutines(player,orders)~=0) rtrue;
if (location~=0 && RunRoutines(location,before)~=0) rtrue;
scope_reason=REACT_BEFORE_REASON; parser_one=0;
SearchScope(location,player,0); scope_reason=PARSING_REASON;
if (parser_one~=0) rtrue;
if (inp1>1 && RunRoutines(inp1,before)~=0) rtrue;
[ AfterRoutines;
scope_reason=REACT_AFTER_REASON; parser_one=0;
SearchScope(location,player,0); scope_reason=PARSING_REASON;
if (parser_one~=0) rtrue;
if (location~=0 && RunRoutines(location,after)~=0) rtrue;
if (inp1>1 && RunRoutines(inp1,after)~=0) rtrue;
return GamePostRoutine();
[ R_Process acti i j sn ss sa sse;
sn=inp1; ss=inp2; sa=action; sse=self;
inp1 = i; inp2 = j; noun=i; second=j; action=acti;
if (debug_flag & 2 ~= 0) TraceAction(1);
if ((meta==1 || BeforeRoutines()==0) && action<256)
{ indirect(#actions_table-->action);
self=sse; inp1=sn; noun=sn; inp2=ss; second=ss; action=sa; rfalse;
self=sse; inp1=sn; noun=sn; inp2=ss; second=ss; action=sa; rtrue;
[ RunLife a j;
if (debug_flag & 2 ~= 0) TraceAction(2, j);
reason_code = j; return RunRoutines(a,life);
[ StartTimer obj timer i;
for (i=0:i<active_timers:i++)
if (the_timers-->i==obj) rfalse;
for (i=0:i<active_timers:i++)
if (the_timers-->i==0) jump FoundTSlot;
if (i >= MAX_TIMERS) RunTimeError(4);
if (obj.&time_left==0) RunTimeError(5,obj);
the_timers-->i=obj; obj.time_left=timer;
[ StopTimer obj i;
for (i=0:i<active_timers:i++)
if (the_timers-->i==obj) jump FoundTSlot2;
if (obj.&time_left==0) RunTimeError(5,obj);
the_timers-->i=0; obj.time_left=0;
[ StartDaemon obj i;
for (i=0:i<active_timers:i++)
if (the_timers-->i == $8000 + obj)
for (i=0:i<active_timers:i++)
if (the_timers-->i==0) jump FoundTSlot3;
if (i >= MAX_TIMERS) RunTimeError(4);
the_timers-->i = $8000 + obj;
[ StopDaemon obj i;
for (i=0:i<active_timers:i++)
if (the_timers-->i == $8000 + obj) jump FoundTSlot4;
[ EndTurnSequence i j;
for (i=0: i<active_timers: i++)
{ if (deadflag) return;
if (j~=0)
if (j & $8000) RunRoutines(j&$7fff,daemon);
if (j.time_left==0)
if (deadflag) return;
scope_reason=EACH_TURN_REASON; verb_word=0;
DoScopeAction(location); SearchScope(location,player,0);
if (deadflag) return;
if (deadflag) return;
objectloop (i in player)
if (i hasnt moved)
{ give i moved;
if (i has scored)
{ score=score+OBJECT_SCORE;
[ ChangeDefault prop val;
(0-->5)-->(prop-1) = val;
[ Indefart o;
if (o hasnt proper) { PrintOrRun(o,article,1); print " "; }
[ Defart o;
if (o hasnt proper) print "the "; PrintShortName(o);
[ CDefart o;
if (o hasnt proper) print "The "; PrintShortName(o);
[ PrintShortName o;
if (o==0) { print "nothing"; rtrue; }
if (o>top_object || o<0) { rtrue; }
if (o==player) { print "yourself"; rtrue; }
if (o.&short_name~=0 && PrintOrRun(o,short_name,1)~=0) rtrue;
@print_obj o;
[ Banner i;
if (Story ~= 0)
#IFV5; style bold; #ENDIF;
print (string) Story;
#IFV5; style roman; #ENDIF;
if (Headline ~= 0)
print (string) Headline;
print "Release ", (0-->1) & $03ff, " / Serial number ";
for (i=18:i<24:i++) print (char) 0->i;
print " / Inform v"; inversion;
print "R";
print " with ", (string) LibRelease;
#ifdef DEBUG;
print " D";
if (standard_interpreter > 0)
print "Standard interpreter ",
standard_interpreter/256, ".", standard_interpreter%256, "^";
[ VersionSub;
print "Interpreter ", 0->$1e, " Version ", (char) 0->$1f, " / ";
print "Library serial number ", (string) LibSerial, "^";
[ RunTimeError n p1 p2;
print "** Library error ", n, " (", p1, ",", p2, ") **^** ";
{ 1: print "Adjective not found (this should not occur)";
2: print "Property value not routine or string: ~",
(NameTheProperty) p2, "~ of ~", (name) p1, "~ (", p1, ")";
3: print "Entry in property list not routine or string: ~",
(NameTheProperty) p2, "~ list of ~", (name) p1,
"~ (", p1, ")";
4: print "Too many timers/daemons are active simultaneously. The \
limit is the library constant MAX_TIMERS (currently ",
MAX_TIMERS, ") and should be increased";
5: print "Object ~", (name) p1, "~ has no ~time_left~ property";
6: print "The object ~", (name) p1, "~ cannot be active as a \
daemon and as a timer at the same time";
7: print "The object ~", (name) p1, "~ can only be used as a player \
object if it has the ~number~ property";
8: print "Attempt to take random entry from an empty table array";
9: print p1, " is not a valid direction property number";
10: print "The player-object is outside the object tree";
11: print "The room ~", (name) p1, "~ has no ~description~ property";
99: print "Multiple objects not allowed.";
default: print "(unexplained)";
" **";
print_ret "*LIBERR ", n, " (", p1, ",", p2, ")*";
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Metrocenter '84 version of VERBLIB.
! (c) Stefan Vogt, Puddle Software 2020.
! This project is based on:
! Inform 6, mInform 1.1 Library
! (c) Graham Nelson 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 but freely usable (see manuals),
! (c) Dave Bernazzani 2004.
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Default MAX_CARRIED 100;
Default MAX_SCORE 0;
Default ROOM_SCORE 5;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Next the WriteListFrom routine, a flexible object-lister taking care of
! plurals, inventory information, various formats and so on. This is used
! by everything in the library which ever wants to list anything.
! If there were no objects to list, it prints nothing and returns false;
! otherwise it returns true.
! o is the object, and style is a bitmap, whose bits are given by:
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Constant NEWLINE_BIT 1; ! New-line after each entry
Constant INDENT_BIT 2; ! Indent each entry by depth
Constant FULLINV_BIT 4; ! Full inventory information after entry
Constant ENGLISH_BIT 8; ! English sentence style, with commas and and
Constant RECURSE_BIT 16; ! Recurse downwards with usual rules
Constant ALWAYS_BIT 32; ! Always recurse downwards
Constant TERSE_BIT 64; ! More terse English style
Constant PARTINV_BIT 128; ! Only brief inventory information after entry
Constant DEFART_BIT 256; ! Use the definite article in list
Constant WORKFLAG_BIT 512; ! At top level (only), only list objects
! which have the "workflag" attribute
Constant ISARE_BIT 1024; ! Print " is" or " are" before list
Constant CONCEAL_BIT 2048; ! Omit objects with "concealed" or "scenery":
! if WORKFLAG_BIT also set, then does _not_
! apply at top level, but does lower down
Constant NOARTICLE_BIT 4096; ! Print no articles, definite or not
[ NextEntry o depth;
if (c_style & WORKFLAG_BIT ~= 0 && depth==0)
{ while (o~=0 && o hasnt workflag) o=sibling(o);
return o;
if (c_style & CONCEAL_BIT ~= 0)
while (o~=0 && (o has concealed || o has scenery)) o=sibling(o);
return o;
[ WriteListFrom o style depth;
if (style & WORKFLAG_BIT ~= 0)
while (o~=0 && o hasnt workflag) o=sibling(o);
{ if (c_style & CONCEAL_BIT ~= 0)
while (o~=0 && (o has concealed || o has scenery)) o=sibling(o);
if (o==0) rfalse;
[ WriteListR o depth stack_pointer classes_p sizes_p i j n;
classes_p = match_classes + stack_pointer;
sizes_p = match_list + stack_pointer;
for (i=o,j=0:i~=0 && (j+stack_pointer)<128:i=NextEntry(i,depth),j++)
if (c_style & ISARE_BIT ~= 0)
{ if (j==1) print " is"; else print " are";
if (c_style & NEWLINE_BIT ~= 0) print ":^"; else print " ";
c_style = c_style - ISARE_BIT;
stack_pointer = stack_pointer+j+1;
for (i=1, j=o: i<=n: j=NextEntry(j,depth), i++)
if (c_style & DEFART_BIT ~= 0) DefArt(j); else InDefArt(j);
if (c_style & ENGLISH_BIT ~= 0)
{ if (i==n-1) print " and ";
if (i<n-1) print ", ";
[ WriteBeforeEntry o depth flag;
if (c_style & INDENT_BIT ~= 0) spaces 2*(depth+wlf_indent);
if (c_style & FULLINV_BIT ~= 0)
{ if (o.invent~=0)
{ inventory_stage=1;
if (flag==1 && c_style & NEWLINE_BIT ~= 0) new_line;
return flag;
[ WriteAfterEntry o depth stack_p flag flag2 comb;
if (c_style & PARTINV_BIT ~= 0)
{ comb=0;
if (o has container && o hasnt open) comb=comb+2;
if ((o has container && (o has open || o has transparent))
&& (child(o)==0)) comb=comb+4;
if (comb==2) print " (which is closed)";
if (comb==4) print " (which is empty)";
if (comb==6) print " (which is closed and empty)";
if (c_style & FULLINV_BIT ~= 0)
{ if (o.invent ~= 0)
{ inventory_stage=2;
if (RunRoutines(o,invent)~=0)
{ if (c_style & NEWLINE_BIT ~= 0) new_line;
if (o has worn) { print " (being worn"; flag2=1; }
if (o has container)
{ if (o has openable)
{ if (flag2==1) print " and ";
else print " (which is ";
if (o has open)
{ print "open";
if (child(o)==0) print " but empty";
else print "closed";
if (o has lockable && o has locked) print " and locked";
if (child(o)==0)
{ if (flag2==1) print " and empty";
else print " (which is empty)";
if (flag2==1) print ")";
if (c_style & ALWAYS_BIT ~= 0 && child(o)~=0)
{ if (c_style & ENGLISH_BIT ~= 0) print " containing ";
if (c_style & RECURSE_BIT ~= 1 && child(o)~=0)
{ if (o has supporter)
{ if (c_style & ENGLISH_BIT ~= 0)
{ if (c_style & TERSE_BIT ~= 0)
print " (on "; else print ", on top of ";
if (o has animate) print "whom "; else print "which ";
if (o has container && (o has open || o has transparent))
{ if (c_style & ENGLISH_BIT ~= 0)
{ if (c_style & TERSE_BIT ~= 0)
print " (in "; else print ", inside ";
if (o has animate) print "whom "; else print "which ";
if (flag==1 && c_style & ENGLISH_BIT ~= 0)
{ if (children(o) > 1) print "are "; else print "is ";
if (c_style & NEWLINE_BIT ~= 0) new_line;
if (flag==1) WriteListR(child(o),depth+1,stack_p);
if (flag==1 && c_style & TERSE_BIT ~= 0) print ")";
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! A cunning routine (which could have been a daemon, but isn't, for the
! sake of efficiency) to move objects which could be in many rooms about
! so that the player never catches one not in place
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ MoveFloatingObjects i k l m address;
for (i=selfobj+1: i<=top_object: i++)
{ address=i.&found_in;
if (address~=0 && i hasnt absent)
{ if (ZRegion(address-->0)==2)
{ if (indirect(address-->0) ~= 0) move i to location;
{ k=i.#found_in;
for (l=0: l<k/2: l++)
{ m=address-->l;
if (m==location || m in location) move i to location;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Two little routines for moving the player safely.
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ PlayerTo newplace flag;
move player to newplace;
while (parent(newplace) ~= 0) newplace = parent(newplace);
location = newplace;
if (flag == 0) <Look>;
if (flag == 1) { NoteArrival(); ScoreArrival(); }
if (flag == 2) LookSub();
[ MovePlayer direc; <Go direc>; <Look>; ];
[ QuitSub; quit; ];
[ RestartSub; @restart; ];
[ RestoreSub;
restore Rmaybe;
return L__M(##Restore,1);
.RMaybe; L__M(##Restore,2);
[ SaveSub;
save Smaybe;
return L__M(##Restore,1);
.SMaybe; L__M(##Restore,2);
[ ScriptOnSub;
if (transcript_mode==1) return L__M(##ScriptOn,1);
0-->8 = (0-->8)|1;
L__M(##ScriptOn,2); VersionSub();
[ ScriptOffSub;
if (transcript_mode==0) return L__M(##ScriptOff,1);
0-->8 = (0-->8)&$fffe;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! The scoring system
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ScoreSub;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Real verbs start here: Inventory
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ InvSub;
if (child(player)==0) return L__M(##Inv,1);
print ":^";
WriteListFrom(child(player), (FULLINV_BIT + INDENT_BIT + NEWLINE_BIT + RECURSE_BIT), 1);
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Object movement verbs
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"You must take things individually.";
[ TakeSub;
if (RTakeSub(location)~=0) rtrue;
if (AfterRoutines()==1) rtrue;
if (keep_silent==1) rtrue;
[ RTakeSub fromobj i j k postonobj;
if (noun==player) return L__M(##Take,5);
if (noun has animate) return L__M(##Take,2,noun);
if (parent(player)==noun) return L__M(##Take,4,noun);
if (i==player) return L__M(##Take,5);
if (i has container || i has supporter)
{ postonobj=i;
k=action; action=##LetGo;
if (RunRoutines(i,before)~=0) { action=k; rtrue; }
while (i~=fromobj && i~=0)
{ if (i hasnt container && i hasnt supporter)
{ if (i has animate) return L__M(##Take,6,i);
if (i has transparent) return L__M(##Take,7,i);
return L__M(##Take,8);
if (i has container && i hasnt open)
return L__M(##Take,9,i);
if (i==player) i=fromobj;
if (noun has scenery or static) return L__M(##Take,10);
k=0; objectloop (j in player) if (j hasnt worn) k++;
if (k >= ValueOrRun(player,capacity))
return L__M(##Take,12);
move noun to player;
if (postonobj~=0)
{ k=action; action=##LetGo;
if (RunRoutines(postonobj,after)~=0) { action=k; rtrue; }
[ DropSub i;
if (i==location) return L__M(##Drop,1);
if (i~=player) return L__M(##Drop,2);
if (noun has worn)
{ L__M(##Drop,3,noun);
<Disrobe noun>;
if (noun has worn) rtrue;
move noun to parent(player);
if (AfterRoutines()==1) rtrue;
if (keep_silent==1) rtrue;
return L__M(##Drop,4);
[ RemoveSub i;
if (i has container && i hasnt open) return L__M(##Remove,1);
if (i~=second) return L__M(##Remove,2);
if (i has animate) return L__M(##Take,6,i);
if (RTakeSub(second)~=0) rtrue;
action=##Take; if (AfterRoutines()==1) rtrue;
action=##Remove; if (AfterRoutines()==1) rtrue;
if (keep_silent==1) rtrue;
return L__M(##Remove,4);
[ IndirectlyContains o1 o2; ! Does o1 already (ultimately) have o2?
while (o2~=0)
if (o1==o2) rtrue;
[ PutOnSub;
if (second==d_obj) { <Drop noun>; rfalse; }
if (parent(noun)~=player) return L__M(##Insert,1);
if (second>1)
{ action=##Receive;
if (RunRoutines(second,before)~=0) { action=##PutOn; rtrue; }
if (IndirectlyContains(noun,second)==1) return L__M(##Miscellany,1);
if (second hasnt supporter) return L__M(##PutOn,3,second);
if (parent(second)==player) return L__M(##PutOn,4);
if (noun has worn)
{ L__M(##PutOn,5);
<Disrobe noun>;
if (noun has worn) rtrue;
if (children(second)>=ValueOrRun(second,capacity))
return L__M(##PutOn,6,second);
move noun to second;
if (AfterRoutines()==1) rtrue;
if (second>1)
{ action=##Receive;
if (RunRoutines(second,after)~=0) { action=##PutOn; rtrue; }
if (keep_silent==1) rtrue;
[ InsertSub;
receive_action = ##Insert;
if (second==d_obj ) <<Drop noun>>;
if (parent(noun)~=player) return L__M(##Insert,1);
if (second>1)
{ action=##Receive;
if (RunRoutines(second,before)~=0) { action=##Insert; rtrue; }
if (second hasnt container) return L__M(##Insert,2);
if (second hasnt open) return L__M(##Insert,3);
if (IndirectlyContains(noun,second)==1) return L__M(##Insert,5);
if (noun has worn)
{ L__M(##Insert,6);
<Disrobe noun>; if (noun has worn) rtrue;
if (children(second)>=ValueOrRun(second,capacity))
return L__M(##Insert,7,second);
move noun to second;
if (AfterRoutines()==1) rtrue;
if (second>1)
{ action=##Receive;
if (RunRoutines(second,after)~=0) { action=##Insert; rtrue; }
if (keep_silent==1) rtrue;
[ TransferSub i act_needed k postonobj par;
if (second ~= 0)
if (second has container)
if (second has supporter) act_needed=##PutOn;
if (noun notin player)
par = parent(noun);
if (par has container || par has supporter)
{ postonobj=par;
k=action; action=##LetGo;
if (RunRoutines(par,before)~=0) { action=k; rtrue; }
move noun to player;
if (postonobj~=0)
{ k=action; action=##LetGo;
if (RunRoutines(postonobj,after)~=0) { action=k; rtrue; }
if (act_needed==##Drop) <<Drop noun>>;
if (act_needed==##Insert) <<Insert noun second>>;
if (act_needed==##PutOn) <<PutOn noun second>>;
[ EmptySub;
second=d_obj; EmptyTSub();
[ EmptyTSub i j;
if (noun hasnt container) return L__M(##EmptyT,1,noun);
if (noun hasnt open) return L__M(##EmptyT,2,noun);
if (second~=d_obj)
{ if (second hasnt container) return L__M(##EmptyT,1,second);
if (second hasnt open) return L__M(##EmptyT,2,second);
if (noun notin player) return L__M(##Transfer,1);
if (i==0) return L__M(##EmptyT,3,noun);
while (i~=0)
{ j=sibling(i);
PrintShortName(i); print ": ";
<Transfer i second>;
[ GiveSub;
if (parent(noun)~=player) return L__M(##Give,1,noun);
if (second==player) return L__M(##Give,2,noun);
if (RunLife(second,##Give)~=0) rfalse;
[ GiveRSub; <Give second noun>; ];
[ ShowSub;
if (parent(noun)~=player) return L__M(##Show,1,noun);
if (second==player) <<Examine noun>>;
if (RunLife(second,##Show)~=0) rfalse;
[ ShowRSub; <Show second noun>; ];
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Travelling around verbs
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ EnterSub i;
if (noun has door) <<Go noun>>;
if (i~=location) return L__M(##Enter,1,i);
if (i==compass) <<Go noun>>;
if (noun hasnt enterable) return L__M(##Enter,2);
if (noun has container && noun hasnt open) return L__M(##Remove,1);
if (i~=location) return L__M(##Enter,4);
move player to noun;
if (AfterRoutines()==1) rtrue;
if (keep_silent==1) rtrue;
[ GetOffSub;
if (parent(player)==noun) <<Exit>>;
[ ExitSub p;
if (p==location)
{ if (location.out_to~=0) <<Go out_obj>>;
return L__M(##Exit,1);
if (p has container && p hasnt open)
return L__M(##Exit,2,p);
move player to location;
if (AfterRoutines()==1) rtrue;
if (keep_silent==1) rtrue;
L__M(##Exit,3,p); LookSub();
[ VagueGoSub; L__M(##VagueGo);
[ GoInSub;
<<Go in_obj>>;
[ GoSub i j k movewith thedir;
if (i~=location)
k=RunRoutines(i,before); if (k~=3) location=j;
if (k==1)
{ movewith=i; i=parent(i); jump gotroom; }
if (k==0) L__M(##Go,1,i); rtrue;
if (ZRegion(thedir)==2) thedir=RunRoutines(noun,door_dir);
j=i.thedir; k=ZRegion(j);
if (k==3) { print (string) j; new_line; rfalse; }
if (k==2) { j=RunRoutines(i,thedir);
if (j==1) rtrue;
if (k==0 || j==0)
if (i.cant_go ~= 0) PrintOrRun(i, cant_go);
if (j has door)
{ if (j has concealed) return L__M(##Go,2);
if (j hasnt open)
return L__M(##Go,2);
if (ZRegion(j.door_to)==2) j=RunRoutines(j,door_to);
else j=j.door_to;
if (j==0) return L__M(##Go,6,j);
if (j==1) rtrue;
if (movewith==0) move player to j; else move movewith to j;
location=j; MoveFloatingObjects();
if (AfterRoutines()==1) rtrue;
if (keep_silent==1) rtrue;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Describing the world. SayWhatsOn(object) does just that (producing
! no text if nothing except possibly "scenery" and "concealed" items are).
! Locale(object) runs through the "tail end" of a Look-style room
! description for the contents of the object, printing up suitable
! descriptions as it goes.
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ SayWhatsOn descon j f;
if (descon==parent(player)) rfalse;
objectloop (j in descon)
if (j hasnt concealed && j hasnt scenery) f=1;
if (f==0) rfalse;
L__M(##Look, 4, descon); rtrue;
[ Locale descin text1 text2 o p k j flag f2;
objectloop (o in descin) give o ~workflag;
objectloop (o in descin)
if (o hasnt concealed && o~=parent(player))
{ if (o hasnt scenery)
{ give o workflag; k++;
p=initial; f2=0;
if (o has door && o hasnt open) { p=when_closed; f2=1; }
if (o has switchable && o hasnt on) { p=when_off; f2=1; }
if (o has container && o hasnt open && o.&when_closed~=0)
{ p=when_closed; f2=1; }
if (o hasnt moved || o.describe~=NULL || f2==1)
{ if (o.describe~=NULL && RunRoutines(o,describe)~=0)
{ flag=1;
give o ~workflag; k--;
{ j=o.p;
if (j~=0)
{ new_line;
give o ~workflag; k--;
if (o has supporter && child(o)~=0) SayWhatsOn(o);
if (o has supporter && child(o)~=0) SayWhatsOn(o);
if (k==0) return 0;
if (text1~=0)
{ new_line;
if (flag==1) text1=text2;
print (string) text1, " ";
return k;
if (flag==1) L__M(##Look,5,descin); else L__M(##Look,6,descin);
[ NoteArrival descin;
if (descin~=lastdesc)
{ if (descin.initial~=0) PrintOrRun(descin, initial);
[ ScoreArrival;
if (location hasnt visited)
{ give location visited;
if (location has scored)
{ score=score+ROOM_SCORE;
[ LookSub ;
if (parent(player)==0) return RunTimeError(10);
#IFV5; style bold; #ENDIF;
#IFV5; style roman; #ENDIF;
if (location.describe~=NULL)
if (location.description==0) RunTimeError(11,location);
else PrintOrRun(location,description);
if (AfterRoutines()==1) rtrue;
[ ExamineSub i;
if (i==0)
{ if (noun has container) <<Search noun>>;
if (noun has switchable) { L__M(##Examine,3,noun); rfalse; }
return L__M(##Examine,2,noun);
PrintOrRun(noun, description);
if (noun has switchable) L__M(##Examine,3,noun);
if (AfterRoutines()==1) rtrue;
[ SearchSub i f;
objectloop (i in noun) if (i hasnt concealed) f=1;
if (noun has supporter)
{ if (f==0) return L__M(##Search,2,noun);
return L__M(##Search,3,noun);
if (noun hasnt container) return L__M(##Search,4);
if (noun hasnt transparent && noun hasnt open)
return L__M(##Search,5);
if (AfterRoutines()==1) rtrue;
if (f==0) return L__M(##Search,6,noun);
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Verbs which change the state of objects without moving them
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ UnlockSub;
if (noun hasnt lockable) return L__M(##Lock,1);
if (noun hasnt locked) return L__M(##Unlock,2);
if (noun.with_key~=second) return L__M(##Lock,4);
give noun ~locked;
if (AfterRoutines()==1) rtrue;
if (keep_silent==1) rtrue;
[ LockSub;
if (noun hasnt lockable) return L__M(##Lock,1);
if (noun has locked) return L__M(##Lock,2);
if (noun has open) return L__M(##Lock,3);
if (noun.with_key~=second) return L__M(##Lock,4);
give noun locked;
if (AfterRoutines()==1) rtrue;
if (keep_silent==1) rtrue;
[ SwitchonSub;
if (noun hasnt switchable) return L__M(##SwitchOn,1);
if (noun has on) return L__M(##SwitchOn,2, 1);
give noun on;
if (AfterRoutines()==1) rtrue;
if (keep_silent==1) rtrue;
[ SwitchoffSub;
if (noun hasnt switchable) return L__M(##SwitchOn,1);
if (noun hasnt on) return L__M(##SwitchOn,2, 2);
give noun ~on;
if (AfterRoutines()==1) rtrue;
if (keep_silent==1) rtrue;
[ OpenSub;
if (noun hasnt openable) return L__M(##Open,1);
if (noun has locked) return L__M(##Open,2);
if (noun has open) return L__M(##Open,3);
give noun open;
if (AfterRoutines()==1) rtrue;
if (keep_silent==1) rtrue;
if (noun has container && noun hasnt transparent && child(noun)~=0)
return L__M(##Open,4,noun);
[ CloseSub;
if (noun hasnt openable) return L__M(##Close,1);
if (noun hasnt open) return L__M(##Close,2);
give noun ~open;
if (AfterRoutines()==1) rtrue;
if (keep_silent==1) rtrue;
[ DisrobeSub;
if (noun hasnt worn) return L__M(##Disrobe,1);
give noun ~worn;
if (AfterRoutines()==1) rtrue;
if (keep_silent==1) rtrue;
[ WearSub;
if (noun hasnt clothing) return L__M(##Wear,1);
if (parent(noun)~=player) return L__M(##Wear,2);
if (noun has worn) return L__M(##Wear,3);
give noun worn;
if (AfterRoutines()==1) rtrue;
if (keep_silent==1) rtrue;
[ EatSub;
if (noun hasnt edible) return L__M(##Eat,1);
remove noun;
if (AfterRoutines()==1) rtrue;
if (keep_silent==1) rtrue;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Verbs which are really just stubs (anything which happens for these
! actions must happen in before rules)
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ BurnSub; L__M(##Burn); ];
[ SmellSub; L__M(##Smell,1); ];
[ ListenSub; L__M(##Listen,2); ];
[ TasteSub; L__M(##Taste,3); ];
[ DigSub; L__M(##Dig); ];
[ CutSub; L__M(##Cut); ];
[ JumpSub; L__M(##Jump); ];
[ JumpOverSub; L__M(##JumpOver); ];
[ TieSub; L__M(##Tie); ];
[ DrinkSub; L__M(##Miscellany,1); ];
[ FillSub; L__M(##Miscellany,1); ];
[ SwimSub; L__M(##Miscellany,1); ];
[ RubSub; L__M(##Rub); ];
[ SetSub; L__M(##Set); ];
[ SetToSub; L__M(##SetTo); ];
[ ClimbSub; L__M(##Climb); ];
[ ConsultSub; L__M(##Consult,1,noun); ];
[ TouchSub;L__M(##Touch); ];
[ PullSub;
if (noun has static or scenery or animate) return L__M(##Miscellany,1);
[ PushSub;
[ TurnSub;
[ WaitSub;
if (AfterRoutines()==1) rtrue;
[ PushDirSub; L__M(##Miscellany,1); ];
[ AllowPushDir i;
if (parent(second)~=compass) return L__M(##PushDir,2);
if (second==u_obj or d_obj) return L__M(##PushDir,3);
AfterRoutines(); i=noun; move i to player;
<Go second>;
move i to location;
[ ThrowAtSub;
if (second>1)
{ action=##ThrownAt;
if (RunRoutines(second,before)~=0) { action=##ThrowAt; rtrue; }
if (second hasnt animate) return L__M(##ThrowAt,1);
if (RunLife(second,##ThrowAt)~=0) rfalse;
[ AttackSub;
if (noun has animate && RunLife(noun,##Attack)~=0) rfalse;
L__M(##Miscellany, 1); ];
[ AnswerSub;
if (RunLife(second,##Answer)~=0) rfalse;
[ TellSub;
if (noun==player) return L__M(##Tell);
if (RunLife(noun,##Tell)~=0) rfalse;
[ AskSub;
if (RunLife(noun,##Ask)~=0) rfalse;
[ AskForSub;
if (noun==player) <<Inv>>;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Debugging verbs
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ TraceOnSub; parser_trace=2; "[Trace on.]"; ];
[ TraceLevelSub; parser_trace=noun;
print "[Parser tracing set to level ", parser_trace, ".]^"; ];
[ TraceOffSub; parser_trace=0; "Trace off."; ];
[ RoutinesOnSub; debug_flag=debug_flag | 1; "[Routine listing on.]"; ];
[ RoutinesOffSub; debug_flag=debug_flag & 6; "[Routine listing off.]"; ];
[ ActionsOnSub; debug_flag=debug_flag | 2; "[Action listing on.]"; ];
[ ActionsOffSub; debug_flag=debug_flag & 5; "[Action listing off.]"; ];
[ TimersOnSub; debug_flag=debug_flag | 4; "[Timers listing on.]"; ];
[ TimersOffSub; debug_flag=debug_flag & 3; "[Timers listing off.]"; ];
[ CommandsOnSub;
@output_stream 4; xcommsdir=1; "[Command recording on.]"; ];
[ CommandsOffSub;
if (xcommsdir==1) @output_stream -4;
"[Command recording off.]"; ];
[ CommandsReadSub;
@input_stream 1; xcommsdir=2; "[Replaying commands.]"; ];
[ PredictableSub i; i=random(-100);
"[Random number generator now predictable.]"; ];
[ XPurloinSub; move noun to player; give noun moved ~concealed; "[Purloined.]"; ];
[ XAbstractSub; move noun to second; "[Abstracted.]"; ];
[ XObj obj f;
if (parent(obj)==0) PrintShortName(obj); else InDefArt(obj);
print " (", obj, ") ";
if (f==1) { print "(in "; PrintShortName(parent(obj));
print " ", parent(obj), ")"; }
if (child(obj)==0) rtrue;
[ XTreeSub i;
if (noun==0)
{ for (i=selfobj+1:i<=top_object:i++)
{ if (parent(i)==0) XObj(i);
[ GotoSub;
if (noun>top_object || noun<=selfobj || parent(noun)~=0)
"[Not a safe place.]";
[ GonearSub x; x=noun; while (parent(x)~=0) x=parent(x); PlayerTo(x); ];
[ Print_ScL obj; print_ret ++x_scope_count, ": ", (a) obj, " (", obj, ")"; ];
[ ScopeSub; x_scope_count=0; LoopOverScope(#r$Print_ScL, noun);
if (x_scope_count==0) "Nothing is in scope.";
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Finally: virtually all the text produced by library routines, except for
! some parser errors (which are indirected through ParserError).
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ L__M act n x1 s;
s=sw__var; sw__var=act; if (n==0) n=1;
[ L___M n x1 s;
#IFDEF LibraryMessages;
lm_n=n; lm_o=x1;
if (RunRoutines(LibraryMessages,before)~=0) { action=s; rfalse; }
Prompt: print "^>"; rtrue;
if (n==1) "Sorry, can't do that.";
if (n==3) { print "You have died"; rtrue; }
if (n==4) { print "You have won"; rtrue; }
if (n==5) "^Restart, Restore or Quit?";
Order: CDefArt(x1); " has better things to do.";
Restore: if (n==1) "Failed.";
ScriptOn: if (n==1) "Already on.";
"Start of a transcript of";
ScriptOff: if (n==1) "Already off.";
"^End of transcript.";
Score: print "You have scored ",score, " out of ", MAX_SCORE,", in ", turns, " turns.^";
Inv: if (n==1) "You are carrying nothing.";
print "You are carrying"; rtrue;
Take: if (n==1) "Taken.";
if (n==2) {print "You can't take "; DefArt(x1); ".";}
if (n==4) "You can't reach that here.";
if (n==5) "You already have that.";
if (n==6) { print "That belongs to "; DefArt(x1); "."; }
if (n==7) { print "That's a part of "; DefArt(x1); "."; }
if (n==8) "That isn't available.";
if (n==9) { CDefArt(x1); " is not open."; }
if (n==10) "Not portable.";
if (n==12) "Carrying too much.";
Drop: if (n==1) "Already on the floor.";
if (n==2) "You haven't got that.";
if (n==3) { print "(first taking "; DefArt(x1); " off)"; }
Remove: if (n==1) "But it's closed.";
if (n==2) "But it isn't there now.";
if (n==3) "That would achieve nothing.";
if (n==4) "You lack the dexterity.";
if (n==5) "(first taking it off)^";
if (n==6) { print "No room on "; DefArt(x1); "."; }
print "You put "; DefArt(x1); print " on "; DefArt(second); ".";
Insert: if (n==1) "You must be holding it first.";
if (n==2) "That can't contain things.";
if (n==3) "Alas, it is closed.";
! if (n==4) "You'll need to take it off first.";
if (n==5) "You can't put something inside itself.";
if (n==6) "(first taking it off)^";
if (n==7) { print "No room left in "; DefArt(x1); "."; }
print "You put "; DefArt(x1); print " into "; DefArt(second); ".";
EmptyT: if (n==1) { CDefArt(x1); " can't contain things."; }
if (n==2) { CDefArt(x1); " is closed."; }
CDefArt(x1); " is empty already.";
Transfer: if (n==1) "That isn't in your possession.";
Give: if (n==1) { print "You aren't holding "; DefArt(x1); "."; }
if (n==2) "To yourself?";
CDefArt(x1); " doesn't seem interested.";
Show: if (n==1) { print "You aren't holding "; DefArt(x1); "."; }
CDefArt(x1); " is unimpressed.";
Enter: if (n==1) { print "But you're already ";
if (x1 has supporter) print "on ";
else print "in "; DefArt(x1); "."; }
if (n==2) "That's not something you can enter.";
if (n==4) "Must be on the floor.";
print "You get "; if (x1 has supporter) print "onto ";
else print "into "; DefArt(x1); ".";
GetOff: print "But you aren't on "; DefArt(x1); " at the moment.";
Exit: if (n==1) "But you aren't in anything at the moment.";
if (n==2) { print "You can't get out of the closed ";
PrintShortName(x1); "."; }
print "You get "; if (x1 has supporter) print "off ";
else print "out of "; DefArt(x1); ".";
VagueGo: "Specify a compass direction.";
Go: if (n==1)
{ print "You'll have to get ";
if (x1 has supporter) print "off "; else print "out of ";
DefArt(x1); " first.";
if (n==2) "You can't go that way.";
print "You can't, since "; DefArt(x1); " leads nowhere.";
Look: if (n==4)
{ print "^On "; DefArt(x1);
if (x1~=location) { print "^In "; DefArt(x1); print " you"; }
else print "^You";
print " can "; if (n==5) print "also "; print "see ";
if (x1~=location) ".";
" here.";
Examine: if (noun in compass) "A look in this direction does not bring new insights.";
if (n==2) { print "You see nothing special about ";
Defart(x1); "."; }
CDefArt(x1); print " is currently switched ";
if (x1 has on) "on."; else "off.";
if (n==2) { print "There is nothing on "; DefArt(x1); "."; }
if (n==3)
{ print "On "; DefArt(x1);
if (n==4) "You find nothing of interest.";
if (n==5) "Can't, it's closed.";
if (n==6) { CDefArt(x1); " is empty."; }
print "In "; DefArt(x1);
Unlock: if (n==2) "It's unlocked already.";
print "You unlock "; DefArt(x1); ".";
Lock: if (n==1) "That's not a lockable item.";
if (n==2) "It's locked already.";
if (n==3) "Must close it first.";
if (n==4) "That doesn't fit the lock.";
print "You lock "; DefArt(x1); ".";
SwitchOn:if (n==1) "That's not something you can switch.";
if (n==2) {print "That's already "; if (x1==1) "on."; else "off.";return true;}
if (n==3) {print "You switch "; DefArt(x1); " on.";}
print "You switch "; DefArt(x1); " off.";
Open: if (n==1) "That's not something you can open.";
if (n==2) "It seems to be locked.";
if (n==3) "It's already open.";
if (n==4)
{ print "You open "; DefArt(x1); print ", revealing ";
if (WriteListFrom(child(x1),
print "You open "; DefArt(x1); ".";
Close: if (n==1) "That's not something you can close.";
if (n==2) "It's already closed.";
print "You close "; DefArt(x1); ".";
Disrobe: if (n==1) "You're not wearing that.";
print "You take off "; DefArt(x1); ".";
Wear: if (n==1) "You can't wear that!";
if (n==2) "You're not holding that!";
if (n==3) "You're already wearing that!";
print "You put on "; DefArt(x1); ".";
Eat: if (n==1) "Not edible.";
print "You eat "; DefArt(x1); ".";
Smell: "You smell nothing unexpected.";
Listen: "You hear nothing unexpected.";
Taste: "You taste nothing unexpected.";
Touch: "You feel nothing unexpected.";
Burn, Climb, Set, SetTo, Rub, JumpOver, Tie, Dig, Cut, Jump: "That would achieve nothing here.";
Pull, Push, Turn: "Nothing obvious happens.";
PushDir: "Not that way you can't.";
ThrowAt: if (n==1) "Futile.";
"You lack the nerve.";
Tell: "There is no reaction.";
Answer, Ask: "There is no reply.";
Wait: "Time passes.";
Consult: print "You discover nothing of interest in "; DefArt(x1); ".";
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! ============================================================================ !
Object foyer "Opera House Foyer"
with description
"You are standing in a spacious hall, splendidly decorated in red
and gold, with glittering chandeliers overhead. The entrance from
the street is to the north, and there are doorways south and west.",
s_to bar,
w_to cloakroom,
"You've only just arrived, and besides, the weather outside
seems to be getting worse.",
has light;
Object cloakroom "Cloakroom"
with description
"The walls of this small room were clearly once lined with hooks,
though now only one remains. The exit is a door to the east.",
e_to foyer,
has light;
Object hook "small brass hook" cloakroom
with name 'small' 'brass' 'hook' 'peg',
description [;
print "It's just a small brass hook, ";
if (self == parent(cloak)) "with a cloak hanging on it.";
"screwed to the wall.";
has scenery supporter;
Object bar "Foyer bar"
with description [;
if (self hasnt light) "It's pitch black in here, you can't see.";
if (self has light) "The bar, much rougher than you'd have guessed after the opulence
of the foyer to the north, is completely empty. There seems to
be some sort of message scrawled in the sawdust on the floor.";
n_to foyer,
before [;
if (self hasnt light && noun ~= n_obj) {
message.number = message.number + 2;
"Blundering around in the dark isn't a good idea!";
if (self hasnt light) {
message.number = message.number + 1;
"In the dark? You could easily disturb something!";
has ~light;
Object cloak "velvet cloak"
with name 'black' 'velvet' 'satin' 'cloak',
"A handsome cloak, of velvet trimmed with satin, and slightly
spattered with raindrops. Its blackness is so deep that it
almost seems to suck light from the room.",
before [;
Drop, PutOn:
if (location == cloakroom) {
give bar light;
if (action == ##PutOn && self has general) {
give self ~general;
"This isn't the best place to leave a smart cloak
lying around.";
after [;
Take: give bar ~light;
has clothing general;
Object message "scrawled message" bar
with name 'message' 'sawdust' 'floor',
description [;
if (self.number < 2) {
deadflag = 2;
print "The message, neatly marked in the sawdust, reads...";
else {
deadflag = 3;
print "The message has been carelessly trampled, making it
difficult to read. You can just distinguish the words...";
number 0,
has scenery;
[ Initialise;
location = foyer;
move cloak to player;
give cloak worn;
"^^Hurrying through the rainswept November night, you're glad to see the
bright lights of the Opera House. It's surprising that there aren't more
people about but, hey, what do you expect in a cheap demo game...?^^";
[ DeathMessage; print "You have lost"; ];
! ============================================================================ !
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Metrocenter '84 version of GRAMMAR.
! (c) Stefan Vogt, Puddle Software 2020.
! This project is based on:
! Inform 6, mInform 1.1 Library
! (c) Graham Nelson 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 but freely usable (see manuals),
! (c) Dave Bernazzani 2004.
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! The "meta-verbs", commands to the game rather than in the game, come first:
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Verb meta "score"
* -> Score;
Verb meta "q" "quit"
* -> Quit;
Verb meta "restore"
* -> Restore;
Verb meta "restart"
* -> Restart;
Verb meta "save"
* -> Save;
Verb meta "script"
* -> ScriptOn
* "off" -> ScriptOff
* "on" -> ScriptOn;
Verb meta "noscript" "unscript"
* -> ScriptOff;
Verb meta "version"
* -> Version;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Debugging grammar
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef DEBUG;
Verb meta "trace"
* -> TraceOn
* number -> TraceLevel
* "on" -> TraceOn
* "off" -> TraceOff;
Verb meta "actions"
* -> ActionsOn
* "on" -> ActionsOn
* "off" -> ActionsOff;
Verb meta "routines"
* -> RoutinesOn
* "on" -> RoutinesOn
* "off" -> RoutinesOff;
Verb meta "timers" "daemons"
* -> TimersOn
* "on" -> TimersOn
* "off" -> TimersOff;
Verb meta "recording"
* -> CommandsOn
* "on" -> CommandsOn
* "off" -> CommandsOff;
Verb meta "replay"
* -> CommandsRead;
Verb meta "random"
* -> Predictable;
Verb meta "purloin"
* multi -> XPurloin;
Verb meta "abstract"
* noun "to" noun -> XAbstract;
Verb meta "tree"
* -> XTree
* noun -> XTree;
Verb meta "goto"
* number -> Goto;
Verb meta "gonear"
* noun -> Gonear;
Verb meta "scope"
* -> Scope
* noun -> Scope;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! And now the game verbs.
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Verb "take" "get"
* "all" -> TakeAll
* "out" -> Exit
* "off" -> Exit
* "up" -> Exit
* multi -> Take
* multiinside "from" noun -> Remove
* "in" noun -> Enter
* "into" noun -> Enter
* "on" noun -> Enter
* multiinside "off" noun -> Remove;
extend "take"
* "off" worn -> Disrobe
* "off" noun -> GetOff;
Verb "stand"
* -> Exit
* "up" -> Exit
* "on" noun -> Enter;
Verb "remove"
* multi -> Take
* multiinside "from" noun -> Remove;
Verb "put"
* multiexcept "in" noun -> Insert
* multiexcept "inside" noun -> Insert
* multiexcept "into" noun -> Insert
* multiexcept "on" noun -> PutOn
* multiexcept "onto" noun -> PutOn
* "down" multiheld -> Drop
* multiheld "down" -> Drop;
extend "remove" first
* held -> Disrobe;
Verb "shed" "doff" "disrobe"
* held -> Disrobe;
Verb "wear" "don"
* held -> Wear;
extend "put" first
* "on" held -> Wear;
Verb "insert"
* multiexcept "in" noun -> Insert
* multiexcept "into" noun -> Insert;
Verb "empty"
* noun -> Empty
* "out" noun -> Empty
* noun "out" -> Empty
* noun "to" noun -> EmptyT
* noun "into" noun -> EmptyT
* noun "on" noun -> EmptyT
* noun "onto" noun -> EmptyT;
Verb "drop" "throw" "discard"
* multiheld -> Drop
* multiexcept "in" noun -> Insert
* multiexcept "into" noun -> Insert
* multiexcept "on" noun -> PutOn
* multiexcept "onto" noun -> PutOn
* multiexcept "down" noun -> Insert
* held "at" noun -> ThrowAt
* held "against" noun -> ThrowAt;
Verb "give" "pay" "offer" "feed"
* creature held -> GiveR
* held "to" creature -> Give;
Verb "show" "present" "display"
* creature held -> ShowR
* held "to" creature -> Show;
[ ADirection; if (noun in compass) rtrue; rfalse; ];
Verb "go" "walk" "run"
* -> VagueGo
* noun=ADirection -> Go
* noun -> Enter
* "into" noun -> Enter
* "in" noun -> Enter
* "inside" noun -> Enter
* "through" noun -> Enter;
Verb "leave"
* -> VagueGo
* noun=ADirection -> Go
* noun -> Exit;
Verb "inventory" "i"
* -> Inv;
[ ConTopic w; consult_from = wn;
do w=NextWordStopped();
until (w==-1 || (w=='to' && action_to_be==##Answer));
consult_words = wn-consult_from;
if (consult_words==0) return -1;
if (action_to_be==##Ask or ##Answer or ##Tell)
{ w=wn; wn=consult_from; parsed_number=NextWord();
if (parsed_number=='the' && consult_words>1) parsed_number=NextWord();
wn=w; return 1;
return 0;
[ ConTopicI w;
consult_from = wn;
do w=NextWordStopped(); until (w=='in' or -1); if (w==-1) return -1;
wn--; consult_words = wn-consult_from;
if (consult_words==0) return -1; return 0; ];
Verb "look" "l"
* -> Look
* "at" noun -> Examine
* "inside" noun -> Search
* "in" noun -> Search
* "into" noun -> Search
* "through" noun -> Search
* "up" ConTopicI "in" noun -> Consult;
Verb "consult" * noun "about" ConTopic -> Consult
* noun "on" ConTopic -> Consult;
Verb "open" "uncover"
* noun -> Open
* noun "with" held -> Unlock;
Verb "close" "shut" "cover"
* noun -> Close
* "up" -> Close
* "off" noun -> SwitchOff;
Verb "enter"
* -> GoIn
* noun -> Enter;
Verb "sit" "lie"
* "on" noun -> Enter
* "in" noun -> Enter
* "inside" noun -> Enter;
Verb "in"
* -> GoIn;
Verb "exit" "out"
* noun -> Exit
* -> Exit;
Verb "examine" "x" "watch" "describe" "check"
* noun -> Examine;
Verb "read"
* noun -> Examine
* "about" ConTopicI "in" noun -> Consult
* ConTopicI "in" noun -> Consult;
Verb "search"
* noun -> Search;
Verb "set" "adjust"
* noun -> Set
* noun "to" special -> SetTo;
Verb "pull" "drag"
* noun -> Pull;
Verb "push" "move" "shift" "press"
* noun -> Push
* noun noun -> PushDir;
Verb "turn" "rotate" "twist" "unscrew" "screw"
* noun -> Turn
* noun "on" -> Switchon
* noun "off" -> Switchoff
* "on" noun -> Switchon
* "off" noun -> Switchoff;
Verb "switch"
* noun -> Switchon
* noun "on" -> Switchon
* noun "off" -> Switchoff
* "on" noun -> Switchon
* "off" noun -> Switchoff;
Verb "lock"
* noun "with" held -> Lock;
Verb "unlock"
* noun "with" held -> Unlock;
Verb "attack" "break" "smash" "hit" "fight" "crack"
"destroy" "murder" "kill" "punch" "kick"
* noun -> Attack;
Verb "wait" "z"
* -> Wait;
Verb "answer" "say" "shout" "speak"
* ConTopic "to" creature -> Answer;
Verb "tell"
* creature "about" ConTopic -> Tell;
Verb "ask"
* creature "about" ConTopic -> Ask
* creature "for" noun -> AskFor;
Verb "eat"
* held -> Eat;
Verb "climb" "scale"
* noun -> Climb
* "up" noun -> Climb
* "over" noun -> Climb;
Verb "swim" "dive"
* -> Swim;
Verb "smell" "sniff"
* -> Smell
* noun -> Smell;
Verb "hear" "listen"
* -> Listen
* noun -> Listen
* "to" noun -> Listen;
Verb "taste"
* noun -> Taste;
Verb "touch" "feel"
* noun -> Touch;
Verb "rub" "shine" "polish" "sweep" "clean" "wipe" "scrub"
* noun -> Rub;
Verb "tie" "attach" "fasten"
* noun -> Tie
* noun "to" noun -> Tie;
Verb "burn" "light"
* noun -> Burn
* noun "with" held -> Burn;
Verb "drink" "swallow" "sip"
* noun -> Drink;
Verb "fill"
* noun -> Fill;
Verb "cut" "slice" "chop"
* noun -> Cut;
Verb "jump" "hop"
* -> Jump
* "over" noun -> JumpOver;
Verb "dig" * noun -> Dig
* noun "with" held -> Dig;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Final task: provide trivial routines if the user hasn't already:
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Stub TimePasses 0;
#Stub DeathMessage 0;
#Stub NewRoom 0;
#Stub LookRoutine 0;
#Stub AfterLife 0;
#Stub GamePreRoutine 0;
#Stub GamePostRoutine 0;
#Stub AfterPrompt 0;
#Stub BeforeParsing 0;
#Stub InScope 1;
#Stub UnknownVerb 1;
#Stub PrintVerb 1;
#Stub ParserError 1;
#Stub ParseNumber 2;
#Stub ChooseObjects 2;
#IFNDEF ParseNoun;
Constant Make__PN;
#IFDEF Make__PN;
[ ParseNoun obj; obj=obj; return -1; ];
#Default Story 0;
#Default Headline 0;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Verb 'hang' * held 'on' noun -> PutOn;
! ============================================================================ !