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inform7/indoc/Chapter 2/CSS.w

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2019-02-05 02:44:07 +02:00
[CSS::] CSS.
Cascading style sheets for HTML output.
@ The whole idea of a CSS file is to provide styling independent from content,
and since |indoc| generates content, it shouldn't meddle with CSS files at
all. It does so for two reasons:
(a) Because the CSS may refer to background images, by URL, and these URLs
depend on the website structure, which may vary according to the instructions
and target chosen. So |indoc| needs to correct such URLs on the fly. What it
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does is to replace the word |IMAGES/| with the correct relative path, and this
also means that the image name is flagged as one that will be needed by the
resulting website.
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(b) Because the instructions have requested one or more changes, or "tweaks",
to the CSS to be used on a given volume or volumes. Such instructions are
kept in the following hashes:
typedef struct CSS_tweak_data {
struct text_stream *css_style; /* the CSS style name to tweak */
struct text_stream *css_tweak; /* the instruction */
int css_tweaked; /* has this instruction happened yet? */
int css_plus; /* 1 for "augment this style", 0 for "replace this style" */
int css_to_be_added;
struct volume *within_volume;
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} CSS_tweak_data;
@ Span notations allow markup such as |this is *dreadful*| to represent
emphasis; and are also used to mark headwords for indexing, as in
|this is ^{nifty}|.
typedef struct span_notation {
int sp_purpose; /* one of the |*_SPP| constants */
wchar_t sp_left[MAX_PATTERN_LENGTH]; /* wide C string: the start pattern */
int sp_left_len;
wchar_t sp_right[MAX_PATTERN_LENGTH]; /* wide C string: and end pattern */
int sp_right_len;
struct text_stream *sp_style;
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} span_notation;
@h Requesting CSS tweaks.
The null volume means "in all volumes".
void CSS::request_css_tweak(volume *V, text_stream *style, text_stream *want, int plus) {
if (V == NULL) {
LOOP_OVER(V, volume)
CSS::request_css_tweak(V, style, want, plus);
} else {
CSS_tweak_data *TD = CREATE(CSS_tweak_data);
TD->css_style = Str::duplicate(style);
TD->css_tweak = Str::duplicate(want);
TD->css_tweaked = FALSE;
TD->css_plus = 1;
TD->css_to_be_added = FALSE;
TD->within_volume = V;
if (plus == 2) TD->css_to_be_added = TRUE;
@h Constructing CSS files.
There's one CSS file for each volume.
void CSS::write_CSS_files(filename *from) {
volume *V;
LOOP_OVER(V, volume) {
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WRITE_TO(leafname, "indoc");
if (no_volumes > 1) WRITE_TO(leafname, "_%S", V->vol_abbrev);
WRITE_TO(leafname, ".css");
V->vol_CSS_leafname = Str::duplicate(leafname);
filename *F = Filenames::in(indoc_settings->destination, leafname);
2019-02-05 02:44:07 +02:00
text_stream CSS_struct;
text_stream *OUT = &CSS_struct;
if (Streams::open_to_file(OUT, F, UTF8_ENC) == FALSE)
Errors::fatal_with_file("can't write CSS file", F);
2019-02-16 19:29:02 +02:00
if (indoc_settings->verbose_mode) PRINT("[Writing %/f]\n", F);
2019-02-05 02:44:07 +02:00
@<Construct the CSS for this volume@>;
@<Add any missing CSS material to this volume@>;
@<Check that all of the tweaks have had an effect@>;
@<Construct the CSS for this volume@> =
CSS_helper_state chs;
chs.tx_mode = FALSE;
chs.this_style = Str::new();
chs.this_style_tweaked = FALSE;
chs.V = V;
chs.OUT = OUT;
TextFiles::read(from, FALSE, "can't open CSS file model",
TRUE, CSS::construct_helper, NULL, &chs);
@ =
typedef struct CSS_helper_state {
int tx_mode;
struct text_stream *this_style;
int this_style_tweaked;
struct volume *V;
struct text_stream *OUT;
} CSS_helper_state;
void CSS::construct_helper(text_stream *line, text_file_position *tfp,
void *v_chs) {
CSS_helper_state *chs = (CSS_helper_state *) v_chs;
text_stream *OUT = chs->OUT;
if (chs->tx_mode) {
@<Apply CSS modifications requested by the instructions@>;
WRITE("%S\n", line);
} else {
if (Regexp::match(NULL, line, L"%c*BEGIN%c*")) chs->tx_mode = TRUE;
@ We detect the style opening and closing in a way which wouldn't work for
all CSS files, but here we know that |base.css| is tidily written.
@<Apply CSS modifications requested by the instructions@> =
match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
if (Regexp::match(&mr, line, L"(%c*?) *{"))
Str::copy(chs->this_style, mr.exp[0]);
else if (Regexp::match(&mr, line, L" *}")) {
Str::clear(chs->this_style); chs->this_style_tweaked = 0;
} else {
CSS_tweak_data *TD;
LOOP_OVER(TD, CSS_tweak_data) {
if ((Str::eq(TD->css_style, chs->this_style)) && (TD->within_volume == chs->V)) {
if (chs->this_style_tweaked == FALSE) @<Add the new CSS lines supplied@>;
@<Decide whether to keep the original CSS line@>;
@<Add the new CSS lines supplied@> =
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Str::copy(want, TD->css_tweak);
WRITE("%S", want);
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2019-02-05 02:44:07 +02:00
chs->this_style_tweaked = TRUE;
TD->css_tweaked = TRUE;
if (TD->css_plus > 0)
CSS::alert_CSS_change(I"Augmenting", chs->this_style, chs->V);
CSS::alert_CSS_change(I"Replacing", chs->this_style, chs->V);
@<Decide whether to keep the original CSS line@> =
int keep = FALSE;
if (TD->css_plus > 0) {
keep = TRUE;
match_results mr2 = Regexp::create_mr();
if (Regexp::match(&mr2, line, L" *(%C+):%c*")) {
text_stream *tag = mr2.exp[0];
if (Str::includes(TD->css_tweak, tag)) keep = FALSE;
if (keep == FALSE) { Regexp::dispose_of(&mr); return; }
@<Add any missing CSS material to this volume@> =
CSS_tweak_data *TD;
LOOP_OVER(TD, CSS_tweak_data) {
if ((TD->within_volume == V) && (TD->css_tweaked == FALSE) && (TD->css_to_be_added)) {
text_stream *tag = TD->css_style;
CSS::alert_CSS_change(I"Adding", tag, V);
WRITE("%S {\n", tag);
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2019-02-05 02:44:07 +02:00
Str::copy(expanded, TD->css_tweak);
WRITE("%S}\n", expanded);
TD->css_tweaked = TRUE;
@<Check that all of the tweaks have had an effect@> =
CSS_tweak_data *TD;
LOOP_OVER(TD, CSS_tweak_data) {
if ((TD->within_volume == V) && (TD->css_tweaked == FALSE)) {
text_stream *tag = TD->css_style;
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WRITE_TO(err, "CSS modification had no effect: failed to ");
if (TD->css_plus > 0) WRITE_TO(err, "augment");
else WRITE_TO(err, "replace");
WRITE_TO(err, " the style \"%S\"", tag);
Errors::in_text_file_S(err, NULL);
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2019-02-05 02:44:07 +02:00
@ =
void CSS::expand_IMAGES(text_stream *text) {
match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
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if (indoc_settings->suppress_fonts) {
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while (Regexp::match(&mr, text, L"(%c*?)font-family:(%c*?);(%c*)")) {
text_stream *L = mr.exp[0], *M = NULL, *R = mr.exp[2];
if (Regexp::match(NULL, mr.exp[1], L"%c*monospace%c*")) M = I"___MONOSPACE___";
WRITE_TO(text, "%S%S%S", L, M, R);
Regexp::replace(text, L"___MONOSPACE___", L"font-family: monospace;", REP_REPEATING);
while (Regexp::match(&mr, text, L"(%c*?)'IMAGES/(%c*?)'(%c*)")) {
text_stream *L = mr.exp[0], *name = mr.exp[1], *R = mr.exp[2];
WRITE_TO(text, "%S'", L);
HTMLUtilities::image_URL(text, name);
WRITE_TO(text, "'%S", R);
@h Verbosity.
void CSS::alert_CSS_change(text_stream *what, text_stream *this_style, volume *V) {
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if (indoc_settings->verbose_mode)
2019-02-05 02:44:07 +02:00
PRINT("%S CSS style \"%S\" in volume \"%S\"\n", what, this_style, V->vol_title);
@h Span notations.
void CSS::add_span_notation(text_stream *L, text_stream *R, text_stream *style, int purpose) {
span_notation *SN = CREATE(span_notation);
SN->sp_style = Str::duplicate(style);
Str::copy_to_wide_string(SN->sp_left, L, MAX_PATTERN_LENGTH);
Str::copy_to_wide_string(SN->sp_right, R, MAX_PATTERN_LENGTH);
SN->sp_left_len = Str::len(L);
SN->sp_right_len = Str::len(R);
SN->sp_purpose = purpose;
@ We have to escape any characters which might be special to our regular
expression parser:
void CSS::make_regex_safe(text_stream *text) {
Regexp::replace(text, L"%%", L"%%%", REP_REPEATING);
Regexp::replace(text, L"%(", L"%%(", REP_REPEATING);
Regexp::replace(text, L"%)", L"%%)", REP_REPEATING);
Regexp::replace(text, L"%+", L"%%+", REP_REPEATING);
Regexp::replace(text, L"%*", L"%%*", REP_REPEATING);
Regexp::replace(text, L"%?", L"%%?", REP_REPEATING);
Regexp::replace(text, L"%[", L"%%[", REP_REPEATING);
Regexp::replace(text, L"%]", L"%%]", REP_REPEATING);
@ The following looks slow, but in fact there's no problem in practice.
void CSS::expand_spannotations(text_stream *text, int purpose) {
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int changes = 0;
for (int i=0, L = Str::len(text); i<L; i++) {
int claimed = FALSE;
span_notation *SN;
LOOP_OVER(SN, span_notation)
if (SN->sp_purpose == purpose) {
if (Str::includes_wide_string_at(text, SN->sp_left, i)) {
if (changes++ == 0)
for (int j=0; j<i; j++) PUT_TO(modified, Str::get_at(text, j));
int content_from = i + SN->sp_left_len, content_to = -1;
for (int k2 = content_from; k2<L; k2++)
if (Str::includes_wide_string_at(text, SN->sp_right, k2)) {
content_to = k2; break;
if (content_to >= 0) {
WRITE_TO(modified, "___mu___%S___mo___", SN->sp_style);
for (int j=content_from; j<content_to; j++)
PUT_TO(modified, Str::get_at(text, j));
WRITE_TO(modified, "___mc___");
i = content_to + SN->sp_right_len - 1;
} else {
PUT_TO(modified, Str::get_at(text, i));
claimed = TRUE;
if ((changes > 0) && (claimed == FALSE))
PUT_TO(modified, Str::get_at(text, i));
if (changes > 0) Str::copy(text, modified);
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