+ + +

Two consecutive bytecode words are used to store a single value in binary Inter.

+ +


+ +
define inter_ti unsigned int
+define signed_inter_ti int


+ +
enum LITERAL_IVAL from 0x10000
+void InterValuePairs::write(OUTPUT_STREAM, inter_tree_node *F,
+    inter_ti V1, inter_ti V2, inter_symbols_table *scope, int hex_flag) {
+    switch (V1) {
+        case LITERAL_IVAL:
+            if (hex_flag) WRITE("0x%x", V2);
+            else WRITE("%d", V2); break;
+        case REAL_IVAL:
+            WRITE("r\"");
+            Inter::Constant::write_text(OUT, Inode::ID_to_text(F, V2));
+            WRITE("\"");
+            break;
+        case LITERAL_TEXT_IVAL:
+            WRITE("\"");
+            Inter::Constant::write_text(OUT, Inode::ID_to_text(F, V2));
+            WRITE("\"");
+            break;
+        case ALIAS_IVAL: {
+            inter_symbol *symb = InterSymbolsTable::symbol_from_ID_not_following(scope, V2);
+            TextualInter::write_symbol(OUT, symb);
+            break;
+        }
+        case UNDEF_IVAL: WRITE("undef"); break;
+        case GLOB_IVAL:
+            WRITE("&\"");
+            Inter::Constant::write_text(OUT, Inode::ID_to_text(F, V2));
+            WRITE("\"");
+            break;
+        case DWORD_IVAL:
+            WRITE("dw'");
+            Inter::Constant::write_text(OUT, Inode::ID_to_text(F, V2));
+            WRITE("'");
+            break;
+        case PDWORD_IVAL:
+            WRITE("dwp'");
+            Inter::Constant::write_text(OUT, Inode::ID_to_text(F, V2));
+            WRITE("'");
+            break;
+        case DIVIDER_IVAL:
+            WRITE("^\"");
+            Inter::Constant::write_text(OUT, Inode::ID_to_text(F, V2));
+            WRITE("\"");
+            break;
+        default: WRITE("<invalid-value-type>"); break;
+    }


+ +
+int InterValuePairs::read_int_in_I6_notation(text_stream *S, inter_ti *val1, inter_ti *val2) {
+    int sign = 1, base = 10, from = 0;
+    if (Str::prefix_eq(S, I"-", 1)) { sign = -1; from = 1; }
+    if (Str::prefix_eq(S, I"$", 1)) { base = 16; from = 1; }
+    if (Str::prefix_eq(S, I"$$", 2)) { base = 2; from = 2; }
+    long long int N = 0;
+    LOOP_THROUGH_TEXT(pos, S) {
+        if (pos.index < from) continue;
+        int c = Str::get(pos), d = 0;
+        if ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z')) d = c-'a'+10;
+        else if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z')) d = c-'A'+10;
+        else if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) d = c-'0';
+        else return FALSE;
+        if (d > base) return FALSE;
+        N = base*N + (long long int) d;
+        if (pos.index > 34) return FALSE;
+    }
+    N = sign*N;
+    *val1 = LITERAL_IVAL; *val2 = (inter_ti) N;
+    return TRUE;


+ +
+int InterValuePairs::holds_symbol(inter_ti val1, inter_ti val2) {
+    if (val1 == ALIAS_IVAL) return TRUE;
+    return FALSE;
+void InterValuePairs::from_symbol(inter_tree *I, inter_package *pack, inter_symbol *S,
+    inter_ti *val1, inter_ti *val2) {
+    if (S == NULL) internal_error("no symbol");
+    *val1 = ALIAS_IVAL; *val2 = InterSymbolsTable::id_from_symbol(I, pack, S);
+inter_error_message *InterValuePairs::parse(text_stream *line, inter_error_location *eloc,
+    inter_bookmark *IBM, inter_type type_wanted, text_stream *S, inter_ti *val1, inter_ti *val2,
+    inter_symbols_table *scope) {
+    inter_tree *I = InterBookmark::tree(IBM);
+    inter_package *pack = InterBookmark::package(IBM);
+    if (Str::eq(S, I"undef")) {
+        *val1 = UNDEF_IVAL; *val2 = 0; return NULL;
+    }
+    if ((Str::begins_with_wide_string(S, L"\"")) && (Str::ends_with_wide_string(S, L"\""))) {
+        *val1 = LITERAL_TEXT_IVAL; *val2 = InterWarehouse::create_text(InterTree::warehouse(I), pack);
+        text_stream *glob_storage = InterWarehouse::get_text(InterTree::warehouse(I), *val2);
+        return Inter::Constant::parse_text(glob_storage, S, 1, Str::len(S)-2, eloc);
+    }
+    if ((Str::begins_with_wide_string(S, L"r\"")) && (Str::ends_with_wide_string(S, L"\""))) {
+        *val1 = REAL_IVAL; *val2 = InterWarehouse::create_text(InterTree::warehouse(I), pack);
+        text_stream *glob_storage = InterWarehouse::get_text(InterTree::warehouse(I), *val2);
+        return Inter::Constant::parse_text(glob_storage, S, 2, Str::len(S)-2, eloc);
+    }
+    if ((Str::begins_with_wide_string(S, L"&\"")) && (Str::ends_with_wide_string(S, L"\""))) {
+        *val1 = GLOB_IVAL; *val2 = InterWarehouse::create_text(InterTree::warehouse(I), pack);
+        text_stream *glob_storage = InterWarehouse::get_text(InterTree::warehouse(I), *val2);
+        return Inter::Constant::parse_text(glob_storage, S, 2, Str::len(S)-2, eloc);
+    }
+    if ((Str::begins_with_wide_string(S, L"dw'")) && (Str::ends_with_wide_string(S, L"'"))) {
+        *val1 = DWORD_IVAL; *val2 = InterWarehouse::create_text(InterTree::warehouse(I), pack);
+        text_stream *glob_storage = InterWarehouse::get_text(InterTree::warehouse(I), *val2);
+        return Inter::Constant::parse_text(glob_storage, S, 3, Str::len(S)-2, eloc);
+    }
+    if ((Str::begins_with_wide_string(S, L"dwp'")) && (Str::ends_with_wide_string(S, L"'"))) {
+        *val1 = PDWORD_IVAL; *val2 = InterWarehouse::create_text(InterTree::warehouse(I), pack);
+        text_stream *glob_storage = InterWarehouse::get_text(InterTree::warehouse(I), *val2);
+        return Inter::Constant::parse_text(glob_storage, S, 4, Str::len(S)-2, eloc);
+    }
+    if ((Str::begins_with_wide_string(S, L"^\"")) && (Str::ends_with_wide_string(S, L"\""))) {
+        *val1 = DIVIDER_IVAL; *val2 = InterWarehouse::create_text(InterTree::warehouse(I), pack);
+        text_stream *divider_storage = InterWarehouse::get_text(InterTree::warehouse(I), *val2);
+        return Inter::Constant::parse_text(divider_storage, S, 2, Str::len(S)-2, eloc);
+    }
+    if (Str::get_first_char(S) == '/') {
+        inter_symbol *symb = InterSymbolsTable::URL_to_symbol(I, S);
+        if (symb == NULL) {
+            TEMPORARY_TEXT(leaf)
+            LOOP_THROUGH_TEXT(pos, S) {
+                wchar_t c = Str::get(pos);
+                if (c == '/') Str::clear(leaf);
+                else PUT_TO(leaf, c);
+            }
+            if (Str::len(leaf) == 0) return Inter::Errors::quoted(I"URL ends in '/'", S, eloc);
+            symb = InterSymbolsTable::symbol_from_name(InterBookmark::scope(IBM), leaf);
+            if (!((symb) && (Wiring::is_wired_to_name(symb)) && (Str::eq(Wiring::wired_to_name(symb), S)))) {
+                symb = InterSymbolsTable::create_with_unique_name(InterBookmark::scope(IBM), leaf);
+                Wiring::wire_to_name(symb, S);
+            }
+            DISCARD_TEXT(leaf)
+        }
+        Read symb4.1;
+    }
+    int ident = FALSE;
+    if (Characters::isalpha(Str::get_first_char(S))) {
+        ident = TRUE;
+        LOOP_THROUGH_TEXT(pos, S)
+            if ((Characters::isalpha(Str::get(pos)) == FALSE) &&
+                (Characters::isdigit(Str::get(pos)) == FALSE) &&
+                (Str::get(pos) != '_'))
+                ident = FALSE;
+    }
+    if (ident) {
+        inter_symbol *symb = InterSymbolsTable::symbol_from_name(scope, S);
+        if (symb) Read symb4.1;
+        symb = InterSymbolsTable::create_with_unique_name(InterBookmark::scope(IBM), S);
+        InterValuePairs::from_symbol(I, pack, symb, val1, val2);
+        InterSymbol::set_flag(symb, SPECULATIVE_ISYMF);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    wchar_t c = Str::get_first_char(S);
+    if ((c == '-') || (Characters::isdigit(c))) {
+        int sign = 1, base = 10, from = 0;
+        if (Str::prefix_eq(S, I"-", 1)) { sign = -1; from = 1; }
+        if (Str::prefix_eq(S, I"0b", 2)) { base = 2; from = 2; }
+        if (Str::prefix_eq(S, I"0x", 2)) { base = 16; from = 2; }
+        long long int N = 0;
+        LOOP_THROUGH_TEXT(pos, S) {
+            if (pos.index < from) continue;
+            int c = Str::get(pos), d = 0;
+            if ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z')) d = c-'a'+10;
+            else if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z')) d = c-'A'+10;
+            else if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) d = c-'0';
+            else return Inter::Errors::quoted(I"bad digit", S, eloc);
+            if (d > base) return Inter::Errors::quoted(I"bad digit for this number base", S, eloc);
+            N = base*N + (long long int) d;
+            if (pos.index > 34) return Inter::Errors::quoted(I"value out of range", S, eloc);
+        }
+        N = sign*N;
+        if (InterTypes::literal_is_in_range(N, type_wanted) == FALSE)
+            return Inter::Errors::quoted(I"value out of range", S, eloc);
+        *val1 = LITERAL_IVAL; *val2 = (inter_ti) N;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    return Inter::Errors::quoted(I"unrecognised value", S, eloc);

§4.1. Read symb4.1 = +

+ +
+    if ((InterTypes::is_enumerated(type_wanted)) && (InterSymbol::is_defined(symb) == FALSE))
+        return Inter::Errors::quoted(I"undefined symbol", S, eloc);
+    inter_type symbol_type = InterTypes::of_symbol(symb);
+    inter_error_message *E = InterTypes::can_be_used_as(symbol_type, type_wanted, S, eloc);
+    if (E) return E;
+    InterValuePairs::from_symbol(I, pack, symb, val1, val2);
+    return NULL;
  • This code is used in §4 (twice).


+ +
+inter_ti InterValuePairs::transpose_value(inter_ti V1, inter_ti V2, inter_ti *grid, inter_ti grid_extent, inter_error_message **E) {
+    switch (V1) {
+        case DWORD_IVAL:
+        case PDWORD_IVAL:
+        case LITERAL_TEXT_IVAL:
+        case REAL_IVAL:
+        case GLOB_IVAL:
+        case DIVIDER_IVAL:
+            V2 = grid[V2];
+            break;
+    }
+    return V2;
+inter_error_message *InterValuePairs::validate(inter_package *owner, inter_tree_node *P, int index, inter_type type) {
+    inter_ti V1 = P->W.instruction[index];
+    inter_ti V2 = P->W.instruction[index+1];
+    inter_symbols_table *scope = InterPackage::scope(owner);
+    if (scope == NULL) scope = Inode::globals(P);
+    switch (V1) {
+        case LITERAL_IVAL: {
+            long long int I = (signed_inter_ti) V2;
+            if (InterTypes::literal_is_in_range(I, type) == FALSE)
+                return Inode::error(P, I"value out of range", NULL);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        case ALIAS_IVAL: {
+            inter_symbol *symb = InterSymbolsTable::symbol_from_ID(scope, V2);
+            if (symb == NULL) return Inode::error(P, I"no such symbol", NULL);
+            if (InterSymbol::misc_but_undefined(symb)) return NULL;
+            if (InterSymbol::defined_elsewhere(symb)) return NULL;
+            if (InterTypes::expresses_value(symb) == FALSE)
+                return Inode::error(P, I"nonconstant symbol", InterSymbol::identifier(symb));
+            inter_type symbol_type = InterTypes::of_symbol(symb);
+            return InterTypes::can_be_used_as(symbol_type, type, InterSymbol::identifier(symb), Inode::get_error_location(P));
+        }
+        case DWORD_IVAL:
+        case PDWORD_IVAL:
+        case LITERAL_TEXT_IVAL:
+        case REAL_IVAL:
+        case GLOB_IVAL:
+        case UNDEF_IVAL:
+        case DIVIDER_IVAL:
+            return NULL;
+    }
+    return Inode::error(P, I"value of unknown category", NULL);
+ + +