+ + +

Booking lists are linked lists of rule bookings.

+ +
+ +

§1. Introduction. Bookings are intended to be bound together in linked lists, each of which +represents the interior pages of a single rulebook. +

+ +
+typedef struct booking_list {
+    struct booking *list_head;  the dummy entry at the front
+} booking_list;
  • The structure booking_list is private to this section.

§2. There are only three operations on lists: creation, addition of a booking, +and removal of a booking. The following invariants are preserved: +

+ +
  • (a) The list head is a dummy, i.e., meaningless, booking which has never been +the subject of any addition operation and has never moved. +
  • (b) The only FIRST_PLACEMENT entries in the list immediately follow the list +head. Those which were added explicitly as first-placed are in reverse order +of addition to the list. +
  • (c) The only LAST_PLACEMENT entries in the list are at the end. Those which +were added explicitly as last-placed are in order of addition to the list. +
  • (d) If R and S are middle-placed rules which were placed in the list within +the same range (say, both anywhere, or both "after T" or "before U") and R +precedes S, then either R is more specific than S, or they are equally specific +and R was added to the list before S. +
  • (e) The list never contains duplicates, that is, never contains two bookings +whose rules are equal, in the sense of Rules::eq. +

§3. These macros are useful for iterating through the contents in sequence; +note that br is never equal to the dummy head, and that pr is never NULL — +though it is initially equal to the dummy, which of course is the point of +having the dummy. +

+ +
+    for (booking *br=(L)?(L->list_head->next_booking):NULL; br; br=br->next_booking)
+    for (booking *br = L->list_head->next_booking, *pr = L->list_head; br;
+        pr = br, br = br->next_booking)
+void BookingLists::log(booking_list *L) {
+    if (L == NULL) { LOG("<null-booked-rule-list>\n"); return; }
+    int t = BookingLists::length(L);
+    if (t == 0) { LOG("<empty-booked-rule-list>\n"); return; }
+    int s = 1;
+        LOG("  %d/%d. $b\n", s++, t, br);

§4. Creation. A new list is a dummy header (see (a) above): +

+ +
+booking_list *BookingLists::new(void) {
+    booking_list *L = CREATE(booking_list);
+    L->list_head = RuleBookings::new(NULL);
+    return L;

§5. Addition. The following is called when a booking br for the rule R needs to be placed +into list L, which is the contents of a rulebook we will call B. This happens, +for example, in response to an an assertion like "R is listed after S in B"; +in that cast the side would be AFTER_SIDE, and the ref_rule would be S. +

+ +

It is also possible to specify a placing. For example, for a rule described +as "First every turn rule: ...", this would be added to the every turn rulebook +with placing FIRST_PLACEMENT. There are three possible placings: see booking +for what they are. +

+ +

And since there are four possible sides, the following function effectively has +12 different modes to get right. +

+ +

Each "addition" leaves the list either the same size or longer by 1. +

+ +
define BEFORE_SIDE -1  before the reference rule
+define IN_SIDE 0       if no mention is made of where to put the new booking
+define AFTER_SIDE 1    after the reference rule
+define INSTEAD_SIDE 2  in place of the reference rule
+void BookingLists::add(booking_list *L, booking *new_br,
+    int placing, int side, rule *ref_rule) {
+    Make some sanity checks on the addition instructions5.1;
+    Handle the case where the new rule is already in the list5.2;
+    Handle all placements made with the INSTEAD side5.3;
+    Handle all placements made with the FIRST placement5.4;
+    Handle all placements made with the LAST placement5.5;
+    Handle what's left: MIDDLE placements on the IN, BEFORE or AFTER sides5.6;

§5.1. Make some sanity checks on the addition instructions5.1 = +

+ +
+    if ((side != IN_SIDE) && (ref_rule == NULL))
+        internal_error("tried to add before or after or instead of non-rule");
+    if ((side == IN_SIDE) && (ref_rule != NULL))
+        internal_error("tried to add in middle but with ref rule");
+    if ((side != IN_SIDE) && (placing != MIDDLE_PLACEMENT))
+        internal_error("tried to add before or after but with non-middle placement");
+    if (L == NULL)
+        internal_error("tried to add rule to null list");
+    switch(placing) {
+        case MIDDLE_PLACEMENT: break;
+        case FIRST_PLACEMENT: LOGIF(RULE_ATTACHMENTS, "Placed first\n"); break;
+        case LAST_PLACEMENT: LOGIF(RULE_ATTACHMENTS, "Placed last\n"); break;
+        default: internal_error("invalid placing of rule");
+    }
  • This code is used in §5.

§5.2. If R is already in B, the assertion may still have an effect. +

+ +

If our instructions specify no particular position for R to take, we return +because nothing need be done: the rule's there already, so be happy. Otherwise, +we remove R's existing booking in order that it can be rebooked in a new position. +

+ +

This is a change in semantics from the original Inform 7 design for rulebooks, +under which a rule could be booked multiple times in the same rulebook — which +was then called "duplication". Following debate on the Usenet newsgroup +rec.arts.int-fiction in February and March 2009, it was decided to abolish +duplication in favour of the clean principle that a rule can only be in a +single rulebook once. This makes it easier to place rules with tricky preambles, +though there were arguments on both sides. +

+ +

Handle the case where the new rule is already in the list5.2 = +

+ +
+        if (Rules::eq(RuleBookings::get_rule(pos), RuleBookings::get_rule(new_br))) {
+            if ((side == IN_SIDE) && (placing == MIDDLE_PLACEMENT)) return;
+            prev->next_booking = pos->next_booking;
+            pos->next_booking = NULL;
+            LOGIF(RULE_ATTACHMENTS, "Removing previous entry from rulebook\n");
+            break;  rule can only appear once, so no need to keep checking
+        }
  • This code is used in §5.

§5.3. Handle all placements made with the INSTEAD side5.3 = +

+ +
+    if (side == INSTEAD_SIDE) {
+        LOOP_OVER_BOOKINGS_WITH_PREV(pos, prev, L)
+            if (Rules::eq(RuleBookings::get_rule(pos), ref_rule)) {
+                new_br->placement = pos->placement;  replace with same placement
+                new_br->next_booking = pos->next_booking;
+                prev->next_booking = new_br;
+            }
+        return;
+    }
  • This code is used in §5.

§5.4. If we insert a rule as first-placed rule when there already is a first-placed +rule, the new one displaces it to go first, but both continue to be labelled as +having FIRST_PLACEMENT, so that subsequent rule insertions of middle-placed rules +will still go after both of them. +

+ +

Handle all placements made with the FIRST placement5.4 = +

+ +
+    if (placing == FIRST_PLACEMENT) {  first in valid interval (must be whole list)
+        booking *previously_first = L->list_head->next_booking;
+        L->list_head->next_booking = new_br;
+        new_br->next_booking = previously_first;  pushes any existing first rule forward
+        new_br->placement = placing;
+        return;
+    }
  • This code is used in §5.

§5.5. Symmetrically, a second last-placed rule is inserted after any existing one, but +both are labelled as having LAST_PLACEMENT. +

+ +

Handle all placements made with the LAST placement5.5 = +

+ +
+    if (placing == LAST_PLACEMENT) {  last in valid interval (must be whole list)
+        booking *prev = L->list_head;
+        while (prev->next_booking != NULL) prev = prev->next_booking;
+        prev->next_booking = new_br;  pushes any existing last rule backward
+        new_br->next_booking = NULL;
+        new_br->placement = placing;
+        return;
+    }
  • This code is used in §5.

§5.6. Handle what's left: MIDDLE placements on the IN, BEFORE or AFTER sides5.6 = +

+ +
+    booking *start_rule = L->list_head;  valid interval begins after this rule
+    booking *end_rule = NULL;  valid interval ends before this rule, or runs to end if NULL
+    Adjust the valid interval to take care of BEFORE and AFTER side requirements5.6.1;
+    Check that the valid interval is indeed as advertised5.6.2;
+    booking *insert_after = start_rule;  insertion point is after this
+    Find insertion point, keeping the valid interval in specificity order5.6.3;
+    booking *subseq = insert_after->next_booking;
+    insert_after->next_booking = new_br;
+    new_br->next_booking = subseq;
+    Set the placement for the new rule booking5.6.4;
  • This code is used in §5.

§5.6.1. Adjust the valid interval to take care of BEFORE and AFTER side requirements5.6.1 = +

+ +
+    switch(side) {
+        case BEFORE_SIDE:
+            LOOP_OVER_BOOKINGS(pos, L)
+                if (Rules::eq(RuleBookings::get_rule(pos), ref_rule))
+                    end_rule = pos;  insert before: so valid interval ends here
+            if (end_rule == NULL) internal_error("can't find end rule");
+            break;
+        case AFTER_SIDE:
+            LOOP_OVER_BOOKINGS(pos, L)
+                if (Rules::eq(RuleBookings::get_rule(pos), ref_rule))
+                    start_rule = pos;  insert after: so valid interval begins here
+            if (start_rule == L->list_head) internal_error("can't find start rule");
+            break;
+    }
  • This code is used in §5.6.

§5.6.2. Check that the valid interval is indeed as advertised5.6.2 = +

+ +
+    int i = 0, t = 2;
+    if (end_rule == NULL) t = 1;
+    booking *pos;
+    for (pos = L->list_head; pos; pos = pos->next_booking) {
+        if ((pos == start_rule) && (i == 0)) i = 1;
+        if ((pos == end_rule) && (i == 1)) i = 2;
+    }
+    if (i != t) internal_error("valid rule interval isn't");
  • This code is used in §5.6.

§5.6.3. Find insertion point, keeping the valid interval in specificity order5.6.3 = +

+ +
+    int log = FALSE; if (Log::aspect_switched_on(SPECIFICITIES_DA)) log = TRUE;
+     move forward to final valid first rule (if any exist)
+    while ((insert_after->next_booking != end_rule)
+        && (insert_after->next_booking->placement == FIRST_PLACEMENT))
+        insert_after = insert_after->next_booking;
+     move forward past other middle rules if they are not less specific
+    while ((insert_after->next_booking != end_rule)  stop before \(p\) leaves valid range
+        && (insert_after->next_booking->placement != LAST_PLACEMENT)  or reaches a last rule
+        && (RuleBookings::cmp(insert_after->next_booking, new_br,
+            log) >= 0))  or a rule less specific than the new one
+        insert_after = insert_after->next_booking;
  • This code is used in §5.6.

§5.6.4. Since this part of the algorithm is used only when we've requested MIDDLE +placement, it might seem that new_br->placement should always be set to +that. This does indeed mostly happen, but not always. To preserve rulebook +invariants (b) and (c), we need to force anything added after a LAST rule +to be LAST as well, and similarly for FIRSTs. (This will only happen in +cases where the source text called for placements AFTER a LAST rule, or +BEFORE a FIRST one.) +

+ +

Set the placement for the new rule booking5.6.4 = +

+ +
+    new_br->placement = MIDDLE_PLACEMENT;
+    if ((insert_after != L->list_head) &&
+        (insert_after->placement == LAST_PLACEMENT))
+        new_br->placement =
+            LAST_PLACEMENT;  happens if valid interval is after a last rule
+    if ((subseq) &&
+        (subseq->placement == FIRST_PLACEMENT))
+        new_br->placement =
+            FIRST_PLACEMENT;  happens if valid interval is before a first rule
  • This code is used in §5.6.

§6. Removal. This is much simpler, since it doesn't disturb the ordering: +

+ +
+void BookingLists::remove(booking_list *L, rule *R) {
+        if (Rules::eq(RuleBookings::get_rule(br), R)) {
+            pr->next_booking = br->next_booking;
+            return;
+        }

§7. Scanning lists for their contents.

+ +
+int BookingLists::length(booking_list *L) {
+    int n = 0;
+    LOOP_OVER_BOOKINGS(br, L) n++;
+    return n;
+int BookingLists::is_contextually_empty(booking_list *L, rule_context rc) {
+        phrase *ph = Rules::get_defn_as_phrase(RuleBookings::get_rule(br));
+        if (Rulebooks::phrase_fits_rule_context(ph, rc)) return FALSE;
+    }
+    return TRUE;
+booking *BookingLists::first(booking_list *L) {
+    LOOP_OVER_BOOKINGS(br, L) return br;
+    return NULL;
+int BookingLists::is_empty_of_i7_rules(booking_list *L) {
+        if (Rules::get_defn_as_phrase(RuleBookings::get_rule(br)))
+            return FALSE;
+    return TRUE;
+int BookingLists::contains(booking_list *L, rule *to_find) {
+        if (Rules::eq(RuleBookings::get_rule(br), to_find))
+            return TRUE;
+    return FALSE;
+int BookingLists::contains_ph(booking_list *L, phrase *ph_to_find) {
+        if (Rules::get_defn_as_phrase(RuleBookings::get_rule(br)) == ph_to_find)
+            return TRUE;
+    return FALSE;

§8. Compilation of rule definitions for rulebook. There's no real need to do so, but we compile rule definitions in rulebook +order to make the compiled code more legible, and for the same reason we add +plenty of commentary. +

+ +
+void BookingLists::compile(booking_list *L, int *i, int max_i) {
+    int t = BookingLists::length(L);
+    int s = 0;
+        s++;
+        RTRules::compile_comment(RuleBookings::get_rule(br), s, t);
+        if (br->next_booking) {
+            TEMPORARY_TEXT(C)
+            if (br->placement != br->next_booking->placement) {
+                WRITE_TO(C, "--- now the ");
+                switch(br->next_booking->placement) {
+                    case FIRST_PLACEMENT:  WRITE_TO(C, "first-placed rules"); break;
+                    case MIDDLE_PLACEMENT: WRITE_TO(C, "mid-placed rules"); break;
+                    case LAST_PLACEMENT:   WRITE_TO(C, "last-placed rules"); break;
+                }
+                WRITE_TO(C, " ---");
+                Produce::comment(Emit::tree(), C);
+            } else {
+                RuleBookings::comment(C, br);
+                if (Str::len(C) > 0) Produce::comment(Emit::tree(), C);
+            }
+            DISCARD_TEXT(C)
+        }
+    }
+    if (t > 0) CompiledText::divider_comment();
+ + +