+ + +

The angle-bracketed terms appearing in Preform grammar.

+ +
+ +

§1. How nonterminals are stored. Each different nonterminal defined in the Syntax.preform code read in, +such as <any-integer>, is going to correspond to a global variable in the +program reading it in, such as any_integer_NTM. On the face of it, this is +impossible. How can what happens at run-time affect what variables are named +at compile time? +

+ +

The answer is that the inweb literate programming tool looks through the +complete source code, sees the Preform nonterminals described in it, and +inserts declarations of the corresponding variables into the "tangled" form +of the source code sent to a C compiler to make the actual program. (This is +a feature of inweb available only for programs written in InC.) +

+ +

In particular, the tangler of inweb replaces the [[nonterminals]] below with +invocations of the REGISTER_NONTERMINAL and INTERNAL_NONTERMINAL macros. +For example, it inserts the C line: +

+ +
+    INTERNAL_NONTERMINAL(L"<any-integer>", any_integer_NTM, 1, 1);

since this is an "internal" nonterminal; and the macro will then expand +to code which sets up any_integer_NTM — see below. +

+ +
+void Nonterminals::register(void) {
+     The following is not valid C, but causes Inweb to insert lines which are
+    [[nonterminals]];
+     Back to regular C now
+    nonterminal *nt;
+    LOOP_OVER(nt, nonterminal)
+        if ((nt->marked_internal) && (nt->internal_definition == NULL))
+            internal_error("internal nonterminal has no definition function");

§2. So, then, inweb tangles out code which uses the REGISTER_NONTERMINAL +macro for any standard nonterminal, and also tangles a compositor function for +it; the name of which is the nonterminal's name with a C suffix. For example, +suppose inweb sees the following in the web it is tangling: +

+ +
+    <competitor> ::=
+        the pacemaker |              ==> 1
+        <ordinal-number> runner |    ==> R[1]
+        runner no <cardinal-number>  ==> R[1]

It then tangles this macro usage into Nonterminals::register above: +

+ +
+    REGISTER_NONTERMINAL(L"<competitor>", competitor_NTM);

And it also tangles matching declarations for: +

+ +
  • (a) the global variable competitor_NTM, of type nonterminal *; +
  • (b) the "compositor function" competitor_NTMC, which is a function to +deal with what happens when a successful match is made against the grammar — +this incorporates the material which inweb finds to the right of the ==> +markers in the Preform definition. +

But if we left things at that, we would find ourselves at run-time with +a null variable, a function not called from anywhere, and an instance +somewhere in memory of a nonterminal read in from Preform syntax and +called "<competitor>", but which has no apparent connection to either +the function or the variable. We clearly need to join these together. +

+ +

And so the REGISTER_NONTERMINAL macro expands to code which initialises the +variable to the nonterminal having its name, and then connects that to the +compositor function: +

+ +
define REGISTER_NONTERMINAL(quotedname, identifier)
+    identifier = Nonterminals::find(Vocabulary::entry_for_text(quotedname));
+    identifier->result_compositor = identifier##C;

§3. For example, this might expand to: +

+ +
+    competitor_NTM = Nonterminals::find(Vocabulary::entry_for_text(L"<competitor>"));
+    competitor_NTM->result_compositor = competitor_NTMC;

Note that it is absolutely necessary that Nonterminals::find does +return a nonterminal. But we can be sure that it does, since the function creates +a nonterminal object of that name even if one does not already exist. +

+ +

§4. The position for internal nonterminals (i.e. those defined by a function +written by the programmer, not by Preform grammar lines) is similar: +

+ +
  • (a) again there is a global variable, say any_integer_NTM, of type nonterminal *; +
  • (b) but now there is no compositor, and instead there is a function any_integer_NTMR +which actually performs the parse directly. +

The INTERNAL_NONTERMINAL macro similarly initialises and connects these +declarations. min and max are conveniences for speedy parsing, and supply +the minimum and maximum number of words that the nonterminal can match; these +are needed because the Preform optimiser can't see inside any_integer_NTMR to +calculate those bounds for itself. max can be infinity, in which case we +use the constant INFINITE_WORD_COUNT for it. +

+ +
define INFINITE_WORD_COUNT 1000000000
+define INTERNAL_NONTERMINAL(quotedname, identifier, min, max)
+    identifier = Nonterminals::find(Vocabulary::entry_for_text(quotedname));
+    identifier->min_nt_words = min; identifier->max_nt_words = max;
+    identifier->internal_definition = identifier##R;
+    identifier->marked_internal = TRUE;

§5. So, then, the following rather lengthy class declaration shows what goes +into a nonterminal. Note that nonterminals are uniquely identifiable by their +names: there can be only one called, say, <any-integer>. This is why its +textual name is referred to as an "ID". +

+ +
+typedef struct nonterminal {
+    struct vocabulary_entry *nonterminal_id;  e.g. "<any-integer>"
+     For internal nonterminals
+    int marked_internal;  has, or will be given, an internal definition...
+    int (*internal_definition)(wording W, int *result, void **result_p);  ...this one
+    int voracious;  if true, scans whole rest of word range
+     For regular nonterminals
+    struct production_list *first_production_list;  if not internal, this defines it
+    int (*result_compositor)(int *r, void **rp, int *inters, void **inter_ps, wording *interW, wording W);
+    int multiplicitous;  if true, matches are alternative syntax tree readings
+     Storage for most recent correct match
+    struct wording range_result[MAX_RANGES_PER_PRODUCTION];  storage for word ranges matched
+     Optimiser data
+    int optimised_in_this_pass;  have the following been worked out yet?
+    int min_nt_words, max_nt_words;  for speed
+    struct range_requirement nonterminal_req;
+    int nt_req_bit;  which hashing category the words belong to, or \(-1\) if none
+    int number_words_by_production;
+    unsigned int flag_words_in_production;
+     For debugging only
+    int watched;  watch goings-on to the debugging log
+    int nonterminal_tries;  for statistics collected in instrumented mode
+    int nonterminal_matches;  ditto
+} nonterminal;
  • The structure nonterminal is accessed in 4/lp, 4/to, 4/prf and here.

§6. A few notes on this are in order: +

+ +
  • (a) As noted above, every nonterminal is either "internal" or "regular". If +internal, it is defined by a function; if regular, it is defined by lines +of grammar (called "productions") and a compositor function. +
  • (b) A few internal nonterminals are "voracious". These are given the entire +word range for their productions to eat, and encouraged to eat as much as they +like, returning a word number to show how far they got. While this effect +could be duplicated with non-voracious nonterminals, that would be quite a bit +slower, since it would have to test every possible word range. +
  • (c) A few regular nonterminals are "multiplicitous". These composite their +results in a way special to the Inform compiler's syntax tree, by stacking +them up as alternative possible readings of the same text. Ordinarily, the +result of parsing text against a nonterminal is that the first grammar line +matching that text determines the meaning, but for a multiplicitous nonterminal, +every line matching the text determines one of perhaps many possible meanings. +
  • (d) The optimisation data helps the parser to reject non-matching text quickly. +For example, if the optimiser can determine that <competitor> only ever matches +texts of between 3 and 7 words in length, it can quickly reject any run of +words outside that range. (However: note that a maximum of 0 means that the +maximum and minimum word counts are disregarded.) The other fields are harder +to explain — see The Optimiser. +

§7. So, then, as noted above, nonterminals are identified by their name-words. +The following is not especially fast but doesn't need to be: it's used only +when Preform grammar is parsed, not when Inform text is parsed. +

+ +
+nonterminal *Nonterminals::detect(vocabulary_entry *name_word) {
+    nonterminal *nt;
+    LOOP_OVER(nt, nonterminal)
+        if (name_word == nt->nonterminal_id)
+            return nt;
+    return NULL;

§8. And the following always returns one, creating it if necessary: +

+ +
+nonterminal *Nonterminals::find(vocabulary_entry *name_word) {
+    nonterminal *nt = Nonterminals::detect(name_word);
+    if (nt == NULL) {
+        nt = CREATE(nonterminal);
+        nt->nonterminal_id = name_word;
+        nt->marked_internal = FALSE;  by default, nonterminals are regular
+        nt->internal_definition = NULL;
+        nt->voracious = FALSE;
+        for (int i=0; i<MAX_RANGES_PER_PRODUCTION; i++)
+            nt->range_result[i] = EMPTY_WORDING;
+        nt->first_production_list = NULL;
+        nt->result_compositor = NULL;
+        nt->multiplicitous = FALSE;
+        nt->optimised_in_this_pass = FALSE;
+        nt->min_nt_words = 1; nt->max_nt_words = INFINITE_WORD_COUNT;
+        nt->nt_req_bit = -1;
+        nt->number_words_by_production = FALSE;
+        nt->flag_words_in_production = 0;
+        nt->watched = FALSE;
+        nt->nonterminal_tries = 0; nt->nonterminal_matches = 0;
+    }
+    return nt;

§9. Word ranges in a nonterminal. We now need to define the macros GET_RW and PUT_RW, which get and set +the results of a successful match against a nonterminal (see About Preform +for more on this). +

+ +

We do so by giving each nonterminal a small array of wordings, which are +lightweight structures incurring little time or space overhead. The fact that +they are attached to the NT itself, rather than, say, being placed on a +parsing stack of some kind, makes them faster to access, but is possible only +because the parser never backtracks. Similarly, results word ranges are +overwritten if a nonterminal calls itself directly or indirectly: that is, the +inner one's results are wiped out by the outer one. But this is no problem, +since we never extract word-ranges from grammar which is recursive. +

+ +

Word range 0 is reserved in case we ever need it for the entire text matched +by the nonterminal, though at present we don't need that. +

+ +
define MAX_RANGES_PER_PRODUCTION 5  in fact, one less than this, since range 0 is reserved
+define GET_RW(nt, N) (nt->range_result[N])
+define PUT_RW(nt, N, W) { nt->range_result[N] = W; }
+define INHERIT_RANGES(from, to) {
+    for (int i=1; i<MAX_RANGES_PER_PRODUCTION; i++)  not copying range 0
+        to->range_result[i] = from->range_result[i];
+define CLEAR_RW(from) {
+    for (int i=0; i<MAX_RANGES_PER_PRODUCTION; i++)  including range 0
+        from->range_result[i] = EMPTY_WORDING;

§10. Other results. The parser records the result of the most recently matched nonterminal in the +following global variables — which, unlike word ranges, are not attached to +any single NT. +

+ +

inweb translates the notation <<r>> and <<rp>> to these variable names: +

+ +
+int most_recent_result = 0;  the variable which inweb writes <<r>>
+void *most_recent_result_p = NULL;  the variable which inweb writes <<rp>>
+ + +