+ + +

To provide a variation on Markdown for extension documentation.

+ +

§1. Plain CommonMark would not give us the bells and whistles we want, and would +also allow rather more HTML liberty than is a good idea here. So: +

+ +
+markdown_variation *extension_flavoured_Markdown = NULL;
+markdown_variation *DocumentationInMarkdown::extension_flavoured_Markdown(void) {
+    if (extension_flavoured_Markdown) return extension_flavoured_Markdown;
+    extension_flavoured_Markdown = MarkdownVariations::new(I"Inform-flavoured Markdown");
+    MarkdownVariations::remove_feature(extension_flavoured_Markdown, HTML_BLOCKS_MARKDOWNFEATURE);
+    MarkdownVariations::remove_feature(extension_flavoured_Markdown, INLINE_HTML_MARKDOWNFEATURE);
+    markdown_feature *Inform_headings = MarkdownVariations::new_feature(I"Inform_headings", INFORM_HEADINGS_MARKDOWNFEATURE);
+    METHOD_ADD(Inform_headings, POST_PHASE_I_MARKDOWN_MTID, DocumentationInMarkdown::Inform_headings_intervene_after_Phase_I);
+    MarkdownVariations::add_feature(extension_flavoured_Markdown, INFORM_HEADINGS_MARKDOWNFEATURE);
+    markdown_feature *paste_icons = MarkdownVariations::new_feature(I"paste icons", PASTE_ICONS_MARKDOWNFEATURE);
+    METHOD_ADD(paste_icons, RENDER_MARKDOWN_MTID, DocumentationInMarkdown::paste_icons_renderer);
+    METHOD_ADD(paste_icons, POST_PHASE_I_MARKDOWN_MTID, DocumentationInMarkdown::paste_icons_intervene_after_Phase_I);
+    MarkdownVariations::add_feature(extension_flavoured_Markdown, PASTE_ICONS_MARKDOWNFEATURE);
+    Markdown::new_container_block_type(INFORM_EXAMPLE_HEADING_MIT, I"INFORM_EXAMPLE_HEADING");
+    Markdown::new_leaf_block_type(INFORM_ERROR_MARKER_MIT, I"INFORM_ERROR_MARKER");
+    return extension_flavoured_Markdown;

§2. Markdown paragraphs which take the following shapes are to be headings: +

+ +
+    Chapter: Survey and Prospecting
+    Section: Black Gold
+    Example: *** Gelignite Anderson - A Tale of the Texas Oilmen

where in each case the colon can equally be a hyphen, and with optional +space either side. +

+ +
+void DocumentationInMarkdown::Inform_headings_intervene_after_Phase_I(markdown_feature *feature,
+    markdown_item *tree, md_links_dictionary *link_references) {
+    int example_number = 0;
+    DocumentationInMarkdown::Inform_headings_r(tree, &example_number);
+    DocumentationInMarkdown::regroup_examples_r(tree, &example_number);
+    int section_number = 0, chapter_number = 0;
+    TEMPORARY_TEXT(latest)
+    DocumentationInMarkdown::number_headings_r(tree, &section_number, &chapter_number, latest);
+    DISCARD_TEXT(latest)
+void DocumentationInMarkdown::Inform_headings_r(markdown_item *md, int *example_number) {
+    if (md->type == PARAGRAPH_MIT) {
+        text_stream *line = md->stashed;
+        match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
+        if ((Regexp::match(&mr, line, L"Section *: *(%c+?)")) ||
+            (Regexp::match(&mr, line, L"Section *- *(%c+?)"))) {
+            MDBlockParser::change_type(NULL, md, HEADING_MIT);
+            Markdown::set_heading_level(md, 2);
+            Str::clear(line);
+            WRITE_TO(line, "%S", mr.exp[0]);
+        } else if ((Regexp::match(&mr, line, L"Chapter *: *(%c+?)")) ||
+            (Regexp::match(&mr, line, L"Chapter *- *(%c+?)"))) {
+            MDBlockParser::change_type(NULL, md, HEADING_MIT);
+            Markdown::set_heading_level(md, 1);
+            Str::clear(line);
+            WRITE_TO(line, "%S", mr.exp[0]);
+        } else if ((Regexp::match(&mr, line, L"Example *: *(%**) *(%c+?)")) ||
+            (Regexp::match(&mr, line, L"Example *- *(%**) *(%c+?)"))) {
+            MDBlockParser::change_type(NULL, md, INFORM_EXAMPLE_HEADING_MIT);
+            int star_count = Str::len(mr.exp[0]);
+            cdoc_example *new_eg = DocumentationCompiler::new_example_alone(mr.exp[1], NULL,
+                star_count, ++(*example_number));
+            if (star_count == 0) {
+                markdown_item *E = DocumentationInMarkdown::error_item(
+                    I"this example should be marked (before the title) '*', '**', '***' or '****' for difficulty");
+                E->next = md->next; md->next = E;
+            }
+            if (star_count > 4) {
+                markdown_item *E = DocumentationInMarkdown::error_item(
+                    I"four stars '****' is the maximum difficulty rating allowed");
+                E->next = md->next; md->next = E;
+            }
+            md->user_state = STORE_POINTER_cdoc_example(new_eg);
+        }
+        Regexp::dispose_of(&mr);
+    }
+    for (markdown_item *ch = md->down; ch; ch=ch->next) {
+        DocumentationInMarkdown::Inform_headings_r(ch, example_number);
+    }
+markdown_item *DocumentationInMarkdown::error_item(text_stream *text) {
+    markdown_item *E = Markdown::new_item(INFORM_ERROR_MARKER_MIT);
+    E->stashed = Str::duplicate(text);
+    return E;


+ +
+void DocumentationInMarkdown::regroup_examples_r(markdown_item *md, int *example_number) {
+    if (md->type == INFORM_EXAMPLE_HEADING_MIT) {
+        if (md->down == NULL) {
+            markdown_item *run_from = md->next;
+            if (run_from) {
+                markdown_item *run_to = run_from, *prev = NULL;
+                while (run_to) {
+                    if (run_to->type == INFORM_EXAMPLE_HEADING_MIT) break;
+                    if ((run_to->type == HEADING_MIT) && (Markdown::get_heading_level(run_to) <= 2)) break;
+                    prev = run_to;
+                    run_to = run_to->next;
+                }
+                if (prev) {
+                    md->down = run_from; md->next = run_to; prev->next = NULL;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    for (markdown_item *ch = md->down; ch; ch=ch->next) {
+        DocumentationInMarkdown::regroup_examples_r(ch, example_number);
+    }


+ +
+void DocumentationInMarkdown::number_headings_r(markdown_item *md,
+    int *section_number, int *chapter_number, text_stream *latest) {
+    if (md->type == HEADING_MIT) {
+        switch (Markdown::get_heading_level(md)) {
+            case 1: {
+                md->user_state = STORE_POINTER_text_stream(md->stashed);
+                (*chapter_number)++;
+                (*section_number) = 0;
+                Str::clear(latest);
+                WRITE_TO(latest, "Chapter %d: %S", *chapter_number, md->stashed);
+                md->stashed = Str::duplicate(latest);
+                text_stream *url = Str::new();
+                WRITE_TO(url, "chapter%d.html", *chapter_number);
+                md->user_state = STORE_POINTER_text_stream(url);
+                break;
+            }
+            case 2: {
+                md->user_state = STORE_POINTER_text_stream(md->stashed);
+                (*section_number)++;
+                Str::clear(latest);
+                WRITE_TO(latest, "Section ");
+                if (*chapter_number > 0) WRITE_TO(latest, "%d.", *chapter_number);
+                WRITE_TO(latest, "%d: %S", *section_number, md->stashed);
+                md->stashed = Str::duplicate(latest);
+                text_stream *url = Str::new();
+                if (*chapter_number > 0)
+                    WRITE_TO(url, "chapter%d.html", *chapter_number);
+                WRITE_TO(url, "#section%d", *section_number);
+                md->user_state = STORE_POINTER_text_stream(url);
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    for (markdown_item *ch = md->down; ch; ch=ch->next) {
+        DocumentationInMarkdown::number_headings_r(ch, section_number, chapter_number, latest);
+    }
+void DocumentationInMarkdown::paste_icons_intervene_after_Phase_I(markdown_feature *feature,
+    markdown_item *tree, md_links_dictionary *link_references) {
+    DocumentationInMarkdown::paiapi_r(tree);
+void DocumentationInMarkdown::paiapi_r(markdown_item *md) {
+    markdown_item *current_sample = NULL;
+    for (markdown_item *ch = md->down; ch; ch=ch->next) {
+        if ((ch->type == CODE_BLOCK_MIT) && (Str::prefix_eq(ch->stashed, I"{*}", 3))) {
+            ch->user_state = STORE_POINTER_markdown_item(ch);
+            current_sample = ch;
+            Str::delete_first_character(ch->stashed);
+            Str::delete_first_character(ch->stashed);
+            Str::delete_first_character(ch->stashed);
+        } else if ((ch->type == CODE_BLOCK_MIT) &&
+            (Str::prefix_eq(ch->stashed, I"{**}", 3)) && (current_sample)) {
+            ch->user_state = STORE_POINTER_markdown_item(current_sample);
+            Str::delete_first_character(ch->stashed);
+            Str::delete_first_character(ch->stashed);
+            Str::delete_first_character(ch->stashed);
+            Str::delete_first_character(ch->stashed);
+        }
+        DocumentationInMarkdown::paiapi_r(ch);
+        if (ch->type == CODE_BLOCK_MIT) {
+            TEMPORARY_TEXT(detabbed)
+            for (int i=0, margin=0; i<Str::len(ch->stashed); i++) {
+                wchar_t c = Str::get_at(ch->stashed, i);
+                if (c == '\t') {
+                    PUT_TO(detabbed, ' '); margin++;
+                    while (margin % 4 != 0) { PUT_TO(detabbed, ' '); margin++; }
+                } else {
+                    PUT_TO(detabbed, c); margin++;
+                    if (c == '\n') margin = 0;
+                }
+            }
+            Str::clear(ch->stashed);
+            WRITE_TO(ch->stashed, "%S", detabbed);
+            DISCARD_TEXT(detabbed);
+        }
+    }
+int DocumentationInMarkdown::paste_icons_renderer(markdown_feature *feature, text_stream *OUT,
+    markdown_item *md, int mode) {
+    if (md->type == HEADING_MIT) {
+        int L = Markdown::get_heading_level(md);
+        switch (L) {
+            case 1: HTML_OPEN("h2"); break;
+            case 2: HTML_OPEN("h3"); break;
+            case 3: HTML_OPEN("h4"); break;
+            case 4: HTML_OPEN("h5"); break;
+            default: HTML_OPEN("h6"); break;
+        }
+        TEMPORARY_TEXT(anchor)
+        if (L <= 2) {
+            text_stream *url = RETRIEVE_POINTER_text_stream(md->user_state);
+            for (int i=0; i<Str::len(url); i++)
+                if (Str::get_at(url, i) == '#')
+                    for (i++; i<Str::len(url); i++)
+                        PUT_TO(anchor, Str::get_at(url, i));
+        }
+        if (Str::len(anchor) > 0) {
+            HTML_OPEN_WITH("span", "id=%S", anchor);
+        } else {
+            HTML_OPEN("span");
+        }
+        DISCARD_TEXT(anchor)
+        Markdown::render_extended(OUT, md->down, DocumentationInMarkdown::extension_flavoured_Markdown());
+        HTML_CLOSE("span");
+        switch (L) {
+            case 1: HTML_CLOSE("h2"); break;
+            case 2: HTML_CLOSE("h3"); break;
+            case 3: HTML_CLOSE("h4"); break;
+            case 4: HTML_CLOSE("h5"); break;
+            default: HTML_CLOSE("h6"); break;
+        }
+        return TRUE;
+    }
+    if (md->type == INFORM_EXAMPLE_HEADING_MIT) {
+        cdoc_example *E = RETRIEVE_POINTER_cdoc_example(md->user_state);
+        DocumentationInMarkdown::render_example_heading(OUT, E, NULL);
+        return TRUE;
+    }
+    if (md->type == CODE_BLOCK_MIT) {
+        DocumentationInMarkdown::render_code_block(OUT, md, mode);
+        return TRUE;
+    }
+    if (md->type == INFORM_ERROR_MARKER_MIT) {
+        HTML_OPEN_WITH("p", "class=\"documentationerrorbox\"");
+        HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"documentationerror");
+        WRITE("Error: %S", md->stashed);
+        HTML_CLOSE("span");
+        HTML_CLOSE("p");
+        return TRUE;
+    }
+    return FALSE;

§5. An example is set with a two-table header, and followed optionally by a +table of its inset copy, shaded to distinguish it from the rest of the +page. The heading is constructed with a main table of one row of two cells, +in the following section. The left-hand cell then contains a further table, +in the next section. +

+ +
+void DocumentationInMarkdown::render_example_heading(OUTPUT_STREAM, cdoc_example *E,
+    markdown_item *passage_node) {
+    WRITE_TO(link, "style=\"text-decoration: none\" href=\"eg%d.html\"", E->number);
+    HTML_TAG("hr");  rule a line before the example heading
+    HTML::begin_plain_html_table(OUT);
+    HTML_OPEN("tr");
+     Left hand cell: the oval icon
+    HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "halign=\"left\" valign=\"top\" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=38px");
+    HTML_OPEN_WITH("span", "id=eg%d", E->number);  provide the anchor point
+    Typeset the lettered oval example icon5.1;
+    HTML_CLOSE("span");  end the textual link
+    HTML_CLOSE("td");
+     Right hand cell: the asterisks and title, with rubric underneath
+    HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 halign=\"left\" valign=\"top\"");
+    if (passage_node == NULL) HTML_OPEN_WITH("a", "%S", link);
+    for (int asterisk = 0; asterisk < E->star_count; asterisk++)
+        PUT(0x2605);  the Unicode for "black star" emoji
+     or 0x2B50 is the Unicode for "star" emoji
+     or again, could use the asterisk.png image in the app
+    WRITE("&nbsp; ");
+    HTML_OPEN("b");
+    HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"indexdarkgrey");
+    WRITE("&nbsp;Example&nbsp;");
+    HTML::end_span(OUT);
+    HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"indexblack");
+    DocumentationRenderer::render_text(OUT, E->name);
+    HTML_TAG("br");
+    DocumentationRenderer::render_text(OUT, E->description);
+    HTML::end_span(OUT);
+    HTML_CLOSE("b");
+    if (passage_node == NULL) HTML_CLOSE("a");  Link does not cover body, only heading
+    if (passage_node) {
+        while (passage_node) {
+            Markdown::render_extended(OUT, passage_node,
+                DocumentationInMarkdown::extension_flavoured_Markdown());
+            passage_node = passage_node->next;
+        }
+    }
+    HTML_CLOSE("td");
+    HTML_CLOSE("tr");
+    HTML::end_html_table(OUT);
+    DISCARD_TEXT(link)

§5.1. The little oval icon with its superimposed boldface letter is much harder to +get right on all browsers than it looks, and the following is the result of +some pretty grim experimentation. Basically, we make a tight, borderless, +one-cell-in-one-row table, use CSS to make a transparent PNG image of an oval +the background image for the table, then put a boldface letter in the centre +of its one and only cell. (Things were even worse when IE6 for Windows still +had its infamous PNG transparency bug.) +

+ +

Typeset the lettered oval example icon5.1 = +

+ +
+    HTML::begin_plain_html_table(OUT);
+    HTML_OPEN_WITH("tr", "class=\"oval\"");
+    HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "width=38px height=30px align=\"left\" valign=\"center\"");
+    if (passage_node == NULL) HTML_OPEN_WITH("a", "%S", link);
+    HTML_OPEN_WITH("div",
+        "class=\"paragraph Body\" style=\"line-height: 1px; margin-bottom: 0px; "
+        "margin-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0pt; padding-top: 0px; text-align: center;\"");
+    HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"extensionexampleletter");
+    PUT(E->letter);
+    HTML::end_span(OUT);
+    HTML_CLOSE("div");
+    if (passage_node == NULL) HTML_CLOSE("a");
+    HTML_CLOSE("td");
+    HTML_CLOSE("tr");
+    HTML::end_html_table(OUT);
+ +


+ +
+markdown_item *DocumentationInMarkdown::find_section(markdown_item *tree, text_stream *name) {
+    if (Str::len(name) == 0) return NULL;
+    markdown_item *result = NULL;
+    DocumentationInMarkdown::find(tree, name, &result);
+    return result;
+void DocumentationInMarkdown::find(markdown_item *md, text_stream *name, markdown_item **result) {
+    if (md->type == HEADING_MIT) {
+        switch (Markdown::get_heading_level(md)) {
+            case 1:
+            case 2: {
+                int i=0;
+                for (; i<Str::len(md->stashed); i++)
+                    if (Str::get_at(md->stashed, i) == ':') { i+=2; break; }
+                if (i + Str::len(name) == Str::len(md->stashed)) {
+                    int fail = FALSE;
+                    for (int j=0; j<Str::len(name); j++, i++)
+                        if (Str::get_at(name, j) != Str::get_at(md->stashed, i)) { fail = TRUE; break; }
+                    if ((fail == FALSE) && (*result == NULL)) *result = md;
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    for (markdown_item *ch = md->down; ch; ch=ch->next) {
+        DocumentationInMarkdown::find(ch, name, result);
+    }


+ +
+markdown_item *DocumentationInMarkdown::find_example(markdown_item *tree, int eg) {
+    if (eg <= 0) return NULL;
+    markdown_item *result = NULL;
+    int counter = 0;
+    DocumentationInMarkdown::find_e(tree, eg, &result, &counter);
+    return result;
+void DocumentationInMarkdown::find_e(markdown_item *md, int eg, markdown_item **result, int *counter) {
+    if (md->type == INFORM_EXAMPLE_HEADING_MIT) {
+        (*counter)++;
+        if (*counter == eg) *result = md;
+    }
+    for (markdown_item *ch = md->down; ch; ch=ch->next) {
+        DocumentationInMarkdown::find_e(ch, eg, result, counter);
+    }
+void DocumentationInMarkdown::render_code_block(OUTPUT_STREAM, markdown_item *md, int mode) {
+    if ((Str::eq_insensitive(md->info_string, I"inform")) ||
+        (Str::eq_insensitive(md->info_string, I"inform7")) ||
+        (Str::len(md->info_string) == 0)) {
+        Render as Inform 7 source text7.2;
+    } else {
+        programming_language *pl = NULL;
+        if (mode & TAGS_MDRMODE) HTML_OPEN("pre");
+        TEMPORARY_TEXT(language)
+        for (int i=0; i<Str::len(md->info_string); i++) {
+            wchar_t c = Str::get_at(md->info_string, i);
+            if ((c == ' ') || (c == '\t')) break;
+            PUT_TO(language, c);
+        }
+        if (Str::len(language) > 0) {
+            TEMPORARY_TEXT(language_rendered)
+            md->sliced_from = language;
+            md->from = 0; md->to = Str::len(language) - 1;
+            MDRenderer::slice(language_rendered, md, mode | ENTITIES_MDRMODE);
+            if (mode & TAGS_MDRMODE)
+                HTML_OPEN_WITH("code", "class=\"language-%S\"", language_rendered);
+            pl = DocumentationCompiler::get_language(language_rendered);
+            if (pl == NULL) LOG("Unable to find language <%S>\n", language_rendered);
+            DISCARD_TEXT(language_rendered)
+        } else {
+            if (mode & TAGS_MDRMODE) HTML_OPEN("code");
+        }
+        DISCARD_TEXT(language)
+        Painter::reset_syntax_colouring(pl);
+        TEMPORARY_TEXT(line)
+        TEMPORARY_TEXT(line_colouring)
+        for (int k=0; k<Str::len(md->stashed); k++) {
+            if (Str::get_at(md->stashed, k) == '\n') {
+                Render line as code7.1;
+                Str::clear(line);
+                Str::clear(line_colouring);
+            } else {
+                PUT_TO(line, Str::get_at(md->stashed, k));
+            }
+            if ((k == Str::len(md->stashed) - 1) && (Str::len(line) > 0)) Render line as code7.1;
+        }
+        HTML_CLOSE("span");
+        DISCARD_TEXT(line)
+        DISCARD_TEXT(line_colouring)
+        if (mode & TAGS_MDRMODE) HTML_CLOSE("code");
+        if (mode & TAGS_MDRMODE) HTML_CLOSE("pre");
+    }

§7.1. Render line as code7.1 = +

+ +
+    if (pl) Painter::syntax_colour(pl, NULL, line, line_colouring, FALSE);
+    DocumentationInMarkdown::syntax_coloured_code(OUT, line, line_colouring,
+        0, Str::len(line), mode);
+    if (mode & TAGS_MDRMODE) WRITE("<br>"); else WRITE(" ");
+ +

§7.2. Render as Inform 7 source text7.2 = +

+ +
+    HTML_OPEN("blockquote");
+    if (GENERAL_POINTER_IS_NULL(md->user_state) == FALSE) {
+        markdown_item *first = RETRIEVE_POINTER_markdown_item(md->user_state);
+        TEMPORARY_TEXT(accumulated)
+        for (markdown_item *ch = md; ch; ch = ch->next) {
+            if (ch->type == CODE_BLOCK_MIT) {
+                if (GENERAL_POINTER_IS_NULL(ch->user_state) == FALSE) {
+                    markdown_item *latest = RETRIEVE_POINTER_markdown_item(ch->user_state);
+                    if (first == latest) WRITE_TO(accumulated, "%S", ch->stashed);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        ExtensionWebsite::paste_button(OUT, accumulated);
+    }
+    TEMPORARY_TEXT(colouring)
+    programming_language *default_language = DocumentationCompiler::get_language(I"Inform");
+    programming_language *pl = default_language;
+    if (pl) {
+        Painter::reset_syntax_colouring(pl);
+        Painter::syntax_colour(pl, NULL, md->stashed, colouring, FALSE);
+        if (Str::eq(pl->language_name, I"Inform")) {
+            int ts = FALSE;
+            for (int i=0; i<Str::len(colouring); i++) {
+                if (Str::get_at(colouring, i) == STRING_COLOUR) {
+                    wchar_t c = Str::get_at(md->stashed, i);
+                    if (c == '[') ts = TRUE;
+                    if (ts) Str::put_at(colouring, i, EXTRACT_COLOUR);
+                    if (c == ']') ts = FALSE;
+                } else ts = FALSE;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"indexdullblue");
+    int tabulating = FALSE, tabular = FALSE, line_count = 0;
+    TEMPORARY_TEXT(line_colouring)
+    for (int k=0; k<Str::len(md->stashed); k++) {
+        if (Str::get_at(md->stashed, k) == '\n') {
+            Render line7.2.1;
+            Str::clear(line);
+            Str::clear(line_colouring);
+        } else {
+            PUT_TO(line, Str::get_at(md->stashed, k));
+            PUT_TO(line_colouring, Str::get_at(colouring, k));
+        }
+        if (k == Str::len(md->stashed) - 1) Render line7.2.1;
+    }
+    HTML_CLOSE("span");
+    if (tabulating) End I7 table in extension documentation7.2.2;
+    HTML_CLOSE("blockquote");
+    DISCARD_TEXT(line)
+    DISCARD_TEXT(line_colouring)
+ +

§7.2.1. Render line7.2.1 = +

+ +
+    line_count++;
+    if (Str::is_whitespace(line)) tabular = FALSE;
+    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
+    if (Regexp::match(&mr, line, L"Table %c*")) tabular = TRUE;
+    Regexp::dispose_of(&mr);
+    if (tabular) {
+        if (tabulating) {
+            Begin new row of I7 table in extension documentation7.2.1.4;
+        } else {
+            Begin I7 table in extension documentation7.2.1.1;
+            tabulating = TRUE;
+        }
+        int cell_from = 0, cell_to = 0, i = 0;
+        Begin table cell for I7 table in extension documentation7.2.1.3;
+        for (; i<Str::len(line); i++) {
+            if (Str::get_at(line, i) == '\t') {
+                End table cell for I7 table in extension documentation7.2.1.2;
+                while (Str::get_at(line, i) == '\t') i++;
+                Begin table cell for I7 table in extension documentation7.2.1.3;
+                i--;
+            } else {
+                cell_to++;
+            }
+        }
+        End table cell for I7 table in extension documentation7.2.1.2;
+        End row of I7 table in extension documentation7.2.1.5;
+    } else {
+        if (line_count > 1) HTML_TAG("br");
+        if (tabulating) {
+            End I7 table in extension documentation7.2.2;
+            tabulating = FALSE;
+        }
+        int indentation = 1;
+        int z=0, spaces = 0;
+        for (; z<Str::len(line); z++)
+            if (Str::get_at(line, z) == ' ') { spaces++; if (spaces == 4) { indentation++; spaces = 0; } }
+            else if (Str::get_at(line, z) == '\t') { indentation++; spaces = 0; }
+            else break;
+        for (int n=0; n<indentation; n++) WRITE("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;");
+        DocumentationInMarkdown::syntax_coloured_code(OUT, line, line_colouring,
+            z, Str::len(line), mode);
+    }
+    WRITE("\n");
+ +

§ Unsurprisingly, I7 tables are set (after their titling lines) as HTML tables, +and this is fiddly but elementary in the usual way of HTML tables: +

+ +

Begin I7 table in extension documentation7.2.1.1 = +

+ +
+    HTML::end_span(OUT);
+    HTML_TAG("br");
+    HTML::begin_plain_html_table(OUT);
+    HTML::first_html_column(OUT, 0);
+ +

§ End table cell for I7 table in extension documentation7.2.1.2 = +

+ +
+    DocumentationInMarkdown::syntax_coloured_code(OUT, line, line_colouring,
+        cell_from, cell_to, mode);
+    HTML::end_span(OUT);
+    HTML::next_html_column(OUT, 0);
+ +

§ Begin table cell for I7 table in extension documentation7.2.1.3 = +

+ +
+    cell_from = i; cell_to = cell_from;
+    HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"indexdullblue");
+ +

§ Begin new row of I7 table in extension documentation7.2.1.4 = +

+ +
+    HTML::first_html_column(OUT, 0);
+ +

§ End row of I7 table in extension documentation7.2.1.5 = +

+ +
+    HTML::end_html_row(OUT);
+ +

§7.2.2. End I7 table in extension documentation7.2.2 = +

+ +
+    HTML::end_html_table(OUT);
+    HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"indexdullblue");
+ +


+ +
+void DocumentationInMarkdown::syntax_coloured_code(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *text,
+    text_stream *colouring, int from, int to, int mode) {
+    wchar_t current_col = 0;
+    for (int i=from; i<to; i++) {
+        wchar_t c = Str::get_at(text, i);
+        wchar_t col = Str::get_at(colouring, i);
+        if (col != current_col) {
+            if (current_col) HTML_CLOSE("span");
+            text_stream *span_class = NULL;
+            switch (col) {
+                case DEFINITION_COLOUR: span_class = I"syntaxdefinition"; break;
+                case FUNCTION_COLOUR:   span_class = I"syntaxfunction"; break;
+                case RESERVED_COLOUR:   span_class = I"syntaxreserved"; break;
+                case ELEMENT_COLOUR:    span_class = I"syntaxelement"; break;
+                case IDENTIFIER_COLOUR: span_class = I"syntaxidentifier"; break;
+                case CHARACTER_COLOUR:  span_class = I"syntaxcharacter"; break;
+                case CONSTANT_COLOUR:   span_class = I"syntaxconstant"; break;
+                case STRING_COLOUR:     span_class = I"syntaxstring"; break;
+                case PLAIN_COLOUR:      span_class = I"syntaxplain"; break;
+                case EXTRACT_COLOUR:    span_class = I"syntaxextract"; break;
+                case COMMENT_COLOUR:    span_class = I"syntaxcomment"; break;
+            }
+            HTML_OPEN_WITH("span", "class=\"%S\"", span_class);
+            current_col = col;
+        }
+        MDRenderer::char(OUT, c, mode);
+    }
+    if (current_col) HTML_CLOSE("span");
+ + +