+ + +

Parsing the clauses part of an AP from source text.

+ +

§1. We can't put it off any longer. Here goes. +

+ +
+action_pattern *ParseClauses::parse(wording W) {
+    int failure_this_call = pap_failure_reason;
+    int i, j, k = 0;
+    action_name_list *list = NULL;
+    int tense = ParseActionPatterns::current_tense();
+    action_pattern ap = ActionPatterns::temporary(W);
+    int ap_valid = FALSE;
+    PAR - (f) Parse Special Going Clauses1.3;
+    PAR - (i) Parse Initial Action Name List1.4;
+    PAR - (j) Parse Parameters1.5;
+    PAR - (k) Verify Mixed Action1.6;
+    With one small proviso, a valid action pattern has been parsed1.1;
+    return ActionPatterns::perpetuate(ap);
+    Failed: ;
+    No valid action pattern has been parsed1.2;
+    return NULL;

§1.1. With one small proviso, a valid action pattern has been parsed1.1 = +

+ +
+    pap_failure_reason = 0;
+    ap.text_of_pattern = W;
+    ap.action_list = list;
+    anl_item *item = ActionNameLists::first_item(ap.action_list);
+    if ((item) && (item->nap_listed == NULL) && (item->action_listed == NULL))
+        ap.action_list = NULL;
+    ap_valid = TRUE;
+    ParseClauses::nullify_nonspecific(&ap, ACTOR_AP_CLAUSE);
+    ParseClauses::nullify_nonspecific(&ap, NOUN_AP_CLAUSE);
+    ParseClauses::nullify_nonspecific(&ap, SECOND_AP_CLAUSE);
+    ParseClauses::nullify_nonspecific(&ap, IN_AP_CLAUSE);
+	if (Going::check(&ap) == FALSE) ap_valid = FALSE;
+    if (ap_valid == FALSE) goto Failed;
+    LOGIF(ACTION_PATTERN_PARSING, "Matched action pattern: $A\n", &ap);
  • This code is used in §1.

§1.2. No valid action pattern has been parsed1.2 = +

+ +
+    pap_failure_reason = failure_this_call;
+    ap_valid = FALSE;
+    ap.ap_clauses = NULL;
+    LOGIF(ACTION_PATTERN_PARSING, "Parse action failed: %W\n", W);
  • This code is used in §1.

§1.3. Special clauses are allowed after "going..."; trim them +away as they are recorded. +

+ +

PAR - (f) Parse Special Going Clauses1.3 = +

+ +
+    action_name_list *preliminary_anl = ActionNameLists::parse(W, tense, NULL);
+    action_name *chief_an = ActionNameLists::get_best_action(preliminary_anl);
+    if (chief_an == NULL) {
+        int x;
+        chief_an = ActionNameNames::longest_nounless(W, tense, &x);
+    }
+    if (chief_an) {
+        stacked_variable *last_stv_specified = NULL;
+        i = Wordings::first_wn(W) + 1; j = -1;
+        LOGIF(ACTION_PATTERN_PARSING, "Trying special clauses at <%W>\n", Wordings::new(i, Wordings::last_wn(W)));
+        while (i < Wordings::last_wn(W)) {
+            stacked_variable *stv = NULL;
+            if (Word::unexpectedly_upper_case(i) == FALSE)
+                stv = ActionVariables::parse_match_clause(chief_an, Wordings::new(i, Wordings::last_wn(W)));
+            if (stv != NULL) {
+                    "Special clauses found on <%W>\n", Wordings::from(W, i));
+                if (last_stv_specified == NULL) j = i-1;
+                else {
+                    parse_node *spec = ParseClauses::parse_variable_spec(Wordings::new(k, i-1), last_stv_specified);
+                    APClauses::set_action_variable_spec(&ap, last_stv_specified, spec);
+                }
+                k = i+1;
+                last_stv_specified = stv;
+            }
+            i++;
+        }
+        if (last_stv_specified != NULL) {
+            parse_node *spec = ParseClauses::parse_variable_spec(Wordings::new(k, Wordings::last_wn(W)), last_stv_specified);
+            APClauses::set_action_variable_spec(&ap, last_stv_specified, spec);
+        }
+        if (j >= 0) W = Wordings::up_to(W, j);
+    }
  • This code is used in §1.

§1.4. Extract the information as to which actions are intended: +e.g., from "taking or dropping something", that it will be +taking or dropping. +

+ +

PAR - (i) Parse Initial Action Name List1.4 = +

+ +
+    action_name_list *try_list = ActionNameLists::parse(W, tense, NULL);
+    if (try_list == NULL) goto Failed;
+    list = try_list;
+    LOGIF(ACTION_PATTERN_PARSING, "ANL from PAR(i):\n$L\n", list);
  • This code is used in §1.

§1.5. Now to fill in the gaps. At this point we have the action name +list as a linked list of all possible lexical matches, but want to +whittle it down to remove those which do not semantically make +sense. For instance, "taking inventory" has two possible lexical +matches: "taking inventory" with 0 parameters, or "taking" with +1 parameter "inventory", and we cannot judge without parsing +the expression "inventory". The list passes muster if at least +one match succeeds at the first word position represented in the +list, which is to say the last one lexically, since the list is +reverse-ordered. (This is so that "taking or dropping something" +requires only "dropping" to have its objects specified; "taking", +of course, does not.) We delete all entries in the list at this +crucial word position except for the one matched. +

+ +

PAR - (j) Parse Parameters1.5 = +

+ +
+    int no_positions = 0;
+    int position_at[MAX_AP_POSITIONS], position_min_parc[MAX_AP_POSITIONS];
+    Find the positions of individual action names, and their minimum parameter counts1.5.1;
+    Report to the debugging log on the action decomposition1.5.2;
+    Find how many different positions have each possible minimum count1.5.3;
+    int first_position = ActionNameLists::first_position(list);
+    int one_was_valid = FALSE;
+    action_pattern trial_ap;
+    int trial_ap_valid = FALSE;
+    LOOP_THROUGH_ANL(entry, list) {
+        LOGIF(ACTION_PATTERN_PARSING, "Entry (%d):\n$8\n", ActionNameLists::parc(entry), entry);
+        Fill out the noun, second, room and nowhere fields of the AP as if this action were right1.5.4;
+        Check the validity of this speculative AP1.5.5;
+        if ((trial_ap_valid) && (one_was_valid == FALSE) && (ActionNameLists::word_position(entry) == first_position)) {
+            one_was_valid = TRUE;
+            APClauses::set_spec(&ap, NOUN_AP_CLAUSE, APClauses::spec(&trial_ap, NOUN_AP_CLAUSE));
+            APClauses::set_spec(&ap, SECOND_AP_CLAUSE, APClauses::spec(&trial_ap, SECOND_AP_CLAUSE));
+            APClauses::set_spec(&ap, IN_AP_CLAUSE, APClauses::spec(&trial_ap, IN_AP_CLAUSE));
+            if (Going::going_nowhere(&trial_ap)) Going::go_nowhere(&ap);
+            if (Going::going_somewhere(&trial_ap)) Going::go_somewhere(&ap);
+            ap_valid = TRUE;
+        }
+        if (trial_ap_valid == FALSE) ActionNameLists::mark_for_deletion(entry);
+    }
+    if (one_was_valid == FALSE) goto Failed;
+    Adjudicate between topic and other actions1.5.6;
+    LOGIF(ACTION_PATTERN_PARSING, "List before action winnowing:\n$L\n", list);
+    Delete those action names which are to be deleted1.5.7;
+    LOGIF(ACTION_PATTERN_PARSING, "List after action winnowing:\n$L\n", list);
  • This code is used in §1.

§1.5.1. For example, "taking inventory or waiting" produces two positions, words +0 and 3, and minimum parameter count 0 in each case. ("Taking inventory" +can be read as "taking (inventory)", par-count 1, or "taking inventory", +par-count 0, so the minimum is 0.) +

+ +

Find the positions of individual action names, and their minimum parameter counts1.5.1 = +

+ +
+    LOOP_THROUGH_ANL(entry, list) {
+        int pos = -1;
+        Find the position word of this particular action name1.5.1.1;
+        if ((position_min_parc[pos] == UNTHINKABLE_POSITION) ||
+            (ActionNameLists::parc(entry) < position_min_parc[pos]))
+            position_min_parc[pos] = ActionNameLists::parc(entry);
+    }
  • This code is used in §1.5.

§ Find the position word of this particular action name1.5.1.1 = +

+ +
+    int i;
+    for (i=0; i<no_positions; i++)
+        if (ActionNameLists::word_position(entry) == position_at[i])
+            pos = i;
+    if (pos == -1) {
+        if (no_positions == MAX_AP_POSITIONS) goto Failed;
+        position_at[no_positions] = ActionNameLists::word_position(entry);
+        position_min_parc[no_positions] = UNTHINKABLE_POSITION;
+        pos = no_positions++;
+    }
+ +

§1.5.2. Report to the debugging log on the action decomposition1.5.2 = +

+ +
+    LOGIF(ACTION_PATTERN_PARSING, "List after action decomposition:\n$L\n", list);
+    for (i=0; i<no_positions; i++) {
+        int min = position_min_parc[i];
+        LOGIF(ACTION_PATTERN_PARSING, "ANL position %d (word %d): min parc %d\n",
+            i, position_at[i], min);
+    }
  • This code is used in §1.5.

§1.5.3. The following test is done to reject patterns like "taking ball or dropping +bat", which have a positive minimum parameter count in more than one position; +which means there couldn't be an action pattern which shared the same noun +description. +

+ +

Find how many different positions have each possible minimum count1.5.3 = +

+ +
+    int positions_with_min_parc[3];
+    for (i=0; i<3; i++) positions_with_min_parc[i] = 0;
+    for (i=0; i<no_positions; i++) {
+        int min = position_min_parc[i];
+        if ((min >= 0) && (min < 3)) positions_with_min_parc[min]++;
+    }
+    if ((positions_with_min_parc[1] > 1) ||
+        (positions_with_min_parc[2] > 1)) {
+        failure_this_call = MIXEDNOUNS_PAPF; goto Failed;
+    }
  • This code is used in §1.5.

§1.5.4. Fill out the noun, second, room and nowhere fields of the AP as if this action were right1.5.4 = +

+ +
+    trial_ap.ap_clauses = NULL;
+    if (Wordings::nonempty(ActionNameLists::par(entry, 0))) {
+        if (Going::irregular_noun_phrase(ActionNameLists::action(entry), &trial_ap, ActionNameLists::par(entry, 0)) == FALSE)
+            ParseClauses::add_clause(&trial_ap, NOUN_AP_CLAUSE, ActionNameLists::par(entry, 0));
+    }
+    if (Wordings::nonempty(ActionNameLists::par(entry, 1))) {
+        if ((ActionNameLists::action(entry) != NULL)
+            && (K_understanding)
+            && (Kinds::eq(ActionSemantics::kind_of_second(ActionNameLists::action(entry)), K_understanding))
+            && (<understanding-action-irregular-operand>(ActionNameLists::par(entry, 1)))) {
+            parse_node *val = ParsingPlugin::rvalue_from_grammar_verb(NULL);  Why no GV here?
+            Node::set_text(val, ActionNameLists::par(entry, 1));
+            APClauses::set_spec(&trial_ap, SECOND_AP_CLAUSE, val);
+        } else {
+            ParseClauses::add_clause(&trial_ap, SECOND_AP_CLAUSE, ActionNameLists::par(entry, 1));
+        }
+    }
+    if (Wordings::nonempty(ActionNameLists::in_clause(entry)))
+        ParseClauses::add_clause(&trial_ap, IN_AP_CLAUSE,
+            ActionNameLists::in_clause(entry));
  • This code is used in §1.5.

§1.5.5. Check the validity of this speculative AP1.5.5 = +

+ +
+    kind *check_n = K_object;
+    kind *check_s = K_object;
+    if (ActionNameLists::action(entry) != NULL) {
+        check_n = ActionSemantics::kind_of_noun(ActionNameLists::action(entry));
+        check_s = ActionSemantics::kind_of_second(ActionNameLists::action(entry));
+    }
+    trial_ap_valid = TRUE;
+    if (APClauses::validate(APClauses::clause(&trial_ap, NOUN_AP_CLAUSE), check_n) == FALSE)
+        trial_ap_valid = FALSE;
+    if (APClauses::validate(APClauses::clause(&trial_ap, SECOND_AP_CLAUSE), check_s) == FALSE)
+        trial_ap_valid = FALSE;
+    if (APClauses::validate(APClauses::clause(&trial_ap, IN_AP_CLAUSE), K_object) == FALSE)
+        trial_ap_valid = FALSE;
  • This code is used in §1.5.

§1.5.6. Adjudicate between topic and other actions1.5.6 = +

+ +
+    kind *K[2];
+    K[0] = NULL; K[1] = NULL;
+    LOOP_THROUGH_ANL_WITH_PREV(entry, prev, next, list) {
+        if ((ActionNameLists::marked_for_deletion(entry) == FALSE) && (ActionNameLists::action(entry))) {
+            if (ActionNameLists::same_word_position(prev, entry) == FALSE) {
+                if (ActionNameLists::same_word_position(entry, next) == FALSE) {
+                    if ((K[0] == NULL) && (ActionSemantics::can_have_noun(ActionNameLists::action(entry))))
+                        K[0] = ActionSemantics::kind_of_noun(ActionNameLists::action(entry));
+                    if ((K[1] == NULL) && (ActionSemantics::can_have_second(ActionNameLists::action(entry))))
+                        K[1] = ActionSemantics::kind_of_second(ActionNameLists::action(entry));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    LOGIF(ACTION_PATTERN_PARSING, "Necessary kinds: %u, %u\n", K[0], K[1]);
+    LOOP_THROUGH_ANL_WITH_PREV(entry, prev, next, list) {
+        if ((ActionNameLists::marked_for_deletion(entry) == FALSE) && (ActionNameLists::action(entry))) {
+            int poor_choice = FALSE;
+            if ((K[0]) && (ActionSemantics::can_have_noun(ActionNameLists::action(entry)))) {
+                kind *L = ActionSemantics::kind_of_noun(ActionNameLists::action(entry));
+                if (Kinds::compatible(L, K[0]) == FALSE) poor_choice = TRUE;
+            }
+            if ((K[1]) && (ActionSemantics::can_have_second(ActionNameLists::action(entry)))) {
+                kind *L = ActionSemantics::kind_of_second(ActionNameLists::action(entry));
+                if (Kinds::compatible(L, K[1]) == FALSE) poor_choice = TRUE;
+            }
+            if (poor_choice) {
+                if (((ActionNameLists::same_word_position(prev, entry)) &&
+                        (ActionNameLists::marked_for_deletion(prev) == FALSE))
+                    ||
+                    ((ActionNameLists::same_word_position(entry, next)) &&
+                        (ActionNameLists::marked_for_deletion(next) == FALSE)))
+                    ActionNameLists::mark_for_deletion(entry);
+            }
+        }
+    }
  • This code is used in §1.5.

§1.5.7. Delete those action names which are to be deleted1.5.7 = +

+ +
+    ActionNameLists::remove_entries_marked_for_deletion(list);
  • This code is used in §1.5.

§1.6. Not all actions can cohabit. We require that as far as the user has +specified the parameters, the actions in the list must all agree (i) to be +allowed to have such a parameter, and (ii) to be allowed to have a +parameter of the same type. Thus "waiting or taking something" fails +(waiting takes 0 parameters, but we specified one), and so would "painting +or taking something" if painting had to be followed by a colour, say. Note +that the "doing anything" action is always allowed a parameter (this is +the case when the first action name in the list is NULL). +

+ +

PAR - (k) Verify Mixed Action1.6 = +

+ +
+    int immiscible = FALSE, no_oow = 0, no_iw = 0, no_of_pars = 0;
+    kind *kinds_observed_in_list[2];
+    kinds_observed_in_list[0] = NULL;
+    kinds_observed_in_list[1] = NULL;
+    LOOP_THROUGH_ANL(entry, list)
+        if (ActionNameLists::nap(entry) == NULL) {
+            if (ActionNameLists::parc(entry) > 0) {
+                if (no_of_pars > 0) immiscible = TRUE;
+                no_of_pars = ActionNameLists::parc(entry);
+            }
+            action_name *this = ActionNameLists::action(entry);
+            if (this) {
+                if (ActionSemantics::is_out_of_world(this)) no_oow++; else no_iw++;
+                if (ActionNameLists::parc(entry) >= 1) {
+                    kind *K = ActionSemantics::kind_of_noun(this);
+                    kind *A = kinds_observed_in_list[0];
+                    if ((A) && (K) && (Kinds::eq(A, K) == FALSE))
+                        immiscible = TRUE;
+                    kinds_observed_in_list[0] = K;
+                }
+                if (ActionNameLists::parc(entry) >= 2) {
+                    kind *K = ActionSemantics::kind_of_second(this);
+                    kind *A = kinds_observed_in_list[1];
+                    if ((A) && (K) && (Kinds::eq(A, K) == FALSE))
+                        immiscible = TRUE;
+                    kinds_observed_in_list[1] = K;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    if ((no_oow > 0) && (no_iw > 0)) immiscible = TRUE;
+    LOOP_THROUGH_ANL(entry, list)
+        if (ActionNameLists::action(entry)) {
+            if ((no_of_pars >= 1) && (ActionSemantics::can_have_noun(ActionNameLists::action(entry)) == FALSE))
+                immiscible = TRUE;
+            if ((no_of_pars >= 2) && (ActionSemantics::can_have_second(ActionNameLists::action(entry)) == FALSE))
+                immiscible = TRUE;
+        }
+    if (immiscible) {
+        failure_this_call = IMMISCIBLE_PAPF;
+        goto Failed;
+    }
  • This code is used in §1.

§2. And an anticlimactic little routine for putting objects +into action patterns in the noun or second noun position. +

+ +
+void ParseClauses::add_clause(action_pattern *ap, int C, wording W) {
+    parse_node *spec = NULL;
+    int any_flag = FALSE;
+    if (<action-operand>(W)) {
+        if (<<r>>) spec = <<rp>>;
+        else { any_flag = TRUE; spec = Specifications::from_kind(K_thing); }
+    }
+    if (spec == NULL) spec = Specifications::new_UNKNOWN(W);
+    if ((K_understanding) && (Rvalues::is_CONSTANT_of_kind(spec, K_text)))
+        Node::set_kind_of_value(spec, K_understanding);
+    Node::set_text(spec, W);
+    LOGIF(ACTION_PATTERN_PARSING, "PAOIA (clause %d) %W = $P\n", C, W, spec);
+    APClauses::set_spec(ap, C, spec);
+    if (any_flag) APClauses::set_opt(APClauses::clause(ap, C), DO_NOT_VALIDATE_APCOPT);
+    else APClauses::clear_opt(APClauses::clause(ap, C), DO_NOT_VALIDATE_APCOPT);
+void ParseClauses::nullify_nonspecific(action_pattern *ap, int C) {
+    ap_clause *apoc = APClauses::clause(ap, C);
+    if ((apoc) && (Node::is(apoc->clause_spec, UNKNOWN_NT)))
+        apoc->clause_spec = NULL;
+parse_node *ParseClauses::parse_spec(wording W) {
+    if (<s-ap-parameter>(W)) return <<rp>>;
+    return Specifications::new_UNKNOWN(W);
+parse_node *ParseClauses::parse_variable_spec(wording W, stacked_variable *stv) {
+    parse_node *spec = ParseClauses::parse_spec(W);
+    int rv = Going::validate(stv, spec);
+    if (rv == FALSE) return NULL;
+    if (rv == NOT_APPLICABLE) {
+        if (Dash::validate_parameter(spec, StackedVariables::get_kind(stv)) == FALSE) {
+	if (Node::is(spec, UNKNOWN_NT)) {
+            Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
+            Problems::quote_wording(2, W);
+            StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_BadOptionalAPClause));
+            Problems::issue_problem_segment(
+                "In %1, I tried to read a description of an action - a complicated "
+                "one involving optional clauses; but '%2' wasn't something I "
+                "recognised.");
+            Problems::issue_problem_end();
+            spec = NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    return spec;

§3. The "operands" of an action pattern are the nouns to which it applies: for +example, in "Kevin taking or dropping something", the operand is "something". +We treat words like "something" specially to avoid them being read as +"some thing" and thus forcing the kind of the operand to be "thing". +

+ +
+<action-operand> ::=
+    something/anything |            ==> { FALSE, - }
+    something/anything else |       ==> { FALSE, - }
+    <s-ap-parameter>                ==> { TRUE, RP[1] }
+<understanding-action-irregular-operand> ::=
+    something/anything |    ==> { TRUE, - }
+    it                              ==> { FALSE, - }
+ + + +