+ + +

Just enough of the Glk input/output interface to allow simple console text in and out, and no more.

+ +
+ +

§1. Glk - an apology. The code below is in no way a proper implementation of the Glk input/output +system, which was developed as an interactive fiction standard by Andrew Plotkin, +and which has served us well and will continue to do so. It is not even a full +implementation of basic console I/O via Glk, for which see the cheapglk +C library. +

+ +

Instead, our aim is to do the absolute minimum possible in simple self-contained +C code, and to impose as few restrictions as possible beyond that. The flip side +of Glk's gilt-edged engineering quality is that it can be a gilded cage: for some +imaginable uses of Inform 7-via-C, say based on Unity or in an iOS app, strict +use of Glk would be constraining. +

+ +

In an attempt to have the best of both worlds, the code below is only the +default Glk implementation for an Inform 7-via-C project, and the user can +duck out of it by providing an implementation of her own. (Indeed, this could +even be cheapglk, as mentioned above.) +

+ +

This section of code therefore defines just two functions, i7_default_stylist +and i7_default_glk, plus their supporting code — which turns out to be quite +a lot, but there are only those two points of entry. +

+ +

§2. Miniglk. Each process needs to keep track of its own files, streams, windows and events, +which are wrapped up in a miniglk_data structure as follows: +

+ +
+typedef struct i7_mg_file_t {
+    i7word_t usage;
+    i7word_t name;
+    i7word_t rock;
+    char leafname[128];
+    FILE *handle;
+} i7_mg_file_t;
+typedef struct i7_mg_stream_t {
+    FILE *to_file;
+    i7word_t to_file_id;
+    wchar_t *to_memory;
+    size_t memory_used;
+    size_t memory_capacity;
+    i7word_t previous_id;
+    i7word_t write_here_on_closure;
+    size_t write_limit;
+    int active;
+    int encode_UTF8;
+    int char_size;
+    int chars_read;
+    int read_position;
+    int end_position;
+    int owned_by_window_id;
+    int fixed_pitch;
+    char style[128];
+    char composite_style[300];
+} i7_mg_stream_t;
+typedef struct i7_mg_window_t {
+    i7word_t type;
+    i7word_t stream_id;
+    i7word_t rock;
+} i7_mg_window_t;
+typedef struct i7_mg_event_t {
+    i7word_t type;
+    i7word_t win_id;
+    i7word_t val1;
+    i7word_t val2;
+} i7_mg_event_t;
+typedef struct miniglk_data {
+    /* streams */
+    i7_mg_stream_t memory_streams[I7_MINIGLK_MAX_STREAMS];
+    i7word_t stdout_stream_id, stderr_stream_id;
+    /* files */
+    i7_mg_file_t files[128 + 32];
+    int no_files;
+    /* windows */
+    i7_mg_window_t windows[I7_MINIGLK_MAX_WINDOWS];
+    int no_windows;
+    /* events */
+    i7_mg_event_t events_ring_buffer[I7_MINIGLK_RING_BUFFER_SIZE];
+    int rb_back, rb_front;
+    int no_lr;
+} miniglk_data;
+void i7_initialise_miniglk_data(i7process_t *proc);
+ +
+void i7_initialise_miniglk_data(i7process_t *proc) {
+    proc->miniglk = malloc(sizeof(miniglk_data));
+    if (proc->miniglk == NULL) {
+        printf("Memory allocation failed\n");
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    proc->miniglk->no_files = 0;
+    proc->miniglk->stdout_stream_id = 0;
+    proc->miniglk->stderr_stream_id = 1;
+    proc->miniglk->no_windows = 1;
+    proc->miniglk->rb_back = 0;
+    proc->miniglk->rb_front = 0;
+    proc->miniglk->no_lr = 0;
+ +


+ +
+i7word_t i7_miniglk_fileref_create_by_name(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t usage, i7word_t name, i7word_t rock);
+int i7_fseek(i7process_t *proc, int id, int pos, int origin);
+int i7_ftell(i7process_t *proc, int id);
+int i7_fopen(i7process_t *proc, int id, int mode);
+void i7_fclose(i7process_t *proc, int id);
+i7word_t i7_miniglk_fileref_does_file_exist(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t id);
+void i7_fputc(i7process_t *proc, int c, int id);
+int i7_fgetc(i7process_t *proc, int id);
+i7word_t i7_miniglk_stream_get_current(i7process_t *proc);
+i7_mg_stream_t i7_new_stream(i7process_t *proc, FILE *F, int win_id);
+ +
+i7word_t fn_i7_mgl_TEXT_TY_CharacterLength(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_txt, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_ch, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_i, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_dsize, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_p, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_cp, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_r);
+i7word_t fn_i7_mgl_BlkValueRead(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_from, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_pos, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_do_not_indirect, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_long_block, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_chunk_size_in_bytes, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_header_size_in_bytes, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_flags, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_entry_size_in_bytes, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_seek_byte_position);
+void i7_default_stylist(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t which, i7word_t what) {
+    if (which == 1) {
+        i7_mg_stream_t *S = &(proc->miniglk->memory_streams[proc->state.current_output_stream_ID]);
+        S->fixed_pitch = what;
+        sprintf(S->composite_style, "%s", S->style);
+        if (S->fixed_pitch) {
+            if (strlen(S->style) > 0) sprintf(S->composite_style + strlen(S->composite_style), ",");
+            sprintf(S->composite_style + strlen(S->composite_style), "fixedpitch");
+        }
+    } else {
+        i7_mg_stream_t *S = &(proc->miniglk->memory_streams[proc->state.current_output_stream_ID]);
+        S->style[0] = 0;
+        switch (what) {
+            case 0: break;
+            case 1: sprintf(S->style, "bold"); break;
+            case 2: sprintf(S->style, "italic"); break;
+            case 3: sprintf(S->style, "reverse"); break;
+            default: {
+                int L = fn_i7_mgl_TEXT_TY_CharacterLength(proc, what, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+                if (L > 127) L = 127;
+                for (int i=0; i<L; i++) S->style[i] = fn_i7_mgl_BlkValueRead(proc, what, i, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+                S->style[L] = 0;
+            }
+        }
+        sprintf(S->composite_style, "%s", S->style);
+        if (S->fixed_pitch) {
+            if (strlen(S->style) > 0) sprintf(S->composite_style + strlen(S->composite_style), ",");
+            sprintf(S->composite_style + strlen(S->composite_style), "fixedpitch");
+        }
+    }
+i7word_t i7_miniglk_fileref_create_by_name(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t usage, i7word_t name, i7word_t rock) {
+    if (proc->miniglk->no_files >= 128) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "Out of streams\n"); i7_fatal_exit(proc);
+    }
+    int id = proc->miniglk->no_files++;
+    proc->miniglk->files[id].usage = usage;
+    proc->miniglk->files[id].name = name;
+    proc->miniglk->files[id].rock = rock;
+    proc->miniglk->files[id].handle = NULL;
+    for (int i=0; i<128; i++) {
+        i7byte_t c = i7_read_byte(proc, name+1+i);
+        proc->miniglk->files[id].leafname[i] = c;
+        if (c == 0) break;
+    }
+    proc->miniglk->files[id].leafname[127] = 0;
+    sprintf(proc->miniglk->files[id].leafname + strlen(proc->miniglk->files[id].leafname), ".glkdata");
+    return id;
+int i7_fseek(i7process_t *proc, int id, int pos, int origin) {
+    if ((id < 0) || (id >= 128)) { fprintf(stderr, "Too many files\n"); i7_fatal_exit(proc); }
+    if (proc->miniglk->files[id].handle == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "File not open\n"); i7_fatal_exit(proc); }
+    return fseek(proc->miniglk->files[id].handle, pos, origin);
+int i7_ftell(i7process_t *proc, int id) {
+    if ((id < 0) || (id >= 128)) { fprintf(stderr, "Too many files\n"); i7_fatal_exit(proc); }
+    if (proc->miniglk->files[id].handle == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "File not open\n"); i7_fatal_exit(proc); }
+    int t = ftell(proc->miniglk->files[id].handle);
+    return t;
+int i7_fopen(i7process_t *proc, int id, int mode) {
+    if ((id < 0) || (id >= 128)) { fprintf(stderr, "Too many files\n"); i7_fatal_exit(proc); }
+    if (proc->miniglk->files[id].handle) { fprintf(stderr, "File already open\n"); i7_fatal_exit(proc); }
+    char *c_mode = "r";
+    switch (mode) {
+        case i7_filemode_Write: c_mode = "w"; break;
+        case i7_filemode_Read: c_mode = "r"; break;
+        case i7_filemode_ReadWrite: c_mode = "r+"; break;
+        case i7_filemode_WriteAppend: c_mode = "r+"; break;
+    }
+    FILE *h = fopen(proc->miniglk->files[id].leafname, c_mode);
+    if (h == NULL) return 0;
+    proc->miniglk->files[id].handle = h;
+    if (mode == i7_filemode_WriteAppend) i7_fseek(proc, id, 0, SEEK_END);
+    return 1;
+void i7_fclose(i7process_t *proc, int id) {
+    if ((id < 0) || (id >= 128)) { fprintf(stderr, "Too many files\n"); i7_fatal_exit(proc); }
+    if (proc->miniglk->files[id].handle == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "File not open\n"); i7_fatal_exit(proc); }
+    fclose(proc->miniglk->files[id].handle);
+    proc->miniglk->files[id].handle = NULL;
+i7word_t i7_miniglk_fileref_does_file_exist(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t id) {
+    if ((id < 0) || (id >= 128)) { fprintf(stderr, "Too many files\n"); i7_fatal_exit(proc); }
+    if (proc->miniglk->files[id].handle) return 1;
+    if (i7_fopen(proc, id, i7_filemode_Read)) {
+        i7_fclose(proc, id); return 1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+void i7_fputc(i7process_t *proc, int c, int id) {
+    if ((id < 0) || (id >= 128)) { fprintf(stderr, "Too many files\n"); i7_fatal_exit(proc); }
+    if (proc->miniglk->files[id].handle == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "File not open\n"); i7_fatal_exit(proc); }
+    fputc(c, proc->miniglk->files[id].handle);
+int i7_fgetc(i7process_t *proc, int id) {
+    if ((id < 0) || (id >= 128)) { fprintf(stderr, "Too many files\n"); i7_fatal_exit(proc); }
+    if (proc->miniglk->files[id].handle == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "File not open\n"); i7_fatal_exit(proc); }
+    int c = fgetc(proc->miniglk->files[id].handle);
+    return c;
+i7word_t i7_miniglk_stream_get_current(i7process_t *proc) {
+    return proc->state.current_output_stream_ID;
+void i7_miniglk_stream_set_current(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t id) {
+    if ((id < 0) || (id >= I7_MINIGLK_MAX_STREAMS)) { fprintf(stderr, "Stream ID %d out of range\n", id); i7_fatal_exit(proc); }
+    proc->state.current_output_stream_ID = id;
+i7_mg_stream_t i7_new_stream(i7process_t *proc, FILE *F, int win_id) {
+    i7_mg_stream_t S;
+    S.to_file = F;
+    S.to_file_id = -1;
+    S.to_memory = NULL;
+    S.memory_used = 0;
+    S.memory_capacity = 0;
+    S.write_here_on_closure = 0;
+    S.write_limit = 0;
+    S.previous_id = 0;
+    S.active = 0;
+    S.encode_UTF8 = 0;
+    S.char_size = 4;
+    S.chars_read = 0;
+    S.read_position = 0;
+    S.end_position = 0;
+    S.owned_by_window_id = win_id;
+    S.style[0] = 0;
+    S.fixed_pitch = 0;
+    S.composite_style[0] = 0;
+    return S;
+ +


+ +
+void i7_initialise_streams(i7process_t *proc);
+i7word_t i7_open_stream(i7process_t *proc, FILE *F, int win_id);
+i7word_t i7_miniglk_stream_open_memory(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t buffer, i7word_t len, i7word_t fmode, i7word_t rock);
+i7word_t i7_miniglk_stream_open_memory_uni(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t buffer, i7word_t len, i7word_t fmode, i7word_t rock);
+i7word_t i7_miniglk_stream_open_file(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t fileref, i7word_t usage, i7word_t rock);
+void i7_miniglk_stream_set_position(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t id, i7word_t pos, i7word_t seekmode);
+i7word_t i7_miniglk_stream_get_position(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t id);
+void i7_miniglk_stream_close(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t id, i7word_t result);
+i7word_t i7_miniglk_window_open(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t split, i7word_t method, i7word_t size, i7word_t wintype, i7word_t rock);
+i7word_t i7_stream_of_window(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t id);
+i7word_t i7_rock_of_window(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t id);
+void i7_to_receiver(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t rock, wchar_t c);
+void i7_miniglk_put_char_stream(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t stream_id, i7word_t x);
+i7word_t i7_miniglk_get_char_stream(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t stream_id);
+ +
+void i7_initialise_streams(i7process_t *proc) {
+    for (int i=0; i<I7_MINIGLK_MAX_STREAMS; i++) proc->miniglk->memory_streams[i] = i7_new_stream(proc, NULL, 0);
+    proc->miniglk->memory_streams[proc->miniglk->stdout_stream_id] = i7_new_stream(proc, stdout, 0);
+    proc->miniglk->memory_streams[proc->miniglk->stdout_stream_id].active = 1;
+    proc->miniglk->memory_streams[proc->miniglk->stdout_stream_id].encode_UTF8 = 1;
+    proc->miniglk->memory_streams[proc->miniglk->stderr_stream_id] = i7_new_stream(proc, stderr, 0);
+    proc->miniglk->memory_streams[proc->miniglk->stderr_stream_id].active = 1;
+    proc->miniglk->memory_streams[proc->miniglk->stderr_stream_id].encode_UTF8 = 1;
+    i7_miniglk_stream_set_current(proc, proc->miniglk->stdout_stream_id);
+i7word_t i7_open_stream(i7process_t *proc, FILE *F, int win_id) {
+    for (int i=0; i<I7_MINIGLK_MAX_STREAMS; i++)
+        if (proc->miniglk->memory_streams[i].active == 0) {
+            proc->miniglk->memory_streams[i] = i7_new_stream(proc, F, win_id);
+            proc->miniglk->memory_streams[i].active = 1;
+            proc->miniglk->memory_streams[i].previous_id = proc->state.current_output_stream_ID;
+            return i;
+        }
+    fprintf(stderr, "Out of streams\n"); i7_fatal_exit(proc);
+    return 0;
+i7word_t i7_miniglk_stream_open_memory(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t buffer, i7word_t len, i7word_t fmode, i7word_t rock) {
+    if (fmode != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Only file mode 1 supported, not %d\n", fmode); i7_fatal_exit(proc); }
+    i7word_t id = i7_open_stream(proc, NULL, 0);
+    proc->miniglk->memory_streams[id].write_here_on_closure = buffer;
+    proc->miniglk->memory_streams[id].write_limit = (size_t) len;
+    proc->miniglk->memory_streams[id].char_size = 1;
+    proc->state.current_output_stream_ID = id;
+    return id;
+i7word_t i7_miniglk_stream_open_memory_uni(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t buffer, i7word_t len, i7word_t fmode, i7word_t rock) {
+    if (fmode != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Only file mode 1 supported, not %d\n", fmode); i7_fatal_exit(proc); }
+    i7word_t id = i7_open_stream(proc, NULL, 0);
+    proc->miniglk->memory_streams[id].write_here_on_closure = buffer;
+    proc->miniglk->memory_streams[id].write_limit = (size_t) len;
+    proc->miniglk->memory_streams[id].char_size = 4;
+    proc->state.current_output_stream_ID = id;
+    return id;
+i7word_t i7_miniglk_stream_open_file(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t fileref, i7word_t usage, i7word_t rock) {
+    i7word_t id = i7_open_stream(proc, NULL, 0);
+    proc->miniglk->memory_streams[id].to_file_id = fileref;
+    if (i7_fopen(proc, fileref, usage) == 0) return 0;
+    return id;
+void i7_miniglk_stream_set_position(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t id, i7word_t pos, i7word_t seekmode) {
+    if ((id < 0) || (id >= I7_MINIGLK_MAX_STREAMS)) { fprintf(stderr, "Stream ID %d out of range\n", id); i7_fatal_exit(proc); }
+    i7_mg_stream_t *S = &(proc->miniglk->memory_streams[id]);
+    if (S->to_file_id >= 0) {
+        int origin;
+        switch (seekmode) {
+            case seekmode_Start: origin = SEEK_SET; break;
+            case seekmode_Current: origin = SEEK_CUR; break;
+            case seekmode_End: origin = SEEK_END; break;
+            default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown seekmode\n"); i7_fatal_exit(proc);
+        }
+        i7_fseek(proc, S->to_file_id, pos, origin);
+    } else {
+        fprintf(stderr, "glk_stream_set_position supported only for file streams\n"); i7_fatal_exit(proc);
+    }
+i7word_t i7_miniglk_stream_get_position(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t id) {
+    if ((id < 0) || (id >= I7_MINIGLK_MAX_STREAMS)) { fprintf(stderr, "Stream ID %d out of range\n", id); i7_fatal_exit(proc); }
+    i7_mg_stream_t *S = &(proc->miniglk->memory_streams[id]);
+    if (S->to_file_id >= 0) {
+        return (i7word_t) i7_ftell(proc, S->to_file_id);
+    }
+    return (i7word_t) S->memory_used;
+void i7_miniglk_stream_close(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t id, i7word_t result) {
+    if ((id < 0) || (id >= I7_MINIGLK_MAX_STREAMS)) { fprintf(stderr, "Stream ID %d out of range\n", id); i7_fatal_exit(proc); }
+    if (id == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot close stdout\n"); i7_fatal_exit(proc); }
+    if (id == 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot close stderr\n"); i7_fatal_exit(proc); }
+    i7_mg_stream_t *S = &(proc->miniglk->memory_streams[id]);
+    if (S->active == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Stream %d already closed\n", id); i7_fatal_exit(proc); }
+    if (proc->state.current_output_stream_ID == id) proc->state.current_output_stream_ID = S->previous_id;
+    if (S->write_here_on_closure != 0) {
+        if (S->char_size == 4) {
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < S->write_limit; i++)
+                if (i < S->memory_used)
+                    i7_write_word(proc, S->write_here_on_closure, i, S->to_memory[i]);
+                else
+                    i7_write_word(proc, S->write_here_on_closure, i, 0);
+        } else {
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < S->write_limit; i++)
+                if (i < S->memory_used)
+                    i7_write_byte(proc, S->write_here_on_closure + i, S->to_memory[i]);
+                else
+                    i7_write_byte(proc, S->write_here_on_closure + i, 0);
+        }
+    }
+    if (result == -1) {
+        i7_push(proc, S->chars_read);
+        i7_push(proc, S->memory_used);
+    } else if (result != 0) {
+        i7_write_word(proc, result, 0, S->chars_read);
+        i7_write_word(proc, result, 1, S->memory_used);
+    }
+    if (S->to_file_id >= 0) i7_fclose(proc, S->to_file_id);
+    S->active = 0;
+    S->memory_used = 0;
+i7word_t i7_miniglk_window_open(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t split, i7word_t method, i7word_t size, i7word_t wintype, i7word_t rock) {
+    if (proc->miniglk->no_windows >= 128) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "Out of windows\n"); i7_fatal_exit(proc);
+    }
+    int id = proc->miniglk->no_windows++;
+    proc->miniglk->windows[id].type = wintype;
+    proc->miniglk->windows[id].stream_id = i7_open_stream(proc, stdout, id);
+    proc->miniglk->windows[id].rock = rock;
+    return id;
+i7word_t i7_stream_of_window(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t id) {
+    if ((id < 0) || (id >= proc->miniglk->no_windows)) { fprintf(stderr, "Window ID %d out of range\n", id); i7_fatal_exit(proc); }
+    return proc->miniglk->windows[id].stream_id;
+i7word_t i7_rock_of_window(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t id) {
+    if ((id < 0) || (id >= proc->miniglk->no_windows)) { fprintf(stderr, "Window ID %d out of range\n", id); i7_fatal_exit(proc); }
+    return proc->miniglk->windows[id].rock;
+void i7_to_receiver(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t rock, wchar_t c) {
+    i7_mg_stream_t *S = &(proc->miniglk->memory_streams[proc->state.current_output_stream_ID]);
+    if (proc->receiver == NULL) fputc(c, stdout);
+    (proc->receiver)(rock, c, S->composite_style);
+void i7_miniglk_put_char_stream(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t stream_id, i7word_t x) {
+    i7_mg_stream_t *S = &(proc->miniglk->memory_streams[stream_id]);
+    if (S->to_file) {
+        int win_id = S->owned_by_window_id;
+        int rock = -1;
+        if (win_id >= 1) rock = i7_rock_of_window(proc, win_id);
+        unsigned int c = (unsigned int) x;
+        if (proc->use_UTF8) {
+            if (c >= 0x800) {
+                i7_to_receiver(proc, rock, 0xE0 + (c >> 12));
+                i7_to_receiver(proc, rock, 0x80 + ((c >> 6) & 0x3f));
+                i7_to_receiver(proc, rock, 0x80 + (c & 0x3f));
+            } else if (c >= 0x80) {
+                i7_to_receiver(proc, rock, 0xC0 + (c >> 6));
+                i7_to_receiver(proc, rock, 0x80 + (c & 0x3f));
+            } else i7_to_receiver(proc, rock, (int) c);
+        } else {
+            i7_to_receiver(proc, rock, (int) c);
+        }
+    } else if (S->to_file_id >= 0) {
+        i7_fputc(proc, (int) x, S->to_file_id);
+        S->end_position++;
+    } else {
+        if (S->memory_used >= S->memory_capacity) {
+            size_t needed = 4*S->memory_capacity;
+            if (needed == 0) needed = 1024;
+            wchar_t *new_data = (wchar_t *) calloc(needed, sizeof(wchar_t));
+            if (new_data == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory\n"); i7_fatal_exit(proc); }
+            for (size_t i=0; i<S->memory_used; i++) new_data[i] = S->to_memory[i];
+            free(S->to_memory);
+            S->to_memory = new_data;
+        }
+        S->to_memory[S->memory_used++] = (wchar_t) x;
+    }
+i7word_t i7_miniglk_get_char_stream(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t stream_id) {
+    i7_mg_stream_t *S = &(proc->miniglk->memory_streams[stream_id]);
+    if (S->to_file_id >= 0) {
+        S->chars_read++;
+        return i7_fgetc(proc, S->to_file_id);
+    }
+    return 0;
+ +
+i7_mg_event_t *i7_next_event(i7process_t *proc);
+void i7_make_event(i7process_t *proc, i7_mg_event_t e);
+i7word_t i7_miniglk_select(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t structure);
+i7word_t i7_miniglk_request_line_event(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t window_id, i7word_t buffer, i7word_t max_len, i7word_t init_len);
+i7word_t fn_i7_mgl_IndefArt(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_obj, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_i);
+i7word_t fn_i7_mgl_DefArt(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_obj, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_i);
+i7word_t fn_i7_mgl_CIndefArt(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_obj, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_i);
+i7word_t fn_i7_mgl_CDefArt(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_obj, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_i);
+i7word_t fn_i7_mgl_PrintShortName(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_obj, i7word_t i7_mgl_local_i);
+void i7_print_name(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t x);
+void i7_read(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t x);
+ +
+i7_mg_event_t *i7_next_event(i7process_t *proc) {
+    if (proc->miniglk->rb_front == proc->miniglk->rb_back) return NULL;
+    i7_mg_event_t *e = &(proc->miniglk->events_ring_buffer[proc->miniglk->rb_back]);
+    proc->miniglk->rb_back++; if (proc->miniglk->rb_back == I7_MINIGLK_RING_BUFFER_SIZE) proc->miniglk->rb_back = 0;
+    return e;
+void i7_make_event(i7process_t *proc, i7_mg_event_t e) {
+    proc->miniglk->events_ring_buffer[proc->miniglk->rb_front] = e;
+    proc->miniglk->rb_front++; if (proc->miniglk->rb_front == I7_MINIGLK_RING_BUFFER_SIZE) proc->miniglk->rb_front = 0;
+i7word_t i7_miniglk_select(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t structure) {
+    i7_mg_event_t *e = i7_next_event(proc);
+    if (e == NULL) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "No events available to select\n"); i7_fatal_exit(proc);
+    }
+    if (structure == -1) {
+        i7_push(proc, e->type);
+        i7_push(proc, e->win_id);
+        i7_push(proc, e->val1);
+        i7_push(proc, e->val2);
+    } else {
+        if (structure) {
+            i7_write_word(proc, structure, 0, e->type);
+            i7_write_word(proc, structure, 1, e->win_id);
+            i7_write_word(proc, structure, 2, e->val1);
+            i7_write_word(proc, structure, 3, e->val2);
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
+i7word_t i7_miniglk_request_line_event(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t window_id, i7word_t buffer, i7word_t max_len, i7word_t init_len) {
+    i7_mg_event_t e;
+    e.type = i7_evtype_LineInput;
+    e.win_id = window_id;
+    e.val1 = 1;
+    e.val2 = 0;
+    wchar_t c; int pos = init_len;
+    if (proc->sender == NULL) i7_benign_exit(proc);
+    char *s = (proc->sender)(proc->send_count++);
+    int i = 0;
+    while (1) {
+        c = s[i++];
+        if ((c == EOF) || (c == 0) || (c == '\n') || (c == '\r')) break;
+        if (pos < max_len) i7_write_byte(proc, buffer + pos++, c);
+    }
+    if (pos < max_len) i7_write_byte(proc, buffer + pos, 0); else i7_write_byte(proc, buffer + max_len-1, 0);
+    e.val1 = pos;
+    i7_make_event(proc, e);
+    if (proc->miniglk->no_lr++ == 1000) {
+        fprintf(stdout, "[Too many line events: terminating to prevent hang]\n"); exit(0);
+    }
+    return 0;
+void i7_default_glk(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t glk_api_selector, i7word_t varargc, i7word_t *z) {
+    i7_debug_stack("i7_opcode_glk");
+    i7word_t args[5] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, argc = 0;
+    while (varargc > 0) {
+        i7word_t v = i7_pull(proc);
+        if (argc < 5) args[argc++] = v;
+        varargc--;
+    }
+    int rv = 0;
+    switch (glk_api_selector) {
+        case i7_glk_gestalt:
+            rv = 1; break;
+        case i7_glk_window_iterate:
+            rv = 0; break;
+        case i7_glk_window_open:
+            rv = i7_miniglk_window_open(proc, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]); break;
+        case i7_glk_set_window:
+            i7_miniglk_stream_set_current(proc, i7_stream_of_window(proc, args[0])); break;
+        case i7_glk_stream_iterate:
+            rv = 0; break;
+        case i7_glk_fileref_iterate:
+            rv = 0; break;
+        case i7_glk_stylehint_set:
+            rv = 0; break;
+        case i7_glk_schannel_iterate:
+            rv = 0; break;
+        case i7_glk_schannel_create:
+            rv = 0; break;
+        case i7_glk_set_style:
+            rv = 0; break;
+        case i7_glk_window_move_cursor:
+            rv = 0; break;
+        case i7_glk_stream_get_position:
+            rv = i7_miniglk_stream_get_position(proc, args[0]); break;
+        case i7_glk_window_get_size:
+            if (args[0]) i7_write_word(proc, args[0], 0, 80);
+            if (args[1]) i7_write_word(proc, args[1], 0, 8);
+            rv = 0; break;
+        case i7_glk_request_line_event:
+            rv = i7_miniglk_request_line_event(proc, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]); break;
+        case i7_glk_select:
+            rv = i7_miniglk_select(proc, args[0]); break;
+        case i7_glk_stream_close:
+            i7_miniglk_stream_close(proc, args[0], args[1]); break;
+        case i7_glk_stream_set_current:
+            i7_miniglk_stream_set_current(proc, args[0]); break;
+        case i7_glk_stream_get_current:
+            rv = i7_miniglk_stream_get_current(proc); break;
+        case i7_glk_stream_open_memory:
+            rv = i7_miniglk_stream_open_memory(proc, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]); break;
+        case i7_glk_stream_open_memory_uni:
+            rv = i7_miniglk_stream_open_memory_uni(proc, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]); break;
+        case i7_glk_fileref_create_by_name:
+            rv = i7_miniglk_fileref_create_by_name(proc, args[0], args[1], args[2]); break;
+        case i7_glk_fileref_does_file_exist:
+            rv = i7_miniglk_fileref_does_file_exist(proc, args[0]); break;
+        case i7_glk_stream_open_file:
+            rv = i7_miniglk_stream_open_file(proc, args[0], args[1], args[2]); break;
+        case i7_glk_fileref_destroy:
+            rv = 0; break;
+        case i7_glk_char_to_lower:
+            rv = args[0];
+            if (((rv >= 0x41) && (rv <= 0x5A)) ||
+                ((rv >= 0xC0) && (rv <= 0xD6)) ||
+                ((rv >= 0xD8) && (rv <= 0xDE))) rv += 32;
+            break;
+        case i7_glk_char_to_upper:
+            rv = args[0];
+            if (((rv >= 0x61) && (rv <= 0x7A)) ||
+                ((rv >= 0xE0) && (rv <= 0xF6)) ||
+                ((rv >= 0xF8) && (rv <= 0xFE))) rv -= 32;
+            break;
+        case i7_glk_stream_set_position:
+            i7_miniglk_stream_set_position(proc, args[0], args[1], args[2]); break;
+        case i7_glk_put_char_stream:
+            i7_miniglk_put_char_stream(proc, args[0], args[1]); break;
+        case i7_glk_get_char_stream:
+            rv = i7_miniglk_get_char_stream(proc, args[0]); break;
+        default:
+            printf("Unimplemented: i7_opcode_glk %d.\n", glk_api_selector); i7_fatal_exit(proc);
+            break;
+    }
+    if (z) *z = rv;
+void i7_print_name(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t x) {
+    fn_i7_mgl_PrintShortName(proc, x, 0);
+i7word_t fn_i7_mgl_pending_boxed_quotation(i7process_t *proc) {
+    return 0;
+ + + +