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Added test case for notations

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Graham Nelson 2023-07-16 15:02:11 +01:00
parent 2a3e7b02cc
commit fa73c07445
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@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
Test me with "test grid / test ph / paint #1_4_20 / test colours / test chess / test stars".
Lab is a room.
Include literal notations in the debugging log.
Chapter 1 - Units
Section 0 - Existing stuff with integer units
Acidity is a kind of value. pH 7 specifies an acidity.
Litmus-testing is an action applying to one acidity.
Understand "dip litmus in [acidity]" as litmus-testing.
Carry out litmus-testing: say "The litmus turns the right colour for [acidity understood]."
Test ph with "dip litmus in PH 1 / dip litmus in ph 3".
Section 1 - Time Signatures
Time signature is a kind of value. 1/99 time specifies a time signature with parts beats and bar length (without leading zeros).
A musical score is a kind of thing. A musical score has a time signature. A musical score usually has time signature 4/4 time. In the Lab is a musical score called Chopin's Mazurka in F Sharp Minor. The Mazurka has time signature 3/4 time.
When play begins:
say "Time signatures test...";
showme 3/4 time;
showme the time signature of Chopin's Mazurka in F Sharp Minor;
Section 2 - Grid References
Length is a kind of value. 1.0m specifies a length. 1.0km specifies a length scaled up by 1000. Area is a kind of value. 1.0 sq m specifies an area. A length times a length specifies an area.
Grid reference is a kind of value. SP <easting> <northing> specifies a grid reference with parts easting (45000 to 54999, corresponding to lengths) and northing (5 digits, 3000 to 8999, corresponding to lengths).
A room has a grid reference called map position.
Radcliffe Camera is a room with map position SP 51495 06392.
Queen's Lane Coffee House is a room with map position SP 51735 06319.
Iffley Lock is a room with map position SP 52460 03628.
Wytham Woods is a room with map position SP 46227 08076.
St Hugh's College is a room with map position SP 50825 07750.
To decide what length is the grid distance from (GR1 - grid reference) to (GR2 - grid reference):
let 𝚫n be the northing part of GR1 minus the northing part of GR2;
let 𝚫e be the easting part of GR1 minus the easting part of GR2;
let D be the real square root of ((𝚫e times 𝚫e) plus (𝚫n times 𝚫n));
decide on D.
To decide what length is the distance as the crow flies from (R1 - room) to (R2 - room):
let GR1 be the map position of R1;
let GR2 be the map position of R2;
decide on the grid distance from GR1 to GR2.
When play begins:
say "Grid references test...";
let GR be SP 51014 07322;
showme GR;
showme the northing part of GR;
showme the easting part of GR;
showme the distance as the crow flies from the Radcliffe Camera to Queen's Lane Coffee House;
showme the distance as the crow flies from the Radcliffe Camera to Iffley Lock;
Visiting is an action applying to one grid reference.
Check visiting:
let D be the grid distance from the map position of the location of the actor to the grid reference understood;
if D < 5m, say "You're there already, near enough." instead.
Carry out visiting:
let D be the grid distance from the map position of the location of the actor to the grid reference understood;
say "You walk [D] to [grid reference understood]";
let the closest room be a room;
let the closest approach be -1m;
repeat with R running through rooms which are not the location of the actor:
let D be the grid distance from the grid reference understood to the map position of R;
if the closest approach < 0m or the closest approach > D:
now the closest approach is D;
now the closest room is R;
if the closest approach < 5m:
say ", which takes you neatly to...";
say ", but there's nothing much there, so you sidle a further [closest approach] over to [the closest room] instead, at [map position of the closest room].";
now the actor is in the closest room.
Understand "visit [grid reference]" as visiting.
Test grid with "visit SP 51014 07322 / visit SP 51735 06319 / visit SP 51735 06319".
Section 3 - Agents
An agent is a kind of value. <"00">7 specifies an agent.
The troublesome agent is always 007.
When play begins:
say "Agents test...";
showme 007;
showme the troublesome agent;
showme 0011;
Section 4 - Colours
Alt-colour is a kind of value.
<"0x"><red level><green level><blue level> specifies an alt-colour with parts red level (2 hexadecimal digits), green level (2 hexadecimal digits) and blue level (2 hexadecimal digits).
CSS colour is a kind of value. #FF_FF_FF specifies a CSS colour in hexadecimal with parts red level (with leading zeros, 0 to 255), green level (with leading zeros) and blue level (with leading zeros).
Dummy unit is a kind of value. D99_99 specifies a dummy unit.
Painting is an action applying to one CSS colour.
Carry out painting: say "You paint the room in [CSS colour understood]."
Understand "paint [css colour]" as painting.
Apainting is an action applying to one alt-colour.
Carry out apainting: say "You paint the room in [alt-colour understood]."
Understand "apaint [alt-colour]" as apainting.
When play begins:
say "Colours test...";
showme #1d_2F_FF;
showme #1_12_c;
showme 0x123456;
let QQ be the alt-colour with red level part 20 green level part 199 blue level part 2;
showme QQ.
Test colours with "paint #1_4_20 / paint #1d_2F_FF / apaint 0x4a5F11".
Section 5 - Chess notation
A chessboard file is a kind of value. The chessboard files are
the a-file, the b-file, the c-file, the d-file, the e-file, the f-file,
the g-file and the h-file.
A chessboard rank is a kind of value. The chessboard ranks are
the first rank, the second rank, the third rank, the fourth rank,
the fifth rank, the sixth rank, the seventh rank, the eighth rank.
A chessboard square is a kind of value.
<file><rank> specifies a chessboard square with parts file
(values "a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h", corresponding to chessboard files) and
rank (1 to 8, corresponding to chessboard ranks).
Definition: a chessboard square is white rather than black:
let F be the file part of it;
let file parity be whether or not F is the a-file or F is the c-file or F is the e-file or F is the g-file;
let R be the rank part of it;
let rank parity be whether or not R is the first rank or R is the third rank or R is the fifth rank or R is the seventh rank;
if file parity is rank parity, no;
When play begins:
say "Chess test...";
showme c4;
showme d7;
showme the chessboard square with file part the d-file rank part the sixth rank;
showme the rank part of e7;
repeat with S running from a1 to h8:
say "[S] ";
say "...and that's all.";
repeat with S running through chessboard squares:
say "[S] ";
say "...and that's also all.";
showme the list of white chessboard squares;
showme a random chessboard square.
Square pressing is an action applying to one chessboard square.
Carry out square pressing: say "You press square [chessboard square understood]."
Understand "press [chessboard square]" as square pressing.
Test chess with "press a1 / press a0 / press h8 / press c3 / press i3".
Section 6 - Stellar types
A temperature class is a kind of value. The temperature classes are O-type, B-type, A-type, F-type, G-type, K-type and M-type.
A luminosity class is a kind of value. The luminosity classes are hypergiant, luminous supergiant, intermediate-size luminous supergiant, less luminous supergiant, bright giant, giant, subgiant, main-sequence, subdwarf and white dwarf.
A stellar type is a kind of value.
<class><temperature><luminosity> specifies a stellar type with parts class (values "O, B, A, F, G, K, M", corresponding to temperature classes), temperature (1 decimal digit, corresponding to a real number) and luminosity (values "0, Ia, Iab, Ib, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII", corresponding to luminosity classes).
A star is a kind of thing. A star has a stellar type. Some stars are defined by the Table of Astral Survey Work.
Table of Astral Survey Work
name stellar type
S Monocerotis O7V
Rigel B8Ia
Deneb A2Ia
Zeta Leonis F0III
Beta Aquilae G8IV
Epsilon Eridani K2V
Herschel's Garnet M2Ia
To classify (star in question - a star):
say "Annie Jump Cannon classifies [star in question] as [stellar type of the star in question]. 'Hm, yes - [luminosity part of stellar type of the star in question].'"
When play begins:
say "Stellar type test...";
showme O00;
showme O0Ia;
showme K9Iab;
showme the class part of K9Iab;
showme the temperature part of K9Iab;
showme the luminosity part of K9Iab;
showme the stellar type with class part A-type temperature part 4.0 luminosity part subgiant;
classify Beta Aquilae;
classify Herschel's Garnet;
showme the number of stellar types;
repeat with X running from 1 to 10:
showme a random stellar type;
Observing is an action applying to one stellar type.
Carry out observing: say "You observe a star of type [stellar type understood]."
Understand "observe [stellar type]" as observing.
Test stars with "observe K9Iab / observe O00 / observe M9VII / observe F2Ia".
Section 7 - Shaded patterns
A tomb wall pattern is a kind of value.
<pattern number> specifies a tomb wall pattern with parts pattern number (4 base 4 digits, digits "▙▛▜▟").
When play begins:
say "Tomb wall test...";
showme the number of tomb wall patterns;
showme ▙▛▜▟;
showme ▛▛▛▛;
repeat with S running from ▙▙▙▙ to ▟▟▟▟:
say "[S] ";
say ".... is the full set."
Section 8 - Thai numerals
A Thai number is a kind of value.
<value> specifies a Thai number with parts value (digits "๐๑๒๓๔๕๖๗๘๙").
To say (N - a number) in unsigned Thai digits:
say the Thai number with value part N.
To say (N - a number) in Thai digits:
if N is negative:
say "ลบ";
if N is -2147483648:
say the Thai number with value part 214748364;
say the Thai number with value part 8;
say the Thai number with value part (0 minus N);
say the Thai number with value part N.
When play begins:
say "Thai number test...";
showme ๒๓;
showme ๗๓๒๑;
showme the value part of ๗๓๒๑;
say "-17 = [-17 in Thai digits].";
say "-2147483648 = [-2147483648 in Thai digits].";
say "-2147483648 = [-2147483648 in unsigned Thai digits].";
say "90125 = [90125 in Thai digits]."
Section 9 - Aircraft tail numbers
The international aviation alphabet is a kind of value. Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliet, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, X-ray, Yankee, Zulu is the international aviation alphabet.
A tail number is a kind of value.
Aircraft <country>-<first><second><third><fourth> specifies a tail number with parts country (values "A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z", corresponding to the international aviation alphabet), first (values "A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z", corresponding to the international aviation alphabet), second (values "A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z", corresponding to the international aviation alphabet), third (values "A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z", corresponding to the international aviation alphabet) and fourth (values "A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z", corresponding to the international aviation alphabet).
To say callsign of (T - a tail number):
say "[country part of T] [first part of T] [second part of T] [third part of T] [fourth part of T]."
When play begins:
say "Callsign test...";
[showme C_F;
showme C_X-S;
showme C_X-ST;
showme C_X-STU;]
showme Aircraft G-ERTI;
showme "[callsign of Aircraft G-ERTI]";
Chapter 2 - Printing in number bases
When play begins:
say "Number base printing test...";
let Q be hexadecimal 4EF12C;
showme Q;
say "You notice that [Q] is the same number as hexadecimal [Q in hexadecimal].";
showme binary 110110;
showme "[binary 110110 in binary].";
showme hexadecimal A4;
showme "[hexadecimal A4 in hexadecimal].";
showme octal 177;
showme "[octal 177 in octal].";

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@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
Time signatures test...
time signature: 3/4 time
"time signature of Chopin's Mazurka in F Sharp Minor" = time signature: 3/4 time
Grid references test...
"GR" = grid reference: SP 51014 07322
"northing part of GR" = length: 7.322km
"easting part of GR" = length: 51.014km
"distance as the crow flies from the Radcliffe Camera to Queen's Lane Coffee House" = length: 250.85654m
"distance as the crow flies from the Radcliffe Camera to Iffley Lock" = length: 2.92761km
Agents test...
agent: 007
"troublesome agent" = agent: 007
agent: 0011
Colours test...
css colour: #1D_2F_FF
css colour: #01_12_0C
alt-colour: 0x123456
"QQ" = alt-colour: 0x14C702
Chess test...
chessboard square: c4
chessboard square: d7
"chessboard square with file part the d-file rank part the sixth rank" = chessboard square: d6
"rank part of e7" = chessboard rank: seventh rank
a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8 h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h7 h8 ...and that's all.
a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8 h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h7 h8 ...and that's also all.
"list of white chessboard squares" = list of chessboard squares: {a2, a4, a6, a8, b1, b3, b5, b7, c2, c4, c6, c8, d1, d3, d5, d7, e2, e4, e6, e8, f1, f3, f5, f7, g2, g4, g6, g8, h1, h3, h5, h7}
"a random chessboard square" = chessboard square: f1
Stellar type test...
stellar type: O00
stellar type: O0Ia
stellar type: K9Iab
"class part of K9Iab" = temperature class: K-type
"temperature part of K9Iab" = real number: 9.0
"luminosity part of K9Iab" = luminosity class: intermediate-size luminous supergiant
"stellar type with class part A-type temperature part 4.0 luminosity part subgiant" = stellar type: A4IV
Annie Jump Cannon classifies Beta Aquilae as G8IV. "Hm, yes - subgiant."
Annie Jump Cannon classifies Herschel's Garnet as M2Ia. "Hm, yes - luminous supergiant."
"number of stellar types" = number: 700
"a random stellar type" = stellar type: M0VI
"a random stellar type" = stellar type: K7IV
"a random stellar type" = stellar type: A2V
"a random stellar type" = stellar type: O7VI
"a random stellar type" = stellar type: F1VII
"a random stellar type" = stellar type: B0VII
"a random stellar type" = stellar type: O6V
"a random stellar type" = stellar type: A4V
"a random stellar type" = stellar type: G9IV
"a random stellar type" = stellar type: K3Ib
Tomb wall test...
"number of tomb wall patterns" = number: 256
tomb wall pattern: ▙▛▜▟
tomb wall pattern: ▛▛▛▛
▙▙▙▙ ▙▙▙▛ ▙▙▙▜ ▙▙▙▟ ▙▙▛▙ ▙▙▛▛ ▙▙▛▜ ▙▙▛▟ ▙▙▜▙ ▙▙▜▛ ▙▙▜▜ ▙▙▜▟ ▙▙▟▙ ▙▙▟▛ ▙▙▟▜ ▙▙▟▟ ▙▛▙▙ ▙▛▙▛ ▙▛▙▜ ▙▛▙▟ ▙▛▛▙ ▙▛▛▛ ▙▛▛▜ ▙▛▛▟ ▙▛▜▙ ▙▛▜▛ ▙▛▜▜ ▙▛▜▟ ▙▛▟▙ ▙▛▟▛ ▙▛▟▜ ▙▛▟▟ ▙▜▙▙ ▙▜▙▛ ▙▜▙▜ ▙▜▙▟ ▙▜▛▙ ▙▜▛▛ ▙▜▛▜ ▙▜▛▟ ▙▜▜▙ ▙▜▜▛ ▙▜▜▜ ▙▜▜▟ ▙▜▟▙ ▙▜▟▛ ▙▜▟▜ ▙▜▟▟ ▙▟▙▙ ▙▟▙▛ ▙▟▙▜ ▙▟▙▟ ▙▟▛▙ ▙▟▛▛ ▙▟▛▜ ▙▟▛▟ ▙▟▜▙ ▙▟▜▛ ▙▟▜▜ ▙▟▜▟ ▙▟▟▙ ▙▟▟▛ ▙▟▟▜ ▙▟▟▟ ▛▙▙▙ ▛▙▙▛ ▛▙▙▜ ▛▙▙▟ ▛▙▛▙ ▛▙▛▛ ▛▙▛▜ ▛▙▛▟ ▛▙▜▙ ▛▙▜▛ ▛▙▜▜ ▛▙▜▟ ▛▙▟▙ ▛▙▟▛ ▛▙▟▜ ▛▙▟▟ ▛▛▙▙ ▛▛▙▛ ▛▛▙▜ ▛▛▙▟ ▛▛▛▙ ▛▛▛▛ ▛▛▛▜ ▛▛▛▟ ▛▛▜▙ ▛▛▜▛ ▛▛▜▜ ▛▛▜▟ ▛▛▟▙ ▛▛▟▛ ▛▛▟▜ ▛▛▟▟ ▛▜▙▙ ▛▜▙▛ ▛▜▙▜ ▛▜▙▟ ▛▜▛▙ ▛▜▛▛ ▛▜▛▜ ▛▜▛▟ ▛▜▜▙ ▛▜▜▛ ▛▜▜▜ ▛▜▜▟ ▛▜▟▙ ▛▜▟▛ ▛▜▟▜ ▛▜▟▟ ▛▟▙▙ ▛▟▙▛ ▛▟▙▜ ▛▟▙▟ ▛▟▛▙ ▛▟▛▛ ▛▟▛▜ ▛▟▛▟ ▛▟▜▙ ▛▟▜▛ ▛▟▜▜ ▛▟▜▟ ▛▟▟▙ ▛▟▟▛ ▛▟▟▜ ▛▟▟▟ ▜▙▙▙ ▜▙▙▛ ▜▙▙▜ ▜▙▙▟ ▜▙▛▙ ▜▙▛▛ ▜▙▛▜ ▜▙▛▟ ▜▙▜▙ ▜▙▜▛ ▜▙▜▜ ▜▙▜▟ ▜▙▟▙ ▜▙▟▛ ▜▙▟▜ ▜▙▟▟ ▜▛▙▙ ▜▛▙▛ ▜▛▙▜ ▜▛▙▟ ▜▛▛▙ ▜▛▛▛ ▜▛▛▜ ▜▛▛▟ ▜▛▜▙ ▜▛▜▛ ▜▛▜▜ ▜▛▜▟ ▜▛▟▙ ▜▛▟▛ ▜▛▟▜ ▜▛▟▟ ▜▜▙▙ ▜▜▙▛ ▜▜▙▜ ▜▜▙▟ ▜▜▛▙ ▜▜▛▛ ▜▜▛▜ ▜▜▛▟ ▜▜▜▙ ▜▜▜▛ ▜▜▜▜ ▜▜▜▟ ▜▜▟▙ ▜▜▟▛ ▜▜▟▜ ▜▜▟▟ ▜▟▙▙ ▜▟▙▛ ▜▟▙▜ ▜▟▙▟ ▜▟▛▙ ▜▟▛▛ ▜▟▛▜ ▜▟▛▟ ▜▟▜▙ ▜▟▜▛ ▜▟▜▜ ▜▟▜▟ ▜▟▟▙ ▜▟▟▛ ▜▟▟▜ ▜▟▟▟ ▟▙▙▙ ▟▙▙▛ ▟▙▙▜ ▟▙▙▟ ▟▙▛▙ ▟▙▛▛ ▟▙▛▜ ▟▙▛▟ ▟▙▜▙ ▟▙▜▛ ▟▙▜▜ ▟▙▜▟ ▟▙▟▙ ▟▙▟▛ ▟▙▟▜ ▟▙▟▟ ▟▛▙▙ ▟▛▙▛ ▟▛▙▜ ▟▛▙▟ ▟▛▛▙ ▟▛▛▛ ▟▛▛▜ ▟▛▛▟ ▟▛▜▙ ▟▛▜▛ ▟▛▜▜ ▟▛▜▟ ▟▛▟▙ ▟▛▟▛ ▟▛▟▜ ▟▛▟▟ ▟▜▙▙ ▟▜▙▛ ▟▜▙▜ ▟▜▙▟ ▟▜▛▙ ▟▜▛▛ ▟▜▛▜ ▟▜▛▟ ▟▜▜▙ ▟▜▜▛ ▟▜▜▜ ▟▜▜▟ ▟▜▟▙ ▟▜▟▛ ▟▜▟▜ ▟▜▟▟ ▟▟▙▙ ▟▟▙▛ ▟▟▙▜ ▟▟▙▟ ▟▟▛▙ ▟▟▛▛ ▟▟▛▜ ▟▟▛▟ ▟▟▜▙ ▟▟▜▛ ▟▟▜▜ ▟▟▜▟ ▟▟▟▙ ▟▟▟▛ ▟▟▟▜ ▟▟▟▟ .... is the full set.
Thai number test...
thai number: ๒๓
thai number: ๗๓๒๑
"value part of ๗๓๒๑" = number: 7321
-17 = ลบ๑๗.
-2147483648 = ลบ๒๑๔๗๔๘๓๖๔๘.
-2147483648 = ๒๑๔๗๔๘๓๖๔๘.
90125 = ๙๐๑๒๕.
Callsign test...
tail number: Aircraft G-ERTI
text: Golf Echo Romeo Tango India.
Number base printing test...
"Q" = number: 5173548
You notice that 5173548 is the same number as hexadecimal 4EF12C.
number: 54
text: 110110.
number: 164
text: A4.
number: 127
text: 177.
An Interactive Fiction
Release 1 / Serial number 160428 / Inform 7 v10.2.0 / D
You can see Chopin's Mazurka in F Sharp Minor here.
>[1] test grid
>[2] visit sp 51014 07322
You walk 7.40594km to SP 51014 07322, but there's nothing much there, so you sidle a further 467.87283m over to St Hugh's College instead, at SP 50825 07750.
St Hugh's College
>[3] visit sp 51735 06319
You walk 1.69584km to SP 51735 06319, which takes you neatly to...
Queen's Lane Coffee House
>[4] visit sp 51735 06319
You're there already, near enough.
>[5] test ph
>[6] dip litmus in ph 1
The litmus turns the right colour for pH 1.
>[7] dip litmus in ph 3
The litmus turns the right colour for pH 3.
>[8] paint #1_4_20
You paint the room in #01_04_20.
>[9] test colours
>[10] paint #1_4_20
You paint the room in #01_04_20.
>[11] paint #1d_2f_ff
You paint the room in #1D_2F_FF.
>[12] apaint 0x4a5f11
You paint the room in 0x4A5F11.
>[13] test chess
>[14] press a1
You press square a1.
>[15] press a0
You can't see any such thing.
>[16] press h8
You press square h8.
>[17] press c3
You press square c3.
>[18] press i3
You can't see any such thing.
>[19] test stars
>[20] observe k9iab
You observe a star of type K9Iab.
>[21] observe o00
You observe a star of type O00.
>[22] observe m9vii
You observe a star of type M9VII.
>[23] observe f2ia
You observe a star of type F2Ia.
>Are you sure you want to quit?