[AssemblyInstruction::] The Assembly Construct. Defining the assembly construct. @h Definition. For what this does and why it is used, see //inter: Textual Inter//. = void AssemblyInstruction::define_construct(void) { inter_construct *IC = InterInstruction::create_construct(ASSEMBLY_IST, I"assembly"); InterInstruction::specify_syntax(IC, I"assembly TOKEN"); InterInstruction::data_extent_always(IC, 1); InterInstruction::allow_in_depth_range(IC, 1, INFINITELY_DEEP); InterInstruction::permit(IC, INSIDE_CODE_PACKAGE_ICUP); METHOD_ADD(IC, CONSTRUCT_READ_MTID, AssemblyInstruction::read); METHOD_ADD(IC, CONSTRUCT_VERIFY_MTID, AssemblyInstruction::verify); METHOD_ADD(IC, CONSTRUCT_WRITE_MTID, AssemblyInstruction::write); } @h Instructions. In bytecode, the frame of an |assembly| instruction is laid out with the compulsory words -- see //Inter Nodes// -- followed by: @d WHICH_ASSEMBLY_IFLD (DATA_IFLD + 0) = inter_error_message *AssemblyInstruction::new(inter_bookmark *IBM, inter_ti which, inter_ti level, inter_error_location *eloc) { inter_tree_node *P = Inode::new_with_1_data_field(IBM, ASSEMBLY_IST, /* WHICH_ASSEMBLY_IFLD: */ which, eloc, (inter_ti) level); inter_error_message *E = VerifyingInter::instruction(InterBookmark::package(IBM), P); if (E) return E; NodePlacement::move_to_moving_bookmark(P, IBM); return NULL; } @ Verification consists only of sanity checks. Note that |WHICH_ASSEMBLY_IFLD| is required to be one of these: @e ASM_ARROW_ASMMARKER from 1 @e ASM_SP_ASMMARKER @e ASM_RTRUE_ASMMARKER @e ASM_RFALSE_ASMMARKER @e ASM_NEG_ASMMARKER @e ASM_NEG_RTRUE_ASMMARKER @e ASM_NEG_RFALSE_ASMMARKER = void AssemblyInstruction::verify(inter_construct *IC, inter_tree_node *P, inter_package *owner, inter_error_message **E) { inter_ti which = P->W.instruction[WHICH_ASSEMBLY_IFLD]; if ((which == 0) || (which > ASM_NEG_RFALSE_ASMMARKER)) { *E = Inode::error(P, I"bad assembly marker code", NULL); return; } } @h Creating from textual Inter syntax. = void AssemblyInstruction::read(inter_construct *IC, inter_bookmark *IBM, inter_line_parse *ilp, inter_error_location *eloc, inter_error_message **E) { text_stream *marker_text = ilp->mr.exp[0]; inter_ti which = 0; if (Str::eq(marker_text, I"store_to")) which = ASM_ARROW_ASMMARKER; else if (Str::eq(marker_text, I"stack")) which = ASM_SP_ASMMARKER; else if (Str::eq(marker_text, I"return_true_if_true")) which = ASM_RTRUE_ASMMARKER; else if (Str::eq(marker_text, I"return_false_if_true")) which = ASM_RFALSE_ASMMARKER; else if (Str::eq(marker_text, I"branch_if_false")) which = ASM_NEG_ASMMARKER; else if (Str::eq(marker_text, I"return_true_if_false")) which = ASM_NEG_RTRUE_ASMMARKER; else if (Str::eq(marker_text, I"return_false_if_false")) which = ASM_NEG_RFALSE_ASMMARKER; else { *E = InterErrors::plain(I"unrecognised 'assembly' marker", eloc); return; } *E = AssemblyInstruction::new(IBM, which, (inter_ti) ilp->indent_level, eloc); } @h Writing to textual Inter syntax. = void AssemblyInstruction::write(inter_construct *IC, OUTPUT_STREAM, inter_tree_node *P) { inter_ti which = AssemblyInstruction::which_marker(P); switch (which) { case ASM_ARROW_ASMMARKER: WRITE("assembly store_to"); break; case ASM_SP_ASMMARKER: WRITE("assembly stack"); break; case ASM_RTRUE_ASMMARKER: WRITE("assembly return_true_if_true"); break; case ASM_RFALSE_ASMMARKER: WRITE("assembly return_false_if_true"); break; case ASM_NEG_ASMMARKER: WRITE("assembly branch_if_false"); break; case ASM_NEG_RTRUE_ASMMARKER: WRITE("assembly return_true_if_false"); break; case ASM_NEG_RFALSE_ASMMARKER: WRITE("assembly return_false_if_false"); break; } } @h Access function. = inter_ti AssemblyInstruction::which_marker(inter_tree_node *P) { inter_ti which = P->W.instruction[WHICH_ASSEMBLY_IFLD]; if ((which == 0) || (which > ASM_NEG_RFALSE_ASMMARKER)) internal_error("bad assembly marker"); return which; }