[ExtensionIndex::] Index Pages. To generate the two top-level pages in the extension mini-website. @h Writing the extensions home pages. There are two of these, both with the same surround: @e HOME_EXTPAGE from 1 @e INDEX_EXTPAGE = void ExtensionIndex::write(filename *F, int content, extension_census *C) { if (F == NULL) return; text_stream HOMEPAGE_struct; text_stream *OUT = &HOMEPAGE_struct; if (STREAM_OPEN_TO_FILE(OUT, F, UTF8_ENC) == FALSE) return; InformPages::header(OUT, I"Extensions", JAVASCRIPT_FOR_EXTENSIONS_IRES, NULL); @; InformPages::footer(OUT); STREAM_CLOSE(OUT); } @ = HTML::begin_html_table(OUT, NULL, TRUE, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0); HTML::first_html_column(OUT, 0); HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "src='inform:/doc_images/extensions@2x.png' border=0 width=150 height=150"); HTML::next_html_column(OUT, 0); HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "class=\"headingpanellayout headingpanelalt\""); HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "class=\"headingtext\""); HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"headingpaneltextalt"); WRITE("Installed Extensions"); HTML::end_span(OUT); HTML_CLOSE("div"); HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "class=\"headingrubric\""); HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"headingpanelrubricalt"); WRITE("Bundles of extra rules or phrases to extend what Inform can do"); HTML::end_span(OUT); HTML_CLOSE("div"); HTML_CLOSE("div"); @; HTML::end_html_row(OUT); HTML::end_html_table(OUT); HTML_TAG("hr"); @; @ = switch (content) { case HOME_EXTPAGE: @; @; break; case INDEX_EXTPAGE: HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("Whenever an extension is used, its definitions are entered into the " "following index. (Thus, a newly installed but never-used extension " "is not indexed yet.)."); HTML_CLOSE("p"); break; } @ = switch (content) { case HOME_EXTPAGE: @; break; case INDEX_EXTPAGE: ExtensionDictionary::write_to_HTML(OUT); break; } @ From here on, then, all the code in this section generates the main directory page, not the index of terms, which is all handled by //ExtensionDictionary::write_to_HTML//. @ = int nps = 0, nbi = 0, ni = 0; extension_census_datum *ecd; LOOP_OVER(ecd, extension_census_datum) { if (Nests::get_tag(ecd->found_as->nest) == MATERIALS_NEST_TAG) nps++; else if (Nests::get_tag(ecd->found_as->nest) == INTERNAL_NEST_TAG) nbi++; else ni++; } HTML_OPEN("p"); HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "src='inform:/doc_images/builtin_ext.png' border=0"); WRITE(" You have " "%d extensions built-in to this copy of Inform, marked with a grey folder " "icon in the catalogue below.", nbi); HTML_CLOSE("p"); HTML_OPEN("p"); if (ni == 0) { HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "src='inform:/doc_images/folder4.png' border=0"); WRITE(" You have no other extensions installed at present."); } else { #ifdef INDEX_MODULE PasteButtons::open_file(OUT, ExtensionCensus::external_path(C), NULL, "src='inform:/doc_images/folder4.png' border=0"); #endif WRITE(" You have %d further extension%s installed. These are marked " "with a blue folder icon in the catalogue below. (Click it to see " "where the file is stored on your computer.) " "For more extensions, visit www.inform7.com.", ni, (ni==1)?"":"s"); } HTML_CLOSE("p"); if (nps > 0) { HTML_OPEN("p"); #ifdef INDEX_MODULE PasteButtons::open_file(OUT, ExtensionCensus::internal_path(C), NULL, PROJECT_SPECIFIC_SYMBOL); #endif WRITE(" You have %d extension%s in the .materials folder for the " "current project. (Click the purple folder icon to show the " "location.) %s not available to other projects.", nps, (nps==1)?"":"s", (nps==1)?"This is":"These are"); HTML_CLOSE("p"); } @ We sometimes position a warning prominently at the top of the listing, because otherwise its position at the bottom will be invisible unless the user scrolls a long way: @ = if ((C->no_census_errors > 0) && (NUMBER_CREATED(extension_census_datum) >= 20)) { /* it's a short page anyway */ HTML_OPEN("p"); HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "border=0 src=inform:/doc_images/misinstalled.png"); WRITE(" " "Warning. One or more extensions are installed incorrectly: " "see details below."); HTML_CLOSE("p"); } @ The following is an alphabetised directory of extensions by author and then title, along with some useful information about them, and then a list of any oddities found in the external extensions area. @ = int key_vms = FALSE, key_override = FALSE, key_builtin = FALSE, key_pspec = FALSE, key_bullet = FALSE; @; int no_entries = NUMBER_CREATED(extension_census_datum); extension_census_datum **sorted_census_results = Memory::calloc(no_entries, sizeof(extension_census_datum *), EXTENSION_DICTIONARY_MREASON); for (int d=1; d<=5; d++) { @; @; @; HTML_CLOSE("div"); } @; @; Memory::I7_array_free(sorted_census_results, EXTENSION_DICTIONARY_MREASON, no_entries, sizeof(extension_census_datum *)); @ I am the first to admit that this implementation is not inspired. There are five radio buttons, and number 2 is selected by default. @ = HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("Sort catalogue: "); HTML_OPEN_WITH("a", "href=\"#\" style=\"text-decoration: none\" " "onclick=\"openExtra('disp1', 'plus1'); closeExtra('disp2', 'plus2'); " "closeExtra('disp3', 'plus3'); closeExtra('disp4', 'plus4'); " "closeExtra('disp5', 'plus5'); return false;\""); HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "border=0 id=\"plus1\" src=inform:/doc_images/extrarboff.png"); WRITE(" By title"); HTML_CLOSE("a"); WRITE(" | "); HTML_OPEN_WITH("a", "href=\"#\" style=\"text-decoration: none\" " "onclick=\"closeExtra('disp1', 'plus1'); openExtra('disp2', 'plus2'); " "closeExtra('disp3', 'plus3'); closeExtra('disp4', 'plus4'); " "closeExtra('disp5', 'plus5'); return false;\""); HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "border=0 id=\"plus2\" src=inform:/doc_images/extrarbon.png"); WRITE(" By author"); HTML_CLOSE("a"); WRITE(" | "); HTML_OPEN_WITH("a", "href=\"#\" style=\"text-decoration: none\" " "onclick=\"closeExtra('disp1', 'plus1'); closeExtra('disp2', 'plus2'); " "openExtra('disp3', 'plus3'); closeExtra('disp4', 'plus4'); " "closeExtra('disp5', 'plus5'); return false;\""); HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "border=0 id=\"plus3\" src=inform:/doc_images/extrarboff.png"); WRITE(" By installation"); HTML_CLOSE("a"); WRITE(" | "); HTML_OPEN_WITH("a", "href=\"#\" style=\"text-decoration: none\" " "onclick=\"closeExtra('disp1', 'plus1'); closeExtra('disp2', 'plus2'); " "closeExtra('disp3', 'plus3'); openExtra('disp4', 'plus4'); " "closeExtra('disp5', 'plus5'); return false;\""); HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "border=0 id=\"plus4\" src=inform:/doc_images/extrarboff.png"); WRITE(" By date used"); HTML_CLOSE("a"); WRITE(" | "); HTML_OPEN_WITH("a", "href=\"#\" style=\"text-decoration: none\" " "onclick=\"closeExtra('disp1', 'plus1'); closeExtra('disp2', 'plus2'); " "closeExtra('disp3', 'plus3'); closeExtra('disp4', 'plus4'); " "openExtra('disp5', 'plus5'); return false;\""); HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "border=0 id=\"plus5\" src=inform:/doc_images/extrarboff.png"); WRITE(" By word count"); HTML_CLOSE("a"); HTML_CLOSE("p"); @ Consequently, of the five divisions, number 2 is shown and the others hidden, by default. @ = char *display = "none"; if (d == SORT_CE_BY_AUTHOR) display = "block"; HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "id=\"disp%d\" style=\"display: %s;\"", d, display); @ The key at the foot only explicates those symbols actually used, and doesn't explicate the "unindexed" symbol at all, since that's actually just a blank image used for horizontal spacing to keep margins straight. @ = if ((key_builtin) || (key_override) || (key_bullet) || (key_vms) || (key_pspec)) { HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("Key: "); if (key_bullet) { HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "%s", INDEXED_SYMBOL); WRITE(" Used "); } if (key_builtin) { HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "%s", BUILT_IN_SYMBOL); WRITE(" Built in "); } if (key_pspec) { HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "%s", PROJECT_SPECIFIC_SYMBOL); WRITE(" Project specific "); } if (key_override) { HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "%s", OVERRIDING_SYMBOL); WRITE(" Your version overrides the one built in "); } if (key_vms) { #ifdef CORE_MODULE HTML_TAG("br"); ExtensionIndex::write_key(OUT); #endif } HTML_CLOSE("p"); } @ Census errors are nothing more than copy errors arising on the copies of extensions found by the census: @ = if (C->no_census_errors > 0) { @; inbuild_search_result *R; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(R, inbuild_search_result, C->raw_data) if (LinkedLists::len(R->copy->errors_reading_source_text) > 0) { copy_error *CE; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(CE, copy_error, R->copy->errors_reading_source_text) { #ifdef INDEX_MODULE HTML::open_indented_p(OUT, 2, "hanging"); #endif #ifndef INDEX_MODULE HTML_OPEN("p"); #endif WRITE("%X - ", R->copy->edition->work); CopyErrors::write(OUT, CE); HTML_CLOSE("p"); } } } @ We only want to warn people here: not to stop them from using Inform until they put matters right. @ = HTML_TAG("hr"); HTML_OPEN("p"); HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "border=0 align=\"left\" src=inform:/doc_images/census_problem.png"); WRITE("Warning. Inform checks the folder of user-installed extensions " "each time it translates the source text, in order to keep this directory " "page up to date. Each file must be a properly labelled extension (with " "its titling line correctly identifying itself), and must be in the right " "place - e.g. 'Marbles by Daphne Quilt' must have the filename 'Marbles.i7x' " "(or just 'Marbles' with no file extension) and be stored in the folder " "'Daphne Quilt'. The title should be at most %d characters long; the " "author name, %d. At the last check, these rules were not being followed:", MAX_EXTENSION_TITLE_LENGTH, MAX_EXTENSION_AUTHOR_LENGTH); HTML_CLOSE("p"); @ @d SORT_CE_BY_TITLE 1 @d SORT_CE_BY_AUTHOR 2 @d SORT_CE_BY_INSTALL 3 @d SORT_CE_BY_DATE 4 @d SORT_CE_BY_LENGTH 5 @ = int i = 0; extension_census_datum *ecd; LOOP_OVER(ecd, extension_census_datum) sorted_census_results[i++] = ecd; int (*criterion)(const void *, const void *) = NULL; switch (d) { case SORT_CE_BY_TITLE: criterion = ExtensionCensus::compare_ecd_by_title; break; case SORT_CE_BY_AUTHOR: criterion = ExtensionCensus::compare_ecd_by_author; break; case SORT_CE_BY_INSTALL: criterion = ExtensionCensus::compare_ecd_by_installation; break; case SORT_CE_BY_DATE: criterion = ExtensionCensus::compare_ecd_by_date; break; case SORT_CE_BY_LENGTH: criterion = ExtensionCensus::compare_ecd_by_length; break; default: internal_error("no such sorting criterion"); } qsort(sorted_census_results, (size_t) no_entries, sizeof(extension_census_datum *), criterion); @ Standard rows have black text on striped background colours, these being the usual ones seen in Mac OS X applications such as iTunes. @ = HTML::begin_html_table(OUT, I"stripeone", TRUE, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0); @; int stripe = 0; TEMPORARY_TEXT(current_author_name) int i, current_installation = -1; for (i=0; i; stripe = 1 - stripe; if (stripe == 0) HTML::first_html_column_coloured(OUT, 0, I"stripetwo", 0); else HTML::first_html_column_coloured(OUT, 0, I"stripeone", 0); @; HTML::end_html_row(OUT); } DISCARD_TEXT(current_author_name) @; HTML::end_html_table(OUT); @ = switch (d) { case SORT_CE_BY_TITLE: @; WRITE("Extensions in alphabetical order"); @; break; case SORT_CE_BY_DATE: @; WRITE("Extensions in order of date used (most recent first)"); @; break; case SORT_CE_BY_LENGTH: @; WRITE("Extensions in order of word count (longest first)"); @; break; } @ = if ((d == SORT_CE_BY_AUTHOR) && (Str::ne(current_author_name, ecd->found_as->copy->edition->work->author_name))) { Str::copy(current_author_name, ecd->found_as->copy->edition->work->author_name); @; @; @; stripe = 0; } if ((d == SORT_CE_BY_INSTALL) && (ExtensionCensus::installation_region(ecd) != current_installation)) { current_installation = ExtensionCensus::installation_region(ecd); @; @; @; stripe = 0; } @ = @; HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"smaller"); WRITE("%d extensions installed", no_entries); HTML::end_span(OUT); @; @ Usually white text on a grey background. @ = int span = 4; if (d == SORT_CE_BY_TITLE) span = 3; HTML::first_html_column_coloured(OUT, 0, I"tintedrow", span); HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"extensioncensusentry"); WRITE(" "); @ = HTML::end_span(OUT); HTML::end_html_row(OUT); @ Used only in "by author". @ = WRITE("%S", ecd->found_as->copy->edition->work->raw_author_name); extension_census_datum *ecd2; int cu = 0, cn = 0, j; for (j = i; j < no_entries; j++) { ecd2 = sorted_census_results[j]; if (Str::ne(current_author_name, ecd2->found_as->copy->edition->work->author_name)) break; if (ExtensionCensus::ecd_used(ecd2)) cu++; else cn++; } WRITE("  "); HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"smaller"); WRITE("(%d extension%s", cu+cn, (cu+cn==1)?"":"s"); if ((cu == 0) && (cn == 1)) WRITE(", unused"); else if ((cu == 0) && (cn == 2)) WRITE(", both unused"); else if ((cu == 0) && (cn > 2)) WRITE(", all unused"); else if ((cn == 0) && (cu == 1)) WRITE(", used"); else if ((cn == 0) && (cu == 2)) WRITE(", both used"); else if ((cn == 0) && (cu > 2)) WRITE(", all used"); else if (cn+cu > 0) WRITE(", %d used, %d unused", cu, cn); WRITE(")"); HTML::end_span(OUT); @ Used only in "by installation". @ = switch (current_installation) { case 0: WRITE("Supplied in the .materials folder  "); HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"smaller"); WRITE("%p", ExtensionCensus::internal_path(C)); HTML::end_span(OUT); break; case 1: WRITE("Built in to Inform"); break; case 2: WRITE("User installed but overriding a built-in extension"); break; case 3: WRITE("User installed  "); HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"smaller"); WRITE("%p", ExtensionCensus::external_path(C)); HTML::end_span(OUT); break; } @ @d UNINDEXED_SYMBOL "border=\"0\" src=\"inform:/doc_images/unindexed_bullet.png\"" @d INDEXED_SYMBOL "border=\"0\" src=\"inform:/doc_images/indexed_bullet.png\"" @ = @; HTML::next_html_column_nw(OUT, 0); if (d != SORT_CE_BY_TITLE) { @; HTML::next_html_column_nw(OUT, 0); } @; HTML::next_html_column_w(OUT, 0); @; @ The appearance of the line is >> (bullet) The Title (by The Author) (VM requirement icons) where all is optional except the title part. @ = char *bulletornot = UNINDEXED_SYMBOL; if (ExtensionCensus::ecd_used(ecd)) { bulletornot = INDEXED_SYMBOL; key_bullet = TRUE; } WRITE(" "); HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "%s", bulletornot); Works::begin_extension_link(OUT, ecd->found_as->copy->edition->work, ExtensionCensus::ecd_rubric(ecd)); HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"extensionindexentry"); if (d != SORT_CE_BY_AUTHOR) { WRITE("%S", ecd->found_as->copy->edition->work->raw_title); if (Str::len(ecd->found_as->copy->edition->work->raw_title) + Str::len(ecd->found_as->copy->edition->work->raw_author_name) > 45) { HTML_TAG("br"); WRITE("        "); } else { WRITE(" "); } WRITE("by %S", ecd->found_as->copy->edition->work->raw_author_name); } else { WRITE("%S", ecd->found_as->copy->edition->work->raw_title); } HTML::end_span(OUT); Works::end_extension_link(OUT, ecd->found_as->copy->edition->work); compatibility_specification *C = ecd->found_as->copy->edition->compatibility; if (Str::len(C->parsed_from) > 0) { @; key_vms = TRUE; } @ VM requirements are parsed by feeding them into the lexer and calling the same routines as would be used when parsing headings about VM requirements in a normal run of Inform. Note that because the requirements are in round brackets, which the lexer will split off as distinct words, we can ignore the first and last word and just look at what is in between: @ = WRITE(" %S", C->parsed_from); #ifdef CORE_MODULE ExtensionIndex::write_icons(OUT, C); #endif @ = HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"smaller"); if (VersionNumbers::is_null(ecd->found_as->copy->edition->version) == FALSE) WRITE("v %v", &(ecd->found_as->copy->edition->version)); else WRITE("--"); HTML::end_span(OUT); @ @d BUILT_IN_SYMBOL "border=\"0\" src=\"inform:/doc_images/builtin_ext.png\"" @d OVERRIDING_SYMBOL "border=\"0\" src=\"inform:/doc_images/override_ext.png\"" @d PROJECT_SPECIFIC_SYMBOL "border=\"0\" src=\"inform:/doc_images/pspec_ext.png\"" @ = char *opener = "src='inform:/doc_images/folder4.png' border=0"; if (Nests::get_tag(ecd->found_as->nest) == INTERNAL_NEST_TAG) { opener = BUILT_IN_SYMBOL; key_builtin = TRUE; } if (ecd->overriding_a_built_in_extension) { opener = OVERRIDING_SYMBOL; key_override = TRUE; } if (Nests::get_tag(ecd->found_as->nest) == MATERIALS_NEST_TAG) { opener = PROJECT_SPECIFIC_SYMBOL; key_pspec = TRUE; } if (Nests::get_tag(ecd->found_as->nest) == INTERNAL_NEST_TAG) HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "%s", opener) else { #ifdef INDEX_MODULE pathname *area = ExtensionManager::path_within_nest(ecd->found_as->nest); PasteButtons::open_file(OUT, area, ecd->found_as->copy->edition->work->raw_author_name, opener); #endif } @ = inform_extension *E = Extensions::from_copy(ecd->found_as->copy); HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"smaller"); if ((d == SORT_CE_BY_DATE) || (d == SORT_CE_BY_INSTALL)) { WRITE("%S", Extensions::get_usage_date(E)); } else if (d == SORT_CE_BY_LENGTH) { if (Extensions::get_word_count(E) == 0) WRITE("--"); else WRITE("%d words", Extensions::get_word_count(E)); } else { if (Str::len(ExtensionCensus::ecd_rubric(ecd)) > 0) WRITE("%S", ExtensionCensus::ecd_rubric(ecd)); else WRITE("--"); } HTML::end_span(OUT); @h Icons for virtual machines. And everything else is cosmetic: printing, or showing icons to signify, the current VM or some set of permitted VMs. The following plots the icon associated with a given minor VM, and explicates what the icons mean: = void ExtensionIndex::plot_icon(OUTPUT_STREAM, target_vm *VM) { if (Str::len(VM->VM_image) > 0) { HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "border=0 src=inform:/doc_images/%S", VM->VM_image); WRITE(" "); } } void ExtensionIndex::write_key(OUTPUT_STREAM) { WRITE("Extensions compatible with specific story file formats only: "); int i = 0; target_vm *VM; LOOP_OVER(VM, target_vm) { if (TargetVMs::debug_enabled(VM)) continue; /* avoids listing twice */ if (i++ > 0) WRITE(", "); ExtensionIndex::plot_icon(OUT, VM); TargetVMs::write(OUT, VM); } } @h Displaying VM restrictions. Given a word range, we describe the result as concisely as we can with a row of icons (but do not bother for the common case where some extension has no restriction on its use). = void ExtensionIndex::write_icons(OUTPUT_STREAM, compatibility_specification *C) { int something = FALSE, everything = TRUE; target_vm *VM; LOOP_OVER(VM, target_vm) if (Compatibility::test(C, VM)) something = TRUE; else everything = FALSE; if (something == FALSE) WRITE("none"); else if (everything == FALSE) { WRITE(" "); dictionary *shown_already = Dictionaries::new(16, TRUE); LOOP_OVER(VM, target_vm) if (Compatibility::test(C, VM)) { text_stream *icon = VM->VM_image; if (Str::len(icon) > 0) { if (Dictionaries::find(shown_already, icon) == NULL) { ExtensionIndex::plot_icon(OUT, VM); WRITE_TO(Dictionaries::create_text(shown_already, icon), "X"); } } } } }