'new unary even': ok 'variables in << >>': valid: 'variables in << even (x) >>': valid: x free 'set P to << Forall x IN< kind = number (x) IN>: (x == y) ^ Exists z: (y == z) >>': p set to << ForAll x IN< kind=number(x) IN> : (x == y) ^ Exists z : (y == z) >> 'variables in P': valid: x bound y free z bound 'variable unused in << >>': x 'variable unused in P': a 'renumbering of << even (x) >>': << even(x) >> 'renumbering of << even (z) >>': << even(x) >> 'renumbering of << Exists z: even (z) ^ (z == y) >>': << Exists x : even(x) ^ (x == y) >>