[Unit::] Unit Tests. How we shall test it. @h Lexer. @d SPOTTED_MC 0x00010000 = void Unit::test_lexer(text_stream *arg) { filename *F = Filenames::from_text(arg); source_file *sf = TextFromFiles::feed_into_lexer(F, NULL_GENERAL_POINTER); if (sf == NULL) PRINT("File has failed to open\n"); else { PRINT("File contained %d lexer words\nWord counted at %d\n", Wordings::length(sf->text_read), sf->words_of_source); int c = 0; LOOP_THROUGH_WORDING(wn, sf->text_read) { vocabulary_entry *ve = Lexer::word(wn); if ((ve) && (Vocabulary::test_vflags(ve, SPOTTED_MC) == 0)) { PRINT("%w ", ve->exemplar); Vocabulary::set_flags(ve, SPOTTED_MC); c++; } } PRINT("\n"); PRINT("File contained %d distinct words\n", c); } } @h Preform. = ::= invade ... | ==> TRUE; PRINT("Invading %+W\n", GET_RW(, 1)); proclaim | ==> TRUE; PRINT("It is now %d.\n", R[1]); announce | ==> TRUE; PRINT("Attention: %w.\n", Lexer::word_text(R[1])); | ==> TRUE; PRINT("Dominion %d now independent\n", R[1]); ... ==> FALSE; PRINT("Unknown command\n"); ::= declare independent ==> R[1] ::= canada | india | malaya @ = void Unit::test_preform(text_stream *arg) { pathname *P = Pathnames::from_text(I"inbuild"); P = Pathnames::down(P, I"words-test"); P = Pathnames::down(P, I"Tangled"); filename *S = Filenames::in(P, I"Syntax.preform"); wording W = Preform::load_from_file(S); Preform::parse_preform(W, FALSE); filename *F = Filenames::from_text(arg); source_file *sf = TextFromFiles::feed_into_lexer(F, NULL_GENERAL_POINTER); if (sf == NULL) PRINT("File has failed to open\n"); else { LOOP_THROUGH_WORDING(i, sf->text_read) { if (Lexer::word(i) == PARBREAK_V) continue; int j = i; while ((j <= Wordings::last_wn(sf->text_read)) && (Lexer::word(j) != PARBREAK_V)) j++; wording W = Wordings::new(i, j-1); i = j-1; PRINT("command: %W: ", W); if ((W) == FALSE) PRINT("Failed Preform\n"); } } }