'new kind thing of object': ok 'new kind device of thing': ok 'new kind vehicle of thing': ok 'new unit length': ok 'number compatible with number?': always 'number compatible with real number?': always 'value compatible with number?': never 'object compatible with text?': never 'object compatible with thing?': sometimes 'thing compatible with object?': always 'device compatible with thing?': always 'device compatible with object?': always 'list of devices compatible with thing?': never 'list of devices compatible with list of things?': always 'relation of things to texts compatible with relation of devices to texts?': never 'relation of devices to texts compatible with relation of things to texts?': always 'phrase thing -> text compatible with phrase device -> text?': always 'phrase device -> text compatible with phrase thing -> text?': never 'phrase text -> thing compatible with phrase text -> device?': never 'phrase text -> device compatible with phrase text -> thing?': always 'activity on numbers compatible with activity?': always 'first term of activity': nothing 'activity on numbers compatible with activity on values?': never