[BinaryInter::] Inter in Binary Files. To read or write inter between memory and binary files. @h Compression and the shibboleth. (Not the name of a band.) A binary Inter file opens with an 20-byte uncompressed header: (a) The first four bytes store a big-endian 32-bit word. Its numerical value is given by the |INTER_SHIBBOLETH| constant, but in fact this is the same as the ASCII encoding of the letters |intr|. (b) The second four bytes are all 0. This enables us to distinguish a binary Inter file from a random text file which just happens to begin with those letters. (c) Words 2, 3 and 4 are then the three numerical parts of the current Inter specification's semantic version number. For example, if that were 5.2.4, then these words would be 5, 2 and 4 respectively. @d INTER_SHIBBOLETH ((inter_ti) 0x696E7472) = int BinaryInter::test_file(filename *F) { int verdict = TRUE; FILE *fh = BinaryFiles::open_for_reading(F); unsigned int X = 0; if ((BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &X) == FALSE) || ((inter_ti) X != INTER_SHIBBOLETH)) verdict = FALSE; if ((BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &X) == FALSE) || ((inter_ti) X != 0)) verdict = FALSE; BinaryFiles::close(fh); return verdict; } @ Once past the header, the data is a flat series of 32-bit values, but many of those are in practice low values: small integers, ASCII character codes and the like. Given the Inform GUI apps need to store quite a lot of precompiled binary Inter files, we can reduce the app's footprint -- by what turns out to be about 14 MB -- if we compress those files. We do this by writing each word as a series of 1 to 5 bytes. @ The following scheme is used on every word after the header: = (text) VALUE ONE TO FIVE BYTES 00000000-0000007f 0xxxxxxx 00000080-00003fff 10xxxxxx xxxxxxxx 00004000-001fffff 110xxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 00200000-3fffffff 11111111 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 40000000-4000001e 111xxxxx 4000001f-ffffffff 11111111 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx = This is a little like UTF-8, but because there is no need to synchronise from an arbitrary mid-file position, we can be more economical with bits; and we then also optimise for the range just above |40000000| because this is |SYMBOL_BASE_VAL|, and means that references in Inter bytecode to symbols cluster there. See //Symbols Tables//. Measurement on the binary Inter form of BasicInformKit, compiled for the 32d architecture, came out as follows in February 2022: = (text) Words in 1 byte(s): 923439 Words in 2 byte(s): 81056 Words in 3 byte(s): 21939 Words in 5 byte(s): 17269 1043703 words, 1237713 bytes: compression 0.296472 = That is, the compressed file is about 0.295 times the size of what it would be if no compression were used. Other kits similarly produced 0.294220, 0.286038, and so on: the ratio was fairly consistent. More could certainly be done (even these compressed files reduce further if run through gzip), but it would be a trade-off for complexity. At some point enough is good enough. @ Compressed data exists only in files: decompression happens as data is read into memory, and compression happens as it is written to the file. This is the decoder. It stores the 32-bit unsigned value read in |result|, and returns |TRUE| if all went well; if a file system error, or end of file, occurs, then it returns |FALSE| and the contents of |result| are undefined. = int BinaryInter::read_word(FILE *binary_file, unsigned int *result) { int c1 = getc(binary_file), c2, c3, c4, c5; if (c1 == EOF) return FALSE; switch (c1 & 0xE0) { case 0: /* opening byte 000xxxxx */ case 0x20: /* opening byte 001xxxxx */ case 0x40: /* opening byte 010xxxxx */ case 0x60: /* opening byte 011xxxxx */ *result = (unsigned int) c1; break; case 0x80: /* opening byte 100xxxxx */ case 0xa0: /* opening byte 101xxxxx */ c1 = c1 & 0x3f; c2 = getc(binary_file); if (c2 == EOF) return FALSE; *result = (((unsigned int) c1) << 8) + (unsigned int) c2; break; case 0xc0: /* opening byte 110xxxxx */ c1 = c1 & 0x1f; c2 = getc(binary_file); if (c2 == EOF) return FALSE; c3 = getc(binary_file); if (c3 == EOF) return FALSE; *result = (((unsigned int) c1) << 16) + (((unsigned int) c2) << 8) + (unsigned int) c3; break; case 0xe0: /* opening byte 111xxxxx */ if (c1 != 0xff) { *result = 0x40000000 + (unsigned int) (c1 & 0x1f); break; } else { c2 = getc(binary_file); if (c2 == EOF) return FALSE; c3 = getc(binary_file); if (c3 == EOF) return FALSE; c4 = getc(binary_file); if (c4 == EOF) return FALSE; c5 = getc(binary_file); if (c5 == EOF) return FALSE; *result = (((unsigned int) c2) << 24) + (((unsigned int) c3) << 16) + (((unsigned int) c4) << 8) + ((unsigned int) c5); } break; } return TRUE; } @ And this version always returns a word: = unsigned int BinaryInter::read_next(FILE *binary_file, inter_error_location *eloc) { unsigned int X = 0; if (BinaryInter::read_word(binary_file, &X) == FALSE) { BinaryInter::read_error(eloc, ftell(binary_file), I"binary Inter file incomplete"); return 0; } return X; } @ And this is the encoder. (Define the symbol |MEASURE_INTER_COMPRESSION| to see measurements like those above.) We return |FALSE| if some file system error occurred, making it impossible to write the data. = #ifdef MEASURE_INTER_COMPRESSION int Inter_words_with_byte_count[10] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; #endif int BinaryInter::write_word(FILE *binary_file, unsigned int val) { if (val < 0x80) { #ifdef MEASURE_INTER_COMPRESSION Inter_words_with_byte_count[1]++; #endif int c1 = (int) val; if (putc(c1, binary_file) == EOF) return FALSE; } else if (val < 0x4000) { #ifdef MEASURE_INTER_COMPRESSION Inter_words_with_byte_count[2]++; #endif int c1 = 0x80 + (int) (val >> 8); int c2 = (int) (val & 0xFF); if (putc(c1, binary_file) == EOF) return FALSE; if (putc(c2, binary_file) == EOF) return FALSE; } else if (val < 0x200000) { #ifdef MEASURE_INTER_COMPRESSION Inter_words_with_byte_count[3]++; #endif int c1 = 0xc0 + (int) (val >> 16); int c2 = (int) ((val >> 8) & 0xFF); int c3 = (int) (val & 0xFF); if (putc(c1, binary_file) == EOF) return FALSE; if (putc(c2, binary_file) == EOF) return FALSE; if (putc(c3, binary_file) == EOF) return FALSE; } else if ((val >= 0x40000000) && (val < 0x4000001f)) { #ifdef MEASURE_INTER_COMPRESSION Inter_words_with_byte_count[1]++; #endif if (putc((int) (0xe0 + val - 0x40000000), binary_file) == EOF) return FALSE; } else { #ifdef MEASURE_INTER_COMPRESSION Inter_words_with_byte_count[5]++; #endif int c1 = 0xff; int c2 = (int) ((val >> 24) & 0xFF); int c3 = (int) ((val >> 16) & 0xFF); int c4 = (int) ((val >> 8) & 0xFF); int c5 = (int) (val & 0xFF); if (putc(c1, binary_file) == EOF) return FALSE; if (putc(c2, binary_file) == EOF) return FALSE; if (putc(c3, binary_file) == EOF) return FALSE; if (putc(c4, binary_file) == EOF) return FALSE; if (putc(c5, binary_file) == EOF) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } @ = void BinaryInter::write_compression_statistics(OUTPUT_STREAM) { #ifdef MEASURE_INTER_COMPRESSION int tot_words = 0, tot_bytes = 0; for (int i=1; i<10; i++) if (Inter_words_with_byte_count[i] > 0) { WRITE("Words in %d byte(s): %d\n", i, Inter_words_with_byte_count[i]); tot_words += Inter_words_with_byte_count[i]; tot_bytes += i*Inter_words_with_byte_count[i]; } WRITE("%d words, %d bytes: compression %g\n", tot_words, tot_bytes, ((double) tot_bytes)/((double) (4*tot_words))); #endif } @ Conventionally, texts are stored as a sequence of words: = (text) 0 length word L (= 0 for the empty text) 1 first character ... L last character = So, note, this is not a C-style null terminated string. = void BinaryInter::read_text(FILE *binary_file, text_stream *T, inter_error_location *eloc) { unsigned int L = BinaryInter::read_next(binary_file, eloc); for (unsigned int i=0; icross_referencing_suspended = TRUE; @; if (grid) Memory::I7_array_free(grid, INTER_BYTECODE_MREASON, (int) grid_extent, sizeof(inter_ti)); Primitives::index_primitives_in_tree(I); I->cross_referencing_suspended = FALSE; InterTree::traverse(I, BinaryInter::xref, NULL, NULL, PERMISSION_IST); InterTree::traverse(I, BinaryInter::xref, NULL, NULL, -PERMISSION_IST); InterInstruction::tree_lint(I); BinaryFiles::close(fh); } void BinaryInter::xref(inter_tree *I, inter_tree_node *P, void *state) { Produce::guard(InterInstruction::xref(P)); } void BinaryInter::write(filename *F, inter_tree *I) { LOGIF(INTER_FILE_READ, "(Writing binary inter file %f)\n", F); FILE *fh = BinaryFiles::open_for_writing(F); inter_warehouse *warehouse = InterTree::warehouse(I); @; BinaryFiles::close(fh); BinaryInter::write_compression_statistics(STDOUT); } @ The file is organised in five blocks: @ = @; @; @; @; @; @ = @; @; @; @; @; @ The header is uncompressed, so we call |BinaryFiles::read_int32| and |BinaryFiles::write_int32| from //foundation//. @ = unsigned int X = 0; if ((BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &X) == FALSE) || ((inter_ti) X != INTER_SHIBBOLETH) || (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &X) == FALSE) || ((inter_ti) X != 0)) { BinaryInter::read_error(&eloc, 0, I"not a binary inter file"); BinaryFiles::close(fh); return; } unsigned int v1 = 0, v2 = 0, v3 = 0; if ((BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &v1) == FALSE) || (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &v2) == FALSE) || (BinaryFiles::read_int32(fh, &v3) == FALSE)) { BinaryInter::read_error(&eloc, 0, I"header breaks off"); BinaryFiles::close(fh); return; } semantic_version_number file_version = InterVersion::from_three_words(v1, v2, v3); if (InterVersion::check_readable(file_version) == FALSE) { semantic_version_number current_version = InterVersion::current(); TEMPORARY_TEXT(erm) WRITE_TO(erm, "file '%f' holds Inter written for specification v%v, but I expect v%v", F, &file_version, ¤t_version); BinaryInter::read_error(&eloc, 0, erm); DISCARD_TEXT(erm) } @ = BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, (unsigned int) INTER_SHIBBOLETH); BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, (unsigned int) 0); unsigned int v1 = 0, v2 = 0, v3 = 0; InterVersion::to_three_words(&v1, &v2, &v3); BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, v1); BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, v2); BinaryFiles::write_int32(fh, v3); @ Next we have to describe the possible range of //Annotations//. We need these now, because they will be referred to in the symbol definitions in the resource block later on. This block is a sequence of records like so: = (text) Word Annotation ID Text Name Word Annotation type (a |*_IATYPE| value) = terminated by the sentinel word |INVALID_IANN|. There cannot be two blocks with the same annotation ID; the order of blocks is not meaningful. In particular, they are not necessarily in increasing order of ID. @ = inter_ti ID = INVALID_IANN; while (BinaryInter::read_word(fh, &ID)) { if (ID == INVALID_IANN) break; TEMPORARY_TEXT(keyword) BinaryInter::read_text(fh, keyword, &eloc); unsigned int iatype = BinaryInter::read_next(fh, &eloc); if (SymbolAnnotation::declare(ID, keyword, (int) iatype) == FALSE) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(err) WRITE_TO(err, "conflicting annotation name '%S'", keyword); BinaryInter::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), err); DISCARD_TEXT(err) } DISCARD_TEXT(keyword) } @ = inter_annotation_form *IAF; LOOP_OVER(IAF, inter_annotation_form) if (IAF->annotation_ID != INVALID_IANN) { BinaryInter::write_word(fh, IAF->annotation_ID); BinaryInter::write_text(fh, IAF->annotation_keyword); BinaryInter::write_word(fh, (unsigned int) IAF->iatype); } BinaryInter::write_word(fh, INVALID_IANN); @ There follows a block of resources. This consists of a single word giving the count of the number of resources (which may be 0); then a table of warehouse IDs; then a table of metadata for the resources. @ = unsigned int count = BinaryInter::read_next(fh, &eloc); @; @; @ = inter_ti count = 0; LOOP_OVER_RESOURCE_IDS(n, I) count++; BinaryInter::write_word(fh, (unsigned int) count); @; @; @ A problem we must deal with is that the bytecode for the original tree will have been full of references to texts, and such, by means of their warehouse ID numbers. As we read in this data, we can and will mimic the texts that those numbers were referring to: but we cannot expect them to have the same IDs in our warehouse that they had in the original. For example, suppose a tree contained the text |"passacaglia"| at warehouse ID 34; that this tree was then saved out as a binary Inter file; and that we are now reading that binary file in. We can certainly make a text reading |"passacaglia"|, but there is no reason to expect (and no way to oblige) it to have warehouse ID 34 in our tree |I|. Because of that we will need to keep careful track of how IDs in the binary file compare to those in our tree in memory. This is the purpose of the |grid| array. So, for example, |grid[34]| is the ID for the string where our copy of |"passacaglia"| goes. The grid is read in from a table whose first word is the maximum warehouse ID ever used in the original file, plus 1; and then is a list of words giving the warehouse IDs for the resources in turn. @ = grid_extent = BinaryInter::read_next(fh, &eloc); if (grid_extent > 0) { grid = (inter_ti *) Memory::calloc((int) grid_extent, sizeof(inter_ti), INTER_BYTECODE_MREASON); for (inter_ti i=0; iresource_ID; break; case 1: n = InterTree::root_package(I)->resource_ID; break; default: n = InterWarehouse::create_resource(warehouse); break; } if (original_ID >= grid_extent) { original_ID = grid_extent-1; BinaryInter::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"max incorrect"); } grid[original_ID] = n; } } @ = inter_ti max = 0; LOOP_OVER_RESOURCE_IDS(n, I) if (n+1 > max) max = n+1; BinaryInter::write_word(fh, (unsigned int) max); LOOP_OVER_RESOURCE_IDS(n, I) BinaryInter::write_word(fh, (unsigned int) n); @ The table of resources is then a series of records, one for each resource. Each record begins with a type word, which must be one of the |*_IRSRC| values. After that, the content (and record length) depends on the type. The first two resources in this table are always: (i) the symbols table for the root package, which holds global symbols such as primitive names; and (ii) the root package itself. The sequence is otherwise not meaningful. It should not be assumed that resources will be in increasing warehouse ID order. @ = for (inter_ti i=0; i= grid_extent)) { BinaryInter::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"warehouse ID out of range"); original_ID = grid_extent - 1; } inter_ti ID = grid[original_ID]; unsigned int X = BinaryInter::read_next(fh, &eloc); switch (X) { case TEXT_IRSRC: @; break; case SYMBOLS_TABLE_IRSRC: @; break; case NODE_LIST_IRSRC: @; break; case PACKAGE_REF_IRSRC: @; break; default: BinaryInter::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"unknown resource type"); } } @ = LOOP_OVER_RESOURCE_IDS(ID, I) { inter_ti RT = InterWarehouse::resource_type_code(warehouse, ID); BinaryInter::write_word(fh, (unsigned int) ID); BinaryInter::write_word(fh, RT); switch (RT) { case TEXT_IRSRC: @; break; case SYMBOLS_TABLE_IRSRC: @; break; case PACKAGE_REF_IRSRC: @; break; case NODE_LIST_IRSRC: @; break; default: internal_error("unimplemented resource type"); } } @ A text resource is |TEXT_IRSRC| followed by a single text, giving its content. @ = text_stream *txt = Str::new(); InterWarehouse::create_ref_at(warehouse, ID, STORE_POINTER_text_stream(txt), NULL); BinaryInter::read_text(fh, txt, &eloc); @ = text_stream *txt = InterWarehouse::get_text(warehouse, ID); BinaryInter::write_text(fh, txt); @ A symbols table resource is |SYMBOLS_TABLE_IRSRC| followed by a list of records, one for each symbol: = (text) word ID within the symbols table (always SYMBOL_BASE_VAL or greater, so nonzero) word symbol type (one of the |*_ISYMT| values) word persistent flags text identifier of the symbol table annotations table (see below) text text this symbol is wired to (if it is a plug: otherwise, omitted) = @ = inter_symbols_table *tab = InterWarehouse::get_symbols_table(warehouse, ID); if (tab == NULL) { tab = InterSymbolsTable::new(ID); InterWarehouse::create_ref_at(warehouse, ID, STORE_POINTER_inter_symbols_table(tab), NULL); } unsigned int symbol_ID = 0; while (BinaryInter::read_word(fh, &symbol_ID)) { if (symbol_ID == 0) break; TEMPORARY_TEXT(identifier) unsigned int st = BinaryInter::read_next(fh, &eloc); unsigned int flags = BinaryInter::read_next(fh, &eloc); BinaryInter::read_text(fh, identifier, &eloc); inter_symbol *S = InterSymbolsTable::symbol_from_name_creating_at_ID(tab, identifier, symbol_ID); InterSymbol::set_type(S, (int) st); InterSymbol::set_persistent_flags(S, (int) flags); @; if (InterSymbol::is_plug(S)) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(N) BinaryInter::read_text(fh, N, &eloc); Wiring::wire_to_name(S, N); DISCARD_TEXT(N) } LOGIF(INTER_BINARY, "Read symbol $3\n", S); DISCARD_TEXT(identifier) } @ = inter_symbols_table *T = InterWarehouse::get_symbols_table(warehouse, ID); if (T) { LOOP_OVER_SYMBOLS_TABLE(S, T) { BinaryInter::write_word(fh, S->symbol_ID); BinaryInter::write_word(fh, (unsigned int) InterSymbol::get_type(S)); BinaryInter::write_word(fh, (unsigned int) InterSymbol::get_persistent_flags(S)); BinaryInter::write_text(fh, InterSymbol::identifier(S)); @; if (InterSymbol::is_plug(S)) { text_stream *N = Wiring::wired_to_name(S); BinaryInter::write_text(fh, N); } } } BinaryInter::write_word(fh, 0); @ The annotations table for a single symbol begins with a word in the form |(bm << 6) + n|, where |bm| is the bitmap of its boolean annotations, and |n| is the number of non-boolean ones it has -- which might be 0. This word is then followed by |n| pairs: = (text) word non-boolean annotation ID word non-boolean annotation value = The meaning of the value depends on the annotation type. @ = unsigned int bm = BinaryInter::read_next(fh, &eloc); S->annotations.boolean_annotations |= (bm / 0x20); unsigned int L = bm & 0x1f; for (unsigned int i=0; iiatype == TEXTUAL_IATYPE)) IA.annot_value = grid[IA.annot_value]; SymbolAnnotation::set(-1, S, IA); } @ = inter_annotation_set *set = &(S->annotations); BinaryInter::write_word(fh, 0x20*((unsigned int) set->boolean_annotations) + (unsigned int) LinkedLists::len(set->other_annotations)); if (set->other_annotations) { inter_annotation *A; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(A, inter_annotation, set->other_annotations) { inter_ti c1 = 0, c2 = 0; SymbolAnnotation::to_pair(*A, &c1, &c2); BinaryInter::write_word(fh, (unsigned int) c1); BinaryInter::write_word(fh, (unsigned int) c2); } } @ A package resource is |PACKAGE_REF_IRSRC| followed by: = (text) word warehouse ID of parent package, or 0 for the root package word persistent package flags word warehouse ID of symbols table text package name = The name isn't used much here, and it's arguably wasteful to store it: the alternative would be to use some further flags marking the identity of certain special packages (such as |connectors|). But having the names of packages be easy to determine from the binary Inter file seems no bad thing, and it doesn't consume so very many extra bytes. Package names are short and compress well. @ = unsigned int parent_package_resource_ID = BinaryInter::read_next(fh, &eloc); unsigned int flags = BinaryInter::read_next(fh, &eloc); unsigned int symbols_table_resource_ID = BinaryInter::read_next(fh, &eloc); inter_package *parent = NULL; if (parent_package_resource_ID != 0) { if (grid) parent_package_resource_ID = grid[parent_package_resource_ID]; parent = InterWarehouse::get_package(warehouse, parent_package_resource_ID); } inter_package *stored_package = InterWarehouse::get_package(warehouse, ID); if (stored_package == NULL) { stored_package = InterPackage::new(I, ID); InterWarehouse::create_ref_at(warehouse, ID, STORE_POINTER_inter_package(stored_package), stored_package); } InterPackage::set_persistent_flags(stored_package, (int) flags); if (symbols_table_resource_ID != 0) { if (grid) symbols_table_resource_ID = grid[symbols_table_resource_ID]; InterPackage::set_scope(stored_package, InterWarehouse::get_symbols_table(warehouse, symbols_table_resource_ID)); } TEMPORARY_TEXT(N) BinaryInter::read_text(fh, N, &eloc); LargeScale::note_package_name(I, stored_package, N); DISCARD_TEXT(N) @ = inter_package *P = InterWarehouse::get_package(warehouse, ID); if (P == NULL) internal_error("no package for warehouse ID"); inter_package *par = InterPackage::parent(P); if (par == NULL) BinaryInter::write_word(fh, 0); else BinaryInter::write_word(fh, (unsigned int) par->resource_ID); BinaryInter::write_word(fh, (unsigned int) InterPackage::get_persistent_flags(P)); BinaryInter::write_word(fh, P->package_scope->resource_ID); BinaryInter::write_text(fh, InterPackage::name(P)); @ A node list resource consists only of the word |NODE_LIST_IRSRC|, with no further data. That's because node lists are built fresh as instructions are read in. So on writing we need do nothing, and on reading, we only need to create the empty node list. @ = if (InterWarehouse::get_node_list(warehouse, ID) == 0) InterWarehouse::create_ref_at(warehouse, ID, STORE_POINTER_inter_node_list(InterNodeList::new()), NULL); @ = ; @ Now for the symbol wiring block. This has to be here, after all the symbols tables and packages have been made, so that cross-references can be sorted out. The block records all pairs |S1| and |S2| such that |S1 ~~> S2|; note that it does not record wirings to names, only wirings to symbols. Rather than storing these pairs in no order, we group them by the origin table, that is, by the symbols table holding |S1|. So the block consists of one record for each table which needs to make some wirings: = (text) word warehouse ID of symbols table holding S1 table wirings in this table = This is terminated by a 0 word, which is safe since 0 is never a valid warehouse ID: see //The Warehouse//. The sub-table of wirings is then a sequence of these: = (text) word symbol ID in this table of S1 word warehouse ID of symbols table holding S2 word symbol ID in that table of S2 = Again, this is null-terminated, which is safe since all symbol IDs are at least |SYMBOL_BASE_VAL|, a huge number. @ = unsigned int S1_table_ID = 0; while (BinaryInter::read_word(fh, &S1_table_ID)) { if (S1_table_ID == 0) break; if (grid) S1_table_ID = grid[S1_table_ID]; inter_symbols_table *S1_table = InterWarehouse::get_symbols_table(warehouse, S1_table_ID); if (S1_table == NULL) BinaryInter::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"invalid symbols table in wiring"); unsigned int S1_symbol_ID = 0; while (BinaryInter::read_word(fh, &S1_symbol_ID)) { if (S1_symbol_ID == 0) break; unsigned int S2_table_ID = BinaryInter::read_next(fh, &eloc); if (grid) S2_table_ID = grid[S2_table_ID]; unsigned int S2_symbol_ID = BinaryInter::read_next(fh, &eloc); inter_symbols_table *S2_table = InterWarehouse::get_symbols_table(warehouse, S2_table_ID); if (S1_table == NULL) BinaryInter::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"invalid symbols table in wiring"); inter_symbol *S1 = InterSymbolsTable::symbol_from_ID(S1_table, S1_symbol_ID); inter_symbol *S2 = InterSymbolsTable::symbol_from_ID(S2_table, S2_symbol_ID); if ((S1 == NULL) || (S2 == NULL)) BinaryInter::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"invalid symbols in wiring"); Wiring::wire_to(S1, S2); } } @ = LOOP_OVER_RESOURCE_IDS(ID, I) { inter_symbols_table *from_T = InterWarehouse::get_symbols_table(warehouse, ID); if (from_T) { int table_needed = FALSE; LOOP_OVER_SYMBOLS_TABLE(S, from_T) { if (Wiring::is_wired(S)) { if (table_needed == FALSE) { BinaryInter::write_word(fh, (unsigned int) ID); table_needed = TRUE; } inter_symbol *W = Wiring::wired_to(S); BinaryInter::write_word(fh, S->symbol_ID); BinaryInter::write_word(fh, W->owning_table->resource_ID); BinaryInter::write_word(fh, W->symbol_ID); } } if (table_needed) BinaryInter::write_word(fh, 0); } } BinaryInter::write_word(fh, 0); @ Finally the bytecode block. Surprisingly, this is easy to handle here, but only because a non-trivial part of the process is handled elsewhere. Note that this loop continues until the file runs out. @ = unsigned int X = 0; while (BinaryInter::read_word(fh, &X)) { inter_package *owner = NULL; int extent = (int) X; @; inter_tree_node *P = Inode::new_node(warehouse, I, extent-1, &eloc, owner); @; @; NodePlacement::move_to_moving_bookmark(P, &at); } @ = InterTree::traverse_root_only(I, BinaryInter::frame_writer, fh, -PACKAGE_IST); InterTree::traverse(I, BinaryInter::frame_writer, fh, NULL, 0); @ = void BinaryInter::frame_writer(inter_tree *I, inter_tree_node *P, void *state) { FILE *fh = (FILE *) state; @; @; } @ = eloc.error_offset = (size_t) ftell(fh) - PREFRAME_SIZE; if ((extent < 2) || ((long int) extent >= max_offset)) BinaryInter::read_error(&eloc, ftell(fh), I"wildly overlarge instruction frame"); unsigned int PID = 0; if (BinaryInter::read_word(fh, &PID)) { if (grid) PID = grid[PID]; if (PID) owner = InterWarehouse::get_package(warehouse, PID); } @ = BinaryInter::write_word(fh, (unsigned int) (P->W.extent + 1)); BinaryInter::write_word(fh, (unsigned int) (Inode::get_package(P)->resource_ID)); @ = for (int i=0; iW.instruction[i] = word; } @ = for (int i=0; iW.extent; i++) BinaryInter::write_word(fh, (unsigned int) (P->W.instruction[i])); @ That just leaves the process of correction. We do two things: (a) Transposition: this means correcting all references to warehouse IDs in the old tree into references to those in the new, by performing |id = grid[id]|. We cannot do this without knowing which words in the bytecode are warehouse IDs, though, so we must call a method of the construct for the instruction. (b) Verification: also construct-specific, also done via a method call, this not only performs sanity checks on the bytecode for the instruction but also completes the process of embedding the instruction by, for example, setting the definition of any symbol created in the instruction to |P|. @ = inter_error_message *E = NULL; if (grid) E = InterInstruction::transpose_construct(owner, P, grid, grid_extent); if (E) { InterErrors::issue(E); exit(1); } E = VerifyingInter::instruction(owner, P); if (E) { InterErrors::issue(E); exit(1); } @ Errors in reading binary inter are not recoverable: = void BinaryInter::read_error(inter_error_location *eloc, long at, text_stream *err) { eloc->error_offset = (size_t) at; InterErrors::issue(InterErrors::plain(err, eloc)); exit(1); }