A grammar verb is not literally a verb, as the name is a hangover from the way I6 defines grammar. It might be said to be a necklace onto which we thread the sea-shells of grammar lines. Each grammar verb has its own purpose: to match various possibilities (one for each grammar line) against text aimed at a particular result. For instance, all run time commands beginning with TAKE are parsed with a single grammar verb. If we create a new grammar token, "[polite remark]", for use in other grammar, then that too will have its own "grammar verb". If we define the word "eleventy-one" as meaning the number 111, it will be added to a grammar verb attached to the kind "number" which parses eccentric names for number values. And so on. Probably a better name for this structure would be simply "grammar", but that might be confusing in other ways, and anyway the ship has sailed.

§1. Definitions.

§2. There are five different sorts of grammar verb, then, and only the first of these is associated with a genuine typed-by-the-player command verb:

    define GV_IS_COMMAND 1      an imperative verbal command at run-time
    define GV_IS_TOKEN   2      a square-bracketed token in other grammar
    define GV_IS_OBJECT  3      a noun phrase at run time: a name for an object
    define GV_IS_VALUE   4      a noun phrase at run time: a name for a value
    define GV_IS_CONSULT 5      a pattern to match in part of a command (such as "consult")
    define GV_IS_PROPERTY_NAME 6      a noun phrase at run time: a name for an either/or pval

§3. The following maxima are imposed by the I6 compiler:

    typedef struct grammar_verb {
        int gv_is;     one of the five values above

        struct grammar_type gv_type;

        struct grammar_line *first_line;     linked list in creation order
        struct grammar_line *sorted_first_line;     and in logical applicability order

        struct wording command;     GV_IS_COMMAND: word number at which command found
        struct wording aliased_command[MAX_ALIASED_COMMANDS];     ...and other commands synonymous
        int no_aliased_commands;     ...and how many of them there are

        struct wording name;     GV_IS_TOKEN: name of this token
        struct inter_name *gv_line_iname;

        struct inference_subject *subj_understood;     GV_IS_OBJECT: what this provides names for

        struct kind *kind_understood;     GV_IS_VALUE: for which type it names an instance of
        struct inter_name *gv_parse_name_iname;

        struct property *prn_understood;     GV_IS_PROPERTY_NAME: which prn this names
        struct inter_name *gv_prn_iname;     the relevant GPR is called this

        struct parse_node *where_gv_created;     for problem message reports

        struct inter_name *gv_consult_iname;     for the consult parsing routine if needed
        struct text_stream *gv_I6_identifier;     when a token is delegated to an I6 routine

        int slashed;     slashing has been done
        int determined;     determination has been done

    } grammar_verb;

The structure grammar_verb is accessed in 2/bd, 3/tnt, 3/sm, 3/tp, 3/bck, 3/rgn, 3/tm, 3/em, 3/sc, 3/scn, 4/act, 4/anl, 4/nap, 5/gp, 5/gpr and here.

§4. A few imperative verbs are reserved for Inform testing, such as SHOWME. We record those as instances of the following:

    typedef struct reserved_command_verb {
        text_stream *reserved_text;
    } reserved_command_verb;

The structure reserved_command_verb is private to this section.

§5. We begin as usual with a constructor and some debug log tracing.

    grammar_verb *PL::Parsing::Verbs::gv_new(int gv_is) {
        grammar_verb *gv;
        gv = CREATE(grammar_verb);
        gv->command = EMPTY_WORDING;
        gv->first_line = NULL;
        gv->gv_type = PL::Parsing::Tokens::Types::new(FALSE);
        gv->gv_is = gv_is;
        gv->name = EMPTY_WORDING;
        gv->no_aliased_commands = 0;
        gv->sorted_first_line = NULL;
        gv->subj_understood = NULL;
        gv->kind_understood = NULL;
        gv->gv_parse_name_iname = NULL;
        gv->prn_understood = NULL;
        gv->where_gv_created = current_sentence;
        gv->gv_consult_iname = NULL;
        gv->gv_prn_iname = NULL;
        gv->gv_line_iname = NULL;
        gv->gv_I6_identifier = Str::new();
        gv->slashed = FALSE;
        gv->determined = FALSE;
        return gv;

    void PL::Parsing::Verbs::log(grammar_verb *gv) {
        LOG("<GV%d:", gv->allocation_id);
        switch(gv->gv_is) {
            case GV_IS_COMMAND:
                if (Wordings::empty(gv->command)) LOG("command=no-verb verb");
                else LOG("command=%W", gv->command);
            case GV_IS_TOKEN: LOG("token=%W", gv->name); break;
            case GV_IS_OBJECT: LOG("object"); break;
            case GV_IS_VALUE: LOG("value=$u", gv->kind_understood); break;
            case GV_IS_CONSULT: LOG("consult"); break;
            case GV_IS_PROPERTY_NAME: LOG("property-name"); break;
            default: LOG("<unknown>"); break;

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::gv_new is used in §7, §13, §16, §17, §18, §19.

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::log is used in 1/im (§4, §4.3).

§6. Command words. Some GVs are used to represent the command grammar for imperative verbs used by the player at run-time. Such a GV handles multiple commands, which are considered equivalent at run-time: the first of these is the official command word, and the rest are "aliases". For instance, the Standard Rules create a GV for the command PULL with one alias, DRAG. (This somewhat asymmetric approach is used because it matches the way I6 Verb declarations are laid out.)

A complication is that one GV is permitted to be a special case: the so-called "no verb verb", whose main command word is empty and which can have no aliases. This is used to parse verbless commands at run-time: for instance, the I7 designer can specify that a command consisting only of a number followed by the word GO should cause some action, and this is implemented not with a command verb but using I6's hooks for verbless commands. The grammar "[number] go" is attached as a grammar line to the "no verb verb", which is distinguished by having its command word number set to -1. Note that the "no verb verb" exists only in runs of NI where it has been needed: the Standard Rules do not use it.

Command GVs other than the "no verb verb" are said to be "genuinely verbal".

    wording PL::Parsing::Verbs::get_verb_text(grammar_verb *gv) {
        return gv->command;

    int PL::Parsing::Verbs::gv_is_genuinely_verbal(grammar_verb *gv) {
        if ((gv->gv_is == GV_IS_COMMAND) && (Wordings::nonempty(gv->command)))
            return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::get_verb_text is used in 5/gl (§25, §26).

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::gv_is_genuinely_verbal is used in §25, §29.

§7. The next routine finds, or if necessary creates, a GV for a given command word encountered without any indication that it should alias another. Note that calling this with word number -1 finds, or creates, the "no verb verb".

    grammar_verb *PL::Parsing::Verbs::find_or_create_command(wording W) {
        grammar_verb *gv = PL::Parsing::Verbs::find_command(W);

        if (gv) return gv;

        gv = PL::Parsing::Verbs::gv_new(GV_IS_COMMAND);
        gv->command = W;

        if (Wordings::empty(W)) {
            inter_name *iname = Hierarchy::find(NO_VERB_VERB_DEFINED_HL);
            packaging_state save = Packaging::enter_home_of(iname);
            Emit::named_numeric_constant(iname, (inter_t) 1);
        else LOGIF(GRAMMAR_CONSTRUCTION, "GV%d has verb %W\n", gv->allocation_id, W);

        return gv;

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::find_or_create_command is used in 5/tfg (§21).

§8. By contrast, this routine merely finds a GV, or returns null if none exists with the given command word.

    grammar_verb *PL::Parsing::Verbs::find_command(wording W) {
        grammar_verb *gv;
        LOOP_OVER(gv, grammar_verb)
            if (gv->gv_is == GV_IS_COMMAND) {
                if (Wordings::empty(W)) {
                    if (Wordings::empty(gv->command)) return gv;
                } else {
                    if (Wordings::match(gv->command, W)) return gv;
                    for (int i=0; i<gv->no_aliased_commands; i++)
                        if (Wordings::match(gv->aliased_command[i], W))
                            return gv;
        return NULL;

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::find_command is used in §7, 4/ai (§3), 5/tfg (§16.2.1).

§9. We now have routines to add or remove commands from a given GV. Removing is the tricky case, since detaching the main command word means that one of the aliases must become the new main command; or, in the worst case, that there are no commands left, in which case we need to empty the GV of grammar lines so that it can either be ignored or re-used (in the event that the designer, having cancelled the old meaning of the command, now supplies new ones).

It is not possible to add to, or remove from, the "no verb verb".

    void PL::Parsing::Verbs::add_command(grammar_verb *gv, wording W) {
        if (gv == NULL)
            internal_error("tried to add alias command to null GV");
        if (gv->gv_is != GV_IS_COMMAND)
            internal_error("tried to add alias command to non-command GV");
        if (gv->no_aliased_commands == MAX_ALIASED_COMMANDS) {
                "this 'understand the command ... as ...' makes too many aliases "
                "for the same command",
                "exceeding the limit of 32.");
        gv->aliased_command[gv->no_aliased_commands++] = W;
        LOGIF(GRAMMAR, "Adding alias '%W' to G%d '%W'\n", W, gv->allocation_id, gv->command);

    void PL::Parsing::Verbs::remove_command(grammar_verb *gv, wording W) {
        if (gv == NULL)
            internal_error("tried to detach alias command from null GV");
        if (gv->gv_is != GV_IS_COMMAND)
            internal_error("tried to detach alias command from non-command GV");
        LOGIF(GRAMMAR, "Detaching verb '%W' from grammar\n", W);
        if (gv == NULL)	return;
        if (Wordings::match(gv->command, W)) {
            LOGIF(GRAMMAR, "Detached verb is the head-verb\n");
            if (gv->no_aliased_commands == 0) {
                gv->first_line = NULL;
                LOGIF(GRAMMAR, "Which had no aliases: clearing grammar to NULL\n");
            } else {
                gv->command = gv->aliased_command[--(gv->no_aliased_commands)];
                LOGIF(GRAMMAR, "Which had aliases: making new head-verb '%W'\n",
        } else {
            LOGIF(GRAMMAR, "Detached verb is one of the aliases\n");
            for (int i=0; i<gv->no_aliased_commands; i++) {
                if (Wordings::match(gv->aliased_command[i], W)) {
                    for (int j=i; j<gv->no_aliased_commands-1; j++)
                        gv->aliased_command[j] = gv->aliased_command[j+1];

    void PL::Parsing::Verbs::index_command_aliases(OUTPUT_STREAM, grammar_verb *gv) {
        if (gv == NULL) return;
        int i, n = gv->no_aliased_commands;
        for (i=0; i<n; i++)
            WRITE("/%N", Wordings::first_wn(gv->aliased_command[i]));

    void PL::Parsing::Verbs::remove_action(grammar_verb *gv, action_name *an) {
        if (gv->gv_is != GV_IS_COMMAND) return;
        gv->first_line = PL::Parsing::Lines::list_remove(gv->first_line, an);

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::add_command is used in 5/tfg (§16.2.1).

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::remove_command is used in 5/tfg (§16.2.1).

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::index_command_aliases is used in 4/ai (§3).

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::remove_action is used in 5/tfg (§20).

§10. Command GVs are destined to be compiled into Verb directives, as follows.

    void PL::Parsing::Verbs::gv_compile_Verb_directive_header(grammar_verb *gv, inter_name *array_iname) {
        if (gv->gv_is != GV_IS_COMMAND)
            internal_error("tried to compile Verb from non-command GV");
        if (gv->first_line == NULL)
            internal_error("compiling Verb for empty grammar");

        Emit::named_verb_array_begin(array_iname, K_value);

        if (Wordings::empty(gv->command))
        else {
            WRITE_TO(vt, "%W", Wordings::one_word(Wordings::first_wn(gv->command)));
            if (PL::Parsing::Verbs::command_verb_reserved(vt)) {
                current_sentence = gv->where_gv_created;
                Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
                Problems::quote_wording(2, gv->command);
                    "You wrote %1, but %2 is a built-in Inform testing verb, which "
                    "means it is reserved for Inform's own use and can't be used "
                    "for ordinary play purposes. %PThe verbs which are reserved in "
                    "this way are all listed in the alphabetical catalogue on the "
                    "Actions Index page.");
            WRITE_TO(WD, "%N", Wordings::first_wn(gv->command));
            for (int i=0; i<gv->no_aliased_commands; i++) {
                WRITE_TO(WD, "%N", Wordings::first_wn(gv->aliased_command[i]));

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::gv_compile_Verb_directive_header is used in §27.

§11. Reserved verb names are collated as the I6 template files are read:

    void PL::Parsing::Verbs::reserve(text_stream *verb_name) {
        reserved_command_verb *rcv = CREATE(reserved_command_verb);
        rcv->reserved_text = Str::new();
        PL::Parsing::Verbs::normalise_cv_to(rcv->reserved_text, verb_name);

    int PL::Parsing::Verbs::command_verb_reserved(text_stream *verb_tried) {
        reserved_command_verb *rcv;
        PL::Parsing::Verbs::normalise_cv_to(normalised_vt, verb_tried);
        LOOP_OVER(rcv, reserved_command_verb)
            if (Str::eq(normalised_vt, rcv->reserved_text))
                return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

    void PL::Parsing::Verbs::normalise_cv_to(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *from) {
        for (int i=0; (i<31) && (i<Str::len(from)); i++)
            PUT(Characters::tolower(Str::get_at(from, i)));

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::reserve appears nowhere else.

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::command_verb_reserved is used in §10.

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::normalise_cv_to appears nowhere else.

§12. The "Commands available to the player" portion of the Actions index page is, in effect, an alphabetised merge of the GLs found within the command GVs. GLs for the "no verb verb" appear under the special headword "0" (which is not displayed); otherwise GLs appear under the main command word, and aliases are shown with references like: "drag", same as "pull".

One routine takes a GV and creates suitable entries for the Actions index to process; the other two routines act upon any such entries once they are needed.

    void PL::Parsing::Verbs::make_command_index_entries(OUTPUT_STREAM, grammar_verb *gv) {
        if ((gv->gv_is == GV_IS_COMMAND) && (gv->first_line)) {
            if (Wordings::empty(gv->command))
                PL::Actions::Index::vie_new_from(OUT, L"0", gv, NORMAL_COMMAND);
                PL::Actions::Index::vie_new_from(OUT, Lexer::word_text(Wordings::first_wn(gv->command)), gv, NORMAL_COMMAND);
            for (int i=0; i<gv->no_aliased_commands; i++)
                PL::Actions::Index::vie_new_from(OUT, Lexer::word_text(Wordings::first_wn(gv->aliased_command[i])), gv, ALIAS_COMMAND);

    void PL::Parsing::Verbs::index_normal(OUTPUT_STREAM, grammar_verb *gv, text_stream *headword) {
        PL::Parsing::Lines::sorted_list_index_normal(OUT, gv->sorted_first_line, headword);

    void PL::Parsing::Verbs::index_alias(OUTPUT_STREAM, grammar_verb *gv, text_stream *headword) {
        WRITE("&quot;%S&quot;, <i>same as</i> &quot;%N&quot;",
            headword, Wordings::first_wn(gv->command));
        WRITE_TO(link, "%N", Wordings::first_wn(gv->command));
        Index::below_link(OUT, link);

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::make_command_index_entries is used in 4/ai (§3).

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::index_normal is used in 4/ai (§3).

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::index_alias is used in 4/ai (§3).

§13. Named grammar tokens. These are like text substitutions in reverse. For instance, we could define a token "[suitable colour]". These are identified solely by their textual names (e.g., "suitable colour").

    grammar_verb *PL::Parsing::Verbs::named_token_new(wording W) {
        grammar_verb *gv = PL::Parsing::Verbs::named_token_by_name(W);
        if (gv == NULL) {
            gv = PL::Parsing::Verbs::gv_new(GV_IS_TOKEN);
            gv->name = W;
            package_request *PR = Hierarchy::local_package(NAMED_TOKENS_HAP);
            gv->gv_line_iname = Hierarchy::make_iname_in(PARSE_LINE_FN_HL, PR);
        return gv;

    grammar_verb *PL::Parsing::Verbs::named_token_by_name(wording W) {
        grammar_verb *gv;
        LOOP_OVER(gv, grammar_verb)
            if ((gv->gv_is == GV_IS_TOKEN) && (Wordings::match(W, gv->name)))
                return gv;
        return NULL;

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::named_token_new is used in §15, 5/tfg (§21).

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::named_token_by_name is used in 5/gt2 (§10).


    void PL::Parsing::Verbs::index_tokens(OUTPUT_STREAM) {
        PL::Parsing::Verbs::index_tokens_for(OUT, EMPTY_WORDING, "anybody", NULL, NULL, I"someone_token", "same as \"[someone]\"");
        PL::Parsing::Verbs::index_tokens_for(OUT, EMPTY_WORDING, "anyone", NULL, NULL, I"someone_token", "same as \"[someone]\"");
        PL::Parsing::Verbs::index_tokens_for(OUT, EMPTY_WORDING, "anything", NULL, NULL, I"things_token", "same as \"[thing]\"");
        PL::Parsing::Verbs::index_tokens_for(OUT, EMPTY_WORDING, "other things", NULL, NULL, I"things_token", NULL);
        PL::Parsing::Verbs::index_tokens_for(OUT, EMPTY_WORDING, "somebody", NULL, NULL, I"someone_token", "same as \"[someone]\"");
        PL::Parsing::Verbs::index_tokens_for(OUT, EMPTY_WORDING, "someone", NULL, NULL, I"someone_token", NULL);
        PL::Parsing::Verbs::index_tokens_for(OUT, EMPTY_WORDING, "something", NULL, NULL, I"things_token", "same as \"[thing]\"");
        PL::Parsing::Verbs::index_tokens_for(OUT, EMPTY_WORDING, "something preferably held", NULL, NULL, I"things_token", NULL);
        PL::Parsing::Verbs::index_tokens_for(OUT, EMPTY_WORDING, "text", NULL, NULL, I"text_token", NULL);
        PL::Parsing::Verbs::index_tokens_for(OUT, EMPTY_WORDING, "things", NULL, NULL, I"things_token", NULL);
        PL::Parsing::Verbs::index_tokens_for(OUT, EMPTY_WORDING, "things inside", NULL, NULL, I"things_token", NULL);
        PL::Parsing::Verbs::index_tokens_for(OUT, EMPTY_WORDING, "things preferably held", NULL, NULL, I"things_token", NULL);
        grammar_verb *gv;
        LOOP_OVER(gv, grammar_verb)
            if (gv->gv_is == GV_IS_TOKEN)
                PL::Parsing::Verbs::index_tokens_for(OUT, gv->name, NULL,
                    gv->where_gv_created, gv->sorted_first_line, NULL, NULL);

    void PL::Parsing::Verbs::index_tokens_for(OUTPUT_STREAM, wording W, char *special, parse_node *where,
        grammar_line *defns, text_stream *help, char *explanation) {
        HTMLFiles::open_para(OUT, 1, "tight");
        if (special) WRITE("%s", special); else WRITE("%+W", W);
        if (where) Index::link(OUT, Wordings::first_wn(ParseTree::get_text(where)));
        if (Str::len(help) > 0) Index::DocReferences::link(OUT, help);
        if (explanation) WRITE(" - %s", explanation);
        if (defns) PL::Parsing::Lines::index_list_for_token(OUT, defns);

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::index_tokens is used in 4/ai (§5).

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::index_tokens_for appears nowhere else.

§15. A slight variation is provided by those which are defined by I6 routines.

    void PL::Parsing::Verbs::translates(wording W, parse_node *p2) {
        grammar_verb *gv;
        LOOP_OVER(gv, grammar_verb)
            if ((gv->gv_is == GV_IS_TOKEN) && (Wordings::match(W, gv->name))) {
                    "this grammar token has already been translated",
                    "so there must be some duplication somewhere.");
        gv = PL::Parsing::Verbs::named_token_new(W);
        WRITE_TO(gv->gv_I6_identifier, "%N", Wordings::first_wn(ParseTree::get_text(p2)));

    inter_name *PL::Parsing::Verbs::i6_token_as_iname(grammar_verb *gv) {
        if (Str::len(gv->gv_I6_identifier) > 0)
            return Hierarchy::find_by_name(gv->gv_I6_identifier);
        if (gv->gv_line_iname == NULL) internal_error("no token GPR");
        return gv->gv_line_iname;

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::translates appears nowhere else.

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::i6_token_as_iname is used in 5/gt2 (§12).

§16. Consultation grammars. These are used for grammar included as a column of a table or in a conditional match. The terminology goes back to the early days of I6, when CONSULT was a command capable of parsing arbitrary text, something which a game called Curses made heavy use of.

    grammar_verb *PL::Parsing::Verbs::consultation_new(void) {
        grammar_verb *gv;
        gv = PL::Parsing::Verbs::gv_new(GV_IS_CONSULT);
        return gv;

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::consultation_new is used in 5/gpr (§3).

§17. Subject parsing grammars. Each inference subject can optionally have a GV, used to parse unusual forms of its name (though of course many subjects are never parsed at all, so this is only used in practice for objects and their kinds). The following routine finds or creates such.

    grammar_verb *PL::Parsing::Verbs::for_subject(inference_subject *subj) {
        grammar_verb *gv;
        if (PF_S(parsing, subj)->understand_as_this_object != NULL)
            return PF_S(parsing, subj)->understand_as_this_object;
        gv = PL::Parsing::Verbs::gv_new(GV_IS_OBJECT);
        PF_S(parsing, subj)->understand_as_this_object = gv;
        gv->subj_understood = subj;
        return gv;

    void PL::Parsing::Verbs::take_out_one_word_grammar(grammar_verb *gv) {
        if (gv->gv_is != GV_IS_OBJECT)
            internal_error("One-word optimisation applies only to objects");
        gv->first_line = PL::Parsing::Lines::list_take_out_one_word_grammar(gv->first_line);

    int PL::Parsing::Verbs::allow_mixed_lines(grammar_verb *gv) {
        if ((gv->gv_is == GV_IS_OBJECT) || (gv->gv_is == GV_IS_VALUE))
            return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::for_subject is used in 5/tfg (§21).

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::take_out_one_word_grammar is used in 5/gp (§10.1).

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::allow_mixed_lines is used in 5/gl (§14).

§18. Data type parsing grammars. Each kind can optionally have a GV, used to parse unusual forms of its literals. The following routine finds or creates this.

    grammar_verb *PL::Parsing::Verbs::for_kind(kind *K) {
        grammar_verb *gv;
        if (PL::Parsing::Verbs::get_parsing_grammar(K) != NULL)
            return PL::Parsing::Verbs::get_parsing_grammar(K);
        gv = PL::Parsing::Verbs::gv_new(GV_IS_VALUE);
        PL::Parsing::Verbs::set_parsing_grammar(K, gv);
        gv->kind_understood = K;
        return gv;

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::for_kind is used in 5/tfg (§21).

§19. Property name parsing grammars. Only either/or properties can have a GV, used to parse unusual forms of the alternatives as used when properties are describing objects. The following routine finds or creates this for a given property.

    grammar_verb *PL::Parsing::Verbs::for_prn(property *prn) {
        grammar_verb *gv;
        if (Properties::EitherOr::get_parsing_grammar(prn) != NULL)
            return Properties::EitherOr::get_parsing_grammar(prn);
        gv = PL::Parsing::Verbs::gv_new(GV_IS_PROPERTY_NAME);
        Properties::EitherOr::set_parsing_grammar(prn, gv);
        gv->prn_understood = prn;
        inter_name *iname = Properties::iname(prn);
        gv->gv_prn_iname = Hierarchy::make_iname_in(EITHER_OR_GPR_FN_HL, iname->eventual_owner);
        return gv;

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::for_prn is used in 5/tfg (§21).

§20. The list of grammar lines. Every GV has a list of GLs: indeed, this list is really the grammar. Here we test this for emptiness, and provide for adding to it. Removals are not possible.

    int PL::Parsing::Verbs::is_empty(grammar_verb *gv) {
        if ((gv == NULL) || (gv->first_line == NULL)) return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

    void PL::Parsing::Verbs::add_line(grammar_verb *gv, grammar_line *gl) {
        LOGIF(GRAMMAR, "Adding grammar line $g to verb $G\n", gl, gv);
        if ((gv->gv_is == GV_IS_COMMAND) &&
            (PL::Parsing::Lines::list_length(gv->first_line) >= MAX_LINES_PER_COMMAND)) {
                "this command verb now has too many Understand possibilities",
                "that is, there are too many 'Understand \"whatever ...\" as ...' "
                "which share the same initial word 'whatever'. The best way to "
                "get around this is to try to consolidate some of those lines "
                "together, perhaps by using slashes to combine alternative "
                "wordings, or by defining new grammar tokens [in square brackets].");
        gv->first_line = PL::Parsing::Lines::list_add(gv->first_line, gl);

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::is_empty is used in 5/tfg (§16.2.1), 5/gpr (§5).

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::add_line is used in 5/tfg (§21).

§21. Each GV has the potential to carry a kind made up of the number of values produced, and what their types are. This is only really meaningful for the GVs trying to express a single value: the following routine returns UNKNOWN_NT unless that's the case.

    kind *PL::Parsing::Verbs::get_data_type_as_token(grammar_verb *gv) {
        return PL::Parsing::Tokens::Types::get_data_type_as_token(&(gv->gv_type));

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::get_data_type_as_token is used in 5/gt2 (§12).

§22. Some tokens require suitable I6 routines to have already been compiled, if they are to work nicely: the following routine goes through the tokens by exploring each GV in turn.

    void PL::Parsing::Verbs::compile_conditions(void) {
        grammar_verb *gv;
        LOOP_OVER(gv, grammar_verb)	{
            current_sentence = gv->where_gv_created;

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::compile_conditions appears nowhere else.

§23. Grammar Preparation. This simply causes Phases I and II of grammar processing to take place, one after the other.

    void PL::Parsing::Verbs::prepare(void) {

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::prepare appears nowhere else.

§24. Phase I: Slash Grammar. Slashing is really a grammar-line based activity, so we do no more than pass the buck down to the list of grammar lines.

    void PL::Parsing::Verbs::gv_slash_all(void) {
        grammar_verb *gv;
        Log::new_stage(I"Slashing grammar (G1)");
        LOOP_OVER(gv, grammar_verb) {
            if (gv->slashed == FALSE) {
                LOGIF(GRAMMAR_CONSTRUCTION, "Slashing $G\n", gv);
                gv->slashed = TRUE;

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::gv_slash_all is used in §23, §26.

§25. Phase II: Determining Grammar. Again, at this top level we are really only calling downwards.

    void PL::Parsing::Verbs::gv_determine_all(void) {
        grammar_verb *gv;
        Log::new_stage(I"Determining grammar (G2)");
        LOOP_OVER(gv, grammar_verb)
            if ((gv->determined == FALSE) && (gv->first_line)) {
                current_sentence = gv->where_gv_created;
                PL::Parsing::Verbs::determine(gv, 0);
                gv->determined = TRUE;

    parse_node *PL::Parsing::Verbs::determine(grammar_verb *gv, int depth) {
        parse_node *spec_union = NULL;
        current_sentence = gv->where_gv_created;

        if (PL::Parsing::Tokens::Types::has_return_type(&(gv->gv_type)))
            return PL::Parsing::Tokens::Types::get_single_type(&(gv->gv_type));

        if (depth > NUMBER_CREATED(grammar_verb)) {
                "grammar tokens are not allowed to be defined in terms of "
                "either directly or indirectly.");
            return NULL;

        LOGIF(GRAMMAR_CONSTRUCTION, "Determining $G\n", gv);

        spec_union = PL::Parsing::Lines::line_list_determine(gv->first_line, depth,
            gv->gv_is, gv, PL::Parsing::Verbs::gv_is_genuinely_verbal(gv));

        LOGIF(GRAMMAR_CONSTRUCTION, "Result of verb $G is $P\n", gv, spec_union);

        PL::Parsing::Tokens::Types::set_single_type(&(gv->gv_type), spec_union);

        return spec_union;

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::gv_determine_all is used in §23, §26.

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::determine is used in 5/gt2 (§11.1).

§26. Phases III and IV: Sort and Compile Grammar. At this highest level phases III and IV are intermingled, in that Phase III always precedes Phase IV for any given list of grammar lines, but each GV goes through both Phase III and IV before the next begins Phase III. So it would not be appropriate to print banners like "Phase III begins here" in the debugging log.

Finally, though, some substantive work to do: because it is the GV which records the purpose of the grammar in question, we must compile a suitable I6 context for the grammar to appear within.

Four of the five kinds of GV are compiled by the routine below: the fifth kind is compiled in "Tokens Parsing Values", in response to different .i6t commands, because the token routines are needed at a different position in the final I6 output.

Sequence is important here: in particular the GPRs must exist before the Verb directives, because otherwise I6 will throw not-declared-yet errors.

    inter_name *VERB_DIRECTIVE_REVERSE_iname = NULL;
    inter_name *VERB_DIRECTIVE_SLASH_iname = NULL;
    inter_name *VERB_DIRECTIVE_DIVIDER_iname = NULL;
    inter_name *VERB_DIRECTIVE_RESULT_iname = NULL;
    inter_name *VERB_DIRECTIVE_SPECIAL_iname = NULL;
    inter_name *VERB_DIRECTIVE_NUMBER_iname = NULL;
    inter_name *VERB_DIRECTIVE_NOUN_iname = NULL;
    inter_name *VERB_DIRECTIVE_MULTI_iname = NULL;
    inter_name *VERB_DIRECTIVE_MULTIINSIDE_iname = NULL;
    inter_name *VERB_DIRECTIVE_MULTIHELD_iname = NULL;
    inter_name *VERB_DIRECTIVE_HELD_iname = NULL;
    inter_name *VERB_DIRECTIVE_CREATURE_iname = NULL;
    inter_name *VERB_DIRECTIVE_TOPIC_iname = NULL;
    inter_name *VERB_DIRECTIVE_MULTIEXCEPT_iname = NULL;

    inter_name *PL::Parsing::Verbs::grammar_constant(int N, int V) {
        inter_name *iname = Hierarchy::find(N);
        packaging_state save = Packaging::enter_home_of(iname);
        Emit::named_numeric_constant(iname, 1);
        return iname;

    void PL::Parsing::Verbs::compile_all(void) {
        grammar_verb *gv;

        Log::new_stage(I"Sorting and compiling non-value grammar (G3, G4)");

        VERB_DIRECTIVE_REVERSE_iname = PL::Parsing::Verbs::grammar_constant(VERB_DIRECTIVE_REVERSE_HL, 1);
        VERB_DIRECTIVE_SLASH_iname = PL::Parsing::Verbs::grammar_constant(VERB_DIRECTIVE_SLASH_HL, 1);
        VERB_DIRECTIVE_DIVIDER_iname = PL::Parsing::Verbs::grammar_constant(VERB_DIRECTIVE_DIVIDER_HL, 1);
        VERB_DIRECTIVE_RESULT_iname = PL::Parsing::Verbs::grammar_constant(VERB_DIRECTIVE_RESULT_HL, 2);
        VERB_DIRECTIVE_SPECIAL_iname = PL::Parsing::Verbs::grammar_constant(VERB_DIRECTIVE_SPECIAL_HL, 3);
        VERB_DIRECTIVE_NUMBER_iname = PL::Parsing::Verbs::grammar_constant(VERB_DIRECTIVE_NUMBER_HL, 4);
        VERB_DIRECTIVE_NOUN_iname = PL::Parsing::Verbs::grammar_constant(VERB_DIRECTIVE_NOUN_HL, 5);
        VERB_DIRECTIVE_MULTI_iname = PL::Parsing::Verbs::grammar_constant(VERB_DIRECTIVE_MULTI_HL, 6);
        VERB_DIRECTIVE_MULTIINSIDE_iname = PL::Parsing::Verbs::grammar_constant(VERB_DIRECTIVE_MULTIINSIDE_HL, 7);
        VERB_DIRECTIVE_MULTIHELD_iname = PL::Parsing::Verbs::grammar_constant(VERB_DIRECTIVE_MULTIHELD_HL, 8);
        VERB_DIRECTIVE_HELD_iname = PL::Parsing::Verbs::grammar_constant(VERB_DIRECTIVE_HELD_HL, 9);
        VERB_DIRECTIVE_CREATURE_iname = PL::Parsing::Verbs::grammar_constant(VERB_DIRECTIVE_CREATURE_HL, 10);
        VERB_DIRECTIVE_TOPIC_iname = PL::Parsing::Verbs::grammar_constant(VERB_DIRECTIVE_TOPIC_HL, 11);
        VERB_DIRECTIVE_MULTIEXCEPT_iname = PL::Parsing::Verbs::grammar_constant(VERB_DIRECTIVE_MULTIEXCEPT_HL, 12);

        LOOP_OVER(gv, grammar_verb)
            if (gv->gv_is == GV_IS_TOKEN)
                PL::Parsing::Verbs::compile(gv);     makes GPRs for designed tokens

        LOOP_OVER(gv, grammar_verb)
            if (gv->gv_is == GV_IS_COMMAND)
                PL::Parsing::Verbs::compile(gv);     makes Verb directives

        LOOP_OVER(gv, grammar_verb)
            if (gv->gv_is == GV_IS_OBJECT)
                PL::Parsing::Verbs::compile(gv);     makes routines for use in parse_name

        LOOP_OVER(gv, grammar_verb)
            if (gv->gv_is == GV_IS_CONSULT)
                PL::Parsing::Verbs::compile(gv);     routines to parse snippets, used as values

        LOOP_OVER(gv, grammar_verb)
            if (gv->gv_is == GV_IS_PROPERTY_NAME)
                PL::Parsing::Verbs::compile(gv);     makes routines for use in parse_name


The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::grammar_constant appears nowhere else.

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::compile_all appears nowhere else.

§27. The following routine unites, so far as possible, the different forms of GV by compiling each of them as a sandwich: top slice, filling, bottom slice. The interesting case is of a GV representing names for an object: the name-behaviour needs to be inherited from the object's kind, and so on up the kinds hierarchy, but this is a case where I7's kind hierarchy does not agree with I6's class hierarchy. I6 has no (nice) way to inherit parse_name behaviour from a class to an instance. So we will simply pile up extra fillings into the sandwich. The order of these is important: by getting in first, grammar for the instance takes priority; its immediate kind has next priority, and so on up the hierarchy.

    void PL::Parsing::Verbs::compile(grammar_verb *gv) {
        if (gv->first_line == NULL) return;

        LOGIF(GRAMMAR, "Compiling grammar verb $G\n", gv);

        current_sentence = gv->where_gv_created;

        switch(gv->gv_is) {
            case GV_IS_COMMAND: {
                inter_name *array_iname = InterNames::new(VERB_DECLARATION_ARRAY_INAMEF);
                package_request *PR = Hierarchy::synoptic_package(COMMANDS_HAP);
                Packaging::house(array_iname, PR);
                packaging_state save = Packaging::enter_home_of(array_iname);
                PL::Parsing::Verbs::gv_compile_Verb_directive_header(gv, array_iname);
                PL::Parsing::Verbs::gv_compile_lines(NULL, gv);
            case GV_IS_TOKEN: {
                gpr_kit gprk = PL::Parsing::Tokens::Values::new_kit();
                if (gv->gv_line_iname == NULL) internal_error("gv token not ready");
                packaging_state save = Routines::begin(gv->gv_line_iname);
                    Emit::ref_symbol(K_value, gprk.original_wn_s);
                    Emit::val_iname(K_value, Hierarchy::find(WN_HL));
                    Emit::ref_symbol(K_value, gprk.rv_s);
                    Emit::val_iname(K_value, Hierarchy::find(GPR_PREPOSITION_HL));
                PL::Parsing::Verbs::gv_compile_lines(&gprk, gv);
                    Emit::val_iname(K_value, Hierarchy::find(GPR_FAIL_HL));
            case GV_IS_CONSULT: {
                gpr_kit gprk = PL::Parsing::Tokens::Values::new_kit();
                inter_name *iname = PL::Parsing::Tokens::General::consult_iname(gv);
                packaging_state save = Routines::begin(iname);
                    Emit::ref_iname(K_value, Hierarchy::find(WN_HL));
                    Emit::val_symbol(K_value, gprk.range_from_s);
                    Emit::ref_symbol(K_value, gprk.original_wn_s);
                    Emit::val_iname(K_value, Hierarchy::find(WN_HL));
                    Emit::ref_symbol(K_value, gprk.rv_s);
                    Emit::val_iname(K_value, Hierarchy::find(GPR_PREPOSITION_HL));
                PL::Parsing::Verbs::gv_compile_lines(&gprk, gv);
                    Emit::val_iname(K_value, Hierarchy::find(GPR_FAIL_HL));
            case GV_IS_OBJECT: {
                gpr_kit gprk = PL::Parsing::Tokens::Values::new_kit();
                packaging_state save = Packaging::enter_home_of(PL::Parsing::Tokens::General::get_gv_parse_name(gv));
                if (PL::Parsing::Tokens::General::compile_parse_name_head(&gprk, gv->subj_understood, gv, NULL)) {
                    PL::Parsing::Verbs::gv_compile_parse_name_lines(&gprk, gv);
            case GV_IS_VALUE:
            case GV_IS_PROPERTY_NAME: {
                gpr_kit gprk = PL::Parsing::Tokens::Values::new_kit();
                if (gv->gv_prn_iname == NULL) internal_error("PRN PN not ready");
                packaging_state save = Routines::begin(gv->gv_prn_iname);
                    Emit::ref_symbol(K_value, gprk.original_wn_s);
                    Emit::val_iname(K_value, Hierarchy::find(WN_HL));
                    Emit::ref_symbol(K_value, gprk.rv_s);
                    Emit::val_iname(K_value, Hierarchy::find(GPR_PREPOSITION_HL));
                PL::Parsing::Verbs::gv_compile_lines(&gprk, gv);
                    Emit::val_iname(K_value, Hierarchy::find(GPR_FAIL_HL));

    void PL::Parsing::Verbs::compile_iv(gpr_kit *gprk, grammar_verb *gv) {
        if (gv->first_line == NULL) return;
        LOGIF(GRAMMAR, "Compiling grammar verb $G\n", gv);
        current_sentence = gv->where_gv_created;
        if (gv->gv_is != GV_IS_VALUE) internal_error("not iv");
        PL::Parsing::Verbs::gv_compile_lines(gprk, gv);

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::compile is used in §26.

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::compile_iv is used in 5/tpv (§1, §1.1).

§28. The special thing about GV_IS_OBJECT grammars is that each is attached to an inference subject, and when we compile them we recurse up the subject hierarchy: thus if the red ball is of kind ball which is of kind thing, then the parse_name for the red ball consists of grammar lines specified for the red ball, then those specified for all balls, and lastly those specified for all things. (This mimics I6 class-to-instance inheritance.)

    void PL::Parsing::Verbs::gv_compile_parse_name_lines(gpr_kit *gprk, grammar_verb *gv) {
        inference_subject *subj = gv->subj_understood;

        if (PF_S(parsing, subj)->understand_as_this_object != gv)
            internal_error("link between subject and GV broken");

        LOGIF(GRAMMAR, "Parse_name content for $j:\n", subj);
        PL::Parsing::Verbs::gv_compile_lines(gprk, PF_S(parsing, subj)->understand_as_this_object);

        inference_subject *infs;
        for (infs = InferenceSubjects::narrowest_broader_subject(subj);
            infs; infs = InferenceSubjects::narrowest_broader_subject(infs)) {
            if (PF_S(parsing, infs))
                if (PF_S(parsing, infs)->understand_as_this_object) {
                    LOGIF(GRAMMAR, "And parse_name content inherited from $j:\n", infs);
                    PL::Parsing::Verbs::gv_compile_lines(gprk, PF_S(parsing, infs)->understand_as_this_object);

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::gv_compile_parse_name_lines is used in §27.

§29. All other grammars are compiled just as they are:

    void PL::Parsing::Verbs::gv_compile_lines(gpr_kit *gprk, grammar_verb *gv) {
        PL::Parsing::Lines::list_assert_ownership(gv->first_line, gv);     Mark for later indexing
        PL::Parsing::Verbs::sort_grammar_verb(gv);     Phase III for the GLs in the GV happens here
        PL::Parsing::Lines::sorted_line_list_compile(gprk, gv->sorted_first_line,
            gv->gv_is, gv, PL::Parsing::Verbs::gv_is_genuinely_verbal(gv));     And Phase IV here

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::gv_compile_lines is used in §27, §28.

§30. All of that was really Phase IV work (compiling), but a very little Phase III business also happens at this top level. Note that some grammars are compiled more than once (if a red ball and a blue ball are both of kind ball, then compiling grammars for them will also involve compiling grammars for the ball in each case: see above), so the following routine may well be called more than once for the same GV. We only want to sort once, though, so:

    void PL::Parsing::Verbs::sort_grammar_verb(grammar_verb *gv) {
        if (gv->sorted_first_line == NULL)
            gv->sorted_first_line = PL::Parsing::Lines::list_sort(gv->first_line);

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::sort_grammar_verb is used in §29.

§31. Kinds as GVs. If the user writes lines in the source text such as

Understand "eleventy-one" as 111.

then grammar lines will have to be attached to a kind; in fact, a kind can have its own grammar_verb structure attached, which holds a sequence of such grammar lines. (These are possibilities in addition to those provided by any GPR existing because of the above routines.)

    void PL::Parsing::Verbs::set_parsing_grammar(kind *K, grammar_verb *gv) {
        if (K == NULL) return;
        if (Kinds::Compare::le(K, K_object)) internal_error("wrong way to handle object grammar");
        K->construct->understand_as_values = gv;

    grammar_verb *PL::Parsing::Verbs::get_parsing_grammar(kind *K) {
        if (K == NULL) return NULL;
        if (Kinds::Compare::le(K, K_object)) internal_error("wrong way to handle object grammar");
        return K->construct->understand_as_values;

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::set_parsing_grammar is used in §18.

The function PL::Parsing::Verbs::get_parsing_grammar is used in §18, 5/tpv (§1, §1.1).