[InbuildReport::] The Report. To produce a report page of HTML for use in the Inform GUI apps, when a resource such as an extension is inspected or installed. @h HTML page. = filename *inbuild_report_HTML = NULL; void InbuildReport::set_filename(filename *F) { inbuild_report_HTML = F; } text_stream inbuild_report_file_struct; /* The actual report file */ text_stream *inbuild_report_file = NULL; /* As a |text_stream *| */ text_stream *InbuildReport::begin(text_stream *title, text_stream *subtitle) { if (inbuild_report_HTML == NULL) return NULL; inbuild_report_file = &inbuild_report_file_struct; if (STREAM_OPEN_TO_FILE(inbuild_report_file, inbuild_report_HTML, UTF8_ENC) == FALSE) Errors::fatal("can't open report file"); InformPages::header(inbuild_report_file, title, JAVASCRIPT_FOR_STANDARD_PAGES_IRES, NULL); text_stream *OUT = inbuild_report_file; HTML::begin_html_table(OUT, NULL, TRUE, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0); HTML::first_html_column(OUT, 0); HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "src='inform:/doc_images/importer@2x.png' border=0 width=150 height=150"); HTML::next_html_column(OUT, 0); HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "class=\"headingpanellayout headingpanelalt\""); HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "class=\"headingtext\""); HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"headingpaneltextalt"); WRITE("%S", title); HTML::end_span(OUT); HTML_CLOSE("div"); HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "class=\"headingrubric\""); HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"headingpanelrubricalt"); WRITE("%S", subtitle); HTML::end_span(OUT); HTML_CLOSE("div"); HTML_CLOSE("div"); return OUT; } void InbuildReport::end(void) { if (inbuild_report_file) { text_stream *OUT = inbuild_report_file; HTML::end_html_row(OUT); HTML::end_html_table(OUT); HTML_TAG("hr"); InformPages::footer(OUT); } inbuild_report_file = NULL; } @ The Installer works in two stages. First it is called with |confirmed| false, and it produces an HTML report on the feasibility of making the installation, with a clickable Confirm button. Then, assuming the user does click that button, the Installer is called again, with |confirmed| true. It takes action and also produces a second report. = void InbuildReport::install(inbuild_copy *C, int confirmed, pathname *to_tool) { inform_project *project = Supervisor::project_set_at_command_line(); if (project == NULL) Errors::fatal("-project not set at command line"); TEMPORARY_TEXT(pname) WRITE_TO(pname, "'%S'", project->as_copy->edition->work->title); text_stream *OUT = NULL; if ((C->edition->work->genre == extension_genre) || (C->edition->work->genre == extension_bundle_genre)) { int N = LinkedLists::len(C->errors_reading_source_text); if (N > 0) @ else @; if (OUT) { Copies::get_source_text(project->as_copy); build_vertex *V = Copies::construct_project_graph(project->as_copy); if (confirmed) @ else @; } } else { @; } if (OUT) { InbuildReport::end(); } DISCARD_TEXT(pname) } @ = OUT = InbuildReport::begin(I"Not an extension...", Genres::name(C->edition->work->genre)); HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("Despite its file/directory name, this doesn't seem to be an extension, "); WRITE("and it can't be installed."); HTML_CLOSE("p"); @ = TEMPORARY_TEXT(desc) TEMPORARY_TEXT(version) Works::write(desc, C->edition->work); semantic_version_number V = C->edition->version; if (VersionNumbers::is_null(V)) { WRITE_TO(version, "An extension"); } else { WRITE_TO(version, "Version %v of an extension", &V); } OUT = InbuildReport::begin(desc, version); DISCARD_TEXT(desc) DISCARD_TEXT(version) @ = TEMPORARY_TEXT(desc) WRITE_TO(desc, "This may be: "); Editions::inspect(desc, C->edition); OUT = InbuildReport::begin(I"Warning: Damaged extension", desc); @ = if (N > 0) @ else @; HTML_TAG("hr"); @; linked_list *L = NEW_LINKED_LIST(inbuild_search_result); int same = 0, earlier = 0, later = 0; @; @; HTML_TAG("hr"); @; @; @ = HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("This extension is broken, and needs repair before it can be used. "); WRITE("Specifically:"); HTML_CLOSE("p"); Copies::list_attached_errors_to_HTML(OUT, C); text_stream *rubric = Extensions::get_rubric(Extensions::from_copy(C)); if (Str::len(rubric) > 0) { WRITE("The extension says this about itself:"); HTML_CLOSE("p"); HTML_OPEN("blockquote"); WRITE("%S", rubric); HTML_CLOSE("blockquote"); } @ = HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("This looks like a valid extension"); text_stream *rubric = Extensions::get_rubric(Extensions::from_copy(C)); if (Str::len(rubric) > 0) { WRITE(", and says this about itself:"); HTML_CLOSE("p"); HTML_OPEN("blockquote"); WRITE("%S", rubric); HTML_CLOSE("blockquote"); } else { WRITE(", but does not say what it is for."); HTML_CLOSE("p"); } @; @ = HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("Extensions are additional Inform features, often contributed by Inform " "authors from around the world. Authors download them as needed. Each " "project wanting to use an extension must install it into the 'Extensions' " "subfolder of its '.materials' folder. Authors are free to do that by hand, but " "this installer is more convenient. For more on extensions, see: "); DocReferences::link(OUT, I"EXTENSIONS"); HTML_CLOSE("p"); HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("The '.materials' folder for %S is here: ", pname); pathname *area = Projects::materials_path(project); PasteButtons::open_file(OUT, area, NULL, "border=\"0\" src=\"inform:/doc_images/folder.png\""); HTML_CLOSE("p"); @ = int rc = 0, bic = 0, ic = 0; InbuildReport::show_extensions(OUT, V, Graphs::get_unique_graph_scan_count(), FALSE, &bic, FALSE, &ic, FALSE, &rc); if (ic > 0) { HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("The project %S uses the following extensions (on the ", pname); WRITE("basis of what it Includes, and what they in turn Include), which it has installed:"); HTML_CLOSE("p"); HTML_OPEN("ul"); InbuildReport::show_extensions(OUT, V, Graphs::get_unique_graph_scan_count(), FALSE, &bic, TRUE, &ic, FALSE, &rc); HTML_CLOSE("ul"); if (bic > 0) { HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("not counting extensions built into Inform which do not need to be installed ("); bic = 0; InbuildReport::show_extensions(OUT, V, Graphs::get_unique_graph_scan_count(), TRUE, &bic, FALSE, &ic, FALSE, &rc); WRITE(")."); HTML_OPEN("p"); } } else if (bic > 0) { HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("Installing extensions is not the same thing as actually using them. " "The project %S uses only extensions ", pname); WRITE("built into Inform which do not need to be installed ("); bic = 0; InbuildReport::show_extensions(OUT, V, Graphs::get_unique_graph_scan_count(), TRUE, &bic, FALSE, &ic, FALSE, &rc); WRITE(") and are included automatically."); HTML_CLOSE("p"); HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("Except for those ones, " "extensions take effect only if the source contains a sentence like " "'Include EXTENSION TITLE by EXTENSION AUTHOR.' At present, the source " "doesn't contain any sentences like that."); HTML_CLOSE("p"); } if (rc > 0) { HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("The project asks to Include the following, not yet installed:"); HTML_CLOSE("p"); HTML_OPEN("ul"); InbuildReport::show_extensions(OUT, V, Graphs::get_unique_graph_scan_count(), FALSE, &bic, FALSE, &ic, TRUE, &rc); HTML_CLOSE("ul"); } @ = inbuild_requirement *req = Requirements::anything_of_genre(extension_bundle_genre); linked_list *search_list = NEW_LINKED_LIST(inbuild_nest); ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(Projects::materials_nest(project), inbuild_nest, search_list); Nests::search_for(req, search_list, L); @ = inbuild_search_result *search_result; int unused = 0, broken = 0; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(search_result, inbuild_search_result, L) { if (LinkedLists::len(search_result->copy->errors_reading_source_text) > 0) broken++; else if (InbuildReport::seek_extension_in_graph(search_result->copy, V) == FALSE) unused++; } if (unused + broken > 0) { if (unused > 0) { HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("The following are currently installed for %S, but not (yet) " "Included and so not used. (You can click the 'paste' buttons to " "paste a suitable Include sentence into the source text.)", pname); HTML_CLOSE("p"); HTML_OPEN("ul"); LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(search_result, inbuild_search_result, L) { if (LinkedLists::len(search_result->copy->errors_reading_source_text) == 0) { if (InbuildReport::seek_extension_in_graph(search_result->copy, V) == FALSE) { HTML_OPEN("li"); Copies::write_copy(OUT, search_result->copy); WRITE("  "); TEMPORARY_TEXT(inclusion_text) WRITE_TO(inclusion_text, "Include %X.\n\n\n", search_result->copy->edition->work); PasteButtons::paste_text(OUT, inclusion_text); DISCARD_TEXT(inclusion_text) WRITE(" 'Include'"); HTML_CLOSE("li"); } } } HTML_CLOSE("ul"); } } @ = inbuild_search_result *search_result; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(search_result, inbuild_search_result, L) if (Works::cmp(C->edition->work, search_result->copy->edition->work) == 0) { int c = VersionNumbers::cmp(C->edition->version, search_result->copy->edition->version); if (c == 0) same++; else if (c > 0) earlier++; else if (c < 0) later++; } @ = ExtensionPages::write_page(NULL, Extensions::from_copy(C), FALSE, project); HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("Documentation about %S ", C->edition->work->title); TEMPORARY_TEXT(link) TEMPORARY_TEXT(URL) WRITE_TO(URL, "%f", ExtensionWebsite::page_URL(project, C->edition, 0)); WRITE_TO(link, "href='"); Works::escape_apostrophes(link, URL); WRITE_TO(link, "' style=\"text-decoration: none\""); HTML_OPEN_WITH("a", "%S", link); DISCARD_TEXT(link) WRITE("can be read here."); HTML_CLOSE("a"); HTML_CLOSE("p"); @ = HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("So, then, click the button below to install %S to the Materials folder of %S. ", C->edition->work->title, pname); WRITE("If you prefer not to, simply do something else: nothing needs to be cancelled."); HTML_CLOSE("p"); @ = if (same > 0) { HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("Note. The same version of this same extension seems to be installed already. "); WRITE("You can go ahead and install, but if you do the old copy will be removed."); HTML_CLOSE("p"); HTML_OPEN_WITH("a", "href='javascript:project().confirmAction()'"); HTML_OPEN_WITH("button", "class=\"dangerousbutton\""); WRITE("Replace %S in %S with this new copy", C->edition->work->title, pname); HTML_CLOSE("button"); HTML_CLOSE("a"); } else if (earlier > 0) { HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("Note. An earlier version of this same extension seems to be installed already. "); WRITE("You can go ahead and install, and this new one will take precedence over the old "); WRITE("one, but it won't be thrown away. (You can remove it by hand if you want it gone.)"); HTML_CLOSE("p"); HTML_OPEN_WITH("a", "href='javascript:project().confirmAction()'"); HTML_OPEN_WITH("button", "class=\"dangerousbutton\""); WRITE("Install this later copy of %S to %S", C->edition->work->title, pname); HTML_CLOSE("button"); HTML_CLOSE("a"); } else if (later > 0) { HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("Note. A later version of this same extension seems to be installed already. "); WRITE("You can go ahead and install, but this new one is unlikely to change anything "); WRITE("because Inform will normally prefer to use the later version, which is already "); WRITE("there. (You can remove it by hand if you want it gone.)"); HTML_CLOSE("p"); HTML_OPEN_WITH("a", "href='javascript:project().confirmAction()'"); HTML_OPEN_WITH("button", "class=\"dangerousbutton\""); WRITE("Install this earlier copy of %S to %S", C->edition->work->title, pname); HTML_CLOSE("button"); HTML_CLOSE("a"); } else if (N > 0) { HTML_OPEN_WITH("a", "href='javascript:project().confirmAction()'"); HTML_OPEN_WITH("button", "class=\"dangerousbutton\""); WRITE("Install this anyway"); HTML_CLOSE("button"); HTML_CLOSE("a"); } else { HTML_OPEN_WITH("a", "href='javascript:project().confirmAction()'"); HTML_OPEN_WITH("button", "class=\"safebutton\""); WRITE("Install %S to %S", C->edition->work->title, pname); HTML_CLOSE("button"); HTML_CLOSE("a"); } @ = int use = SHELL_METHODOLOGY; build_methodology *BM = BuildMethodology::new(Pathnames::up(to_tool), TRUE, use); Copies::copy_to(C, Projects::materials_nest(project), TRUE, BM); HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("This extension has now been installed in the materials folder for %S, as:", pname); HTML_CLOSE("p"); HTML_OPEN("ul"); HTML_OPEN("li"); HTML_OPEN("p"); if (C->edition->work->genre == extension_bundle_genre) { pathname *P = ExtensionBundleManager::pathname_in_nest(Projects::materials_nest(project), C->edition); WRITE("the folder "); HTML_OPEN("b"); Pathnames::relative_URL(OUT, Pathnames::up(Projects::materials_path(project)), P); HTML_CLOSE("b"); } else { filename *F = ExtensionManager::filename_in_nest(Projects::materials_nest(project), C->edition); WRITE("the file "); HTML_OPEN("b"); Filenames::to_text_relative(OUT, F, Pathnames::up(Projects::materials_path(project))); HTML_CLOSE("b"); } HTML_CLOSE("li"); HTML_CLOSE("ul"); HTML_TAG("hr"); ExtensionWebsite::index_after_compilation(project); linked_list *L = NEW_LINKED_LIST(inbuild_search_result); @; @; @; inbuild_search_result *search_result; int broken = 0; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(search_result, inbuild_search_result, L) if (LinkedLists::len(search_result->copy->errors_reading_source_text) > 0) broken++; if (broken > 0) { HTML_TAG("hr"); HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("Although installed, the following have errors and will not work. " "They may need to be repaired, or may simply not be extensions at all:"); HTML_CLOSE("p"); HTML_OPEN("ul"); LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(search_result, inbuild_search_result, L) { if (LinkedLists::len(search_result->copy->errors_reading_source_text) > 0) { HTML_OPEN("li"); Copies::write_copy(OUT, search_result->copy); if (search_result->copy->location_if_file) { HTML_TAG("br"); WRITE("at "); Filenames::to_text_relative(OUT, search_result->copy->location_if_file, Pathnames::up(Projects::materials_path(project))); } else if (search_result->copy->location_if_path) { HTML_TAG("br"); WRITE("at "); Pathnames::relative_URL(OUT, Pathnames::up(Projects::materials_path(project)), search_result->copy->location_if_path); } Copies::list_attached_errors_to_HTML(OUT, search_result->copy); HTML_CLOSE("li"); } } HTML_CLOSE("ul"); } @ = void InbuildReport::show_extensions(OUTPUT_STREAM, build_vertex *V, int scan_count, int built_in, int *built_in_count, int installed, int *installed_count, int required, int *requirements_count) { if (V->type == COPY_VERTEX) { inbuild_copy *C = V->as_copy; if ((C->edition->work->genre == extension_genre) || (C->edition->work->genre == extension_bundle_genre)) { if (C->last_scanned != scan_count) { if (required == FALSE) { C->last_scanned = scan_count; if ((C->nest_of_origin) && (Nests::get_tag(C->nest_of_origin) == INTERNAL_NEST_TAG)) { (*built_in_count)++; if (built_in) { if ((*built_in_count) > 1) WRITE(", "); WRITE("%S v%v", C->edition->work->title, &(C->edition->version)); } } else { (*installed_count)++; if (installed) { HTML_OPEN("li"); Copies::write_copy(OUT, C); HTML_CLOSE("li"); } } } } } } if (V->type == REQUIREMENT_VERTEX) { if ((V->as_requirement->work->genre == extension_genre) || (V->as_requirement->work->genre == extension_bundle_genre)) { (*requirements_count)++; if (required) { HTML_OPEN("li"); Works::write(OUT, V->as_requirement->work); if (VersionNumberRanges::is_any_range(V->as_requirement->version_range) == FALSE) { WRITE(" (need version in range "); VersionNumberRanges::write_range(OUT, V->as_requirement->version_range); WRITE(")"); } else { WRITE(" (any version will do)"); } HTML_CLOSE("li"); } } } build_vertex *W; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(W, build_vertex, V->build_edges) InbuildReport::show_extensions(OUT, W, scan_count, built_in, built_in_count, installed, installed_count, required, requirements_count); LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(W, build_vertex, V->use_edges) InbuildReport::show_extensions(OUT, W, scan_count, built_in, built_in_count, installed, installed_count, required, requirements_count); } @ = int InbuildReport::seek_extension_in_graph(inbuild_copy *C, build_vertex *V) { if (V->type == COPY_VERTEX) { inbuild_copy *VC = V->as_copy; if (Editions::cmp(C->edition, VC->edition) == 0) return TRUE; } build_vertex *W; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(W, build_vertex, V->build_edges) if (InbuildReport::seek_extension_in_graph(C, W)) return TRUE; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(W, build_vertex, V->use_edges) if (InbuildReport::seek_extension_in_graph(C, W)) return TRUE; return FALSE; }