** Amusing a victorious player (AMUSING menu shown at the endgame; Xerxes) Offering the player a menu of things to read after winning the game. Building a menu is moderately tedious, so we will rely on the standard menu extensions provided. Thus: {*}"Xerxes" Include Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short. Include Menus by Emily Short. Table of Amusing Matter title subtable description toggle "Cult Revisions" -- "Did you try... [paragraph break] banning the worship of Seth? [line break] of Dionysus? [line break] assigning all your priests to Re? [line break] assigning male priests to Cybele? [line break] assigning married priestesses to Hestia? [line break] identifying one god as another (e.g., Isis and Hecate)? [line break] identifying a mortal as a god (e.g., Alexander as Helios-Apollo)?" -- "Military Revisions" -- "Did you try... [paragraph break] allying a Greek city-state with the Persians? (try >MEDIZE) [line break] playing Athens as a land-based power?" -- Rule for amusing a victorious player: now the current menu is the Table of Amusing Matter; now the current menu title is "Things to Try"; carry out the displaying activity; clear the screen. Omitting about a half million words from this rigorous and educational but nonetheless enthralling simulation of centuries of history, culture, and religion, we will skip directly to: {**}Athens is a room. Use scoring. Every turn: if the score is greater than 10000, end the story finally. When play begins: now the score is 10001. Test me with "z".