To parse two forms of noun: a noun phrase in a sentence, and a description of what text can be written in a given situation.

§1. Definitions.

§2. Inform recognises many noun-like constructions, some of which — out of a noun context — look like adjectives, actions or other excerpts which aren't at all evidently nouns. These many ways to describe nouns are gathered up into two central constructions. A "type expression" specifies what sort of excerpt should appear in a given place, whereas a "value" means anything which can be a noun phrase for a verb. There is considerable overlap between the two, but they are not the same.

The following example sentences have the relevant phrases in bold.

[1] if the idea of the gizmo is {\bf taking the fish}, ...

[2] if there are {\bf three women} in the Nunnery, ...

[3a: as description] Before taking {\bf the harmonium}, ...

[3b: as constant] let X be {\bf the harmonium};

[4] now Y is {\bf the can't reach inside rooms rule};

[5] now Z is {\bf the time of day};

[6] let N be {\bf the number of entries in L};

[7] Understand "turn to [{\bf number}]" as combination-setting.

[8] To repeat until (C - {\bf condition}): ...

[9] The Zeppelin countdown is a {\bf number that varies}.

[10] The little red car is a {\bf vehicle}.

[11] The weight of the Space Shuttle is {\bf 68585 kg}.

§3. Type expressions. A "type expression" specifies what sort of excerpt of text should appear in a given context. Sometimes it asks for a particular value, sometimes any value matching a given description.

This is a concept which does not exist for conventional programming languages, which would see it as a sort of half-way position between "value" and "type". In particular, a "type expression" is used to lay out what a parameter in a phrase definition should be, though it has other uses elsewhere. That certainly includes cases which traditional programming languages would call types, so

To adjust (X - closed door) by (N - number): ...

includes two type expressions, "closed door" and "number". But a type expression can also be a constant, which languages like C (for instance) would consider a value and not a type at all:

To adjust (X - closed door) by (N - 11): ...

gives a definition to be used only where the second parameter evaluates to 11. In this way any constant value is regarded as being a type — the narrow type representing only its own value.

    <s-type-expression-uncached> ::=
        <article> <s-type-expression-unarticled> |		==> RP[2]
        <s-type-expression-unarticled>					==> RP[1]

    <s-type-expression-unarticled> ::=
        <s-variable-scope> variable/variables |			==> RP[1]
        <s-variable-scope> that/which vary/varies	|	==> RP[1]
        <k-kind> |										==> Specifications::from_kind(RP[1])
        <s-literal> |									==> RP[1]
        <s-constant-value> |							==> RP[1]
        <s-description-uncomposite> |					==> RP[1]
        <s-action-pattern-as-value> |					==> RP[1]
        <s-description>									==> RP[1]

§4. Note that a list of adjectives with no noun does not qualify as a type expression. It looks as if it never should, on the face of it — "opaque" does not make clear what kind of object is to be opaque — but once again we are up against the problem that Inform needs to allow some slightly noun-like adjectives. For instance, this:

To adjust (X - scenery): ...

is allowed even though "scenery" is an adjective in Inform.

To allow this, we have a minor variation:

    <s-descriptive-type-expression-uncached> ::=
        <article> <s-descriptive-type-expression-unarticled> |		==> RP[2]
        <s-descriptive-type-expression-unarticled>					==> RP[1]

    <s-descriptive-type-expression-unarticled> ::=
        <s-adjective-list-as-desc> |					==> RP[1]
        <s-type-expression-unarticled>					==> RP[1]

§5. And now we parse descriptions of variables such as the one appearing in

To increment (V - existing number variable)

where <s-variable-scope> matches "existing number variable".

Note that these forms recurse, so that syntactically we allow "T that varies" for any type expression T. This would include contradictions in terms such as "15 that varies" or "number that varies that varies that varies", but we want to allow the parse here so that a problem message can be issued higher up in Inform. Ultimately, the text must match <k-kind> in each case.

    <s-variable-scope> ::=
        global |										==> Specifications::new_new_variable_like(NULL)
        global <s-variable-contents> |					==> RP[1]
        <s-variable-contents>							==> RP[1]

    <s-variable-contents> ::=
        <k-kind> |										==> Specifications::new_new_variable_like(RP[1])
        <s-literal> |									==> <Issue PM_TypeCantVary problem 5.1>
        <s-constant-value> |							==> <Issue PM_TypeCantVary problem 5.1>
        <s-description-uncomposite> |					==> <Issue PM_TypeUnmaintainable problem 5.2>
        <s-description>									==> <Issue PM_TypeUnmaintainable problem 5.2>

§5.1. <Issue PM_TypeCantVary problem 5.1> =

        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_wording(2, W);
        Problems::Issue::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_TypeCantVary));
            "In %1, '%2' is not a kind of value which a variable can safely have, "
            "as it cannot ever vary.");
        *XP = Specifications::new_new_variable_like(K_object);

This code is used in §5 (twice).

§5.2. <Issue PM_TypeUnmaintainable problem 5.2> =

        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_wording(2, W);
        Problems::Issue::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_TypeUnmaintainable));
            "In %1, '%2' is not a kind of value which a variable can safely have, "
            "as it cannot be guaranteed that the contents will always meet "
            "this criterion.");
        *XP = Specifications::new_new_variable_like(K_object);

This code is used in §5 (twice).

§6. Two pieces of context:

    int let_equation_mode = FALSE;
    kind *probable_noun_phrase_context = NULL;

§7. That's it for type expressions, and we move on to values. There are three special circumstances in which we parse differently: while we could write variant grammars for these situations, they would be very large and almost identical to <s-value> anyway, so instead we simply use <s-value>.

The following matches only if we are in an equation written out in the phrase: for example,

let V be given by V = fl;

As mentioned earlier, this changes our conventions on word-breaking.

    <if-let-equation-mode> internal 0 {
        if (let_equation_mode) return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

§8. Next, we are sometimes in a situation where a local variable exists which can be referred to by a pronoun like "it"; if so, we will enable the use of possessives like "its" to refer to properties.

    <if-pronoun-present> internal 0 {
        if (LocalVariables::is_possessive_form_of_it_enabled()) return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

§9. The other possible contexts are where we are expecting a table column or a property name. This enables us to resolve ambiguities in a helpful way, but otherwise changes little.

    <if-table-column-expected> internal 0 {
        if (Kinds::get_construct(probable_noun_phrase_context) == CON_table_column)
            return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

    <if-property-name-expected> internal 0 {
        if (Kinds::get_construct(probable_noun_phrase_context) == CON_property)
            return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

§10. Values. The boldface terms here are all parsed as values:

{\bf The cat} is in {\bf the bag}. The {\bf time of day} is {\bf 11:10 AM}.

award {\bf six} points;

if {\bf more than three animals} are in {\bf the kennel}, ...

The sequence here is important, in that it resolves ambiguities:

    <s-value-uncached> ::=
        ( <s-value-uncached> ) |											==> RP[1]
        <s-variable> |														==> ExParser::val(RP[1], W)
        <if-table-column-expected> <s-table-column-name> |					==> ExParser::val(RP[2], W)
        <if-property-name-expected> <s-property-name> |						==> ExParser::val(RP[2], W)
        <s-constant-value>	|												==> ExParser::val(RP[1], W)
        <s-equation-usage> |												==> RP[1]
        <s-property-name> |													==> ExParser::val(RP[1], W)
        <s-action-pattern-as-value> |										==> ExParser::val(RP[1], W)
        <s-value-phrase-non-of> |											==> ExParser::val(RP[1], W)
        <s-adjective-list-as-desc> |										==> ExParser::val(RP[1], W)
        <s-purely-physical-description> |									==> ExParser::val(RP[1], W)
        <s-table-reference> |												==> ExParser::val(RP[1], W)
        member/members of <s-description> |									==> ExParser::val(RP[1], W)
        member/members of <s-local-variable> |								==> ExParser::val(RP[1], W)
        <s-property-name> of <s-value-uncached> |							==> <Make a belonging-to-V property 10.2>
        <if-pronoun-present> <possessive-third-person> <s-property-name> |	==> <Make a belonging-to-it property 10.1>
        entry <s-value-uncached> of/in/from <s-value-uncached> |			==> <Make a list entry 10.3>
        <s-description> |													==> ExParser::val(RP[1], W)
        <s-table-column-name> |												==> ExParser::val(RP[1], W)
        <s-value-phrase>													==> ExParser::val(RP[1], W)


    parse_node *ExParser::val(parse_node *v, wording W) {
        ParseTree::set_text(v, W);
        return v;

The function ExParser::val is used in §10, §12.1, §12.2, §12.3, §10.1, §10.2, §10.3, §14, 10/varc (§7).


    <s-equation-usage> ::=
        <if-let-equation-mode> <s-plain-text-with-equals> where <s-plain-text> |	==> <Make an equation 12.1>
        <s-value-uncached> where <s-plain-text> |					==> <Make an equation, if the kinds are right 12.2>
        <if-let-equation-mode> <s-plain-text-with-equals>	==> <Make an inline equation 12.3>

§12.1. <Make an equation 12.1> =

        equation *eqn = Equations::new(ParseTree::get_text((parse_node *) RP[2]), TRUE);
        parse_node *eq = Rvalues::from_equation(eqn);
        Equations::set_wherewithal(eqn, ParseTree::get_text((parse_node *) RP[3]));
        *XP = ExParser::val(eq, W);

This code is used in §12.

§12.2. <Make an equation, if the kinds are right 12.2> =

        parse_node *p = RP[1];
        if (!(Rvalues::is_CONSTANT_of_kind(p, K_equation))) return FALSE;
        parse_node *eq = p;
        equation *eqn = Rvalues::to_equation(eq);
        Equations::set_usage_notes(eqn, ParseTree::get_text((parse_node *) RP[2]));
        *XP = ExParser::val(eq, W);

This code is used in §12.

§12.3. <Make an inline equation 12.3> =

        equation *eqn = Equations::new(ParseTree::get_text((parse_node *) RP[2]), TRUE);
        parse_node *eq = Rvalues::from_equation(eqn);
        *XP = ExParser::val(eq, W);

This code is used in §12.

§10.1. <Make a belonging-to-it property 10.1> =

        parse_node *lvspec =
        parse_node *val = ExParser::val(lvspec, EMPTY_WORDING);
        *XP = ExParser::val(ExParser::p_o_val(RP[3], val), W);

This code is used in §10.

§10.2. <Make a belonging-to-V property 10.2> =

        *XP = ExParser::val(ExParser::p_o_val(RP[1], RP[2]), W);

This code is used in §10.

§10.3. <Make a list entry 10.3> =

        parse_node *val = Lvalues::new_LIST_ENTRY(RP[2], RP[1]);
        *XP = ExParser::val(val, W);

This code is used in §10.


    parse_node *ExParser::p_o_val(parse_node *A, parse_node *B) {
        parse_node *pts =
            (ParseTree::get_type(A) == UNKNOWN_NT) ?
                Specifications::new_UNKNOWN(ParseTree::get_text(A)) :
        parse_node *vts = B;
        parse_node *spec = Lvalues::new_PROPERTY_VALUE(pts, vts);
        wording PW = ParseTree::get_text(A);
        wording VW = ParseTree::get_text(B);
        if ((Wordings::nonempty(PW)) && (Wordings::nonempty(VW))) {
            wording MW = PW;
            if (Wordings::first_wn(MW) > Wordings::first_wn(VW))
                MW = Wordings::from(MW, Wordings::first_wn(VW));
            if (Wordings::last_wn(MW) < Wordings::last_wn(VW))
                MW = Wordings::up_to(MW, Wordings::last_wn(VW));
            ParseTree::set_text(spec, MW);
        return spec;

The function ExParser::p_o_val is used in §10.1, §10.2.

§14. Variables. Internally there are three sources of these: locals, defined by "let" or "repeat" phrases; stacked variables, which belong to rulebooks, actions or activities; and global variables. The narrower in scope take priority over the broader: so if there are both local and global variables called "grand total", then the text "grand total" is parsed as the local.

    <s-variable> ::=
        <definite-article> <s-variable> |				==> RP[2]
        <s-local-variable> |							==> RP[1]
        <s-stacked-variable> |							==> RP[1]
        <s-global-variable>								==> RP[1]

    <s-nonglobal-variable> ::=
        ( <s-nonglobal-variable> ) |					==> RP[1]
        <s-local-variable> |							==> ExParser::val(RP[1], W)
        <s-stacked-variable>							==> ExParser::val(RP[1], W)

    <s-variable-as-value> ::=
        <s-variable>									==> ExParser::val(RP[1], W)

§15. This requires three internals:

    <s-local-variable> internal {
        local_variable *lvar = LocalVariables::parse(Frames::current_stack_frame(), W);
        if (lvar) {
            parse_node *spec = Lvalues::new_LOCAL_VARIABLE(W, lvar);
            *XP = spec; return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

§16. And similarly:

    <s-stacked-variable> internal {
        ph_stack_frame *phsf = Frames::current_stack_frame();
        if (phsf == NULL) return FALSE;
        stacked_variable *stv = StackedVariables::parse_from_owner_list(
            Frames::get_stvol(), W);
        if (stv) {
            parse_node *spec = Lvalues::new_actual_NONLOCAL_VARIABLE(
            *XP = spec; return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

§17. And:

    <s-global-variable> internal {
        parse_node *p = ExParser::parse_excerpt(VARIABLE_MC, W);
        if (p) { *XP = p; return TRUE; }
        return FALSE;

§18. As noted above, we want to parse phrases containing "of" cautiously in cases where the excerpt being parsed looks as if it might be a property rather than use of a phrase. Here's how we tell whether it looks that way:

    <property-of-shape> ::=
        <s-property-name> of ...

§19. We implement this by telling the excerpt parser, temporarily, not to match anything including the word "of":

    vocabulary_entry *property_word_to_suppress = NULL;

§20. And here are the relevant internals:

    <s-value-phrase-non-of> internal {
        W = Articles::remove_the(W);
        vocabulary_entry *suppression = word_to_suppress_in_phrases;
        if (<property-of-shape>(W)) {
            if (property_word_to_suppress == NULL)
                property_word_to_suppress = Preform::Nonparsing::word(<property-of-shape>, 0);
            word_to_suppress_in_phrases = property_word_to_suppress;
        parse_node *p = ExParser::parse_excerpt(VALUE_PHRASE_MC, W);
        word_to_suppress_in_phrases = suppression;
        if (p) {
            parse_node *spec = ParseTree::new_with_words(PHRASE_TO_DECIDE_VALUE_NT, W);
            ExParser::add_ilist(spec, p);
            *XP = spec; return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

    <s-value-phrase> internal {
        W = Articles::remove_the(W);
        parse_node *p = ExParser::parse_excerpt(VALUE_PHRASE_MC, W);
        if (p) {
            parse_node *spec = ParseTree::new_with_words(PHRASE_TO_DECIDE_VALUE_NT, W);
            ExParser::add_ilist(spec, p);
            *XP = spec; return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

§21. Table references. Table references come in five different forms:

    <s-table-reference> ::=
        <s-table-column-name> entry |																				==> <Make table entry value 21.1>
        <s-table-column-name> in row <s-value-uncached> of <s-value-uncached> |										==> <Make table in row of value 21.2>
        <s-table-column-name> listed in <s-value-uncached> |														==> <Make table listed in value 21.3>
        <s-table-column-name> corresponding to <s-table-column-name> of <s-value-uncached> in <s-value-uncached> |	==> <Make table corresponding to value 21.4>
        <s-table-column-name> of <s-value-uncached> in <s-value-uncached>											==> <Make table of in value 21.5>

§21.1. <Make table entry value 21.1> =

        parse_node *spec = Lvalues::new_TABLE_ENTRY(W);
        spec->down = RP[1];
        if ((LocalVariables::are_we_using_table_lookup() == FALSE) &&
            (problem_count == 0)) {
            Problems::Issue::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_NoRowSelected),
                "no row seems to have been chosen at this point",
                "so it doesn't make sense to talk about the entries "
                "within it. (By 'at this point', I mean the point "
                "when the table will have to be looked at. This "
                "might be at another time altogether if we are "
                "storing away instructions for later in a text "
                "substitution, e.g., writing 'now the description "
                "of the player is \"Thoroughly [vanity entry].\";' "
                "- remember that the substitution is acted on "
                "when the text is printed, which could be at any "
                "time, and no row will be chosen then.)");
        *XP = spec;

This code is used in §21.

§21.2. <Make table in row of value 21.2> =

        parse_node *spec = Lvalues::new_TABLE_ENTRY(W);
        spec->down = ExParser::arg(RP[1]);
        spec->down->next = ExParser::arg(RP[2]);
        spec->down->next->next = ExParser::arg(RP[3]);
        *XP = spec;

This code is used in §21.

§21.3. <Make table listed in value 21.3> =

        parse_node *spec = Lvalues::new_TABLE_ENTRY(W);
        spec->down = ExParser::arg(RP[1]);
        spec->down->next = ExParser::arg(RP[2]);
        *XP = spec;

This code is used in §21.

§21.4. <Make table corresponding to value 21.4> =

        parse_node *spec = Lvalues::new_TABLE_ENTRY(W);
        spec->down = ExParser::arg(RP[1]);
        spec->down->next = ExParser::arg(RP[2]);
        spec->down->next->next = ExParser::arg(RP[3]);
        spec->down->next->next->next = ExParser::arg(RP[4]);
        *XP = spec;

This code is used in §21.

§21.5. <Make table of in value 21.5> =

        parse_node *spec = Lvalues::new_TABLE_ENTRY(W);
        spec->down = ExParser::arg(RP[1]);
        spec->down->next = ExParser::arg(RP[1]);
        spec->down->next->next = ExParser::arg(RP[2]);
        spec->down->next->next->next = ExParser::arg(RP[3]);
        *XP = spec;

This code is used in §21.


    parse_node *ExParser::arg(parse_node *val) {
        if (val == NULL) return Specifications::new_UNKNOWN(EMPTY_WORDING);
        return ParseTree::duplicate(val);

The function ExParser::arg is used in §21.2, §21.3, §21.4, §21.5.

§23. Action patterns, such as "taking a container" or "opening a closed door", are parsed by code in the chapter on Actions; all we do here is to wrap the result.

    <s-action-pattern-as-value> internal {
        #ifdef IF_MODULE
        if (Wordings::mismatched_brackets(W)) return FALSE;
        if (Lexer::word(Wordings::first_wn(W)) == OPENBRACE_V) return FALSE;
        int pto = permit_trying_omission;
        if (<definite-article>(Wordings::first_word(W)) == FALSE) permit_trying_omission = TRUE;
        int r = <action-pattern>(W);
        permit_trying_omission = pto;
        if (r) {
            action_pattern *ap = <<rp>>;
            if ((ap->actor_spec) &&
                (Dash::validate_parameter(ap->actor_spec, K_person) == FALSE)) {
                r = <action-pattern>(W);
        if (r) {
            *XP = Conditions::new_TEST_ACTION(<<rp>>, W);
            return TRUE;
        return FALSE;