To manage the compilation of the diverse run-time arrays and/or code needed to set up the initial state of the model world.

§1. A modest temporary array is needed to tally up the memory cost of creating objects of given kinds, for the sake of the index:

    int *rough_array_memory_used = NULL;     in words, not bytes; for kinds only

    void World::Compile::set_rough_memory_usage(kind *K, int words_used) {
        if (K == NULL) return;
        if (rough_array_memory_used == NULL)
            internal_error("rough_array_memory_used unallocated");
        rough_array_memory_used[Kinds::get_construct(K)->allocation_id] = words_used;

    int World::Compile::get_rough_memory_usage(kind *K) {
        if (K == NULL) return 0;
        if (rough_array_memory_used == NULL)
            internal_error("rough_array_memory_used unallocated");
        return rough_array_memory_used[Kinds::get_construct(K)->allocation_id];

The function World::Compile::set_rough_memory_usage is used in 15/epv (§1).

The function World::Compile::get_rough_memory_usage is used in 15/epv (§1).

§2. The actual compilation is entirely delegated: we ask if the plugins want to write anything, then put the same question to the subjects.

    void World::Compile::compile(void) {
        int nc = NUMBER_CREATED(kind_constructor), i;
        rough_array_memory_used = (int *)
            (Memory::I7_calloc(nc, sizeof(int), COMPILATION_SIZE_MREASON));
        for (i=0; i<nc; i++) rough_array_memory_used[i] = 0;
        Memory::I7_array_free(rough_array_memory_used, COMPILATION_SIZE_MREASON, nc, sizeof(int));
        rough_array_memory_used = NULL;

The function World::Compile::compile is used in 1/htc (§2.8).