Title: Other Inform tools Author: Graham Nelson @ This is a miscellany of command-line tools, which vary in size and usefulness. Only //inblorb// is included in the GUI apps for Inform; the others are for building and maintenance. Note that the //intest// and //inweb// tools have their own repositories, and are not in the list here; nor is Inform 6, which is not a literate program. Unlike the compilers these tools are not modular, except that they all use the |foundation| library supplied by //inweb//. @ Users of the Inform GUI apps generally write and test their work inside the app, but eventually click Release to export a stand-alone program. //inblorb// is the tool which performs this releasing stage. It can package code up into a standard IF format known as a "blorb", whence the name, and can also make accompanying websites. @ //indoc// is a formatter for the two Inform manuals contained inside the GUI app and on the |www.inform7.com| website. This is a more complex task than may appear, since the manuals are indexed and interlinked in intricate ways, and share Examples. @ //inpolicy// is a lint-like tool for checking that the Inform source base complies with some self-imposed social norms. @ //inrtps// is a tiny tool which generates run-time-problem pages, the HTML pages displayed in the GUI app when various problems occur as the user tests something she has written.