[Diagrams::] Diagrams. To specify standard verb-phrase nodes in the parse tree. @ This section lays out a sort of specification for what we ultimately want to turn sentences into: i.e., little sentence diagrams made up of parse nodes. We do that with the aid of the //syntax// module. So we must first set up some new node types: @e L3_NCAT @e VERB_NT /* "is" */ @e UNPARSED_NOUN_NT /* "arfle barfle gloop" */ @e PRONOUN_NT /* "them" */ @e DEFECTIVE_NOUN_NT /* "there" */ @e COMMON_NOUN_NT /* "a container" */ @e PROPER_NOUN_NT /* "the red handkerchief" */ @e RELATIONSHIP_NT /* "on" */ @e CALLED_NT /* "On the table is a container called the box" */ @e WITH_NT /* "The footstool is a supporter with capacity 2" */ @e AND_NT /* "whisky and soda" */ @e KIND_NT /* "A woman is a kind of person" */ @e PROPERTY_LIST_NT /* "capacity 2" */ @e X_OF_Y_NT /* "description of the painting" */ @ These nodes are annotated with the following: @e verbal_certainty_ANNOT /* |int|: certainty level if known */ @e sentence_is_existential_ANNOT /* |int|: such as "there is a man" */ @e linguistic_error_here_ANNOT /* |int|: one of the errors occurred here */ @e verb_ANNOT /* |verb_usage|: what's being done here */ @e noun_ANNOT /* |noun_usage|: what's being done here */ @e article_ANNOT /* |article_usage|: what's being done here */ @e pronoun_ANNOT /* |pronoun_usage|: what's being done here */ @e preposition_ANNOT /* |preposition|: which preposition, if any, qualifies it */ @e second_preposition_ANNOT /* |preposition|: which further preposition, if any, qualifies it */ @e special_meaning_ANNOT /* |special_meaning_holder|: to give a verb a non-standard meaning */ @e occurrence_ANNOT /* |time_period|: any stipulation on occurrence */ @e relationship_ANNOT /* |binary_predicate|: for RELATIONSHIP nodes */ = DECLARE_ANNOTATION_FUNCTIONS(verb, verb_usage) DECLARE_ANNOTATION_FUNCTIONS(noun, noun_usage) DECLARE_ANNOTATION_FUNCTIONS(pronoun, pronoun_usage) DECLARE_ANNOTATION_FUNCTIONS(article, article_usage) DECLARE_ANNOTATION_FUNCTIONS(preposition, preposition) DECLARE_ANNOTATION_FUNCTIONS(second_preposition, preposition) DECLARE_ANNOTATION_FUNCTIONS(special_meaning, special_meaning_holder) DECLARE_ANNOTATION_FUNCTIONS(occurrence, time_period) MAKE_ANNOTATION_FUNCTIONS(verb, verb_usage) MAKE_ANNOTATION_FUNCTIONS(noun, noun_usage) MAKE_ANNOTATION_FUNCTIONS(pronoun, pronoun_usage) MAKE_ANNOTATION_FUNCTIONS(article, article_usage) MAKE_ANNOTATION_FUNCTIONS(preposition, preposition) MAKE_ANNOTATION_FUNCTIONS(second_preposition, preposition) MAKE_ANNOTATION_FUNCTIONS(special_meaning, special_meaning_holder) MAKE_ANNOTATION_FUNCTIONS(occurrence, time_period) @ = void Diagrams::declare_annotations(void) { Annotations::declare_type(verbal_certainty_ANNOT, Diagrams::write_verbal_certainty_ANNOT); Annotations::declare_type(sentence_is_existential_ANNOT, Diagrams::write_sentence_is_existential_ANNOT); Annotations::declare_type(linguistic_error_here_ANNOT, Diagrams::write_linguistic_error_here_ANNOT); Annotations::declare_type(verb_ANNOT, Diagrams::write_verb_ANNOT); Annotations::declare_type(noun_ANNOT, Diagrams::write_noun_ANNOT); Annotations::declare_type(article_ANNOT, Diagrams::write_article_ANNOT); Annotations::declare_type(pronoun_ANNOT, Diagrams::write_pronoun_ANNOT); Annotations::declare_type(preposition_ANNOT, Diagrams::write_preposition_ANNOT); Annotations::declare_type(second_preposition_ANNOT, Diagrams::write_second_preposition_ANNOT); Annotations::declare_type(special_meaning_ANNOT, Diagrams::write_special_meaning_ANNOT); Annotations::declare_type(occurrence_ANNOT, Diagrams::write_occurrence_ANNOT); Annotations::declare_type(relationship_ANNOT, Diagrams::write_relationship_ANNOT); } void Diagrams::write_verbal_certainty_ANNOT(text_stream *OUT, parse_node *p) { if (Annotations::read_int(p, verbal_certainty_ANNOT) != UNKNOWN_CE) { WRITE(" {certainty:"); Certainty::write(OUT, Annotations::read_int(p, verbal_certainty_ANNOT)); WRITE("}"); } } void Diagrams::write_sentence_is_existential_ANNOT(text_stream *OUT, parse_node *p) { if (Annotations::read_int(p, sentence_is_existential_ANNOT)) WRITE(" {existential}"); } void Diagrams::write_linguistic_error_here_ANNOT(text_stream *OUT, parse_node *p) { WRITE(" {error: "); switch (Annotations::read_int(p, linguistic_error_here_ANNOT)) { case TwoLikelihoods_LINERROR: WRITE(" two likelihoods"); break; default: WRITE("unknown"); break; } WRITE("}"); } void Diagrams::write_verb_ANNOT(text_stream *OUT, parse_node *p) { if (Node::get_verb(p)) VerbUsages::write_usage(OUT, Node::get_verb(p)); } void Diagrams::write_noun_ANNOT(text_stream *OUT, parse_node *p) { if (Node::get_noun(p)) Nouns::write_usage(OUT, Node::get_noun(p)); } void Diagrams::write_article_ANNOT(text_stream *OUT, parse_node *p) { if (Node::get_article(p)) Articles::write_usage(OUT, Node::get_article(p)); } void Diagrams::write_pronoun_ANNOT(text_stream *OUT, parse_node *p) { if (Node::get_pronoun(p)) Pronouns::write_usage(OUT, Node::get_pronoun(p)); } void Diagrams::write_preposition_ANNOT(text_stream *OUT, parse_node *p) { if (Node::get_preposition(p)) { WRITE(" {prep1: "); Prepositions::log(OUT, Node::get_preposition(p)); WRITE("}"); } } void Diagrams::write_second_preposition_ANNOT(text_stream *OUT, parse_node *p) { if (Node::get_second_preposition(p)) { WRITE(" {prep2: "); Prepositions::log(OUT, Node::get_second_preposition(p)); WRITE("}"); } } void Diagrams::write_special_meaning_ANNOT(text_stream *OUT, parse_node *p) { if (Node::get_special_meaning(p)) WRITE(" {special meaning: %S}", SpecialMeanings::get_name(Node::get_special_meaning(p))); } void Diagrams::write_occurrence_ANNOT(text_stream *OUT, parse_node *p) { if (Node::get_occurrence(p)) { WRITE(" {occurrence: "); Occurrence::log(OUT, Node::get_occurrence(p)); WRITE("}"); } } void Diagrams::write_relationship_ANNOT(text_stream *OUT, parse_node *p) { if (Node::get_relationship(p)) WRITE(" {meaning: %S}", Node::get_relationship(p)->debugging_log_name); } @ The |linguistic_error_here_ANNOT| annotation is for any errors we find: @e TwoLikelihoods_LINERROR from 1 @ Two callbacks are needed so that the //syntax// module will create the above nodes and annotations correctly: @d EVEN_MORE_NODE_METADATA_SETUP_SYNTAX_CALLBACK Diagrams::setup @d EVEN_MORE_PARENTAGE_PERMISSIONS_SYNTAX_CALLBACK Diagrams::parentage_permission @d EVEN_MORE_ANNOTATION_PERMISSIONS_SYNTAX_CALLBACK Diagrams::permissions = void Diagrams::setup(void) { NodeType::new(VERB_NT, I"VERB_NT", 0, 0, L3_NCAT, 0); NodeType::new(RELATIONSHIP_NT, I"RELATIONSHIP_NT", 0, 2, L3_NCAT, ASSERT_NFLAG); NodeType::new(CALLED_NT, I"CALLED_NT", 2, 2, L3_NCAT, 0); NodeType::new(WITH_NT, I"WITH_NT", 2, 2, L3_NCAT, ASSERT_NFLAG); NodeType::new(AND_NT, I"AND_NT", 2, 2, L3_NCAT, ASSERT_NFLAG); NodeType::new(KIND_NT, I"KIND_NT", 0, 1, L3_NCAT, ASSERT_NFLAG); NodeType::new(UNPARSED_NOUN_NT, I"UNPARSED_NOUN_NT", 0, 0, L3_NCAT, ASSERT_NFLAG); NodeType::new(PRONOUN_NT, I"PRONOUN_NT", 0, 0, L3_NCAT, ASSERT_NFLAG); NodeType::new(DEFECTIVE_NOUN_NT, I"DEFECTIVE_NOUN_NT", 0, 0, L3_NCAT, ASSERT_NFLAG); NodeType::new(PROPER_NOUN_NT, I"PROPER_NOUN_NT", 0, 0, L3_NCAT, ASSERT_NFLAG); NodeType::new(COMMON_NOUN_NT, I"COMMON_NOUN_NT", 0, INFTY, L3_NCAT, ASSERT_NFLAG); NodeType::new(PROPERTY_LIST_NT, I"PROPERTY_LIST_NT", 0, INFTY, L3_NCAT, ASSERT_NFLAG); NodeType::new(X_OF_Y_NT, I"X_OF_Y_NT", 2, 2, L3_NCAT, ASSERT_NFLAG); } void Diagrams::parentage_permission(void) { NodeType::allow_parentage_for_categories(L2_NCAT, L3_NCAT); NodeType::allow_parentage_for_categories(L3_NCAT, L3_NCAT); } void Diagrams::permissions(void) { Annotations::allow(VERB_NT, verbal_certainty_ANNOT); Annotations::allow(VERB_NT, sentence_is_existential_ANNOT); Annotations::allow(VERB_NT, verb_ANNOT); Annotations::allow(VERB_NT, preposition_ANNOT); Annotations::allow(VERB_NT, second_preposition_ANNOT); Annotations::allow(VERB_NT, special_meaning_ANNOT); Annotations::allow(VERB_NT, occurrence_ANNOT); Annotations::allow(UNPARSED_NOUN_NT, noun_ANNOT); Annotations::allow(PRONOUN_NT, pronoun_ANNOT); Annotations::allow(PROPER_NOUN_NT, noun_ANNOT); Annotations::allow(COMMON_NOUN_NT, noun_ANNOT); Annotations::allow(RELATIONSHIP_NT, preposition_ANNOT); Annotations::allow(RELATIONSHIP_NT, relationship_ANNOT); Annotations::allow_for_category(L3_NCAT, linguistic_error_here_ANNOT); Annotations::allow_for_category(L3_NCAT, article_ANNOT); } @h Creation. The following functions create leaves, or very minor twigs, used in sentence diagrams. = parse_node *Diagrams::new_arity0(node_type_t t, wording W) { parse_node *P = Node::new(t); Node::set_text(P, W); return P; } parse_node *Diagrams::new_arity1(node_type_t t, wording W, parse_node *A) { parse_node *P = Node::new(t); Node::set_text(P, W); if (A == NULL) internal_error("no child of arity-1 node"); P->down = A; return P; } parse_node *Diagrams::new_arity2(node_type_t t, wording W, parse_node *A, parse_node *B) { parse_node *P = Node::new(t); Node::set_text(P, W); if (A == NULL) internal_error("no first child of arity-2 node"); if (B == NULL) internal_error("no second child of arity-2 node"); P->down = A; P->down->next = B; return P; } @ And those are then used to make the following. Note that if the variable |preform_lookahead_mode| is set, then all these functions return |NULL|: this optimisation prevents us from creating millions of useless nodes when all that's happening is that the sentence parser is looking ahead speculatively.[1] [1] At one time Inform used garbage collection to reclaim discarded nodes instead, but it turned out to be more efficient not to make garbage in the first place: a lesson there for all of us. = parse_node *Diagrams::new_UNPARSED_NOUN(wording W) { if (preform_lookahead_mode) return NULL; return Diagrams::new_arity0(UNPARSED_NOUN_NT, W); } parse_node *Diagrams::new_DEFECTIVE(wording W) { if (preform_lookahead_mode) return NULL; return Diagrams::new_arity0(DEFECTIVE_NOUN_NT, W); } parse_node *Diagrams::new_PROPER_NOUN(wording W) { if (preform_lookahead_mode) return NULL; return Diagrams::new_arity0(PROPER_NOUN_NT, W); } parse_node *Diagrams::new_PROPERTY_LIST(wording W) { if (preform_lookahead_mode) return NULL; return Diagrams::new_arity0(PROPERTY_LIST_NT, W); } parse_node *Diagrams::new_PRONOUN(wording W, pronoun_usage *pro) { if (preform_lookahead_mode) return NULL; parse_node *PN = Diagrams::new_arity0(PRONOUN_NT, W); Node::set_pronoun(PN, pro); return PN; } parse_node *Diagrams::new_KIND(wording W, parse_node *O) { if (preform_lookahead_mode) return NULL; if (O == NULL) return Diagrams::new_arity0(KIND_NT, W); return Diagrams::new_arity1(KIND_NT, W, O); } parse_node *Diagrams::new_RELATIONSHIP(wording W, VERB_MEANING_LINGUISTICS_TYPE *R, parse_node *O) { if (preform_lookahead_mode) return NULL; parse_node *P = Diagrams::new_arity1(RELATIONSHIP_NT, W, O); Node::set_relationship(P, R); return P; } int Diagrams::is_possessive_RELATIONSHIP(parse_node *py) { if ((py) && (Node::get_type(py) == RELATIONSHIP_NT) && (Node::get_relationship(py)) && (VerbMeanings::reverse_VMT(Node::get_relationship(py)) == VERB_MEANING_POSSESSION)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } parse_node *Diagrams::new_implied_RELATIONSHIP(wording W, VERB_MEANING_LINGUISTICS_TYPE *R) { if (preform_lookahead_mode) return NULL; return Diagrams::new_RELATIONSHIP(W, R, Diagrams::new_PRONOUN(W, Pronouns::get_implied())); } parse_node *Diagrams::new_AND(int wn, parse_node *X, parse_node *Y) { if (preform_lookahead_mode) return NULL; return Diagrams::new_arity2(AND_NT, Wordings::one_word(wn), X, Y); } parse_node *Diagrams::new_WITH(int wn, parse_node *X, parse_node *Y) { if (preform_lookahead_mode) return NULL; return Diagrams::new_arity2(WITH_NT, Wordings::one_word(wn), X, Y); } parse_node *Diagrams::new_CALLED(wording W, parse_node *X, parse_node *Y) { if (preform_lookahead_mode) return NULL; return Diagrams::new_arity2(CALLED_NT, W, X, Y); }