[Inter::Constant::] The Constant Construct. Defining the constant construct. @ @e CONSTANT_IST = void Inter::Constant::define(void) { inter_construct *IC = Inter::Defn::create_construct( CONSTANT_IST, L"constant (%C+) (%i+) = (%c+)", I"constant", I"constants"); METHOD_ADD(IC, CONSTRUCT_READ_MTID, Inter::Constant::read); METHOD_ADD(IC, CONSTRUCT_TRANSPOSE_MTID, Inter::Constant::transpose); METHOD_ADD(IC, CONSTRUCT_VERIFY_MTID, Inter::Constant::verify); METHOD_ADD(IC, CONSTRUCT_WRITE_MTID, Inter::Constant::write); } @ @d DEFN_CONST_IFLD 2 @d KIND_CONST_IFLD 3 @d FORMAT_CONST_IFLD 4 @d DATA_CONST_IFLD 5 @d CONSTANT_DIRECT 0 @d CONSTANT_INDIRECT_LIST 1 @d CONSTANT_SUM_LIST 2 @d CONSTANT_PRODUCT_LIST 3 @d CONSTANT_DIFFERENCE_LIST 4 @d CONSTANT_QUOTIENT_LIST 5 @d CONSTANT_INDIRECT_TEXT 6 @d CONSTANT_ROUTINE 7 @d CONSTANT_STRUCT 8 = void Inter::Constant::read(inter_construct *IC, inter_bookmark *IBM, inter_line_parse *ilp, inter_error_location *eloc, inter_error_message **E) { *E = Inter::Defn::vet_level(IBM, CONSTANT_IST, ilp->indent_level, eloc); if (*E) return; inter_symbol *con_name = Inter::Textual::new_symbol(eloc, Inter::Bookmarks::scope(IBM), ilp->mr.exp[0], E); if (*E) return; Inter::Annotations::copy_set_to_symbol(&(ilp->set), con_name); inter_symbol *con_kind = Inter::Textual::find_symbol(Inter::Bookmarks::tree(IBM), eloc, Inter::Bookmarks::scope(IBM), ilp->mr.exp[1], KIND_IST, E); if (*E) return; text_stream *S = ilp->mr.exp[2]; inter_data_type *idt = Inter::Kind::data_type(con_kind); match_results mr2 = Regexp::create_mr(); inter_t op = 0; if (Regexp::match(&mr2, S, L"sum{ (%c*) }")) op = CONSTANT_SUM_LIST; else if (Regexp::match(&mr2, S, L"product{ (%c*) }")) op = CONSTANT_PRODUCT_LIST; else if (Regexp::match(&mr2, S, L"difference{ (%c*) }")) op = CONSTANT_DIFFERENCE_LIST; else if (Regexp::match(&mr2, S, L"quotient{ (%c*) }")) op = CONSTANT_QUOTIENT_LIST; if (op != 0) { inter_tree_node *P = Inode::fill_3(IBM, CONSTANT_IST, Inter::SymbolsTables::id_from_IRS_and_symbol(IBM, con_name), Inter::SymbolsTables::id_from_IRS_and_symbol(IBM, con_kind), op, eloc, (inter_t) ilp->indent_level); *E = Inter::Defn::verify_construct(Inter::Bookmarks::package(IBM), P); if (*E) return; text_stream *conts = mr2.exp[0]; match_results mr3 = Regexp::create_mr(); while (Regexp::match(&mr3, conts, L"(%c*?), (%c+)")) { if (Inter::Constant::append(ilp->line, eloc, IBM, con_kind, P, mr3.exp[0], E) == FALSE) return; Str::copy(conts, mr3.exp[1]); } if (Regexp::match(&mr3, conts, L" *(%c*?) *")) { if (Inter::Constant::append(ilp->line, eloc, IBM, con_kind, P, mr3.exp[0], E) == FALSE) return; } Inter::Bookmarks::insert(IBM, P); return; } if ((idt) && ((idt->type_ID == LIST_IDT) || (idt->type_ID == COLUMN_IDT))) { inter_symbol *conts_kind = Inter::Kind::operand_symbol(con_kind, 0); if (conts_kind) { match_results mr2 = Regexp::create_mr(); inter_t form = 0; if (Regexp::match(&mr2, S, L"{ (%c*) }")) form = CONSTANT_INDIRECT_LIST; else if (Regexp::match(&mr2, S, L"sum{ (%c*) }")) form = CONSTANT_SUM_LIST; else if (Regexp::match(&mr2, S, L"product{ (%c*) }")) form = CONSTANT_PRODUCT_LIST; else if (Regexp::match(&mr2, S, L"difference{ (%c*) }")) form = CONSTANT_DIFFERENCE_LIST; else if (Regexp::match(&mr2, S, L"quotient{ (%c*) }")) form = CONSTANT_QUOTIENT_LIST; if (form != 0) { inter_tree_node *P = Inode::fill_3(IBM, CONSTANT_IST, Inter::SymbolsTables::id_from_IRS_and_symbol(IBM, con_name), Inter::SymbolsTables::id_from_IRS_and_symbol(IBM, con_kind), form, eloc, (inter_t) ilp->indent_level); *E = Inter::Defn::verify_construct(Inter::Bookmarks::package(IBM), P); if (*E) return; text_stream *conts = mr2.exp[0]; match_results mr3 = Regexp::create_mr(); while (Regexp::match(&mr3, conts, L"(%c*?), (%c+)")) { if (Inter::Constant::append(ilp->line, eloc, IBM, conts_kind, P, mr3.exp[0], E) == FALSE) return; Str::copy(conts, mr3.exp[1]); } if (Regexp::match(&mr3, conts, L" *(%c*?) *")) { if (Inter::Constant::append(ilp->line, eloc, IBM, conts_kind, P, mr3.exp[0], E) == FALSE) return; } Inter::Bookmarks::insert(IBM, P); return; } } } if ((idt) && (idt->type_ID == STRUCT_IDT)) { match_results mr2 = Regexp::create_mr(); if (Regexp::match(&mr2, S, L"{ (%c*) }")) { inter_tree_node *P = Inode::fill_3(IBM, CONSTANT_IST, Inter::SymbolsTables::id_from_IRS_and_symbol(IBM, con_name), Inter::SymbolsTables::id_from_IRS_and_symbol(IBM, con_kind), CONSTANT_STRUCT, eloc, (inter_t) ilp->indent_level); int arity = Inter::Kind::arity(con_kind); int counter = 0; text_stream *conts = mr2.exp[0]; match_results mr3 = Regexp::create_mr(); while (Regexp::match(&mr3, conts, L"(%c*?), (%c+)")) { inter_symbol *conts_kind = Inter::Kind::operand_symbol(con_kind, counter++); if (Inter::Constant::append(ilp->line, eloc, IBM, conts_kind, P, mr3.exp[0], E) == FALSE) return; Str::copy(conts, mr3.exp[1]); } if (Regexp::match(&mr3, conts, L" *(%c*?) *")) { inter_symbol *conts_kind = Inter::Kind::operand_symbol(con_kind, counter++); if (Inter::Constant::append(ilp->line, eloc, IBM, conts_kind, P, mr3.exp[0], E) == FALSE) return; } if (counter != arity) { *E = Inter::Errors::quoted(I"wrong size", S, eloc); return; } *E = Inter::Defn::verify_construct(Inter::Bookmarks::package(IBM), P); if (*E) return; Inter::Bookmarks::insert(IBM, P); return; } } if ((idt) && (idt->type_ID == TABLE_IDT)) { match_results mr2 = Regexp::create_mr(); if (Regexp::match(&mr2, S, L"{ (%c*) }")) { inter_tree_node *P = Inode::fill_3(IBM, CONSTANT_IST, Inter::SymbolsTables::id_from_IRS_and_symbol(IBM, con_name), Inter::SymbolsTables::id_from_IRS_and_symbol(IBM, con_kind), CONSTANT_INDIRECT_LIST, eloc, (inter_t) ilp->indent_level); *E = Inter::Defn::verify_construct(Inter::Bookmarks::package(IBM), P); if (*E) return; text_stream *conts = mr2.exp[0]; match_results mr3 = Regexp::create_mr(); while (Regexp::match(&mr3, conts, L"(%c*?), (%c+)")) { if (Inter::Constant::append(ilp->line, eloc, IBM, NULL, P, mr3.exp[0], E) == FALSE) return; Str::copy(conts, mr3.exp[1]); } if (Regexp::match(&mr3, conts, L" *(%c*?) *")) { if (Inter::Constant::append(ilp->line, eloc, IBM, NULL, P, mr3.exp[0], E) == FALSE) return; } Inter::Bookmarks::insert(IBM, P); return; } } if ((idt) && (idt->type_ID == TEXT_IDT)) { if ((Str::begins_with_wide_string(S, L"\"")) && (Str::ends_with_wide_string(S, L"\""))) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(parsed_text); *E = Inter::Constant::parse_text(parsed_text, S, 1, Str::len(S)-2, eloc); inter_t ID = 0; if (*E == NULL) { ID = Inter::Warehouse::create_text(Inter::Bookmarks::warehouse(IBM), Inter::Bookmarks::package(IBM)); Str::copy(Inter::Warehouse::get_text(Inter::Bookmarks::warehouse(IBM), ID), parsed_text); } DISCARD_TEXT(parsed_text); if (*E) return; *E = Inter::Constant::new_textual(IBM, Inter::SymbolsTables::id_from_IRS_and_symbol(IBM, con_name), Inter::SymbolsTables::id_from_IRS_and_symbol(IBM, con_kind), ID, (inter_t) ilp->indent_level, eloc); return; } } if ((idt) && (idt->type_ID == ROUTINE_IDT)) { inter_package *block = Inter::Packages::by_name(Inter::Bookmarks::package(IBM), S); if (block == NULL) { *E = Inter::Errors::quoted(I"no such code block", S, eloc); return; } *E = Inter::Constant::new_function(IBM, Inter::SymbolsTables::id_from_IRS_and_symbol(IBM, con_name), Inter::SymbolsTables::id_from_IRS_and_symbol(IBM, con_kind), block, (inter_t) ilp->indent_level, eloc); return; } inter_t con_val1 = 0; inter_t con_val2 = 0; if (Str::eq(S, I"0")) { con_val1 = LITERAL_IVAL; con_val2 = 0; } else { *E = Inter::Types::read(ilp->line, eloc, Inter::Bookmarks::tree(IBM), Inter::Bookmarks::package(IBM), con_kind, S, &con_val1, &con_val2, Inter::Bookmarks::scope(IBM)); if (*E) return; } *E = Inter::Constant::new_numerical(IBM, Inter::SymbolsTables::id_from_IRS_and_symbol(IBM, con_name), Inter::SymbolsTables::id_from_IRS_and_symbol(IBM, con_kind), con_val1, con_val2, (inter_t) ilp->indent_level, eloc); } inter_error_message *Inter::Constant::parse_text(text_stream *parsed_text, text_stream *S, int from, int to, inter_error_location *eloc) { inter_error_message *E = NULL; int literal_mode = FALSE; LOOP_THROUGH_TEXT(pos, S) { if ((pos.index < from) || (pos.index > to)) continue; int c = (int) Str::get(pos); if (literal_mode == FALSE) { if (c == '\\') { literal_mode = TRUE; continue; } } else { switch (c) { case '\\': break; case '"': break; case 't': c = 9; break; case 'n': c = 10; break; default: E = Inter::Errors::plain(I"no such backslash escape", eloc); break; } } if (Inter::Constant::char_acceptable(c) == FALSE) E = Inter::Errors::quoted(I"bad character in text", S, eloc); PUT_TO(parsed_text, c); literal_mode = FALSE; } if (E) Str::clear(parsed_text); return E; } void Inter::Constant::write_text(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *S) { LOOP_THROUGH_TEXT(P, S) { wchar_t c = Str::get(P); if (c == 9) { WRITE("\\t"); continue; } if (c == 10) { WRITE("\\n"); continue; } if (c == '"') { WRITE("\\\""); continue; } if (c == '\\') { WRITE("\\\\"); continue; } PUT(c); } } inter_error_message *Inter::Constant::new_numerical(inter_bookmark *IBM, inter_t SID, inter_t KID, inter_t val1, inter_t val2, inter_t level, inter_error_location *eloc) { inter_tree_node *P = Inode::fill_5(IBM, CONSTANT_IST, SID, KID, CONSTANT_DIRECT, val1, val2, eloc, level); inter_error_message *E = Inter::Defn::verify_construct(Inter::Bookmarks::package(IBM), P); if (E) return E; Inter::Bookmarks::insert(IBM, P); return NULL; } inter_error_message *Inter::Constant::new_textual(inter_bookmark *IBM, inter_t SID, inter_t KID, inter_t TID, inter_t level, inter_error_location *eloc) { inter_tree_node *P = Inode::fill_4(IBM, CONSTANT_IST, SID, KID, CONSTANT_INDIRECT_TEXT, TID, eloc, level); inter_error_message *E = Inter::Defn::verify_construct(Inter::Bookmarks::package(IBM), P); if (E) return E; Inter::Bookmarks::insert(IBM, P); return NULL; } inter_error_message *Inter::Constant::new_function(inter_bookmark *IBM, inter_t SID, inter_t KID, inter_package *block, inter_t level, inter_error_location *eloc) { inter_t BID = block->index_n; inter_tree_node *P = Inode::fill_4(IBM, CONSTANT_IST, SID, KID, CONSTANT_ROUTINE, BID, eloc, level); inter_error_message *E = Inter::Defn::verify_construct(Inter::Bookmarks::package(IBM), P); if (E) return E; Inter::Bookmarks::insert(IBM, P); return NULL; } int Inter::Constant::append(text_stream *line, inter_error_location *eloc, inter_bookmark *IBM, inter_symbol *conts_kind, inter_tree_node *P, text_stream *S, inter_error_message **E) { *E = NULL; inter_t con_val1 = 0; inter_t con_val2 = 0; if (conts_kind == NULL) { inter_symbol *tc = Inter::Textual::find_symbol(Inter::Bookmarks::tree(IBM), eloc, Inter::Bookmarks::scope(IBM), S, CONSTANT_IST, E); if (*E) return FALSE; if (Inter::Kind::constructor(Inter::Constant::kind_of(tc)) == COLUMN_ICON) { Inter::Symbols::to_data(Inter::Bookmarks::tree(IBM), Inter::Bookmarks::package(IBM), tc, &con_val1, &con_val2); } else { *E = Inter::Errors::quoted(I"not a table column constant", S, eloc); return FALSE; } } else { *E = Inter::Types::read(line, eloc, Inter::Bookmarks::tree(IBM), Inter::Bookmarks::package(IBM), conts_kind, S, &con_val1, &con_val2, Inter::Bookmarks::scope(IBM)); if (*E) return FALSE; } if (Inode::extend(P, 2) == FALSE) { *E = Inter::Errors::quoted(I"list too long", S, eloc); return FALSE; } P->W.data[P->W.extent-2] = con_val1; P->W.data[P->W.extent-1] = con_val2; return TRUE; } void Inter::Constant::transpose(inter_construct *IC, inter_tree_node *P, inter_t *grid, inter_t grid_extent, inter_error_message **E) { if (P->W.data[FORMAT_CONST_IFLD] == CONSTANT_ROUTINE) P->W.data[DATA_CONST_IFLD] = grid[P->W.data[DATA_CONST_IFLD]]; switch (P->W.data[FORMAT_CONST_IFLD]) { case CONSTANT_DIRECT: P->W.data[DATA_CONST_IFLD+1] = Inter::Types::transpose_value(P->W.data[DATA_CONST_IFLD], P->W.data[DATA_CONST_IFLD+1], grid, grid_extent, E); break; case CONSTANT_INDIRECT_TEXT: P->W.data[DATA_CONST_IFLD] = grid[P->W.data[DATA_CONST_IFLD]]; break; case CONSTANT_SUM_LIST: case CONSTANT_PRODUCT_LIST: case CONSTANT_DIFFERENCE_LIST: case CONSTANT_QUOTIENT_LIST: case CONSTANT_INDIRECT_LIST: case CONSTANT_STRUCT: for (int i=DATA_CONST_IFLD; iW.extent; i=i+2) { P->W.data[i+1] = Inter::Types::transpose_value(P->W.data[i], P->W.data[i+1], grid, grid_extent, E); } break; } } void Inter::Constant::verify(inter_construct *IC, inter_tree_node *P, inter_package *owner, inter_error_message **E) { *E = Inter::Verify::defn(owner, P, DEFN_CONST_IFLD); if (*E) return; *E = Inter::Verify::symbol(owner, P, P->W.data[KIND_CONST_IFLD], KIND_IST); if (*E) return; inter_symbol *con_kind = Inter::SymbolsTables::symbol_from_id(Inter::Packages::scope(owner), P->W.data[KIND_CONST_IFLD]); switch (P->W.data[FORMAT_CONST_IFLD]) { case CONSTANT_DIRECT: if (P->W.extent != DATA_CONST_IFLD + 2) { *E = Inode::error(P, I"extent wrong", NULL); return; } *E = Inter::Verify::value(owner, P, DATA_CONST_IFLD, con_kind); if (*E) return; break; case CONSTANT_SUM_LIST: case CONSTANT_PRODUCT_LIST: case CONSTANT_DIFFERENCE_LIST: case CONSTANT_QUOTIENT_LIST: if ((P->W.extent % 2) != 1) { *E = Inode::error(P, I"extent wrong", NULL); return; } for (int i=DATA_CONST_IFLD; iW.extent; i=i+2) { *E = Inter::Verify::value(owner, P, i, con_kind); if (*E) return; } break; case CONSTANT_INDIRECT_LIST: { if ((P->W.extent % 2) != 1) { *E = Inode::error(P, I"extent wrong", NULL); return; } inter_data_type *idt = Inter::Kind::data_type(con_kind); if ((idt) && ((idt->type_ID == LIST_IDT) || (idt->type_ID == COLUMN_IDT))) { inter_symbol *conts_kind = Inter::Kind::operand_symbol(con_kind, 0); if (Inter::Kind::is(conts_kind) == FALSE) { *E = Inode::error(P, I"not a kind", (conts_kind)?(conts_kind->symbol_name):NULL); return; } for (int i=DATA_CONST_IFLD; iW.extent; i=i+2) { *E = Inter::Verify::value(owner, P, i, conts_kind); if (*E) return; } } else if ((idt) && (idt->type_ID == TABLE_IDT)) { for (int i=DATA_CONST_IFLD; iW.extent; i=i+2) { inter_t V1 = P->W.data[i]; inter_t V2 = P->W.data[i+1]; inter_symbol *K = Inter::Types::value_to_constant_symbol_kind(Inter::Packages::scope(owner), V1, V2); if (Inter::Kind::constructor(K) != COLUMN_ICON) { *E = Inode::error(P, I"not a table column constant", NULL); return; } } } else { { *E = Inode::error(P, I"not a list", con_kind->symbol_name); return; } } break; } case CONSTANT_STRUCT: { if ((P->W.extent % 2) != 1) { *E = Inode::error(P, I"extent odd", NULL); return; } inter_data_type *idt = Inter::Kind::data_type(con_kind); if ((idt) && (idt->type_ID == STRUCT_IDT)) { int arity = Inter::Kind::arity(con_kind); int given = (P->W.extent - DATA_CONST_IFLD)/2; if (arity != given) { *E = Inode::error(P, I"extent not same size as struct definition", NULL); return; } for (int i=DATA_CONST_IFLD, counter = 0; iW.extent; i=i+2) { inter_symbol *conts_kind = Inter::Kind::operand_symbol(con_kind, counter++); if (Inter::Kind::is(conts_kind) == FALSE) { *E = Inode::error(P, I"not a kind", (conts_kind)?(conts_kind->symbol_name):NULL); return; } *E = Inter::Verify::value(owner, P, i, conts_kind); if (*E) return; } } else { { *E = Inode::error(P, I"not a struct", NULL); return; } } break; } case CONSTANT_INDIRECT_TEXT: if (P->W.extent != DATA_CONST_IFLD + 1) { *E = Inode::error(P, I"extent wrong", NULL); return; } inter_t ID = P->W.data[DATA_CONST_IFLD]; text_stream *S = Inode::ID_to_text(P, ID); if (S == NULL) { *E = Inode::error(P, I"no text in comment", NULL); return; } LOOP_THROUGH_TEXT(pos, S) if (Inter::Constant::char_acceptable(Str::get(pos)) == FALSE) { *E = Inode::error(P, I"bad character in text", NULL); return; } break; case CONSTANT_ROUTINE: if (P->W.extent != DATA_CONST_IFLD + 1) { *E = Inode::error(P, I"extent wrong", NULL); return; } break; } } void Inter::Constant::write(inter_construct *IC, OUTPUT_STREAM, inter_tree_node *P, inter_error_message **E) { inter_symbol *con_name = Inter::SymbolsTables::symbol_from_frame_data(P, DEFN_CONST_IFLD); inter_symbol *con_kind = Inter::SymbolsTables::symbol_from_frame_data(P, KIND_CONST_IFLD); int hex = FALSE; if (Inter::Annotations::find(&(con_name->ann_set), HEX_IANN)) hex = TRUE; if ((con_name) && (con_kind)) { WRITE("constant %S %S = ", con_name->symbol_name, con_kind->symbol_name); switch (P->W.data[FORMAT_CONST_IFLD]) { case CONSTANT_DIRECT: Inter::Types::write(OUT, P, con_kind, P->W.data[DATA_CONST_IFLD], P->W.data[DATA_CONST_IFLD+1], Inter::Packages::scope_of(P), hex); break; case CONSTANT_SUM_LIST: case CONSTANT_PRODUCT_LIST: case CONSTANT_DIFFERENCE_LIST: case CONSTANT_QUOTIENT_LIST: case CONSTANT_INDIRECT_LIST: { if (P->W.data[FORMAT_CONST_IFLD] == CONSTANT_SUM_LIST) WRITE("sum"); if (P->W.data[FORMAT_CONST_IFLD] == CONSTANT_PRODUCT_LIST) WRITE("product"); if (P->W.data[FORMAT_CONST_IFLD] == CONSTANT_DIFFERENCE_LIST) WRITE("difference"); if (P->W.data[FORMAT_CONST_IFLD] == CONSTANT_QUOTIENT_LIST) WRITE("quotient"); inter_symbol *conts_kind = Inter::Kind::operand_symbol(con_kind, 0); WRITE("{"); for (int i=DATA_CONST_IFLD; iW.extent; i=i+2) { if (i > DATA_CONST_IFLD) WRITE(","); WRITE(" "); Inter::Types::write(OUT, P, conts_kind, P->W.data[i], P->W.data[i+1], Inter::Packages::scope_of(P), hex); } WRITE(" }"); break; } case CONSTANT_STRUCT: { WRITE("{"); for (int i=DATA_CONST_IFLD, counter = 0; iW.extent; i=i+2) { if (i > DATA_CONST_IFLD) WRITE(","); WRITE(" "); inter_symbol *conts_kind = Inter::Kind::operand_symbol(con_kind, counter++); Inter::Types::write(OUT, P, conts_kind, P->W.data[i], P->W.data[i+1], Inter::Packages::scope_of(P), hex); } WRITE(" }"); break; } case CONSTANT_INDIRECT_TEXT: WRITE("\""); inter_t ID = P->W.data[DATA_CONST_IFLD]; text_stream *S = Inode::ID_to_text(P, ID); Inter::Constant::write_text(OUT, S); WRITE("\""); break; case CONSTANT_ROUTINE: { inter_package *block = Inode::ID_to_package(P, P->W.data[DATA_CONST_IFLD]); WRITE("%S", Inter::Packages::name(block)); break; } } Inter::Symbols::write_annotations(OUT, P, con_name); } else { *E = Inode::error(P, I"constant can't be written", NULL); return; } } inter_symbol *Inter::Constant::kind_of(inter_symbol *con_symbol) { if (con_symbol == NULL) return NULL; inter_tree_node *D = Inter::Symbols::definition(con_symbol); if (D == NULL) return NULL; if (D->W.data[ID_IFLD] != CONSTANT_IST) return NULL; return Inter::SymbolsTables::symbol_from_frame_data(D, KIND_CONST_IFLD); } inter_package *Inter::Constant::code_block(inter_symbol *con_symbol) { if (con_symbol == NULL) return NULL; inter_tree_node *D = Inter::Symbols::definition(con_symbol); if (D == NULL) return NULL; if (D->W.data[ID_IFLD] != CONSTANT_IST) return NULL; if (D->W.data[FORMAT_CONST_IFLD] != CONSTANT_ROUTINE) return NULL; return Inode::ID_to_package(D, D->W.data[DATA_CONST_IFLD]); } int Inter::Constant::is_routine(inter_symbol *con_symbol) { if (con_symbol == NULL) return FALSE; inter_tree_node *D = Inter::Symbols::definition(con_symbol); if (D == NULL) return FALSE; if (D->W.data[ID_IFLD] != CONSTANT_IST) return FALSE; if (D->W.data[FORMAT_CONST_IFLD] != CONSTANT_ROUTINE) return FALSE; return TRUE; } inter_symbols_table *Inter::Constant::local_symbols(inter_symbol *con_symbol) { return Inter::Packages::scope(Inter::Constant::code_block(con_symbol)); } int Inter::Constant::char_acceptable(int c) { if ((c < 0x20) && (c != 0x09) && (c != 0x0a)) return FALSE; return TRUE; }