Title: Overview Author: Graham Nelson @ This is the home page for the source code for the Inform 7 programming language. For the language itself, its documentation, and downloads of the apps for different platforms, see: http://www.inform7.com Almost everything here is a "web", or "literate program", powered by //inweb//. Those new to literate programming may want first to try the modest examples there (say, //goldbach//), and skim the //inweb// manual. These pages host "woven", human-readable, forms of the source and are intended for browsing. To obtain and build the software, or to see resources which are not webs and thus not here, see: https://github.com/ganelson/inform @ The Inform 7 compiler comes with a large penumbra of supporting resources, so there are around 50 webs in this repository: (a) The compiler is built from around 20 modules, plus three front-end command line tools controlling them. See //compiler// for a map. (b) See //other// for command-line tools useful for building or working with Inform, but not involving compilation: //inblorb//, a packager; //indoc//, to format documentation; //inpolicy//, a lint-like tool for checking Inform's source code; and //inrtps//, to format run-time problem messages. (c) The extensions "Basic Inform" (//basic_inform//) and "Standard Rules" (//standard_rules//), together with a number of "kits" of precompiled Inter code: see //extensions//. (d) Small unit-test tools to exercise the modules mentioned in (a): see //units//. @ Three webs are conspicuously missing, but only because they are on similar mini-websites on other Github repositories: (a) //inweb// itself, and its function library, //foundation//, which all of the Inform tools use; (b) the testing utility //intest//, which has a repository of its own.