§1. The task of Inform to take natural-language source text, merged from the author's main source and some "extensions"; to compile that to an intermediate format called Inter; merge once again with pre-compiled libraries of Inter called "kits"; and then translate the result to a program which a more orthodox compiler can take the rest of the way. Because Inform 7 generates code for another compiler, rather than directly making an executable itself, it is properly speaking a "transpiler".

For two decades that second compiler was always the roughly C-like Inform 6, a sturdy 1990s tool for generating interactive fiction "story files" which, after processing with the inblorb tool, can then be played in a web browser or with an "interpreter". In 2021, limited support was added for transpiling a general, non-IF-specific form of the language called Basic Inform to ANSI C. This can be compiled into more general executable programs using Clang, gcc, or other standard C compilers.

                             main source text    extension source texts
                                      \           /
                                       \         /  INFORM7 Stage 1 or INBUILD
                                        \       /
                                        \|/   \|/
                                       syntax tree
                       kit sources          |
                    (in Inform 6 code)      |  INFORM7 Stages 2 to 5
                  INTER     |               |
                           \|/             \|/
            precompiled Inter trees     Inter tree
                            \              /
                             \            /  INFORM7 Stage 6 or INTER
                             \|/        \|/
                        single linked Inter tree
                            /       |       \
                           /        |        \   INFORM7 Stage 7 or INTER
                         \|/       \|/       \|/
                 Inform 6 code   C code     index mini-website
                          |         |
                 INFORM6  |         |  CLANG or GCC
                         \|/       \|/
                   story file   executable
                 INBLORB  |
                 playable website

§2. The Inform 7 transpiler, then, occupies the top two-thirds of the above diagram. Broadly speaking, it runs in seven stages, and the code for each stage is made up of one or more "modules", as follows:

Inform 7 presents as three command-line tools, not one: inbuild, inform7 and inter. Really, though, they are three points of access to the same code base. inbuild contains Stage 1 as a stand-alone tool, inter contains Stages 5 to 7 as a stand-alone tool, and inform7 is the entire compiler (Stages 1 to 7) in one. Each tool has its own CLI (or "command-line interface"): see Manual (in inbuild), Manual (in inform7), Manual (in inter) and Reference Card (in inbuild), Reference Card (in inform7), Reference Card (in inter).

The full breakdown of these three tools into modules is as follows:

        INBUILD                  INFORM7                   INTER
    +-------------+          +-------------+          +-------------+
    |   inbuild   |          |   inform7   |          |    inter    |
    |    (cli)    |          |    (cli)    |          |    (cli)    |
    +-------------+          +-------------+          +-------------+
      .         .              .         .              .         .
+---------------------------+  .         .              .         .
|  supervisor-module        |  .         .              .         .         } Stage 1
+------------------------+  +------------------+        .         .
      .         .        |     core-module     |        .         .         } Stage 2
      .         .        | ------------------- |        .         .
      .         .        |  assertions-module  |        .         .         }
      .         .        |    values-module    |        .         .         } Stage 3
      .         .        |   knowledge-module  |        .         .         }
      .         .        |      if-module*     |        .         .         } * not used in
      .         .        |  multimedia-module* |        .         .         } Basic Inform
      .         .        | ------------------- |        .         .
      .         .        |  imperative-module  |        .         .         } Stage 4
      .         .        |    runtime-module   |        .         .         }
      .         .        +------------------+  +------------------------+
      .         .              .         .  |         bytecode-module   |   }
      .         .              .         .  |         building-module   |   } Stage 5
      .         .              .         .  | ------------------------- |
      .         .              .         .  |         pipeline-module   |   } Stage 6
      .         .              .         .  | ------------------------- |
      .         .              .         .  |          final-module     |   } Stage 7
      .         .              .         .  |          index-module     |   }
      .         .              .         .  +---------------------------+
      .         .              .         .              .         .
|  SERVICES              shared linguistics-module                      |
|                         shared calculus-module                        |
|                          shared kinds-module                          |
|                         shared lexicon-module                         |
|                        shared inflections-module                      |
|                         shared problems-module                        |
|                          shared syntax-module                         |
|                          shared words-module                          |
|                           shared arch-module                          |
|                           shared html-module                          |
      .         .              .         .              .         .
|  FOUNDATION      foundation-module (in inweb repository)              |
|                   (Posix or Windows-related functions)                |
|                           (standard C library)                        |

Note that all three tools use a "services" library, made up of a variety of modules providing services useful for natural language-based programs. At one time this was going to be called "Second Foundation" or possibly "Foundation and Empire", because there is also foundation underneath, a library of utility functions provided by inweb.

§3. That's a lot: for code-spelunkers, this is quite the limestone hillside of potential points of entry. Where to begin? Here are some suggested entrances: