** Named rules and rulebooks (WAIT UNTIL [time] command; Delayed Gratification) A WAIT UNTIL [time] command which advances until the game clock reaches the correct hour. {*}"Delayed Gratification" Hanging around until is an action applying to one time. Check hanging around until: if the time of day is the time understood, say "It is [time understood] now!" instead; if the time of day is after the time understood, say "It is too late for that now." instead. Carry out hanging around until: while the time of day is before the time understood: follow the turn sequence rules. Report hanging around until: say "You yawn until [time understood]." Understand "wait until [time]" as hanging around until. The Empty Field is a room. "It's an ordinary empty field. Nothing to see here at all-- yet. Wait until 11:45 PM, though." At 11:45 PM: say "Suddenly the air is filled with light and the sounds of an approaching band. Over the crest of the hill comes a parade of singing, stomping, hooting people: and not just people, but dogs, horses, elephants, giraffes... There are banners, and candles, and a flag that glows eerie-green in the dark; there is a float shaped like an enormous turtle, its shell covered with winking green lights; there is an old man dressed as a skeleton, carried in a litter, his neck garlanded with dried chiles. There are small girls throwing rose petals from a basket, and grown women half-naked carrying the emblems of Bacchic revelry, and two little boys each with a silver basin of clear water. All these go by in procession, and you join on at the end."; end the story finally. Test me with "look / z / z / wait until 11:45 PM".