[SourceText::] Source Text. Using the lexer and syntax analysis modules to read in Inform 7 source text. @h Bridge to the Lexer. Lexing is the business of the //words// module, and we need to tell it what data type to use when referencing natural languages. @d NATURAL_LANGUAGE_WORDS_TYPE struct inform_language @ Lexical errors -- overly long words, half-open quotations, and such -- are converted into copy errors and attached to the copy currently being worked on. The following callback function performs that service. //words// has no convenient way to keep track of what copy we're working on, so we will simply store it in a global variable. @d PROBLEM_WORDS_CALLBACK SourceText::lexer_problem_handler = inbuild_copy *currently_lexing_into = NULL; void SourceText::lexer_problem_handler(int err, text_stream *desc, wchar_t *word) { if (err == MEMORY_OUT_LEXERERROR) Errors::fatal("Out of memory: unable to create lexer workspace"); if (currently_lexing_into) { copy_error *CE = CopyErrors::new_WT(LEXER_CE, err, word, desc); Copies::attach_error(currently_lexing_into, CE); } } @ This next function is our bridge to the lexer (see //words: Text From Files//), and is used for reading text files of source into either projects or extensions. Note that it doesn't attach the fed text to the copy: the caller must do that, perhaps combining our feed with that of others. = source_file *SourceText::read_file(inbuild_copy *C, filename *F, text_stream *synopsis, int documentation_only, int primary) { currently_lexing_into = C; general_pointer ref = STORE_POINTER_inbuild_copy(NULL); FILE *handle = Filenames::fopen(F, "r"); source_file *sf = NULL; if (handle) { text_stream *leaf = Filenames::get_leafname(F); if (primary) leaf = I"main source text"; sf = TextFromFiles::feed_open_file_into_lexer(F, handle, leaf, documentation_only, ref); if (sf == NULL) { Copies::attach_error(C, CopyErrors::new_F(OPEN_FAILED_CE, -1, F)); } else { fclose(handle); #ifdef CORE_MODULE if (documentation_only == FALSE) @; #endif } } currently_lexing_into = NULL; return sf; } @ This is where messages like = (text as ConsoleText) I've also read Standard Rules by Graham Nelson, which is 27204 words long. = are printed to |stdout| (not |stderr|), though occasionally I think silence is golden and that these messages could go. It's a moot point for almost all users, though, because the console output is concealed from them by the Inform UI applications. @ = char *message = "I've also read %S, which is %d words long.\n"; if (primary) message = "I've now read %S, which is %d words long.\n"; int wc = TextFromFiles::total_word_count(sf); WRITE_TO(STDOUT, message, synopsis, wc); STREAM_FLUSH(STDOUT); LOG(message, synopsis, wc); @h Bridge to the syntax analyser. Similarly, //supervisor// sits on top of the //syntax// module, which forms up the stream of words from the lexer into syntax trees. This too produces potential errors, and these will also convert into copy errors, but now we have a more elegant way to keep track of the copy; //syntax// can be passed a sort of "your ref" pointer to it. @d PROBLEM_REF_SYNTAX_TYPE struct inbuild_copy /* the "your ref" is a pointer to this type */ @d PROJECT_REF_SYNTAX_TYPE struct inform_project /* similarly but for the "project ref" */ @d PROBLEM_SYNTAX_CALLBACK SourceText::syntax_problem_handler = void SourceText::syntax_problem_handler(int err_no, wording W, PROBLEM_REF_SYNTAX_TYPE *C, int k) { copy_error *CE = CopyErrors::new_N(SYNTAX_CE, err_no, k); CopyErrors::supply_wording(CE, W); Copies::attach_error(C, CE); } @ And in fact we will be producing a number of syntax errors of our own, to add to those generated in //syntax//. @e ExtMultipleBeginsHere_SYNERROR @e ExtBeginsAfterEndsHere_SYNERROR @e ExtEndsWithoutBegins_SYNERROR @e ExtMultipleEndsHere_SYNERROR @e UseElementWithdrawn_SYNERROR @e UnknownLanguageElement_SYNERROR @e UnknownVirtualMachine_SYNERROR @e HeadingInPlaceOfUnincluded_SYNERROR @e UnequalHeadingInPlaceOf_SYNERROR @e HeadingInPlaceOfSubordinate_SYNERROR @e HeadingInPlaceOfUnknown_SYNERROR @e IncludeExtQuoted_SYNERROR @e BogusExtension_SYNERROR @e ExtVersionTooLow_SYNERROR @e ExtVersionMalformed_SYNERROR @e ExtInadequateVM_SYNERROR @e ExtMisidentifiedEnds_SYNERROR @ The //inform7// compiler will eventually make a much more detailed syntax tree, extending the one we make here: but we will basically just break the text into sentences, arrange those under headings, and take action on just a few so-called "structural sentences" which have to be dealt with early on. //syntax// allows us to create a callback function which will be called whenever a new sentence is made. What we use it for reflects that fact that the vast bulk of the source text is read by //supervisor// early in a run of //inform7//, with just a few sentences ("inventions") added later. The bulk part is parsed collectively, but the later inventions have to be marked as needing to be parsed one by one. So, when //supervisor// has definitely finished loading the bulk in, it calls: = int bulk_of_source_loaded = FALSE; void SourceText::bulk_of_source_loaded(void) { bulk_of_source_loaded = TRUE; } @ And here is the callback function. It's only ever needed for //inform7//, not for //inbuild//, which isn't in the inventions business. @d NEW_NONSTRUCTURAL_SENTENCE_SYNTAX_CALLBACK SourceText::annotate_new_sentence = void SourceText::annotate_new_sentence(parse_node *new) { if (bulk_of_source_loaded) { Annotations::write_int(new, sentence_unparsed_ANNOT, FALSE); #ifdef CORE_MODULE Sentences::VPs::seek(new); #endif } } @ The next tweak to //syntax// is to give it some node metadata. //syntax// itself places nodes of a small number of basic types into the syntax tree; we want to expand on those. (And the //core// module will expand on them still further, so this still isn't everything: see //core: Parse Tree Usage//.) The node types we're adding are for the "structural sentences" which we will look for below. (The asterisk notation for |TRACE_NT| isn't known to most Inform users: it increases output to the debugging log.) @d NODE_METADATA_SETUP_SYNTAX_CALLBACK SourceText::node_metadata @e BIBLIOGRAPHIC_NT /* For the initial title sentence */ @e RULE_NT /* "Instead of taking something, ..." */ @e INFORM6CODE_NT /* "Include (- ... -) */ @e TABLE_NT /* "Table 1 - Counties of England" */ @e EQUATION_NT /* "Equation 2 - Newton's Second Law" */ @e TRACE_NT /* A sentence consisting of an asterisk and optional quoted text */ @e INVOCATION_LIST_NT /* Single invocation of a (possibly compound) phrase */ @d list_node_type RULE_NT @d list_entry_node_type INVOCATION_LIST_NT = void SourceText::node_metadata(void) { NodeType::new(BIBLIOGRAPHIC_NT, I"BIBLIOGRAPHIC_NT", 0, 0, L2_NCAT, 0); NodeType::new(RULE_NT, I"RULE_NT", 0, INFTY, L2_NCAT, 0); NodeType::new(INFORM6CODE_NT, I"INFORM6CODE_NT", 0, 0, L2_NCAT, 0); NodeType::new(TABLE_NT, I"TABLE_NT", 0, 0, L2_NCAT, TABBED_NFLAG); NodeType::new(EQUATION_NT, I"EQUATION_NT", 0, 0, L2_NCAT, 0); NodeType::new(TRACE_NT, I"TRACE_NT", 0, 0, L2_NCAT, 0); NodeType::new(INVOCATION_LIST_NT, I"INVOCATION_LIST_NT", 0, INFTY, L4_NCAT, 0); } @ Sentences in the source text are of five categories: dividing sentences, which divide up the source into segments; structural sentences, which split the source into different forms (standard text, tables, equations, I6 matter, and so on); nonstructural sentences, which make grammatical definitions and give Inform other more or less direct instructions; rule declarations; and regular sentences, those which use the standard verbs. Examples: >> Volume II [dividing] >> Include Locksmith by Emily Short [structural] >> Release along with a website [nonstructural] >> Instead of looking [rule] >> The cushion is on the wooden chair [regular] Dividing sentences are always read, whereas the others may be skipped in sections of source not being included for one reason or another. //syntax// requires us to define the nonterminal ||, and here goes: = ::= | ==> R[2] ==> R[1] ::= volume ... | ==> 1 book ... | ==> 2 part ... | ==> 3 chapter ... | ==> 4 section ... ==> 5 ::= ... begin/begins here | ==> -1; @; ... end/ends here ==> -2; @; @ Note that the extension end markers are only read in extensions, so they can never accidentally match in the main source text. @ = switch (sfsm->ext_pos) { case 1: sfsm->ext_pos++; break; case 2: PROBLEM_SYNTAX_CALLBACK(ExtMultipleBeginsHere_SYNERROR, W, sfsm->ref, 0); break; case 3: PROBLEM_SYNTAX_CALLBACK(ExtBeginsAfterEndsHere_SYNERROR, W, sfsm->ref, 0); break; } @ = switch (sfsm->ext_pos) { case 1: PROBLEM_SYNTAX_CALLBACK(ExtEndsWithoutBegins_SYNERROR, W, sfsm->ref, 0); break; case 2: sfsm->ext_pos++; break; case 3: PROBLEM_SYNTAX_CALLBACK(ExtMultipleEndsHere_SYNERROR, W, sfsm->ref, 0); break; } @ //syntax// also requires this definition: = ::= | ==> 0; sfsm->nt = BIBLIOGRAPHIC_NT; ... | ==> 0; sfsm->nt = BIBLIOGRAPHIC_NT; | ==> R[1] * | ==> 0; sfsm->nt = TRACE_NT; * | ==> 0; sfsm->nt = TRACE_NT; table ... | ==> 0; sfsm->nt = TABLE_NT; equation ... | ==> 0; sfsm->nt = EQUATION_NT; include the ... by ... | ==> 0; sfsm->nt = INCLUDE_NT; include ... by ... | ==> 0; sfsm->nt = INCLUDE_NT; include (- ... ==> 0; sfsm->nt = INFORM6CODE_NT; @ Rules are ordinarily detected by their colon, which divides the header from the rest: colons are not otherwise legal in Inform. But there's an exception. If the sentence consists of text matching the following grammar, followed by comma, followed by more text, then the comma is read as if it's a colon and the sentence becomes a rule. For example: >> Instead of going north, try entering the cage = ::= instead of ... | every turn *** | before ... | after ... | when ... @ Properly speaking, despite the definition above, language modifying sentences are nonstructural. So what are they doing here? The answer is that we need to read them early on, because they affect the way that they parse all other sentences. Whereas other nonstructural sentences can wait, these can't. = ::= include (- ### in the preform grammar | ==> -2; sfsm->nt = INFORM6CODE_NT; use ... language element/elements ==> -1 @ The following callback function is called by //syntax// when it breaks a sentence of type |BEGINHERE_NT| or |ENDHERE_NT| -- i.e., the beginning or end of an extension. @d BEGIN_OR_END_HERE_SYNTAX_CALLBACK SourceText::new_beginend = void SourceText::new_beginend(parse_node *pn, inbuild_copy *C) { inform_extension *E = ExtensionManager::from_copy(C); if (Node::get_type(pn) == BEGINHERE_NT) Inclusions::check_begins_here(pn, E); if (Node::get_type(pn) == ENDHERE_NT) Inclusions::check_ends_here(pn, E); } @ Lastly, this callback is called by //syntax// when it hits a sentence like: >> Use interactive fiction language element. This feature of Inform has been withdrawn (it has moved lower down the software stack into the new world of kits), so we issue a syntax error. @d LANGUAGE_ELEMENT_SYNTAX_CALLBACK SourceText::new_language = void SourceText::new_language(wording W) { copy_error *CE = CopyErrors::new(SYNTAX_CE, UseElementWithdrawn_SYNERROR); CopyErrors::supply_node(CE, current_sentence); Copies::attach_error(sfsm->ref, CE); }