Anna = feminine proper noun. Beth = feminine proper noun. Charles = masculine proper noun. man = masculine common noun. woman = feminine common noun. person = masculine common noun. sailor = masculine common noun. table = neuter common noun. Ming vase = neuter common noun. IS = relationship. HAS = relationship. CARRIES = relationship. KNOWS = relationship. COMBINES = special meaning. COMBINESUP = special meaning. GREETS = special meaning. be = copular verb with priority 2. have = verb with priority 1. carry = verb with priority 3. greet = verb with priority 3. know = verb with priority 3. combine = verb with priority 3. -- be -- = IS. -- have -- = HAS. -- carry -- = CARRIES. -- know -- = KNOWS. -- be on -- = CARRIES-reversed. -- be under -- = CARRIES. combine -- with -- = COMBINES. combine up -- with -- = COMBINESUP. greet -- = GREETS.