To accompany a release with a mini-website.

§1. Landmarks in the source. Making a website is not especially tricky. The difficult part is typesetting the source text into it, if that's been requested. We will need to do that by scanning the source text for typographically significant structures:

    typedef struct table {
        int table_line_start; line number in the source where the table heading appears
        int table_line_end; line number of the blank line which marks the end of the table body
    } table;

    typedef struct heading {
        int heading_line; line number in the source at which the heading appears
        int heading_level; a low number makes this a more significant heading than a high number
        int heading_has_content; is there anything other than white space before the next heading?
        struct segment *heading_to_segment; which segment contains the heading
        struct text_stream *heading_text;
    } heading;

The structure table is private to this section.

The structure heading is private to this section.

§2. Segments are used to divide the source text into pieces of what we hope will be a manageable size.

It is not true that the source text is partitioned exactly by segments. The topmost segment begins at the first heading in the source text. So there will usually be at least a few prefatory lines before this point — perhaps the title, some extension inclusions, and so on — and it's even possible, if there are no headings at all, for there to be no segments so that the entire source text is "prefatory". If we have three segments, then, we will split the source text into four HTML files:

source0.html — "Page 1 of 4", the preface and then contents

source1.html — "Page 2 of 4", first segment (with allocation ID 0)

source2.html — "Page 3 of 4", second segment (with allocation ID 1)

source3.html — "Page 4 of 4", third segment (with allocation ID 2)

Note that the prefatory lines contain no headings, that every heading belongs to a unique segment (hence the heading_to_segment field above) and that the top line of every segment is always a heading. A single segment can contain multiple headings, because we run on a heading if it contains no content except white space: this is so that, e.g.,

Part I - Up the Amazon

Section I.1 - The lower delta

Rickety Jetty is a room. [...]

would be combined into a single segment, rather than a pointlessly short segment just containing the "Part I" heading followed by a second segment opening with "Section I.1".

    typedef struct segment {
        int begins_at; line number on which the segment begins
        int ends_at; line number of the last line of the segment, or MAX_SOURCE_TEXT_LINES if it runs to the end
        int documentation; is this in the documentation of an extension?
        struct text_file_position start_position_in_file; within the source text
        struct heading *most_recent_heading; or NULL if there hasn't been one
        struct table *most_recent_table; or NULL if there hasn't been one
        struct text_stream *segment_url;
        struct text_stream *link_home;
        struct text_stream *link_contents;
        struct text_stream *link_previous;
        struct text_stream *link_next;
        int page_number;
    } segment;

The structure segment is private to this section.

§3. Styling with CSS. We try to give the template files as much freedom as possible to define whatever CSS styles they need, but the template can't see inside the text of variables, so Inblorb itself has to choose CSS styles for anything interesting that is displayed there. We use the following style names, which a CSS file is required to define:

In addition it must provide paragraph classes indent0 to indent9 for code which begins at tab positions 0 to 9 (see below). Although "Standard.css" contains other names of classes, these are only needed because "Standard.html" or "Standard-Source.html" say so: Inblorb does not mandate them.

§4. In case CSS is not available, we use old-fashioned HTML alternatives:

    void Websites::open_style(OUTPUT_STREAM, char *new) {
        if (new == NULL) return;
        if (use_css_code_styles) {
            WRITE("<span class=\"%s\">", new);
        } else {
            if (strcmp(new, "columnhead") == 0) WRITE("<u>");
            if (strcmp(new, "comment") == 0) WRITE("<font color=#404040>");
            if (strcmp(new, "filetype") == 0) WRITE("<small>");
            if (strcmp(new, "heading") == 0) WRITE("<b>");
            if (strcmp(new, "i6code") == 0) WRITE("<font color=#909090>");
            if (strcmp(new, "notecue") == 0) WRITE("<font color=#404040><sup>");
            if (strcmp(new, "notesheading") == 0) WRITE("<i>");
            if (strcmp(new, "notetext") == 0) WRITE("<font color=#404040>");
            if (strcmp(new, "quote") == 0) WRITE("<font color=#000080>");
            if (strcmp(new, "substitution") == 0) WRITE("<font color=#000080>");

    void Websites::close_style(OUTPUT_STREAM, char *old) {
        if (old == NULL) return;
        if (use_css_code_styles) {
        } else {
            if (strcmp(old, "columnhead") == 0) WRITE("</u>");
            if (strcmp(old, "comment") == 0) WRITE("</font>");
            if (strcmp(old, "filetype") == 0) WRITE("</small>");
            if (strcmp(old, "heading") == 0) WRITE("</b>");
            if (strcmp(old, "i6code") == 0) WRITE("</font>");
            if (strcmp(old, "notecue") == 0) WRITE("</sup></font>");
            if (strcmp(old, "notesheading") == 0) WRITE("</i>");
            if (strcmp(old, "notetext") == 0) WRITE("</font>");
            if (strcmp(old, "quote") == 0) WRITE("</font>");
            if (strcmp(old, "substitution") == 0) WRITE("</font>");

The function Websites::open_style is used in §5, §20.2, §22.3, §22.4.1, §, 3/laaf (§6).

The function Websites::close_style is used in §5, §20.2, §22.3, §22.4.2, §, 3/laaf (§6).

§5. In what follows, we will need to have a current typographic style for text, and may need to change it at any point inside the paragraph. We represent the current style by the global variable current_style, which is either NULL (for ordinary text) or the name of one of the styles above.

    char *current_style = NULL;

    void Websites::change_style(OUTPUT_STREAM, char *new) {
        if (current_style) Websites::close_style(OUT, current_style);
        Websites::open_style(OUT, new);
        current_style = new;

The function Websites::change_style is used in §22.4.7, §, §, §, §, §

§6. We also use CSS to manage code indentation, when it's available, since this can handle hanging indentation much better.

The block of source text displayed on a web page should be framed within:

    void Websites::open_code(OUTPUT_STREAM) {
        if (use_css_code_styles == FALSE) {

    void Websites::close_code(OUTPUT_STREAM) {
        if (use_css_code_styles == FALSE) {

The function Websites::open_code is used in §20.

The function Websites::close_code is used in §20.

§7. Each individual paragraph of the source text (which looks like a line to us) should then be framed within:

    void Websites::open_code_paragraph(OUTPUT_STREAM, int indentation) {
        if (use_css_code_styles) {
            char *classname = "";
            switch (indentation) {
                case 0: classname = "indent0"; break;
                case 1: classname = "indent1"; break;
                case 2: classname = "indent2"; break;
                case 3: classname = "indent3"; break;
                case 4: classname = "indent4"; break;
                case 5: classname = "indent5"; break;
                case 6: classname = "indent6"; break;
                case 7: classname = "indent7"; break;
                case 8: classname = "indent8"; break;
                default: classname = "indent9"; break;
            WRITE("<p class=\"%s\">", classname);
        } else {
            int i;
            for (i=0; i<indentation; i++) WRITE("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;");

    void Websites::close_code_paragraph(OUTPUT_STREAM) {
        if (use_css_code_styles) {
        } else {

The function Websites::open_code_paragraph is used in §22.4.

The function Websites::close_code_paragraph is used in §22.4.

§8. In the age of CSS, old-fashioned elements like halign for individual table cells are deprecated, so:

    void Websites::open_table_cell(OUTPUT_STREAM) {
        if (use_css_code_styles) {
        } else {
            WRITE("<td halign=\"left\" valign=\"top\">");

    void Websites::close_table_cell(OUTPUT_STREAM) {
        if (use_css_code_styles) {
        } else {

The function Websites::open_table_cell is used in §22.4, §

The function Websites::close_table_cell is used in §22.4, §

§9. Making an HTML page from a template.

    text_stream *COPYTO = NULL;
    void Websites::web_copy(filename *from, filename *to) {
        if ((from == NULL) || (to == NULL) || (from == to))
            BlorbErrors::fatal("files confused in website maker");
        text_stream TO_struct;
        COPYTO = &TO_struct;
            BlorbErrors::error_1f("unable to open file to be written for web site", to);

        TextFiles::read(from, FALSE, "can't open template file", FALSE, Websites::copy_html_line, 0, NULL);

        COPYTO = NULL;

The function Websites::web_copy is used in §15.3, §15.4, 1/mn (§6), 3/rls (§9.1).

§10. Each line in turn comes here, then.

For this to work we rely on the source template containing a </head> tag, in exactly that casing and spacing, but that's safe enough for the templates used by Inform.

    void Websites::copy_html_line(text_stream *line, text_file_position *tfp, void *state) {
        Websites::copy_html_line_r(line, tfp, state);
        PUT_TO(COPYTO, '\n');

    void Websites::copy_html_line_r(text_stream *line, text_file_position *tfp, void *state) {
        match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
        if (Regexp::match(&mr, line, L"(%c*?)%[(%c*?)%](%c*)")) {
            Websites::copy_html_line_r(mr.exp[0], tfp, state);
            Placeholders::write(COPYTO, mr.exp[1]);
            Websites::copy_html_line_r(mr.exp[2], tfp, state);
        if (Regexp::match(&mr, line, L"(%c*?)</head>(%c*)")) {
            Websites::copy_html_line_r(mr.exp[0], tfp, state);
            Placeholders::write(COPYTO, I"INTERPRETERSCRIPTS");
            WRITE_TO(COPYTO, "</head>");
            Websites::copy_html_line_r(mr.exp[1], tfp, state);
        WRITE_TO(COPYTO, "%S", line);

The function Websites::copy_html_line is used in §9.

The function Websites::copy_html_line_r appears nowhere else.

§11. Rendering the source text as HTML pages. This is a fiddly operation, which requires us to parse the source text and then typeset it appealingly in a whole suite of HTML pages. This necessarily involves loops, but our main aim is to complete the process in O(N) running time, where N is the number of lines in the source text. (Note that the number of HTML files to be written will also be O(N).)

This is done in two passes. On pass 1, we scan the source text for tables and headings, and divide the whole into "segments", each of which is typeset as a single HTML page: segments do not quite correspond to headings, as we shall see. But we write nothing. On pass 2, we actually write these HTML pages.

    filename *source_text = NULL;

    void Websites::web_copy_source(filename *template, pathname *website_pathname) {
        source_text = Filenames::from_text(Placeholders::read(I"SOURCELOCATION"));
        Websites::write_source_text_pages(template, website_pathname);

The function Websites::web_copy_source is used in 3/rls (§6.7, §9.1).

§12. Pass 1: scanning the source for tables and headings. During this scan, we will maintain the following variables:

    int within_a_table; are we inside a Table declaration in the source text?
    int scan_quoted_matter; are we inside double-quoted matter in the source text?
    int scan_comment_nesting; level of nesting of comments in source text: 0 means "not in a comment"
    text_file_position *latest_line_position; ftell-reported byte offset of the start of the current line in the source
    table *current_table; the Table which started most recently, or NULL if none has
    heading *current_heading; the heading seen most recently, or NULL if none has been
    segment *current_segment; the segment which started most recently, or NULL if none has
    int position_of_documentation_bar; line count of the ---- Documentation ---- line, if there is one

§13. Pass 1 has running time O(N) since it calls Websites::scan_source_line exactly once for each line in the source, and Websites::scan_source_line looks only at a single line and at the current table, heading and segment.

    define MAX_SOURCE_TEXT_LINES 2000000000; enough for 300 copies of the Linux kernel source — plenty!
    void Websites::scan_source_text(void) {
        within_a_table = FALSE;
        scan_comment_nesting = 0;
        scan_quoted_matter = FALSE;
        latest_line_position = NULL;
        current_table = NULL;
        current_heading = NULL;
        current_segment = NULL;
        position_of_documentation_bar = MAX_SOURCE_TEXT_LINES;

        TextFiles::read(source_text, FALSE, "can't open source text of project", TRUE, Websites::scan_source_line, NULL, NULL);
        <Adjust heading levels downwards as far as we can without losing relative hierarchy 13.1>;

The function Websites::scan_source_text is used in §11.

§13.1. Suppose our source contains only headings at levels 3 and 4: we can reduce these to levels 0 and 1 without disturbing their relative importance, and that makes it easier for us to typeset them in a sensible way — there's no point making any typographic allowance for three sizes of headings greater than are found anywhere in the source text.

<Adjust heading levels downwards as far as we can without losing relative hierarchy 13.1> =

        int minhl = 10;
        heading *h;
        LOOP_OVER(h, heading)
            if (h->heading_level < DOC_LEVEL)
                if (h->heading_level < minhl)
                    minhl = h->heading_level;
        LOOP_OVER(h, heading)
            if (h->heading_level < DOC_LEVEL)
                h->heading_level -= minhl;

This code is used in §13.

§14. Here we scan each single line. (Lines to us may look like whole paragraphs to the Inform user; we're dealing with gaps between explicit line break characters.)

    void Websites::scan_source_line(text_stream *line, text_file_position *tfp, void *state) {
        int lc = TextFiles::get_line_count(tfp), lv = DULL_LEVEL;
        latest_line_position = tfp;
        if (scan_quoted_matter == FALSE)
            <Look at the first word on the line to find the level of our interest 14.1>;
        if ((scan_comment_nesting > 0) && (lv != EMPTY_LEVEL)) lv = DULL_LEVEL;
        <Correct the comment nesting level ready for next time 14.2>;
        if ((lv == DULL_LEVEL) && (current_heading)) current_heading->heading_has_content = TRUE;
        if ((lv == EMPTY_LEVEL) && (within_a_table)) <End a table here and return 14.4>;
        if (lv == TABLE_LEVEL) <Start a new table here and return 14.3>;
        if ((lv == EMPTY_LEVEL) || (lv == DULL_LEVEL)) return;
        if (lv == DOC_LEVEL) position_of_documentation_bar = lc;
        <Place a new heading here 14.5>;

The function Websites::scan_source_line is used in §13.

§14.1. Looking at the first word, if any, tells whether we are a heading, or the start of a table, or an empty line, or none of these (in which case a line is perhaps unfairly called "dull"). We set lv accordingly.

    define EMPTY_LEVEL -1
    define DULL_LEVEL 0
    define TABLE_LEVEL 1000
    define DOC_LEVEL 1001
    define EXAMPLE_LEVEL 1002
    define DOC_CHAPTER_LEVEL 1003
    define DOC_SECTION_LEVEL 1004

<Look at the first word on the line to find the level of our interest 14.1> =

        match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
        if (Regexp::match(&mr, line, L" *")) lv = EMPTY_LEVEL;
        else if (Regexp::match(&mr, line, L" *(%C+)%c*?")) {
            if (Str::eq_wide_string(mr.exp[0], L"table")) lv = TABLE_LEVEL;
            if (lc > position_of_documentation_bar) {
                if (Str::eq_wide_string(mr.exp[0], L"chapter:")) lv = DOC_CHAPTER_LEVEL;
                if (Str::eq_wide_string(mr.exp[0], L"section:")) lv = DOC_SECTION_LEVEL;
                if (Str::eq_wide_string(mr.exp[0], L"example:")) lv = EXAMPLE_LEVEL;
            } else {
                if (Str::eq_wide_string(mr.exp[0], L"volume")) lv = 1;
                if (Str::eq_wide_string(mr.exp[0], L"book")) lv = 2;
                if (Str::eq_wide_string(mr.exp[0], L"part")) lv = 3;
                if (Str::eq_wide_string(mr.exp[0], L"chapter")) lv = 4;
                if (Str::eq_wide_string(mr.exp[0], L"section")) lv = 5;
                if (Regexp::match(&mr, line, L" *---- documentation ---- *")) lv = DOC_LEVEL;

This code is used in §14.

§14.2. <Correct the comment nesting level ready for next time 14.2> =

        LOOP_THROUGH_TEXT(P, line) {
            if (Str::get(P) == '[') scan_comment_nesting++;
            if (Str::get(P) == ']') scan_comment_nesting--;
            if ((scan_comment_nesting == 0) && (Str::get(P) == '\"'))
                scan_quoted_matter = (scan_quoted_matter)?FALSE:TRUE;

This code is used in §14.

§14.3. <Start a new table here and return 14.3> =

        current_table = CREATE(table);
        current_table->table_line_start = lc;
        current_table->table_line_end = MAX_SOURCE_TEXT_LINES;
        within_a_table = TRUE;

This code is used in §14.

§14.4. <End a table here and return 14.4> =

        current_table->table_line_end = lc;
        within_a_table = FALSE;

This code is used in §14.

§14.5. <Place a new heading here 14.5> =

        heading *new_h = CREATE(heading);
        new_h->heading_text = Str::duplicate(line);
        new_h->heading_level = lv;
        new_h->heading_line = lc;
        new_h->heading_has_content = FALSE;
        if ((current_heading == NULL) || (current_heading->heading_has_content) ||
            (lv == DOC_LEVEL)) {
            if (current_segment) current_segment->ends_at = lc - 1;
            current_segment = CREATE(segment);
            current_segment->begins_at = lc;
            current_segment->ends_at = MAX_SOURCE_TEXT_LINES;
            current_segment->start_position_in_file = *latest_line_position;
            current_segment->most_recent_heading = current_heading;
            current_segment->most_recent_table = current_table;
            current_segment->documentation = FALSE;
            if (lc >= position_of_documentation_bar) current_segment->documentation = TRUE;
        new_h->heading_to_segment = current_segment;
        current_heading = new_h;

This code is used in §14.

§15. Pass 2: writing the source text pages. Though there is no obvious way that the following routine passes control to the routines below it, in fact it does: Websites::web_copy works on the template and finds reserved variables such as "[SOURCE]"; expanding those then calls the routines below.

    segment *segment_being_written = NULL;
    int no_doc_files = 0, no_src_files = 0;

    void Websites::write_source_text_pages(filename *template, pathname *website_pathname) {
        WRITE_TO(contents_leafname, "%S.html", Placeholders::read(I"SOURCEPREFIX"));
        filename *contents_page = Filenames::in_folder(website_pathname, contents_leafname);

        <Devise URLs for the segments 15.1>;
        <Work out how the segments link together 15.2>;
        <Generate the prefatory page, which isn't a segment 15.3>;
        <Generate the segment pages 15.4>;

The function Websites::write_source_text_pages is used in §11.

§15.1. Calling these URLs is a bit grand, since they are only leafnames. The source segments have pages source_0.html and so on up; the documentation pages doc_0.html and so on up.

<Devise URLs for the segments 15.1> =

        segment *seg;
        LOOP_OVER(seg, segment) {
            segment_being_written = seg;
            if (seg->documentation) {
                WRITE_TO(seg->segment_url, "doc_%d.html", no_doc_files++);
                seg->page_number = no_doc_files;
            } else {
                WRITE_TO(seg->segment_url, "%S_%d.html",
                    Placeholders::read(I"SOURCEPREFIX"), no_src_files++);
                seg->page_number = no_src_files;

This code is used in §15.

§15.2. <Work out how the segments link together 15.2> =

        segment *seg, *first_doc_seg = NULL, *first_src_seg = NULL;
        LOOP_OVER(seg, segment) {
            if (seg->documentation) {
                seg->link_home = NULL;
                seg->link_contents = NULL;
                seg->link_previous = NULL;
                seg->link_next = NULL;
                if (first_doc_seg == NULL) first_doc_seg = seg;
            } else {
                seg->link_home = NULL;
                seg->link_contents = NULL;
                seg->link_previous = NULL;
                seg->link_next = NULL;
                if (first_src_seg == NULL) {
                    first_src_seg = seg;
                    seg->link_previous = contents_leafname;
        LOOP_OVER(seg, segment) {
            if (seg->documentation) {
                seg->link_home = I"index.html";
                seg->link_contents = first_doc_seg->segment_url;
            } else {
                seg->link_home = I"index.html";
                seg->link_contents = contents_leafname;
            segment *before = seg;
            while (TRUE) {
                before = PREV_OBJECT(before, segment);
                if (before == NULL) break;
                if (before->documentation == seg->documentation) {
                    seg->link_previous = before->segment_url; break;
            segment *after = seg;
            while (TRUE) {
                after = NEXT_OBJECT(after, segment);
                if (after == NULL) break;
                if (after->documentation == seg->documentation) {
                    seg->link_next = after->segment_url; break;

This code is used in §15.

§15.3. <Generate the prefatory page, which isn't a segment 15.3> =

        segment_being_written = NULL;
        Websites::web_copy(template, contents_page);

This code is used in §15.

§15.4. <Generate the segment pages 15.4> =

        segment *seg;
        LOOP_OVER(seg, segment) {
            filename *segment_page = Filenames::in_folder(website_pathname, seg->segment_url);
            segment_being_written = seg;
            Websites::web_copy(template, segment_page);
            segment_being_written = NULL;

This code is used in §15.

§16. This is what "[PAGENUMBER]" in the template becomes.

    void Websites::expand_PAGENUMBER_variable(OUTPUT_STREAM) {
        int p = 1;
        if (segment_being_written) {
            p = segment_being_written->page_number;
            if (segment_being_written->documentation == FALSE) p++; allow for header page
        WRITE_TO(COPYTO, "%d", p);

The function Websites::expand_PAGENUMBER_variable is used in 3/plc (§7).

§17. And similarly "[PAGEEXTENT]".

    void Websites::expand_PAGEEXTENT_variable(OUTPUT_STREAM) {
        int n = no_src_files + 1;
        if ((segment_being_written) && (segment_being_written->documentation))
            n = no_doc_files;
        if (n == 0) n = 1;
        WRITE_TO(COPYTO, "%d", n);

The function Websites::expand_PAGEEXTENT_variable is used in 3/plc (§7).

§18. And this is what "[SOURCELINKS]" in the template becomes:

    void Websites::expand_SOURCELINKS_variable(OUTPUT_STREAM) {
        segment *seg = segment_being_written;
        if (seg) {
            if (seg->link_home)
                WRITE_TO(COPYTO, "<li><a href=\"%S\">Home page</a></li>", seg->link_home);
            if (seg->link_contents)
                WRITE_TO(COPYTO, "<li><a href=\"%S\">Beginning</a></li>", seg->link_contents);
            if (seg->link_previous)
                WRITE_TO(COPYTO, "<li><a href=\"%S\">Previous</a></li>", seg->link_previous);
            if (seg->link_next)
                WRITE_TO(COPYTO, "<li><a href=\"%S\">Next</a></li>", seg->link_next);
        } else {
            WRITE_TO(COPYTO, "<li><a href=\"index.html\">Home page</a></li>");
            WRITE_TO(COPYTO, "<li><a href=\"%S.txt\">Complete text</a></li>",

The function Websites::expand_SOURCELINKS_variable is used in 3/plc (§7).

§19. When working on "[SOURCE]" or "[SOURCENOTES]", we will need to run through a segment of the source text, one line at a time. As we do so, we'll maintain the following variables, along with current_style (for which see the CSS discussion above):

    text_stream *SPAGE = NULL; where the output is going
    int quoted_matter = FALSE; are we inside double-quoted matter in the source text?
    int i6_matter = FALSE; are we inside verbatim I6 code in the source text?
    int comment_nesting = 0; nesting level of comments in source text being read: 0 for not in a comment
    int footnote_comment_level = 0; ditto, but where the outermost comment is a footnote marker
    int carry_over_indentation = -1; indentation carried over for para breaks in quoted text
    int next_footnote_number = 1; number to assign to the next footnote which comes up
    heading *latest_heading = NULL; a heading which is always behind the current position
    table *latest_table = NULL; a table which is always behind the current position

§20. So this is "[SOURCE]" (if noting_mode is FALSE) or "[SOURCENOTES]" (if TRUE).

    void Websites::expand_SOURCE_or_SOURCENOTES_variable(OUTPUT_STREAM, int SN) {
        if (SN) <Typeset the little Notes subheading 20.2>;
        <Initialise the variables to their state at the start of an HTML page 20.1>;
        <Read the source text and feed it one line at a time to the line-writer 20.3>;

The function Websites::expand_SOURCE_or_SOURCENOTES_variable is used in 3/plc (§7).

§20.1. So at the start of the preface or of any segment:

<Initialise the variables to their state at the start of an HTML page 20.1> =

        next_footnote_number = 1;
        SPAGE = OUT;
        SOURCENOTES_mode = SN;
        quoted_matter = FALSE;
        i6_matter = FALSE;
        comment_nesting = 0;
        footnote_comment_level = 0;
        carry_over_indentation = -1;
        current_style = NULL;
        latest_heading = FIRST_OBJECT(heading);
        latest_table = FIRST_OBJECT(table);

This code is used in §20.

§20.2. We expect any use of "[SOURCENOTES]" to come after the relevant "[SOURCE]", so that looking at next_footnote_number will tell us how many notes there were.

<Typeset the little Notes subheading 20.2> =

        if (next_footnote_number == 1) return; there were no footnotes at all
        Websites::open_style(OUT, "notesheading");
        if (next_footnote_number == 2) WRITE("Note"); just one
        else WRITE("Notes"); more than one
        Websites::close_style(OUT, "notesheading");

This code is used in §20.

§20.3. We want to be very careful about running time here. This paragraph will run about H times, where H is the number of headings (in fact at most H+1 times and usually a little less); but we might reasonably expect that H is proportional to N, since there's typically a heading every 30 or so lines in the source text, so that H is about N/30. If we then did the simplest thing, of opening the source text file and sending every line to Websites::write_source_line, we would make O(N^2) calls, and even though many of those would quickly return it would be an expensive algorithm.

Instead, we start at the relevant position in the source text for the current HTML page, and we stop the moment that Websites::write_source_line reports that it has gone past the material of interest. We thus make at most N+H calls to Websites::write_source_line (the extra H calls being for one overspill line per segment, where we realise that we've gone too far).

<Read the source text and feed it one line at a time to the line-writer 20.3> =

        text_file_position *start = NULL;
        if (segment_being_written) <Start from just the right place in the source file 20.3.1>;
        TextFiles::read(source_text, FALSE, "can't open source text", TRUE, Websites::source_write_iterator, start, NULL);

This code is used in §20.

§20.3.1. The following simulates the effect of running through the uninteresting lines before the segment begins:

<Start from just the right place in the source file 20.3.1> =

        start = &(segment_being_written->start_position_in_file);
        if (segment_being_written->most_recent_heading)
            latest_heading = segment_being_written->most_recent_heading;
        if (segment_being_written->most_recent_table)
            latest_table = segment_being_written->most_recent_table;

This code is used in §20.3.


    void Websites::source_write_iterator(text_stream *line, text_file_position *tfp, void *state) {
        int done_yet = Websites::write_source_line(line, tfp);
        if (done_yet) TextFiles::lose_interest(tfp);

The function Websites::source_write_iterator is used in §20.3.

§22. And this is where we write lines. We arrive here with exactly the same line count as the scanner observed before on pass 1, so we can validly compare our current line count against those stored for tables, headings and segments.

When this routine returns TRUE, it signals that there is no further need for the source text, and that saves reading in all of the remaining lines which won't be needed.

    int Websites::write_source_line(text_stream *line, text_file_position *tfp) {
        int line_count = TextFiles::get_line_count(tfp);
        if (segment_being_written == NULL) <Filter out lines for the preface 22.1>
        else <Filter out lines for the segments 22.2>;
        if (SOURCENOTES_mode) <Typeset the line in [SOURCENOTES] mode 22.3>
        else <Typeset the line in [SOURCE] mode 22.4>;
        return FALSE;

The function Websites::write_source_line is used in §21.

§22.1. Recall that the source text is divided into an initial portion containing no headings — the "preface" — and then segments, each of which begins with a heading.

Here we are handling the case of typesetting the preface. We allow the line to appear as normal if it is before the first segment; once we reach the first segment — if there's a first segment to reach — we then typeset the contents listing. (If there's no first segment, then there are no headings, and there's no need for a contents listing.) If we've output the contents listing then we are finished writing the preface and don't need to read the source text further, so we return TRUE.

<Filter out lines for the preface 22.1> =

        segment *first_segment = FIRST_OBJECT(segment);
        if ((first_segment) && (line_count == first_segment->begins_at - 1) && (Str::len(line) == 0))
            return FALSE; don't bother to typeset a blank line just before the first segment is reached

        if ((first_segment) && (line_count == first_segment->begins_at)) {
            if (SOURCENOTES_mode == FALSE) Websites::typeset_contents_listing(TRUE);
            return TRUE;

This code is used in §22.

§22.2. The segment pages are easier: in this case we allow the line only if it lies inside the segment, and otherwise suppress it. Once we've gone beyond the segment, we don't need to read any further, so we return TRUE.

<Filter out lines for the segments 22.2> =

        if (line_count < segment_being_written->begins_at) return FALSE;
        if (line_count > segment_being_written->ends_at) return TRUE;
        if (line_count == position_of_documentation_bar + 1)

This code is used in §22.

§22.3. In [SOURCENOTES] mode, we detect footnotes in the form of comments in the source text marked by asterisks; each one is assigned the next footnote number, and typeset. All other material is ignored.

<Typeset the line in [SOURCENOTES] mode 22.3> =

        int i, L = Str::len(line);
        for (i=0; i<L; i++) {
            if ((Str::get_at(line, i) == '[') && (Str::get_at(line, i+1) == '*')) {
                footnote_comment_level = 1;
                WRITE_TO(SPAGE, "<p><a name=\"note%d\"></a>", next_footnote_number);
                Websites::open_style(SPAGE, "notetext");
                WRITE_TO(SPAGE, "<a href=\"#note%dref\">[%d]</a>. ",
                    next_footnote_number, next_footnote_number);
            if (footnote_comment_level > 0) {
                if (Str::get_at(line, i) == '[') footnote_comment_level++;
                if (Str::get_at(line, i) == ']') footnote_comment_level--;
                if (footnote_comment_level == 0) {
                    Websites::close_style(SPAGE, "notetext");
                    WRITE_TO(SPAGE, "</p>\n");
                } else {
                    WRITE_TO(SPAGE, "%c", Str::get_at(line, i));
        if (footnote_comment_level > 0) WRITE_TO(SPAGE, " ");

This code is used in §22.

§22.4. In [SOURCE] mode, we need to work out appropriate type styles to embellish the line, then indent it suitably, then typeset it character by character.

<Typeset the line in [SOURCE] mode 22.4> =

        int embolden = FALSE, tabulate = FALSE, underline = FALSE;
        <Decide any typographic embellishments due to the line falling inside a table 22.4.3>;
        <The top line of the preface or any segment is in bold 22.4.4>;
        <Any heading line is in bold 22.4.5>;

        if ((tabulate) && (quoted_matter == FALSE)) { WRITE_TO(SPAGE, "<tr>"); Websites::open_table_cell(SPAGE); }

        int start = 0;

        if (footnote_comment_level > 0) {
            for (; Str::get_at(line, start); start++) {
                if (Str::get_at(line, start) == '[') footnote_comment_level++;
                if (Str::get_at(line, start) == ']') footnote_comment_level--;
                if (footnote_comment_level == 0) { start++; break; }
        if ((footnote_comment_level == 0) && (Str::get_at(line, start))) {
            if (tabulate == FALSE) {
                int insteps = 0;
                for (; Str::get_at(line, start) == '\t'; start++) insteps++;
                if (carry_over_indentation < 0) carry_over_indentation = insteps;
                Websites::open_code_paragraph(SPAGE, carry_over_indentation);

            <Begin typographic embellishments 22.4.1>;
            <The documentation requires some corrections 22.4.6>;

            for (int i=start, L=Str::len(line); i<L; i++) <Typeset a single character of the source text 22.4.7>;

            <End typographic embellishments 22.4.2>;
            if ((tabulate) && (quoted_matter == FALSE)) { Websites::close_table_cell(SPAGE); WRITE_TO(SPAGE, "</tr>\n"); }
            else Websites::close_code_paragraph(SPAGE);
            if (quoted_matter == FALSE) carry_over_indentation = -1;

This code is used in §22.

§22.4.1. The type styles are easily applied, so let's do that now. The innermost one must be colour, since that may change in the course of the line.

<Begin typographic embellishments 22.4.1> =

        if (underline) Websites::open_style(SPAGE, "columnhead");
        if (embolden) Websites::open_style(SPAGE, "heading");
        if (current_style) Websites::open_style(SPAGE, current_style);

This code is used in §22.4, §

§22.4.2. And they end in reverse order, so that they nest properly if need be:

<End typographic embellishments 22.4.2> =

        if (current_style) Websites::close_style(SPAGE, current_style);
        if (embolden) Websites::close_style(SPAGE, "heading");
        if (underline) Websites::close_style(SPAGE, "columnhead");

This code is used in §22.4, §

§22.4.3. The heading line of a source text Table is in bold; the column-headings line is underlined; and the material inside appears in an HTML table, with tabulate mode set.

The while loop here needs a careful look, since on the face of it this could mean O(N) iterations — since the number of tables is probably proportional to N — made in the course of the current "[SOURCE]" expansion. Since the number of "[SOURCE]" expansions needed to make the website is also O(N) — the number of HTML pages in the site is proportional to the number of headings, which is also proportional to N — there's a risk that this while loop makes the whole website algorithm O(N^2). This is why, on each "[SOURCE]" expansion, latest_table is initialised not to the first table but to the most recent one at the start position of the current HTML page. Moreover, the loop never goes past the current line count, which never goes outside the range of lines in the current HTML page. The result is that over the course of all the "[SOURCE]" expansions combined, the while loop here executes O(N) iterations in total.

<Decide any typographic embellishments due to the line falling inside a table 22.4.3> =

        while ((latest_table) && (latest_table->table_line_end < line_count))
            latest_table = NEXT_OBJECT(latest_table, table);
        if (latest_table) {
            int from = latest_table->table_line_start, to = latest_table->table_line_end;
            if (line_count == from) {
                embolden = TRUE;
            } else if ((line_count > from) && (line_count < to)) {
                tabulate = TRUE;
                if (line_count == from + 1) {
                    underline = TRUE;
                    WRITE_TO(SPAGE, "<table>");
            } else if (line_count == to) {
                WRITE_TO(SPAGE, "</table>");

This code is used in §22.4.

§22.4.4. <The top line of the preface or any segment is in bold 22.4.4> =

        if ((line_count == 1) ||
            ((segment_being_written) && (line_count == segment_being_written->begins_at)))
                embolden = TRUE;

This code is used in §22.4.

§22.4.5. See the discussion of latest_table above for why the following while loop also doesn't make our algorithm O(N^2).

<Any heading line is in bold 22.4.5> =

        while ((latest_heading) && (latest_heading->heading_line < line_count))
            latest_heading = NEXT_OBJECT(latest_heading, heading);
        if ((latest_heading) && (latest_heading->heading_line == line_count))
            embolden = TRUE;

This code is used in §22.4.

§22.4.6. <The documentation requires some corrections 22.4.6> =

        if ((comment_nesting == 0) && (quoted_matter == FALSE) && (i6_matter == FALSE) &&
            (Str::get_at(line, start) == '*') && (Str::get_at(line, start+1) == ':') && (Str::get_at(line, start+2) == ' '))
            start += 3;
        if (line_count == position_of_documentation_bar) Str::copy(line, I"Documentation");

This code is used in §22.4.

§22.4.7. We need to do two things: ensure that the character is HTML-safe, which means escaping out ", <, > and & (but nothing else since the HTML file will use a UTF-8 encoding, the same as that in the source text); and keep track of the opening and closing of comments and quoted matter.

<Typeset a single character of the source text 22.4.7> =

        switch (Str::get_at(line, i)) {
            case '\t':
                a multiple tab is equivalent to a single tab in Inform source text
                while (Str::get_at(line, i+1) == '\t') i++;
                <Typeset a tab>;
            case '"':
                if ((comment_nesting > 0) || (i6_matter)) WRITE_TO(SPAGE, "&quot;");
                else <Typeset a double quotation mark outside of a comment>;
            case '[':
                if (quoted_matter) { WRITE_TO(SPAGE, "["); Websites::change_style(SPAGE, "substitution"); }
                else if (i6_matter) WRITE_TO(SPAGE, "[");
                else <Typeset an open square bracket outside of a string>;
            case ']':
                if (quoted_matter) { Websites::change_style(SPAGE, "quote"); WRITE_TO(SPAGE, "]"); }
                else if (i6_matter) WRITE_TO(SPAGE, "]");
                else <Typeset a close square bracket outside of a string>;
            case '(':
                if ((comment_nesting == 0) && (quoted_matter == FALSE) && (i6_matter == FALSE) &&
                    (Str::get_at(line, i+1) == '-')) { i++;
                    <Typeset the opening of I6 verbatim code>
                } else WRITE_TO(SPAGE, "("); break;
            case '-':
                if ((i6_matter) && (Str::get_at(line, i+1) == ')')) { i++;
                    <Typeset the closing of I6 verbatim code>
                } else WRITE_TO(SPAGE, "-"); break;
            case '<': WRITE_TO(SPAGE, "&lt;"); break;
            case '>': WRITE_TO(SPAGE, "&gt;"); break;
            case '&': WRITE_TO(SPAGE, "&amp;"); break;
            default: WRITE_TO(SPAGE, "%c", Str::get_at(line, i)); break;

This code is used in §22.4.

§ Inside a source-text Table, a tab moves to the next column, so we need to typeset a cell boundary in our HTML <table>. Outside of that context, a tab is just white space and we turn it into a single space.

<Typeset a tab> =

        if (tabulate) {
            <End typographic embellishments 22.4.2>;
            <Begin typographic embellishments 22.4.1>;
        } else {
            WRITE_TO(SPAGE, " ");

This code is used in §22.4.7.

§ The following enters or exits quoted-matter mode, and is structured so that the quotation marks are not coloured — only the material inside them.

Our code in handling quoted and comment matter is greatly simplified by the fact that a valid Inform text cannot contain mismatched square brackets; however, as Dave Chapeskie points out, a valid comment can contain mismatched quotation marks, and this section of code benefits from his careful amendments.

<Typeset a double quotation mark outside of a comment> =

        if (quoted_matter) Websites::change_style(SPAGE, NULL);
        WRITE_TO(SPAGE, "&quot;");
        if (quoted_matter == FALSE) Websites::change_style(SPAGE, "quote");
        quoted_matter = (quoted_matter)?FALSE:TRUE;

This code is used in §22.4.7.

§ On the other hand, the squares around a comment do pick up the colour of the commentary within them. Asterisked comments must end in the same paragraph as they begin.

<Typeset an open square bracket outside of a string> =

        if (Str::get_at(line, i+1) == '*') {
            advance past the end of the asterisked comment
            for (i+=2, L=Str::len(line); i<L; ++i) {
                if (Str::get_at(line, i) == '[') footnote_comment_level++;
                if (Str::get_at(line, i) == ']') footnote_comment_level--;
                if (footnote_comment_level == 0) break;
            if (Str::get_at(line, i) == 0) i--;
            <Typeset a footnote cue>;
        } else {
            if (comment_nesting == 1) Websites::change_style(SPAGE, "comment");
            WRITE_TO(SPAGE, "[");

This code is used in §22.4.7.

§ <Typeset a close square bracket outside of a string> =

        WRITE_TO(SPAGE, "]");
        if (comment_nesting == 0) Websites::change_style(SPAGE, NULL);

This code is used in §22.4.7.

§ Styling applied to I6 verbatim code does not apply to the purely-I7 markers "(-" and "-)" around it:

<Typeset the opening of I6 verbatim code> =

        WRITE_TO(SPAGE, "(-");
        Websites::change_style(SPAGE, "i6code");
        i6_matter = TRUE;

This code is used in §22.4.7.

§ <Typeset the closing of I6 verbatim code> =

        Websites::change_style(SPAGE, NULL);
        WRITE_TO(SPAGE, "-)");
        i6_matter = FALSE;

This code is used in §22.4.7.

§ The "cue" of a footnote is the reference in the body of the text, which is conventionally printed as a superscript number. We leave that to the span notecue if we have CSS, and otherwise render in grey superscript.

<Typeset a footnote cue> =

        WRITE_TO(SPAGE, "<a name=\"note%dref\"></a>", next_footnote_number);
        Websites::open_style(SPAGE, "notecue");
        WRITE_TO(SPAGE, "<a href=\"#note%d\">[%d]</a>",
            next_footnote_number, next_footnote_number);
        Websites::close_style(SPAGE, "notecue");

This code is used in §

§23. That just leaves the little contents listings — one for the source, and another for the documentation (if any).

    void Websites::typeset_contents_listing(int source_contents) {
        int benchmark_level = (source_contents)?0:DOC_CHAPTER_LEVEL;
        int current_level = benchmark_level-1, new_level;
        heading *h;
        LOOP_OVER(h, heading)
            if (((source_contents) && (h->heading_line < position_of_documentation_bar)) ||
                ((source_contents == FALSE) && (h->heading_line > position_of_documentation_bar))) {
                new_level = h->heading_level;
                if (h->heading_level == EXAMPLE_LEVEL) new_level = DOC_CHAPTER_LEVEL;
                <Open or close UL tags to move to the new heading level 23.1>;
                WRITE_TO(SPAGE, "<li><a href=\"%S\">%S</a></li>\n",
                    h->heading_to_segment->segment_url, h->heading_text);
        new_level = benchmark_level-1;
        <Open or close UL tags to move to the new heading level 23.1>;

The function Websites::typeset_contents_listing is used in §22.1, §22.2.

§23.1. This is how we obtain our nested UL tags: current_level starts and ends at b-1, and can only change its value by executing the following loops. Since it never changes to a value lower than 0 except when returning to b-1 at the end, we are always inside at least the outermost <ul>, and since the net change over the whole process is 0, there must be as many steps upward as downward — so every <ul> is closed by a matching </ul>.

<Open or close UL tags to move to the new heading level 23.1> =

        while (new_level > current_level) { WRITE_TO(SPAGE, "<ul>"); current_level++; }
        while (new_level < current_level) { WRITE_TO(SPAGE, "</ul>"); current_level--; }

This code is used in §23 (twice).