Seek verb in: there is a ming vase which is on the table viability map of 'there is a ming vase which is on the table': -- is[1] -- -- -- -- is[1] -- -- -- Found usage, pass 1 tier 2: (there) be(0) (a ming vase which is on the table) Seek verb in: a ming vase which is on the table | viability map of 'a ming vase which is on the table': -- -- -- -- is[1] -- -- -- Found usage, pass 1 tier 2: (a ming vase which) be(0) (on the table) Accepted as be(0) + on + ___ Seek succeeded: VERB_NT'is on' {verb 'be' 3p s act IS_TENSE +ve} {prep1: on} Seek succeeded: VERB_NT'is on' {verb 'be' 3p s act IS_TENSE +ve} {prep1: on} {existential} Sentence subtree: VERB_NT'is on' {verb 'be' 3p s act IS_TENSE +ve} {prep1: on} {existential} UNPARSED_NOUN_NT'ming vase' {indefinite 'a' n/m/f nom/acc s} RELATIONSHIP_NT'is on' {meaning: carries} UNPARSED_NOUN_NT'table' {definite 'the' n/m/f s/p nom/acc}