[LexiconElement::] Lexicon Element. To write the Lexicon element (Lx) in the index. @ = void LexiconElement::render(OUTPUT_STREAM, localisation_dictionary *LD) { IndexUtilities::anchor(OUT, I"LEXICON"); HTML_OPEN("p"); HTML_OPEN_WITH("span", "class=\"smaller\""); WRITE("For instance, the description 'an unlocked door' is made " "up from the adjective 'unlocked' and the noun 'door', both of which " "can be found below. Property adjectives, like 'open', can be used " "when creating things - 'In the Ballroom is an open container' is " "allowed because 'open' is a property - but those with complicated " "definitions, like 'empty', can only be tested during play, e.g. " "with rules like 'Instead of taking an empty container, ...'."); HTML_CLOSE("span"); HTML_CLOSE("p"); IndexLexicon::listing(OUT, InterpretIndex::get_lexicon(), FALSE); }