[Optimiser::] The Optimiser. To precalculate data which enables rapid parsing of source text against a Preform grammar. @h Nonterminal optimisation data. Nonterminals, productions and even ptokens all have packets of precalculated optimisation data attached. To begin with, NTs. |nt_ntic| is the "NTI constraint", imposing conditions which any matching range of words must conform to: see //Nonterminal Incidences//. = typedef struct nonterminal_optimisation_data { int optimised_in_this_pass; /* have the following been worked out yet? */ struct length_extremes nt_extremes; /* for any wording matching this */ int nt_incidence_bit; struct nti_constraint nt_ntic; } nonterminal_optimisation_data; @ = void Optimiser::initialise_nonterminal_data(nonterminal_optimisation_data *opt) { opt->optimised_in_this_pass = FALSE; opt->nt_extremes = LengthExtremes::at_least_one_word(); opt->nt_incidence_bit = -1; /* meaning "not yet allocated" */ opt->nt_ntic = NTI::unconstrained(); } @h Production optimisation data. Like nonterminals, productions have minimum and maximum word counts, and an NTI constraint: = typedef struct production_optimisation_data { struct length_extremes pr_extremes; /* for any wording matching this */ struct nti_constraint pr_ntic; int no_struts; struct ptoken *struts[MAX_STRUTS_PER_PRODUCTION]; /* first ptoken in strut */ int strut_lengths[MAX_STRUTS_PER_PRODUCTION]; /* length of the strut in words */ } production_optimisation_data; @ There's a new idea here as well, though: struts. A "strut" is a run of ptokens in the interior of the production whose position relative to the ends is not known. For example, if we match: = (text as Preform) frogs like ... but not ... to eat = then we know that in a successful match, "frogs" and "like" must be the first two words in the text matched, and "eat" and "to" the last two. They are said to have positions 1, 2, -1 and -2 respectively: a positive number is relative to the start of the range, a negative relative to the end, so that position 1 is always the first word and position -1 is the last. But we don't know where "but not" will occur; it could be anywhere in the middle of the text. The ptokens for such words have position set to 0. A run of these ptokens, not counting wildcards like |...|, is called a "strut": here, then, |but not| is a strut. We can think of it as a partition which can slide backwards and forwards. This strut has length 2, not because it contains two ptokens, but because it is always two words wide. = void Optimiser::initialise_production_data(production_optimisation_data *opt) { opt->no_struts = 0; opt->pr_extremes = LengthExtremes::at_least_one_word(); opt->pr_ntic = NTI::unconstrained(); } @h Ptoken optimisation data. A ptoken is marked with its position relative to the range matching its production (see above for positions); with the number of the strut it belongs to, if it does; and with a |ptoken_is_fast| flag, which is set if the token is a single fixed word at a known position which is not an endpoint of a bracing. That sounds a tall order, but in practice many ptokens are indeed fast. = typedef struct ptoken_optimisation_data { int ptoken_position; /* fixed position in range: 1, 2, ... for left, -1, -2, ... for right */ int strut_number; /* if this is part of a strut, what number? or -1 if not */ int ptoken_is_fast; /* can be checked in the fast pass of the parser */ } ptoken_optimisation_data; @ = void Optimiser::initialise_ptoken_data(ptoken_optimisation_data *opt) { opt->ptoken_position = 0; opt->strut_number = -1; opt->ptoken_is_fast = FALSE; } @h Optimising nonterminals. That's enough groundwork laid: we now have to calculate all of these NTIs and range requirements. The process will have to repeated if there are ever extra Preform nonterminals created, because new grammar throws off the old results. So the following may in principle be called multiple times. Two callback functions have a one-time opportunity to tweak the process. = void Optimiser::optimise_counts(void) { nonterminal *nt; LOOP_OVER(nt, nonterminal) Optimiser::clear_requirement_and_extremes(nt); NTI::ask_parent_to_add_constraints(); LOOP_OVER(nt, nonterminal) Optimiser::optimise_nonterminal(nt); LOOP_OVER(nt, nonterminal) NTI::simplify_nt(nt); } void Optimiser::clear_requirement_and_extremes(nonterminal *nt) { nt->opt.nt_ntic = NTI::unconstrained(); if (nt->marked_internal) { nt->opt.optimised_in_this_pass = TRUE; } else { nt->opt.optimised_in_this_pass = FALSE; nt->opt.nt_extremes = LengthExtremes::at_least_one_word(); } } @ Although it's not obvious from here, the following function is recursive, because it calls //NTI::calculate_constraint//, and that in turn needs all the nonterminals in the grammar for |nt| to have been optimised already -- to ensure which, it calls //Optimiser::optimise_nonterminal//. A similar thing also happens in //LengthExtremes::calculate_for_nt//. Since we cannot rely on grammar to be well-founded, we rig the function to ensure that a second call to it on the same nonterminal returns immediately; there are only finitely many NTs and hangs are therefore impossible. = void Optimiser::optimise_nonterminal(nonterminal *nt) { if (nt->opt.optimised_in_this_pass) return; nt->opt.optimised_in_this_pass = TRUE; nt->opt.nt_extremes = LengthExtremes::calculate_for_nt(nt); for (production_list *pl = nt->first_pl; pl; pl = pl->next_pl) for (production *pr = pl->first_pr; pr; pr = pr->next_pr) Optimiser::optimise_production(pr); NTI::calculate_constraint(nt); } void Optimiser::optimise_production(production *pr) { ptoken *last = NULL; /* this will point to the last ptoken in the production */ @; @; @; @; } @ A token is "elastic" if it can match text of differing lengths, and "inelastic" otherwise. For example, in English, is elastic (it always matches a single word). If the first ptoken is inelastic, we know it must match words 1 to $L_1$ of whatever text is to be matched, and we give it position 1; if the second is also inelastic, that will match $L_1+1$ to $L_2$, and it gets position $L_1+1$; and so on. As soon as we hit an elastic token -- a wildcard like |...|, for example -- this predictability stops, and we can only assign position 0, which means that we don't know. Note that we only assign a nonzero position if we know where the ptoken both starts and finishes; it's not enough just to know where it starts. @ = int posn = 1; ptoken *pt; for (pt = pr->first_pt; pt; pt = pt->next_pt) { last = pt; int L = Optimiser::ptoken_width(pt); if ((posn != 0) && (L != PTOKEN_ELASTIC)) { pt->opt.ptoken_position = posn; posn += L; } else { pt->opt.ptoken_position = 0; /* thus clearing any expired positions from earlier */ posn = 0; } } @ And similarly from the back end, if there are inelastic ptokens at the end of the production (and which are separated from the front end by at least one elastic one). The following has quadratic running time in the number of tokens in the production, but this is never larger than about 10. @ = int posn = -1; ptoken *pt; for (pt = last; pt; ) { if (pt->opt.ptoken_position != 0) break; /* don't use a back-end position if there's a front one */ int L = Optimiser::ptoken_width(pt); if ((posn != 0) && (L != PTOKEN_ELASTIC)) { pt->opt.ptoken_position = posn; posn -= L; } else break; ptoken *prevt = NULL; for (prevt = pr->first_pt; prevt; prevt = prevt->next_pt) if (prevt->next_pt == pt) break; pt = prevt; } @ So, then, a strut is a maximal sequence of one or more inelastic ptokens each of which has no known position. (Clearly if one of them has a known position then all of them have, but we're in no hurry so we don't exploit that.) @ = pr->opt.no_struts = 0; ptoken *pt; for (pt = pr->first_pt; pt; pt = pt->next_pt) { if ((pt->opt.ptoken_position == 0) && (Optimiser::ptoken_width(pt) != PTOKEN_ELASTIC)) { if (pr->opt.no_struts >= MAX_STRUTS_PER_PRODUCTION) continue; pr->opt.struts[pr->opt.no_struts] = pt; pr->opt.strut_lengths[pr->opt.no_struts] = 0; while ((pt->opt.ptoken_position == 0) && (Optimiser::ptoken_width(pt) != PTOKEN_ELASTIC)) { pt->opt.strut_number = pr->opt.no_struts; pr->opt.strut_lengths[pr->opt.no_struts] += Optimiser::ptoken_width(pt); if (pt->next_pt == NULL) break; /* should be impossible */ pt = pt->next_pt; } pr->opt.no_struts++; } } @ = ptoken *pt; for (pt = pr->first_pt; pt; pt = pt->next_pt) if ((pt->ptoken_category == FIXED_WORD_PTC) && (pt->opt.ptoken_position != 0) && (pt->range_starts < 0) && (pt->range_ends < 0)) pt->opt.ptoken_is_fast = TRUE; @h Width and elasticity. If the min and max are the same, that's the width of the ptoken, and if not then it is said to be "elastic" and has no width as such. @d PTOKEN_ELASTIC -1 = int Optimiser::ptoken_width(ptoken *pt) { length_extremes E = LengthExtremes::calculate_for_pt(pt); if (E.min_words != E.max_words) return PTOKEN_ELASTIC; return E.min_words; }